• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

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Chapter 19; 'Macs of Chaos.

Discord stood watching just long enough to make sure Rarity would finish what he had started with the fillies. Applejack withholding information from them was worse than him turning Fluttershy’s cottage into a spinning top, except it wasn’t half as fun or funny. The girls had a right to know these things.

Slowly, he turned and made his way down into her lobby. He glanced at her schedule. “Hum,” Discord said just loud enough for him to hear. “Looks like we have a problem.” He glanced about, looking for any sign that Rarity had even started making the outfits. However, since the order came in the day before Applejack and Rainbow Dash had been admitted to the hospital, he was almost certain he would not find anything.

He didn’t. He pulled out the order form and read it intently. There were sketches and measurements, colors and rough designs. Discord flipped through them, glancing over his shoulder to be sure Rarity, or worse, Pinkie didn’t suddenly spring upon him and inquire about his presence or doings.

Discord checked colors and cuts, and settled upon at least laying out the stuff needed for each garment. He picked twenty of Rarity's poniquins and then laid out the fabric for each piece. Glancing at patterns, he snapped his claw, instantly cutting each bolt into the panels for each of the garments. Then, he laid them on the poniquins, adding the needed amount of lace and buttons to each stack. Then, as a final touch, he put a label on each of the stacks so she’d know which was which outfit.

He stepped back admiring his handiwork. “Marvelous, Discord, simply marvelous. And the colors are, as she would put it, simply divine!” Discord cooed to himself. “Orange with maroon, red with purple, what could be more perfect?”

Snapping his claw, he then transported himself out of there. He floated up, drifting upon a soft pink cotton candy cloud and, using a bubble powered engine, drove the fluffy plane up the road to look for the ponies who were supposed to be watching the three fillies, Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee.

The engine made a soft puttering sound as he floated up the road. “This is-” He paused, “Discord, you must come up with something just a tad less normal. That sound is simply not right.” He thought for a few minutes, then settled on a repeating rooster crow. He smiled happily as the Cotton Candy Cloud Airplane crowed up the road.

(art by Atlantean)

He smiled happily, gazing down, watching the towns ponies watch him with fear and annoyance. He scratched his head, his face falling. “I do wonder what they are so upset about? I’m not turning the world upside down.” He brushed the thought off. The ponies of Ponyville only just barely tolerated him. It could be nothing more than he was out for a morning drive that was their problem.

Back to the mission at hoof... paw? claw? Or maybe all three. He turned sharply and started flying backwards towards the Apple farm.

Suddenly he spotted his objective. The purple mare and her dashing red stallion companion were suddenly splattered with a multitude of colors coating them from head to hoof. Discord roared with laughter. Snapping his claw he dissipated his plane with its delightful noise and transported himself to the path before the multi-colored pair.

“Wha-” Cheerilee cried, gazing down at her freckled coat. “How?”

Big Mac shook his head. “Uh- Ah don’t know.”

Discord snickered. “I thought you two were supposed to be watching three fillies,” he cooed.

“What did you do to mah sister?” Big Mac asked forcefully, reaching forth to grab the draconequus by the neck.

Discord snapped his claw, moving himself out of Mac’s reach to another location on his other side. “Who said I did anything?” he asked. “You are mistaking me for somepony else.” He snapped his claw, a second ‘Discord’ appearing beside him. This one however, was bright red. “This is the bad guy, I’m reformed.”

“Mah HOOF!” Big Mac spat.

“Mackie... please,” Cheerilee begged, recovering her wits.

“Yeah.” Discord sprouted eyelashes, fluttering them femininely.

Cheerilee glared.

“Really,” he said innocently. He suddenly rolled his eyes, dropping the innocent act completely. “Your Fashionista friend has them,” he said nonchalantly.

Cheerilee visibly relaxed. “Oh, praise Celestia they didn’t disappear into the forest again.”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Really, you know all they want is to actually see their sisters! Which I fully understand. Dash is putting on quite the show, and I know they don’t want to miss it.”

The two ponies exchanged looks of almost dread. “You better not be hurtin’ mah sister!” Big Mac growled.

Discord rolled his eyes. “I did no such thing, any pain that has been caused has been as much their fault as any. I am only trying to help!”

“Then explain the spots!” Big Mac growled.

Discord raised both eyebrows and chuckled. “Dashing, if I do say so myself! Very simply, I spotted you. I’m afraid that is a side effect. Now, the ringing bloom that scoots, is on her way to the castle in rare form. Therefore, I suggest you two hurry on along. Might want to drop in at the Boutique really fast, they can be quite slow in moving.”

Big Mac and Cheerilee exchanged a look of confusion.

Discord shook his head. “Don’t know how to move? I do say, you call me terrible.” Discord snapped his claw, transporting the now unspotted pair to the Boutique. “There, that is done now. Let’s see how else to amuse ourselves? Hum... Your Highness?”

Another miniature Discord, this time soft blue appeared in a bed with a hot water bottle on his head. “This isn’t it,” the ‘Discord’ sneezed.

“I dare say it is not!” the normal Discord said. He snapped his claw, making the other himself disappear into a puff of smoke. “But how do we do it?”

A red Discord appeared, pitchfork in claw, chewing on a cigar butt. “We should make them pay, make them dread not trusting you!”

Discord glared at the red self. “How dare you even suggest it! It’s not something Fluttershy would approve of! We are reformed, be gone with you.”

The Red Discord shrank smaller and smaller until he poofed out of existence. “But where do we go from here?” he asked himself.

Discord proper was not long in wondering. For whenever he had time to spare, he made his own fun. He had already done a cotton candy plane. How about... he glanced about. How about one made of chocolate milk! With a Swiss cheese armor! He snapped his claw, the strange contraption appearing about him. Alright, he had his means of transport... no, not yet. He snapped his claw again. A hamster ball.

Discord frowned, standing neck deep in chocolate milk, a large swiss cheese ball surrounding him. This wasn’t right either, not creative enough. Discord scratched the back of his head. Milk and swiss cheese; that was going to stay, however... he needed something more creati- A bed! A bed that walked! Nope, that had been done. A pot? No, too hot. Hamster balls would give ponies the wrong idea. He glanced around. There were trees... that would in fact be interesting. A tree that was walking, its bark made of chocolate milk, its leaves of moldy swiss cheese. Now didn’t that sound delightful. Discord felt proud, now to show it off. He mounted the tree and, using reigns that connected to nothing at all, set off.

Over bridges and through meadows he rode, directly for Fluttershy’s cottage. The little purple dragon had been conspicuously absent. What was his name? Pike, Rike, Like, Hike... any one of those would work. He liked the Pike in the Dike on a Hike, whose name just happens to be Spike- who was flying on the back of a Pegasus. Discord didn’t like this. What would Twilight think! What if she wanted him to rescue her pet from the evil guard?

A little white rabbit hopped across his path. “Why does this remind me of a story?” Discord said to himself. The rabbit turned, pulled out a watch, glared at it, hopped onto the draconequus’ head, thumped a couple times, then was off down the road again.

Discord blinked, quickly regaining his peace of mind, or at least one of the pieces, and turned to go after the guard who had his beloved loyal dragon. The tree became a steed, a sawhorse to be exact, and he charged off.

“Well, at least you got all of the pets home without Twilight finding out,” Flash was saying. “And didn’t get caught snoozing by a pony who can drop snow on your head in the middle of summer.”

Discord froze. ”Snow in summer? Mountain Mares? Does this villain of a soldier know of the dreadful mares that ruled the Foal Mountains with a grip of steel and a heart of iron? Who froze their land with eternal winter?” he said softly to himself and his saw steed. “I will save you!” he yelled.

Spike turned around. “Flash, we have trouble,” he said softly, but loud enough that Discord heard.

“I will save you, fair dragon!”

Spike looked worried. “Come on Flash, go faster!”

Discord spurred his steed forward, using his own wings to lift them both off the ground and into the sky after the fleeing duo. “DO NOT FRET, FAIR DRAGON!”

“Discord!” Spike called back. “I’m not in danger!”

Discord snapped his claw, transporting the young dragon onto his saw horse's back.

“DISCORD!” Spike yelled.

“What, my dragon? I am here to save you!”

“But I didn’t need saving!” Spike exclaimed.

Spike looked terrified. “Flash?”

Discord scratched the back of his head. “My, my, my. This isn’t right.” He snapped his claws once more, and the black box turned back into the orange Pegasus.

Flash almost fell from the sky in surprise and terror. Quickly he drew his spear charging the mismatched beast.

Discord shook his head, snapping his claw once more. The spear vanished with a flurry of sparkles. “Flashy, you really need to watch where you point that thing.”

Flash’s face burned bright red with anger. “Beast! You are a coward!”

Discord shook with laughter. “Hey, I want to ask you, have you seen the blue streak recently? For I believe your coat is the wrong color for that type of language.”

Flash charged once more. Discord roared with laughter. Inches before impact, he snapped his claw, disappeared, and reappeared behind the pegasus. “You know, you are a feisty little creature.”

“Say that to the hoof! Give Spike back!” Flash spat.

Discord raise an eyebrow. “Indeed, let me think about it.”

“Discord, Angel is getting away!” Spike complained.

“Oh! Is that who the little white rabbit was?” Discord snapped, Angele immediately appearing hopping as fast as he could in a crystal hamster ball. Almost instantly, the little white bunny stopped and started banging on the edge. This of course changed the direction, and Angel found himself rolling sideways.

Discord snapped his talon and a sign that read ‘Beware he bites’ appeared about the rabbit’s neck.

“Discord,” Spike said hesitantly, “I don’t think Fluttershy would like that.”

Discord stroked his beard thoughtfully. “You are right, that sign is better on a dog.” After a moment more of thought he added, “Or a young colt.” He snapped his claw again. The sign changed to ‘The war is ho’. “No. No. No!” Discord growled.

“Ho?” Flash asked.

Discord grinned maliciously. “Yes, Ho!” A bridle found its way onto Flash’s face, the reigns into Spikes claws. Within seconds, the two were going as fast as they could around and around and around Discord.

“Oh, my!” Discord cackled. “This is great fun!”

Spike, now turning quite green from the speed, called out, “Discord! Please make it stop!”

“Make it stop?” Discord asked surprised. “Whatever for?” He snapped his claw, removing the bridle and replacing it with two matching wooden signs, one for Spike, the other for Flash. All three signs read ‘We’re the Babies.’ “Oh this is priceless!” Discord laughed.

“Discord!” Spike cried, trying to remove his sign, his face bright pink. “What is Fluttershy going to say?”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Well, I can’t be good all the time!” he complained. “I must have fun, or else I wouldn’t be the king of chaos! And I’ve been so good over the last couple of days, I might as well have fun.”

Spike groaned. “Just get these signs off!”

Discord scratched behind his left ear. “I’m not sure, they kind of suit you three.” He cocked his head to the side. “Well, maybe not.” He snapped his claw, making Flash and Angel’s signs disappear and Spike’s now read ‘Sweetie’s Rehab’ on it.

Spike’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of crimson. “Wait, what?”

“Alright Sir, I’m warning you!” Flash growled.

“Warning me what?” Discord asked, nonchalantly filing his nails.

Flash Sentry roared, charging towards Discord.

Discord snapped his talon, transporting himself from the scene and righting everything to how it was before he had got there. Well, except for Angel. The little white rabbit he left in the little hamster ball.

Discord sat above the third dimension, watching as the little ponies messed about in their little lives, their small worlds. He dodged as a blue police box floated past him. “My, my, my, somepony doesn’t know how to drive. I wonder, Hooves it is? Hooves! My Discord, you are a clever one.”

Discord peeked in upon Luna who was on her way to bed. Entering the throne room, he placed a heavily thorned rose in Princess Celestia's chair, moments before her royal highness sat down upon it. The poor white royal sprang almost a foot in the air, screeching quite unlady like, rubbing her offended back side.

Discord hid in the shadows just long enough to watch Princess Celestia turn, find the rose, and read the note. ‘With love, Luna.’

He transported on, most places he’d simply watch for a moment, before traveling on. Floating above Fillydelphia, he caught sight of the Windy Wings Therapy and Research Center, and chose to pop in for a visit. Just to... maybe pick on one of his favorite ‘Mountain Mares’.

Silently, he poofed himself into the large dining hall, the aroma of heavy garlic stew stung his eyes. “Yuck!” Discord choked, he allowed himself to be seen as he sat beside a dark blue mare with a tightly pulled back light blue mane. “What is that?”

The mare screamed, “Discord!”

“The one and only, how are you Mrs. Victory Lap? Might I sit in your lap?” The blue mare glared, throwing a hot bowl of stew directly into Discord’s face.

“Second lunch now? Or is it third?” he mocked, as the stew turned into a blanket of Zinnias.

“Get. OUT!” Captain Victory hissed. “Before I tell Lilly!”

Discord laughed, “Captain Smuthers doesn’t scare me.” However, just to be safe, he relocated himself to another seat. This one had a dark black stallion with green eyes and a white mane. “Might I join you?” Discord asked.

The stallion’s eyes widened in fear for but a moment, this however disappeared, being replaced by quite the smug look. “Sure, but be quiet, I’m in the middle of a lesson. Now, for two ponies to be able to pull a cart like this one side by side, they must first establish a form of non-vocal communication. Now here, like at many other places, we have a vast language that is purely made up of subtle body motions. The one I am going to teach you today is the half-halt. Before anything else is established, you must first decide who your lead pony is. Here at Windy Wings, your lead will always be on your left. The half-halt is the most basic of ‘words.’ It’s basically a way for the leader to say to their companion, ‘prepare’. Now, you have no idea what you are preparing for-”

Discord rolled his eyes, snapping his claws once more find a better location. He wasn’t about to listen to this lesson again. Seeing the dreaded pink mare enter with her dashing grey stallion, with his moss colored mane and tail, he beat a quick retreat out of the dining hall.

“I wonder where their little friend is,” Discord mused to himself. He peeked in the captain’s office. “Nope, no mare there,” he whispered. He then turned towards the barracks back behind the center itself. There were two, a mare’s barracks, and a stallion’s barracks. He entered the mare’s. He grinned savagely.

“I don’t get it! Why me? ‘Arrow, go do this, Arrow go do that!’ Don’t they care?” the mare complained. Discord snapped his claw, becoming the lamp beside the neatly made blue bed which he knew belonged to the Mountain Mare.

The brown filly sat down on the orange bed beside the blue one. Discord assumed this was in fact Arrow’s bed and pulled out a stuffed panda bear. “I tried! Honest dad, I’m trying! I miss you so much!” Arrow pulled the bear in close. “The captain has been called off on another mission again. Cousin Steady’s going... I wish I could go. Dad, why can’t I go?”

Discord took a deep breath, swirling his beard with his paw. “I won-”

“We did our first large scale test of the Flying Arrow. You know the formation Lil- Captain Feather’s and I have been working on. Well... Steady helped too... I miss you a lot Dad. It hasn’t been the same since you left.” Arrow swallowed, she opened her eyes slowly, glancing at her cutie mark. It was a pegasus with an arrow in its mouth, half turned, flying within a flame set circle. “You would have been proud then too Dad. I’ve got to go.” She kissed the top of the bear’s head. “Lilly needs me to help her pack. She’s got an important mission to do, and... doesn’t have time for both this and eating. You and I both know that if I didn’t, she would, then she’d skip eating again. I don’t know what that mare has against food, may-” She sighed, quickly tucking the bear back under her pillow, pulling the comforter high up until it reached the headboard.

She then crossed into the blue bed’s section. She opened Lilly’s chest at the foot of the bed. It was an older thing, made of deep red cherry wood, with a simple hook latch holding it closed. Quickly, the brown mare rummaged around until she found a set of saddle bags and set them on the bed. She then, after carefully closing the chest, opened the side table’s cabinet and pulled out a three ringed binder. She started flipping through, muttering under her breath to herself.

Alighting on a page, she lay the book out flat on the bed and started rummaging through the rest of her captain’s area looking for different items, laying them on the bed. Discord, having had enough of observing, moved stealthily over to the bag and climbed in.
Just as he had planned, Arrow stuck something in, and, making as though he was furious, sprang from the bag. “How dare you disturb my nap!” he growled.

Arrow sprang back, letting out a short yip in surprise. “Who- what? Dis!” The Filly’s knees trembled, her pupils shrank. “Please, don’t hurt me!”

Discord immediately started laughing, a fun, amused laugh. “Oh my! You should have seen your face!” he guffawed.

Arrow quickly recovered, pulling herself back together. “Discord, why are you here? I thought-”

“That that alicorn captain of you-”

“Lilly isn’t not an alicorn!” Arrow scolded.

Discord laughed, “No, she’s just the personal slave of one, like I- but that is beside the point. That weakling captain of yours is out to lunch, whether it be first lunch, second lunch, third or fourth, I have no idea- wait, they only had three, so I don’t have to fear her.”

“What makes you think I won’t step outside and scream?”

Discord laughed again. “Do it, and I’ll let everypony know that you miss your daddy still. What has it been? Three years since he-”

Arrow’s eyes narrowed, her chin quivered. “Y-y-ya wouldn’t dare!”

“Yeah, and your mom died so shortly after, and you still miss them and think your little stuffy is them.”

Arrow’s eyes widened with fear. “You-”

Discord laughed, “I miss nothing. Now, I know you think you run this little military operation, but my, wouldn’t it be funny if they all knew! I do believe you have more bravado than my favorite little speed demon.”

Arrow’s jaw locked. “Leave me alone Discord.”

“I think I heard a little wish in there, and I, as the king of chaos, am seriously considering granting it. You wish to go with them. Now, I know where they are going, and why. And they have left the poor little orphan behind—again.”

Arrow’s eyes began to bore holes through Discord.

“I say, go ahead and pack yourself as well, fly just far enough behind the two love birds-”

Arrow giggled, “I wish.”

“That’s another thing we are going to have to work harder on, you and I,” Discord smugly stated. “Then, when you are too far to turn back, let her know you are there.”

“But Lilly will know that I’m following them, how? She’s not a normal pegasus.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “You are simple minded... not sharp at all.”

Arrow glared.

“Lilly—eh, she is what she is. Don’t worry, She’s so upset right now, she probably could turn the entire valley to ice. Just keep your distance. You might even get to meet your hero!”

Arrow gasped. “Spitfire?”

“Rainbow Dash,” Discord corrected.

Arrow almost fainted. “That would be-”

Discord rolled his eyes, “The most stupid thing you ever did, she’s not a pony to model yourself after, either one. You want a pony more like... me!” He smiled viciously. “Just consider yourself the burglar on the mission, nothing to it Baggins.” Discord snapped his claw, disappearing. He watched as the young mare made a fool of herself around the mare’s barracks.

Discord chuckled, “My, my Catnip Evergreen, that is how you lose the war.”

Discord then checked his watch. “I still have a few minutes,” he said to himself. Snapping his fingers, he decided to drop in on the Wonderbolts, namely Spitfire’s office.

Discord glanced about the dimly lit room searching for a hiding place. Really, this should not be a hard job, but he had such a clever day, and since this was his final feat afore returning to the castle to ensure the submission of knowledge unto the three young fillies, he was hesitant on how it could be done. The room, at the moment, was unoccupied. Although, from the noises in the hall, he knew this would not be so for long. There was a closet—a closet? When ever did the king of chaos ever use something as normal as a closet? The cabinet, desk, mirror, couch—somepony was opening the door. A light bulb appeared above the draconequus’ head. Quick as a wink, Discord poofed out and into his hiding place: the door's knob.

As was expected, Captain Spitfire, Commander Soarin, and Fleetfoot entered. "That was simply radical!" Fleet said cooly.

"Totally!" Spitfire shot back. "Oh the applause! It was simply groovy."

Soarin chuckled. “It was a fine show,” he stated, half amused by his mare teammates.

“Fine!” Fleet flopped unceremoniously upon the couch. “You hear that Spitty! He thinks it was just fine!”

“Yeah Soar, what’s up with you? We had a lot of fun and you know it.”

Soarin shook his head smirking. “Alright, it was more than fine, I didn’t run into any rings, clouds, or mares.”

The other two laughed uproariously. “Meaning us?” Fleet giggled.

Soarin blushed. “Really, I don’t mean-”

“It’s fine Soarin,” Spitfire said. “You could no more help running into things while distracted than you could help eating an apple pie that is stuck in front of you.”

Fleet rolled off the couch, clutching her sides and hissing like a snake through her teeth as she laughed.

“Really Fleet, it’s not that funny,” Soarin moaned.

Spitfire started flipping through the mail that cluttered her desk. “Fan mail, fan mail, bill, check-” she muttered under her breath. “Scroll from the princess?

Fleetfoot rolled over and stood up quickly, and Soarin came to attention. “The princesses?” he asked.

Spitfire opened it, then scowled. “Seems Recruit Dash has managed to get herself into an accident, and the princesses are letting us know she will be unavailable for a while,” she muttered.

Soarin’s ears perked up. “Is she alright?”

“The letter doesn’t say, ”Spitfire muttered. “Just she’s on medical leave.”

“Medical leave!” Discord decided at this moment to make his presence known. He almost snickered as the look of fear flashed across the faces of all three of the ‘brave’ ponies. “Oh, you guys are fun.” He changed his location to the couch on which Fleetfoot was once more resting. The blue and silver mare screeched, rocketing into the air.

“Discord!” Spitfire growled, pulling the military captain act on full force.

Discord rolled his eyes. "Really, oh Madam Captain, one of your most talented recruits gets hurt, and you aren’t even the slightest bit curious?”

Spitfire glared. “My job isn’t to wonder why, it is to just do and die.”

Discord glanced about the room, then flipped the entire room upside down, leaving them on the floor, and the stuff on the ceiling. Spitfire looked incredibly uncomfortable, Fleet went tumbling from her resumed perch on the couch, and Soarin started chuckling. “I’ve met a few unicorns who can do that,” he observed.

Discord rolled his eyes. “Really?” he asked.

Soarin nodded.

Discord smirked. “Have you seen everything turned inside out?”

Soarin shook his head. “No, but I bet it looks pretty strange.”

Discord nodded, “Indeed, let’s see, that couch-” He snapped, the entire thing turning inside out. He almost laughed as Fleet sat down somewhat dazed. “Well, now that I’ve shown I’m more powerful than any unicorn, I’m surprised you guys aren’t the least bit curious on why her royal highness Tia-” he glanced around, “Told you, and not Dash herself, or the Doctor didn’t send you a note.”

Spitfire opened her mouth to say something, but Discord placed a zipper over her lips and zipped them closed. “If I were you, I’d head over there to find out what’s what.” His eyes gleamed with mischief. “Well anyways, Fleet, you have something in your mane, and I have other ponies to go pester, so I’ll be off. Ta-ta!”

Discord snapped out of existence, leaving Fleet to discover the spiders on her own, and the other two to retrieve Spitfire’s office from the ceiling.

Discord, now pressed for thyme, headed for Carrot Top’s garden before turning northward for more misadventures.

Author's Note:

:rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy::rainbowwild: Don't ask me what all happened during this, for even while writing it- oh boy!

Alright, There is a LOT crammed into this one scene chapter... I did not know I could do a one scene chapter that was this long.

Oh Discord, what will I do with you? What am I going to do without you! :unsuresweetie: Good grief this was a ton of fun to write. I want to thank everyone who participated in my anagram game coming up with those signs. That "Sweetie's Rehab" Was the BEST.

Ho... Is actually a shortened form of whoa... So- we are dealing with Discord, it wasn't supposed to make sense....

I'd like to see you guys try to guess where all the story references are in this chapter. I was pulling from Classics, modern, movies... EXC. (no video games since I'm clueless in that field.) Some of them are obvious, others... not so much.

Chapter 20 will be out June 20th. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

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