• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Twelve: The Sun, The Moon, and The Chaos

Rainbow Dash tossed and turned in her bed. Her body was filled with clashing sensations. She was tired, yet at the same time, she had more energy than she knew what to do with. She groaned, rolling onto her back and staring up at the ceiling. Tightly bound as they were, Dash’s wings kept twitching, sending little needles of pain into her wing bases. Not that she minded a whole lot, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t hurt her wings before. Athletes learned how to tolerate pain. But when one is trying to sleep, and every inch of their bodies aches... Now that’s hard to deal with.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Dash groaned and glanced at the door. What could possibly be going on? It didn’t sound like the emergency one—it wasn’t rushed. More like “something is going on and someone needs help.” Dash bit her lip trying to ignore the racing thoughts that were going through her head. At that moment, she wanted to disobey Rarity and see what the matter was. Like, come on! She wanted to actually do something.

Yeah, so she had promised to stay in bed... but seriously! She wasn’t going to hop out of the window again. That was just plain stupid. But she’d been in enough crashes that... she didn’t understand why this one was such a big issue. Rainbow Dash sighed. She glared up at the crystal ceiling somewhat... no, totally miffed at the world, herself, and the doctor.

She winced as she accidentally shifted her weight onto a sore spot in her back. Well, a spot more sore than the other places. Dash was convinced, though she refused to admit it out loud, that her entire being ached.

“Alright Dash,” she said aloud to herself. “That’s enough with feeling sorry for yourself. You can and will just tough it out. You can just stop with all this sappy stuff. You brought this to yourself, now just get over it.”

She fixed her eyes upon the back of the door. Maybe she could roll over, stand up, and walk over to it. Maybe. She glanced at her hooves. They had handled walking to the bathroom and back. Though, looking on at at them more closely, she realized... Rarity had given her a hooficure.

“RARITY!” she growled, feeling suddenly all the more uncomfortable. At least there was no sign of polish. That would be the epitome of being uncool. Well... not exactly. It was pretty similar to the stuff the Wonderbolt trainers had put on her hooves. But that was no excuse for touching her hooves without asking! Like, come on! This was going to get brought up and explained as soon as Rarity got back.

Speaking of whom, what was taking her so long? Rainbow Dash glanced to the clock. It had seemed an hour since Rarity had left. Upon checking the time, however, it had only been 15 minutes. She sat up and placed her ear to the wall. She could hear nothing. She groaned.

Rainbow Dash glanced to the floor. Yeah, she was supposed to be sleeping, but... It wasn’t like taking a lap around her room would kill her, right? They were probably just overreacting. She felt fine... well, mostly. Alright, she hurt everywhere. She shifted her gaze to the ceiling, then out the window. All that sky and clouds and air... and... freedom....

She shook her head and slapped her face, bringing her attention back to the present. She groaned. “Why?!” she exclaimed. “Really, Celestia, what kind of evil trick is this?!”

Despite her pain, she swung out of her bed in defiance. With a satisfying thump, her hooves hit the floor. “Hah! Take that.”

“Really?” said a snakelike voice.

“Discord!” Dash growled.

“Really Miss Rainbow Dash, I did not think you were supposed to be left alone!”

Rainbow Dash’s ears flopped down. “So I guess you’ve been spying on me.”

“Not for very long, I only just escaped the kitchen. Applejack and Pinkie Pie might enjoy cooking, but I think it’s detestable.”

Dash, agreeing with him there, just kept her mouth shut. She wasn’t going to admit to the King of Chaos that she agreed with him on anything.

“So, I decided to check up on the two of you. Applejack is well in hoof with Rarity, but I was wondering, if she was in there... who was in here with you? I mean, the ol’ doc did say that you were not to be left alone after yesterday’s stunts. Which, mind you, I found quite entertaining. With your jumping out of windows, and attacking coats... not to mention your dear friends. And what was-”

Rainbow Dash halted him with a glare that could have soured milk. “Your point?”

“I’ve decided that, since your friends are occupied, I’ll just sit in here with you.”

Rainbow Dash’s heart missed a beat as her face went pale. “Really?”

“Of course, and step one, back in bed. We don’t want you getting any more hurt than you already are! That would be just despicable.”

“No!” Dash hissed through locked teeth. “I’m-”

But before Rainbow Dash could finish her sentence, Discord had snapped his claw and tucked a fuming Dash under the covers. “Now that that is finished, you really need to be drinking more water! When was the last time you drank anything? You do know you’ll never get better if you don’t stay hydrated!”

“Hello!” Dash replied. “I’m a pegasus! Water is my business.”

“I thought it was weather!” Discord responded, quite taken aback.

Rainbow Dash bit her bottom lip, narrowed her eyes, and very deliberately slipped back out of bed and onto the floor. However, her hooves had barely hit the floor before she found herself back in bed, tucked neatly in.

“Really Miss Rainbow Dash, did you really think I’d allow you-”

Rainbow Dash quickly made a move to once more slip from her bed and onto the floor, but Discord was even faster than her.

“Tired yet?” Discord cooed.


“You’re lying,” Discord smirked.

“Oh really! Says the king of lying himself!”

“I’m the King of Chaos, not lying.”

Rainbow Dash glared.

Just then Rarity entered. She froze, the bowls of mush slipping from her telekinetic grasp and falling onto the floor. “Dis-”

Discord snapped his talon, transporting the two bowls safely onto a table and spritzing them with colorful sprinkles and blue strawberries. “Are you surprised, Miss Rarity? The breakfast was finished, so there was no longer any need for me to hang out in the kitchen. I even washed the dishes before I left.”

Rarity just stood there dumbfounded.

Rainbow Dash laid back against the cushions. “Can you leave now Discord? She’s back.”

“Why ever!” Discord exclaimed. “It’s been awhile since the last time I’ve spent any time with my favorite fashionista,” he cooed.

Rarity shook herself, bringing herself back to the present. “Discord, Darling.” She plastered a fake grin on her face while flashing Dash a sympathetic look. “How kind of you to watch her while I was attending Applejack.”

Rainbow Dash groaned.


“Um, Twilight?”

“Any minute, Spike! Is everything ready? We need-”


“Do I look alright? What did I do with my crown? Do we have snacks made?”

“Twilight...” Spike rolled his eyes as Twilight Sparkle made laps in the grand hallway. “They will understand if everything is... not as it should be.”

“And the library! Did you remember to shelve the books?” Twilight continued ignoring what Spike had said.

“Yes Twilight, unless they have all been dumped in the last five minutes. Commander Sentry and I just finished in there.”

“Good, now food! We hav-”

Spike stepped right in front of her and placed a claw on her shoulder. Once he had her attention, he placed a claw on his chest, breathed in, then extended his arm while breathing out. Twilight followed his example reluctantly.

“Sorry Spike,” she said at last. “I’m not sure what got into me.”

Spike crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side. “Oh really?”

“Alright, but-”

“I think you need to just relax. They’ll get here when they get here. You need to just calm down.”

“I know, Spike.” She sighed, sitting down and gazing to the great crystal doors. “Have you been upstairs this morning?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Yeah,” he exclaimed sarcastically. “I cleaned the library, swept all the floors, handed assignments out, and had time to get up there.”

“Not funny Spike.”

Spike shook his head. “I can’t do everything, and neither can you. How are they up there?”

Twilight shrugged. “Hanging in there.”

“Like you.” Spike said knowingly.

Twilight ignored his comment, turning her attention back to the big double doors. “Oh, come on! Just arrive already!” she said harshly under her breath.

Spike shook his head again. “Staring at the door won’t make them appear any faster.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Where’s Fluttershy?”

“She went home to take care of her animals real quick. She said she’d try to be back before the Princesses got here, remember?”

“Uh... yeah.” Twilight grinned sheepishly. “She did say that, didn’t she?”

Spike nodded. “Are-”

Just then a trumpet sounded outside. The guards in the hall stiffened while the two at the end opened the doors with their magic. Twilight and Spike snapped to attention as the two great princesses of the heavenly bodies entered.

Twilight shook herself and galloped towards her mentor and friend. “Princesses!”

“How are you?” Celestia asked, as Twilight came to a skidding halt before her.

Twilight’s ears flopped down. “Um...” She gulped, looking away.

Luna stepped up beside her sister and placed a reassuring hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “We doth know.”

Twilight nodded. “Fluttershy’s at her cottage, everypony else is upstairs.”

Celestia and Luna both nodded. “How are they?”

Twilight looked hesitant to answer. Spike rolled his eyes. “Pinkie’s Pinkie,” he said. “Dash is trying to prove she’s all better, Applejack just took an hour-long nap, and Rarity’s...”

“Sleep deprived,” Twilight supplied.

“Yeah,” Spike said. “That.”

The royal sisters exchanged looks.

“Now...” Twilight sighed. “Um... Let’s head to the... throne room or somewhere. Heh... um... Spike, go get Fluttershy!”

Spike wandered off as Twilight nervously led the Royal sisters to the throne room and away from other ears. As he reached the doors, he beckoned to Flash to accompany him. Not that he exactly needed it, but after everything… that had happened, Spike had found having Flash with him made him feel just a tad less lonely, especially since all the rest of his friends were in such a state. What’s more, Flash could fly. This would really come in handy since Spike needed to get to and from Fluttershy’s house quickly.

Once outside, Flash knelt, allowing Spike to climb aboard, then they zoomed off towards the direction of the Everfree Forest and the cottage.


The three Alicorn princesses sat about the throne room at Friendship Castle.

“And that’s about it.” Twilight sighed. “I’m not sure what we are going to do with Discord. He’s a big help, except for when he isn’t.”

Princess Celestia nodded knowingly. “Twilight, I know this isn’t easy for any of you-”

“You can say that again.” Twilight sighed. “Wings, castle, now this?” She shook her head, her body drooping. “Rarity isn’t the only one who didn’t sleep well last night. We all took turns keeping watch.”

Luna nodded. “Thy dreams were puzzling, but we still need to talk to them about theirs.”

Twilight nodded. “Dash seems better...”

Luna shook her head. “We don’t know how long that will last, Twilight. Rainbow Dash’s problems are far deeper than you can imagine.”

Twilight nodded. “This isn’t the first time she’s done this, but it’s...” She sighed. “It’s the first time I’ve seen her get so bad.”

Luna nodded. “We will speak with them now, if you will excuse us.” Luna said.

Twilight nodded. “I hope you can help them.”

“We should be able to.” With that, Luna departed.

Twilight sighed, turning her attention over to Celestia. “I’m so glad you came. I’m...” Her ears folded downwards. “...lost.”

Celestia laid a wing over Twilight’s back, pulling the much younger alicorn close. “You are only as lost as you are when you allow yourself to be alone,” she told her gently.

“But Princess, I don’t know what to do! How to keep going! Applejack let me carry her!” Tears welled up in Twilight’s eyes and started trickling down her cheeks. “How much longer will-”

“Twilight,” Celestia soothed. “Rest assured, day by day, they will get better.”

Twilight sniffed, wiping away a tear. “But how long?”

“Twilight, it hasn’t even been a week. I hoped you were stronger than this.” Disappointment shone in her mentor’s eyes.

Twilight hid her face, cuddling closer to Celestia’s warm presence.

“You must believe in yourself and lean on your friends. Weak as you all are right now, this too shall pass.”

“BUT HOW LONG?” Twilight wailed.

Celestia tipped Twilight’s head up with her hoof so she could look into her eyes. “As long as it takes.”

“But can’t you just heal them with your magic?” Twilight asked.

“Can you?”

Twilight gulped. “No. I wish I could, but I can’t.”

Celestia nodded. “Indeed, I heard Zecora came by. What she has done for them physically is probably the best. I’m sure Luna, who walked in their dreams last night, can help more.”

Twilight nodded. “I sure hope so. I don’t want a repeat of yesterday with Rainbow Dash. That was awful! I never, ever want to do that again.”

Celestia nodded. “I’m sure. So, you told me Discord has been helping?”

Twilight groaned painfully. “You could say that.”


Applejack closed her eyes. She knew she should finish eating, she just didn’t have the strength. Her hoof slipped from the bed tray to the bed. Mentally, she ordered it back up to grasp the spoon once more, ordering it to transport yet another bite to her mouth. But she just couldn’t.

“You aren’t done yet, silly!” Pinkie giggled. “It’s really good!”

Applejack opened one eye, looking up at the crazy pink pony. “Ah-” She yawned. “Ah ain’t hungry.”

Pinkie studied Applejack intently. “Are you lying again?” Pinkie asked very seriously.

Applejack yawned again, not answering Pinkie Pie’s question.

Pinkie Pie quit bouncing, looking at the half eaten meal, then turned her attention to Applejack once more. “Come on Applejack, one more bite! I even chopped up an apple into it!”

Applejack’s eyes flickered open for a second, then fell back closed.

Pinkie glanced to the clock on the wall. “It’s not nap time yet silly!” Pinkie giggled. She started bouncing about the bed singing some silly ditty about eating and not sleeping.

Applejack groaned and tried to sit up a bit better, her body rebelling against the mere thought. Pinkie completed her tune inches in front Applejack’s nose. “Sugarcube, da ya think...”

Pinkie scooped up a large bite of the gruel and stuffed it into Applejack’s open mouth.

Applejack’s eyes bugged out as she forcefully swallowed the over sized bite. “Pinkie!” She coughed. “What ya tryin’ ta do?!”

“That’s one bite!” Pinkie giggled. “Time for another.”

Applejack tried to avoid the incoming bite, but after feeding the cake twins, Pinkie Pie had become very good at it. Before Applejack knew it, she had another spoonful forced into her mouth.

“Pinkie!” she hacked. “Ah ain't’ a foal!”

“Of course not, silly. Time for another bite.”

Thankfully for Applejack, there was a knock on the door. Pinkie, forgetting all about the half-eaten food, dashed towards the door. “Who’s there?” she giggled.

Applejack sighed, tiredly scooping the last two bites into her mouth before somepony decided to continue the foal treatment.

“Princess!” Pinkie giggled. “I’m so glad to see you! It’s been so long! Well, it’s been two weeks, three day, eleven hours, and nine minutes, but that is like an ETERNITY!”

Luna blinked. “Indeed, and we are glad to see thou as well, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie gasped. “YAY!” She hugged Luna tightly around the neck. “I’m so glad!”


Applejack smiled. “Howdy princess, and what can ah do for ya?”

Luna frowned. Applejack immediately removed her hat from the bedpost and placed it on her head, tilting it down so she could slightly see under it.

“Pinkie Pie, please leave us,” Luna ordered.

Pinkie snapped to attention, saluted, then bounced out.

Applejack sighed, collapsing against the pillows in relief. “Ah can handle that Pink Pogo Stick most of the time, but right now-” she trailed off.

Luna nodded knowingly. Slowly, she moved towards the bed.

Applejack squirmed. “Ah probably should fi-”

“Applejack.” Concern filled Luna’s eyes. “Thou needst to quit trying so hard. Thy body needeth to rest.”

Applejack sighed. “Ah know. In one’s dreams, it’s east for ya ta catch mah in bed, but in the-”

Luna raised a hoof. “Thou shouldn’t be afraid, Applejack. We will not judge you for being bedridden.”

“Ah’d still prefer ya not see me like this,” Applejack groaned.

Luna cocked her head to the side as she sat down beside Applejack’s bed. “Helpless,” she stated.

Applejack blushed and turned away. “Ah don’t want to talk about it, princess.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Thou wast more than willing last night to tell us.”

“Ah said-!” Applejack instantly checked herself as her body reminded her of its injuries with a sharp pain shooting about her torso along the muscles. She gasped for breath, rolling into a fetal position until it all subsided.

Luna laid a firm hoof on Applejack’s shoulder, stroking her mane. “Have thou spoken with Rainbow Dash this morning?”

Applejack shook her head. “Ah... ain’t strong enough,” she hissed between her clasped teeth, trying to regain control.

Luna’s horn began to glow as it moved down Applejack’s body, gently soothing the tight muscles with a high-level healing magic.

Applejack gasped for breath, fading in and out for a minute while her body recovered from the pain. “Thank ya princess.” She then groaned. “Ah just wish for one moment life could go back to normal. All this is just horse feathers!”

Luna shook her head. “We do know. Think how we felt trapped up there on the moon all those years, locked away in our hate and jealousy.”

Applejack’s ears laid down. “Sorry, princess,” she whispered.

“That is quite alright, Applejack. Thou needest to rest now. We are now going to visit with Rainbow Dash. After a while, we shall return with her once thou hast rested.”

Applejack sighed. “Ah don’t need rest. Ah have already taken-” She yawned.

Luna frowned.

“Alright, princess, ah guess ah-” She yawned again. “...do.”

Luna closed the blinds and switched off the lights with her magic, leaving Applejack in silence and darkness.


“Can these weeds get any—Ug!—denser!” Sweetie collapsed backwards as she tugged a dandelion out of the small garden patch.

Apple Bloom didn’t answer. Her eyes were turned towards the bright purple castle in the distance.

Scootaloo groaned. “Come on, Apple Bloom! The faster we get all of this done, the faster we can find a way in there.”

Apple Bloom shook her head to clear it. “What? Uh, sorry gals. Well, we’re almost done here.”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle exchanged looks. “Really?” they asked together, looking around at the garden plot in which they had yet to finish one row.

Apple Bloom paused, then gazed about herself. “Uh, guess not. But ah want to be done NOW!”

Author's Note:

LOL Man that was a fun one to write. Thank's for reading, I sure hope you guys enjoyed this one.

Chapter Thirteen, will be Published March 21st. I do not have a title for it yet. So I cannot give it to you. Despite it being half way through. It's running title is 'Royal Duties'... but I ain't sure I'll keep it as such. I'm having... character's who refuse to work with me.

Again, thanks for reading, don't be afraid to leave a comment. And I'll see you again in two weeks.

Cowgirl out.

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