• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,367 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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New Developments

It’s not easy being the Goblin King. Oh everyone thinks it’s easy. I can tell everyone what to do and they do it. They have to listen to me, I’m the king. If only they weren’t so annoying. I don’t even feel sorry when I crush the ones that I step on. It’s not my fault they can’t handle my girth. It’s not my fault they are weak.

I chuckled. It’s even fun to knock one or two into the abyss sometimes. They never expect it, or at least, they try not to show that they expect it. I can be merciful at times. Well, as much as a king that has to live underground all the time. It would be nice to go above ground on occasion, but those nasty overworlders won’t have any of that. I’ve never done anything to them. I’ve been a great neighbor. I mean, what’s a little pillaging and such between compatriots? I make better use of their stuff then they do.

They just don’t appreciate me enough. It doesn’t help that I haven’t heard from Azog in a while. That made me worry. The orcs have seemed scarce and the others have seemed off. It’s almost like they were surprised by something. Thankfully, one of them was able to talk a bit. I got something about the dragon Smaug out of him before my goblins slit his throat. I may do business with orcs but I don’t care for them either.

Right now I just wanted to know about my own business. So I sat in my chair and looked at the messenger goblin, “So what news do you bring to me, hmm? Another orc failure?”

“The orcs have grown scarce, Your Majesty.” The puny little thing spoke. I still can’t believe I was that small once. Pitiful. “There is something dark patrolling the lands. The orcs that remain have a flag with the symbol of the dark moon.”

“A dark moon?” I stroked my luxurious chin. “I’ve never heard of the orcs of the Dark Moon. Perhaps it is a new tribe or whatever the orcs call themselves. No matter. It is of no concern of ours. What about our mines?”

The goblin hesitated, “Well… Your Majesty, one of the mines has stopped contacting us and no goblin wants to go back to that one.”

I glared at him, “What? Why? Have they gone daft?”

The goblin quickly shook his head, “No, Your Grace. There is something there and some patrols have seen the mark of the dark moon-”

“What?!!” I slammed my fist into the armrest. “Those blasted orcs think they can take the underground for themselves? This is my territory. If they want a fight, we’ll give them one. Send all goblins to that mine. Drown them with your numbers and bring me back their heads.”

“That won’t be necessary,” a feminine voice spoke up from somewhere. It was almost like it was otherworldly, like it didn’t belong. It sent shivers down my spine as the world around me grew colder. “Your goblins don’t have to throw their lives away.”

“Who are you?” I shouted. “Show yourself!”

A cloud of black magic spiraled up before me, before it revealed a young human woman. She was pale, bearing strange black and purple armor and a cloak. “I am Nightmare Moon, goddess of the night, the moon, and your dreams. You are honored to see me.”

I chuckled, “Why should I feel honored? You are simply a young human wizard playing with powers you don’t understand. I’ve seen enough of your kind. You’re not a real wizard. I’ve seen real wizards. Go home or I will have my goblins kill you where you stand.”

The young woman had the audacity to glare at me. She raised her hand and I wanted to chuckle, but I couldn’t. Something seemed to stop me from doing anything. It was almost like a coldness was slithering up my spine and keeping me in place.

“You are not in control here, King of Goblins.” Spears and arrows were knocked away by some sort of barrier. “This is to be my kingdom now. I do have to thank you though. You goblins are so weak willed, it’s almost too easy.” She chuckled and then my mind went blank.

Just swirling darkness.



I couldn’t help but feel a little glee as the goblins did as I commanded. When i was a child, I was raised on stories about how goblins would kidnap children and do nasty things to them. Now the goblins did as I commanded. They wouldn’t scare me anymore. I would scare them. The more followers I had, the stronger I felt. It was delicious. The power. The control. The darkness. I wanted more. I could almost taste it.

‘And you’ll have it,’ my other spoke up. ‘I can feel a darkness within these caves. These goblins will find it soon enough and we shall take the power within for ourselves.’

I chuckled, ‘You are truly a smart friend.’

That’s when one of the goblins came walking over to me. They were so vile that I almost killed it on sight to get rid of the view. It didn’t help that they smelled rotten, “Your Majesty, we have found the thing you were looking for.”

I grinned, “Good.” ‘You knew what it looked like?’

‘I planted the seed of it in their minds,’ my other explained.

The goblins looked back to see more of them dragging what appeared to be a malformed creature towards me. It only wore a rag around its waist.

“Let go,” the creature snarled as it tried to escape. “We’re warning you.”

I stepped forward and leaned down, “Hello creature, do you have a name?”

The creature glared up at me, “We don’t have to speak to you. We’re busy.”

I frowned. We? It sounded like something else was up there in his head. Was it crazy or was it like my own other, “Busy? In the dark caves? What are you doing down here that would make you so busy?”

“Catching fishies, of course.” The creature scoffed. “Not much else but batses and mices.”

‘His pocket,’ my other hissed. ‘It’s in his pocket.’

“Say, what is your name?” I spoke to him.

The creature seemed to cough the answer, “Gollum, now we’ve said it. Precious needs us now. Can’t keep the precious waiting.” The creature seemed to growl to itself, “Shut up. Don’t tell them anything.”

“Don’t tell me what?” I narrowed my eyes. “Like if I was to ask you what you have in your pocket?”

The creature’s eyes widened and his squirming got worse, “Nothing. We’ve gots nothing in our pockets. Leave us alone.”

“I’m not partial to do as a liar says,” I scoffed and waved my hand. Dark bluish magic scoured the pocket and pulled out a golden ring. I grinned as I twirled it in the air before my face, “Isn’t this lovely.”

“That’s mine,” Gollum lurched forward. “That’s my precious. Give it back.” The creature’s growls grew deeper, “And mine too.”

I quirked an eyebrow, “You are in no position to order me. Take him away to the dungeon.”

“NOOOO!” Gollum screamed as he was dragged away. “My precious! My precious! Give it back!”

I ignored the pleas as I looked over the ring, “So small…” There seemed to be a dark magic over it. Something powerful and I felt it try to sway me to its power and influence.

‘You are lucky I am here,’ Nightmare Moon whispered into my ear. ‘Otherwise it would have taken hold of your mind already. I can sense that it really wants us for its own use.’

‘Shall I put it on?’ I asked.

‘No, not yet. I will not risk it at our level. We will leach off its strength until we grow strong enough to wield it.’ Nightmare chuckled. ‘The owner of this ring really wants it back. I can sense it is the same being that rages far from here. Good. He will know his better soon enough.’

She chuckled and then I chuckled. Our chuckles soon turned into full blown laughter that filled the caves, causing every living thing to quake in fear.



I will never understand females. Perhaps it is something that alicorns do from time to time. I don’t like it. I tried to count my gold or rest, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. My mind didn’t want to leave her either. She seems to cloud my thoughts. No, she dominated them. This female dominated them and it annoyed me. She wanted to spend more and more time together and sometimes we would mate.

I thoroughly enjoyed mating. We did it quite a bit and now she doesn’t do it as often. She just seemed to like to nestle into one room and nuzzle me. She just liked to talk. I do enjoy talking with her, yet she seems to be acting odd. It’s like she doesn’t know what to do but she’s happy. Perhaps it has something to do with her shining so much. It’s almost like she’s becoming a jewel herself. That would be something to see.

However, I prefer to have her stay as she is. I adore this alicorn as part of my life. She is mine and she will remain so. Still, I’m worried. I’m worried something might be wrong. She seems to have been growing wider. She’s been eating more and more. Yet when I ask what’s the matter, she just tells me ‘I’m not sure’. Then she eats even more. Maybe those orcs did something to her. I growled as I thought about those creatures touching my Celestia. I will wipe their kind of the face of the world one day. I swear it.

I laid my head next to the room she was in, “And how is my precious jewel feeling today?”

“Hungry as usual,” she giggled. She was definitely bloated as it took some straining on her part to get up. Her horn was still healing. I would assume that if she had more magic, it would be better by now. She walked over and nuzzled me and I did my best to nuzzle her back. I would not hurt my precious jewel. “And how is my strong and virile dragon doing?”

“The same as usual,” I remarked. “Counting my jewels and worrying about one of my prized possessions.”

“Am I still just a possession?” She smiled endearingly.

I snorted, “You are something different and I don’t know what to call it.”

“I think you do,” Celestia smiled. “I know what I can call you, but perhaps my mind has been clouded from my stay here.”

“You have sharp wit,” I spoke. “I doubt anything could cloud your mind.”

“Not even a handsome and loving dragon?” She smiled and her body seemed to shine a bit brighter. “Smaug... “ She bit her lip. “I have to tell you something.”

“What?” I leaned in closer. Was she sick? Was she poisoned? Did those blasted humans poison her? I will burn them and their beloved city to the ground! This truce was a mistake. No creature on this earth will ever touch my precious jewel without my say so and get away with it.

She kissed my nose, “I love you.”

I snorted and rolled my eyes, “And I think I love you.” This whole ‘love’ thing was truly irksome. I don’t even know if what I say is true. Yet I shall believe Celestia on this issue. For now, anyways.

Celestia chuckled, “I know you do and that’s why I wanted to tell you something… Something wonderful has happened.”

I blinked in confusion and tilted my head, “What happened?”

Celestia nervously tapped her hooves, “Well, I can assure you that you are indeed a virile male. I am glad you were my first and you did a stupendous job.”

I grinned in delight, “I’m glad you thought so.”

“That’s why I’m not surprised by what’s happened,” Celestia smiled up at me. “I’m pregnant.”

Author's Note:

And there you have it. Long overdue and I hope it turned out well. A lot of this was written late at night so it might not be the best, but I hope you all enjoyed it. Leave a comment if you would be so kind. They are very much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

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