• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter 13, Broken Pieces

Spike and Flash Sentry flew over the tops of the high trees. Spike kept an eye on the ground below, searching for the little yellow pegasus mare they had been sent to find.

“Flash?” he asked after several minutes of flying.

Flash’s wing strokes became just a tad unsteady for a second before he answered, as if jerked from somewhere deep in thought. “Yes?”

“Where does your family live?”

Flash Sentry glanced about, after several seconds, he pointed to an average yellow hut on the corner of two average looking roads. “Over there.” He answered.

Spike nodded, Flash’s wing strokes returning to their normal rhythmic beat. Spike noted that Flash’s wing strokes were deeper, and much stronger than Twilight’s, but not quite as strong as Rainbow Dash’s, from the time or two he had happened to hitch a ride from the blue streak of rainbow awesomeness.

But flying on a royal guard's back was almost as cool. Especially since the guard just happened to be Twilight’s crush, and a really cool guy. Spike smiled, “Do you see Fluttershy yet?” He asked.

“Nope,” Flash called back over his shoulder.

In silence they flew on. Spike being perfectly content.


“Indeed darling,” Rarity cooed at Discord, a fake grin still plastered on her over kept features.

“Yeah!” Pinkie giggled, turning cartwheels around the room. “That would be, superdy
duperdy, wonderific fun!”

Rainbow Dash groaned, then rolled her eyes. “Really?”

Discord, ignored the final comment. “I am glad you are pleased with the idea. A good rainshower of milkshakes would do this town nicely. And the sun to turn into ice cream! Now wouldn’t that just make Celestia laugh?”

“I’m not so sure about messing with the sun Discord, dear,” Rarity sang, trying NOT to cause any more problems than had already arisen that day. She glanced towards the door. “Nor do I think you should mess with the moon.”

“But why not!” Discord whined, He set the small teacup he had been holding in his claw on the table. “Everypony knows it’s made of cream cheese!”

“OH!” Pinkie giggled, “I guess that’s how Luna survived those thousand years! But I wonder why she isn’t sick of cheese.”

“That is puzzling Pinkie,” Discord hummed. “But I too was locked in stone, would that explain my distaste for your family’s rock farm?”

Pinkie Pie gasped. “Not like my family’s rock farm!” Her eyes narrowed.

“That is not at all what he said Pinkie,” Rarity said hastily, trying to avoid a fight. “He said, he had a distaste for it, not that he disliked it. There is a big difference.”

20“Heh,” Rainbow Dash scoffed, “I don’t see how.”

“The difference is,” Rarity set her own tea cup on the table, and taking up the pot of hot tea in her magic, levitated it towards her cup, and carefully filled it halfway with the hot liquid. “Is my cup half full, or empty?”

Pinkie Pie glanced between the cup, and Rarity, over to Discord, then to Dash still propped up in her bed, then finally back to the table and the cup. “Uh... Both?”

Rarity nodded. “Now, distaste, means the cup is half full, dislike is half empty. Same thing, only different.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Yeah right,” she groaned. “Admit it Discord. You don’t like rocks.”

“I don’t,” he said. “They are grey, plain, and don’t move.”

“Except when they do,” Pinkie Pointed out.

“Or we move them,” Discord admitted. “Still, I don’t find them very aesthetically pleasing.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Alright, So the moon is made of cheese?”

Pinkie Pie gasped. “It is!”

30Dash facehooved. “I don’t know.”

Discord nodded. “In fact it is!” he announced triumphantly.

“It is what?” The door opened. Luna, stepped in and glanced about the assembled group.

“The moon is made of cheese Lulu.” Discord grinned.

Luna blinked, then glanced between the ponies.

“Are you tired of cheese? Did you eat a lot of it? Did it taste good? Can I have some?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Luna opened her mouth, then closed it again. “The moon... cheese?” she asked, this was not what she was expecting to walk in on at all, and she was uncertain of how to handle such a topic. Normally, it was just avoided. “If the moon doth be made of cheese, then it is. Or if it doth not, then it is not. It doth not concern you.”

“Do you like cheese?” Pinkie asked.

“Mr. Cheese Sandwich throws very nice parties, and we do enjoy his company,” Luna said, averting the question once more.

Rarity smiled up at the princess, “Please Princess, join us for tea.”

40Luna took a hesitant step forward, glanced towards the pink party pony, and the king of chaos, then back at Rarity. Taking a deep breath, Luna walked forward, and sat down in the chair offered to her. “Rainbow Dash, how have thou been since we met last?”

Dash’s ears flopped down in sadness. She bit her lip, sighed then, after staring some time at her bedding, glanced up at the princess. “Some better, that did help.” she sighed reluctantly.

“We do hear a ‘but’ in there?” Luna observed.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “I would prefer if... not everypony knew though.”

“Discord, leave us,” Luna ordered.

Discord frowned. “Really Dashie, Can’t I know too?”

“Discord,” Luna said threateningly.

“Fine, fine,” he grumbled, snapping his claw, he disappeared.

“Does he know how to use a door?” Rainbow Dash growled.

“Obviously not,” Rarity sighed. “Rainbow Darling, might we stay?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I guess...” she said just above a whisper. Her body sagged as if a great weight had just settled against her shoulders.

Pinkie, more aware of her friend than she had let on, quit her clowning about and planted herself beside Dash’s bed. “Please Dashie? What’s wrong?”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip, glancing slowly up to Princess Luna, then back to her hooves folded neatly in her lap. “Long story,” she muttered.

Rarity sighed, “Rainbow Dash, we all know you dislike showing that soft side of yours, despite the fact we all know you have it, and after yesterday...”

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof, “I do owe you all an explanation for... my actions... I guess.”

Luna nodded. “We saw much in thy dreams, but thou still needeth to explain much.”

Rainbow Dash nodded sadly, Pinkie Pie nuzzled her friend, causing Dash to smile, before pushing the cotton candy mane away from her face. “I’m fine Pink-”

She was assaulted by a mouthfull of cupcake. “No Dashie, you are not. I know fine Dashie, and I know not fine Dashie. This is not fine Dashie. Have a cupcake.”

Rarity had to stifle a giggle, for the face Dash made trying to choke down the sweet, and having Pinkie, hanging about her neck, was quite amusing. “Pinkie, please. Do refrain yourself.”

Pinkie glanced sadly towards Rarity, and Luna. Then towards a very... disgruntled Rainbow Dash.

The room slowly grew quiet as Dash strove to find words to explain herself. This was one of those times in which she wished she had more story telling experience. But alas, she was no ‘egghead.’

“Pinkie... During the... you know, Iron Pony Competition... did... you... um... find me in a tree?”

The question, to Rarity at least, was so out of the blue. Why in Eques-. But much to her astonishment, Pinkie Pie nodded.

“It was really strange though, one second you were there, the second after, you disappeared.”

Rainbow Dash looked towards Luna in great confusion.

“Thy guess is as good as mine,” Said she.

“Maybe I can be of assistance,” Discord said from everywhere at once.

The four mares’ ears all flopped down in annoyance, simultaneously.

“Yes Discord darling?” Rarity cooed, annoyed.

His mismatched form manifested itself upon one of the windows. “Since I’ve been ousted from the room, I guess I better not come any further.”

“Get on with it,” Rainbow Dash growled, her body tensing in annoyance.

He smiled, “Well-”


“Please Angel! You have to eat!” Fluttershy’s wings were completely ruffled as she tried to persuade her little friend to eat. She should have been back by now!

An hour before, Fluttershy had arrived at her little cottage to find it completely in shambles. The lack of her presence the previous few days were beginning to tell on the animals. Angel Bunny himself was the most affected. Completely used to her presence, and her absence... without proper explanation, or any reasons, just didn’t make sense. He had seen her in town, therefore shouldn’t she have come home?

“Angel, you love salad, you will eat it!” she scolded him firmly.

Angel shook his head.

“One bite. Right now, pick something up and eat it.”

Angel shook his head, and kicked the bowl of greens as hard as he could.

“ANGEL!” Fluttershy squeaked louder than normal.

Angel turned around, turning his back to Fluttershy, his little stubby arms crossed.

“Angel, you will quit this now.” She firmly told him.

Angel refused, thumping the ground hard with his large, back right foot.

Fluttershy groaned. “Please! I need to get back.”

Angel leapt from where he was sitting onto Fluttershy’s nose, then to the top of her head. He gave her three or four hard thumps before leaping back to the floor once more returning to his previous stance.

Fluttershy closed her eyes, slowly she counted to five regaining her composure. “Angel. You will eat.”

Angel Bunny ignored her, hopping off down the path.

Fluttershy whimpered. This day just wasn’t going well for her. “Please Angel! Are you mad at me?”

Angel Bunny turned around, and kicked a large rock towards her that she somehow, managed to dodge.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’” She sighed. “I know I’ve been away a lot... but my friends needed me.”

Angel kicked another pebble, This one making contact with her right foreleg. “ANGEL!” Fluttershy ‘yelled.’

Angel turned his back.

She bit her lip, striving not to cry, “I guess you could come with me... but I’ve got to take care of everypony else too.”

Angel didn’t show any signs of the fact he heard her, but she didn’t think he hadn't heard her either. “Alright, I’m going to leave you alone then, I’ve got to finish up and get back to the castle...” She looked to the sky, “A long time ago,” she whimpered, more than likely, the princesses were already there, and... and what? Did she really have to be there? Fluttershy couldn’t think of one reason she HAD to be there when the princesses got there... or at all for that matter.

Fluttershy sat down broken. The lack of sleep, and the stress she was under at home were beginning to get her down. She flopped onto her stomach crying. She knew not why she cried. She just did. Her oldest, dearest friend Rainbow Dash was... She knew not of a word. She was doing better... or was she? Fluttershy knew not. She had glanced in before darting downstairs with Discord to fix breakfast. To an untrained eye, Dash looked completely recovered, but something told her... that was a lie.

Applejack too, was recovering nicely yes, but... Fluttershy had for a long time now depended on her strength. Applejack was there for her when nopony else was. Well... Dash and Applejack both.

Being a pegasus, she understood Dash’s motives for her actions with her. Rainbow Dash was trying to make her tough. Tough like Dash was tough. To be strong like a pegasus should be.... like a family should be. Friend... that wasn’t even the word for their relationship. They were... cousins.

Fluttershy cringed at the word. Here she was, a weak flyer, spending most of her time on the ground, and she was a cousin to the best flyer in Equestria. Where did Dash get her talent? she knew not. Rainbow Dash was the only relative she had left. All the rest... had abandoned her because she was such a weak flyer... no, not just in flying... in everything.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks now. She had failed her friends... all of them, the ones here, as well as the ones still at the castle.

A soft thump resounded behind her. “Fluttershy?”

She didn’t move... Angel had left her, ANGEL.

“Fluttershy? Are you alright?”

Now she could tell it was Spike. She took a deep, ragged breath. His claw landed on her shoulder. “What-What’s wrong?”

“Everything!” she whailed.

Spike sighed. “Doesn’t look like things have been going well around here.” He observed glancing about.

Fluttershy nodded, but didn’t look up. “It isn’t.” she sobbed, “I can’t-I- get away!”

Spike sighed. “Flash?”

Fluttershy now felt another set of hooves, It made sense, Spike couldn’t exactly fly, and the two had been spending a lot of time together.

“Reporting, sir!” Flash Sentry barked.

Fluttershy giggled through her tears glancing up. Flash, though not quite your normal... soldier, could pull formalities when he wanted to. Flash smiled down at her. “Need any help m’lady?” he asked.

Fluttershy looked down at her hooves. “I guess...” Slowly she lifted one, and allowed him to pull her to her hooves.

“What happened?” Spike asked.

Fluttershy sighed. “Angel... Got upset that I was in town... but not home... then with Tank coming to stay... Angel didn’t like it-”

Spike whistled low. “All this!”

“Angel can cause quite a stir among the animals when he wants to.” she sighed sadily.

Spike nodded knowingly. “I wish you had told me that BEFORE you left me with him that time.”

“I did... at least I told you he was picky.”

Flash coughed. “The princesses have arrived, and you have been sent for. We will finish here, you need to get back, your highness.”

Fluttershy blinked. “Highness???” She glanced to Spike who shrugged and shook his head.

“Oh... alright... I was almost done. Angel hasn’t eaten, and the yard... and cottage...” She sighed glancing about. Also I haven’t restrung the birdfeeders. It needs to be done.”

Spike and Flash nodded. “Thanks, we’ll get on it.” Flash said.

“Are you sure you-”

Spike crossed his arms, “We can handle it Fluttershy, just go!”

With that, Fluttershy took to the sky.


“Uh... Mac dear...”

Big Mac glanced up and raised an eyebrow looking his marefriend up and down. Cheerilee was wrapped up in rope, a bucket on her head, and apples all around her. “Need some help?” He asked her.

She managed to lose a hoof from the binding winds of the rope and tip the bucket back from her face. “That would be nice.” She answered, grinning sheepishly.

Big Mac walked over to her, and carefully helped her out of the mess. He smiled and shook his head.

“I hope you aren’t mad at me,” she stammered.

“You ain’t AJ, why should ah be mad?” he replied.

She hung her head, sighing deeply. He pulled into an embrace. “Thank you Cheerilee.”

“You are thanking me? All I’ve done the last few days, is make messes!”

“Ya ain’t a farmer, yer a teacher,” he replied. “And even teachers need taught a few things.”

She giggled. “You’re adorable.”

“eeNOPE!” he replied.

She giggled, “You know, She makes all of this look super easy.”

“Eeyup,” he answered. “You ain’t her, this ain’t yer special talent.”

She suddenly looked extremely uncomfortable. “Do-do you mind that I’m... not gifted in farm work?... or cooking?”

He chuckled. “Eenope!”

She smiled and shook her head sadily. “Maybe...” She glanced to the house. “I should go help Granny process the apples for storage?”

He smiled. “Sounds good, Honey Pie.”

She blushed. “I just hope I don’t... break or burn anything. With my luck today... you guys might be out of business.”


Fluttershy landed just outside the castle, quickly brushing herself off, as one of the guards opened the doors and ushered her in.

She was quickly pointed to the throne room, hastily, and slightly nervously, she entered. “Um...”

Twilight looked up, her face brightening. “Fluttershy! What took you so long?”

Fluttershy shrugged. “Oh, the animals were...” She bit her lip, scuffing her hoof across the floor.

“Animals where what Fluttershy?” Twilight pried.

Fluttershy hid behind her hair. “Oh, nothing, it’s dealt with,” then under her breath she added. “I hope.”

Celestia smiled, “How are you doing?”

Fluttershy looked uneasy, “Fine, I guess.”

Celestia raised both eyebrows, but opted not to pry any further into the timid pegasus’ words. “So, Twilight tells me you were with Dash when she woke up this morning?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I was,” she replied.

Princess Celestia raised both eyebrows, “And? How did she seem to you?”

Twilight stood, and walked over, placing a wing over Fluttershy’s back. “First Applejack, then Dash.”

Fluttershy froze, in her mind, she could see Applejack lying painfully on the ground under the apple tree. Then, she saw Dash, time after time surfacing to consciousness, delirious, and irrational. A lone tear trickled down her cheek. “What are we going to do?” she whispered.

“We will get through this somehow.” Twilight soothed. “Come on, I think we need to head upstairs to be with the others, they are waiting.

Author's Note:

First folks, I want to appoligize for... having this out three days late. Life happened.

I'll be posting new chapters as ready till June. This time of year is really... Discord gets a hold of life and for the life of me, I can't get it under control. Chapter 14 is started... but my mind isn't focusing on it.

I had an Angel sized Plot Bunny show up... (Bad joke) and currently, this is what I'm working on. Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things soon. This story just isn't talking to me at the moment. Despite the fact I know what I want to do.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for reading, and don't be afraid to leave your thoughts in the comments. Next chapter I hope to be out soon... but who knows when. I don't want to press myself for a deadline too hard, it'll only subtract from the quality of my work.

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