• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,395 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Two Out of Three, Ready to Rumble

I was giddy. I can’t remember the last time I was so giddy. It’s been years. Centuries! Centuries? Oh that’s just my friend... who’s me. Ugh, this is a bit complicated. It doesn’t matter. I was happy. These pathetic townsfolk were falling to my influence like the weak vermin they are. A flick of my hand and another simpleton is sent meandering about, waiting for my orders. All too easy.

“Yes, but we must keep our heads down a little longer.” My other spoke. “Celestia, however pathetic she is, has the strength to challenge us in this present state. We need a little tact.”

‘Fine, but I’ve seen your memories, Nightmare. You’re not really one for tact.’

“True, but this is an exceptional circumstance.” She grumbled.

I had to agree with her. As much as I wanted control, this town wasn’t worth getting blown to smithereens. I was going to be smart about this. Clever. Yes, there was no way I was going to...to…

That witch is still stringing my brother along?!! After all this time, she hasn’t found herself some new prey? What does she want with him? She’s holding him close. Can’t she see he’s squirming? Of course she can. She loves it. I want to punch her. I want to kill her.

“We can’t do that now. It’ll give us away.”

I knew she was right. She was always right. She was me after all. We were thousands of years old. We had experience in these things. I had to be calm. I had to stay in control of my emotions. I was the master here. Not Celestia. Not Smaug. Certainly not the Master of Laketown and not even my da could stop me!...Wait, why am I thinking of him as a threat? My da would never hurt me...right?

“Family is treacherous. They will betray you.”

They wouldn’t. They love me, but...they might fear me and do something stupid. I had to make sure they didn’t do that. My family was loyal, but I was going to make sure of that loyalty. I was…

SHE’S KISSING HIM! The witch had him pressed up against a house and smothering him with that big trout mouth of hers. No, I have to be...I can’t be calm! She needs to pay. He’s my brother. No one can have him, especially not her!

“Calm down. You’ll give us away.”

‘I DON’T CARE!’ I could feel my power rising forth. Like my anger, it spiked into the air, ready to skewer anything I wanted it to. A whore would do for today. I stomped my way over to her. I could feel Nightmare doing her best to stop me. It hurt. Almost as if she was peeling my skin away. I didn’t stop.

The witch took her lips off my quivering brother and dared to smile. “Now, wasn’t that fun?” She perked up as she heard me coming along. She was a bigger idiot than I believed her to be, when she just smirked. “Do you mind? I’m having a little fun here.”

“I do mind,” was my answer. I didn’t blink an eye as a black tendril shot out from my shadow and curled around her throat. It tore her away from my brother and smashed her into the side of a building. Oh, it was so satisfying watching her struggle to breathe. I held up a hand and her squirming stopped as a halo of dark energy kept her body still. “I’m through with you and this infernal town pushing me around. No more. You are going to pay for what you did to me. PAY!”


“Nightmare Moon!” An angelic voice called out. Celestia’s voice was irritating. I could just feel the holy sun magic on her, licking at my essence. It was a different kind of pain than the one Nightmare used on us.

“Speak of the sun and she will appear.” Nightmare sighed.

I turned around and smiled. “Princess Celestia. How nice of you to notice?” My giggle was weird. Almost like it was two people, but I didn’t care anymore. I was going to hurt these heathens.

“How dare you take that girl?!!” She scowled. “Your fight is with me and me alone.”

“Do you really think yourself that important?” I tilted my head in curiosity. This was far too funny. “That my whole existence would be set on one such as you? HA! You are dumber than I thought. Yes, I want you dead, but you aren’t the only one I hate. You will die, but not just yet.”

“You talk as if victory is within your grasp,” that insufferable drake spoke up. I could see that smirk on his face. I wanted to wipe it away. How dare he stand in my way? He kept my other at bay when she should have best Celestia by now. “So you are the being I was sensing in my precious jewel. Honestly, I’m disappointed at what I see before me.”

“You dare to scoff at Nightmare Moon?!!” I growled. The tendril holding up the witch let go. I’d kill her later. Right now, I had bigger fish to cook. “I will show you the true power of darkness.”

“I am trembling in my scales,” Smaug gave me a daring grin. “You are outnumbered, shadow. Outnumbered and without any real power. Go home to your master and tell him I wish for a real challenge.”

“Kill him. It will be easy. Dragons are simple creatures and we shall use that to our advantage.”

I smirked. “I have no master. Every being, whether in this world or the next, will bow before me. As for outnumbered,” I snapped my fingers and my minions started circling them. The ‘gifted’ outnumbered the normal townsfolk twofold. I chuckled. “I am never one to go in without a few cards in my favor.”

Smaug’s answer was...laughter? “This is what you deem a challenge? I don’t know whether I should be humored or insulted.”

I growled and balled up my fists. Black fire licked across them. “You impudent drake. I will slaughter you just like all the others.”

“No one is dying today,” Celestia’s own hands were glowing.

“I never took you for a comedian,” I grinned.

“Mister Smaug!” Tilda’s voice called out.

“Tilda?” My eyes widened. She wasn’t supposed to get caught up in this.

“Mister Smaug,” my little sister ran up to the drake like he actually was a friend. I will change that soon enough. No sister of mine will associate with any fire lizard. “We’ve got something important to tell you.”

“Master,” a little bird spoke? Well, I am possessed by a thousand year old spirit. Not actually surprised. “The mayor of this town wishes to rob you. He’s planning it out as we speak.” Smaug just stared at him. “It’s true. That vermin is going to rob you while you’re out.”

Smaug didn’t say anything. That is until he fell on the floor, laughing out loud. He clutched his stomach as he kept at it.

“Mister Smaug,” Tilda was rather concerned about all this. “This is really important. He’s serious about this and has a lot of soldiers.”

Smaug’s laughter just grew louder.

Celestia face-palmed. “Well this certainly is shaping up to be one of those days.”


This young darkness was growing stronger. I could practically taste her hatred. It was delectable. It was enticing. I haven’t felt such since the time of my master, when little dark sorcerers attempted to match wits with the forces of good. Halfwits. This being was different.

Such a lust for revenge? Who is it that has earned your ire? This being of light? I hope this dark whelp survives this battle. I want to know how she came to these lands. Her magic is different. It’s strange and far more pure than anything I’ve ever seen, except for that of my master. I needed to understand it. I wanted that magic for my own. Perhaps I could even find a way to where she came from.

The lands beyond the ocean perhaps? No, my master would have sensed such things. It has to be something else. A different world? Possibly. Now that would be fascinating. A new world to conquer. To exploit. I will twist her world to my rule. Yes, I just needed her alive. Perhaps I might even take her under my wing.

Or I could simply tear it from her corpses’ mind. It was an easy enough spell. I just needed her head intact. Either way, I will get what I want. So let them kill each other. Let them break their backs on the tides of my orc armies. None can stand before I.

“Give them a few moments to get ready,” I whispered to Azog. “Let them rip and tear out each other’s throats before skewering them. I want them all dead, except for the dark one. I want her alive, or at least just an intact head.”

“As you command,” Azog grinned.


I hate my life. I hate my servants lives. I hate my scientist’s lives. Discord? No, hate is too kind to him. My immortal ire of this daemon is something no mortal can comprehend. His deviousness and trickery has won the hearts of a few, including fair Fluttershy. I can see him for what he truly is.

A monster.

I don’t know why he was given a second chance. We should have killed him. We should have done something to make sure he never got out again. He’s terrible and deceitful. The worst thing to have ever happened to our world. Now he’s even forced his disgusting mind to come up with new ways of torment.

A single bell sounded and I had to go to him. It was a part of our agreement. I feel filthy for this, but I have to. For the sake of my sister. So I donned my maid outfit. The same with Night Watch, the poor mare. I carried the tea pot in my magic. Carried it to the filthy traitor. He was lounging in a sofa, content with his upside down newspaper and color changing robe.

“Took you long enough, Lulu.” He grumbled, holding up a teacup with the hairs of his tail, which had formed a hand of sorts. “Refill.” I growled and moved the pot with my magic. “Ah, ah, ah. Remember the ritual.”

I was going to destroy him utterly after all of this! So I sighed and started to mime a teapot. “I’m a little teapot, short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout.” Night Watch had to mime it to as we sang. Well, more like said it through clenched teeth. She looked bored. I envied her. My anger wouldn’t leave me. Even as I poured the tea and was able to leave, I couldn’t help but question why the universe was doing this to me.

I was at Discord’s mercy. It was take months, maybe years for me to find my sister on my own. She could be hurt. Killed! I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to find her. So I put up with inane acts. He’d pay one day. Oh, he will pay.

“Isn’t this nice, Lulu?” Discord asked, sipping his tea. “We never spend time together these days.”

“I wonder why?” I growled.

“Me too,” Discord snorted. “And stop worrying about your sister. She’s safe. I can still feel her.”

“Then why aren’t you taking me to her now?!!” I shouted, blowing away the top half of his chair.

“All in good time,” he idly commented as he turned the page. “These things take time.”

I stomped the ground, leaving a small crater. “Time is not something we have.”

“Yes it is,” he gave me a sharp look. “Spend a thousand years trapped in stone. You’ll see how precious time is.”

“I was locked away on the moon.”

“With hundreds of shadow daemons,” he commented. “Me? I was stuck all by myself as a stone ornament.” He chuckled. “I would think it hilarious if it had happened to someone else. Not me. No, not me at all. Give me a day or two and I’ll have an opening out of here. Until then, I need a new chair. This one is busted.”

“Fine,” I knew he was dragging this out. He wanted me to suffer. Yes, he could be telling the truth. He could, but he’s Discord. He’s lying somehow, but I’m going to have to play his game. I despised everyone.

Author's Note:

{Several chapters in, still no fanart or tvtropes page. :fluttercry:.....:rainbowlaugh: Oh, I just love messing with you guys.}

But seriously, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. Those really help my motivation and continuing on. It took a bit longer to finish this chapter than I would have liked. College midterm and all that.

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