• Published 26th Sep 2014
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Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

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Chapter 38; Eggheads and Colors

Arrow was permitted to remove the muzzle upon leaving the room. “Good riddance,” she said, throwing the wad of tape across the room.

Twilight caught it in her magic. “Please don’t. I don’t like messes.”

Arrow almost protested, but decided against it. If she wanted any privileges, she needed to be on her best behavior. Sighing, she tried to keep her eyes straight ahead, not wandering to the armored stallions that kept passing. She was a mare after all.

“Eyes only,” Catstitch reminded her as she stepped up beside.

Arrow made a face. “I wasn’t looking,” she defended herself.

“Me sis has warned me that ya tend ta chase the colt in armor. Leave him alone lassy. Ye’re in deep enough trouble as it is.”

Arrow frowned, but obeyed. She sighed, trying not to watch the buff shoulders move as Flash Sentry walked by, a heavy load strapped to his back.


“Not looking!” Arrow squeaked.

“Quite the looker isn’t he?” Rarity asked, catching on.

Arrow nodded, almost ashamed. Absentmindedly, her wings brushed against her silver choker. “He looks a lot like my Dad did,” she defended. “He was a bit darker of an orange, but that same blue mane.”

“Does that mean he’s not around anymore?” Twilight asked.

“My parents both died three years ago,” Arrow said. “Steady is my guardian now.”

“Ah don’t have any parents either,” Apple Bloom said. “Ma died when I was born. Pa was killed a bit later.”

Arrow nodded. “Well, I’m not dead and that’s all that matters. Neither are you.” She smirked down at Apple Bloom, who looked puzzled for a second.

“No, ah sure ain’t,” Apple Bloom finally agreed.

The horde of ponies finally made it down to the grand hall. Arrow surveyed the area. “It will have to do.” She hummed. “The doors are C, The other end is A. Then the other letters go around-” She noted the lost looks on everypony’s face. “or we can just free hoof it. I don’t see why we have to be too strict to rules here. The lettering system is pretty silly for somepony who doesn’t know it.”

“Um,” Fluttershy asked. “Are you sure it will be alright?”

Arrow flipped her high ponytail. “Alright? It’ll be way easier than having to do it the formal way.” She tossed the crop to the side. “Look, Lilly and I don’t even remotely have the same ways of doing things. If you ask me, she’s an old stick in the mud who has too much smarts than any pegasus should. That being said, I vote we have fun.”

Pinkie bounced around. “Sounds good to me!” she shouted.

“Well then,” hummed Arrow, gaining confidence. “I want you three fillies to be the center ponies. Then—” She looked around. “Princess, you are with Cider.”

“Cider?” Twilight asked.

“Lilly might stand on formal names, but I prefer nicknames. The yellow one is Pint of Cider. You and Buttercup are with her.”

They all blinked.

“Fluttershy! She’s yellow, duh!” she said emphatically. “Then Kiwi is going to be with Flouncy and Bouncy, and Sparks with Feline and Myself. By the way, I’m Mud from now till the end. Got it?” She didn’t even allow time for anyone to answer. “Good, and Fire Breath writes everything down. Did I miss anypony?”

“Can ya make this a wee bit simpler, Arrow?” Catstich asked. “Ah neigh think ah got any of that.”

“If you can’t figure it out, then you need to learn how to think more randomly,” Arrow sang. “Let’s get into groups and practice. Lilly explained what’s going on—”

Catstitch glared. “Who is who?” she asked.

“Sweetie is Sparks, you are Feline, Princess is obvious, Flouncy is obvious, Bouncy shouldn't be too hard to figure out. She won’t stop bouncing. Kiwi can’t fly, and Cider makes the stuff. So let’s get to this. If you mess up, I’ll tell you what you did wrong. Oh!” She pulled from her stash three blindfolds. “Centers, put them on. Work in twos, alternating and seeing if you can pick up what’s going on. It’s not too hard; Lilly makes it sound more scientific than it is. Just… treat it like a game!”


Stillness lay in the room with the three ponies and the lamb. Rainbow Dash watched Lilly as she listened as the last sound of hoof steps disappeared down the corridor. “I bet you two want to know what the letter says.”

Rainbow nodded. Beside her, Applejack did the same. “Is it really from the Princess?”

Lilly nodded. “It confirms something I already suspected.”

“And… w-what is that?” Rainbow stammered.

Lilly sat down next to the bed. “What is wrong? You’ve been… upset since I walked in. You might be able to shake it a little, but it’s still there. Luna says she helped a bit yesterday. What’s going on, though? There is more to this than attacking a vine and being thrown by a twister. I know that, you know that.”

Rainbow looked over to Applejack. “Lilly?” Rainbow hesitated. “Please, no?”

“Guilt.” Lilly’s mouth flattened. “There’s fear too.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened. “Please, no. I-I don’t want to burden you with it.”

“Burden?” Lilly shook her head. “Rainbow, ,my special talent is helping ponies through their problems. Giving them the courage, finding the power within themselves to push through. You are against a wall.”

“Well—” Rainbow tried to pull away, turning in the other direction. “I’d rather—”

“Guilty is right, Captain,” Applejack interrupted. “It was Dash’s idea to attack those weeds. Ah didn’t want to at first. Then after she got hurt, she started blamin’ herself for it. Next thing any of us knew, she went into this crazy pony mode. She kept doin’ things that— Ah’ve never seen Rainbow act the way she did.”

Lilly nodded solemnly. “The mind has many ways to protect it from pain.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “So, you are a muscle expert, a mare expert, a snow expert, a formation flying expert, and a brain doctor?”

The pink pegasus burst out laughing. “I wouldn’t call myself an expert. I did as a foal, but as I've learned more, ‘expert’ is no longer the word I would use. But I did grow up in a library, if that helps.”

“As I thought, an egghead,” Rainbow muttered.

“Rainbow, there are plenty of things I can’t do. I can’t work with the weather ninety percent of the time; it will turn into snow. I can’t work with trees; I’ll freeze them solid. I destroy kitchens faster than Discord!”

“Did I mention a Discord expert?” Rainbow added.

“You are evading, Rainbow,” Lilly scolded.

“No, you are!” the rainbow-maned mare ranted. “You act so holier-than-thou!”

“You are going to over exer—” she paused. “No, Rainbow Daring Dash, you are correct. I do act like I’m better than most ponies. I’ve lived a very privileged life. I’ve been taught many things by some of the top in the fields. But I’ll have you know something. I got my Cutie Mark late in life. You know what that means? I had the opportunity to learn a great deal even outside of my own talent range. I see myself in those three fillies out there, especially that one you call your sister. The same fear, the same determination to try for the best. I see that in me. Are you going to call them out in another twenty years because they seem to know way more than the average pony? I bet not. They will have had the opportunities to grow and mature to their best. The chance even to reach out and help others who struggle to improve themselves.”

Lilly forced herself to relax. “I remember that filly. A certain blue pegasus who… feathers, I envied her energy. That nonstop need to move, to be the best in whatever I challenged her to do. That filly who knew what she wanted and was bent at getting it. I remember having to restrain myself from revealing so much of my knowlege about her, because I knew it’d hurt her in the long run. I remember those tear-streaked eyes when the games went to Fillydelphia. I remember you moping for a week. You were unable, or unwilling, to accept the fact that if they were held in Cloudsdale, it’d be Pegasi only. That cloudwalking spell was not common knowledge yet. I remember the fear in her eyes when she was told—when you were told that you had to graduate with a certain score or you’d never be allowed in the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow’s eyes went to the floor. “Lilly—”

“Rainbow? You and Flutterfly, err-shy, were something special. I knew that from the moment I first met you. In the language of the ponies of the mountain, the word we use for rainbow is the same word we use for promise. Not just any promise, but that promise you make that can’t be broken. I think you guys use ‘vow.’”

There was silence in the room. For a moment, Rainbow forgot Applejack was even there. “Really?”

Lilly nodded. “Really. That’s why I rode you so hard. I wanted to see you achieve that high calling.”

“You know what I remember best?” Rainbow asked.

“No. What?” Lilly responded.

“Those school roll calls we did twice a day.”

A bright smile stretched from ear to ear around Lilly’s face. “Oh, I did enjoy those.”

“By size, Lilly?” she exclaimed. “What was up with that?”

The elder started giggling. “Well, I got tired of doing it by color. Besides, size ranking achieved my goal better.”

“And what was your goal by doing roll call by size?” Rainbow asked.

“It was a prank,” Lilly replied.

Rainbow frowned. “I don’t get it.”

“Rainbow,” Captain Feathers began, “I wasn’t as fast as you, as strong as you, or as fierce as you. So, I had to come up with a way to,” she grinned savagely, “let those bullies know who was in charge. I had to find a way to influence them without them knowing. So, that was one of my early ideas: I originally did it by color. However, by the end of two months, the effect wore off. By doing it by size, I could maintain the message as well as the control.”

Applejack threw back her head and laughed. “Ooh owww!” she stammered. “Ya organized them ponies by size just to get back at the bullies!”

Lilly nodded. “Sure did, and never got caught either. Most of them brushed it off as me being OCD. Which I am, but that was for grins. It’s a matter of knowing a pony, and then playing off of their own flaws. It is a bully tactic. Used right, however, it could do a lot of good. For example, me removing your chair. I caught on pretty quick that you learn best by doing, not by seeing. Fluttershy was a visual story learner, Bumble was a sound learner, and Jinx had to be told so many times then would just suddenly know it. I never knew when the light would come on.”

Rainbow Dash frowned thoughtfully. “A whole lot just made sense.”

“You bet your boots they do,” Lilly drawled.

“Ain’t that mah line?” Applejack asked.

“I spent the first seven years of my life working with earth ponies. It comes out once in awhile. Now Rainbow, I’ve spilled my secrets—”

“All of them?” Rainbow asked.

“If I spilled every secret up my sleeve, I wouldn’t have anything to play later, now would I? Besides, you are spilling only one. I think I’ve traded enough for it.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Please Lilly, I… it—”

“Deep breath, Dash,” Lilly soothed. “Let’s start with guilt. Why do you feel guilty?”

Rainbow Dash frowned. “I don’t know. I’ve not been myself. I do kinda blame myself. I’ve gotten past it, sort of. Bad day during drills, then I woke up in a hospital to discover Applejack was in surgery and it was all my fault. This is all my fault. I tried hard at first to hide it. Applejack needed the support, not me.”

Lilly draped a wing over Rainbow’s shoulders, scooting up on the bed beside her friend. “What threw me over the edge,” Rainbow continued. “Was when we were playing Battle Clouds. Remember that game?”

“It was one of the few I was ever good at,” Lilly stated. “I was the one who taught you your strategy, remember?”

Rainbow nodded. “I have changed it a bit from when we played,” Rainbow stated.

“As would be expected. You wouldn’t be the mare I know if you just took what you were taught and didn’t own it. Am I right, Miss Apple?”

“Uh...” Applejack was at a loss.

“Go on, Dashie. You were tipped over the edge playing Battle Clouds.”

Rainbow nodded. “Well, I kept allowing my mind to wander to flying, and the clouds, and how much I wanted to get out!”

Lilly gave her a tight squeeze. “I get it Dash. You wouldn’t be the first pegasus.”

“Well, in trying to bring me back into reality and cleaning up a mess, Applejack got hurt again. I woke up out of my daze to—” Rainbow started to shake, her eyes welling with tears as they started to fall down her face. “Th-then I-I-I hurt all of them! I jumped out a window! I started hitting them.”

Lilly pulled Rainbow into a tight hug, her eyes going to Applejack in the adjacent bed. The orange farm mare was crying just as hard. “Ah was so scared!” Applejack confessed. “Fluttershy was almost in pieces over it.”

“I can imagine,” Lilly said with a sad sigh. “I bet it brought back some bad memories for her.”

“What do ya mean?” Applejack asked.

“That was the night before last’s dream,” Rainbow confessed.

Applejack looked between the two. “What happened?”

“Ever heard of the Pega Pox?” Lilly asked.

“No,” Applejack replied.

The pink mare frowned, shaking her head sadly. “It’s a normal foal’s disease. Rainbow got hit pretty hard with it.”

Rainbow took a deep breath. “It was so scary!” she confessed. “With all the—” She took a shaky breath. “Nothing was as it should have been!”

Lilly gave her another tight squeeze. “Talking about it will help, Dash.”

Rainbow nodded. “Dad helped a lot. But everything just... glittered and shone, moving in weird ways. That is the way it was this time. Then my hooves hurt! And my wings and—”

“So, what are the connections between then and now?” Lilly asked.

Rainbow froze. “Connections?”

“Guilt? Then you felt guilty for putting so much of a burden on your mother and taking so much extra time from your father’s busy life. Now, you feel guilty for hurting Applejack and endangering her,” Lilly explained. “Then, you couldn’t really use your wings because of the disease. It makes you loose feathers too quickly. Now you have a broken wing, so you can’t use them. Then you became absent because of a raging fever. What caused it this time, Rainbow?”

Rainbow paused. “Lack of sleep?” she asked hopefully. “That is what Luna said at least.”

With a nod, Lilly gave Rainbow another squeeze around her withers. “So, why has my little munchkin not been sleeping? Hum? Can I make a guess?”

“I’m not a foal!” Rainbow complained.

Applejack started chuckling to herself again. “Lilly, we’ve got ta get ya over here more often! Ah don’t think ah’ve ever seen this side of Dash!”

“I knew her when she was small, that is all,” Lilly said in rhyme. “So, Rainbow?”

“I’m not.” Rainbow glowered over at Applejack.

“You know sleep is important.” Her look hardened once more. “Don’t, Dash. I’m just as guilty as you in this area.”


“I’ve only had about six hours of sleep since leaving the Center yesterday just after lunch! And before then... Six is about average. Grammy had this motto I live by: I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”

A smile crept onto the faces of both mares. “‘I’ll sleep when ah’m dead.’” Applejack said. “Ah’ve got ta remember that next time Granny tells me ta go to bed durin’ harvest.”

“My grandmother died young, Applejack. She never even reached sixty,” Lilly said firmly. “It’s not a healthy way of life in the least. So Rainbow, why have you not been sleeping?”

“Well, spring beds are a bit hard. And… I was afraid Applejack would get hurt.”

“Loyal to the bitter end.” Lilly sighed.

“What’s loyal about causing,” Rainbow gestured to her body, then to Applejack, “this?”

“You two are athletes, right?” Lilly asked.

“Yeah,” the other two said together.

“End of story,” Lilly said. “Loyalty isn’t just to other ponies. It also could be to a way of life or a personal code.”

“Like’s Spike’s Dragon Code?” Applejack inquired.

Lilly rose both eyebrows. “Dragons don’t have a code... not one I’d want to follow.”

“He wrote it himself,” Rainbow said.

“Probably, in that case,” Lilly chuckled, shaking her head. “It’s good for a colt to have a code of honor. And for a dragon without a culture—I can see it. You are right. Alright Rainbow, there’s more to this, isn’t there?”

“More to what?” Dash asked.

“Don’t play innocent with me, young lady. You didn’t sleep last night for more than just a rough bed. You are squirming like a foal that got caught with the cookie jar.”

Rainbow Dash gulped. “It’s private.”

Lilly raised an eyebrow. “And it’s bothering you... and Scootaloo.”

“How—What makes you so sure she’s part of it?” Rainbow was feeling even more uneasy.

“You just confirmed it, Miss Dash. What happened?” Lilly pressed.

With a frown, Rainbow tried to squirm her way out of this topic. Her mind raced. However, no matter what she did, it returned right back to the moment the day before when she had yelled at Scootaloo. Then to Twilight’s words: “It wasn’t because he shined his armor I respected him, but rather, because he showed me the cracks.”

“Lilly, do you know Captain Shining Armor?”

A silly smile spread across Lilly’s face as she nodded. “Yep, sure do.”

“Did you know him when he was little?” Rainbow continued.

“Not when he was very young, but Cadance and I had flight lessons together. So I met him after Cadance started foalsitting Twilight,” Lilly said. “What about it?”

“Do you ever remember a time when he got hurt and had to get relieved from duty for a while?” Rainbow asked, again not hitting upon the topic.

Lilly’s eyes went to the ceiling, using the blank space to view the past with her mind’s eye. “Let’s see now, I know it happened a few times. Every private goes through a few bumps and bruises, especially ones who are shield ponies, like he is.” She took a deep breath. “What are you getting at?”

“Well, last night, Twilight said there was one time that Shining Armor got hurt and came home, and when she saw the flaws in his armor he… she... She respected him more?”

“Oh,” Lilly hummed. “Well, the same thing happened with me and Zap. As I’ve already said, I was always kinda rough and tumble, but because of the treatment I’d received from a few colts growing up, I feared colts. Not stallions, but from about five until around fifteen. When Zap hit that age I... panicked. He’s a sweet kid. But in him I kept seeing those two or three colts that used to beat me up. I was afraid. He didn’t understand why I’d gone from warm, friendly sister to cold monster so fast. I had to explain to him that I was afraid, And… We had to work through that together. Fear is a powerful thing.”

Rainbow frowned. “So you think I need to… talk to her too?”

“Rainbow,” Lilly sighed, pulling her into another hug. “I think that’s the only way. And if you think she’s too young to get it, then just stop. She’s going to create some big monster in her mind unless you tell her the truth. The full truth. Honesty is the only way out of this one, both for you, and for her. Zap helped me overcome my fear of colts. Scootaloo can help you with your fear as well. Never. Ever. Underestimate a pony’s ability to understand. You aren’t the only pony out there that is there for her friends.”

With a wince, Rainbow Dash frowned. “But how? I mean… she’ll hate me?”

Lilly laughed. “Do you think my brother hates me because I was afraid of colts? No, of course not! If Scootaloo really respects you as a pony and not just as an icon, then no matter what you do, she’ll support you and try to help you through it. ‘A careful mare I have to be, my baby sister is watching me. I dare not to go astray for she will go the self-same way.’”

Rainbow Dash glared. “Oh, none of that mushy stuff!”

“Let me go tell my sister to send Scootaloo up,” Lilly said, scooping up her book and the quill in her wing.

“How do ya do that?” Applejack asked.

“Do what?” Lilly hummed.

“Write with the quill in yer’ wing?”

Once finished writing, Lilly brushed away the turbulence feathers revealing the three stubs. “Remember Williwaw had claws? Well, that’s a phantom trait. I don’t have full claws, but I do have stubs. I just nestle the quill on in there, and that’s the end of it.”

“Now that’s 20% cooler!” Dash exclaimed.

Lilly rolled her eyes, shaking her head and saying nothing.

“Hey Lil’, ya don’t mind if ah call ya Lil’ do ya?” Applejack asked.

Lilly shrugged. “Eh, go ahead. It’s just sounds. So, what can I do for you Miss Apple?”

“Shoot, AJ’s fine.” Applejack blushed. “Just wonderin’ ‘bout that hat. It’s not often ya’ meet a pegasus who likes hats like that.”

Lilly removed the silver stetson, rubbing it fondly before returning it to her head. “I won it at a rodeo several years ago.”

“Pegasus in the rodeo. That just ironic.” Applejack scratched the top of her own head.

Lilly nodded. “My Papaw got me into it when I was little. I only ever did barrel racing. I loved the challenge of seeing how close I could get, how fast I could go, without actually breaking the rules. And as you well know, if you compete, you have to wear a hat. If you lose your stetson, you lose points.”

Applejack smiled and nodded. “Eeyup! Do they really let ya’ compete though? Ah always thought pegasi were excluded, because of their advantage of flight.”

“As long as I don’t knock over a barrel and I don’t use my wings for flying,” Lilly stated.

“So you use your wings?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Lilly nodded. “Sure do. I’ve made enough mistakes with my technique that it’s allowed.”

Applejack chuckled. “Really?”

Lilly nodded. “In truth Dash, I’ve been meaning to show you without Scootaloo being around. I’d teach her, but I really think this should come from you.”

She stepped away from the beds, walking over to the door before breaking into a gallop with the help of two flaps of her wings. Once up to speed, she ran eight paces, before snapping her wings open, stopping in half the time it normally took. “My technique makes it easier for me to switch from trot to gallop and back again in half the time, shaving nearly three seconds off my time.”

“That. Was. AWESOME!” Rainbow cried.

Applejack frowned. “And they let ya’ do that?”

Lilly nodded. “In action on a field, it’s a whole lot of fun. I’ve accidentally flown before, and the moment I do, I’m out. It’s tricky because it’s so easy to take off when all you are trying to do is speed up. And with the slow down part, it’s easy to just shove the barrels over, and as you know, you touch a barrel, you are out. It’s tricky, but I’ve made it work. I’ll show you the slowdown in slow motion.”

She stepped between the beds. “First, I open straight out, angled more in reverse. Then, I scoop them downwards as I drop my weight into my hind hooves, going into a skid-like motion while using my wings as extra breaks.” She demonstrated several times. “I used to practice by sweeping floors using my wings.”

“YUCK!” Rainbow cringed. “Why?!”

Lilly blinked. “Because it’s a good exercise.” Just then there was a knock on the crystal door. Lilly’s ears perked up. Fluttering over, she opened it.

“Catstitch said I was wanted,” Scootaloo said. The orange filly looked a tad uneasy.

Lilly nodded. “Your sister needs a hug,” she said simply. “I figured you were the only one who could do the job correctly.”

Scootaloo blushed. “I’ll do my best.”

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

First thing, the letter system. This is something Arrow eluded to in the chapter. In Dressage, they will put signs up with different letters on them. This is so we don't get turned around in a class. The rhyme and reason behind the letters is still unclear to me. But I hope someday to figure out why they are in the order they are in.

Barrel Racing; In MLP we've seen Rodeos are mainly done by earth-ponies. That doesn't mean the other's can't compete, just we don't see it that often. In this sport, there are a few key rules.

1. Your Hat stays on at all times.
2. Don't touch the barrels. (Knocking them over is the end of your ride.)
3. And in MLP; No flying. :derpytongue2:

Well, Mom wants to go for a walk, so I've got to go. Chapter 39, Between Sisters, will be coming out April 30th.

Another thing I'm going to start trying to do is making these chapters longer. This chapter, and the next kind of go together, (As many of these had) If I was Calm Wind, the last ten chapters would have been combined into three. This story is getting up there with the giants. (We are going on 200K) So it's time I start stepping up my game. The thing is, If I do this, there will no longer be defined dates of when chapters are coming out.

Another thing, We are almost to the next section of the story. Just four more chapters to the transition. So, hang on.

Till next time;

Cowgirl Out.

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