• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Twenty: Siblings

Twilight rubbed her temples, laying her head down. She looked over the note she had written, her stomach knotting itself into what she feared would result in Colic if she didn’t get it under control.

Fluttershy sat between the two beds, reading a story that, under normal circumstances, Twilight was certain they’d both protest. However, for now, it was obvious they were just humoring her.

"And princess Platinum and Prince Elm Wood lived happily ever after. The end," Fluttershy finished, closing the book.

Rainbow stifled a large yawn as she attempted to hide her restlessness. "Hey Flutters, nice-" she yawned once more. "Nice story."

Applejack chuckled, "It wasn't bad, but if that Elm fellow was so strong, why did he permit his step brothers to push him around so much?"

Fluttershy opened then closed her mouth. "I don't know," she said.

Twilight chuckled, "It's a story, nopony is even sure if it's true or not. Alright Rainbow, I think I'm done composing the letter. You want me to-"

Rainbow looked uncomfortable. "Twilight I'm certain... It's fine. I think I'm done listening for now." She rolled over, pulling the soft cotton blanket up to her chin.

Applejack cuckled, "The-"

A whiffling snore interrupted Applejack's speech. Worry and concern filled Fluttershy's eyes as she studied her fellow pegasus. "Oh dear-"

Applejack reached across and patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. "It's alright sugarcube, she’s probably has just worn herself out.”

Fluttershy bit her lip, then finally after a minute, nodded. “I guess you are right.” She sighed.

Twilight stood, stretching, and walked around the bed where she could see Rainbow’s face. “And she’s out,” she whispered.

Applejack smiled. “And it ain’t even a cloud.”

Twilight smiled back, gently making sure Rainbow wasn’t too hot under her covers, then walked back around the bed and handed the letter to Fluttershy. “I’m guessing you know Rainbow Dash’s parents.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Um- yes.”

“Could you glance over this for me?”

Fluttershy nodded, opening the folded piece of paper, and scanned it quickly. “I think this will be alright,” she said softly to Twilight.

Twilight took a deep breath. “Thanks, I’ve never met the-”

Fluttershy smiled shyly. “They are nice ponies,” she said. “Rainbow takes after her dad in looks and much of her temperament... but that soft side, that comes from A-Mrs. Rainbowshine,” Fluttershy explained.

“Ah guess you’ve met them,” Applejack said.

Fluttershy nodded. “Oh yes, they wanted to meet the filly whose honor their daughter had raced for,” she explained, giving only a half truthful answer to the story. Fluttershy glanced to the now thundering Rainbow Dash. “Maybe we should find her a cloud, it’s noise canceling.”

Applejack chuckled, “Nah, just get ‘er off ‘er back.”

Dash now had rolled belly up, literally, and was snoring loud enough to shake the windows. Twilight untwisted the blue mare from her blankets and rolled her back onto her side. Almost instantly Rainbow Dash started whimpering in her sleep. “Ow!”

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack all stiffened. “Not again!” Applejack groaned.

Twilight rolled Dash over onto her other side, and she instantly relaxed somewhat. A cold sweat coated her body from head to tail. Twilight folded the blankets back so only the the sheet covered her.

Fluttershy sat down beside Rainbow on her bed, placing a hoof on her forehead. “Twilight-” she said shakily.

Applejack smiled sadly. “Ah think Twi just rolled Dash so... the spot had pressure on it,” she explained. “Ah’ve noticed that if ah lay wrong, that spot-” she blushed, “hurts worse.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, thinking deeply. “I can’t believe she’s out again.”

Applejack chuckled. “RD is the queen of naps. Shoot, ah’ve been takin’ more naps than normal. Ah’m guessin’ she’ll be out more than she’s up.”

Fluttershy’s shoulders fell as she slowly stroked Rainbow Dash’s mane. “Do-are-”

Applejack hesitated for but a moment, then slipped once more out from under the covers. The short trek between the two beds took took her far longer than she wished, but she was soon standing beside Fluttershy and Twilight. “She ain’t as bad as ah was. Honest, she’ll make it,” Applejack reassured them. “Even Doc Stables said so.”

Twilight swallowed and nodded. “Yep, and I bet it was the tests, not the story that knocked her out this time.”

Fluttershy sighed and nodded, visibly still rather distraught. Applejack patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. “Honest, it’ll get better,” she said. “Remember, ah was only awake for a matter of minutes comin’ out from under after the surgery.”

“But you were also given a higher dosage,” Twilight pointed out.

Applejack shrugged. “Ah don’t remember, so ah’ll have ta take yer word on it.” She swayed slightly. Placing a hoof on her side, she closed her eyes, focusing on breathing steadily.

“Applejack?” Fluttershy said concerned.

“Ah’m fine,” Applejack reassured weakly between breaths.

“Are you sure you need to be up?” Twilight asked, equally concerned.

The orange mare shook her head. “Ya gals need-” she swayed once more.

Twilight lifted Applejack in her magic and set her once more into the bed. “AJ, I think you need to start listening to the doctor and getting the rest you need.”


"All systems say go, I repeat, all systems say go!" Pinkie whispered harshly as she peered under Sweetie's door. "Cowgirl? Are you listening to me, Rarity is done in there, and it's time we get moving, I am beginning to think you have writer's block." Pinkie glanced around, her ears twitching back and forth, finally she heaved a huge sigh, and opened the door. "Alright, let's get this story going again. I'm going to do it with, or without you."

"Pinkie?" Rarity asked concerned, "Who-"

"No time to talk!" Pinkie said, suddenly beside the white mare, rasping into her ear.

Rarity rubbed said ear, clearing out the spray that Pinkie had administered. "Pinkie-"

Pinkie however was now somehow under the three fillies and was bouncing out of the room them clinging to her back. "Come on girls, Discord thinks Orange and Maroon go together, we need to go rescue your sister!"

"Which one?" Apple Bloom asked.

"The one who Cowgirl is going to make faint again if she sees it."

"Who is Cowgirl?" Scootaloo asked.

"The one writing this story silly, though I have taken over a time or two." Pinkie giggled.

The three fillies exchanged looks of confusion, or at least tried to, as they were bounced down the stairs.

"Pinkie Darling!" Rarity called down the stairs. "What are you-"

"Stay there Rarity, ‘till we call for you!" Pinkie called over her shoulder.

"But, I have stuff to do, dresses to make and I-"

Pinkie however did not hear the end of it, for she had now left ear shot. She had rounded the corner into Rarity's work room, and the mess the chaotic draconequus had left as a 'present.'

"What happened in here?" Sweetie Belle squeaked, looking on in horror at the outfits laid out. "Rarity is going to lose it!" she added, groaning.

Pinkie nodded. "True, she might. If she sees it of course." she said, as if she didn't really care. "Here is where you girls get off."

The girls then found themselves somehow sitting on Rarity's desk in the corner, Pinkie on the opposite side of the room, examining the outfits dutifully. "Hey Cowie!" Pinkie sings, "Do you think you can do something about this?"

Biting my lip, I glare at the nickname Pinkie used. "Honest Miss Pie, if you have to use a nickname, use one that isn't... weird. VK or Kathie would do."

Pinkie doesn't answer me, not that I mind. I had kind of ignored her earlier.

"Orange and maroon, I think the purple and red don't loo-" Suddenly Pinkie Pie squealed with delight, switching the red with the orange. "Perfect!" she squeals, "That goes- Well, I think it does. She cocked her head to the side, shrugged, scooped up the fillies then turned to gallop out the door, crying "You may look now!" before slamming the door behind her.

The three fillies quickly found themselves in their wagon, which they had hidden in the bushes beside the front door, and within seconds, Pinkie had maneuvered from the wagon, them half way down the road. “How does she do this?” Sweetie asked.

Scootaloo, buzzing her wings and propelling them forward on the scooter, shrugged. "If you ever figure it out, we might get our Cutie Marks. However, I don't think I want one in Pinkie understanding."

Apple Bloom's ears pinned back. "Nah, Ah think ah'll pass on that one," she said hesitantly.

"A Pinkie Pie understanding Cutie Mark?" Pinkie hummed, scratching her chin, "Now, that would be interesting. I wonder what it'd look like."

"Ah don't think we want to find out," Apple Bloom whispered to Sweetie.

"Me neither," Sweetie answered.


"Captain, I think we are lost."

"Ya think?" Captain Feathers smirked over her shoulder. "You aren't sure?" She was still somewhat miffed at him, and in her native homeland, she had reverted more into her younger state of mind.

Steady raised an eyebrow. "Captain, I know the trip between the Center, and your home-"

"And we aren't on that trip," Lilly giggled.

"You know?" Steady asked her concerned.

"Of course." Lilly continued giggling.

"May I ask why?"

Lilly stopped giggling and smiled, shaking her head. "You may ask," she teased.

Steady switched eyebrows that were raised, then very subtly, started chewing on his bottom lip.

"You are fun," Lilly giggled.

"I am?" Steady asked, obviously confused.

"Yep. Arrow is following us. She is currently three percepts off our right wing. I'm circling round now that we are far enough into the mountains so we can sneak up on her."

Steady's face was a picture of extreme confusion. Lilly couldn't help but laugh. "Wise or not," she said, knowing his next statement would have been “is it wise” before he could utter it, "It will be a little bit of a lesson to her, and yes, I knew she was following the minute she started, which was about ten minutes after we left."

"May I ask why you didn't stop her then?" Steady said, his voice far deeper than it normally would have been.

Lilly attempted to raise an eyebrow back, failing miserably. "Why do you think? We've only known each other for six years, Freight Train."

Steady said nothing, but chewed on his bottom lip thinking, his brows furrowing together into a straight line.

"Pay attention," Lilly giggled, “and stay quiet. I want to spook her." Suddenly she tipped upwards, going over the tip of the mountain peak, then turned, and free fell quickly downwards.

Steady’s feathers fluffed, as his entire body stiffened. "Ca-" but the pink mare had disappeared from sight. Moments later he heard the unmistakable scream of his much younger brown cousin. Minutes later, they were both back, and Lilly was carrying a fluffy white lamb with a purple tag in its ear.

"Alright Steady," Lilly said, tossing the fluffy thing over his withers, "You've got this. Seems like my breakable cousins still can't figure out how to watch the sheep without loosing at least one. For shame Gertrude," She scolded he lamb, "You have got to learn to stay with the flock. there are wolves out here. You too Arrow." She turned to the brown mare beside her. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice the extra air currents?"

Arrow hung her head, muttering something under her breath.

Steady glanced at the creature hanging over his back, then looked between the two mares, uncertain whether or not to intervene on his cousin's behalf. Opening and closing his mouth like a fish, he groped for words.

"Really, Steady, she disobeys both of us, and you have nothing to say?" Captain Feathers exclaimed, pretending to be miffed. "Arrow, exactly what got into that head of yours anyhow? Hum?"

Arrow fletched. "I wanted to come too!" she said, wincing at her own lack of a good excuse. "You two get to go places a lot! I-" She bit her lip, quickly wiping away a tear before either one could notice it.

Lilly shook her head. "I come home... Home and the Center, those are really the only two places I really just 'go.’" She firmly told the filly.

"But, your home-" Arrow began.

Lilly giggled sadly, "Yeah, I guess you are right, it is kind of the entire mountains."

"Where- where are we?" Arrow asked.

Steady raised an eyebrow inquisitively at Lilly.

Lilly smirked. "Well, if you look over to your left, you will see Pega Falls, that huge waterfall. In the middle, on the ledge holds what we know as Pegasus Park. This is because you have to either have wings or be a mountain goat to get up there." She glared at the lamb. "Then, over there is Eagle Summit, and that speck of light, that's the town of Glemmer, the dullest, dirtiest town in Equestria."

A huge explosion shook the three flyers from their path, the lamb tumbling from Steady's withers. Lilly swooped and caught Gertrude before dumping her back upon the re-settled stallion. "And that was my brother's workshop!" she exclaimed, worry creeping into her voice.

Commander Steady Flyer found himself lagging far behind the two mares as they dashed at break neck speeds towards the explosion.


Apple Bloom stood on the bottom step, looking up at the towering castle above her. Had it only been a day since she stood at this spot with Zecora before Pinkie somehow whooshed her away to Sugarcube corner? She closed, then reopened her eyes, glaring up at the dark crystal structure. Sweetie laid a hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder. "Come on," the white filly said softly, "You two are like apple and pie, remember." Sweetie smiled encouragingly. "If anything, I bet it'll do her a lot of good."

"Ah hope so," Apple Bloom whispered.

Pinkie bounced past them.


Rain or shine or any weather,


She is there, can't you see,

Apple and Pie,

Cloud in the Sky,

She is there for me!

Oh, They are there for me!

Pinkie Pie sang cheerfully, bouncing up and down to the happy tune she had made up right there on the spot.

Sweetie looked to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom glanced at Scootaloo, then back at Sweetie. "Do ya gal-"

"Nah!" they all said together.

Apple Bloom sighed. "Ah just wish ah knew fer certain this was the right decision. If-"

"Not right choice!" Pinkie exclaimed, gasping, "I think it was the right choice. It better have been the right choice. Otherwise, Equestria will end, and it will be no more!"

The fillies rolled their eyes and waited for Pinkie to disappear inside. Slowly they followed her, whispering much more quietly to themselves. "Ah mean," Apple Bloom continued, " do ya gals thing it was right ta sneak off like that?"

"They didn't say anything about after we finished," Scootaloo rasped.

"That's mah point! Ah- ah, ya know. What is mah sister gunna say?" Apple Bloom exhaled dramatically. "She's got enough problems!"

Scootaloo gulped. "I wonder how Rainbow Dash is. I know she isn't my real sister, but she's the closest thing I have to one. And she's so awesome, and daring, and courageous, and unstoppable!"

Sweetie held up a hoof. "We get the point," she grumbled.

"Are you girls coming?" Pinkie said, right in front of them. They all three screeched.

Pinkie shook her head. "It's only me silly, but you need to be quieter, they might be sleeping," she informed them.

The fillies flashed sheepish grins. "Uh, asleep?" Sweetie squeaked.

Pinkie, however was gone again.

“Does she ever just stick around?” Scootaloo groaned.

“Only if she wants to,” Sweetie grumbled.

Twilight was the one to meet them at the top of the stairs. The long time tutor had a very perplexed look on her face as she looked the three fillies over from head to hoof. “Girls, I need to talk to you before you go in there,” she said.

Apple Bloom’s ears flopped down. “Rarity told us-”

Twilight nodded, “Pinkie just told me everything—at least, I’m going to assume she told me everything. Rainbow is right now asleep.”

Scootaloo’s ears flopped down, her tail hanging limply. “Is- is she alright?”

Twilight sighed, “I wish I knew. Even the doctor isn’t really sure. She’s pretty beat up, between that fall and what happened this morning. Do not wake her up. If she wakes up, it’s fine. But no bouncing, yelling, shouting, climbing, or crusading right now. Got it?”

The fillies nodded. “Applejack really needs her rest as well,” Twilight continued. “She keeps assuring me she’s fine, but the doctor doesn’t want her to overdo it. Her body isn’t ready for anything at this moment.”

Apple Bloom’s ears flopped down. “Will she be alright? Is she- ah mean, is she?” she stumbled over her words, dread causing a dull ache to reside in her own belly. “And why didn’t ya’ll let us see ‘em yesterday?”

Twilight sighed. “Rarity told you Rainbow Dash was out of it, right?”

The three nodded once more.

“Applejack slept most of yesterday, which the doctor told us was the best thing for her. We didn’t want you girls in there exciting her and causing problems.”

They sighed, but obediently nodded.

Twilight took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly to calm her own racing nerves. “You girls are still young- It’s just-”

“We ain’t babies!” Apple Bloom protested weakly, but firmly.

“No, you girls are not,” Twilight reassured. “But nor have you matured-” She bit her lip. “Just know they are not going to be as you remember them. They need rest, not games. Cheer them up, but don’t go wild. Alright?”

The fillies nodded. “Alright Twilight,” Sweetie answered, discreetly reassuring her companions with a hug. “We will.”

Apple Bloom was almost trembling when Twilight finally opened the door. To their surprise, Pinkie was not in the room, but that was only dwelled upon for only a moment before the far more important matter came into focus.

“Apple Bloom?” Applejack said, laying down the book ‘Modern Farming.’

Tears sprung to the younger fillies eyes, as she raced towards her sister, remembering at the last second Twilight’s words, she skidded to a stop. “Applejack! Oh sister ah missed you!” the younger filly cried.

Applejack smiled, reaching out a hoof for Apple Bloom to embrace. The younger filly grabbed it, and clutched it tightly between two fore hooves.

Applejack smiled sadly, which quickly turned into a frown, "AB, what are ya doin' here? Where's Big Mac?"

Apple Bloom bit her lip as she brushed a tear from the corner of her eye. "Uh, sis-" She glanced to Sweetie and Scootaloo. Scootaloo was trying to play it tough over beside Rainbow Dash's bed. Sweetie stood beside Scoot, speaking in soft whispers.

Applejack gave her younger sister that look could only be described as a death glare. "Did ya'll sneak off again?"

Apple Bloom scuffed her hoof against the floor. "Well, we didn't exactly, only said we had to weed the garden."

Applejack closed her eyes sighing. "Apple Bloom!" she exclaimed.

"SIS! Ah just had ta see ya, an-"

Applejack chuckled, shaking her head sadly. "Apple Bloom! So, how's the farm?"

The younger sister scuffed her hooves. "Different," she answered simply. Another tear sprang to the filly's eye. Before she could stop herself, she launched herself at Applejack, locking both fore legs about her sister.

Applejack yelped shrilly from the pain caused by the sudden attack to her sore body. "Easy there sugarcube!"

"I'm sorry AJ! But ah miss ya so much, and ah was so worried!" Apple Bloom sobbed into her sister's mane.

Applejack smiled painfully, as she petted her sister gently. "Whoa there Nelly, ah'm alright."

Apple Bloom pulled back, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "No ya ain't!" she replied firmly, "And that's why ah'm worried! Ah want ya ta come home, ah miss-" she got no further as she broke down in another volley of tears. "They never came back!"

Applejack sighed, her heart breaking, a few tears slipping from her own eyes. "There there Apple Bloom, it ain't over yet.... Ah didn't think ya remembered any of that. But ah promise, on my bein' an Apple, that ah'll be comin' home."

Apple Bloom inhaled sharply, tightening the grip she held about her sister's neck.

Applejack chuckled sadly to herself, "Come on AB, Ah can't breath if ya hold me that tight."

Apple Bloom did not let go, but shifted it slightly. "Applejack, Granny burned breakfast again," she complained in her ear. "And dinner last night, Big Mac didn't read to me, and Mrs. Cheerilee might be nice as a teacher, but she makes a lousy 'Applejack.'"


Rarity screamed. Her work, her fabric, ruined! All ruined.

If anything else could go wrong, anything more than what had that week, she had not the foggiest notion of what it could be. Here she had an order due, a friend that needed her... and somepony had been messing with her stuff again! She couldn't find anything! To make matters worse, somepony had laid out the most hideous colors to go together. The theme said Autumn... but what in Equestria was any of this?!

She trembled as she looked about at her shop.

"Magnificent, isn't it darling, or would you say divine? I am never quite sure which would fit any occasion." Without a shadow of a doubt, it was his royal annoyingness, Discord. She could hear him, but as of that moment, she did not see him.

Rarity started mentally counting, attempting not to create a spectacle of herself by losing her temper.

"Oh my, doesn't that look dreadful!" Discord exclaimed. "I mean, I've seen you upset, but not this upset! At least, not in a while."

Rarity bit her lip, grunting in annoyance. "What is marvelous? What is dreadful?" she hissed.

A snake like snicker went around the room. "If you don't know, I won't tell you," he teased.

Rarity's horn began to glow. "Oh really?" she spat viciously

"Or what? You will turn me to stone?"

Rarity stomped. "That is tempting," she hissed.

Discord only laughed once more. "That is funny, for my dear, you lack your element!"

Rarity had to think before replying. "There are other-"

Discord laughed so hard, the windows rattled about her. "Do you know who I am?" he pried. "I am the Lord of Chaos, the King of Disorder, and UnHarmony," he cackled.

"Un-Harmony isn't-" Rarity began.

One of the ponicans was knocked over. "Save it. I can talk as I please when I please, and how I please... Your language is to precise. Aye? Quai? Si? No? Quebec-" He continued to spew random nonsense words at her.

Rarity closed her eyes, slowly calming her nerves. When she opened them, Discord standing right in front of her. He was wearing the most outlandish outfit she had ever seen in her life. On his head he wore an odd looking wig. It had a bird, a squirrel, and a few other things caged within its grasps, and was almost as tall as he himself. His tunic was red in color, and was striped with burnt yellow. The fluffy shirt had a color that reached right up to his chin and glistened with more shiny doodads than Ponyville while she was under the influence of the book. But neither the tunic nor the wig is what caught her attention... it was the purple leggings and horrors, his bright blue stockings.

Rarity could die. Rarity feared she would faint. She had never seen so many colors, patterns, or textures in one outfit in her life. Not even her parents would wear something so- So... Unfashionable! Her eye twitched.

"What is it my dear?" Discord inquired. "Don't you just love my outfit? I found it in an very interesting dimension. Everypony- except they say everyone- dresses like this."

Rarity's eye twitched. "Don't you think-" she swallowed, "it might be a bit much?"

"Much?" Discord laughed. "I knew you'd say that! Didn't I say that?" He reached up and tickled the terrified bird with a feather, causing the squirrel to double in size into a macho beast.

Rarity squirmed. "Dear Discord Sir-"

"Three positives," Discord said thoughtfully. "Does that make one negative? Or a negative positive? Maybe a positively negative?"

Rarity's horn flashed. "Enough!" she barked, a tad louder than she normally would. "Discord, please- May I-"

"Oh, but I fear you don't have the time," Discord interrupted.

Rarity blinked. "Pray, may I ask for what I don't have time for?"

"For Dinner and a show of course? You have to make some spectacular pieces of fabric to turn into marvelous outfits to put upon snooty customers."

Rarity blinked again, opening her mouth to answer. However, Discord had other ideas. "My dear, you really need to focus. What were you thinking with this color combination?" he said, looking over the ponicans and the cut out fabric. "I don't know about you, but I am pretty sure reptile skin is in this season."

Rarity was affronted! She was agast! HORRIFIED beyond words. Wear a reptile? Discord smirked, reading her discomfort. Snapping his talon, he donned the Turtle shell with Alligator skinned arms and a snakeskin belt.

Rarity swayed slightly. "Darling! Does Fluttershy-"

Discord snapped his talon again, this time donning a regular black tux with a tall silk hat. "Why?" he asked innocently. "They are not real skins. They are fake. Besides, they are quite classy, the only thing that would make this outfit better," he changed once more into the reptile garb, "Would be if I were to make instead of this shell.... it be a cheetah skin!"

Once more Rarity swayed. "I don't know about you, but I think I have stuff to-" She began trying to escape his beady red and yellow eyes.

Discord snapped his talon, and every poniquin in the room was suddenly wearing an exquisite outfit. Not only was each one of them exactly to the customer's specifications, but they were also each one exactly what Rarity had in mind. She was at a loss.

"Do you like it my dear?" Discord cooed, fluttering long black eyelashes.

Rarity's gaze traveled between the poniquins and Discord, her mind blank for a response. She walked slowly over to the closest one and ran a hoof over the fabric. "Where did you find this?" she asked, dumbstruck.

Discord smiled. "That is for me to know and you to wonder about. Trust me, it would be better you didn't know."

Rarity stiffened. "Discord, you didn't-"

Discord laughed heartily. "My, my, my, my dear Rarity! What dirty thoughts you have! No animal, creature, large or small died in making this fabric! But I won't say a plant didn't."

Rarity's eye twitched. "Plant?"

"Yes, a free plant... quite murderous beast, however if you can manage to collect some, boil it, then run it through crushed diamond- it spins into what you see before you."

Rarity blinked, her horn glowing every so slightly. "Re-really?"

Discord smiled, "Well, there are a few more steps in order for it to work, but unless you guess my name- my true name- I shant tell it to you." His eyes gleamed with malicious intent. "Isn't that right my dear?" Faster than you could blink, Discord was back into his original garb, stroking the still scared bird. He flashed a smile, and was gone.

Rarity turned dumbly around, looking at each of the fifteen gowns and five tuxes, looking for any sign of an imperfection in the design or fabric that could cause her any amount of grief. Turning towards the door, she dumbly walked straight out the door and right into Mac.

Author's Note:

PHEW! Now this chapter... was a crazy one to write. Pinkie, Discord... I need to have a nice. LONG. chat. with. you. BOTH! Really? Was any of this necessary? Yes, and we both know it.

Lilly has a playful side... she isn't always the big ol' tough captain she wants Arrow to think she is. She's even a bit of a troll... :facehoof: And an explosion in her brother's shop! Why am I worried? I know, because her brother is directly molded after my own... and he is a Carter (Hogan's Heroes) type, or an absent minded professor. Yeah I know I tossed a ton of names in there of towns, and places... and even though it's not that important to the story... The story is 80K and rising, so who cares.

Dash really isn't taking this well! Poor thing. And AB, when someone is hurt... gentle! Launching yourself at them isn't smart.

As far as Discord's outfits go... I was bored, STIFF! That first one is molded after the Macaronis (highest class of people in Europe) of the 1600's-1800's. John Hancock (think American Revolution) wore that type of stuff. He was quite proud of his purple jacket and red leggings... Don't ask. They just wanted to flaunt their wealth. And did it by buying clothing so out of the box... Rarity would have DIED during that era, and just for the record, if the clothes didn't kill me, the rules would have.

Anyways, thanks for reading. And hopefully I'll have some art for this chapter soon. I've got some ordered... and in the process... but not done yet.

Chapter 21 Grumblings, will be over Independence day weekend (for you non Americans, July 4th or 5th) This just happens to also be my birthday. So if it's a tad late... Blame the person planning my surprise party, Or my Lazy editors... Or both.

Till then,

Cowgirl Out.

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