• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,591 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Two: Waiting, and Bad News

Chapter 2

Twilight entered Applejack's room after talking with Rarity just in time for the doctor to begin his prodding. Twilight looked about the busy room for Fluttershy and Big Mac, whom she knew had followed AJ in. They were both in the far corner, Big Mac standing stoic, Fluttershy a ball of nerves melted onto the tile floor.

Applejack screamed again and Fluttershy winced. Twilight herself had to fight the urge to bolt. Stiffly, she moved over to the two. "How is she?"

Big Mac shook his head. "Don't know yet."

She then turned her attention to the cowering pegasus. "Hanging in there Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy nodded, hiding behind her hair and wings.

Twilight felt sorry for Fluttershy. Applejack had always been the strength, the stability of the group and this was a blow to them all. "Are you sure you don't want to go join Rarity, Pinkie, and Dash in room 508? I am certain they would appreciate your company."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Not until I know what is wrong."

Just then the Doctor made his way over to the group. "How is she doc? Do you know what's wrong with her?" Twilight inquired.

The doctor nodded. "She gave herself a hernia. Also either strained or sprained a few stomach muscles."

"What about the spasms she had the whole way here?"

"That was due to her holding herself so tight and being under so much pain."

The doctor waited for the group to nod before continuing. "She will be unable to do the work she is used to doing until we get that hernia fixed. Big Mac, we need your permission to operate. Do we have it?"


"How long do you expect it to take for her to recover?" Twilight inquired.

The Doctor scratched the back of his head. "That depends. If she rests and takes it easy and does not push herself, two months. Otherwise she could still be recovering this time next year. I will let you know that during the first week, she will need constant attention. It is rare for a pony to sprain a stomach muscle, but it’s not unheard of."

"What causes it?" Twilight asked.

"Stress and overwork," the doctor said. "We know those are two things our dear friend does on a daily basis."

Big Mac nodded. "Thank you, Doctor. I suppose you should get back to AJ now."

The doctor nodded as the three exited the room to allow for the medical team to do what they did best.

Twilight and Big Mac got on either side of the melting yellow pegasus and supported her out into the waiting room. Upon arrival, Fluttershy took off in the direction of Dash's room. Twilight gave a sad smile and relaxed. "At least that is over," she said. "Now for the hard part."

"Eeyep," Big Mac said looking at his hooves. "Twilight?"


"Could I uh... ask a favor of you?"


"Remember Apple Buck Season last year?"

Twilight smiled and shook her head. "How can I forget? What about it?"

Big Mac pressed his lips together and scuffed his hooves. "AJ's not the, you know, resten' type. And I am afraid if she comes home she will feel obligated to uh... over do."

"I think I get what you are saying," Twilight smiled. "Yes, I would be happy to house your sister. That new castle of mine is huge, and I could use the company."

Big Mac smiled and nodded. "Thank you, I doubt we could both do her work and take care of her the way she needs right now."

"No problem, and I am sure we girls can come over and help with some apple bucking. Spike can take care of her while we are gone."

"That would be appreciated. Now I need to get home and let Granny and Apple Bloom know what's going on and get AJ's things."

Twilight nodded. "You do that. If she gets out of surgery before you get back, one of us will sit with her.

Big Mac nodded then left. Twilight turned to follow Fluttershy but was stopped by a rather familiar voice calling her name. She turned to see Cloud Chaser beckoning to her. Twilight sighed then trotted over.

"Have you seen Dash yet?" The purple pegasus inquired.

Twilight shook her head. "I was just heading that way."

"I am sorry it happened, Twilight. I should have put my hoof down and sent her home. I don't care if she's my boss. I knew she was struggling, she knew it, we all did. She wasn't at her best, and she was tired, beyond tired. Tornado drills are trying, even when you feel at your best! I am so sorry!"

Twilight was taken aback. "What are you talking about? I thought it was just a freak accident."

Cloud Chaser shook her head. "You weren't up there. I have worked beside her for years. I am telling you the passion for the job might have been present, but I never felt the... power I typically feel when flying beside her. At her best, Dash would have been able to construct control, then dissipate that brute on her own! And if it had managed to get the best of her, she would not have crash landed as she did. The excuse she gave us was she had already put in two hours of work getting everything ready for the drills. But Twilight, even you should know that should not have affected her in the least!"

Twilight nodded. "I see what you mean. I will have a talk with her, don't worry. And Cloud, don't feel bad. If it is anypony's fault, it’s Dash's."

Cloud nodded. "I should get back to the team. Thanks Twilight."

"Anytime." Twilight then headed to room 508 to join the others.

After navigating the halls and a few wrong turns, Twilight finally arrived at Dash's room.

Fluttershy was sitting beside the head of Dash's bed still crying with Rarity and Pinkie on either side. Dash looked exhausted, her wings were both tightly bandaged against her sides, but her eyes lit up as Twilight entered. "Twilight!" She exclaimed. "How is AJ?"

Twilight smiled back. "In surgery. I'll get to that in a moment, but first, Dash, how are you?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Sore, tired."

Twilight decided not to push the issue.

Pinkie Pie bounced over to Twilight. "How's Applejack? Is she going to die? Do we need to be worried?"

Twilight sighed, sat down, and started from the beginning, Fluttershy adding in details as she went.


For the longest time, the group had been quiet, each one lost in her own thoughts. Nopony knew exactly how much time had passed. Dash lay with her eyes almost closed.

"Dash?" Said Twilight inquiringly.

Rainbow Dash opened one eye. "Yeah?"

Dash watched as Twilight opened and closed her mouth for several seconds, stuttering.

Dash shook her head. "Twilight, this is the sixth time you have done that."

"Done what?"

"I know you want to ask me something. So just say it."

Twilight took a deep breath. "I met Cloud Chaser in the waiting room-"

Dash's face turned beet red. "Never mind I asked. I think I know what you want to know."

"Well?" Asked Twilight. The other girls nodded.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"She was worried, Dash. She said you weren't yourself up there. I want to know why."

Rainbow Dash felt uncomfortable. She gazed around the room for a distraction. Luckily, the nurse chose that exact moment to enter.

"I am here to let you know Applejack is out of surgery. It went well. We’re keeping her in recovery for an hour or so and then we'll bring her down."

The group nodded.

"This calls for a PARTY!!!" Pinkie screamed.

The nurse looked annoyed, then walked over to Dash. "Sorry none of us were here when you woke up. I did come by earlier, but after seeing the state you all were in, I decided it would probably be best to let you all just talk it out first. Now, how do you feel?"

Dash shrugged. "Sore. No worse than I have felt on any of my other crashes."

The nurse smiled knowingly and nodded. "Behave yourself, and we will probably release you tomorrow morning. You won't be able to fly for a week or two, but besides that, you have nothing major injured. The Doctor will be around in a bit to ask you more questions Mrs. Dash."

Rainbow Dash nodded once more. "Thank you nurse."

The nurse checked Dash's vitals quickly. "Everything looks good. If you need anything, holler."

"Well?" Twilight asked as soon as the nurse left.

"Well what?" Dash asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Come on Dash, I asked you a question. Cloud Chaser said you weren't yourself. She also said you knew it yourself and refused to go home when she suggested it."

"I wasn't in that bad of shape."

"So you thought," Rarity said.

Dash sighed. "So I thought."

"Come on Dash, we all have bad days," Fluttershy said. "But you don't have-"

Twilight cut Fluttershy off. "Dash, we are your friends. We need to know. I know you don't want to tell us, but something tells me the fact that you and AJ were both hurt on the same day was no coincidence. I need to know what was bothering you up there. It is important."

Nopony spoke for some time. Dash squirmed under the concerned stares of her friends. She opened and closed her mouth, trying desperately to organize her thoughts.

"IRON PONY!" Pinkie suddenly shouted, bouncing up and down.

Dash's face lit up. "That's right, AJ and I did do that yesterday, didn't we Pinkie!"

The pink pony giggled and bounced up and down in a circle. "Yep. Still tied though," She giggled. "In bed nonetheless."

Dash turned bright red. Twilight nodded. "That could have done it. And it explains how AJ injured herself 'overworking' while doing what she does everyday and Dash was 'not herself' while doing drills. What did you two do?"

Dash closed her eyes thinking hard. "You know what Twi, I don't remember. Maybe we should wait for AJ, but I think you are right. We are so evenly matched that, I do, kind of- you know - push myself a little harder than normal."

The others nodded. "Applejack has admitted to me that she does the same," Rarity stated. "She always tries to swing by the spa following one of those things to get the 'knots out of her muscles' as she puts it."

The group was silent. "I think," Fluttershy finally said. "I want to go see if I can sit with AJ."


Applejack woke with a suddenness that startled her. .

"Easy Miss Applejack, just lie there for a moment," A deep voice said.

She thought back. "Doctor Stable?"

"Easy. The surgery went well, but I don't want you moving quite yet."

She looked wearily around the room. "Where am I?"

"You are in Recovery, Darling," Rarity said while smiling down at her. Behind her was Fluttershy. "How do you feel?"

Applejack thought about that for a moment. "I don't hurt any more."

"That is because you are pumped full of painkillers," The doctor informed her.

Applejack nodded. "Where..."

"The others are waiting in your room," Rarity informed her.

Applejack nodded once more. "Thank you Fluttershy."

"You’re welcome."

Applejack lay there staring up at the ceiling. "This is just embarrassin'," She muttered to herself.

"What?" asked Fluttershy.

"Feelin’ this weak."

Rarity smiled. "Don't worry Darling. Give it time, and you will be back to your old self in no time."

Applejack nodded, fighting to keep her eyes open. Finally, despite her best effort, they closed. Somewhere in the distance, she could hear the doctor asking Rarity and Fluttershy to leave so she could rest. Applejack tried to argue but the words died on her tongue as she slipped back into the realm of dreams.


Voices flickered around her. Somewhere in the distance she could just make out the voice of Pinkie Pie. Then somewhere else she heard Twilight. Applejack groaned.

"Girls, I think she- No Apple Bloom darling, do stay off the bed. Let her wake up on her own."


"Rarity's right, stay off the bed," Granny said.

Applejack opened her eyes. She was in a different room this time. She looked around, seeing Twilight, her family, Spike lying in a corner sound asleep, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and the CMC. As she swept the room, her eyes fell on Dash. "What? What happened to Dash?"

Dash smiled. "Good to see you awake AJ. I had a little run in with a twister I couldn't quite manage."

Applejack didn't respond. Her brain felt like mush. "How do you feel?" Twilight asked her.

"Numb." Applejack said after a few minutes.

"Sis, I was so worried!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Applejack smiled. "I'm made out of tough stuff. I'll be home before you know it."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "That is not what Big Mac and Granny told me."

Applejack looked between the two. "What do you mean Sugarcube?"

"You will be going home with me AJ when they let you out of the hospital," Twilight explained.

"I don't remember agreeing to that," Applejack flatly stated.

"I made the decision AJ," Big Mac said walking over to her. "The doctor said that if you rest and behave yourself you would be back to work in two months."

Applejack face fell. "But what about the farm!"

"AJ, if you don't rest, it might be a year before you will be strong enough to do apple bucking again!" Twilight explained. "If ever! I am taking you home to make sure you get the rest and attention you need to recover. Your family will have their hooves full trying to keep up with the farm."

"I don't need babied!" Applejack stated matter of factly. She watched the others look at one another.

"The decision has been made AJ," Granny Smith said softly. "View this as that vacation you mentioned."

"But what about Cider Season?"

"No buts AJ. You just had surgery. You will rest," Granny sternly stated.

Applejack almost responded, but a knock at the door halted her. Cheerilee stuck her head in. "I thought I had the right room."

"Come on in." Granny grinned. "How's things?"

Cheerilee shrugged. "Like every summer, slow. I heard the news. I thought I would swing by and see if you need any help."

"Eeyep," Big Mac said smiling. He steered her over into a corner and the two talked in hushed tones.

Applejack smiled and shook her head. Her eyes wandered to Dash who had Scootaloo lying beside her, the two of them giggling over something. She looked down at her own sister who sat rejected beside Sweetie Bell. "Apple Bloom?" she called.

Her sister was immediately back beside her. "Yeah sis?"

Applejack patted the bed beside her. She had expected her little sister to simply hop up beside her like she always had, but instead, Apple Bloom looked hesitant. "Hold on AJ. Let me get Twilight. The doctor said that you were not to be bumped."

Twilight who had moseyed over to talk to Fluttershy (who was half asleep beside spike) walked back to Applejack. "I don't know AJ."

Applejack closed her eyes. "Twi!" She pleaded.

Twilight sighed. "Here Apple Bloom, I'll tuck you in beside your sister, but you have to promise me you will stay very still."

Apple Bloom nodded.

Applejack sighed, hugging her sister close. "Thanks Twi,"

"Just promise me you will rest now."

"Ah hate this," Applejack grumped. "Ah haven't even been awake for ten minutes and ah am already sick of this!"

"Now you know how I feel," Apple Bloom said. "But really sis, you need to listen. You have three sprained stomach muscles and just had surgery on a torn one. Here, AJ, I want you to put both hooves over your head."

Applejack glared at her sister. "Why?"

"Trust me Sis."

Applejack did. Suddenly her face fell. "Ah can't bring my hooves back down!" she said alarmed.

Apple Bloom assisted. "Now do you understand? You might not be able to feel it right now, but you are still hurt."

Applejack was silent. Never, at least not in a long time, had she felt so helpless. "Anything else ah should know?"

"Ah'll let the big ponies tell you. Ah wasn't told much."

"Ah am glad of that." Applejack muttered.


"Apple Bloom, it is embarrassing enough being wrapped up like I am and babied. But having the one I have raised from a little filly knowing too much is, well, you will understand someday."

"Ah'm growing up Sis."

"Ah know."

The sisters snuggled together.

Applejack closed her eyes. She was shocked how quickly she had tired out. "Twi?" she said after a minute.

"Yes AJ?"

"Could I have a glass of water?"

Twilight levitated a glass of water from the bedside table to Applejack's waiting hooves. "Thank you Twi," she said after she had drained it. Twilight placed the cup back on the table.

Big Mac walked back with Cheerilee. "Alright Apple Bloom, Mrs. Cheerilee has agreed to take Granny, you and your friends home."


Applejack nodded. "A hospital is not a play place, sis. As much as ah love you, it is best for you to go home. Ah will be alright, okay?"

"Only if you promise not to argue with the Doctor."

"Apple Bloom," Applejack growled.

"Not ‘till you promise, Pinkie Promise."

Applejack sighed and Pinkie Promised.

Twilight helped Apple Bloom onto the floor without jarring Applejack. Cheerilee gave her bed ridden friends a hug before the group left.

"I'm going to walk them home then come back," Big Mac told Applejack.

Applejack shook her head. "No Big Mac. Take care of the farm. There are chores that need doing. I'll be fine."

Big Mac opened his mouth to protest, but upon seeing the stern look on his sister's face, thought better of it. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

Applejack watched as the group left. She sighed, closing her eyes and feeling the weight of the situation hit her.

"Are you alright Darling?" Rarity asked.

Applejack was silent. "Ah don't think ah know," she finally said.

The group was silent. Finally Dash spoke up. "AJ, There is something you need to know."

AJ raised an eyebrow. "What is that RD?"

"Do you remember yesterday?"

Applejack blinked a few times. "Ah don't reckon I do."

Dash closed her eyes and sighed. "We had one of our-"

Applejack's face fell. "Iron Pony competitions."

Dash nodded.

Applejack's face turned bright red. "Dash! Ah told you those vines where nothin' but trouble. Now-"

She was halted by Fluttershy who had her nose inches from her own. "That is no way to talk to a friend. I know you are upset but, please girls, NO FIGHTING! IF YOU DON'T MIND!"

Applejack calmed down, exhausted. She breathed heavily closing her eyes. She could feel Fluttershy wrapping her in a loose hug. I ain't gunna cry! I ain't gunna cry! She repeated over and over to herself. She heard Dash climb out of bed and walk over to her. Slowly, one by one, her friends placed hooves and wings about her. "Thank you." she choked.

No pony spoke as, one by one, as carefully as they had hugged her, they let go and stepped back. She opened her eyes as Fluttershy let go, not daring to say anything for fear of allowing her already depressed state to burst.

Dash held Applejack's hoof in both of hers. "AJ, you are right. I should have listened to you. I am sorry I didn't. I'd give anything right now to trade places with you."

The farm mare nodded, squeezing Dash's hoof, eyes brimming with tears. She tried to turn away but was once more pulled into a group hug. With that, the dam broke.

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