• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

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Chapter one; When Things Go Wrong

"APPLEJACK!!!" Somewhere above the haze of pain, Applejack could hear somepony calling her name. "Applejack, answer me!" She could feel the pony turning her over onto her side and pulling her face up out of the dirt. Instinctively, Applejack curled back up, protecting her throbbing midsection.

"Is she okay, Fluttershy?" Apple Bloom's voice trembled.

Applejack pried her eyes open. She groaned as the world began to spin.

"Applejack? Do you hear me? Blink if you hear me!" Fluttershy pleaded. "Apple Bloom, keep folding that quilt. We are going to need it."

Applejack blinked ever so slowly then, once more, groaned.

"Good. Oh! Big Mac, you're here. Please go get a wagon ready with a thick layer of hay. I don't think we should move her any other way, the way she's acting. And please hurry! If it's what I think it is, time is of the essence." The concern in the soft voice was unmistakable. Applejack tried to stand. That was a mistake. She gagged dryly,

Fluttershy held her head in her front hooves and placed a wing around Applejack's back. "No, Applejack! Don't try to move on your own."

Applejack groaned, "What... happened?"

"I was coming over to help with the rabbits like I said I would today, and you were out apple bucking when suddenly you screamed and fell. You were out for over a minute. Where does it hurt?"

Applejack rubbed her stomach. Fluttershy slowly pushed Applejack's front hooves out of the way and gently yet firmly felt around. Applejack screamed and almost blacked out at the sudden pressure to the tender midriff. Fluttershy immediately halted and started stroking Applejack's mane and making shushing sounds. Applejack lay curled ever tighter, eyes closed, gasping for breath.

Soon the ringing in her ears and the throbbing in her belly died down, and she began to breathe more slowly. "Applejack, do you hear me? We're going to take you to the hospital. Hopefully all you did was pull a muscle, but it could be much worse. Your brother is almost here with the wagon, and Apple Bloom has already brought a quilt. I am going to start by getting the quilt under you, then we will lift you into the wagon. It's important that you stay as still as you can. Let us move you. Don't try to help; it will only make your condition worse. Do you understand?"

Applejack simply nodded and listened to the timid pegasus instruct her younger sister. "Easy does it, Apple Bloom. Alright, what I need you to do is put that folded end lengthwise against her back. Then I need you to man her back hooves while I take her head and front hooves, and we will roll her onto her back on the count of three. I am sorry Applejack, but this will hurt a bit."

A simple groan was all she could muster in response.

"Alright, One... Two... Three..."

Applejack could feel the pegasus' wing supporting her barrel as she rolled. "Alright Apple Bloom, I'll hold her here. I need you to unfold the quilt, then we'll roll her back onto her side and we'll be ready to lift her."

Applejack bit her lower lip and closed her eyes tightly as the task was accomplished. Fluttershy continued to coach Apple Bloom step by step as they went, keeping a wing between her and the task. Finally, it was over. Applejack exhaled the breath she had not even known she'd been holding. Slowly, the orange mare opened her eyes.

"How do you feel?" Fluttershy asked. "Still with me? Sorry we had to do that, but we need to lift your weight evenly when we move you, and I couldn't think of any other way to do it."
Applejack simply nodded once more. A ground-shuddering thump thump thump announced the arrival of Big Mac and the wagon. Applejack had no idea how much the ground shook under the muscular stallion, nor how bad the vibrations could make her hurt! It was both quite disturbing and fascinating to the farm mare. Then Applejack heard another thump beside her as though somepony had just fallen from the sky.

"I came as quickly as I could," the voice said. "How is she?"

"Thank you, Twilight. We need to get Applejack into the wagon."

"Are you sure you don't just want me to use my-"

"I didn't even think of using magic. Yes, Twilight, if you please. But do be careful."

Applejack could feel the quilt tightening under her body and could feel it lifting her off the ground. Within a few seconds, she was lowered onto a soft hay mattress in the wagon. "Twilight!" She whispered as loud as she could as soon as it was over.

Twilight was instantly beside her. "How do you feel?"

"Honestly, I don't think... I've ever felt this bad... before in my life. I'm so tired... and I haven't... haven't even done anythin'."

"Well then, just rest. We've got you, you don't have to worry," Twilight said.

"Thank you both a heap." Two wings, one purple and one yellow, over her back and shoulders stopped her from saying anything more.

"Apple Bloom, I think it would be best for you to stay here with Granny. We will take care of Applejack. Don't worry." Twilight called over her shoulder as Big Mac took off at a full gallop for town.


"Come on team!" Dash exclaimed. "We can, and will, do better than this.Thunderlane, you need to step up your game. I don't care if we are in the dead of summer and don't have that many storms, but we still need to stay in practice."She glanced around at the ten or so pegasi assembled. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "You know what? I want everypony take five, get a drink, catch your breath, and then we'll do some tornado drills. Now go!"

Dash sat down on a cloud nearby and took a deep breath. She was exhausted. Deep down, she knew she was pushing the team a little hard, but really, all of this was something that the group really should be able to do! At least, they would ifthey were practicing daily. With the exception of Cloud Chaser, Dash knew that Flitter, Thunderlane and the rest of the team really didn't do cloud patrol all that often.

She lay down, curled up with her nose under one of her wings and closed her eyes. Just a minute she thought to herself.


The cyan pegasus looked up. "Yes, Cloud Chaser?"

"You feeling alright?"

Dash glared. "I'm cool!"

"Dash, I have watched you lead this team for three years. One thing I have noticed during that time is this: Whenever you are unsure or upset with your own performance, you tend to... take it out on the rest of us."

"I do not!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She paused, looking thoughtful. "Okay, maybe I do."
"Dash, is there something that's bothering you, besides the fact that my left turns aren't as trimmed as you would like them to be?"

"I don't want to talk about it, alright?"

"You need to talk about it with someone. I can tell it's tearing you up inside."

Dash shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so." She then tucked her muzzle back under her left wing and closed her eyes, hoping the other pegasus would get the hint and leave her alone. If she were to be honest with herself, she really didn't feel that good, and it was telling on her flying skills. If Twilight had had her speedometer out that day, Dash was certain that her wing power would be measuring around a 11 or 12.That was nothing to sneeze at, but Dash's wing speed typically ran around the 15-16 range. And for her, anything below her best was just not cool. Dash hated not being cool.

"Hey Dashie! Did we wear you out?"

"NO! Thunderlane, I'm just closing my eyes and thinking for a moment."

"Is it just me, or were you struggling as much as the rest of us up there?"

"It was just you," Dash snapped almost too quickly.

"Whatever you say, but if you need to say... go home, we can finish the drills on our own."
Dash turned her head to glare at him straight on.

"Or, then again... I could just leave you be during the break and let you think."

"I like the second one better," Dash said, returning to her dozing.

"Dash, I think you're lazier than I am."

"I've already put in two hours of weather time just getting these drills set up. I'm ready to just chill, alright?! We'd be done with the drills if the rest of you had been practicing."

The black stallion had no response to this, so he wisely disappeared. Dash knew she had another two minutes thirty-three seconds of break, and she wasn't about to waste a second of it.

Finally, time was up. Dash scrambled to her hooves and took off.

The first ten minutes of tornado drills went without a hitch. The five minute break worked in refreshing the team. Then things started going wrong. The groups lost control of a cyclone, so Dash, Fritter, Cloud Chaser, and Thunderlane sprung into action and worked double time to disperse the monster before it could cause any harm, being the senior members of the team.

Dash hit it with the same passion she threw at everything she did, but somehow it wasn't enough. Dash could feel herself losing control. She hoped the others could handle it as she was thrown clear and went plummeting towards the ground, only slightly able to slow her descent.


For Applejack, the ride to the hospital was complete and total torture. Each bump affected her like knives to her already sore belly. She was very grateful it was only five miles away, but each second felt like eternity. She groaned as another muscle spasm took her body. She stiffened out, gasping for breath. She could feel her friends on either side doing their best to make the journey easier. Big Mac was also doing what he could by slowing down over particularly rough patches of road.

Finally her body relaxed again and Applejack curled back up, gasping for breath.
"Still with us, AJ?" Twilight asked.

The farm mare only had the strength for a slight nod.

"Twilight, I don't like this," Fluttershy said softly. "She's getting weaker by the second."

"I'd teleport her, but she's too weak."

Applejack could hear the concern in Twilight's voice. "How much- further?" Applejack squeaked out.

"Mile and a half. Hang on," Twilight answered.

Applejack braced as another spasm took her. Her eyes pleaded for somepony, anypony, to make it stop. She knew she was being unreasonable, that her friends were doing everything they could, and that they felt just as helpless as she did. But somehow that knowledge only made Applejack all the more frightened. Once again the tension released and she was able to breathe freely once more.

"How you doing back there, AJ?" Big Mac called.

Applejack shook her head. "Not good," Twilight answered for her.

The cart started moving faster, the potholes jarring her without mercy.

"Half a mile," Twilight said.

Applejack did not even open her eyes this time as a response. The pain was blinding.
Finally the cart halted. Twilight got out, rushed indoors, then a few seconds later, Applejack felt herself being magically lifted from the cart and placed on a stretcher. She was strapped in and rushed through the double doors. All around her were voices, asking questions and answering them.

Things were a blur. One moment moving, next not. Voices drifted in and out of her consciousness. She pried her eyes open looking about. The nurse, Nurse Redheart was immediately there. "Easy dear, you got yourself good. We need you to let us know what hurts."

Applejack could only stare at her blankly as the nurse continued.

"Twilight told us it's your barrel. Does anything else hurt?"

When Applejack didn't respond, the Doctor started prodding. The fire was once again awakened, and Applejack screamed, rolling back into a ball. The Doctor did not stop his prodding, but lessened the pressure applied. Finally when he finished, he walked around to Applejack's head. "Sorry, I needed to see how bad it was. You have a hernia. It's not life threatening, but we do need to take care of it. Just rest there for a second. I need to talk to your brother."

Applejack did. Honestly that was all she had been doing! She listened, after several minutes she heard her brother's unmistakable "Eeyup."

Nurse Redheart was talking to her again. "We are going to give you something to knock you out for the surgery. Ready- one- two- three, alright all over."

Applejack's consciousnesses began to fade as the medicine took effect.


Rainbow Dashed opened her eyes and found herself staring into the very concerned face of Pinkie Pie.

"How many muzzles do I have?" The Party Pony inquired.

Dash blinked. "One?"

"How many ears?"



"Last time I checked, four. Pinkie, what are you getting at?"

"How about tails?"


"Just answer the question."

"Pinkie Pie, you have one tail, now will you get out of my face?"

"Pinkie, Darling, do give our dear friend Rainbow some breathing space," Rarity cooed.

"Not 'till I'm sure she's alright," Pinkie Pie deadpanned.

"Alright Pinkie, I'm fine, now will you get out of my face?" Dash pleaded.

"I guess that will do for now, but I still don't believe that you're fine," Pinkie said as she stepped back.

Dash looked around the room. "Why am I in the hospital... again?"

"Oh, you had a little accident during storm drills this morning," Rarity explained.

"I think I remember that. The tornado went out of control... did-"

"Don't worry, it was dissipated before it could do any serous damage."

Dash raised an eyebrow. "Where are Twilight, Fluttershy and Applejack?"

"Uh, you see darling," Rarity started, then looked to Pinkie Pie and took a deep breath. "They are..."

With that, Fluttershy erupted into the room and threw herself at Dash, bawling. Rainbow Dash was caught completely unawares and just lay there with the yellow Pegasus crying into her shoulder both for-hooves wrapped tightly around her neck. "Hi, Flutters." Dash squeaked after the shock had worn off.

"OH DASHIE!!!" Fluttershy sobbed. "Not you too!"

"Too?" Dash inquired, looking from Fluttershy to Rarity, then back to Fluttershy. Rarity and Pinkie both looked as though they were about to burst into tears as well. "Alright, will somepony please tell me what's going on?"

Rarity walked over and gently pried Fluttershy off of Dash. "Come on, Fluttershy, do give us an update."

Fluttershy stood there shaking and leaned against Rarity for support. Rarity finally sighed. "I don't know much. Fluttershy arrived at Sweet Apple Acres this morning just in time for Applejack to... have an accident. I am not sure of the details, but I heard a nurse mention surgery before I headed up here."

The color drained from Dash's face. "Come here, Fluttershy," she said softly. Fluttershy was immediately beside her fellow Pegasus once again bawling. Dash stroked her mane and the two of them locked in the embrace. It did not take long for Pinkie and Rarity to join the group hug.

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