• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter 11: A Chaotic Breakfast

“YEOW! Twilight! Do you have to do it so tight?” Tears sprang to Rainbow Dash’s eyes as Twilight used her magic to slowly rewrap Dash’s wings in medical gauze.

“Hold still Rainbow Dash! You’re not making this easy!” Twilight growled.

“Heh! Have you ever hurt your wings? I mean REALLY hurt your wings? Twilight, these- Ouch- Are se-” She bit her lip as a single tear slipped from the corner of her eye. “Jeez!” she exclaimed.

“Sorry,” Twilight sighed. “We can’t let you have -”

“-Free use of my wings ‘till the muscles and bone heal from the fall. I was there too, you know.” Rainbow Dash finished grouchily. “That was before I went all loony on you guys.”

Twilight sighed again. She quickly tied off the end of the medical tape, then started in on the second wing.

“Really Twilight, do-” A sharp pain, starting in her wing and racing through her body, halted what she was about to say. She reared back, her body going stiff as a board.

Twilight paused, waiting for Rainbow Dash to relax once more before continuing.

“I’m beginning to think you are enjoying this, Twilight,” she snapped, very much annoyed.

“Really, Rainbow Dash, I’m not. Please lie back down... I’m having trouble seeing what I’m doing.”

Dash reluctantly lay back down on the bed. Heaving a big sigh she laid her head in her hooves, trying to ignore the fact that ANYBODY was touching her wings. “How long until I get to eat?”

“As soon as the food gets up here,” Twilight answered.

“And when will that be?” Dash growled.

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t know. Discord was... causing problems this morning.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I understand him being concerned and all, but really? You would think he could show it... you know, normally, right? Without causing problems for the rest of us.”

Twilight, having finished wrapping the other wing, sighed and rubbed Dash in the itchy spot between the wing joints. “You and me both! Fluttershy is working with him, though. I’m hoping... it gets easier soon.”

Dash sighed again. “Yeah.” She pushed herself into a sitting position and turned around so she could see the room. The concern Rarity had felt was evident by the status of the room. Every corner, every wall, and every shelf had been cleaned until it practically shone. Besides the water trail from the bathroom to the bed, the room was in perfect order. Rainbow Dash grimaced. She wasn’t used to her areas being quite this tidy. It was almost unnerving. The sky was a different issue altogether, but rooms were supposed to be messy, right?

She shook herself from her thoughts. “Uh, Twilight... how is Applejack? Did... how... bath?” She stumbled over her words.

Twilight’s ears drooped. “She admitted it. Rainbow Dash. I can’t believe it, but she did. She admitted she was too weak to do it on her own.”

It was now Rainbow Dash’s turn to give comfort. The cyan mare leaned over and gave her friend a hug. “We’ll get better, Twilight. Heh, before you know it, we’ll be back at it again.” The cocky grin she gave was fake, and they both knew it. Dash could only hold it for a second before it slipped into a frown. “Please Twilight, let me go see her now!”

Twilight shook her head. “No Dash. She’s asleep! That bath took every ounce of energy she had, and then some. I carried her to her bed. Leave her alone until she wakes up on her own.”

“Did you tell Pinkie and Discord that?” Dash asked.

Twilight sighed. “Do you think that they would listen at all?” Her wings twitched. “Pinkie, maybe, but Discord? I know he’s trying, but some days-!”

Rainbow Dash sighed. They were both startled when the door creaked open, admitting Rarity back into the room. The white mare made sure to latch the door behind her before walking over to her friends. “How’s-” Dash began.

“Applejack’s still out cold, and breakfast... Discord burnt it. He says cooking without using magic isn’t as easy as the Earth Ponies make it look.” Rarity sighed. “Sometimes I question Fluttershy’s methods of... helping ponies... I’m not sure about you girls, but I’m about to die of hunger. I’m almost hungry enough to go outside and graze! Anyways, darling, how are you doing?” Rarity said, changing subjects.

Dash rolled her eyes. “You weren’t gone ten minutes. I just got my wings tortured their way back into this white... ick stuff.” She glanced backwards at her neatly wrapped wings. “Ugh!”

Rarity smiled. “At least you are back to your old, cocky self.”

Rainbow Dash glared for a second then melted back into a defeated manner. “Sorry.” She sighed.

Twilight and Rarity exchanged glances. “Why?” Twilight asked.

Dash didn’t answer, the weight of the situation lowering itself back onto her shoulders.

Twilight and Rarity again traded troubled glances. “So...” Twilight drawled. “Um... Rarity, what are they making down there?”

Rarity made a face. “Grits again.”

Twilight’s ears drooped for a second before she plastered a fake grin on her face and forced her ears to stay upright. “Really? That sounds good!”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “You are almost as bad as Applejack when it comes to lying.”

“Who? Me?”

“No, Owlicious.” Dash replied sarcastically. She suddenly stretched, a yawn escaping.

Twilight, and Rarity exchanged glances once more. “Tired?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Heh, me? Tired?” She stifled another yawn. “What makes you think that?”

Twilight’s expression hardened. “Remember what the doctor told you?”

Dash’s face fell. “Fine. Yeah, you are right, I’m tired.” She scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “But what I don’t get is why. All I did was take a bath!”

“And yet, Applejack is next door out cold from ‘just a bath.’ Poor darling.” Rarity stated.

Dash gazed at her stomach. “Heh, yeah.” she bit her lip. “Can-”

She did not need to finish, both of her friends knew the question. “No.” They said together.

“I’m going to go see if I can help in the kitchen.” Twilight said. “Discord, Pinkie and food... that just sounds dangerous.”

Rarity cringed. “Please do darling, I’ll stay here and make sure Dash gets some rest.”

“I- fine.” Dash relented.


“No, Discord, not like that.” Fluttershy said softly. “Please, no magic.”

“If I can’t use my magic, then what am I supposed to use?” Discord whined.

“Your...” Fluttershy paused. “paw and claw?” She supplied. “If the earth ponies can do it, so can you.”

“Really? It would be so much easier if you would let me snap my fingers and just make dinner appear.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, you said you wanted to help, so you may help, but without using magic.”

“Now you’re sounding like Applejack!” he pouted.

Pinkie, who was rushing about tossing this and that into the pot of boiling water, giggled. “Yes, yes you are.” she zipped between and around the other two.

Fluttershy sighed. “Listen, I know we need to get food-”

“DISCORD!” Fluttershy snapped, “I know you are trying to help, but...” she took a deep breath.

Discord studied her. “Do you not like me?” He asked.

“Oh no! It isn’t that, isn’t that at all, but I’m incredibly worried about... and...” she sighed.

“How about a party?!” Pinkie exclaimed a little louder than necessary.

“Um, Pinkie, we are also trying to get ready for the princesses.”

“Aren’t there guards?” asked Pinkie.

“And maids?” Discord added.

Fluttershy groaned. “Yes,” she said sweetly, “But we really shouldn’t make this any-”

Discord raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Really?” He pointed to the huge stack of dirty dishes cluttering the kitchen.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Please Discord, no problems, please? Let’s just get this done.”

“Um... Am I disturbing anything?”

Fluttershy glanced up, Spike stood in the half open doorway, his new blue apron Rarity had made him tied around his waist.

“Hello! N-no, please do come in.” She said, half stumbling over words. Flashing a half sideways glance at her two kitchen helpers, she glided over to Spike. “What can I do for you?”

“Well I was just wondering how much longer till breakfast... I mean, I... we...” He glanced away.

Spike glanced around her at the mound of dishes. “I thought you were a better cook than that.” he observed.

Fluttershy blushed. “Discord is helping.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Really,” he replied flatly, “looks like he’s having fun living up to his name and title.”

“OH!” Cried Discord. “I’m so glad you noticed! This cooking without using magic... who would ever want to!”

Fluttershy closed her wings, landing softly. She glanced between the dragon and draconequus. “um... Well, You did say you wanted-”

“To understand that orange friend of yours, yes. But seriously! Why go into all this trouble when one can just snap their fingers and have it done?”

“Because earth ponies can’t silly!” Pinkie said, joining the conversation.

“In all seriousness,” Spike said. “breakfast is now almost an hour overdue... We don’t want... issues to arise again.”

“An hour!” Fluttershy exclaimed surprised. “I didn’t think it had been that long!”

Spike nodded. “Sure has, I was beginning to get worried.”

Fluttershy’s ears laid back. She slowly glanced around the messy kitchen. “What are we going to do now?”

“Hello! Anybody down here?” Twilight’s head poked around the corner. She let out a low whistle, “Rarity wasn’t kidding, was she. What happened?”

“Discord cooked.” Spike answered, crossing his stubby little arms over his chest.

Fluttershy’s cheeks burned. “I...”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m sure you were doing what you thought was best.” she sighed. “But this sure is a mess.”

“I know.” Fluttershy sighed back. “How are they doing up there?”

“Applejack is still asleep.”

“I thought she was awake!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“She was, but the bath... kind of wore her out.”

Fluttershy looked uneasy for a moment. “How is Rainbow Dash?”

“Complaining about everything.” Twilight groaned. “She seems quite miffed with herself, or us, I’m not sure which is the case.”

“Really” cooed Discord. “I have always found that one quite easy to read!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“But of course! Though you little ponies wouldn’t want to listen to me, the King of Chaos, on a thing like that. I’m not that experienced in the field of friendship.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh.”

“Really! You guys think you are so high and mighty.”

“And you don’t?” Spike asked.

“Tirek taught me a thing or two.” Discord replied sadily. “Anyways, continue Twilight.”

“Where was I?” Twilight asked.

“Dashie’s in the dumpy wumpes.” Pinkie Pie supplied, slipping past with all four hooves strapped to bars of soap as she cleaned up the splatters of this and that.

Twilight and Fluttershy exchanged worried glances. “Who gave them permission to work together?” Twilight asked.

“Um... it was Pinkie’s idea.” Fluttershy shrugged. “I didn’t want to argue.”

Twilight took a deep breath, they both cringed as Pinkie went headlong into a wall, then started slipping up it.

“How does she do that?” Fluttershy asked.

“If you ever figure it out... let me know.” Twilight answered tonelessly.

“Pinkie will-” Spike started before halting due to pots and pans crashing towards the floor. Spike cringed, and continued. “be Pinkie.Say, what smells so good?” The two ponies, and the dragon both turned their attention back towards the stove.

“All done. Now let me just dish it up.” He snapped his talon, collecting some bowls from the pantry and filling them with the hot mush.

The three exchanged glances. “So much for no magic.” Twilight muttered.

“I think he got my point, anyhow.” Fluttershy replied. “At least I hope... he did.” Pinkie had, at that moment, sped by, collected all the bowls and rushed out of the door.

“Uh... explain to me how she just did that?” Spike questioned.


“I can’t do it.” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and glared across the room. She was sitting bolt upright in her bed. “I can’t just ‘take a nap’ with you there watching me!”

“Why not? You take naps on clouds were we all can see you.”

“That’s different.” Dash grumbled.

“Really, I do un-”

“No you don’t!” Rainbow Dash snapped. “How can any of you understand!” Immediately her ears drooped. “Sorry, I-” She rubbed her arm. “I didn’t mean to snap like that.”

Rarity eased closer. “Listen Rainbow Dash, this isn’t easy for any of us.”

Dash sighed, and nodded. “It’s just... I... it... we.” She turned away.

Rarity sighed as well, placing a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Do you need alone time?”

Rainbow Dash glanced back at her. “I...”

“As long as you don’t... try anything foolish... I think I can give you five minutes to yourself.” Rarity said soothingly. “Applejack needs checked on anyhow.”

Rainbow Dash grimaced. “I just wish you didn’t need to baby us.”

Rarity looked incredibly uncomfortable. “I think I’m just going to leave you alone for a bit. Do try to get some rest.” She said scampering out before Dash could say anything more.

Once in the hall, Rarity took a deep breath, settling the uneasy feeling she had in her gut. All this over the Iron Pony Competition. She could hardly believe it. All this pain, guilt, and sorrow over a little game the two athletes of the group played together, challenging themselves and one another to strive harder, reach higher, and do better in anything and everything they tried.

Shaking her head, she squared her shoulders and moved towards Applejack’s room. One step, two, slowly, not really wanting to enter. She made her way towards the half open doorway. A deep gurgle in her belly reminded her of the long promised food. If her stomach gurgled... She glanced to the door. She sorely hoped Applejack’s stomach hadn’t discovered it’s need for food. Twilight had said they had sliced up an apple for her before the bath, but apples were not all that filling in the long run. At least, not on their own.

Rarity gulped, then, nudged the door open with her nose. The room was just how she left it, dark. She glanced around the room, her eyes falling on the unmade, empty bed. A lump stuck in her throat. Uh oh! She thought to herself. Where is she? Her eyes flashed around the room. Finally she spotted her farming friend sitting, leaning heavily against the far wall, gazing out the window that pointed towards the farm.

“Applejack!” Rarity exclaimed in relief.

Applejack immediately turned and looked at Rarity. “Hey,” she said. “What’cha want?”

“I just came to check on you. How are you feeling?”

Applejack sighed, then shrugged. “Ah don’t know. Just fine, ah guess.”

Rarity walked softly across the floor towards her. “I left Rainbow Dash alone, so I can’t stay long. But Applejack, what are you doing out of bed?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, giving Rarity a deadpan look. “Ah’m sittin’ bah the winda. what about ya? What are ya doin’ out of bed?”

Rarity’s cheeks turned bright red. “Uh... Sorry darling, I’m just terribly worried about you and Rainbow Dash.”

Applejack slouched against the wall a bit more. “Nah, ah’m sorry, this whole... mess... hez got us all in a state.”

Rarity nodded, sitting softly on the floor beside her friend. She sighed deeply, “I know, I-” she took a deep breath. “I don’t know how we are going to keep going.”

Applejack turned back to the window. “Ah know, how’s Dash doing?”

Rarity sighed, “A bit better. She’s almost back to her cocky self now.”

Applejack chuckled softly. “That’s good.” She gripped her midsection, her eyes closing tight for a moment. “Da ya know when tha grub’s cummin up here?”

Rarity shook her head. “I checked a while ago... Discord’s helping, and somehow Fluttershy got him to try cooking without magic...” She trailed off.

Applejack’s eyes grew wide. “One, how’d she do that? Two, why. Three... That couldn’t be goin’ that good.”

Rarity shook her head. “It isn’t.The kitchen’s a horrendous mess.”

“Ah wish ah could help.” Applejack muttered to herself.

“What was that?” Rarity asked concerned.

“Nuthin’” Applejack looked down at her hooves, slouching even more against the wall.

“Applejack, are you feeling alright?”

Tiredly, Applejack shrugged. “Ah don’t know. But ah’m regrettin gettin’ this far from mah bed. All that strength ah felt this mornin’ is gone. Gone like it never was.”

Rarity placed a foreleg around the orange mare. “Do you want any assistance getting back over there?”

Applejack shook her head. “Ah thank ye kindly, but ah want ta try to do this on mah own. Shoot, ah was able to earlier.” She trailed off, gazing out to the fields of apple trees in the distance. “Ah want to go home Rarity, ah just want ta go home!”

Rarity pulled Applejack closer. “I know, darling.”

“How could ya!” Applejack accused, “This was all just so sudden! Ah want to go home, I want to see mah sis! What is she up to? Ah want...” She broke down in a volley of tears.

Rarity looked both ways, half of her was worried about Rainbow Dash being alone for too long, the other half did not want to leave Applejack, not like this. Sighing, she hugged her broken friend tighter. “Come on, we will get through this. When have we ever come across a problem we couldn’t handle?”

Applejack glared at her with a deadpan look, the tears still wet on her cheeks, “Ya *hic* Don’t want *hic* me to *sniff* answer that.” she sniffled.

Rarity sighed. “Teach me to try to soothe Honesty herself.”

Applejack blushed, pulling away. “Sorry Rarity, ah... just don’t know how we are gunna handle this one.” She sighed, melting to the floor, hiding herself the best she could under her hat. The tears, still streaming down her cheeks.

Rarity sighed as well. “Come on, I know that we have been in tight spots before, but it always works out well in the end, does it not?”

Applejack said nothing, but groaned, rolling up as her stomach protested. Rarity bit her lip, and glanced to the door. Hoping that someone would come through it. Her eyes then started sweeping the room, she almost facehoofed when she remembered the bell. She rang it.

“Come on darling, this isn’t like you to just give up like this.” Rarity cooed turning her attention back to her crumpling friend.

“Ah know.” Applejack groaned. “but, ah just don’t-” She trailed off, still hiding her face beneath her father’s hat.

“Losing what one holds dear isn’t something we can just brush off, remember when...” Rarity bit her lip, “The fashion show?”

Applejack flinched, “Yeah, how could ah forget?” She looked away. “Ah feel just awful for changing up yer designs.”

“I’m over it, but listen, no matter how dark it may seem, we are all here. Besides, You need to cheer up, Celestia and Luna should be here soon.”

Applejack facehoofed, “Ah forgot all about that! Ah guess ah ought ta get ready.”

Rarity stopped her before Applejack could move. “Are you sure-”

Just then they heard the weirdest sound coming from the direction of the stairs. The two mares exchanged glances. “Applejack darling, do stay here for a moment and I’ll-”

Just at that moment, Pinkie burst through the door. “UP AND AT’EM!” She yelled.

Rarity and Applejack both flinched. “Heh, Ah sure em glad ah was awake!” Applejack muttered to Rarity.

“I think all of this is getting to her as well.” Rarity whispered back.

“Ah wouldn’t doubt it.” Applejack sighed.

“Wow! You are up!” Pinkie babbled. “I didn’t think that you would be, but you are,” She set the bowl over on the nightstand before bouncing over. “Hi Rarity, is Dashie awake? Because this tastes good! I’m not sure what it is...”

Pinkie continued to talk as she danced around the room. Applejack unsteadily stood up, leaning heavily against Rarity. Pinkie was immediately on the other side. “You know, you look a little green.”

Applejack glared, before sighing, “Let’s just get back over there.” She said.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Finally, after what seemed to Applejack like forever, they had crossed the room, helped Applejack back to bed and handed her a dish of food.

“Pinkie, please stay here with Applejack, I’ll take Dash’s food to her now.” Rarity sighed. “Applejack...” Pain glistened in her moist eyes.

Applejack sighed. “Don’t worry Rare’s. Rainbow Dash needs ya. Ah just hope nuthin bad has happened while ah had ya occupied.”

Rarity nodded. She scooped up two bowls, one for her, the other for Dash, of glop in her magic and slowly made her way out of the room and back over to Dash’s. This is just AJ's grammar, right?


Author's Note:

So not my best chapter.... I'm running two hours behind, so I'll keep this short.

Thanks for Reading, I do hope you enjoyed it. Please don't be afraid to comment. I know this isn't my best chapter. The Inspiration was elsewhere the last couple of weeks, and I was struggling.

Chapter 12: The Sun, The Moon, and the Chaos... Will be out March Seventh.

Thank you again for reading,

Cowgirl Out

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