• Published 13th Mar 2016
  • 7,363 Views, 4,903 Comments

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

  • ...

Chapter 124

Clutching Sumac’s limp body to her barrel, Olive sat on her haunches and wished that he would wake up. She couldn’t see anything—both of her eyes were so swollen shut that she couldn’t even see any light. Everything hurt; there were parts of her that felt broken, like her ribs, and her jaw didn’t move right, either. She was missing most of her teeth. One ear was little more than shredded tatters at the moment, torn apart by friction.

But none of this mattered.

“Why are you so stupid and brave?” Olive’s words were an almost recognisable slur and she was horrified by the sound of her own voice. Woozy with pain, Olive forced herself to remain upright and alert.

Moondancer still lay sobbing in a heap, and Olive felt both pity and anger. Pity, because Moondancer had no doubt been broken, and angry, because she was an adult and she couldn’t do more to help. At least Strawberry Hearts had calmed down a bit, and the little filly was now stroking Moondancer’s neck, trying to offer comfort.

Somewhere, beneath the pain, Olive felt an immense feeling of pride. True to her word, she was able to take whatever Queen Chrysalis was able to dish out. Olive coughed a bit, felt blood bubbling in the back of her throat, and then spat out another tooth fragment onto the floor. Her lips were ragged, torn tatters hanging from her muzzle and her nostrils were plugged with blood and snot. Cold air flowed over the exposed nerves in her broken, shattered teeth, and her whole head was swimming with agony.

How long had it been? Olive didn’t know, it had been a while now. Queen Chrysalis had not returned to the room. In fact, not one changeling had come to check on them, bring them water, food, or anything. Sumac’s limp body was starting to feel a little colder, and Olive didn’t know what was wrong. He hadn’t been beaten quite like she had, but he was a whole lot more fragile than she was.

Left alone with her thoughts, she thought of Sumac. What a mess. She liked Sumac, she even thought he was kind of cute, and it had been both her master and her counselor that had set her straight—she had responded to her feelings of vulnerability due to her attraction for Sumac with feelings of aggressiveness.

Now, no doubt, Sumac was probably dying, and she had never once gotten a chance to tell him how she really felt, and just how sorry she was, or that she was just a very confused filly that had trouble making sense of the world. The worst of it was, she was probably dying too. She coughed up more blood, and the inside of her lungs felt soupy. That couldn’t be good.

No matter what though, she was determined to be the friend that she had failed to be, now more than ever. As long as she was awake, as long as she had strength, she was going to hold Sumac, and if nothing else, at least make his passing more comfortable. She owed him that.

Tilting her head back, Olive rested it against the wall, and she waited for the end to come.

“I think he’s waking up.”

The voice was strange, but Sumac was too groggy to do anything about it. His body felt leaden, heavy, and warm. There was a soft tickle against his neck, and he squirmed. The tickle persisted, making him kick his legs. One by one, his legs were grabbed, given a gentle tug, and he felt a warm, pleasant tingle seeping through his body.

Somepony tickled his frogs, all four of them, and this pulled Sumac from the groggy depths where his consciousness had sank. He tried to open his eyes, but he was having a hard time. Somepony was blowing on his nose, and it was just annoying enough to make him respond. His whole body jerked, and each of his legs kicked from the tickle.

“The swelling and the pressure on his brain stem is gone, he’s moving again on his own and breathing well.” The strange voice sounded relieved. “Princess Cadance, how are you doing with Olive? Do you need some help?”

Olive? Sumac sort of remembered that he and Olive were in some trouble. The muscles in his face felt all wrong and nothing wanted to work quite right. With a great deal of effort, he managed to force one eye open, and he saw a rather purple face with ice blue eyes staring down at him.

“Sumac Apple, can you tell me your name?” the strange mare asked. “My name is Radiant Hope. Can you say something to me?”

Above the mare was a blue-grey sky that Sumac had trouble seeing. Other faces were around him, and he could hear worried murmurs. He could feel his legs being kneaded, all four of them, and there was a warm, pulsing sensation that throbbed through his neck, radiating from the base of his skull. It felt great.

“Mama?” Sumac managed to say.

“She’s right here, Sumac,” Radiant Hope said in a voice as soft and warm as spring. “As soon as I’m confident that you’re okay, she can hold you.”

Sumac struggled, but he was as weak as a newborn, and nothing worked. He couldn’t even lift his own head. After much concentration, he was able to get his other eye open, and then he sucked in great big lungfuls of air. The world was bright again, but out of focus.

“I want my mama,” Sumac whined, begging to be held.

“Miss Lulamoon, I think he’s fine.”

The words were still being spoken when Sumac felt himself being snatched up. Trixie was careful, and he could feel his neck being cradled. She was shaking, Trixie was, and Sumac’s ears twitched as she let out a shuddering sob of relief. She sat on her haunches, holding him to her, and he just sort of lay there, limp and unable to move. Two legs were wrapped tight around him, and all was right in the world again.

What a difference a pair of glasses made. Blinking, Sumac squinted around, able to see again. He was still too weak to sit up on his own, and Trixie held him, clutching him to her as if he was a newborn. There was a desert all around them, and it looked as though most of the army was here. Guards were everywhere. Makeshift shelters had been set up, and tents were being pitched.

Lemon Hearts was just outside of his field of vision and Sumac couldn’t do much to turn his head at the moment. Twinkleshine was standing guard nearby, her axe hovering in the air above her back. Pegasus ponies filled the skies.

“What happened?” Sumac asked.

It took a while before Trixie answered. “Queen Chrysalis contacted Princess Celestia and offered an unconditional surrender. I don’t know why, but she did.”

As groggy as he was, Sumac suspected that he knew why. He wondered just how much his words had burrowed into Queen Chrysalis’ mind and made her worry. Strong though she might be, terrible as she was, in the end, she was a bug, and cats ate bugs. There were bigger, scarier things in the world than Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changelings.

“Is… is he okay?”

Sumac knew that voice, and the owner of that voice sounded afraid. Discord’s long face appeared in his vision, and Sumac saw something strange in Discord’s eyes, but he could not say what it was. The draconequus was rubbing his paw and his claws together, fretful, and his whole body quivered.

“She cracked several of his neck vertebrae,” Lemon Hearts said as she placed a hoof on Discord to comfort him. “Radiant Heart said he’ll recover, but it’ll take time.”

Blinking his eyes, Discord’s nostrils flared outwards several times, and his tail swooshed from side to side. He held out his paw to Trixie, hesitant, and he placed it down upon Trixie’s foreleg, which was wrapped around Sumac’s body, cradling him.

“M-m-may I?” Discord stammered.

Squinting up at the tall figure towering over her, Trixie Lulamoon sized up Discord. She knew that Discord was a lot of things. A trickster, a prankster, a creature that struggled with doing good… and he was also Sumac’s friend, in his own messed up way of course. Trixie, who was struggling with maternal feelings, thought about her own long road to redemption.

“You may,” Trixie replied.

Sumac felt himself taken into Discord’s paw and claws, and the back of his neck was supported. It took the colt several long seconds of staring into Discord’s face to realise what it was that he was seeing, and it was pain. The draconequus was gentle to the point of absurdity.

“When I found out that you had been taken, I cried,” Discord admitted in a husky voice. “Fluttershy held me and she stroked my neck. It felt nice. She explained to me what it was that I was feeling. When it occurred to me that I might not get a chance to pester you ever again, it made parts of me hurt… and I didn’t like it. I… I would miss you if you weren’t there… and Fluttershy too.”

His ear twitching, Discord’s expression changed, becoming manic. A tear rolled down his cheek, and he stared at Sumac. Trembling, Discord passed Sumac back down to Trixie, holding his fragile neck the entire time, only letting go when he was certain that Trixie had Sumac in a secure, safe embrace.

“Keep this safe,” Discord commanded in a strained voice. “It is very dear to me, and I fear for my sanity should something happen to it. Now, please, excuse me, I have to go and squash a bug.”

“Discord, wait!” Lemon Hearts shouted, but it was too late. Discord was already gone.

The Lord of Chaos moved through the crowd, scowling, and his eyes had a baleful stare. It was time to remind everypony that he was still the Lord of Chaos. In particular, it was time to remind Queen Chrysalis that he was the Lord of Chaos, and the Lord of Chaos was not to be crossed.

Twilight Sparkle intercepted, because of course she did. She was Twilight Sparkle, and this is what Twilight Sparkles did. Twilight Sparkles had to keep order, and under most circumstances, Discord would be annoyed. But not now. He advanced, too angry to hover, to defy the tug of gravity, and everywhere his feet touched, the sand turned to fine dust and what few plants that could be seen died, withering away.

“Discord, I don’t know what you are doing, but stop!” Twilight commanded.

Snapping his fingers, Discord put a very stiff and uncooperative zipper over Twilight’s mouth, and did so without slowing his advance. He ignored Twilight’s angry murmurings, and made a mental promise to apologise later, make a few promises that he would never keep, and maybe get Twilight some chocolates and flowers. It worked for Princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia was next to try and stop him and Discord found that he really didn’t want to hurt her. He just needed her out of the way. She was in the way, the intended target of his fury was behind her. He made a gesture and shoved her aside. Something yellow flashed in Discord’s vision, and he let out a sigh of exasperation.

“Discord, please, stop!” Fluttershy begged as Princess Luna attempted to undo Twilight’s zipper.

Snapping his claws, Discord blinked out of existence and appeared right beside Queen Chrysalis, who looked very, very afraid, and for good reason. Discord’s talons shot out, he grabbed the queen of the changelings by the throat, and he lifted her up off of the ground so that he might look her in the eye.


“Discord, please, don’t!” Fluttershy cried as she flew closer.

YOU!" Discord howled as he redoubled his grip on Queen Chrysalis throat. “You now have the unique distinction of being the only creature that I HATE!” The Lord of Chaos’ whole body trembled as he looked the bug queen in the eye and his words echoed somehow through the desert. “Oh, I used to joke about hating Celestia and Luna, but the truth is, I was too comfortable in my apathy to feel much of anything towards them. I was very, very comfortable in my apathy, and I never felt much of anything at all. I had apathy like a comfortable armchair, and I never had reason to leave it.”

Hundreds of eyes were now focused on Discord, who had Queen Chrysalis dangling from his claws.

“I liked my state of existence, I found it rather swell,” Discord continued as he squeezed hard enough to make Chrysalis’ eyes bulge. “But then she came along!” Extending his paw, he pointed at Fluttershy. “This is all her fault, as she taught me how to like her, and I do like her, oh so very much… she is my Dearest Fluttershy. Much to my surprise, I found myself liking other ponies, like Zipper Lips over there, and I really hope she’ll find it in her heart to forgive me.”

Discord’s voice was a manic, half-crazed whine and it was obvious that he was fighting to keep his self control. “I also found myself liking little Sumac Apple…” Discord’s voice cracked and his head began to bob up and down as he glared daggers into Chrysalis’ eyes. “And then you came along. You hurt him… and by doing so, you hurt me… you hurt me… I feel vulnerable now… me… The Lord of Chaos. I am a God… and I feel vulnerable.”

With a yank, Discord pulled Queen Chrysalis snoot to snoot with himself. “I hate you.” Sucking in a deep breath, he repeated himself. “I hate you. I hate you more than anything else in existence. You… you… you will go down in infamy as the creature that taught the God of Chaos how to hate… and I will spend the rest of my existence contemplating just how much I hate you. I will spend eons writing entire volumes filled to the brim with how much I hate you, written in flowery, poetic words. Poets and writers will weep at my perfect hatred.”

Queen Chrysalis squirmed in Discord’s chokehold, but she couldn’t do anything to break free. No one moved, no one did anything to stop Discord, and even with an army surrounding them on all sides, it was quiet enough to hear a feather hit the sand.

“There are just not enough words for just how much unfathomable hatred I now have in my heart for you,” Discord said, his voice now a crazed, pained whine. “I hate you in equal amounts for how much I adore Fluttershy… she is very special to me… and had you hurt her… why… I might have killed you. Yes… I might’ve killed you.” Discord cackled, a menacing sound, and his eyes burned like seething volcanic calderas. “I might have killed you, raised you from the dead, and then killed you again, etcetera.

Looks of absolute horror could be seen in the faces of the ponies gathered around Discord.

“I don’t like killing,” Discord admitted with a sniff. “Once you kill something, it’s over. Playtime is over. You… you… you… you’re not worth playing with. But I’m not going to kill you… no… I’ve decided that I want you to live.”

There were gasps of relief from all around Discord.

“You hurt Sumac… he’s little, small, and mostly harmless. He is a creature of chaos, like myself, a creature that defies the natural order and lives in opposition of harmony. That makes him interesting… and because of this, I like him. He’s my friend.” Sniffling, Discord wiped his eyes with his tail and he gave Queen Chrysalis a cruel, violent shake.


In the distance, lightning crackled and overhead, the sky darkened. Discord slammed Queen Chrysalis down into the sand, and then moving with supernatural speed, he lept on her. He stabbed his claws into her chest, causing quite a few witnesses of the act to scream, and he yanked out a small chitinous-looking pocket watch.

The changeling queen lay in the sand, unmoving, her body frozen, her eyes unblinking. She didn’t even breathe. Discord lifted up the pocket watch in with his paw, opened it with his talons, and then began to turn back the hands of time in a rapid manner with one curved claw. Before all those watching, Chrysalis shrank, becoming smaller, smaller, and even smaller, until she became a cocoon.

But that wasn’t the end of it, no. The cocoon burst open and a writhing, wiggling larvae now lay in the sand. Discord’s manipulation of time did not stop, and he continued to turn back the hands of the pocket watch. He kept going, and going, until…

A pale green egg lay in the sand. Discord reached down, picked it up, and stuffed the pocket watch inside of it. He held the egg with a gentleness that stood out in a sharp contrast to his previous malice. He contemplated it for a moment, thought about smashing it down onto some nearby rocks, and then looked at Fluttershy.

“I gotta warn you, this egg is bad news,” Discord said as he tossed the egg in Princess Celestia’s general direction. “Do with it as you will. I am going to go, stand myself in the corner in Fluttershy’s house, and contemplate my misdeeds. Zipper Lips, I owe you an apology.”

As the egg sailed through the air, Discord snapped his claws and vanished. Wide eyed, Princess Celestia caught the egg, doing so with great care. She stood there, almost unmoving in the sand, confused, startled, and holding one of the greatest enemies to her little ponies in her magic. Fluttershy let heave a sigh of relief, and then did so again a second time.

Princess Celestia, now had an expression of intense concern, held the egg up over her head and asked the question that begged to be asked: “Who is going to raise… this?

No one answered… no one dared.

Author's Note:


Comments ( 139 )

There's no way I'm going to ever catch up with this, not to be rude. By why so many chapters? It was practically like spam... sorry.


Eh, go read the funny pages.


I literally just hit the completed button mere seconds before you posted. I felt good because I had finally finished this. For me, this is a major accomplishment, representing a year of my life. A year of careful planning, effort, and care. A year of worry, wondering how this would turn out.

And then, seconds after I hit the completed story button, you post your shitty comment and rain on my parade. How do you think that feels?

7944267 I was merely asking why so many chapters? I can't keep up and I feel like I never will. I know that feeling and I wasn't trying to make you feel shitty.


A story is as many chapters as it needs to be to tell the story.

This one was a bit long, but not as long as it might have been. Significant portions were cut away. Maybe too much. I don't know.

I'm sensing light amounts of salt over the season 6 finale.


The ending was planned long before the finale.

So, feel whatever you want, but the ending was planned when this story was originally conceived.

In a perfect world you would have only had to cut out the parts that didn't work.

7944278 Well, sorry, didn't mean to rain on your parade. Just wish I could actually read it all. I didn't know the story was done when I made that comment, I hadn't seen the complete tab.


Some parts didn't work, and I cut those. Some parts were great, but I cut those. The trip to Lulamoon Hollow was intended to be its own story, but I merged it in with this one because the events are so insignificant.

Skyreach is going to be longer I think.

...Well, you were right, I have a lot of questions. See, if this wasn't part of a whole 'verse, I'd criticize this for being an unsatisfying ending. As it is, I know things will pick up later. I doubt this is that last story you'll write with Sumac as a protagonist. In any case, if the reaction you were going for was "confused and unsettled" then congratulations, you win.

I haven't even started on part 3 of my stupid-long analysis. I thought I had more time than this. I mean, I could still write it and post it, but no one will read it. I'm not even sure if I should bother at this point.

Sometime tomorrow, I'll make a post detailing lingering thoughts I have about this story. I don't really have it in me to do it now.


There are this many chapters because Kudzu had this many chapters worth of stuff to write. I don't think he needs a reason better than that.

You think this is like spam, you should have seen The Chase in its first week.

Well, I was wrong, Olive lived.:yay:

As is, I am sad that this story is over. However while Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals has, at times been a cute and cuddly affair as well as heart poundingly suspenseful there are several things that will stick with me chief among them is the Lord of Chaos, Discord. I have found your portrayal of the Lord of Chaos to be one of the most terrifying yet awe inspiring monologues that I have had the pleasure of reading. Additionally, I have found the stories and characters that make up the Weedverse to be some of the richest and most compelling stories on Fimfic. Kudzu, I don't know how you construct such astounding pieces but there is one thing that I have to ask of you: keep going.

7944295 I don't wanna add insult to injury, and to be fair I haven't read past chapter six or so, but usually when a story reaches this length it tends to be full of fluff and devoid of proper conflict.


Oh boy, you'd be wrong.

Take it slow if you need to, but there aren't many fluff chapters to be found here. There's lots of story and character development, even if it doesn't seem like it.

7944285 one chapter at a time.... long as your logged in fimfiction will keep track of the chapters for you.

That said check out The Chase by the same author then come back to us lol.

Kudzuhiku, this was an immensely ejoyable ride. The ending, while unexpected, was a great way to end this chapter of the Weed verse.

Thank you for wrighting it.

I can't even imagine who the'll find to raise Crysalis and what it will take for Sumac to be the happy colt he is in Quesadia contest after all this.

7944303 I'd be wrong about your story not having conflict or wrong in general? I've read tons of stories from this site that contain far more words than actually necessary. But again I haven't read this so I can't give any real opinion or review on this past chapter six. I really didn't know your story was done and I thought it was till going, hence why I made the comment that made you feel so down. Sorry.


Olive is a tough, stocky little cuss. Where Sumac is fragile, Olive is made of sterner, harder stuff.


In summary -
I believe there are two types of people:
Those who don't have enough time to keep up with the progression of the series, leading to regrets.
And those who do have the time* and who incessantly pester Kudz for more.**

*If not quite so much money
**I never said I wasn't a hypocrite

Addendum: Here, 'people' is strictly defined as sapient beings who read Kudz's stuff. In this context, Kudz would be defined as a god.

And so the first tale in the epic saga of Sumac Apple comes to an end. Join us next time when he gets a pointy hat!

Wow, I can't believe this story is over.

Poetic justice.... delicious poetic justice.

Finish her!
Discord wins.

Holy. Shit.:pinkiegasp:
My vengeance boner was at full mast when Discord happened.

Congrats on closing this [ hundred and twenty fourth :derpytongue2:] chapter of this phenomenal story of yours! I'm so excited to be following this and reading the Weedverse as a whole.

Keep up the good work and thank you for gracing my eyeballs with your horsewords, and my mind with a compelling and should-be-illegal-amounts-of-addictive plot.

Oh, by the way, thanks for not killing Olive. Seriously, I was worried that you went out of your way to make me like her just to kill her off. And in that scenario, I would've been forced to call you a heartless bastard. I am sincerely happy that such a thing has not come to pass.

I mean, it wouldn't be Fred Weasley dying, but it would up there. And for a character that most of us, myself included, initially hated. That's impressive.

I was not expecting the unconditional surrender... but I think it fits actually. I forget how powerful Sumac is sometimes with that voice of his. Frankly, this was a very Discord punishment and I'm glad she wasn't killed. This opens up WEIRD possibilities for the future. Thank goodness Olive wasn't dead either. By the rules the series follows I didn't expect it, but I didn't 100% rule it out either.

As of right now there are 1,371,573 words in the Weed continuity (I made a bookshelf for it recently, yay stat tracking!) All I can say is that reading those 1,371,573 words has been TIME WELL SPENT. I look forward to the many continued adventures of some of my favorite characters! :pinkiehappy:

I'm starting a new job soon, and once I have a stable source of income I will happily contribute to the Patreon fund. Keep up the fantastic work!


I would suggest trying to read it anyway. Kudzu's writing is not perfect, and it has a certain quirkiness to it that can attract or repel, as any writer who isn't a technical-writing slave tends to acquire, but the stories are genuinely well-written, and include a lot of thought-provoking work behind them. The length of something like The Chase can be a problem when you're on chapter 1000 and it's recalling foreshadowing from chapter 300, but it's certainly not the case here. If you're not the sort of reader who can get into it, then quietly excusing yourself without fanfare or posts saying things like "stories that get too long are all fluff/this story is too long" and making, despite your apologies and such, what are objectively indirect insults, is the best thing to do. If you find you CAN get into his works, then hop aboard and enjoy the experience.

I have read around 15,228,923 words on this website in almost 2 years now while maintaining excellent grades in college. I most say this will be one of the more memorable stories. Good job to you have a :moustache:.


Here's hoping it's the right kind.

Well played Sumac. I feel like the Sumac we see now has a good understanding of courage. Come a long way since Horrible Hypothesis.

...What happens to the hive and its leader?

I keep mashing the like button, but I can still only like this once... ALL THE LIKES!!! I can't wait for your next work, and I look forward to continued chapters of your current ones, Weedverse, Chaseverse, any- verse!:twilightsmile:

Also, as I forgot to mention in my earlier comment: BLOODY BRILLIANT DISCORD, MATE! You managed to make Best Character™ actually sound like himself, something that most authors (including yourself, unfortunately) have difficulty with. He's a difficult character to do anyway, and in an off-canon universe like the Weedverse, it can be a nightmare. The fact that you made a good angry Dissy is something that makes me exceedingly happy. A cracking good job all around, and a grand conclusion to this part of the saga. Good for you, mate. Good for you.

Possibly the dumbest comment I've read today; and I've been cruising political twitter.

7944467 We'll what do you think you should stop doing then?

Jokes aside, I made a mistake and apologized. Move on.

*eyes widen*
Might Stinkbug be up to the task of raising eggy? :rainbowderp: :twilightoops: :pinkiegasp: THAT would be quite the turnabout! :raritywink: :pinkiehappy:

A question, there's Stinkbug as a good changeling in the weedverse, but does Thorax and the good changlings exist as well?

Or due to starting the story before the Thorax situation, does he not exist in this verse?

Discord's speech was oh so very AM and that makes me incredibly happy.

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.

–AM, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

“Who is going to raise… this?”

Eh...give it to Luna, she needs a hobby. Make a good stepsister to Tibbles, he can teach her contentment and how to sleep lots!:rainbowlaugh::ajsleepy:
So Olive has had second squeezings, hope they don't try for another one, I think she's nearly oiled out.:pinkiesick:
Discord, can you come and wind my pocket watch back 25 years, it would be much appreciated?:pinkiesad2:
Time to clean house of changelings.:twilightoops:

7944490 Do you think Celaeno would make a good stepmom in that case then? I'm not sure?

7944467 Political Twitter(?), do you need a couple Panadol? Politics = Poly (multiple) + ticks (blood sucking parasites)

Well that happened. Good story.


devoid of proper conflict.


A kudzu chapter devoid of proper conflict !?!?!? By Celestia´s teats...I doubt kudzu can make coffe without some level of conflict involved in the process !!!! I can see conflict when I observe him bathing !


Not that I would do something like observe him bathing. No. Not at all. No way. The shampoo bootle is in the other shelve kudzu. Yeah, tha one. Would never do that. At. All.

No, really...are we reading the same author ? Even his slice of life stories have conflict. You could complain ´bout one thousand things, but absence of conflict is not one of then !

What will happen with the hive? Integration?
The changeling disquised as Moondancer would be a great asset for Twilight.

Planning on writing their own tale (hive) and the raising of Chrysalis? Does she still has her memories?

Congratulations on completing yet another excellent story, and I shall look forwards to the next one.

A very interesting ending, and an interesting fate for Chrysalis. Not what I expected, and a development it'll be interesting seeing more of in future. I wonder which pony (or non-pony) will end up taking in Chrysalis? My wild guess is Fluttershy, as she has a history of redeeming villains, but I'm not certain, and you've probably got a plan that will make far more sense once it's revealed. To some extent, though, the choice will probably depend partially on how much Chrysalis remembers, as raising an innocent child to not be evil is very different to redeeming a villain who happens to be helpless.

I'm really not sure Stinkbug would be a good choice. He's young and naive, and a wandering adventuring party isn't always the best situation for raising a child. Sumac and Pebble did OK, but there's some pretty serious disadvantages to it. I think it's more likely to be someone who stays in one place, so Celestia can keep an eye on it if nothing else.

Did Olive live? It was never really made clear if Radiant Hope was able to heal her as well. She seemed in much worse state than Sumac even if she kept consciousness longer.

Congrats, bugface, you get to experience guilt and blame with the mental fortitude of a child. You're gonna have a bad time.

The chapter number doesn't really matter, the total word count does.

And if you think this is a lot, look at the rest of Kudzu's insurmountable colossus of a story gallery.

I'd say Chrysalis got eggzactly what she had coming to her...

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