• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

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Chapter Four: Coming Home

Twilight raced around her castle double checking everything. The kitchen was stocked, the rooms were ready, and the floors were swept; nothing out of place. These were just her friends coming to live with her for a while, but she could not help but feel anxious. What if something went wrong?

Spike followed on her heels, his list in claw. "Twilight, we have already checked the kitchen twice."

"Right!" she exclaimed. Twilight had gotten everyone in the entire castle up before the sun in order to be sure everything was as it should be.

"Come on Twi, maybe we should go sit down and wait for the group to arrive. They said they would be here at seven. That’s ten minutes from now."

Twilight nodded. "I know Spike, but what if I'm forgetting something?"

Spike sighed. "If you're forgetting something, you're forgetting something. No big deal. You have given out the assignments, and now you need to trust the crew to do their job so you can do yours."

Twilight nodded. "I know, it's just-"

Spike nodded. "I understand Twi." He led his almost-mother down the stairs and into the throne room. Twilight walked around the room, gazing once more at the decorations that Rarity and Pinkie had put up. A huge banner hung on the back of the room that said “Get well soon!” The rest of the room was strewn with more balloons and streamers than Pinkie's own bedroom.

Twilight smiled. "I sure hope AJ's strong enough to come home today."

Spike nodded. "She didn't look too well to me last night, but I am glad we were able to get her her hat. She looked so much happier with it."

Twilight nodded. "I wish I had remembered to grab it when we came to the hospital in the first place, but -"

"Don't blame yourself Twi. She was in no condition to care one way or the other."

Twilight sighed. "I don't know, there was something on her mind, but she couldn't get out. I have a feeling it was that hat."

Spike shook his head. "I do hope she is feeling better this morning."

Twilight nodded. The door opened to admit the rest of the gang and a very tired looking Big Mac. Twilight stood up. "Everypony ready?" she asked.

The group nodded. "Everything is out in the wagon." Fluttershy said.

Twilight nodded. "Alright, we'll take Dash's stuff to her room, then we'll head to the hospital."


"Rise and shine Miss Applejack. Breakfast is served."

Applejack groaned, yawned, then stretched. "Mornin' Nurse Redheart."

"How are you feeling this morning?"

Applejack thought for a moment. "Better than I did yesterday."

Nurse Redheart smiled. "I can imagine. You didn't look very well at all. Alright, I want you to take your medicine, then I'll help you over to the restroom and then breakfast. Alright?"

Applejack nodded. "Where's Dash?"

"In there," the nurse said, nodding to the restroom as she grabbed two cups off the tray, one with water and the other with the medicines, and handed them to Applejack.

Applejack took the medication quickly, making a face at the flavor. "Yuck."

Nurse Redheart smiled. "You aren't supposed to eat it, you’re supposed to just swallow it."

"Ah know, that stuff still doesn't taste all that good."

Dash giggled as she exited the far room and made her way to her bed. "It's all yours AJ."

Applejack suddenly looked a little uncomfortable.

"Nurse, would you mind if I helped AJ?" Dash asked.

"I'm not sure Miss Dash. Remember what the doctor said."

"Actually Nurse," Applejack said. "Ah think I would rather Dash help..."

Nurse Redheart shook her head. "I'm sorry Miss Applejack, but I can't allow it due to her condition. If something were to happen, given her condition, she would not be able to help."

Applejack looked blankly at the nurse. "Doesn't she only have broken wings?"

Dash shook her head. "No AJ. I guess you must have been asleep during that discussion, but I am not that far behind you health-wise. Being tossed by that twister was actually a lucky break that saved me from getting any worse."

Applejack stared at her gauze-wrapped barrel.

"Come on Miss Applejack. You have to be able to get there and back before we can let you go home," the nurse said softly.

Applejack nodded. "Ah know." Slowly she eased herself onto the floor. One hoof, two hooves, three, then four. She leaned against the bed with her eyes closed. The pain wasn't as intense as it had been the day before, but she was still very stiff. She took a deep breath. She could feel Nurse Redheart beside her. She opened her eyes, stared at her goal, then charged. Each step was firm and solid, evenly spaced. Remembering what the doctor had told her the day before, she was careful not to make large steps for fear of the pain. She had made that mistake on the way back the day before and had ended up collapsing, the muscles in her stomach and back spasming, protesting their abuse.

About half way there she paused to catch her breath. The nurse said nothing, but looked her over with an experienced eye. "You’re doing much better today."

"Not as good as ah would like," Applejack responded, once more locking her eyes onto her target. The rest of the journey went without a hitch, and besides breathing hard and a slight throb in her midsection, she felt great. "Uh, Nurse, would you mind staying outside?"

Nurse Redheart hesitated. "I'll tell you what. I'll stay outside, but leave the door cracked so at the first sound of trouble-"

"There won't be any," Applejack said flatly.

The nurse smiled. "Alright. Do your business."

Applejack went in and in a few minutes came back out. True to her word, there were no problems. However, she did feel slightly tired. The way back to the bed was slower than the journey from it. She was determined though. She would not, not for a second, lose the challenge. Step by step, foot by foot, she made her way back. Nothing else was important. She heard nothing and saw nothing, save for her goal. The soft, warm, inviting bed.

Finally, the destination was reached. She flopped onto it, heaving and exhausted from the short walk. She smiled and suddenly realized that there were more than just three in the room but nine. And the rest of the group was cheering.

"Ah, that ain't necessary," she said, blushing. "It's just a short walk."

"Darling, that isn't nothing," Rarity beamed. "That is a huge improvement!"

Applejack shrugged. "Just don't expect me to go much further than that. Ah don't know if ah could make it."

"Anything is better than yesterday," Fluttershy beamed.

Applejack finished situating herself into her bed. Then the nurse handed her her breakfast and left.

"So how are you feeling?" Twilight asked.

Applejack shrugged. "Honestly Twi, tired. Ah didn't know walking could make a pony weary, but that is how ah feel right now."

Twilight nodded.

"Hey Twi!" Dash said from the other bed.

"Don't push yourself too hard AJ," Twilight said before she crossed over to Dash's bed.

Applejack turned her attention to her breakfast. A small serving of hot grits with green bits in it that she decided must be broccoli. Not all that appetizing, but hospitals were not known for their food either. She ate without making too many faces. Suddenly, she felt a presence beside her. She looked up to see her brother. She smiled. "Hey Big Mac. How's the farm? Anything change that I should know about?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Nope."

"Figures," she said

"Apple Bloom misses you."

"Then maybe I should go home instead of to Twilight's."

Big Mac shook his head. "Nope. Ah want you there so you can rest."

Applejack sighed. "Ah know." She returned to her food. There wasn't very much, so it was finished quickly. Big Mac removed the tray then pulled his sister into a hug.

"Get better soon Sis. And ah don't want you worrying about the farm. That's my job, alright?"

Applejack nodded, hugging him back. The homesick feeling returned in her gut. "So do you know if they'll let me out today?"

Big Mac shook his head, releasing his sister from the hug.


Dash led Twilight and the other girls out of the room and into the hall as Big Mac talked to his sister.

"What is it Dashie?" Pinkie asked in a hushed tone as soon as they had closed the door.

"Girls, there is something you need to know. I don't know if AJ will tell you either."

The group grew quiet waiting for Dash to continue.

"Last night I... she... it..." Dash sighed. "I woke up in the middle of the night and when I went to check on AJ..." She trailed off again.

"Go on Dash... what happened?" Twilight said worried.

"She was very upset. More upset than I think I have ever seen her. She is embarrassed." Dash paused again, studying the looks on her friends’ faces.

"But why would Applejack feel embarrassed?" Rarity asked.

"Because," said Fluttershy. "Her strength is what makes her... her."

"And she is now looking at two months of not using it," Dash added.

The group was silent for a minute.

"She told me something else," Dash continued. "She... she said that every vibration in the room... she could feel."

Twilight nodded. "I suspected as much."

Pinkie deflated some. "Poor AJ."

"Now that," Rarity said. "Is something Applejack doesn't need. What a pity. Her pride is in her strength. With it gone-”

"She will only get more upset," Twilight finished.

"Then what do we do?" Pinkie asked.

"She needs to feel useful," Dash said. "She feels like a burden at the moment, that we are babying her."

"But she isn't able to do much for herself right now," Rarity observed.

"That's just it," Twilight said. "There isn't much she can do. But as we find things she can do for herself, or help us do, let’s let her decide whether or not she wants to do it."

The group nodded.

"Now Dash," Rarity said. "How are you doing?"

Dash suddenly looked uncomfortable. "I'm not the priority-"

"Nonsense, you are just as important as Applejack," Rarity stated. "Now that you have reveled dear Applejack's feelings, it is time for you let us know how you feel."

"Rarity, I think we should give Dash some space. She'll tell us when she's ready," Twilight intervened after an uncomfortable pause. "Shall we go back in?"


"Oh come on Big Mac! You like her! Admit it," Applejack teased her brother.

"AJ, I'll ask when I think it is time."

"Maybe my friends and ah should-"


"Big Mac! Don't you want to have a unique engagement?"


Applejack chucked. "You’re right. Ah guess I would want it done traditionally myself."


Applejack shook her head, still softly chuckling to herself. "Ah love you Brother."


"Cat got your tongue?"

Big Mac glared. "Nope."

Applejack chuckled once more.

"Excuse me, am I interrupting?"

Applejack glanced up. "Of course not Sugarcube. What is it?"

Rarity placed a small box on Applejack's lap. "I made you something. I do hope you like it."

Applejack raised an eyebrow then opened the box. The eyebrow climbed as she pulled the item out of the box. Applejack turned the brown and green vest-like thing around a couple of times. "Alright Rar, ah'm stumped. What is it?"

Rarity looked hurt. "It's a girdle!"

Applejack shook her head. "Alright Rarity, why do ah need a girdle?"

Rarity sighed. "I didn’t think you’d want to go anywhere with that gauze wrapped around you, so I made you something with the same support, but a little more fabulous!"

Applejack shook her head and smiled. "Rarity, ah don't know what to say! "

Rarity smiled. "Just a little something to make your life a little easier."

"Thank you. What would ah do without you?"

"Overlook the small stuff."

Applejack smiled and nodded. Just then there was a knock at the door. The knob turned and Doctor Stable entered. "Good morning ladies, did you all sleep well last night?"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash both nodded.

The doctor made his way over to Dash first. Applejack lay back in her bed and closed her eyes, suddenly tired. This just wasn't right! She hadn't done anything that day and she was once again exhausted.

Rarity said nothing as she gazed down at her friend. Before she knew it, the doctor was beside her. "We need to get her out of here," Rarity said softly.

Doctor Stable nodded. "I agree. She doesn't look to good emotionally, and being here is only going to make it worse."

"So are ya going to release me today?" Applejack asked, not opening her eyes.

"That still depends on you," the doctor replied.

Applejack sighed. "And?"

"The nurse said you were able to walk across the room and back this morning on your own, which is a good sign. But I am going to need a bit more out of you before I can clear you to leave."

Applejack's heart sank lower than it was.

"Not like that Miss Applejack," he reassured her. "You injured a very sensitive part of your body. And if something were to go wrong..." He trailed off allowing her to draw her own conclusion. "Alright, I am going to lay down a few rules for the next few weeks. Number one: No stairs. Your body can't handle them right now, nor will it be able to for several weeks. Number two: Don't travel alone. If something were to happen, you are going to need somepony there to help you. I don't want you back in here tomorrow hemorrhaging because you decided to have a tour of the castle." He let that sink in for a second. "Number three: Eat regularly and try to keep the food soft. Applesauce, bananas, grits, oats... at least for a few weeks. I'm putting Dash on the same diet, so don't feel like I'm picking on you."

Applejack nodded.

"Last, but not least, make sure you get plenty of sleep."

"Ah’m guessin that that is important cuz ah do believe that's the fifth time you've said that."

The doctor nodded. "Alright," he said, brightening. "Now let's talk about getting you two out of here."


The good news was that Applejack was getting out of there. The bad news... in a wheel chair. Applejack pulled her stetson down over her eyes as Rarity pushed her through the long halls of the hospital. Rarity rambled on and on as they walked about her newest line she was designing.

She tried not to think about her position or anything else. Not allowed to do any of the walking herself! Applejack cringed, trying to disappear.

"Oh Darling! I don't know, maybe I should add the.. no.. maybe!" Rarity said dramatically.

Applejack ignored her. She was not in the mood to puzzle out Rarity at that moment.

"Are we playing peek-a-boo AJ?" Pinkie asked tipping the hat back to reveal her face. She dropped the hat and lifted it back up, going full force into the game while walking backwards the whole time.

"Pinkie!" Applejack protested.

"Peek-a-boo! Where is laughter? PEEK-A-BOO!"

"Pinkie!" Applejack tried to get a firmer grip on both the smile that was creeping onto her face and the hat that kept getting tipped up.

Pinkie changed her approach. "Where is Honesty? Oh where is Honesty? PEEK-A-BOO!"

"Pinkie, ah ain't a foal! Will ya quit that!"

"Of course not silly!" Pinkie chirped. "You are down in the dumpy wumpies, and I am not going to let you stay there!" With that, Pinkie returned to the game of peek-a-boo.

"Twilight! HELP!" Applejack cried.

“Hey Applejack! Are you going to eat your cupcake?” Pinkie exclaimed, her nose pressed against Applejack’s.


Before she had time to answer, Pinkie’s long pink tongue lashed out and caught the still uneaten cupcake from Rarity’s back and wolfed it down in a single bite.

“You called?” Twilight asked.

Applejack sighed. “PINKIE!” She hissed from between her teeth and under the hat. Pinkie Pie, however was now picking on poor Rainbow Dash.


Finally they were all out the doors and into the wagon. The trip between the hospital and Friendship Castle was far less painful for Applejack than the previous trip between the farm and hospital. For starters, it was a whole lot slower. Big Mac was taking his precious time going around or slowly through every single bump and dip in the road. That, and they had filled the wagon with a whole lot more straw.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof was having a horrible time of it. Out under the bright blue sky, her wings twitched beneath their wrappings to break free and fly into the bright blue yonder.

She tried everything, including trying to strike up a discussion with the very silent Applejack. It was to no avail. FLY! SHE HAD TO FLY!!!

No, she needed to sit still and be quiet... Where was PINKIE? Pinkie, of course, had gotten distracted once again by a balloon.

Rainbow Dash sighed, trying to focus on something other than that bright blue sky above her. Her bright blue sky. Her bright blue sky that was calling her name to rearrange the clouds because the team (she thought) had not done it right!

Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head. “Uh... Flutters... how’s... that is... Tank.”

Fluttershy’s wing twitched just slightly. “Oh! I left him with Angel this morning. Angel is waxing his shell for him. There were a few cracks...”

Rainbow Dash sighed. She crossed her hooves in front of her and lay her head on them, biting her lip. She was not going to protest her state. This was all her fault! She had hurt Applejack, and Dash needed to stay strong for her.

“UGG they were going so SLOW! Couldn’t they go just a LITTLE faster? Just a TAD!” Dash chided herself for these thoughts. How could she? Every time anyone thumped, Applejack felt it! Applejack needed them to go slow! But Dash needed speed! “Slow was... for Earth Ponies!” Dash bit her lip again. She once more chided herself. Yes, she liked speed but speed is not what they needed right now. They needed to go slowly.

After what seemed like forever, they arrived at Friendship Castle. Fluttershy and Big Mac stayed with them while the rest of the group went inside to fetch something. Once they had fetched what looked like a modified version of Celestia's chariot, Twilight helped them down out of the wagon and onto the rickshaw. Flash and another pegasus guard pulled it and them inside to the throne room.

Rainbow Dash half gasped and half laughed when she saw what Rarity and Pinkie had done with the large room. It was obvious they had had a few disagreements when it came to style and decorations and had decided to go with a mix of their ideas.

Dash glanced at Applejack. The orange mare had a profound look of confusion on her face. This was understandable. From history of watching their friends, it was obvious that the two of them had worked together on this. And technically, it all went together... if crazy and classy could mix. Rarity had fitted each throne with an elegantly stitched and padded chair cover. Then, Pinkie had covered them with streamers and balloons. The whole room had been elegantly mixed with the crazy combination.

Once the rickshaw hit the ground, Dash slid off and wandered, half amused, half bemused, around the room and to her throne. Twilight had already lifted Applejack over to hers.

“What happened in here?” Dash laughed. “Really! I can understand Cheese and Pinkie, but Rarity? How?”

Rarity looked hurt. “You mean you don’t like it? We thought that maybe we could-”

“It looks very nice Sugar, just,” Applejack paused. “Unexpected.”

Rainbow Dash started laughing harder. “Unexpected!” Her voice cracked as she let out a very loud. “Ow!!!”

“You alright Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “I guess. Just a bit sore.”

Pinkie turned on the music and pulled Vinyl Scratch out from under a table, and the party began.

Author's Note:

Bit shorter than what I wanted but... pinkie scares me.... :twilightblush:... Thank you all for reading, don't be afraid to share your opinions in the comments. :eeyup: Chapter Five will be coming out December 27th. I'll give you a clue... Discord takes over!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the story so far.

Cowgirl OUT!

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