• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Ten: Bathtime

The rooster crow echoed over the vastness of Sweet Apple Acres. The Cutie Mark Crusaders glanced out of their tree house window.

“Ya think he’s over it yet?” Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “Your brother? I doubt it! I think we are grounded for LIFE!”

Sweetie hung her head. “I’m already sore just thinking about it.”

“We are just gunna be weedin’ the garden and takin’ care of the west field! It ain’t that hard,” Apple Bloom stated.

The other two fillies groaned. Apple Bloom shook her head. “Really gals, ah’m surprised at ya. We got into this mess t’gether, and ah guess we better get out of it the same way.”

“What I want to know,” growled Scootaloo, “is why, after we did all that work, we still weren't allowed to go see them!”

“Was it just me, or did everypony seem a bit jumpy?” Sweetie noted.

“Yeah, and what was up with Pinkie? I think even she was off!” Scootaloo added.

Apple Bloom sighed. “Who knows, gals? We have ta get the chores done before we can try again though.”

Sweetie turned from the window and pulled out a hairbrush from her saddlebag. “Well, I guess we should get ready. I wonder if Granny has breakfast finished yet.”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Ah sure miss Applejack’s cookin’, it just ain’t the same. Granny’s good an’ all... but, well, she’s gettin’ old, and she’s been forgettin’ a whole bunch. She forgot about the grits yesterday... and they burned. Guess who got to clean the pan.”

“Um... Granny?” Sweetie asked yanking a tangle from her mane.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Honestly gals, this ain’t funny. Ah want my sister back. Between Granny goin’ nuts and Big Mac getting grouchy or... worse...” She made face. “Ya know gals, ah almost regret getting mah brother hitched with Miss Cheerilee.”

“That bad?” Scootaloo asked.

“Ya gals’ don’t know the half of it. I tell ya, it’s awful!”

Scootaloo’s stomach growled. “Anyways, burnt food or no, I’m hungry. I think we’d better get going so we can get over to the castle. I think we should try the kitchen entrance today; maybe Spike will let us in.”

“Ah doubt it. I’m guessin’ Twilight has given him strict orders not to let us in.”

“You mean Spike could resist this face?” Sweetie gave her best Rarity puppydog look she could.

“On yer sis, maybe. Oh! Maybe we should get a sheet and paint it up so it looks like Rarity and sneak in that way.”

Scootaloo giggled. “I think that is worse than the Zecora plan!”

The three sighed. “Yer right,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah doubt it’ll work. All the same to ya guys, I really want to see mah sis.”

The other two nodded. “Yeah, so do we. Like what was that look for when we asked about Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo grumbled, “It isn’t as though we were going to disturb her!”

“And why did Rarity HAVE to spend the night at the castle?” Sweetie added.

“Ya know gals, all this is just gettin’ fishy.”

“You can say that again!” Scootaloo huffed. “I’m almost ready to become cutie mark crusader detectives!”

“Didn’t we already try that?” Sweetie asked.

“Ah guess it wouldn’t hurt to try again.” Apple Bloom scratched the back of her head. “But first, the chores.”

The other two groaned. “I was hoping we’d get you to forget!” Scootaloo sighed.

“And get into bigger trouble with mah brother? Not this morning. Ah’m hoping he’ll help us if we are REALLY good.”

The other two rolled their eyes. “Alright, lead on.”


“MMMM,” Applejack groaned. The warm sun shone through her open window, basking her in its light. Opening her eyes, the first thing she noticed was how much better she felt. One of her friends every hour all night long had come in to give her a bit of Zecora’s salve, and it had helped. She was shocked by how much the herbs had helped. Instead of being in pain, the muscles actually itched. She wasn’t sure if she could go very far or do very much, but it was such a huge improvement that she wasn’t going to complain.

Rolling off the bed, she made a slow journey to the large royal restroom connected to her room. Removing the girdle, Applejack quickly groomed her entire coat. After several days of inactivity, it felt really good to get all that loose hair and dirt off of her. She then put the girdle back on and made her way back to her bed.

“AH! Look who’s up!” A masculine, snakelike voice said.

“Mornin’ Discord, what can ah do for ya?”

“Nothing! Absolutely nothing, I’m just in awe of Zecora’s magic once again. Don’t you think it’s strange that Zecora always disappears whenever the Royal Sisters are about?”

“Ah don’t know what yer’ talkin about Discord, but ah don’t remember invitin’ ya into mah room.”

“Whenever does the king of Chaos need an invitation?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Now?”

“Nonsense! You need company! Something to take your mind off of everything,” Discord cooed. “Besides, where would you be without friends like me?”

Applejack grit her teeth. “Discord, ah didn’t ask for you to come bother me! Ah need ta think!”

“Think? Why would anyone need to think?”

Applejack rolled her eyes again. “Honest Discord, why’d ya come here?”

“You don’t believe me that I came to check on you?”

“Discord, for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve been a lyin’, thievin’, mind manipulatin’ rascal! Shoot! Ya gave Rare’s and me the blue flu a while back!”

Discord grabbed his tail. “But Applejack! I’m reformed remember?”

Applejack took a deep breath. “And ah ain’t disputin’ that! But ya need ta knock before you just enter somepony’s room or home. Yer’ popping up in places without askin’ will only get ponies mad at ya.”

Discord sighed. “I suppose you are saying I need to go, that you don’t want to be my friend.”

Applejack facehoofed. “DISCORD! Go to the other side of mah door, knock, then I’ll let you in and then ya can tell me what you want.”

“But I already said, I came to check on you.” Applejack gave Discord a stony expression.

Immediately, Discord poofed out of view and a knock resounded on the hard oak door.

Applejack smirked. “Come in!” But instead of Discord, Granny walked it. Applejack’s eyebrows went straight up.

“Now how in Equestria did ah get here?” Granny squawked.

Applejack sighed. “Ask Discord.”

“Dis who?”

Applejack facehoofed again. “Alright Discord, come out!”

“But you said to go away!” he whined from everywhere at once.

“Who you talking to AJ? Have you been going loco being cooped up here?”

“No Granny, honest. It’s Discord.”

“Who’s Discord?”

“Ya remember, the king of chaos, who... well...” Applejack blushed, remembering all of her run ins with the weirdo. “Um... Never mind. So Granny, what can I do for ya?”

Granny looked around. “Ah was fixin’ breakfast.”

“Poor Apple Bloom,” Applejack muttered under her breath. “Really Granny!” she said more loudly. “What’re ya fixin?”

Granny rubbed the back of her head. “Ah don’t rightly recall.”

Sirens went off in Applejack’s mind. Inwardly, she kicked herself for not pushing the issue and making Mac let her come home, even if it only meant helping Granny with the food. “Uh, heh, yeah... I suppose ya really should get back to that, Granny.”

“Get back to what?”

Applejack groaned. “DISCORD!”

With a snap of the draconequus’ claw, Granny disappeared and he stood just outside of the door. Applejack was fuming. “Now why’d ya go and do that?” she snapped.

“Do what?” he asked innocently.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Ya know what ah’m talking about. Why’d ya disturb Granny? She has enough trouble already trying to get her work done!”

“Tut, tut, if you want to get over to talk to Lunie, you need to save your strength.”

“Ah don’t need advice from ya, Discord!”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

Applejack sighed. “Dern tootin’ I don’t! Ah’m fine, honest!”

“You look to still be on bed rest,” observed Discord.

“What da ya want?”

“I’m just here to check on you.”

Applejack sighed. “Alright then, ya’ve checked on me, ah’m fine, now go!”

“Is that how you treat a friend?” Discord pouted.

“Ah could-”

Just then, Twilight and Fluttershy walked in. “DISCORD!” They exclaimed together.

“What is going on in here?” Twilight asked.

“Oh nothing,” Discord cooed. “I just came over to check on our dear friends. I must say, Applejack’s quite feisty this morning.”

Applejack gave Discord a flat look. “Really?” Applejack growled.

“Yes! Really Fluttershy! You should have seen her.” Discord replied.

“Were ya spying on me from the time ah got up?”

Discord looked to the ceiling. “Maybe...”

Applejack snatched her hat from the bedpost, covering her face as it turned bright red.

“Really Applejack, you are quite a lovely mare.”

“Will ya just quit!”

“Discord,” Fluttershy intervened. “Spying on ponies when they wish to be alone isn’t very nice. You ought to apologize.”

Discord held his tail in his paw and claw and hung his head. “Sorry,” he said simply.

Fluttershy nodded. “Now please, Discord, could you leave us alone for a bit?”

Reluctantly, Discord snapped his claw and disappeared. Applejack sighed, leaning against the pillows. “Ah wish ah could be sure he was gone.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, I am sure he is. I don’t think he’ll-”

Applejack scoffed. “You and yer’ trustin!”

Fluttershy yipped and crouched back.

Applejack rubbed the back of her head. “Sorry, ah’m just really tired of him spyin’ on me.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth and closed it again, thinking really hard. Finally she spoke. “I’ll have a talk with him later. So how are you feeling this morning?”

Applejack sighed. “Better, but after that quick trip to the john, ah’m pretty tired again. However, ah didn’t wake up in nearly as much pain as ah did yesterday.”

“Zecora’s salve must be working then,” Twilight said.

Applejack nodded. “Eeyup. Twi, could ah ask a small favor of ya?”

Twilight cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

Applejack was slow in responding. “It’s just... Discord brought Granny here a few minutes ago. She’s cookin’, not that ah mind her cooking, but Granny tends to.... forget... what’s she’s doing on occasion, though for the Zap Apple stuff she’s pretty much all there. However, with the other meals, it is a whole different bushel of apples entirely.”

Fluttershy and Twilight exchanged glances. “I’m not sure you are ready to go downstairs yet.”

Applejack sighed, rolled her eyes, then facehoofed. “This again?!”

“Doctor Stables said you were doing better, but you needed to continue to take this slow. You don’t want to lapse like you did yesterday.”

“Twilight, ah can find a chair and instruct Pinkie, or one of ya on how ta do it.”

“We’ll... see,” Twilight said hesitantly.


“NO!” Rainbow Dash’s body jerked as she was thrust into consciousness by her dream.

“One hour thirteen minutes, darling.”

Rainbow Dash panted, her body bathed in sweat from the intense dream. A cold, wet rag was draped over her forehead, and Rarity had her locked in her magical aura.

“That - is... not... funny,” she panted.

Rarity laid a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder and released the magical hold. “Take it slow, darling. Yesterday was pretty hard on you.”

Rainbow Dash’s face screwed up into a very perturbed expression.

“Really darling, you don’t want to push yourself too hard.”

“You said that. I’m Rainbow Daring Dash!”

Rarity smiled, then hugged Dash hard.

“Hey! OW! What is that for?”

Rarity wiped a tear from her eye before Dash could see it. “Welcome back Dash, but for an hour at least, you need to not try too hard.”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Could you just not be sappy?” she muttered under her breath. “How’s Applejack?” she said quickly, removing the rag from her forehead.

Rarity sat back into the chair beside Dash’s bed. “I haven’t been in there for a while. She was sleeping very deeply then.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “That’s...” She trailed off and gazed out the window, the absent look returning to her face.

Rarity’s ears pricked forward. “Rainbow Dash! Darling!” She shook Dash gently.

Rainbow Dash jerked, blinking, and turned to Rarity. “What?”

Rarity’s hoof found Dash’s. “I’m sorry Darling, but...” she trailed off.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I guess I kind of scared you guys, didn’t I?”

Rarity nodded. “Sorry Darling, but we will probably be pretty jumpy for a while.”

Rainbow Dash placed her other hoof over Rarity’s. “It’s alright. Shoot, I guess I deserve your worries after what I put you guys through.”

Rarity returned Dash’s half smile. “Well, if the princesses are coming by, we need to give you a bath.”

Rainbow Dash’s face fell. Cocking her head to the side, she wrinkled her upper lip in deep concentration. “Why?”

“Because, darling, I hate to say this... but, you really, that is,” Rarity paused, thinking through her words. “Smell bad.”

Dash chuckled. “I doubt I smell as bad as I do after practicing for hours during the summer.”

“No darling, you don’t smell that bad, but-”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “So, I need a bath. Does that mean you’ll let me out of bed?”

Rarity nodded. “However, you won’t like this next part.”

“You have to be in there,” Rainbow Dash stated flatly.

Rarity nodded again. “Sorry darling, but the doctor says he didn’t want you alone for a couple of days at least, I’ll let you bathe yourself, but I’ll need to be in there just in case something happens.”

Rainbow Dash pouted.

“Rainbow, darling, please don’t give me that look. It was not my decision. It hurts me to do this to you as much as it hurts you to have it done.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Alright Rarity.”

Rarity gave the distraught Dash a quick hug before she slipped into the adjacent bathroom and started the water.

“Bubbles?” Dash asked, following a few minutes later. She leaned against the door frame, a sour expression overshadowing fatigue.

“Darling, I assure you, you’re going to enjoy it! You need to rest, relax and let the salts and herbs do their jobs. You are still quite beat up...” She noted how Dash was trying not to show how much the small bumps and bruises from the day before were bothering her.

Fear crept into Dash’s eyes. “Uh...”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Rainbow darling! Having a nice, warm, soothing bath will help you get better faster. Now, I’m going to unwrap your wings.”

Dash’s wings twitched. Rarity chuckled. “I see you like that idea.”

Rainbow nodded.

“Then I want you to soak and rest.”

“Rest, rest, rest, rest, REST! SHOOT! Rarity! I didn’t break!” Dash snapped.

Rarity glared. “Doctor Stable’s orders. You don’t believe me? I have it all written down over here in a notebook.”

Rainbow Dash growled. “Fine.”



“Applejack, just hear me out!” Twilight said. Fluttershy had left to cook up some breakfast, leaving Applejack and Twilight alone.

“Ah’ve let you guys do a lot, but I ain’t gunna let ya’ll give me a bath!” Applejack pouted.

“Applejack, we still have to be careful because of your surgery. Besides, you had a bath then too!”

Applejack’s cheeks turned bright red. She pulled her hat down so it fully covered her face. “Ah ain’t gunna believe it.”

Twilight sighed. “They couldn’t just cut you open, being as dusty as you were! And you were in no shape to argue.”

“Well ah ‘em now!”

“Say that again when we start washing the scar.”

“Ah thought you said-”

“It needs cleaned Applejack. We’ve kept it wrapped, but unless we wash it, it will get infected.”

Applejack closed her eyes. “Ah ain’t gunna let you gal’s ta geve me ah bath.”

“Should I fetch Apple Bloom?” Twilight smirked.

“Now that!” Applejack’s cheeks flushed. “How could-”

Twilight’s expression hardened. “Applejack, stop being so stubborn. It’s just going to be me, and I’m only using my magic. You might be feeling better, but we still don’t want you moving around and hemorrhaging.”

“Ah thought we were past that danger!” Applejack muttered.

Twilight shook her head ears drooping. “Not for another week.”

Applejack’s ears also drooped. “Ah ain’t gunna let ya bathe me! Ah can do it!”

Twilight laid a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder, looking deeply into Applejack’s eyes with an intense look of concern.

Applejack bit her lip, sighing under Twilight’s intense gaze.

“Will you stay here until I have everything ready?” Twilight asked.

“Do ah have a choice?” Applejack asked.

“Please Applejack. You might be feeling better, but you really need to take this slowly. I’ll let you do as much as you are able. I’ll just be there for support. Is that alright with you?”

Applejack sighed. “Sorry fer bein’ so stubborn. Ah guess it’s for tha best.”

Twilight hugged her friend. “I’m sorry I have to do this. It’s as much fun for me as it is for you. You-”

Applejack sighed. “Twi- Ah know. Ah’ve had ta do it fer Granny when her hip acts up. Ah... jest...” she sighed again. A lone tear slipped from the corner of her eye. Twilight quickly wiped it away.

“AJ, I’ll make this as easy on you as I can. Promise.”

“Thanks Twilight.”

Five minutes later, the tub was ready and Twilight Sparkle helped Applejack from her bed onto the floor. Slowly, so as not to wear out Applejack once more, they made their way back to the bathroom.

“That’s not a lot of water, Twi,” Applejack observed.

“We can’t submerge your scar in water yet,” Twilight replied.

Applejack laid her ears back, biting her lip. “Alright Twilight, ah guess ah’m as ready as ah’ll ever be.”

Twilight nodded. Slowly, after removing the hair bands and girdle, she lifted Applejack with her magic into the tub. “You want to do the scar first or last?” Twilight asked.

“Ah don’t know.”

“Besides the humiliation.”

Twilight smiled sadly. “If we do it last, then you’ll be able to do most of your own bathing yourself, but I am afraid you might pass out...”

Applejack glared. “We’ll do it first,” she stated matter-of-factly.

Twilight bit her lip, but wetted the sponge and handed it to Applejack. “Do you want to do it, or do you want me to?”

“I”ll do it!” Applejack stated.

Carefully, she started washing around the place of the scar. It was quite visible, the hair having been shaved around it. Applejack steeled herself as she moved the sponge closer and closer.

“OUCH!” She hissed through her teeth, the sponge slipping through her hooves.

“Gotcha’,” Twilight said. “Applejack?”

Applejack was lying limply in her magical grasp. “Ah’m... Fine. Jest..” she broke out in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. “That... hurt!”

The scar had turned a deep, angry red. “Applejack, let me know when you are ready to continue.”

“Jest do it, Twilight. It needs washed. Ah’m not gunna be able to do it.”

“Are you sure?”

A tear slipped out of Applejack’s closed eyes. “Ah... ain’t strong enough.”


“Do you really have to stay in here with me?” Dash grumbled.

Rarity nodded. “Feeling any better, Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “It’s a bath.”

Rarity laughed.

A muffled scream echoed through the wall, making both Rarity and Rainbow Dash perk their ears forward, startled, then droop.

“At least I am not bathing you, darling,” Rarity sighed.

Dash looked sad. “Twi- AJ?”

Rarity nodded.

Dash’s ears drooped. “Alright, I’m not going to complain anymore.”

Rarity sighed and lay down on the floor. “I do hope Applejack gets back to her normal self soon, the poor darling.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “I really hate seeing her like this,” she muttered, sinking lower beneath the bubbles.

“You and me both, Rainbow. Applejack is far too proud of a pony to... have to put up with something like this.”

Dash got that absent look to her.

“Rainbow!” Rarity cried, alarmed.

Rainbow Dash shook her head to clear it. “Sorry, just... thinking about something.”

Rarity sighed. “Please, just don’t-”

Rainbow Dash sighed as well. “You guys shouldn’t have to put up with all this. If I hadn’t dared her, none of this would have happened.”

Rarity wandered to the side of the tub and lay a hoof on Dash’s shoulder. “As Applejack told you yesterday, I forgive you.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed and rolled her eyes. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew what had really happened.”

“Oh really?” asked a masculine voice from everywhere.

“Get lost Discord!” Dash growled.

“Lost? You haven’t found me yet.”

“Leave before I tell Fluttershy you were spying on me in the tub.”

“As if you girls have never caught me in the tub!”

“Darling, just a few minutes,” Rarity cooed.

“Fine! You ponies are all the same.”

“I’m hoping that means he’s gone,” Dash sighed.

“Where were we?”

Dash got a distant look in her eye for a split second before returning her attention to Rarity. “The... contest.”

Rarity nodded. “You want to talk about it?”

“I don’t know. That is what I’ve been dreaming about-”

Rarity rubbed Dash’s back, giving her a knowing smile. “Take your time, Rainbow. I will not rush you.”

Rainbow Dash’s ears flopped down. Hanging her head, she nodded. “Idiotic, that is exactly what that was. Like trying to prove to Ponyville after the mysterious Mare-Do-Well... took over my glory.”

Rarity smiled knowingly. “Rainbow Dash, what’s done is done. There is nothing you can do... to change it.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “I just wish I could do more for Applejack. I feel like I’m failing her and you guys by-”

Rarity rubbed Dash’s back. “Darling.” She took a deep breath. “Please, in all this, you have not once failed us.”

“But I got her hurt!”

“Applejack didn’t have to go along!” Rarity pointed out. “Dash, you must not put so much pressure on your own head. You have been there-”

“No, yesterday, if I had been paying attention, instead of indulging my... what did Applejack call it?”

“Cabin fever,” Rarity supplied.

“She would not have fallen! She would not have been so tired! I could have been the one doing it instead of her! She needed to be resting! But no, I had to... to... to” Dash’s wings buzzed in frustration. She sighed. “I don’t know! I let you all down! I FAILED YOU!”

Despite having been yelled at, Rarity kept her composure. “Dash, relax, we should not have left you two alone for as long as we did.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I’m sorry, Rarity.”

“Think nothing of it, darling, but let’s get you out of the tub and dressed. Fluttershy and Pinkie should be coming up here with breakfast any minute now.”


Twilight lifted Applejack from the tub and wrapped a towel around her. The orange mare was dripping wet and almost vacant. Twilight hurried her to the bed and tucked her in.

Applejack opened her eyes. “Twi... is... is it over?”

Twilight nodded. “How do you feel?”

Applejack closed her eyes again. “Tired.”

“Let’s get some breakfast in you, and then maybe you will perk up.”

Applejack nodded weakly. “Twi, ouch.”

Twilight sighed. “We’ll need to put some more disinfectant on it later, then bandage it.”


“But right now, I think you need to rest.”


Twilight smiled and sat on the bed beside her. “Feeling any better?”

Applejack nodded. “Warm,” she muttered.

“Is it alright with you if I slip out?”

Applejack nodded again. “Ah’ll...” There was a lengthy pause. “... ring.”

Twilight nodded, and after patting Applejack gently on the back, she slipped out, returning to the bathroom to clean up the room before checking in on Rainbow Dash.

Twilight smiled. “Rainbow Dash! I’m glad to see you alert.”

“How’s Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked immediately.

“She’s asleep. As the doctor figured, the bath took all the strength she had.”

Rainbow Dash’s ears flopped down. “Really?”

Twilight nodded sadly. “She should be fine after a nap, but-” She sighed. “I... gee, that was hard.”

Rarity nodded. “I can imagine, darling. Applejack’s a proud-”

Twilight shook her head. “No, the fact she accepted and let me do so much of the work. She tried, but she began slipping pretty fast. You would think the water would have kept her awake.”

Rarity and Rainbow Dash exchanged looks. “Can... I go see-” Dash asked hopefully.

Twilight shook her head. “I’m sorry Rainbow, but she needs to sleep, and you need to eat your breakfast. After the royal sisters get here, we’ll see. I think it would be good for both of you, but right now, rest and time are what you both need.”

Rarity nodded. “We’ll get you over to her before night fall.”

Author's Note:

Phew! alright... :twilightoops: That was a VERY awkward chapter... For me, to write. REALLY DISCORD! :facehoof: I really have no idea where any of this came from... Not a bit. But... Well... Somehow this is my new favorite chapter. It really came out well. Despite the awkwardness of the final topic. And Discord's.... shenanigans. :ajbemused:

I wonder if I'm ever going to get the CMC in there... Honest I'm trying but... the characters ain't cooperating.... are not... aren't... Never mind.

Next week, February Seventh, (really?:rainbowderp:) I'll be publishing A Dress for Princess Twilight. Can't say it's my best work, but nor is it my worst.

The week after that, February 14th, I'll be publishing the first chapter of "Squeaky Picnic" to cover the plot nicely... I'm going to have to slow down in it. It's... well a monster. I'm hoping for a Max of five chapters, shouldn't be too much longer than 10k-15K words long. (though this stories word goal was 25K... I passed that up weeks ago.) I'll only be publishing once a month on SP, This story is the focus.

So Chapter 11 will be published February 21st. Then 12 on March Seventh... I have a ton I'm doing, so slowing down is the best possible answer to be sure you continue to get good quality stories.... well OK quality. I'm still a beginner writer.

Thank you all for reading the story, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Cowgirl VK out.

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