• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,367 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Dragons and Daemons Join the Fray

“Faster,” I cried out. “Faster you idiots!”

Why can’t I find good help these days? Oh yes, these whelps look the part of a battle hardened knight. They have the best armor, weapons, and fine enough training. Those were the key words ‘fine enough’. Back in my day, we could take out a troll with nothing but a pointed stick. Oh those were splendid times. Now I’m stuck with common oafs that don’t know their right from their left, nor the proper care of gold.

“You’re going to scratch the gold. Don’t you know how much all of this is worth? I’ll tell you. All of you combined and more.” I grit my teeth as they still hastily threw my gold onto the longboat. I was going to unfortunately have to leave some of them behind. No matter. Their deaths will buy me time to escape. They will be remembered for their sacrifices. Most likely on Tuesdays if I try hard enough.

“We’re going as fast as we can,” Braga piped up. Ugh, this man was useful but he was also stupid. Why couldn’t he be more like me: handsome, brave, and intelligent? I’ll never know, but he was a useful tool.

“You’re going as fast as you ‘think’ you can go,” I jabbed a thumb upwards, where all the screaming and death was coming from. Poor unfortunates. I’ll buy something to honor them. Later, of course. The main thing I needed to worry about was actually surviving all of this. “I do believe our attackers want to test your speed.”

Braga gulped and ordered his men to go even faster. I almost laughed at how clumsy the lot were. Almost. They were still handling my things and they nearly broke a priceless artifact or two. The nerve of the guards. They needed to be more careful. I pay them to be. I don’t throw my gold around foolishly. Maybe if I offer them a little more gold, they’ll go even faster. Possible.

Of course, if they were any good, I’d have sent them to kill my attackers. That’s what I would have done at their age. Look at me now. All that hard won glory and attention has made me the mayor of this town. A decriped town that despised me. Let’s forget I saved all of their lives from all sorts of monsters when I was but a young man. Nevermind they were the ones who wanted me to lead. No, everything is my fault. A little weeding out of the population would be good. Less mouths to feed means more for everyone else.

Then the fighting grew closer. Closer than I would have liked it. It was almost like it was coming from upstairs. Impossible. This place wasn’t that close to the edge of town. Surely the invaders would have hundreds of other people to rip apart. My guards could deal with some barbarians or orcs.

Something smashed through the door upstairs. I know because it sounded like imported wood breaking. I hate that sound. Then a body fell down the stairs. Eh, I actually like that sound. Reminds me of my youth and when I’d chuck the henchmen of evil lords down stairs. Good times. Well, not so good now. When he landed, I could see that it was one of my own guards… with dented armor and missing an arm. He just laid their, dead to the world. “...Well that happened.” The guards were indeed smarter than I gave them for. They dropped everything and grabbed their swords. “Be careful with the gold.”

“Yes,” a deep and ominous voice came from upstairs. I could just hear the smirk in his voice. A rather familiar voice I might add. “Be careful with my gold.”

Fear creeped up my spine, but I would not back down. This interloper was going to get a piece of my mind. “Now see here, whoever you are, I am the Master of this town. My word is law. I’m not the sort of person you want to trifle with.”

“Is that so?” The next thing me and my men heard was a laugh. A laugh only ‘death’ can make. I quickly stepped back behind my men. I could see his legs and then more and… “Neither am I.”

“Benedict Cumberbatch?” My eyes widened. The noble? He was the one killing my men? Why does he want my gold? He’s rich. I’m not as rich as him.

Benedict snarled. “That is not my name!” His shout nearly made us deaf with its strength. “You impudent insects. Do you not know who I am? Do you not know the power I possess?”

“Power?” Braga snorted, taking a brave step forward. I appreciated his effort to remain steadfast, as well as keeping himself between me and that noble. “You’re not even wearing any armor or have a sword.”

“Yet I am whole and covered in the blood of your compatriots,” the noble scowled as he looked down at his blood soaked suit. “Do you know how long it took Celestia to find this suit? Do you know how degrading it was to wear this thing in the first place?” The noble was seething and for some reason, I could see smoke bellow from his mouth and his eyes became slitted. “You don’t know, because you’re just rats. The lot of you are just insignificant rats who thought they could hide gold away from the true master of the mountain.”

“Kill him!” I shouted. Six soldiers rushed forward. I smirked. This was going to be easy.

Then the noble stepped backwards, took a deep breath, and released a fireball?!! One of the guards were thrown back, screaming as he fell to the ground, burning alive. None of us did anything. He just screamed for a few seconds, then stopped as the fire raged. It was quick for a burning, as if the fire itself had some deathly quality.

“I am the true master of the lake,” the noble growled as the soldier’s finally broke their stupor and charged. The noble grabbed the arm of the first, pulled him aside, and smashed his head into pulp with one punch. He spun and kicked another in the chest. His foot sunk into the very armor like tissue, leaving his foot covered in bits of gore as the man was sent flying.

Who was this man who could kill with just one punch or kick?

The noble crossed his arms, blocking two swings that should have lopped them off. No, he took it and actually smiled. This man is a monster! He pushed back my guards and set a fireball into the face of the third one. The last two tried to stab him, but he side stepped and smashed both their heads with a heaved swing.

I turned to Braga. “Don’t just stand there. Kill him.”

Braga turned to stare at me incredulously. The help I hire these days. “He… just killed six of us in no time at all. What can I do?”

“Die,” the noble answered. Since we were looking at him, neither of us had seen him advance. So I gasped in surprise when he threw Braga to the ground. The noble grinned and I didn’t do anything. What could I do? At least he wasn’t killing me. The noble just raised his foot.

“No,” Braga pleaded. “Wait. I have a family.”

“You’ll meet them soon enough,” the noble commented before stomping his head. I turned my head from the sight. Such a ghastly image. “Now, where was I? Oh yes, the so called Master of Laketown.”

I shivered in fear. “W-what do you want? I can give you anything.” Where was that blasted assistant of mine? I couldn’t remember him leaving. Is he hiding somewhere. I’ll fire him for this.

“Your gold,” he answered, walking towards me.

This was death itself. There was no denying it. “C-can’t we think of something else? Perhaps a few servants or something? I have plenty of nice silks you’d-” I yelped as he hoisted me up into the air. He was strong, I’ll give him that.

“Shut up,” the noble growled, fire licking his teeth. “I have let you live this long because my precious jewel wished it. That was a mistake on my part. Infestations need to be cleansed for the land to be healthy. I won’t let some fat rats run around and steal my gold.”

“You can’t do this,” I squeaked out, afraid if I yelled he’ll kill me. “I’m the Master of Laketown.”

“This town is not yours,” the noble shook me. “This gold is not yours. You have no power unto yourself, fat rat. They do not fear you. They do not respect you. You are master of nothing. You don’t even know who I am, do you? I shant let you die without knowing.” He closed his eyes and opened them once more, showing me his true dragon eyes?!! “I am Smaug, King Under the Mountain and rightful ruler of this land.”

“I…I,” what was I supposed to do? This was Smaug, the dragon. I had heard tales of dragons taking the form of humans, but this? He was going to kill me. I had to think of something. Anything!

“So tell me, master of nothing.” Smaug grinned. “How do you choose to die?”

Think. Think. Think. WAIT! I have an idea! “You don’t want to kill me. This wasn’t my idea. It was Bard’s. He wanted to steal the gold and he told me you left the mountain!”

“And why would he do that?” Smaug snorted, but he didn’t kill me.

“He is descended from the person who gave you that scar,” he jostled me about when I mentioned that. Sore subject. “He has the blood of a dragon slayer.”

Smaug didn’t do anything for a moment. He just stood there in silence, possibly mulling it over to himself. He let me go and I fell on my rump. Not the most pleasant experience, but it's better than dying. “You aren’t worth my time.” He growled and stomped off.

I smiled in relief, before I frowned. All my guards were dead and my gold was just thrown about everywhere. I sighed. This was going to take a while.

Master of Nothing? HA! I’ll show him. Of course I’m the master of this place. I have… wait they’re all dead. Alfrid’s missing and the people hate me, for no reason I might add… Maybe they do hate me for a reason. No, I can’t think like that. They were the ones who put me in this mess.



“...And then Thrush said that the flowers actually grow brighter colors the closer you get to the mountain,” Tilda smiled as she spoke. She was always so giddy about everything.

“It’s true,” and the annoying bird continued. What kind of name is Thrush? I don’t know and I don’t care. I’ve been laying here, constrained by Celestia’s feeble magic, for several moments now. My sister just kept yammering on and this bird didn’t help. “The colors are so vibrant at the base of the mountain. You’d think that they’d be all dead, but no. Probably some magic or something else keeping them so lively.”

“Yes,” I grumbled. “Of course.”

“When we get out of here, we’ll kill them for this.”

‘Yeah, wait, WHAT?!! I will not kill my sister.’

“It’s for the best.”

“You don’t have a sister.”

“I do! My mother created my sister to torment herself and do you know what she is now? Nearly mindless. She is a beast and our mother calls her an it. We are nothing to her!” Nightmare actually sounded heart-broken as she spoke. “Just tools to be discarded. That’s what family is. They are all liars!”

‘My family wouldn’t do that.’

“Give them time,” was all she said in turn.

I snorted. My family would always be by my side and even if they did turn on me, I could beat them into submission rather quickly. Beat them? No, that must be some random thought. I’d never beat them, unless they forced me to. Wait, that’s not right. Ugh, my head hurts. Before I could say anything, the screams got louder.

“So much hatred,” Nightmare seemed to be relishing in it all. Like she, us, were growing stronger.

Tilda huddled close to me. That was smart. No one was going to hurt her while I was around. “They’re getting closer.” She shivered.

“If they were smart,” I scoffed. “They’d stay away.”

‘The beasts of this ‘dark lord’ are anything but smart,” Nightmare scoffed.

Said beast rushed into the courtyard. It was none other than my oaf of a minion, Alfrid. Of all of them, why had he survived? Was he just that hard to kill. "Master," he rushed over to us. If I had to say one good thing about him, it was that he was good at grovelling and the like. "What kind of a monster would do this to a perfect being such as yourself?"

"An idiot," I growled. "Just untie me." He couldn't untie it in the normal way. The golden bands were made of magic. I just needed more dark magic and hatred... Huh, this is odd. I looked to see him unconsciously channeling dark magic to us. My power was regrowing faster. Even if I had given him that sliver of dark magic, his heart was so black it was just fuel to the fire she needed. She made the right choice in corrupting this one.

Just then, a bunch of orc came barreling into the courtyard. It's rather popular these days. Many of them were covered in blood and their weapons had an obscene amount of ichor on them. I honestly felt no sympathy for their victims. No really, I’m trying but all I can find is more hate. I felt stronger for some reason because of it. It’s like all this hate the orcs had was feeding me.

“Human girls,” one orc laughed. “Easy prey.”

“If these were those brutish green orks, this would be difficult.” Nightmare chuckled. “This?” Her chuckling turned to laughter, to which I started to join in.

The orc scowled. “Stop laughing, you little runt.” The orc walked forward, brandishing a short sword. “I’ll gut you both like fish.”

“We’ll see about that,” I smirked. The moment he reached us, I could feel the power in the bindings slackened. Thankfully, Celestia hadn’t put a lot of magic into these magical braces. So it was rather easy to snap them up and use magic to levitate myself to my feet. A single bolt of dark magic smashed apart the creature.

“Don’t kill them all,” Nightmare said. “We need as many of these creatures as we can get.”

‘I’ll keep that in mind,’ I remarked. “Tilda, stay behind me.” I grinned. I’d keep some of them alive, but this bunch? The same ones who had, not a moment ago, wanted them dead? No mercy.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help. :twilightsmile:

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