• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,589 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Nine: Dreams

Faster and faster the amazing Rainbow Daring Dash spun, neatly turning downwards she positioned her body to create the Sonic Rainboom. Instantly she knew something was wrong. Something was wrong! Rainbow Dash’s heart skipped a beat as she broke out in a sweat. Something was wrong!

She searched her mind to try to figure it out. Her wings were flapping as hard as they could, and her body was in position. What was-

Suddenly the scene changed. No longer was she up high in the sky trying to pull off a Sonic Rainboom, now she was... hiding in one of Applejack’s apple trees? Rainbow Dash shook out her wings and sat down, greatly confused.

“Hello silly! What are you doing up here? Weren’t you just with Applejack?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie cocked her head to the side. “Of course, silly! Or did you forget all about me in the last five minutes?”

Rainbow Dash glanced around and blinked a couple more times. “I’m just... a little confused on how I got here.”

Pinkie giggled. “Well that’s easy, silly. You either walked or flew!”

“That’s just it Pinkie, I don’t think I did eith... er. Hey, isn’t that... me?” Rainbow Dash’s stared in confusion at what seemed like herself and Applejack out in the field a ways off.

Standing, she flapped her wings a couple of times and glided down to the ground. The minute her hooves hit the ground, however, her perspective changed again. Now she was high up on a cloud, still watching the events below.

“Applejack! How did you beat me? Don’t you know I’m Rainbow Daring Dash?”

Rainbow Dash looked around, surprised. That was definitely her voice! But... wasn’t it coming from... no, she had not seen her other self talk. Where had it come from?

“Aren’t we just awesome?” the other Dash said out loud.

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up.

“Heh, yep!” Applejack laughed. “That sure was fun! Now what, RD?”

The color drained from Rainbow Dash’s face. “No!” She muttered, “Not again! I don’t want to see it again!” In fear, she glanced around. “I SAID I DIDN’T WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN!”

"News flash, my cocky friend. You did this to me! Now ah can't help my family, and ah can't do my job! SHOOT! Ah can't even help myself.”

Dash curled up into a ball. “No! Please no!” She covered her ears with her hooves, scrunching her eyes tight. Still she saw and heard.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow looked up. Now she was in her room again. The game was put away... she was staring out a wind- “No!” Dash muttered, her eyes widening with fear. She glanced over at Applejack. The orange mare seemed haggard, the strength in her voice an illusion. She had no strength. Dash watched helplessly as Applejack toppled to the floor clutching her midsection, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Gasping for breath herself, Dash ran to the long red rope that hung beside her bed and started pulling with all of her might. She watched, disjointed as Twilight and Rarity came rushing in to tend to Applejack... but she heard nothing. In her mind, all she heard was that simple sentence Applejack had said to her in the hospital.

Dash backed up and curled up in the corner. “Please! Make it stop!” Dash cried into her hooves.

Something strong and warm stepped up in front of her. She opened her eyes and looked up. The scene had changed again. Now they were high up in the heavens, the stars glittering around her and the bright round moon hanging high overhead. In front of her stood Luna.

Dash curled up tighter into a ball.

Luna stomped a hoof. “What is thoust doing to thyself? Applejack hast forgiven thou!”

Dash covered her face with her hooves. She stammered under Luna’s harsh gaze.

“Why dost thou continue to make thyself suffer!”

“I’ve failed! I’m no longer worthy to be called Loyalty! I’VE FAILED!”

“How hast thou failed? I have watched thou, I dost not think that thou hast failed thyself, thy element or thy friends.”

“You don’t understand! I can’t be there-”

Luna draped a wing over Dash’s back and lay down beside her. “Thou hast sacrificed thy own sleep to make sure Applejack was alright. Thou-”

“And when I relaxed because she had forgiven me, and indulged in my own selfish desires I ended up hurting her again!”

Luna shook her head. “Applejack did that to herself as well. She was trying too hard to prove to you that she was alright. She know thou hast been checking in on her at night.”

Dash’s wings opened with a mighty whoosh. Luna chuckled. “Thou needst to rest thyself. To forgive thyself-”

“But I have failed!” Dash cried folding her wings back to her body.

“Hast thou?”

Dash looked over the edge of the cloud to the sleeping Ponyville below. “All I want is to be doing weather patrol! I want to be doing my tricks. I want to be proving myself as a wonderbolt reserve!”

Luna nodded. “Striving to do thy best is important, but thoust also need to consider thy friends. And thyself. Now, you need to rest and allow your friends to be loyal to you, as you have been to them.”

“-But the weather patrol team... they aren't arranging the clouds just so! I look out my window and it is sloppily done! You can’t just park a cloud anywhere, or leave just any cloud hanging!”

Luna chuckled. “And that is why thou art the weather manager! And thou art right, they aren’t doing it as thou wouldst do it. They art doing it their way, because they are the ones doing the work!”

Dash sighed and covered her face with her hooves. “If I had just been content with being one point behind her! None of this would have happened! ONE POINT!”

Luna nodded. “Thy love for winning does get thou in a lot of trouble.”

Dash rubbed the back of her head. “You can say that again.”

“Thy friends art worried about thou.”

Dash glanced up. “They are worried about Applejack, not me.”

“Then explain to me why thy friends have been keeping a vigil at thy bedside and not Applejack’s?”

Dash glanced up. “Vigil?”

“Sorry, I doth forget sometimes that you don’t understand all of the old tongue. Vigil, a watch, a close watch.”

Dash blinked. “There has been someone in my room with me at all times?”

Luna nodded. “Since thou folded after Applejack fell earlier today.”

Dash stared blankly at Luna. “Somepony is with me?”

“I doth believe that is what I just said.”

Rainbow Dash glanced at her hooves then back at Luna then down at Ponyville below. “They really are worried about me?”

“Doth thou find that surprising?”

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head. “I don’t know. I really am not in that bad of shape.”

“Loyalty, thou hast not been responsive. And they don’t know why! Twilight wrote us telling us everything. Thou hast them very worried. They even told Scootaloo not to bother you.”

Dash glanced up. “Scootaloo came to see me today?”

Luna nodded. “As did Zecora. Sister and I plan to come by tomorrow morning. Thou needst to wake up and talk to them. Holding all this inside won’t help anypony. Thou need to depend on them, as they have always depended on thou.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. Blinking, she stared down at the castle below, where she truly was. “Am I dead?”

Luna stifled a giggle behind her hoof. “No, thou art asleep.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Asleep?”

Luna noded.


Dash groaned as she surfaced from the depths of sleep.

“Please, oh please Dash! Don’t move! Don’t try to get up! I don’t want you to get hurt again! PLEASE!”

Rainbow Dash heard a bell ring out on the edges of her consciousness. She groaned again.


Rainbow Dash opened her eyes. “Flu-Fluttershy?”

“Praise Celestia!”

Dash was greeted by a four limb hug, two forelegs and two wings. Rainbow Dash groaned. “Flutters!” The pain was... shocking. Where did she get all the new bumps and bruises?

“OH! Sorry!” Fluttershy’s ears laid back against her head. “I forgot about... those... Doctor Stables said you might be sore for a few days.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyebrows went up. “Doctor... Stables?”

Fluttershy nodded. Dash stared blankly at Fluttershy then at the wall. “No! No! No! NO!!! Please Rainbow! Please stay with me!”

Rainbow Dash blinked her attention returning to her oldest friend. “What- what are you talking about?”

Fluttershy didn’t answer but enveloped Rainbow Dash in another very painful hug. “Fluttershy, what happened?”

Fluttershy looked incredibly worried as she pulled back.

“How’s Applejack?”

“Oh, she’s doing much better since Zecora came by yesterday and gave her one of her brews.”

Rainbow Dash blinked, then glanced out the window. It was still pitch black outside, so she was unable to see anything. “I remember... something about-” Dash trailed off.

Fluttershy bit her lip and glanced to the door.

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash tried to sit up, but Fluttershy restrained her. “What?”

“Please Dash, just, don’t try to get up yet, please!”

The worry and concern was obvious. “Alright...”

Within just a few seconds, Dash could hear the thunder of multiple hoofsteps outside her door. It banged open, admitting Twilight and Rarity. The two glanced at Fluttershy, then at the very confused, but at least more present, Rainbow Dash and sighed.

“Twi!” Dash asked. “Rarity?... What is going on?”

The two newcomers trotted up to the bed with worry in their eyes. “Thank Celestia!” Twilight said. “We were not sure what to do!”

“Darling, how do you feel?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Sore? What happened?”

The three glanced at one another. Twilight bit her lip. “Rainbow Dash, what is the last thing you remember?”

Rainbow blinked. “Uh. Talking with Luna?”

The three others glanced between them and visibly relaxing. “That’s a relief,” Twilight sighed. “Besides that?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “We were sitting... she screamed. Fell... lights, sounds... I moved.” She shook her head fear filling her heart.

“Easy Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said.

“Yes Darling, Doctor Stables said you just went into shock a bit. I’m glad you are back.”

“Rainbow, I was so worried about you!” Fluttershy bawled. “Why?”

“I-I don’t know!” Rainbow Dash said. “I thought you guys would be more worried about Applejack.”

“Rainbow, you are our friend too,” said Twilight. “Just because we are worried about Applejack doesn’t me we can’t also be worried about you. Applejack has been almost ready to disobey Dr. Stables orders to stay in bed for a while, her desire to try to snap you back here was so strong. Dash, you scared us!”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Exactly what happened- while... I was...” Dash closed her eyes trying to ignore the akines she felt everywhere at once, “absent?”

Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy exchanged glances. “Um... I think I’d better go inform Applejack that she’s back... ifthat’salrightwithyou,” Fluttershy said, fleeing the room.

Rarity sighed. “Darling... you were not yourself.”



“What Twilight? Do you think I’ve completely snapped? Do I have to be babied too?”

Twilight stepped back, her mouth agape, her eyes wide.

“DARLING!” Rarity snapped, also stunned a bit by Dash’s outburst.

“Rainbow?” Twilight gulped. “Listen, this is hard for... us to say.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Hard to say, or hard for me to take?”

Rarity and Twilight exchanged glances. “Alright darling, you were not yourself. When Twilight got Applejack to bed after she fell, you do remember that part?”

Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Well um, I stayed in here with you.” Rarity glanced to the burrow in the corner. After taking a deep breath she continued. “You... were not well. Something about failure and loyalty.”

Rainbow Dash’s ears drooped. “Yeah.”

“You couldn’t get anything else out. I’m not even sure you were aware of anything.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I remember warmth and pain.” She laid a hoof on her chest. “Here, pain. I’ve been trying to be there for all of you, but I got distracted... and... then after she fell, I tried to help her, but it made the pain here,” she rubbed her side, “return, so I rang the bell... I don’t remember much else.”

“Easy,” Twilight said, noting Dash tensing up.

Rainbow Dash glared, but, after sighing, relaxed once more.

“Well Darling, we got you calmed down enough that you fell asleep, then I put you to bed.”

Dash’s eyes grew wide.

“You slept for a good, ooh hour and a half and woke up. You were somewhat there... other than you almost fainting when you got out of bed.”

Dash scoffed. “Me! Rainbow Daring Dash! FAINT!”

Twilight and Rarity exchanged glances. “Yes darling, you... fainted.”

“I guess that is why you guys won’t let me up.”

Twilight and Rarity nodded.

Rainbow Dash sighed and scrunched her eyes tight shut. “Anything else I should know? How did I get so... beat up?”

Twilight and Rarity exchanged glances. “Um..”

“Well, Darling... you...”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “What did I do?”

“Jumped out the window,” Twilight said. “Rarity caught you before you hit the ground... but.... um.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I’m not broken.”

The two glanced at one another. “Darling, I think you need to rest now,” Rarity said, sounding extremely uncomfortable.

Dash rolled her eyes. “Really? I’m not tired... I want answers!”

“I think we need to take this slowly Rainbow Dash. I’m certain you can handle it... but you just spent twelve hours in oblivion. We don’t want to lose you again,” Twilight explained.

Rainbow Dash ground her teeth together. “You guys aren’t giving me enough credit! I can handle it!”

Twilight opened her mouth to argue, but Rarity stopped her. “Twilight darling, you had the first night watch. I suggest you go lay down now. Allow me.”

Twilight glared, but finally nodded. “Alright Rarity, but if she tries... it again...” Twilight glanced sadly towards Rainbow Dash. “Ring the bell... Rainbow, please. Just be careful.”

Rainbow Dash was puzzled, but accepted. Twilight slowly left the room, leaving Rarity alone with Dash.


“Um... Applejack?”

Applejack felt a hoof laid on her shoulder. Slowly she opened her eyes. Fluttershy stood beside her bed.

“Are you, um... awake?”

“Eeyup, what is it sugarcube?” Applejack asked tiredly.

Fluttershy’s wings were folded tightly against her body. “Um... Rainbow Dash-”

Despite the pain Applejack sat straight up in bed. “What about RD?”

“Um... no it isn’t that. She finally woke up so she could talk to us.”

Applejack sighed and collapsed against the pillows. “Praise Celestia! Ah was beginning to get worried about er’!”

Fluttershy nodded. “You and me both. She’s still rather... um... lost.”

Applejack nodded. “Ah was worried ah had...”

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ya know RD had been rather... um, absent. So after I put the game we were playin’ away, ah suggested that we uh... watch clouds.”

Fluttershy cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

“Cuz that’s what she was doin’ anyways. Every so often she’d get really stiff while looking at a cloud and er’ wings would twitch. It was if she were about to jump out the window and move it, or shape it ‘erself.”

“I don’t understand. If you knew she was having trouble keeping her mind off the clouds-”

Applejack sighed. “Ah thought I’d indulge er need to work with them so we started... debating on what they looked like.”

Fluttershy’s eyebrows went up. “Why?”

Applejack shook her head. “It was the only thing ah could think ta do. Twi wasn’t ‘bout to let RD or me outside, not ‘till we can handle the stairs. So ah was trying to think of a way to indulge ‘er. It went okay for a couple of rounds... then she quit respondin’. Completely. Ah was really worried, so I started shaking her. Still no response... ah think ah overdid it, however, and...” Applejack sighed. “Ah know I overdid it. She didn’t respond till I near blacked out. Ah ain’t sure what brought her back from oblivion...”

Fluttershy nodded. “Luna brought her back this time.”

Applejack nodded. “Ah figured as much. She visited me as well a bit ago.”

Fluttershy’s eyebrows went up. “Oh?”

Applejack nodded. “Nothin’ to worry yerself over. She just had a few questions. Very similar to the ones you just asked... Also... she wanted to show me something.”


Applejack looked down at her hooves. “Ah ain’t sure I should tell ya’ till I discuss it with Dash.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Um... well then... do you need anything?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nah, I’m good sugarcube.”


Silence lay across the land of Equestria. Luna watched from the throne, thinking about the things she had seen in the Six’s dreams. Trouble. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and especially Rainbow Dash. The trouble between them was growing. Worry was blossoming and manifesting itself in their dreams. Only with Rainbow Dash and Applejack had she actually done anything about it, but it was all she could do for now.

The elements were, during this time of trial, trying to find their hooves. Trying to understand what to do, how to live, how to work. Honesty was the foundation for the other six, Loyalty the motivating force. Without those two, the others were struggling.

Pinkie Pie’s dream, as always, had been the most troubling to her. To understand Pinkie’s thoughts took time and effort, and for the most part, Luna was completely unable to make heads or tails of it. Tonight was one of those nights.

Twilight had dreamed about organizing books in her library, no surprise there. What surprised Luna was the fact that every time Twilight had tried to put a book on the shelf, twenty would come pouring down from everywhere. Even when Luna had thought every book was off the shelves that could come off the shelves, more came down. More books littered her already cluttered floor.

Rarity’s and Fluttershy’s had also been business as usual, but not. It was Applejack’s dream that had really stuck in Luna’s mind, and it was this that the princess of the night was meditating on.

Applejack had dreamed of cooking and sorting buckets of apples one after another in getting ready for the crazy cider season. Luna had decide to step in and talk to Applejack, inquiring after the origins of Twilight’s letter.

Applejack had explained the contest to great detail. Luna had then shown to Applejack Rainbow Dash’s dream, at least the part where they listened to Dash’s side of the story. Luna had then removed Applejack from the dream, discussing it and other things to great detail. Luna was pleased that Zecora had come to help.

Luna was still concerned. The dreams weren’t right. They simply didn’t have the life, the vigor, the... she paused in her musing. They simply weren’t right. Besides what she knew of the situation, she had no idea why.

“How was the night Luna?”

Luna’s head snapped up, shaking her head to clear it she addressed the speaker. “It was fine Sister, but I fear not all is right in our land.”

“How are things with the six?”

Luna shook her head sadly. “I doth fear all is not right there. Better I hope now, but I doth believe we need to visit them as soon as we can.”

Princess Celestia nodded. “I gathered as much from the letter. How is Rainbow Dash?”

“Loyalty has regained herself, but fear and shame are still deep inside her heart. And the humility of the lack of flight for so long is wearing on her already short patience.”

Author's Note:

Whoo! Wow.... I think I had fun with this chapter... Since I wrote it almost two weeks ago. (As I do all of my work) I really ain't sure. No, I remember writing most of this. :rainbowlaugh:

Thank you all for reading. It was a LOT of fun. Now remember, Next saturday chapter Ten is coming out. (Aw man that's a fun chapter! Poor Applejack) Then I'll be taking two weeks off. After that, chapters are going to be slowing way down. I recently got a job. #1. and #2, My editors are back in school. They are both struggling to keep up with me. :pinkiecrazy: I know you guys don't like that. I REALLY wish I could continue to post every single week, but if I'm gunna keep up the quality, I'll have to slow down.

So mark you Calendars. January 31st Chapter ten.

February 7th, A Dress for Princess Twilight. (Applejack gets sewing lessons for Rarity as the two alter Twilight's wardrobe after the events of Magical Mystery cure.)

February 14th, A Squeaky Picnic(I Hope I can get this done in time, It's becoming a monster) Cheeralee decides to have a valentine picnic with all of her students. Each colt is instructed to ask one of the fillies in his class to 'go with him' to the picnic. It's rated E, and I'm hoping for a cutesy, innocent little fic that I'm just going to have fun with. I'm debating weather or not to include Spike...

Then Feb 21st I'll have Chapter 11 to you guys. After that, we'll be switching to every other week.

So anyways, thanks for reading, And I hope you enjoyed all of this. :eeyup:

Till Next week

Cowgirl Out.

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