• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 10

“Tomorrow, school starts,” Trixie said as she lifted up a fresh green apple and began to slice it with an old, worn out paring knife. She sat down the slices in front of her and gave the colt a smile. “How are your eyes over there, Shades?”

Lifting his head, Sumac looked up and gazed at Trixie through his glasses. She was now in perfect focus. He wasn’t sure what to think; he had always assumed that his vision was normal, but now, everything looked so different. His somewhat darkened lenses did make him look like he was wearing sunglasses and a few ponies had commented. Without realising it, he was staring at his adoptive mother in silence and it had slipped his mind to make a reply.

“Never mind what other ponies might think or say, Sumac. I think your glasses make you look handsome.” Trixie transferred several apple slices over to Sumac’s bowl, plopped in a thick blob of steaming oatmeal, and with a smile of pride, she added honey to the bowl along with a dollop of butter. It was nice being able to eat oatmeal with the extras. “Are you excited about school?”

“Yeah,” Sumac replied while nodding his head. “Twilight’s school has been going on for a while.” Sumac watched as a bowl of oatmeal was sat down in front of him and he heard Boomer let out a low trilling sound.

“Yes it has, but now, it is official.” Trixie held out a slice of apple to Boomer, who snatched it in her tiny claws and then began to devour it. “Twilight started to deal with exceptional students who needed something that a regular school didn’t have. Over the years, she’s picked up a number of students. Now, the official school is opening and you will be attending.”

“But she had the school before,” Sumac said as he lifted up his spoon. He crammed far too large a bite into his mouth as Boomer gobbled up her apple slice. He chewed, but only for a moment, gulped down the food in his mouth, smacked his lips, and lifted up another bite in his spoon, but did not eat it. “She’s been doing the school for a while now. Why the big deal now?” Sumac crammed in his spoonful of oatmeal with a slurp and watched as Trixie ate her oatmeal.

“Because now, it is official,” Trixie replied.

“I don’t get it,” Sumac said around a mouthful of food.

Trixie shrugged, but said nothing and Boomer used her tongue to snatch a bit of apple off of Sumac’s spoon, filching a bite before he could eat it. Anything the dragon hatchling could snatch before Sumac could cram it into his mouth was fair game. It was amusing to watch, to say the very least, as Boomer hung from Sumac’s horn and poached the tastiest bits in clever, calculated strikes. Sumac, of course, did not mind.

With a fluttering of wings, a white pegasus in golden armor landed not too far away. There was a clatter as Trixie dropped her spoon upon the small folding wooden table she and Sumac were having breakfast on. Nearby, the river burbled.

“Sorry to disturb your meal, but Princess Celestia is coming to have a word with you,” the white pegasus in the golden armor said, bowing his head as he spoke.

“I’ve been good,” Trixie said in a frightened squeak. She shook her head, her eyes wide with growing terror. “I’ve been good. I haven’t caused any problems.” Horn glowing, Trixie lifted Sumac from where he was sitting and pulled him close to her. “I’ve worked so hard to be good… why is she coming?”

No sooner than Trixie had spoken, there was the flutter of wings and a sky chariot descended over the treetops. The worried mare let out a squeal of terror, held Sumac even closer, crushing him to her, and she watched the approaching vehicle with wide, terror filled eyes.

“I’ve worked so hard to be good,” Trixie murmured as the sky chariot landed.

More pegasi filled the camp area where Trixie had parked her wagon. The sound of wings and the clank of armor filled the air. The birds in the trees had gone silent and many had flown away.

“Sumac, something has gone wrong… Sumac, I love you so much… I hope this will get sorted out and I don’t know what has gone wrong, but I love you… you should go to the Apples—” Trixie’s terrified babbling was cut short as she began to gibber in fear, her whole body shaking.

She was huge. That was all that Sumac could think. The white alicorn that approached was massive. She towered over both him and Trixie. She was white, regal, and pretty. He felt Trixie shaking with fear. He was shaking too, but he was also angry. He didn’t want his mother taken away. With a yelp, he slipped free from Trixie’s constrictive embrace, took a few stiff legged steps, and then stood in bold defiance between Princess Celestia and his adoptive mother. His mouth went dry as his horn ignited. Sumac became very, very aware that every royal guard, about a dozen or so, was now looking at him.

He very nearly soiled himself.

“Oh my goodness,” Princess Celestia said in a low voice, “somepony is exceptionally brave. Hello little one. I came to have a word with your mother, if you don’t mind.” The tall white alicorn lowered her head down as much as she could so she could be closer to Sumac’s eye level.

Sumac tried to say something, but the only thing that came out was an embarrassing squeak. His teeth clicked together as his mouth snapped shut. He stared up, wide eyed, trying to keep his knees from wobbling. He felt his guts churning and clenching into knots. The big white alicorn was the most terrifying thing he had ever seen, but somehow, he continued to stand in courageous defiance.

“Sumac Apple, get over here!” Trixie cried out in a shrill voice. “Please, forgive him, I don’t know what gets into him sometimes.” Trixie pulled Sumac back into her embrace and planted a fierce, maternal kiss on his right ear, never once taking her eyes off of Princess Celestia. “Why are you here? I’ve kept my end of the deal and I’ve been a very good pony. Please, please don’t take me away from Sumac.”

“It was never my intention to do so,” Princess Celestia replied in a low voice. “I came here for other reasons.”

“Like what?” Trixie asked, looking guarded as she heaped as much affection upon Sumac as she could, not knowing if this might be the last time she saw him.

“I came here to ask your forgiveness.” Princess Celestia’s words struck Trixie like a hurled stone.

Trixie’s mouth fell open and the mare sat in stupefied silence, unable to speak, unable to respond, unable to process what had just come out of Princess Celestia’s mouth. One foreleg wrapped around Sumac’s barrel popped and Trixie didn’t even notice the pain that accompanied the cracking, creaky joint.

“You were one of my students,” Princess Celestia began, “and like so many of my students, I had such high hopes for you. I worked so very hard to reach you. I lost sleep as I tried to think of different ways to help you. I was heartbroken as I watched you slip away, but I had to allow you to make your own choices… even if they were bad ones. I tried to prepare you for life as much as I could. But in the end, I felt as though I had failed you. You chose a very difficult path through life.”

Trixie nodded, it was all she could do to respond.

“I cannot help but feel that if I had tried harder, if somehow I had reached you, if somehow I had made some connection with you, things might have been better for you. Better than this.” Princess Celestia lifted a foreleg and made a gesture at the wagon, the river, and the campsite.

“I did this to myself,” Trixie said in a raspy, cracking squeak.

Blinking, looking sad, the corners of her mouth curling downwards in a grimace of pain, Princess Celestia nodded. “I have been watching you for quite a long time now. You have had a very long and difficult road to recovery. You have had to endure much hardship as you laboured to redeem yourself. Now that you have come around, I have come here to ask you for your forgiveness.”

“But there is nothing to forgive,” Trixie squeaked.

“I disagree. Your full potential was never discovered and that is my fault. I should have done more—”

“No,” Trixie said, interrupting Princess Celestia while shaking her head. “No, no no! I am the pony I am now because of my experiences. I made bad choices. The Great and Powerful Trixie did this to herself… she caused all of this heartache and sorrow. I did it! But I’ve learned from it and I’m a better pony for having gone through it. I learned all of the things I was too proud to learn in your school or too stupid to have paid attention to. I would not change who I am right now. Now, I get to teach Sumac how to be a good pony and try to make certain he does not make the mistakes and bad choices I made.”

Princess Celestia’s lips pressed into a straight line and she stared at the cowering blue mare that was clutching a small cream coloured colt in her forelegs. Her ears leaned forwards as she blinked and then she lifted her head up high.

“I made bad choices, but I stick by them. They have made me wise, I have become learned, I have gained knowledge that only comes through suffering and hardship.” Trixie rubbed Sumac’s neck and she bravely looked up into Princess Celestia’s eyes. “The fault is entirely my own.”

“The final lesson is always the hardest and most difficult.” A pained expression crossed over Princess Celestia’s face. “Trixie Lulamoon, for your life experiences, for your wisdom, for your personal growth, I do hereby list you among the graduates from my school for gifted unicorns.” A wooden scroll case popped into existence above Princess Celestia’s horn and she held it aloft in her magic.

“Did I just graduate?” Trixie blinked and looked quite confused.

“It is never too late for self improvement and growth,” Princess Celestia replied. “This is a moment of personal triumph for me. I cannot stand the feeling of shame that clings to me when one of my students stumble. I am very, very pleased and proud to give you your diploma.” Bowing her head slightly, Princess Celestia lowered the wooden scroll case down to Trixie. “It is never too late to do good. It is never too late to make things right. Remember that, both of you.”

Trixie accepted the wooden scroll case with a nod and a confused blink. She set it down on the table next to her bowl of oatmeal, unopened, and then continued to stare upwards at the alicorn standing before her.

“As for you”—Princess Celestia leveled her gaze upon Sumac and a faint smile crept over her muzzle—“you are one brave little colt. Such exceptional bravery. Twilight boasts about you, you know. I would love to lure you away from Twilight and have you attend my school.”

“I have a friend here,” Sumac replied in a tense squeak. “Pebble is an earth pony. She couldn’t go to your school. I’d rather stay here.”

“Brave and loyal as well.” The suggestion of a smile became an actual grin. “You would make for a wonderful member of the guard, Sumac Apple. I understand that not only are you a clever little pony, but Twilight says you have exceptional skills in the magical arts. Is there nothing I can do to lure you away to come and study with me? I could make sure that you and your devoted mother would have a pleasant, comfortable house to live in in Canterlot.”

Sumac blinked a few times, trying to corral his fear so he could engage his mind. He stared up at the Princess of the Sun with wide, curious eyes. “If you bribed me to come to your school and I accepted, wouldn’t that mean I would be unfit to be a guard? Accepting a bribe is bad and if I accepted a bribe now, it would mean I might accept a bribe later and compromise your safety.”

“Ooooh… my…” Princess Celestia gasped as she blinked in surprise. “Twilight did try to warn me, but I can see that I did not take her words to heart.” Celestia, still grinning, lowered her head. “Well then, Sumac Apple, I shall be watching over you with some interest. I shall now expect great things from you, seeing as how you are brave, loyal, and honest. I would very much like to have an Apple among my royal guard.”

Sumac retreated into Trixie’s embrace and stared up at Princess Celestia through now narrowed eyes, feeling afraid, but not knowing why. He supposed it had something to do with being watched and having something expected from him.

“I must be going. Twilight is expecting me for tea. She is going to be insufferably smug after having won the wager we had between us.” Princess Celestia’s eyebrow arched. “Congratulations, Trixie, for your achievement… and know this… I expect good things from you. Your work is just beginning. I have such high hopes for you. Motherhood is the most noble of all professions and I can see that you are doing well. Do not stray from the path of goodness.”

Trixie gulped, tried to respond, let out a squeak, and then just nodded.

“As for you, Sumac Apple, keep in touch with me.” Princess Celestia’s voice was both stern and kind. She lowered her head once more, stepped forwards, and stood almost nose to nose with Sumac, close enough that she could feel him breathing. “Boomer is adorable… I shall have some gems sent to you. This is not a bribe, of course, but I would appreciate if you considered becoming a guard as your profession.” Eyes gleaming with mirth, Celestia beamed.

“Thank you,” Sumac breathed.

“Think nothing of it,” Princess Celestia replied. “And now, I must be going…”

Author's Note:


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