• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,367 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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The End of Azog

I never, ever wanted to see another orc after this day. In fact, I just never wanted to go to another celebration again. They were always dirty and mean and now it’s just worse. Where is everyone? Why is sister acting so strange? I don’t know. I don’t know and I’m scared. I just wanted everyone to stop and explain. I just wanted my da!

“Let me go,” I screamed at the Master’s servant. Why did he listen to my sister anyways? He made us all miserable on purpose. He’s a bad man and he stunk like a rat. Even worse than the nice orcs around us. I didn’t even know orcs could be nice. Maybe my sister did something to them with her glowing hands. Why couldn’t my hands glow? Not fair, if you ask me.

“No can do,” he replied. “The Mistress wants you safe and out of harm's way and that’s what I’m going to do. So shut it.”

“No,” I shouted at the top of my lungs. “DA!”

“He’s not coming,” he shouted. “You’re with me and we’re safe.” My da says that bad things happen to bad people when they push their luck. Seems that happened when a bunch of orcs smashed into the good ones around us. I close my eyes as they started sticking their swords into each other. That helped, but I could still hear the metal smashing into more metal. “Or not.”

I could hear the big weasel shout at the orcs about fighting for him and some words my da would smack him for saying in front of me. Why are those words bad anyway? I hear ‘bastard’ and the like all the time. They’ve got to be alright if everyone’s using them. Then I heard a girly scream. It wasn’t me, I swear.

The big weasel had tripped or something and I was thrown to the ground. It didn’t really hurt. I guess I’m just used to falling down. The other kids have to stretch their legs and I’m not looking at the ground all the time. That’s what they said, anyways. I opened my eyes and almost screamed. The mean orcs were killing the good ones…. I think. It’s still confusing. I just hoped the good ones were the ones with the troll. It was smacking the others left and right.

Then one of them ran at me. I thought it was a good one for a second, but when it raised its cleaver, I screamed. I didn’t want to die. There was so much I wanted to do like…..umm, stuff! The orc didn’t get me though. Something big smashed into it, knocking it into the water. I looked over to see the Master of the town.

“Are you alright?” He asked. He asked if I was alright? He can be nice?........ “Are you in shock, child?” One of the orcs pointed his sword at him and yelled something in his language. The Master rolled his eyes, “One moment. Some people can’t seem to understand it’s not polite to butt in.” He turned and thrusted his sword into the orc’s neck.

The Master saved me twice? I can’t believe it. Maybe da was wrong about him.

The troll roared and raised his club to smash us. I don’t even think the Master could stop it. This was it. I was going to die because of a big, smelly, disgusting troll. I just wanted my da.

“HYAAA!” Someone cried out as they jumped onto the troll’s back.

I blinked in surprise as I saw the man clinging to the monster. “Da?” Da didn’t hear me. He was too busy fighting the monster. I knew my da was great, but I didn’t think he could take on a beast like that all by himself. I grinned, “Go da. Kick it’s butt!”

Da struggled for a moment, trying to keep ahold of his sword. I knew he could keep it and he did. He pulled his sword upwards and when the troll leaned down, grabbed it with both hands and the blade hit the back of its head. The Master tried to put a hand over my eyes, but I snuck a peek. It was stupendous! My da’s the most amazing da ever. The troll groaned as it fell to the ground, lifeless. I’m just thankful the rest of the orcs were dead by this point so I could watch it without getting stabbed. I have an allergy to being stabbed. I’m sure most people do as well.

Da shakily stood his ground, but not for long! I rushed and tackle hugged him. “Da, you’re amazing.”

He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I normally hate it when he does that, but now I didn’t care. “I’m glad you’re safe,” he turned to look at the Master and glared at him. “What are you doing here?”

“He saved me,” I spoke up, grinning widely.

Da blinked in surprise, “He saved you?”

The Master bowed his head, “Bard, I know that we haven’t been the best of chums.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” da narrowed his eyes. “Why did you save my daughter? You’ve made it quite clear you hate me with a passion.”

The Master sighed, “I did and….” He seemed to be shaking as though what he was about to say hurt him. “I was wrong.” Da’s eyes widened. I know. I couldn’t believe it either. “I let my power blind me and…” He looked down at himself. “I got fat off of the people’s well earned gold.”

“And why are you saying all of this?” Da asked. “Why now? Why did it take the deaths of our people to get you to see that? Did those who die before in squalor and poor health mean nothing? Is this because your own life is in danger?”

“I’m trying to change, Bard.” The Master said. “I wasn’t always like this. A fat pig, that’s what I’ve become and I’m sick of myself.”

Da stared him in the eyes for a moment as if he was looking for something. “Then lead us out of here. Be the Master of this town that you should have been.”

“My name is Esgaroth,” the Master said. “Not the Master.”

Someone started clapping and we looked to see the weasel and three orcs standing there, “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the Master of nothing himself. It’s so great to see you grace us with your presence.”

Esgaroth snarled, “What are you doing with those orcs? Have you gone traitor?”

“Not exactly,” the weasel smirked. “I’m still working for the master of this town. It’s just not you anymore.”

“Who are you talking about?” Da asked.

“Why don’t you ask your eldest daughter?” The weasel smirked. “Now if you excuse me, I was delivering the kid to safety.”

“Try it,” da said and both he and Esgaroth raised their weapons. Before anything could happen, a large rock smashed in between us, throwing the weasel off his feet.

One orc helped him up and he looked to the sky before us, “Seems we’ll have to continue this later.” He took off running. “This isn’t over, Bad!”

Da sighed, “Take her to the boats. I’ll go deal with this new master.”

Esgaroth nodded, “Alright.” He gently touched my shoulder, “Come along.”

“You’re coming back, right da?” I looked at him with a quivering lip and watering eyes.

Da smiled and ruffled my hair once more, “Of course I will. That’s a promise.”


“Faster,” I snarled at the rest of my orcs. The town was proving to be harder to conquer. That and some of the orcs on the shore wouldn’t stop firing those damn rocks. I’ll kill them soon enough. “Load that mare onto the boats. Now!”

“She’s heavier than she looks,” one orc grunted. Thankfully, the pain must have been too much and she passed out. She had broken a few of my orcs with her thrashing. I wanted to smash her skull in, but my master wouldn’t have liked that.

I glared at the orc, “Then do it quickly and be done with it. If you can still complain, you can still work.” I was close to spilling his brains out when I heard laughter. It made my skin crawl and I hated it even more because of that. Orcs fear nothing. “Who’s there?”

“Oh,” a young human female stepped out in front of us. “Just lil’ me.”

A part of me wanted to kill her right now. It’d be easy. She was weak like the rest of her race. Her body wasn’t fit like a fighter. I didn’t. There was something wrong with her. It was almost like she was shrouded in a cloak of darkness, almost like… No. It couldn’t be. She was nothing like the master, but that look in her eyes.

It wasn’t human.

I growled. I didn’t care. I’d kill her anyway.

“Temper, temper.” The human had the gall to wag her finger at me. Oooh, I was going to make this painful for her. “What would your master think of your bad manners?”

I walked towards her, “Such bravado from a female. I’m glad I get to squash it.”

“Such a brute,” the female sighed and pointed her finger at an orc to her right. A beam of magic shot out of it and the orcs upper half was painting the houses red in the blink of an eye. She pointed her finger at me. “Is it your turn?”

I stopped and stared at her. I couldn’t believe this human was a witch. They were never this young. Maybe a more powerful wizard was boosting her power or had found an age spell. Bah, it didn’t matter. I’d smash her good one way or another. She was just one female. I had thousands of orcs. I grinned.

“You think you can drown me in numbers?” She smirked like she could read my thoughts. “Maybe, but that won’t always be the case. As for right now, you have something more pressing to worry about.”

A loud snarl caught my attention and I looked over to see a human standing on top of a house. Was this her backup? I couldn’t help but laugh. It was cut short when the human jumped. He landed on the shoulders of an orc, crumbling it into mush as he landed. The human’s fist pulped another’s head when he punched. He turned to glare at me and was that fire escaping his mouth? Was this the wizard powering this girl?

“Where is my jewel?!!” His voice was as heated as the fires of the underworld.

I snarled in response, “I grow tired of these distractions. Kill him.” I gestured at the human and my orcs rushed him. This would be over soon enough.

The human had other ideas. With every punch, he rent metal and splattered orc remains everywhere. Every kick broke bone. What manner of magic was this? Was he even human? They were all weak. How could this be happening? Finally, the human took a deep breath and breathed fire on several of my orcs. I ducked when it almost hit me. “WHERE IS MY JEWEL?!! IF YOU BROKE HER, I SWEAR YOU WON’T LIVE PAST THIS DAY!”

I snarled and stood up. I didn’t care if he could breathe fire or kill orcs in one punch. I’d show him the true might of the orcs. “Who do you think you are, giving orders to me? I am Azog the Defiler. No human orders me to do anything.”

“I am no human,” my opponent walked towards me. “I am far greater than those pathetic rats. I am fire incarnate. I am-” A spear impacted the human’s chest and he was sent flying into the river.

I smirked. That was it. I chuckled. “Poor human.”

Suddenly, the lake literally burst open and instead of a human, I saw a great eye. “Death.”

I did it. I drew Smaug out from his mountain. My master would be pleased, yet why was I shaking? Orcs could take on dragons. We were the superior race and would rule Middle Earth. Yet staring up at the dragon’s jaws, I couldn’t help but feel weak. I couldn’t help but feel so small and helpless. Even when the jaws descended, I couldn’t do anything but watch and-


Orcs are always rancid raw. That’s why I usually just burn them first, but this time I thought I’d just swallow the pest whole. He wasn’t worth the extra time. I needed to find my jewel now! I took in a breath. It was so good to be back in my true form. I would never wear that human guise again, no matter how much Celestia wanted me too. I took in her scent. Her sweet, succulent scent that reminded me of a summer’s day.

I knew where she was and I snarled as I looked down at the orcs loading her into the boats. I let out a thunderous roar. No one takes my things. I snapped at them, claiming a few more. The rest ran for their pitiful lives. I leaned my head down to look her over. She was covered in scratches and bruises. Nothing too severe and her horn…. Her horn was broken?!! I snarled. They will burn. They will all burn for eternity!

I took Celestia gently into my claws and put her on my back. I’d have to watch out for her when I was flying, but it wouldn’t be any trouble. I’d burn the orcs with nary any thought. Just the thought of those rats touching my precious jewel fueled my rage. I don’t think I’ve ever been this furious. I took off and roared into the sky. The whole town shook with my fury. My wings beat the air, causing houses to topple onto the rats.

This was a new dawn. A dawn that would spark the end of all orcs!


I sighed when the dragon took Celestia. That was my only chance to get her. I was hoping he’d forget, but no. He actually does care, or care as much as a dragon can. That and he killed the white orc. I really wanted him as my general, but oh well. I’ll just have to make due with the ones he spares. I cringed when the dragon smashed his way through the town and the screams of burning orcs. That’s if he spares any of them.

I knelt down next to a few injured orcs, “Say, how would you like to serve me?” I chuckled. “Oops, I’m sorry. I’m making it out as if you have a choice.” I raised my hand that was full of dark magic and went to work.

'From the flames of destruction, opportunity rises.' My other chuckled. 'This is the beginning of a beautiful night.'

Author's Note:

Well sorry everyone for the wait. A lot of stuff has been happening, but I hope this chapter was worth it. Please leave a comment below. The support really does help and it's always great to hear what you guys think of my chapter.

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