• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

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Chapter 35; Mountains With Eyes and Ears

“So... now what?” Apple Bloom asked her fellow Crusaders.

Scootaloo slumped in her chair at Sugar Cube Corner. “Let’s see, we are done at the farm—”

“More than done,” Sweetie groaned, rubbing her sore forehead.

“Ah think Big Mac needs ta be alone,” Apple Bloom added. “Ah think we wore him out.”

Sweetie giggled, “Wore out your brother? Is that possible?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “As odd as it sounds, sure is... Scoots? Are ya alright?”

Scootaloo jerked up. “Huh?”

“Are ya alright?” Apple Bloom repeated. “Ya seem... distant.”

“Yeah, sorry guys,” Scoot apologized, “I—”

“Ah get it,” Apple Bloom stated, placing a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “Ah’m worried too. But Twilight will take care of them.”

“I’d still rather know for sure,” Scootaloo stated. “But I’m not sure if Rainbow even... even wants to see me.”

Sweetie stopped slurping her shake. “Are you kidding?!” she exclaimed. “Rainbow Dash is loyalty!”

“Yeah, but she’s not so good when it comes to her needing the help,” Scootaloo stated.

“All the more reason to be there for her,” Apple Bloom noted. “Besides, being a sister means working through your problems together.”

“I don’t see you over there,” Scootaloo noted.

“Applejack told me she didn’t want us getting in the way while the special company was there.”

Sweetie sighed. “Yeah, I bet it was those two strange Wonderbolts that were out flying earlier.”

“Teachers,” Scootaloo corrected. “Soarin said that they were flight teachers, weren’t exactly part of the Wonderbolts.”

“They are good enough ta be,” Apple Bloom stated.

“Not everypony goes into the Wonderbolts, but it’d be neat to find out their reason why,” Scootaloo stated.

“Maybe we could get our cutie marks in it,” Sweetie said.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “How can we get a Cutie Mark in flight? None of us can fly.”

“Uh, right” Sweetie hummed. “It’s still an idea.”

“Something else,” Scootaloo groaned, her eyes returning to the castle’s large, six pointed star.

“Well, we could try Cutie Mark Crusader Poison Joke eaters,” Apple Bloom joked.

“You can’t be serious!” Sweetie deadpanned.

“She’s not serious,” Scootaloo glowered. “Do you want to be Babble Bloom?!”

“There’s no guarantee that’s what would happen!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“Still AB,” Sweetie said nervously, “Would you even want to try?”

“Humm,” Apple Bloom mused. “I guess not,” she said at last.

Silence fell on the three for what seemed like an eternity. Each one had their smoothie and was slowly slurping at it.

Suddenly, a large shadow passed over the top of them, they looked up in time to see a large ice-blue pegasus fly over them. None of the three spotted a cutie mark, but it’s tail was white as new fallen snow.

“Who is that?!” Sweetie exclaimed. The three left the shop in a hurry, following it with their eyes as it made its way up Main Street and settled on the roof of Town Hall. How it was able to sit on such a steep slope none of the three could figure out.

The ponies’ eyes pierced through the streets as it sat. One of the pegasi tried to fly close to the pony, but with a lazy flap of the ice pony’s wings, the poor pegasus had been blown hard in the opposite direction.

Mayor Mare tried to talk to the pony, but she too was easily blown away.

What scared Scootaloo was how lazily this pony was able to do it, as if it were only blowing away a fly.

“Gals! Ah think we ought ta tell Twilight. She don’t look friendly ta me,” Apple Bloom noted.

“What are we waiting for then?” Sweetie affirmed.

With Apple Bloom taking the lead, the three galloped off in the direction of the grand castle.



Twilight’s ears folded backwards. Turning her head, her ears followed the sound. “Girls? I think we have company again,” she said in a worried voice

“TWILIGHT!” the fillies called again, this time much closer.

They all turned to the door as the three fillies burst through. “Twilight! It’s an emergency!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, panting.

“What?” Twilight asked.

Scootaloo stepped forward. “There is a gigantic pegasus sitting on the roof of town hall, and she’s blowing everypony away who tries to come close!”

Catstitch looked at Lilly, and Lilly looked back. The look was all the other needed to know. “Hello,” Lilly said stepping forward, “I’m Captain Lilly Feathers. I need you to describe the pony.”

The three fillies looked hesitant.

“You can talk to her,” Twilight said. “They are old friends.”

Lilly half-smiled. “Don’t worry, unless you are a cloud, I don’t bite.”

Scootaloo’s face lit up. “Wait a minute! I know you! You were the one out flying with that grey stallion!”

“Yes, but that’s not important,” Lilly scolded gently. “I need to know what the pony looks like.”

Sweetie took a deep breath. “Blue.”

“Narrows it down some,” Lilly stated. “Mare or stallion?”

“Uh...” Sweetie glanced to her two friends.

“Don’t look at me!” Apple Bloom said. “Ah couldn’t get close enough.”

“They are really big!” Scootaloo stated.

“Yeah,” Sweetie added, “With a white mane and tail.”

“Did you notice a Cutie Mark?” Lilly asked.

All three fillies froze, looking to one another. “Did ya see one?” Apple Bloom asked.

The other two shook their heads.

Lilly nodded. “No worries, I’m now sure who it is.”

“Without a cutie mark?” Applebloom exclaimed.

Lilly nodded.

“Ye know who the—” Catstitch whispered loudly.

“Yes,” Lilly stated, “And so should you. Blue, white mane, powerful wings, no cutie mark...”

“Williwaw Winter,” Catstitch finished.

“Bingo,” Lilly affirmed.

“Who?” Sweetie asked. “You know her?”

Lilly smiled. “I’m probably the only friend she has in Equestria. A very private mare. The question is, what is she doing here?”

“What do ya mean?” Applejack asked.

“She never comes out in the open if she can help it,” Lilly explained. “The fact that she’s here tells me something is wrong. Very, very wrong.”

The fillies all hid behind Twilight.

“It coulda be somethin’ simple, lika missin’ cloud,” Catstitch suggested.

“Doubt it, she’s resourceful.” Lilly walked to the window and howled. Coming back she added. “But there’s only one way to find out.”

“It could be Ben’ Forever Rest has lost its magic and the great Thunderbird is on the loose,” Catstitch stated.

Lilly’s eyes widened in fear. “Let’s hope not on that one.”

“Or the Shadowbolts are on the move,” Catstitch added.

Lilly frowned. “Not those menaces again!”

“Or maybe the Zombies are back,” Catstitch smirked.

“Now you are getting goofy. If we had a Zombie problem, Williwaw would just roll her eyes and deal with it. She’s not Equestria’s biggest wimp, ya’ know.”

Catstitch nodded. “Ah still think it’s the Thunderbird.”

“Thunderbird,” Twilight said. “Like the giant bird that is as big as a dragon and carries away little foals?”

“I see you heard the legend,” Lilly stated. “I have no idea if it’s true. Legend has it it came to take a nap on Mount Foreverest and hasn’t woken up since, nor has anypony else who ever took a nap up there.”

“Motivation, Williwaw must speak with you.”

Everypony looked up. Twilight gulped. Williwaw wasn’t as large as Celestia, but was definitely pushing Big Mac’s size. Her mane was wild, as were her tail and her ice blue eyes that matched her coat perfectly.

Lilly turned around. “Can’t you tell I’m talking?” she growled at her. She then turned back to the other ponies. “Whether the stories are true is anypony’s guess. Thunderbird, if he’s up there, has been gone for so long I bet he’s nothing but a pile of bones.”

“Williwaw does not understand. Motivation called for Williwaw. Why now does Motivation not want to speak with Williwaw?”

Lilly finally turned smiling. “I just wanted to finish my thought. Now, let me make introductions.”

“Williwaw has no need for introductions. Williwaw busy. But Motivation needs to be learned of something,” Williwaw stated.

Lilly pressed her lips together, laughing to herself. “Told, not learned.”

“Williwaw does not understand.”

“I don’t understand,” Lilly corrected.

“Then Williwaw will help Motivation to understand.”

“Oh brother!” Lilly shook her head. “Alright Willy, what is it?”

“Well, Motivation… put thought in head so it stays—” Williwaw faltered.

“I know.”

“Know,” Williwaw repeated.

With the obvious language gap, the three Cutie Mark Crusaders felt less intimidated by the large pony. However, they still stayed close to Twilight and Rarity, who had come to stand beside her sister, just in case.

“Alright Williwaw, why are you out of the mountains?” Lilly said, cutting to the chase.

“Williwaw was watching sky.”

“Alright... and?” Lilly encouraged.

“Williwaw saw Anda of the Wolves playing with Arrow of the Phantoms.”

Lilly’s eyes went wide. “What happened?”

“The lamb Gertrude was playing near cliff and fell off. Williwaw is tired of catching Gertrude lamb. So brought lamb to Anda Wolf and broke lamb’s leg.”

Fluttershy gasped, “You did—”

Lilly facehoofed. “WILLIWAW!” she exclaimed.

“Sheep ponies break jumping lamb’s leg? Motivation break lamb leg. So Williwaw break leg of lamb right?” Williwaw questioned.

Lilly closed her eyes and counted to five. “Williwaw of the Wolves. It is your duty to catch the sheep, not punish it! And your job is to watch the weather. You came all this way to tell me that you broke a lamb’s leg!”

Williwaw shook her head. “Williwaw tells more. Arrow of the Phantoms—”

“Why do you call her ‘of the phantoms?’ ” Lilly asked.

“Because Arrow is stupid,” Williwaw explained bluntly. “Arrow is not careful, Arrow begrudges Alpha ponies. Arrow is bad friend. She is like a Phantom.”

“Can’t argue with that,” Lilly groaned, “Alright, so what did Arrow of the Phantoms,” Lilly shook her head, “do?”

“Arrow is coming to shiny crystal tall place. Arrow thought to bring lamb to Motivation.”

All the color drained from Lilly’s face. “She didn’t!”

“Motivation has heard Williwaw’s story, Williwaw wants quiet, Williwaw is done with lowland ponies. Lowland ponies bring trouble to mountains.”

“Hey wait just a—” Dash began.

Lilly held up a hoof. “Stand ready,” she ordered Williwaw.

Williwaw walked to the window and stood at attention.

“Um, Lilly?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes Flutterfly… errr, Fluttershy. What is it?”

“Did she really break the poor lamb’s leg?” Fluttershy asked painfully.

Lilly nodded. “Williwaw was raised by a wolf pack till she was nearly nine. It’s why she doesn’t talk well.”

“You can say that again, darling. It’s simply dreadful the way she speaks!” Rarity complained.

Lilly sighed. “She’s come a long way. When I met her, I had to rely on every ounce of knowledge I had about wolf talk. At that time she was considered the most dangerous mare in Equestria. It’s only the Law of the Alpha that holds that wolf nature back.”

“What happened to her ear?” Rarity asked, still rather disgusted with the mare’s presence.

“I did,” Lilly stated. “It’s how I became her alpha. That’s for another time. Dash, how long are you expected to be on bedrest?”

“Well,” Rainbow mused. “Um... I really got into this shape yesterday.”

Lilly nodded. “Can your team handle the weather at all with you gone?”

“For the most part, if they have direction,” Rainbow stated.

Lilly nodded. “Alright, it’s important not to let it out to the general public that you two are down for the count. It’ll lower morale and cause all kinds of problems. So, I don’t want just anypony taking over till you are better. Right now, it’s out that Celestia has you six on a special mission and you have used a portal inside the castle to do it. But part of my job as Motivation is to make sure that the weather is taken care of. Steady is down there trying to make sense of your ledgers. Rainbow, I thought I taught you better!”

“Eh, I don’t care for books,” she said distastefully.

“Really?” Applejack teased. “Ya like Daring Do well enough.”

“I mean,” Dash glared, “I don’t like record-keeping books! Ledgers! Lists, ya’ know, egghead stuff?”

“But you have a friend who lives on making lists,” Lilly stated, nodding to Twilight, “I’m sure she’d be willing to pitch in. If not her, then possibly your cous—your friend Fluttershy,” she corrected herself.

Dash shrugged, obviously bored. “I don’t need lists.”

Lilly shook her head in frustration. “Well, anyways, I’m going to have Williwaw send my cousin Sony. She’s a great storyteller, but lists and being a supervisor are what she’s good at. Hopefully Steady can straighten it out to a point, then Sony can take it from there.”


Scootaloo gazed timidly at the giant mare. Her body was scarred, her face rough, a giant chunk of one ear was missing, but at that moment, she looked as safe as any pony walking the street. Slowly, she inched her way over to where the mare stood beside the window. “Hey, I’m Scootaloo. You have pretty awesome wing strength if you can blow ponies away like that!”

“Williwaw is Williwaw,” Williwaw answered stiffly.

“”How do you do that?”

Williwaw’s icy eyes pierced into the filly. “Williwaw does.”

“So, what is it like to go your whole life without a Cutie Mark?”

This caught Williwaw’s attention. “Williwaw has cutie mark, but Scootaloo of the lowlanders won’t picture.”

“Picture?” Sweetie asked, coming up beside her.

“Words so pony sees,” Williwaw explained.

“OH!” Apple Bloom smiled, coming to join her friend. “ ‘comprehend.’ ”

“Williwaw doesn’t like long word.”

“So, how do ya live without a Cutie Mark?” Apple Bloom asked.

Williwaw shrugged. “Midnight flyers don’t need marks to know who flyers are. Fliers ask the great mother and are guided by the great soldier.”


“Williwaw means,” Catstitch explained. “The midnight flyers have special marks that can only be seen under the light of a full moon.”

“REALLY?!” Sweetie Belle asked, she also, having been curious joined them.

“How does that work?” Scootaloo asked.

“Can ya show us?” Apple Bloom finished.

Williwaw looked uncomfortable.

Catstitch shook her head. “I’m sorry lassies, Williwaw be neigh a normal pony.”

“We can see that, she’s awesome!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

Williwaw’s eye traveled towards her escape route.

“Neigh lassies, I be fearin’ ye dunna understand. Williwaw be wild,” Catstitch corrected.

“Miss Williwaw, can you at least tell us how you were able to blow away the ponies?” Sweetie asked. All three of them gave her their most pitiful puppy dog eyes.

Williwaw started shaking, her ears pinned back, glancing first at Lilly, then at the window, trying not to lock eyes with the three fillies before her.

“Willy,” Lilly said, not even turning around. “Here.” From under a wing she produced a small vial and tossed it to her. “Hold this for me for a second, will ya?”

Somehow, Williwaw Winter caught it and slipped it under her own wing. Instantly she quit shaking. “Williwaw is unsure of how to teach... told... tell... magic of winter. Williwaw name Williwaw because Williwaw do williwaw.”

The poor Crusaders were more lost than ever. Lilly, having finished her explanation and written out a full set of instructions, which she traded for the vial, dismissed the mare. Williwaw didn’t even nod goodbye before bolting. “Girls, do excuse her behavior. She’s much like Fluttershy in a lot of ways.”

“Me?” Fluttershy exclaimed, “I would never break a poor lamb’s leg!”

Lilly bit her lip. “Err, what I mean is... She is timid like you are—doesn’t like groups, feels more comfortable around animals than other ponies especially since she was raised by a wolf pack. She’s not a pony who’d just back down. I’ve seen her yell at Celestia before when she believed that the idea was unfair or a burden to Equestria. And Luna.... let’s not go there. Fleet hates her for good reason.”

“FLEET?!” Dash exclaimed.

Lilly nodded. “As Spitfire is to the Wonderbolts, so is Williwaw to the Midnight flyers. Master Phantom and I both outrank her technically, but Williwaw still runs the group. As such, Fleetfoot and Williwaw Winter have had to... converse more than once.”

“So more like Gilda,” Pinkie asked.

“You guys know Gilda?” Lilly exclaimed. Nods slowly passed around the group. Rainbow looked extremely hurt. “Gilda is actually a better fit in many ways, but not all. Gilda is very open for the most part, she’s just had a few doors slammed in her face. Griffinstone isn’t the most open of places. Williwaw never had friends outside of her brothers and sisters in the wolf pack. Gilda... didn’t even have that. But I’ll let her tell you guys eventually.”

“Is there anypony you don’t know?” Twilight asked.

Lilly blushed. “Uh, personally, yes. In passing acquaintance... that is hard to gauge. I do tend to normally be a fly on the wall.”

“What’s a williwaw?” Sweetie asked.

Lilly sighed. “Put very simply, it’s a very strong wind. But it’s unique to coastal areas in the frozen north. When the warm air off the water meets the cold air of the mountains, they get into a battle and a williwaw is born. The only way to live through one is to get underground quickly.”

“Why?” Twilight asked, equally curious.

“Well,” Lilly hummed. “It’s simple, really. You know cold air sinks and warm air rises? During a williwaw it can drop the temperature outside as much as sixty degrees in less than a second. Even the strongest flyers can’t fly straight into one of those winds. In fact, I’ve seen birds fly backwards against such winds. And if Willy had been able to show you her cutie mark, it’s actually a robin being blown backwards.”

“WOW!” Scootaloo exclaimed, jumping up and down.

“Why can’t we see it?” Sweetie asked.

Lilly shrugged. “I’m not sure how it works, but all of the midnight flyers either have part or all of their cutie mark only visible in the darkness. My cutie mark is only half-showing. It’s much more simplistic in the dark: a two-sided snow crystal with three regular ones around it. That’s it.”

“Yer ah midnight flyer too!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Can ya show me?”

Lilly sighed. “Sorry, as I said, it can only be seen under the light of the full moon or when Luna is in the room. Now, if there are no more interruptions—”

Just then there was a knock on the door. Spike appeared with a young brown mare with a bundle on her back.

“Sorry Captain,” Spike said, “But she insisted she talk to you. She said it was urgent.”

“Good ol’ Willy, exactly ten minutes ahead.” Lilly sighed, then her eyes narrowed as she noticed the shiny stetson atop the brown mare’s head. “Sharp Arrows Flying! What in hills blazing are you doing with my rodeo hat?!”

Every pony in the room either backed up or was dragged out of the way. Arrow stood with her knees knocking. “Please Lilly! The lamb!”

“That’s another thing, young lady. My aunt is perfectly capable of setting a broken bone,” Lilly added.

“H-h-how did you know it was broken?” Arrow asked, dumbfounded.

“The mountains have eyes and ears that tell me things,” Lilly stated. “The hat, Arrow.”

“So Williwaw is a mountain?” Scootaloo asked Twilight.

Sweetie whacked her on the head. “No silly! It’s like when Rarity says she has eyes on the back of her head!”

“Oh,” Scootaloo said.

“Well?” Lilly asked, glaring down the brown mare. “Arrow, I expected better of you. You came so far.”

Arrow stood shaking, her eyes downcast. “Please—please don’t be mad at me!”

“Everypony in my family knows I don’t like anypony to touch that hat, and you went and ripped the brim, undid the stitching on the entire top, and then took it through a pig pen.”

“Did not!” Arrow defended herself, “It never went anywhere near the pigs!”

“Then explain the mud,” Lilly stated.

Arrow sighed, “I’m sorry, isn’t that enough?”

“You are not off the hook. All privileges are revoked till further notice, and you now have full responsibility for that lamb until it is completely healed.”

Arrow nodded solemnly. “Yes ma’am.”

“One more thing. You will pay to have that hat repaired to its former quality. I won that thing, and I’m very proud of it,” Lilly continued.

Arrow nodded. “Yes ma’am.”

Lilly sighed. “Alright kid, let’s see Gertrude.”

“How—” Arrow asked.

“As I said, the mountain has eyes and ears.”

Fluttershy was immediately at Arrow’s side. “The lamb is in your pack, right?”

Arrow nodded. Kneeling down, she untied the string and freed the lamb.

Gertrude had been asleep during a majority of the flight. Now that she was loose again, she awoke. She stumbled to her hooves almost immediately, or tried to anyways. Fluttershy scooped up the little lamb. “Oh, you poor thing!”

“Arrow,” Lilly ordered. “Take notes. You are looking at the only pony better than Aunt Wisteria at tending to animals. And. Give. Me. My. Hat!”

Arrow didn’t argue. She immediately hoofed over the hat and Lilly put it on happily.

“Sss, Ppft! Ba, ha, ha!” Dash snickered.

“What?” Lilly asked, cocking her head to the side.

“You—you in a... cowpony hat!” Dash couldn’t help snickering.

“Dashie, you only ever saw my city pony side. This is how I Iook when I’m home, except my preference is black with a pink ribbon,” Lilly said curtly.

“Well darling, it does bring out the silver in your mane!” Rarity cooed.

“That’s enough of the flattery. We have had quite enough of the delays.” After a second’s pause Lilly added, “No offence, it’s just considered rude where I come from to mention how a pony looks, unless it’s a close family member.”

“Ah lot must be different up yonder,” Applejack stated.

“Much, it took me forever to get used to your way of doing things. Now, on with it.” She sighed, “Alright, I’m going to have Arrow assist me because she requires the least amount of instruction. Growling is a different issue.” She glared at Arrow. “Why do I always get the difficult ones?”

“Because you handle them,” Fluttershy stated from where she lay, rewrapping the lamb’s leg so the splint was on better. “The pony who did this didn’t do half bad.”

“Probably took her forever though,” Lilly stated. “That’s Willy’s work. She’s slow, but she can do it,” she added to the questioning stares. “Alright, Dash, I want you to stay down for a bit longer. No activity outside of bathroom and back for both today and tomorrow.”

Rainbow Dash’s once pleasant mood went sour again. “Oh, but Lilly!” she complained, “If I don’t get to move I’m gonna die!”

“Because fish gotta’ swim,” Lilly began to sing, “And birds gotta fly! And if I don’t get to move I’m gonna die!”

“Lilly!” Dash complained.

“My teacher tells me to be quiet,” Lilly continued, “She says stay in that chair. She pretends she never had ants in her pants she acts like she don’t even care—”

Twilight was now smiling, Pinkie was downright laughing, and everyone else was somewhere in between.

“I found that song two years ago and immediately thought of you,” Lilly stated, still smirking. “Now, you will stay down or, as they say, I’ll break the other one.”

Dash harrumphed, but didn’t argue.

“Good. Now Applejack, I will be working with you. You are sitting on day... four or five?”

Applejack nodded. “Somewhere in there.”

“Anyways, there is a certain amount I don’t want you doing. It’s important you take it slowly. But if you don’t start moving a little bit, it’s actually worse than overworking,” Lilly continued. “You need an example?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nah, ah’ve had enough knocks ta know that much.”

Lilly nodded. “Good, now, I’ll go down a quick list—”

Spike pulled out parchment and a quill. “Ready!” he said.

“Alright, umm... I think I forgot your name,” Lilly cringed.

“Spike,” Spike supplied.

“Spike the small tike who is a drike,” Lilly said just under her breath. “Alright, I think I can remember that now. Anyways...”


“Who does she think she is?” Discord harrumphed to himself. “Treating me, the king of chaos, like that!”

“She’s practically a princess herself,” Discord Two stated, sitting across from the regular Discord, both sipping molasses from fish tanks as they sat across from one another at a glass table thing that held the world itself within. They both sat on bedpost-looking things.

“Don’t remind me,” Discord hissed. “If they were anything like Firefly and Earthmover, I’d have overturned their little ideas already. But no, they aren’t them. They were prepared, they were ready, and they had a will to push back and enslave me!” Discord whined.

Discord Two reached forward with a piece of sandpaper. Discord accepted it and dabbed away the crocodiles that were steadily crawling out of his eyes.

“What you need is to get away for a while,” Discord Two said.

Discord nodded. “Indeed, but to where?”

“We could always prank Tia,” Two suggested.

Discord rubbed his chin. “That’s not a bad idea—but hardly original.”

Two sighed, “There is Cowgirl’s third editor that could use a visit.”

“A visit! And what would I do? Praise him for always being on time, and giving a full reaction post of just about every chapter? I hardly see that as fun.”

“You could always... find a way to keep him from doing his work,” Two said slyly.

“And how do you suggest that?” Discord asked, intrigued, leaning forward on the glass bowl.

Two smiled. “Well, you could always turn him into a dragon. A great big greedy firebreathing dragon....”

Discord smiled. “Ooh....” His eyes gleamed. “Not a bad idea!”


ShadowLDrago was sitting on his bed playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

“C’mon, c’mon...” he muttered to himself, fingers flying over the keys, trying to win. “13th time’s the charm.”

Discord phased out of the wall behind him, looking over his shoulder, head tilted in curiosity. “I thought that was the number of the least amount of luck?”

“Normally, yes.” he replied without missing a beat “But, seeing as this is Organization XIII, I thought it’d be fitting.” he said. His mind soon caught up to his ears, recognizing the voice.

“Gah!” he yelled in surprise. Jumping, he quickly hit the Enter key to pause the game, and gripping his chest in shock, heart going a mile a minute, much to Discord’s amusement.

“I’m not that ugly,” Discord cooed, then glanced over himself. “At least, I don’t think so?”

The editor shot Discord a glare, calming down. “Seeing as you’re a patchwork amalgamation of mostly carnivorous beings, I can see why a pony would be scared of you. That, and the whole reality warping thing,” he said, putting his glasses back on his face.

The mismatched beast frowned.

“What? I’m not exactly wrong. Anyway, why exactly are you here? I’ve done my job, can’t harass me for that.” he asked, turning to face him, putting his computer aside.

“Now that’s the problem,” Discord groaned.

He stared at Discord. “I, don’t follow.”

“I’m BORED!” Discord complained. “And you are the only editor Pinkie hasn’t picked on yet. Unfortunately for me, you do your job. That doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun, however.”

He snapped his talons, and suddenly the room had changed to a dark cave. “Oopsie!” Discord stated carelessly.

ShadowLDrago jumped. “What the heck? What did you DO?” he asked the draconequus.

With a sigh, Discord brushed his claw against his chest to shine his nails. “Maybe this is real, and maybe you are just in your game... or maybe this is the Dragon Empire and you are now Spike.”

“Pretty sure I’m not in the game, last I checked, there are no caves in Chain of Memories,” he said, looking around. “I can get that you’re bored, but how is THIS going to fix that?” he had a feeling he’s soon regret asking.

Discord grinned, and with a snap of his talon, the cave filled with all kinds of shiny dodads.

He rose an eyebrow and said “This is going to end poorly for me, isn’t it?”

“That is up to you. I won’t kiss you like Pinkie did that poor robot. But maybe let your avatar die-”

“Wait, WHAT?!” he shrieked, all calm from before gone, eyes wide.

“You’ll come back!” Discord said. “Now,” he snapped his talon, a large blob appeared. “You are to use your mind, that is your avatar. The dragons will be here in a few seconds. So you better prepare.”

“Well,” he said, somewhat dumbstruck. “Merde.” he said simply.

The blob didn’t move, it didn’t transform. From the distance they both could hear the sound of many wings. “Oh! You should try harder than that. What does your dragon look like, Drago?”

“I, never actually thought of that. My name’s based on a spinning top, not a dragon.” he explained, starting to sweat.

“Hum,” Discord sighed. “Then I’ll give you a bit of help.” After a snap of his talon, the blob turned into a part shadow dragon, part lightning dragon.

He blinked. “Didn’t see that coming,” he said, then blinked when the blob turned shadow/lightning dragon said the same thing. “Remote control dragon. Huh.” he said, unable to think of anything clever to say.

“Discord the second!”another dragon appeared beside it. “Will eat bad dragons for breakfast!”

“I never said you had to fight alone,” Discord smiled. “There are a hundred dragons in want of that hoard you have.”

“Oh. Dangit,” he muttered. “Welp, as Applejack once said, time to get the heck out of dodge.” He had no intention of dealing with a hundred hungry dragons.

Discord tisked. “Drago, Drago! You are a dragon now! And.... you have me!”

“Yes...” he muttered, “I wonder...” he said to himself, desperately trying to keep calm, panicking would solve nothing, he started walking towards the dragon, which mirrored his actions, he gulped seeing the huge teeth and claws the thing had, easily several times as big as he was, but he tried to focus on calm. He stopped in front of it, and tried to focus on the thought of becoming one with it, hoping that it would work.

Discord cocked his head to the side, “Not bad, Now prepare, here they come.” Discord’s double, once changing into a small flower dragon took it’s place at the entrance of the cave. “Best to not let them get to your back.”

He nodded and merged with the dragon, he blinked several times, adjusting to the quadruped form, and trying to take stock of what he could do, fire breath, lightning breath, sharp teeth, sharp claws and, to his surprise, a level of invisibility.

“Not exactly what I expected, but I’ll work with what I got.” he said, going to the back of the cave, and trying to “activate” his invisibility, taking a mental note to figure out a way to get Discord back for this. Being a dragon was cool, but this was ridiculous, even for him.

“Not bad!” Discord stated.

Just then the horde of terrifying beasts started landing on the ledge. Discord the second fought fiercely with a huge gingerbread dragon.

“Hum, I wonder how it tastes.” Discord teased from his corner

‘Can’t say I quite care to be honest.’ he thought.

Once the Gingerbread dragon was down, a wind dragon popped its snake like head up and into the fray. A Jellyfish Dragon was up over with ShadowLDrago.

He frowned, he’d have rather stayed invisible and simply stay out of the way, but, so be it. He inhaled and unleashed his lightning breath on it.

The Dragon disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“Now why didn’t I think of that!” Discord said, “These dragons are too easy! We need- something harder like.... turkeys!”

All the dragons disappeared and turned into flying hearts drifting around them.

He rose an eyebrow as best he could “Didn’t know dragons were heartless.” he said eyeing them, this was getting absurd even for Discord.

“Only teenage ones. They only have fire and smell. Oh my! What is that?” The hearts turned into fluffy clouds raining chocolate milk. The cave turned into a chess board. And the Lighting Shadow Dragon turned into a playing card from Alice in Wonderland.

He stared at himself, well, he had two legs again, bright side, downside, this was giving him a headache. “I don’t suppose you’re going to just let me go back to my game that easily, are you?” he asked, though he almost knew that answer.

Discord shook his head. “Of course not, unless we end up hitting eight thousand words. Then I’m quite sure Sir McAwesome will quite freak out over it. However, that might be fun.” Discord paused. “Oh, hello Chesire Cat!”

ShadowLDrago turned towards the grin which was somehow sitting in mid air, and sighed tiredly And 3, 2, 1…” he muttered, and as if one cue, the rest of the purplish red cat appeared. “Hello.” he said, sounding exhausted, after this, he was going to do something nice and mindless to try to relax.

“Mindless? Or could it be timeless? For timeless is mindless and mindless is timeless.” The Chesire Cat stated.

“Oh my!” said a rabbit jumping past, “I’m late! I’m late!”

“For a very important date?” snarked Shadow.

The Rabbit however was gone. “Apparently.” Discord shrugged.

“You’d think a rabbit with a watch would be better at being on time. Then again though, this IS Wonderland, sense makes no sense, nonsense makes sense and you’re enjoying every bit of the insanity, aren’t you?” he asked, turning to the draconequus.

“Very observant,” Discord stated. “You know, I might just enjoy popping in on you more.”

“Please don’t.”

Discord sighed, “Oh well, I do still have Luna I can torment. She does like my mid morning visits.”

“OFF WITH HIS HEAD!” A high pitched gravelly voice said.

“And that would be the Queen of Hearts.” he muttered, then realized he looked like one of her Card Guards. This could easily go one of two ways, she’d either think he was with her, and he’d not end up decapitated, though in this land of nonsense, he didn’t know if it would kill him, nor did he care to find out, or the Queen wanted his head. Or, the most likely third option. “What did you do to make her mad?” he asked, trying to raise an eyebrow, but found he had none, to his mild annoyance.

Discord looked uncomfortable. “Oh, nothing too serious, I locked her in a black hole for two months.”

His response was just to stare at him, then finally said. “How do you function?”

Discord shrugged, “I either do, or I don’t, neither on this plane, or in the plane that you consider your own. I neither am, nor am not. But I would like to go without my head.” His head immediately popped off and started rolling around.

He stared silently at the display, then simply said “I’m just glad this isn’t American McGee’s Alice.” he said with a shudder, THAT was a far more disturbing and dangerous Wonderland which he was more than happy to keep on a screen.

Discord sighed, his head re-attaching itself to his body. “Indeed. New place!” With a snap of his talon, they once again went someplace new.

Shadow looked down at himself, and saw his regular shirt and pants “Huh, at least I get my normal body back.” he said, then looked around to see just where Discord had brought him THIS time.

“Oh don’t look so worried, you are only in the middle of the most boring place on planet Earth. Times Square.”

“Eh, School’s worse.” he said, the place was surprisingly empty.

Discord nodded, “I like you, I like you a lot... Now, you have two choices, go home, and get a second round of this somewhere in the eternity of space and time, or, we can go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Or you can sit in the middle of the Everfree forest and pet Timberwolves.”

“That’s three.”

“Three, two. Only one difference.”

He glanced to the side as if at an audience, then said “I’ll take the tower.”

“Your choice,” Discord said, Then snapped his talon. With a poof, they both stood in red, white and blue on the very top of the tower’s innards.

He whistled the first few bars of the French Anthem, then shivered, he had forgotten how cold it was in Paris, especially at this time of year. He looked around. He wanted to say he could see his house from there, but all the buildings looked the same to him.

“My, my.” Discord sighed, “I was always told it was more spectacular than this. I guess the bridge of locks would be- no. I’m told that’s all over. Anyone want to paint them in rainbows?”

He was totally nonplussed, used to the poor weather in Paris which somewhat made the view from the top of the Tower less spectacular than movies romanticized it to be. “I’d try but, I’m an actor, not an artist.”

Discord frowned. “Then Broadway Theater! We were just- You don’t want to go back to America do you? I hear there is a legendary Opera house in Sydney Harbor we could go visit.”

“Not sure if legendary’s the word I’d use.” he muttered, never having really been that big an opera fan.

Discord nodded. “It is getting pretty late. Maybe I could just send you back to your flat. Oh, by the way, while we were on this escapade, Discord the Second finished that level you were playing. Once I reprogrammed the game to make that boss like you, it was quite easy. Tea and crumpets I think we had.”

“He beat Marluxia-wait what?” he asked, first surprised that he’d beaten the frustratingly difficult final boss, then insulted that turning the scythe wielding boss into him to make it easier. He took a deep breath and sighed “Just send me back to my place, please.” he said, eyes closed in frustration.

Discord nodded, “I’m glad we had this playdate. We have to do this again sometime... Bye!” With a snap, Discord, the Eiffel Tower, and Paris were replaced with home, sweet home.

He looked around, taking in the familiar features of his room, and sighed in relief. “Finally.” he said, lying down on his bed in exhaustion.

Author's Note:

Phew! Done with the editor's encounters. I'm not sure when I'll have another 4th wall breakage. But that one was so much fun! I think my writing has matured now to the point where this crutch won't be needed as much.

I will admit that I had more fun with this fourth wall breakage chapter than I've had with- any of the other ones. It was kinda nice to break loose after the stressful holidays and just- troll the troll. (It was written during the first week of January.)

So, any favorite moments? Comments? Questions? Leave them in the comment section. Chapter 36 will be out on the 19th of March. Why? Well, it's because I've got a short story coming out; Sticks and Stones. This was inspired by a writing prompt I saw, and it's a Diamond Tiara story. It has three chapters, and- I'm very excited to publish it.

So, Three weeks guys, until then.

Cowgirl Out.

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