• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Twenty-two: Breakables.

Steady could hear Lilly bantering back and forth with her two family members. Despite what was going on inside, his duty was to obey his orders and stay outside of the cave with Arrow. Not having much else to do, he removed the lamb from his withers and watched it as it made a slow search of the cliff face they sat upon.

“I don’t know if that was a good idea,” Arrow observed.

Steady raised an eyebrow.

“I mean, he ran away last time, what if he jumps off or something?”

Steady pondered this for a moment. Slowly, he stood up and walked over to where Gertrude was examining the cliff’s edge. “Come on, I don’t think you should be there,” he told the lamb.

Arrow giggled. “I think you actually have to touch it!” she laughed.

Steady raised an eyebrow, then nodded. Reaching out a hoof, he tapped the lamb on its back. “Excuse me Gertrude, I think you need to step away from the cliff’s edge.”

“That’s not how it’s done,” Zap said from behind them. “That’s a good way to push it off the edge.” With his magic, he lifted the little lamb up and dropped it in front of him. “NO!” he scolded it firmly, a spark of magic exploding on its nose.

“BAAA!” Gertrude whined.

“She,” Zap corrected. “No danglies.” He said pointing at the lamb’s underside. “And its marker is in its right ear. That means it’s a ewe, not a ram. Rams have it in their left ears,” he explained simply.

Arrow examined Gertrude. “Really!” she said in awe.

Zap laughed. “You are such a city pony,” he chuckled. “Now I'm going to hang out with my Bros. See you guys later.” With that, he teleported away.

Steady and Arrow both glanced between where Zap had been standing and to where Gertrude stood nibbling on a bit of mountain grass.

“Fascinating,” Steady mused, processing what Lilly’s younger brother had said.

Arrow giggled, “Is that all you have to say, big guy?”

Steady raised an eyebrow, studying his younger cousin.

“It’s AMAZING!" Arrow swooned. "I didn’t know that. Did Lilly tell you that? Does she know? Maybe we should-”

Steady sighed, shaking his head.

“Alright, what’s going on?”

Steady snapped to attention and spun about, facing the still-smoking cave entrance. There stood Lilly. “Arrow! What are you doing?”

Steady glanced at Arrow out of the corner of his eye. Arrow was still walking around the ewe, looking it over, glancing at its tag, then back at the ewe itself. He then looked over to Lilly. Lilly, quite darkened from the dust and grime of being inside the soot filled cave, had her right hoof hiding her face. “Or do I want to know?” she asked.

“You don’t,” Steady answered her.

Lilly sighed, “Alright team, let’s head out. Situation here is under control.” She took a few steps, not glancing back at Arrow.

“NO! NO! N-N-No!” Arrow suddenly started hollering. Steady glanced over at the lamb, which was now chewing on a corner of a little plastic sign that read ‘Zappin’ Workshop.’ “Please no! Captain! She’s going to die if she eats this!”

Lilly sighed and glanced over her shoulder, then started chuckling. “No she won’t!” she exclaimed.

Steady raised an eyebrow. “But Cap-”

“She won’t die because she can’t eat that! Gertrude is a baby!” Lilly said, as if the information was obvious. “She’s just tasting it, like all babies do.” She then turned and walked on.

“But!” Arrow protested.

Lilly paused and turned. “Arrow, pick her up and carry her! She’s a baby!”

Arrow started trembling, so Steady walked forward and, using his wings, hoisted the lamb back up and on his shoulders. On the way up, he thumped Gertrude on the nose gently. “No,” he ordered, forcing the lamb to drop its chew toy. “I don’t think you should eat that.”

Lilly chuckled from up ahead. “Not bad, but needs work,” she commented. “Alright you two, let’s take that lamb home before her mother forgets she has a lamb to take care of. Happens, you know! Sheep are the dumbest creatures alive.”

“Her mother, forget?” Arrow gasped, looking horrified at the thought.

Lilly nodded. “Happens. Are you two coming or not?” she sighed. “We need to get this little gal home.”

Steady started walking, but Arrow stood gaping at Lilly in shock. “FORGET?!” she blurted once more.

Lilly sighed, then turned and made her way back to the youngest member of her team. “Listen Arrow, animals aren’t like ponies. They... have issues we don’t have. Sheep are...” She took a deep breath. “I know this is hard for you to believe, and/or accept, but a ewe can and does forget she even has a baby if she’s kept away from it from too long. Many lambs have had to be bottle fed because we can’t get the ewe to take back her baby after it wandered off. Sheep are just like that. There is nothing I nor you can do to change that sad fact. It’s why there are shepherds taking care of the sheep; if not, they would all have died off years ago. If their memory wouldn’t have killed them, that thick coat or clumsiness would have. Now, if we don’t get going, the sun will set before we can get back to the house. Besides, don’t you want to see the rest of the flock?”

Arrow sighed, but finally nodded. Lilly placed a wing over the younger mare’s back and pulled her close. Arrow glanced up, her eyes a bit puffy. “Will Gertrude’s mother reject her?”

Lilly sighed, “There is only one way to find out. She’s old enough that if it does happen, we’ll only have to bottle feed her for two weeks at most. She’s already tasting, so it won’t be long ‘till she’s eating.”

The meadows where Lilly’s family kept their sheep lay on the other side of Eagle’s Peak from Lilly’s actual home. As soon as they were well away from Zap’s cave and the mountain it lay in, she led her team up and into the sky once more. She took the left side of Steady while Arrow taking the right, both of them watching for any sign of the lamb leaping to its doom.

Despite it being early summer, the mountain peaks were still lightly dusted in snow, and the shadows and deeper ravines lay thick with the treacherous white stuff. Once through the pass, they entered a very secure valley structure with a slow river and hundreds upon hundreds of sheep, all grazing on the thick, lush grass.

Steady took a sharp intake of breath.

“Pretty, ain’t it?” Lilly smirked.

“Cold-” Steady observed.

“COLD!” Arrow exclaimed loudly. “COLD! All this and all you can say is COLD!”

Steady raised an eyebrow at the now giggling Lilly. “Captain, I do-”

“Steady! I’m home? It’s Lilly here. And no I don’t act like a captain when I’m home,” she said haughtily. “Did I ever introduce you to my breakable cousins?” She asked, hastily changing topics.


But Lilly had dashed off at top speed towards a bright purple mare with a black stetson. Only a few strands of neon green mane stuck out. She wore her green tail in a tight braid just like Lilly’s. Or maybe Lilly wore hers like the mare did. Steady at that moment was unsure. The mare’s cutie mark was a shepherd’s crook.

“AUNT WISTERIA!” Lilly cried.

The mare looked up. “TOO FAST, SONGBIRD!” she cried. “YER’ GUNNA SPOOK THE-”

Lilly pulled up landing inches from the earth mare, throwing both forelimbs about her neck.

“Songbird, don’t you think you are a-” She gasped, “Old for this?”

Lilly giggled, “Nope!”

Aunt Wisteria shook her head. “What brings you-”

Lilly pointed to the lamb on Steady’s back. The purple mare visibly relaxed. “Oh, Gertrude!” she said in relief. “There you are!”

“Yeah, found her out in Hawk Canyon.”

The mare shook her head. “That makes all of them then. Thank you so much! I thought for sure she was a goner. This is the eighth time this week!”

“Why haven’t you-” Lilly began.

Aunt Wisteria hung her head and shook it. “Ah ain’t my Pa, Songbird, and you know it. Ah can’t just-” She cringed. “Do that!”

“If you don’t, the lamb will never learn obedience or trust!” Lilly exclaimed. “You can’t-”

“Ah’ll hear nothing of it, Song. Ah know my job. You could have easily stayed home and helped, ya know that.”

Lilly cringed. “My place is at the center.”

Lilly’s aunt sighed and nodded. “I know. Alright, let’s get her back with her Ma. Before we have problems.”

Steady placed the lamb into Aunt Wisteria's care. Arrow blubbered at its side, saying a sorry farewell to the lamb.

Aunt Wisteria touched the edge of her stetson. “Grown attached, we see.”

Lilly laughed. “Aunt Wisteria, these are my teammates, Sharp Arrow and Steady Flyer.”

“AH!” her aunt exclaimed. “It’s so good to finally meet you at last! Son- Lilly has told me so much about you both!” she rambled.

“Uh, yeah,” Lilly gulped.

Her aunt chuckled. “Welcome to The Nest, you two. Let me introduce you to my own brood. BREAKABLES!” she yelled at the top of her lungs in the direction of the sheep. Within seconds, there was a marked disturbance from four different directions in the sheep’s ranks ensued. A few seconds later, four filles stood at attention beside their mother.

“Shine, take Gertrude back to her mother- again,” Wisteria said flatly. “Then come STRAIGHT back.”

The first one, an older lavender unicorn filly with a bright yellow mane and tail lifted the ewe in her magic and trotted off, the lamb bleating above her head.

“Alright,” Aunt Wisteria sighed, “I’m pleased to meet you both. These are my daughters. That one is Shinna Glass, this is Anda Glass, China Glass, and lastly, Crystal Glass.”

Anda was a green pegasus filly with a yellow mane and tail. China, an earth pony, was yellow with a red mane and tail. Crystal, another earth pony, was the same blue as Lilly’s mane, but she had a pink and white mane. Out of any of them, she looked the most like Lilly, just in reverse and without wings. None of the fillies had their manes done up, but were cut short to about their chins, their tails in a messy braid that needed a good combing out.

Steady bowed silently. Arrow giggled. “They are so adorable!” she cried.

Anda rolled her eyes. “Don’t let Shine hear you say that. You’d be MUD!”

Arrow giggled, “Wouldn’t do much harm, I’m already brown.”

Steady rolled his eyes. Turning his attention to the sheep roaming about the fields, Lilly continued to speak with her Aunt while Arrow conversed with Anda.

Turning his attention back to the younger two, he discovered them to no longer be where they had been standing a minute before.

“Look! I found a tree!”

“A grey tree? Trees ain’t grey! They’re green!”

Steady froze.

“Here is some green.” Something yanked his tail, hard.

He turned his head slowly. Attached to his hind left leg was Crystal. Hanging by her mouth from his tail was China. Steady gulped and turned back to Lilly, “Um? Captain?” His face paled, his freckles becoming all the more obvious as he realized he was on his own with two young fillies.

“Yeah right!” snapped Crystal. “That ain’t a tree! Those are vines!”

“IT’S A MOUNTAIN!” proclaimed China.

“Wow!” Crystal gasped, leaping to another of his hooves. “A mountain! Let’s see if we can climb it.”

“CLIMB MOUNT STEADY! YAY!” they cried together.

Steady froze, nothing short of being pushed would have moved him now. Not only were both of the two earth fillies hanging onto a hoof each, but now they were using hooves, teeth, noses, and everything else to attempt to get up his back. He did not need this. Of all things, he did not need this!

“Look! A cliff! A big grey cliff!” China declared. “See! I found a cliff!”

“Look! Look! I found a cliff!” Crystal said from his other side. “A W-I-N-G cliff!”

Steady felt both of his large wings yanked away from his body so that they were fully extended. His looked helplessly to Lilly, then to her aunt, then to Arrow, not one of them noticing his sorry situation.

“See! See! I found a cave! A big dark scary cave!” China snickered, sticking her hoof in his wing joint.

“I found another! I think I need a feather duster!” Crystal giggled.

“Captain?” Steady gulped. “Help?”

“A feather duster? Is there a Munster?” China asked.

“Yes China, there be a munster, a big, black, fuzzy munster,” Crystal said, keeping her face completely stoic. “I think we need to sit on the cliff!”

“On the cliff?” China asked, her brow furrowing as she thought through what her sister had just said. “OH! Yes, we need to sit up on the cliff. The W-I-N-G Cliff. To escape the big black, fuzzy munster!”

The younger sister suddenly gasped dramatically. “Oh no!” she cried in despair. “It isn’t a munster, it’s a BEAR!” she cried, swinging up so she sat on top of his wing, holding on for dear life.

This, to Steady’s delight and relief, caught all four of the mares’ attentions.

Arrow was the first to speak. “THEY LIKE YOU!” she cried unsympathetically.

“Actually,” Anda said quietly, “They are always like that.”

“GIRLS!” Lilly and Aunt Wisteria said at the same moment.

“I am so sorry Commander Flyer!” Aunt Wisteria fussed, rushing as fast as she could to remove the two naughty fillies from Steady’s open wings. “I don’t know how many times! GIRLS! Mind your manners, your father will hear about this when he gets home! I am SO sorry, don’t hold it against the girls! Or us!” Aunt Wisteria blubbered.

Steady nodded stiffly as Crystal reached forward and grabbed his ear. “Look mommy! A trap opener! Of this deep dark cave.”

Steady had chosen that moment to open his mouth to tell the purple mare it was fine. However, he could only manage a short and painful yip.

“GIRLS!” Aunt Wisteria scolded, gently removing her youngest’s hoof from Steady’s affronted ear. “That is no way to treat company!”

“It,” he coaked, “really is alright. They are but fillies.” He rubbed his sore wings and ear.

“LOOK!” China cried. “A mudslide!” She had climbed up on Arrow’s back and was now using her wing as a Slip & Slide. “WEEE! This is FUN!”

“Can I try?” Crystal exclaimed, escaping her mother’s grasp to join her sister’s horse play once more.

“CRYSTAL!” Aunt Wisteria cried helplessly.

Lilly laid a hoof on her aunt’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about Arrow. She’s probably enjoying it.”

“ROCK SLIDE!” Arrow suddenly cried, dropping to the ground then rolling over, scraping the fillies off into the grass, all three laughing as hard as they could.

Steady raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. “Fascinating.”

Aunt Wisteria sighed, “I am terribly sorry, Sir. I-”

Steady switched eyebrows. “They are fillies. There isn’t anything to apologize for.”

“Yes,” she said. “There is. They know better than to-”

Steady let his mouth slip into a slight smile. “You have two beautiful fillies Mrs. Glass. Very imaginative. That was,” he paused for a second, thinking, “very educational.”

Lilly giggled. “You did very well Steady.”

“OH NO! The cave bear ate her!” Arrow suddenly cried very loudly, the both glanced up to see China pinned beneath the brown mare. Arrow blowing Raspberries into the filly's neck.

“I’m not sure if I should... rescue them,” Aunt Wisteria said quietly.

Steady raised both eyebrows. “I think they are-” He paused. “Playing.”

Lilly laughed, “Arrow! Don’t crush her!”

Arrow paused. “I won’t.” Her momentary distraction gave China, Crystal, and now Anda a chance to overpower her. Somewhere, Anda had found a rope, and they were now hogtying the brown mare.

“WE CAPTURED THE BEAR!” Anda cried triumphantly.

“Oh NO!” sobbed Arrow, more in jest than for real.

Steady watched in awe as his cousin managed to keep all three fillies fully entertained with nothing more than herself and a rope. Somehow she had managed to slip her right forehoof out of the knot and was using it to slip the other three hooves from the grasp, growling playfully like a wild animal.

“That’s another thing,” Lilly said beside him. “Aunt Wisteria, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.”

“I don’t know Songbird, I’m rather swamped right now.” Her aunt sounded hesitant.

Steady flicked his ears back to listen better to the conversation while still taking notes on Arrow’s antics.

“It’s not what you think. You see, Arrow was supposed to stay at the center. I did not give her permission to follow me here,” Lilly explained. “And since I don’t know what the mission is, besides it being urgent, I don’t want to take her along. It could be highly dangerous.”

“Ah see, it looks as though she could handle herself,” Aunt Wisteria pointed out.

“I don’t doubt it. It’s the Elements I’m worried about. I’m not sure they could handle her. She is still quite young. And another thing, Arrow has been-” She bit her lip. “Moping this last week. Missing her family. She’s doing so well with the breakables, and I know Anda has been wishing to spend more time with a fellow pegasus, I thought it might be good for her. I should be back tomorrow evening about this time, then the day after that, I’ll take the whole crew up to Pegasus Lake for some much needed R&R. Get them out of your hair for a bit.”

Aunt Wisteria looked thoughtful. “Ah don’t know. Ah mean, we do have the sheep ta think about as well, and with Gertrude running-”

Lilly flashed her aunt a knowing smile. “Arrow’s pretty fast. Besides, remember what Papaw used to say: Never turn up help that can fly, they’ll never let you down.”

The older mare shook her head. “Yeah, Ah know what pa says. And he is right. Thing is Lil’, ah hardly know the-”

“She can stay with Mom overnight, then help you out here in the fields. Be as strict as you like, she can take it.”

Aunt Wisteria cocked her head the side, studying her niece thoroughly. “Strict?”

Lilly chuckled. “A pony who can keep up with these four can keep up with that clown! Besides, we both know you couldn’t hurt a fly if it was sitting on your nose.”

Aunt Wisteria blushed. “Songbird, ah-”

Anda, who had been listening, planted herself in front of her mother, leaving the two younger ones to continue to try to subdue the brown pegasus. “Mommy! Can we keep her?” she asked, giving her mother the biggest set of puppydog eyes Steady had ever seen.

“Anda, Ah hardly know Arrow! It’s not like babysitting-”

“MOMMY!” Anda blubbered, her lower lip just slightly trembling. “I want to have some time with my own!” she said, opening her wings, then closing them again. “I have NOPONY to play with! Nopony that understands me! I’m the only pegasus in the Valley!”

“There is Water Jewel and Lilly,” her mother pointed out, trying not to be affected by her daughter’s emotional manipulation.

“But mommy, Water Jewel is a baby, and Lilly is never HOME! PLEASE! Oh PLEASE can we have her?” she blubbered. “She’s even my age!”

Steady raised an eyebrow, glancing over to Lilly for confirmation. “She’s about three years older than you,” Lilly informed Anda.

“Close enough! I promise she won’t misbehave, mommy!” she said dramatically, hugging her mother’s forelegs. “Oh PLEASE mommy! PLEASE!”

Aunt Wisteria sighed, “Mr. Flyer, I know she is your responsibility. Is it alright with you if I care for your cousin for the next 24 hours?”

Steady smiled happily, giving a half-hearted glare in the direction of his captain. “You seem to be a responsible mare, and Lilly has told me much about you, so I consent.”

“Mommy, what does consent mean?” Anda asked, her tears vanishing as if they never were.

“It means, Yes,” Steady informed the green filly.

“HEAR THAT ARROW?” Anda cried gleefully, leaping upon the already sat upon mare, “You can stay with ME!” Her little wings buzzed as Anda flew a few feet in the air, spun, and landed once more in the lush grass. She then rushed back over to Steady and threw both forelimbs about his neck. “Mr. Flyer, you are the greatest.”

Steady stood frozen in place, uncertain of what to do. He glanced helplessly at Lilly. “Captain?”

Lilly chuckled. “Hug her back,” she whispered to him.

Both eyebrows flung straight upwards. “Hug?”

A sly smirk was all the response Lilly gave him back.

Hesitantly, his face devoid of all color, he raised his foreleg, gently returning the filly’s hug. “You are welcome, but I think you need to thank your Mother, not me,” he squeaked.

Anda threw herself at her mother this time, catching Lilly and dragging her into the hug as well.

“I don’t believe you.” The voice was like cold ice on a hot iron.

Steady glanced up. Shine had finally decided to come back. The unicorn leaned up against a pole, her front hooves crossed, her faces screwed up in disgust. “Anda, you are acting like an idiot! We don’t act like that.”

Steady glanced back. Lilly had her eyes closed and was counting. “I’m sorry to rush off on you, Aunt Wisteria, but Steady and I still need to meet with Catstitch. You coming to dinner?”

Her aunt nodded. “Ya, we all still have dinner in the big house.”

“Thanks again Auntie Wisty,” she slurred. “See ya then. Come on Freight.” She then heaved Steady’s bags back onto his shoulders, for the fillies had removed them during their antics. Steady found himself being dragged quickly back the way they had come.

“Captain?” Steady asked, once they were out of earshot. “May I ask-”

“Trust me Steady, you don’t want to get in the middle of that argument. I love my cousins, I really do, but Shine was kind of spoiled years back, and she kind of treats everyone-” She gulped. “...like she runs the place.”

“Even you?” Steady inquired.

Lilly sighed, hanging her head. “I’m a pegasus. Here in the Mountains, that’s a dirty word. It’s been 200 years since the war ended, but the scars have not gone away.” Lilly did not meet his gaze. She looked defeated and betrayed. “I have forty cousins on this side of the family, Steady. Only one is a pegasus, and you just met her.”

Steady didn’t answer, but laid a wing over Lilly’s back in support. “I’m not supposed to talk about it.” She sighed. “But all three of us—me, Anda, and WJ—feel out of place.” Reluctantly, she lifted her eyes to meet his. He could tell she was trying to play the strong captain as she always did, brushing her troubles under the rug as if they never existed.

He flashed her a rare, encouraging smile. “I see,” he said simply.

Lilly chuckled sadly. “Not all of my cousins treat me like that, but the ones who were taught the stories and knew our great grandparents—they do. Many of the older folk treat me as if I was the cause of the wars.”

“Is that why you couldn’t stay here to watch the sheep?”

Lilly looked even more rejected than before. “Yes, I- I- I couldn’t handle being poured into molds like that! Being-being judged.” She nearly spat the word out. “Without anypony even trying to give me a chance, a chance to prove I’m not just what everypony thinks I am. I’m not them-”

Steady nodded. He had been to the mountains many times with Lilly, but never had he seen that side of the townsfolk. Not that he really went exploring either. Mostly it was just a trip in to see Lilly’s direct family, stay two days being a big brother to Zap, then return to the Center in time to start the next week’s work. The impenetrable mask he wore almost broke. Biting his lip, he had to ask, “Is Arrow safe with them?”

Lilly nodded. “Shine might take that out on Anda, but Aunt and Uncle Glass would-” She bit her lip looking for a word. “Shine dares a lot of things, but not that. Besides, Anda would take Shine on hoof to hoof if she attacked Arrow. Shine does it to me, she does it to Anda, she even tries it with Water Jewel, but she never would even think about doing it to a guest. Besides, she’s a sales pony. I’m more worried about Arrow coming home without money than questioning her wings.”

With a shaky intake of breath, Lilly recomposed herself, her eyes firing with determination once more. “Really Steady, I’ll be fine, and so will she. No need to worry,” she said, pulling her pride around her once more like a security blanket. The transformation back into his captain complete, she marched full stride back to the house.

Steady shook his head, uncertain of what to make of what he had just seen.


Rainbow Dash felt awful. The room spun around her, her mouth felt dry, and everything was entirely way too loud.

“G, 5,” Scootaloo chirped. “Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and tried to find where that was. She closed her eyes, trying to get everything to sit still.

“Twilight? Is Rainbow Dash alright?” Scootaloo sounded worried now.

“Yeah, Scoots-” Rainbow said around a clenched jaw. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine,” Scootaloo said.

A soft pressure landed on her shoulder. Dash tried to shrug it off. “I’m-”

“Rainbow, open your eyes and tell me that. I think you’ve overdone,” Twilight scolded.

Rainbow Dash did, and she felt so weary, so overwhelmingly weary. And she hadn’t even done anything- She cringed. That’s what Applejack had kept saying: tired and not done anything. It had been almost a broken record to her. Now she was seeing- no, feeling exactly what Applejack had meant by that sentence. “I’m- I’m fine,” she said hesitantly.

Rainbow glanced between Twilight’s, and Scootaloo’s faces. Twilight read concern, Scootaloo, uncertainty, or maybe fear? She shrugged it off. “Eh, I’m cool! What was that move again?" She gazed down at her board. She wasn't about to lose to the filly, or to anypony else for that matter! She was Rainbow Dash, and she never lost. Well, almost never. A familiar twang in her gut reminded her of her latest failure, or failures as was the case.

"G, 5," Scootaloo repeated.

Dash glanced down the board, scanning it carefully. "Miss," she said, placing a white peg in the hole. "Um, I, 9?"

Scootaloo deadpanned, "That was your last move!" she fussed.

"No, my last move was I, 8," Rainbow defended herself.

"No, it was I, 9 and it was a hit!" Scootaloo replied. "You have to pick a different square!"

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. The room spun, and her head felt as though it was stuffed with cotton, not to mention the fact she hurt from ear to tail and everything in between. "Make it the other move then."

"I, 8?" Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded, her eyes closing against her will.

"Miss." Scootaloo smirked.

Dash's eyes flew open. "Miss!" she exclaimed in shock.

Sweetie Belle, who had taken up a post on Rainbow Dash's other side, looked at the board. "I think your next move should be H, 9. I think you found the Weather Station."

Rainbow Dash did a double take. "Wha?"

"You know, the big long one. You found the two threesies, here and here." Sweetie pointed it out on the board. "But you haven't found the biggie yet. However, you have it blocked in every direction but up."

"There is the Repair ship," Dash pointed out.

Sweetie shrugged. "Nah, you found it." She pointed it out. "It's masked as one of the foursy ships. Scoots tacked it on at the end."

Scootaloo's face turned bright red. "SWEETIE! You're cheating!"

Sweetie shook her head. "Can't, you are hogging the board too close."

"That doesn't exclude magic!" Scootaloo rasped.

"Do you really think-"

"Enough!" Dash groaned. "Sweetie Belle, how do you know?"

Sweetie Belle smirked. "Well, I've been watching her face," she answered.

"Watching my-" Scootaloo stumbled. "How can you?"

"Trust me Scoots, I've watched you play it with Apple Bloom so many times, you are an open book."

Twilight almost laughed. Dash couldn't have been more shocked.

"Gals, ah don't think we ought ta teach Sweetie poker. We'd get taken advantage of." Applejack whispered loudly.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, " Yeah, and I bet they didn't know the game existed ‘till this moment."

"What's poker?" Apple Bloom asked.

"See?" Dash said with more force than she knew she had.

"It's a card game, and if ah catch ya gals plain it, yer gunna regret it!" Applejack said firmly.

"But what is it?" Sweetie asked.

"Poker," Twilight began, "Is a game where you bet bits on who has the best hoof of cards... the pony with the card set with the most points wins the money."

"And yer ain't gunna play it!" Applejack admonished.

"Geez," Scootaloo groaned. "We don't have enough bits to begin with!"

"Nor cards!" Apple Bloom pointed out.

"Sounds fun!" Sweetie sighed wistfully. "What? I mean the guessing part."

"It's not a lady's game," Twilight pointed out. "Rarity would murder you if she found you playing it. But if you girls want to play Go Fish? That is, Dash, if you want to finish this game-"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Not that I'm not having fun or anything-" She scratched the back of her head. "But ya know I'm cool if they want to play something else."

Scootaloo harrumphed. "But I'm winning!" she cried. "I have but the scout to find!"

The elder pegasus laughed painfully. "Yeah, and you are nowhere close! While I've found all of your ships!"

"I think," Fluttershy said, speaking up from where she sat on the floor reading to her trapped pet, "That Go Fish is a good idea. We can all play instead of watching the two of you."

"Errr!" Dash growled weakly. "I can just nap."

Scootaloo looked worried once more. "Really, Rainbow Dash, I don't want you to feel left out-"

"I'm cool," Dash muttered.

"Rainbow Dash, I came here to play with you, to help you feel better!" Scootaloo said gently.

"I'M COOL! GOT THAT? COOL!" The game board toppled from the bed, its pieces spilling all over the floor.

For a long time, there was nothing but silence. Then, Twilight's horn began to glow as she began picking up the mess, piece by piece. Scootaloo quickly followed in Twilight's example, putting her own board away. Stealing a glance or two up at her honorary elder sister. "R-"

Twilight shook her head.

Scootaloo gulped, but nodded and obediently stayed quiet.

Twilight quickly put the game away, then got out two different sets of Go Fish, the first being a flowers version of the game, the second being a wildlife set. The sound of shuffling cards, breathing, and the grinding sound of Angel's hamster ball were the only things that disturbed the silence.

"I'm sorry," Rainbow Dash whispered, not daring to look up at anypony.

"What's that, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"I said I'm sorry," Dash mumbled, still hardly audible to anypony else.


Rainbow lifted her head, and glared daggers at Applejack. "I said!" she hissed. "I'm SORRY! Is that alright with you? Can I be sorry and be-"

Twilight quickly set down the game and walked over to subdue Rainbow Dash. "Easy! That's not the way to fix this."

"THEN WHAT IS? HUH?" Rainbow practically yelled. "Huh, egghead? What do the books say about situations like this?"

Fluttershy stood up, Applejack placed both hooves over her sister's ears, and Sweetie and Scootaloo huddled together in fear. Twilight didn't flinch.

"Rainbow Dash," Twilight said calmly but deliberately. "First of all, you need to calm down. Getting excited, or mad, or livid-" Rainbow shot Twilight a death glare. Twilight didn't flinch. "Also, we are just trying to help, and you are being rude."

Rainbow's eyes were like daggers. "I don't feel good!"

Twilight closed her eyes calmly, then opened them again. "Not a good excuse, and it's ‘well,’ not ‘good.’"

"Whatever!" Rainbow drawled. "I don't care if I play or not."

Scootaloo gasped. "What is it Squirt? Did I suddenly become uncool?" Rainbow Dash spat at her.

That was it. As far as Fluttershy was concerned, Rainbow Dash had just crossed the line. The normally timid mare trotted up and slapped Rainbow Dash on the cheek, hard. A red outline quickly appeared on Dash's face where she had been slapped. Fluttershy did not back down. "That is no way to talk to your friends! OR your sister!" she scolded firmly.

Sweetie and Scootaloo inched their way backwards over to Applejack's side of the room.

Rainbow Dash, shocked at first, quickly regained her fire. "Yeah? Are you hurt? Do you have any say in this?"

Twilight bit her lip, her mind racing. Fluttershy was on it, however, and was firing back as well, if not better than Rainbow Dash had fired at her. "Rainbow Dash, no, I am not hurt, but you are not the only pony in this room hurting right now. Yesterday you knew that! Shoot, yesterday you tossed yourself into nopony's land blaming yourself for Applejack's hurt! Now," she drawled slowly to emphasize the importance of the word, "You are being a selfish, cold hearted, snit! Because, because, why? What gives, Rainbow Dash?"

"What makes you think that there is something wrong?" Rainbow fired back.

Fluttershy, to everypony's surprise, didn't even flinch there. "Because I know you, Miss Rainbow Dash, the element of Loyalty, and my oldest friend. You don't lash out unless you feel trapped within. Besides, as Kindness, I can't permit you to continue to be cruel to us or your sister, even if it's only honorary."

Rolling over, Rainbow Dash pulled the covers high over her head, blocking out everypony else who was in the room. Fluttershy faltered. She looked up at Twilight, glanced to Applejack and the three fillies behind her, then glanced back down at the lump on the bed, which was, at that moment, the source of their problems.

Twilight sighed and walked back over to where she had laid out the cards and continued to shuffle them. "Leave her be," she finally said, her eyes only looking at the cards in her grasp. "Let her mope. Getting in her face is only going to make this worse."

Finally, she started walking about, handing out six cards each, making an extra pile, just in case Rainbow decided to join in. "Have any daisies?" Sweetie asked, going first.


Soarin was not having a good time at this at all! Round, and round, and round it went. No sooner did he think he had the upper hoof than Spitfire would pull something out of the blue and drag the argument in a completely new direction. At the moment, he wondered if Captain remembered what had started the heated discussion, but since the couch was in fact sitting before them, he was pretty sure she was either bluffing or pulling a wild card from her stack. Neither option was very welcoming.

Something though, something he knew was amiss about Discord’s visit. Well, Discord was amiss. Need anything else be said?

“YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” Spitfire seethed.

Soarin backpedaled. What had he just said? “What?” he said, attempting to keep the tremor from his voice.

“I’M NOT AMISS!” Spitfire yelled in his face.

Had he thought that outloud? Soarin gulped, “I d-d-didn’t mean y-you! I was talking about Discord!” He squeaked that last word as she leaned in so her nose pressed against his own.

“I don’t believe you!” she spat.

Soarin glanced to Fleetfoot for help. The other mare was obviously not on his side, as she was glaring daggers into his side. He took a deep breath. "Look, Captain, whether you like it or not, the only way I can see that couch becoming what it was before is to either talk to the princesses about it, or get Discord to do it. The only other option is to buy a new couch."

Spitfire glared. "You are an idiot," she spat, then turned and marched out. A second later, Fleet just about ran into him, cuffing him hard with her shoulder as she followed Spitfire out the office door. "Oh, and make sure there isn't anything else important in that pile of letters," Spitfire said, not looking back.

"But-" Soarin protested.

He was unanswered by his teammates. Sighing, Soarin glanced about the room sadly. "What am I going to do?!" he exclaimed pitifully.

Author's Note:

Alright, I'll admit, I had entirely too much fun writing this chapter. :twilightsheepish: That's why it's 6K words long, rather than my normal 3-4K :rainbowwild:

Oh my Rainbow Dash, getting a little moody? This can't be good.

Poor Soarin.

Thanks you guys for reading chapter 23, Gossip, will be out in 3 weeks, on August 8th. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Don't be afraid to comment.

Till next time.

Cowgirl Out.

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