• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,589 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Five: Honestly

Applejack lay on her back staring up at the ceiling of her room. She vaguely remembered being carried up the stairs the night before. Her memory of the party was even hazier. After only a few minutes, she had fallen asleep while talking to Spike.

She wearily glanced around her room. Big Mac had done a good job making sure everything she would need came, and yet the room felt foreign. It was foreign and yet familiar... Applejack sighed.

“How you doing AJ?” Rainbow Dash asked, sticking her head through the open doorway.

Applejack pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes. “How do’ ya think I’m feelin?”

“AJ! Please! We have been over this! I’m sorry!”

Applejack sighed. “Ah, know... it..” she trailed off.

Rainbow Dash hung her head. “Sorry... You... um... want to play a game?”

Applejack shook her head and returned to staring at the ceiling. “Eenope!” she mimicked.

“Read a book?”


Rainbow Dash stopped her hoof. “DAMMIT AJ! I am trying to help you!”

“Did ya’ think that maybe ah don’t want your help!”

Dash’s face grew red with anger. “WHY? TELL ME THAT!” she spat. “Is it the same reason you gave us LAST time? When you decided to buck the ENTIRE field of apples ALL BY YOURSELF!”

“Now that just ain’t fair!” Applejack retorted. “That time ah said ah would and ah intended to. This time it is completely different!”

“Oh really? Doesn’t look all that different to me!”

Applejack didn’t answer.

Dash rolled her eyes and sighed. When she spoke again, her voice was filled with pain and concern. “Come on, AJ! Please don’t be stubborn about this!”


“Because I want to help you!”

“Back to that!”

Rainbow Dash’s body tensed for a split second, then deflated. “Alright... Be that way! If you need me, I’ll be in my room. Just knock on the wall. I was just hoping you would be willing to help me be less bored... I guess it is all part of the punishment.”

Applejack sighed. “Wait... Dash... Ah’m... ah’m...” Applejack took a deep breath. “Sorry...”

Dash turned slowly and gave a half hearted smile. “Really AJ, I am just worried about you. You have either been silent.... or yelling your head off.”

Applejack pulled her hat down over her eyes. “Ah, know,” she whispered into the hat.

“What?” Dash asked coming closer

“Ah know,” she said a bit louder. “Now, please Dash, leave me alone. Ah... want to be alone.”

Dash bit her lip but granted Applejack’s wish. She turned and ran right into Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity, each with a look of panic.

“Darling! What -”

Dash waved Rarity off with a sigh. “She’s just being stubborn,” Rainbow Dash groaned, hanging her head.

“Oh dear!” Fluttershy squeaked.

Twilight shook her head, “And this is exactly why Big Mac did not want -”

Dash cut Twilight off with a shake of her head and a raised hoof. “AJ just wants to be left alone.” She let out a sigh. “I don’t know if that is good for her, but she has asked to be left alone, and I guess that is what we should do.”

Rainbow Dash then turned and hobbled towards her own room next door.

“Dash!” Rarity squawked. “You can’t be serious! When have you EVER let a friend down?”

Rainbow Dash stiffened, turned, and glared at Rarity. “I am not letting Applejack down! I am right next door! We are checking on her every thirty minutes! Applejack wants...” Dash deflated, trailing off. She sighed.

Twilight placed a wing over Dash’s back. Dash glanced between her three friends. her eyes landing on Fluttershy who was eyeing Applejack with that same look she gave Discord when he was being ridiculous. Like she was contemplating whether or not she should step in there and give Applejack a talking to.

“Give her a minute Flutters,” Dash sighed.

Rainbow Dash’s own room was only a few steps away from organized chaos. The books Fluttershy had brought were scattered around in a disheveled mess. Her bed was a mess with half of the blankets lying on the floor.

“Oh my Darling!” Rarity squawked. “What happened in here?”

Twilight giggled. “A restless night?”

Dash rubbed one hoof against her other leg. “Uh... yeah...”

“Darling! This will just never do!” Rarity cooed, straightening up the bed and starting in on the floor.


As soon as Dash was safely back into bed and Rarity and Twilight were distracted with the mess, Fluttershy escaped out the door and back over to Applejack’s room. Remembering what Rainbow Dash had said the day before about Applejack feeling every vibration, Fluttershy chose to fly in rather than walk.

With great caution Fluttershy glided over to the bed. At first glance Applejack looked to have once again fallen asleep.

“Dash! Ah thought I said ta leave me alone!”

Guess not! Fluttershy squeaked as her wings snapped shut and she fell with a thud to the floor.

Applejack yelped and rolled once more into the fetal position.

“Oh Applejack!” Fluttershy cried, leaping to her hooves and galloping the final few feet. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry!”

Applejack took a few deep breaths. “Ah’m fine,” she gasped. “Sorry, ah thought you were Dash trying to get me to play one of those silly games again.”

Fluttershy did not press the matter. “Um... Applejack... are... are..”

“Ah’m fine Sugarcube. Really.”

“Oh... Ok... I guess then... I’llbeleavingbye!”

“Now hold up! Ah didn’t say you had to leave!”

Fluttershy froze, her wings tucked tight to her body. “Um... okay... Uh... do you want to talk?”

Applejack sighed and hung her head. “Ah guess I do... But... but ah ain’t sure what about. Ah... ah just know I don’t want to be left alone... again...”

“Why... um,” Fluttershy stuttered. “Why did... that is... you yell at Dashie?”

Applejack sighed. “Ah don’t know. Ah... Just don’t want to talk to ‘er right now. That’s all.”

Fluttershy made her way back over to the bed and sat down beside Applejack in a chair beside the bed. “Why not?”

Applejack stared at the girdle that hid the ugly scar from the surgery. “Uh...”

“What is wrong with... um... that is...games...” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Ah just don’t feel like it,” Applejack sighed.

Fluttershy nodded. “So how do you feel? That is, if you don’t mind my asking...”

Applejack smiled, shaking her head. “Ah don’t mind at all sugarcube. Much better. Although...” She sighed. “Getting worn out just by sitting up is... pardon, fer the birds.”

Fluttershy giggled softly behind a hoof. “Does laughing still hurt?”

Applejack nodded. “Please, no jokes.”

Fluttershy covered mouth with her hoof and giggled behind it. “I promise.”

Applejack sighed, pulled herself into a sitting position, and leaned back against the headboard. “UGG!” she groaned.

“Do um... you, that is... want me to get you a... um... more pillows?”

Applejack nodded.

Fluttershy hopped down out of the chair and fluttered over to the pillow pile. Upon closer inspection, Fluttershy could have sworn that it had been smaller the day before. She brushed off that thought, assuming that Spike had brought more in.

Fluttershy reached out to pick up the top pillow, only to find it stuck. “Oh!” she yelped.

“What’s wrong Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“It seems like the pillow... has gained weight?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Alright Discord. That’s enough of that!”

“Shhh!” came a very feminine voice from the pillow pile.

Fluttershy lept back and hit on the other side of a tall upright lamp.

“Don’t look at me!” The lamp said shifting it’s form into the Draconequus. “I’m right here.”

“And ah asked ya to disappear last night! Ah don’t want yer’ help Discord!”

Discord huffed. “Well then! If that’s how you-”

“STOP! Both of you!” Fluttershy snapped. “Applejack, apologize!”

“Ah asked him to stay out of my room!” Applejack protested.

“Discord! Did Applejack ask you to stay out of her room?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Not hardly!” He scoffed. “She ordered me out! Then she yelled at poor restless Dashie. Really AJ! Do you think you are the only one hurting in all of this?”

Applejack huffed, turning her face away, and crossing her for legs.

“Of course I couldn’t let her just be in here alone!”

Fluttershy smiled. “You are a good friend, but when Applejack asked you to leave-”

“I did leave!” Discord defended himself. “Then I came back in here just in case she needed help! It is not as if I was in plain sight.”

The pillow pile giggled.

“Alright!” Applejack huffed. “So who is in the pillows!”

Slowly the top pillow rose, as soon as they saw a tuft of pink curly mane they all knew who it was. “PINKIE!”

“SHHH! I’m playing chicken with a train!” Pinkie’s head slowly disappeared beneath the wall being covered by the top pillow once more.

“Uh... Pinkie?” Fluttershy said in confusion.

Applejack groaned, shaking her head.“Great!” she muttered. She winced as she tried to get more comfortable.

“My! My!” Discord cooed. “Isn’t this an interesting situation!” He snapped his talon, disappearing the pillows from around Pinkie and placing them comfortably around Applejack.

“HEY!” Pinkie protested, “I was supposed to be hiding from the turkeys that wanted to go to the teddy bear picnic!”

“Thanks Discord!” Applejack said, ignoring Pinkie and her antics. “Ah guess, ah guess I em... I em... Sorry Discord.”

“What are friends for but to look out for one another!” he shot back also ignoring Pinkie.

Fluttershy hugged him.

Pinkie hopped without touching the ground over to Discord. “You got rid of my hiding place!”

“And tell me why ya need a hiding place!” Applejack inquired.

“Well, silly! So you don’t know I’m spying on you making sure you don’t drown poor Dashie in the dumpie wumpies!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “So now you all are more worried about Dash than me!” she snapped.

Fluttershy left Discord and landed softly beside Applejack, placing a wing over her lap. “We are worried about both of you!”

Applejack pushed the wing off in frustration.

“My my my! My dear Applejack! I can’t believe this!” Discord cooed, curling himself up around the bed then turning himself into the bed. “Do I sense some jealousy?”

“Of course not! Dash did this to me! Dash came up-”

“Did Rainbow Dash force you to pull the vine out?” Fluttershy asked.

Applejack paused stiffening. “Uh... no... But she-”

“And when do friends hold grudgie wudgies?” Pinkie asked. “I don’t! I just eat cake!”

Discord changed back into his regular self and stood beside Fluttershy. “Hum... I do believe I was in on that...”

“Soie wasie I!” Pinkie Pie giggled. “Rainbow Dash did NOT force you! She just started pulling on one, called you weak-” Pinkie giggled as Applejack’s look turned into a glare.

“Ah know what she said, ah know what ah said.”

“Easy Applejack! You are healing!” Fluttershy soothed.

“And that is another thing! All of ya are treating me like ah broke! Ah ain’t broke! Ah-” Suddenly Applejack let out a scream and rolled into a ball once more, clutching her stomach.

Without missing a beat, Discord snapped his talons, transporting Twilight into the room. Twilight blinked twice to get her bearings, but upon seeing the state Applejack was in, immediately went to work.

As soon as Applejack had calmed down and was breathing normally again, Twilight turned to Discord. Her wings were flared and her horn was glowing. “WHAT IN THE HAY DID YOU DO THIS TIME DISCORD?” she yelled.

A bright shining halo formed above the Draconequus’ head. “Who, me? You think I did something? I’ll have you know Twilight, I’m reformed! Or did you forget?”

Twilight stomped her hoof. “What are you doing here then?”

“I am here for Applejack, just like all of the rest of you!” he said.

“Um... if-”

“Yeah right! I’ll believe that when I see an elephant fly!” Twilight growled.

“Then glance outside!” Discord cooed. Sure enough, a big gray elephant was flying past the window using nothing but his ears. Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Um.. excuse me?”

“Discord!” Twilight snapped. “I don’t know what game you are play-”

“OH! You think I am playing!” The halo appeared then disappeared. “I think you have the old me and the new me mixed up!”

“EXCUSE ME!” Fluttershy yelled. All eyes turned to the shy pegasus... “Twilight! It is not like that at all! Discord was just trying to help!”

Applejack scoffed. “He is in here without me wantin’ him to be! Then he accused me of being overbearing to DASH!”

“Well silly! You are!” Pinkie piped up.

“No, I ain’t!”

“My! My! My! My dear Applejack! You are as transparent as an window!” Discord disappeared, reappearing within the window pane.

Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Really! Where did that honest Applejack go? Did she disappear with the strong Applejack?”

“Are you callin’ me a liar?”

“What does it sound like?” Discord taunted. “You most definitely are not being honest with yourself.” Discord switched from the window to the rug.

Applejack’s ears went flat back against her head. “Ah ain’t lyin’!

“Well,” said Pinkie. “Technically you are, yet no you are not... oh! Bubbles!” A bright stream of multi colored bubbles started filling the room and drifting out the door. In oblivion, Pinkie followed them out and turned in the direction of Dash’s room.

Discord watched Pinkie bounce out of the room, then turned back to Applejack. “Really! Hum... Maybe we should just see? I don’t remember her forcing you to yank that vine-”

“You wouldn't dare!” Twilight snapped.

“Oh I was just going to show you!” He snatched a rather large bubble from the air and brought it down for inspection. “Nope, wrong- my, this is interesting!” he said after inspecting it for a second more while chuckling to himself, popped it, then grabbed another. “Ah! This is the one I needed!” He lowered it so it sat directly in front of Applejack.....


Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked side by side through the vast orchard. Pinkie bounced and appeared in various places around them, on the ground, in a tree, under a cloud.

“Heh, yep!” Applejack laughed. “That sure was fun! Now what RD?”

Rainbow Dash glanced around. A mischievous glint in her eyes. “Why don’t we try those vines over there? See if we can get them out!”

“Oh come on! How hard can it be? Especially for the two strongest, most daring ponies in Equestria!”

“RD, there is daring, and then there is just plain stupid. Standing covered in bees dressed in protective gear or sleeping in an old abandoned castle is daring. Yanking one of them vines out of one of those them threes! Now that is just stupid.”

Dash laughed. “Oh come on! Really! You, who took on Discord’s vines, are backing out of taking on those!”

“Look Rainbow Dash, ah didn’t budge those vines. And ah don’t think ah’ll be able ta budge those either. Mac tried a year ago. They didn’t move then, and ah doubt they will now,” Applejack explained gently.

“I think you are just a coward!” Rainbow Dash taunted.

“Ah ain’t a coward and you know it!”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Really!” she squeaked. “Prove it! See!” She took one of the vine’s in her teeth and gave it a good tug. To Applejack’s surprise the vine DID move, if but an inch. “I can do it AJ. Now prove to me that you can!”

“RD, it just ain’t a good idea.”

“Ain’t a good idea? Or afraid you will lose?” Dash taunted back.

“It ain’t a good idea! Those vines are so twisted and tangled in the branches I doubt you will be able to get it all the way out.”

Rainbow Dash laughed and gave her chosen vine another good tug. This time one of its offshoots came loose enough for Rainbow Dash to grab in her teeth and yank it the rest of the way out.

Applejack raised both eyebrows surprised. She had watched Big Mac try to remove those vines. Shoot, she had tried one or two herself. It had been a year and the vine had died during that time. Maybe if she chose a vine that was also dead she would be able to get it out as well. Applejack took a deep breath, and, not wanting to one-upped again by Rainbow Daring Dash, took another big ol’ vine in her teeth and gave that monster a big YANK.


The bubble popped. Applejack glared up at Discord. “SEE! It is all Dash’s fault! If she hadn’t of dared me to-”

Discord snatched another bubble from the air gazing inquisitively into it. “Nope, I didn’t see Dash force you to pull on that vine.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “She DARED me!”

“Easy Applejack!” Twilight soothed. “I think...” She took a deep breath. “I think you are both at fault...”


“Nope Nothin’, You?”

“Plum out of ideas over here? You?”

“Nope.... You, Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom sighed. “I ain’t got nuthin! NUNTIN!” She placed her head in her hooves. “I hate seein’ my sister like this! She... she...” Apple Bloom broke down in tears for the twentieth time that day.

“OH come on!” Scootaloo exclaimed, “There has got to be a way we can help them!”

“You heard Cheerilee! She said that we need to leave them alone so they can heal without getting bumped by us.” Apple Bloom sighed.

“I think Dash could handle it! She can handle anything!” Scootaloo protested.

“I don’t think you are helping,” Sweetie Bell observed.

“Ah give up!” Apple Bloom sobbed. “Ah can’t even get Big Mac to tell me how she’s doin!”

“Uh... besides when he is angry... does Big Mac ever talk?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes silly! You know that!” Apple Bloom snapped.

“What about Granny? Has she said anything?” Sweetie Belle inquired.

“Nope! She says I need to help with the chores, and she hasn't left the house since... since we went to check on AJ in the hospital...”

The three crusaders sighed. Sweetie Belle scratched the back of her head. “Is there anypony else we might know who can get us over to see our sisters?”

“Rarity?” Scootaloo said looking expectantly at Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie shook her head. “Nope. She said that they needed their beauty sleep,” she said, impersonating her sister.

Applebloom and Scootaloo exchanged glances. “Who else?” Scootaloo asked.

“Uh... Pinkie?” Apple Bloom suggested.

Scootaloo shook her head. “Nope, I asked her this morning. She gave me this long explanation that... I really am not sure what she said.”

The three sighed. “How are we going to visit our sisters if we aren’t even allowed over there?” Scootaloo rasped.

“I don’t know! I don’t even understand why!” Sweetie grumped.

Apple Bloom rubbed the back of her head. “You two did not see Applejack... when she got hurt... I do know why it is... I want to see my sis so BAD!”

Sweetie wrapped Apple Bloom into a hug. “I know. I wish there was some way we could help them get better.”

“Wait a minute! I know!” Apple Bloom suddenly exclaimed.

“What?” Scootaloo and Sweetie both exclaimed together.

Apple Bloom smiled... Is the emphasis here that she doesn't want anyone's help, or she doesn't want Dash's help in particular?


Author's Note:

I wonder what Apple Bloom's plan is? :trollestia:

Thank you all for reading. MAN! Applejack's being a bit hard on Rainbow Dash isn't she? I wonder if she is mare enough to admit wrong, or if she will continue to be hard on poor Dash.

And Really Pinkie! I do believe you were in the rarest of rare forms here. Chicken with a train! REALLY NOW! LOL

Chapter six will be Published on Saturday, January Third. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and I hope you all have a happy New Year. If you stand outside and listen at Midnight... You just might hear me screeching "HAPPY NEW YEAR" at the top of my lungs to all of you.

Till next Saturday, Cowgirl Out.

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