• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 50

Lemon Hearts was in a great mood this morning and Sumac knew why. Really, really liking another pony tended to put one in a good mood. He too, was in a great mood. He liked Pebble. A lot. Even if he was embarrassed by the whole thing and had some trouble expressing it. Pebble was something more than his best friend, but he wasn’t sure what.

“Sumac, Pebble, both of you have some special mail,” Lemon Hearts said as she levitated over two bright pink envelopes. She bounced up and down in her seat behind her desk, looking quite pleased with herself, and humming as she smiled a very happy looking smile.

Using his own telekinesis, Sumac accepted the envelope, wondering what it might be. It was very, very pink, Pinkie Pie, the pink party pony pink, it was pink perfection, perfumed, sniffing it made him dizzy and he wanted to giggle. It had his name on it in flowing, looping letters and a wax seal. Pebble had one just like it. Licking his lips, he glanced around, and realised that class hadn’t started just yet. A few students had not yet arrived. He saw Silver Lining and Cinnamon Fire both looking at him, both curious, no doubt wanting to know what the letter was.

He didn’t break the wax seal, it was too pretty, he used his telekinesis to tear open the top edge of the heavy paper envelope, being as careful as he could be. A cloud of perfume tickled his nose. It was a sweet smell, like roses, but there was something else. Something… wonderful and Sumac had no way to describe it, but it was a smell that the young colt would forever associate with love and romance.

Hunched over, he pulled out the paper, one ear twitching in concentration, and Boomer snored out little wisps of smoke as she snoozed wrapped around his horn. The paper was heavy, ivory coloured, and had little bits of glitter pressed into its fine fibres. Unfolding it, he saw luxurious, silky looking black ink, the best kind of ink, the kind of ink that both he and Trixie longed for and pined over when they were in some store together. The ink they had never bought seeing as how they had been far too poor.

Dear Sumac Apple, son of Trixie Lulamoon, Sumac read. He blinked.

Congratulations, Sumac Apple! You have discovered the joys of tender romance and your first love. You have a special somepony! ♡ This is a momentous step in your development as a young colt and a very special time in your life. I have sent you this letter as an invitation to the Crystal Empire Academy Prep School, my school for gifted foals, so that you might better explore the arts of romance. Poetry, painting, music, confectionery and culinary arts, drama, theatre, we have a little bit of everything. Here, we celebrate love and life, and we would love to have both you and Pebble join us!

Squinting, Sumac felt his face growing warm, and wondered how Princess Cadance knew. He glanced over at Pebble and saw that her face was turning a much darker shade of brown again. He did his best to act as though nothing was wrong as he looked at the letter one final time.

With much love, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

How did she know? Pebble wasn’t his special somepony. Was she? They liked each other. That was it. She had smooched him on the cheek. No, this was some kind of mistake, some kind of joke, a prank. He had tricked Pebble, he had duped her and laid out a long con just like Trixie had taught him how to do, and you didn’t trick your special somepony. He stuffed the letter back into its envelope and then slid the envelope into his book bag. Princess Cadance was… she was… Princess Cadance was a nosy pony! And she made assumptions, too!

Why, Princess Cadance… she was a busybody.

Staring straight ahead, Sumac avoided looking at his classmates. He didn’t want to look at their curious faces, he didn’t want to invite questions or conversations, he wanted class to start and he didn’t want to think about this any more. Pebble wasn’t his special somepony. That was preposterous. They were just friends. Close friends. Close friends who liked one another. Close friends that now had a kiss between them.

Staring at Lemon Hearts, he realised that she and his mother, Trixie, were also friends. Close friends. Close friends who liked one another. Close friends that now had a kiss between them. The colt groaned and found that he could no longer even look at Lemon Hearts. She was entirely too happy. All this thinking made his brain hurt, and school hadn’t even started yet.

He wanted to raise his foreleg and ask if he could go home, if he could be excused, as his brain was full. It was no different than asking to be excused from the table, really, and Sumac had no desire to engage in intellectual gluttony. There had been enough thinking already today, and now it was time to excuse himself.

Sumac’s thinking was interrupted by a bell clanging. It was quite loud, you couldn’t ignore it, and Lemon Hearts looked quite alarmed. She blinked a few times, startled, and then Sumac saw her react. She lept up from her chair, headed for the door, and then with a turn of her head, she stopped in the doorway.

“None of you move,” she said in a firm voice, “all of you are to wait right here and somepony will be along shortly to give you further instructions.”

And then, she was gone. She stepped through the door and then Lemon Hearts closed it behind her. The bell continued to ring and the classroom was filled with the murmurs of hushed, worried voices. Silver Lining gripped her tail. Strawberry Hearts had to be scared because the room now smelled unpleasant.

Outside the door, the sounds of hooves could be heard in the hall. Sumac looked around, not sure what was going on, and then there was a very loud sound, a boom. A boom was never a good thing to hear. It made the entire class jump and some of them shrieked in foalish terror, Sumac among them.

The door banged open and Moondancer entered the room, looking disheveled and angry. Twilight was right behind her, hobbling along on three legs. A bright pink cast was on her broken leg, and it was covered in hundreds of signatures. Twilight pushed Moondancer aside with her wing, and looked at Sumac.

“We need to get you to safety, Sumac.” Twilight said in a voice that wasn’t very calm.

“I’m coming.” Pebble lept up from her seat and was at Sumac’s side in an instant.

“Good idea.” Moondancer’s voice was brusque. “Both of you, move, now. No time to explain.” The terse mare paused and then looked at the other members of the class. “The rest of you will be safe here. Do not worry, somepony will be along to gather you up and take all of you to the central hall.”

Sumac didn’t even get a chance to say anything, he was jerked out of his chair by Twilight’s magic. He barely had time to grab his bookbag. Both he and Pebble were wrapped in one very impressive looking shield bubble.

There was another loud explosion and this one made Twilight’s castle shudder. As Sumac was being carried out the door, other teachers had arrived to deal with his classmates. He waved goodbye, not knowing what was happening, and he wondered if there was some way that he could help out in this crisis.

“She should have been back already,” Twilight snapped. “Where is Trixie and Lemon Hearts? Both of them are skilled teleporters. I’ve tested them thoroughly to deal with emergencies just like this one.” The alicorn gave her wings a nervous flap and looked at Moondancer.

Moondancer’s horn lit up for a moment and she scowled. “I can’t teleport.”

“Oh bother.” Twilight’s voice was soft and held a trace of fear. “Come, Moondancer, we must go and acquire the lantern.”

“Twilight, that is tactically dangerous. They will most certainly be trying to acquire the lantern. They will attempt to acquire Sumac there if he is present. This is a bad idea with terrible statistical odds—”

“I don’t care!” Twilight snapped.

Sumac had no idea what was going on.

“Very well. Let us go and acquire the lantern.”

Fearful, Sumac watched as Moondancer sprouted wings and became an alicorn. He gasped in awe, overcome from the situation, and then Twilight threw open the large double doors to her castle. Outside was a terrible sight that made his mouth drop open. There was fire, there was smoke, things were on fire, and screams could be heard.

Twilight took to the air with a flap of her wings, and Moondancer followed. Below and above them was chaos. The skies were filled with some sort of terrible goat headed bird creatures and similar creatures that had bird bodies but dog heads. They were attacking Ponyville. An army was attacking Ponyville. In front of Twilight’s castle, Sumac caught a glimpse of Starlight Glimmer and Olive. The pair of them were defending a group of ponies trying to make their way to the castle for safety.

“We have to save them!” Sumac shouted as he pointed at a group of ponies fleeing the terrors in the skies. He feared that Starlight and Olive might not be enough, even though Olive was pretty darn mean. A little teeny, tiny part of him hoped that Olive would be okay. She was the telekinetic brute. He hoped that she could take care of herself.

“Priorities,” Twilight replied, and she said nothing else.

Anger overcame Sumac’s fear and something deep inside of him boiled over. Moondancer and Twilight were blasting anything that came too close. He was worried for Trixie and Lemon Hearts. He was worried for his fellow students. Sumac was worried for Ponyville. This was his home. And he was unable to do anything about what was going on.

Unbeknownst to him, his magic manifested as a reaction to this crisis. His special spell, the spell unique to him as a unicorn, a not-very-nice spell—the Zap Apple Zinger. It had come to him before in times of trouble, his magic, but now, it came upon him full force and came bursting out of his mouth in a loud, clarion voice.


The goat headed birds and the dog headed birds in the immediate area ceased their assault upon the ponies below and dozens upon dozens of heads all turned to look at Sumac. Fury was seen in every eye, the Zap Apple Zinger induced feelings of absolute sensate rage in the listener.

“Twilight, trouble!” Moondancer warned.


“Sumac Apple!” Pebble snapped, “that’s just rude!”

The entire flock of monsters in the area suffered fits of apoplectic rage and every one of them all moved to intercept Twilight so that they could reach Sumac. It was clear by the look on their faces that they intended to rip Sumac to shreds and maybe even devour him.

From there, things got worse. Something truly unpleasant bubbled within Sumac and then a stream of the most awful things anypony could say came pouring from his lips in a fluid, neverending flow. Sumac heard the most vile profanities, words beyond his own imagination, and he could not make them stop. Beside him, Pebble burst into tears, and clamped her front hooves over her ears in a vain attempt to save herself from the river of filthy vulgarities spewing from Sumac’s mouth like an open sewer main geysering out contents too putrid to describe.

Moondancer’s glasses fogged over from the words Sumac was saying, making it difficult to see. Twilight’s mouth hung open and she had turned a new shade of purple, a shade of purple that was so impossible and so improbable that it’s full purpleosity could only be seen by mantis shrimps and creatures capable of seeing into advanced light spectrums.

And somehow, even more garbage spewed from Sumac’s mouth as he experienced a magic surge brought about by stress and rage. All around him, the furious mob gathered, claws and teeth bared, and they rushed at Twilight, who raised a shield. Boomer, now awake, plugged her fingers into her ears and squeezed her eyes shut to ward off the verbal assault.

Enraged, the goat headed bird monsters turned about and presented their backsides to Twilight. In one very gross display, they shot out eggs in a volley, and when these eggs collided with Twilight’s shield, they exploded with terrific force, creating flames and a sulphurous stench. It was a vile act, done by the most vile of all enemies.

The harpy, the ancient enemy of ponykind.


One harpy, driven to a point beyond rage, a fantastic point of berserk insanity, turned upon one of her fellow sisters and attacked. In moments, the infectious berserker rage spread to others, and then, the entire mob was attacking each other, both the harpies and the raptorians, the dog headed bird creatures.

The airborne fracas turned into absolute brutal chaos, something that even the Lord of Chaos himself might have envied, had he been present, but he and Fluttershy were off visiting Treehugger. The harpies and the raptorians ripped into one another, and Twilight was able to pull away from the frenzied hullaballoo that Sumac had created with his Zap Apple Zingers. She left behind an an airborne melee filled with vile explosions, yelps of pain, and fire. So much fire.


When Twilight swooped down over the outskirts of Ponyville, Sumac saw the house where he lived. There was a battle here, still in progress. He squinted through the smoke, several of the houses were on fire, and down below, surrounded on all sides, he saw his mother. He let out a worried cry upon seeing her, and he hoped that Twilight would go and rescue her. Trixie was in a real bad spot, and she stood over the body of Lemon Hearts, who was on the ground and wasn’t moving.

All Sumac could do was cry. His magic, what little he had, had been spent in the surge. He felt weak and all hope just drained out of his body at the terrible sight. Lemon wasn’t moving at all. Green flames blazed and Sumac saw changelings. He had never seen them before, but he knew what they were by description.

Below, Trixie’s magic was great, and it was powerful. She lifted up a buckboard wagon in her telekinesis and then smashed into a group of changelings, knocking them out of the air. She was standing her ground, defending Lemon Hearts, who had fallen. From out of the smoke and the ruin, Cassia stepped into view, Cinnamon’s aunt and caretaker. She began setting the swarm circling over her head on fire.

Much to Sumac’s relief, Moondancer broke away to go and help Trixie, bringing some much needed air support. Meanwhile, Twilight hovered over the roof of the house. Using her magic, she blasted a hole in the roof, exposing the attic bedroom. The lantern was recovered, and without a word, Twilight made good on her escape.

She shot straight up with terrific speed. Pebble began screaming and Sumac remembered that Pebble didn’t like being lifted off of the ground, so all of this had to be awful for her. Twilight was gaining altitude at an amazing rate, flapping her wings, and leaving behind the danger below. Sumac watched as his mother became smaller and smaller. He let out a gasping sob and hoped that she would be safe.

Twilight smashed through the cloudbank, climbing ever higher, and Sumac could see all of Ponyville now. It looked tiny. Some of it was on fire. Twilight’s castle was under siege. Everything below them kept getting smaller and smaller, the details harder and harder to see. The air up here was thin and difficult to breathe if one wasn’t a pegasus.

When Twilight came to a sudden halt, Sumac looked around, trying to find out why. He heard a crackle and then a fizzling sound. A group of the dog headed bird monsters appeared, coming down through the clouds above them.

“Just as predicted,” one of them said as he pointed some kind wand or rod at Twilight.

The air was filled with a glittering light show. Twilight raised a shield, but within seconds of it appearing, it was popped like a soap bubble by one of the beams of bright red light that came out of the strange wands that some of the dog headed bird monsters had. Sumac and Pebble were still held in Twilight’s telekinesis, but were no longer shielded. Twilight zapped one, she held nothing back, and the dog headed bird monster just vanished. A few feathers began to drift down to the ground that was far, far below. She dodged the incoming blasts, trying to raise her shields, but the moment she formed them, they were dispelled again.

Letting out a fierce cry, Twilight fired off another spell and somehow managed to raise a shield bubble around Pebble and Sumac right as one of her attackers fired off his rod. The two bolts of magic collided about a yard away from Twilight’s face with explosive force. There was a deafening thud as the spells detonated. The shield bubble around Pebble and Sumac popped. Twilight’s telekinetic field also vanished.

Much to Sumac’s terror, the ground was now rushing up to meet him. He looked at Twilight, who was limp, and she was falling too, but at a slower pace, due to her wings offering some drag. He looked at Pebble and he could see the terror in her eyes, but just barely, as his own eyes were watering from the wind. All of their attackers were also unconscious from the blast.

How many miles below was the ground? Sumac didn’t know. Boomer was clinging to his horn and letting out fearful honking sounds. He looked up at Twilight and shouted, “Wake up!”

But Twilight did not respond. Her face was burnt and blackened. Not knowing what else to do, Sumac held out his foreleg to Pebble, and then grabbed her in his feeble telekinesis. His magic had been drained during his outburst. He pulled her in, drawing her close, and he held her hoof in his. He could see the tears being torn away from her cheeks, and they flew upwards in the wind, like very confused raindrops.

“I didn’t think it would end this way,” Sumac said.

Pebble did not reply.

“We don’t have much time left.” Sumac, his eyes blurring over from the wind and tears, looked into Pebble’s face, trying to burn as much of it as he could into his memory. “Pebble Pie, will you be my special somepony?” He gave her hoof a reassuring squeeze as he held it in his fetlock.

Much to his relief, she nodded.

“Do you think it will hurt?” Sumac asked.

Pebble shook her head. “If it does, we won’t feel it for long. We’re too high up, Sumac. Physics is going to be cruel to us.”

Her words were not reassuring. Sumac wanted to start screaming, but that would disrupt these last few precious moments he had. “Pebble, you are the weirdest filly I know. You’re my best friend. If things have to end this way, I’m glad I’m with you.”

The ground was getting closer now and details could be seen below.

“Sumac Apple, you have a potty mouth.”

His ears flapping in the wind, Sumac nodded. He sure did. He gave Pebble’s hoof another squeeze. He didn’t want everything to end this way, but life wasn’t fair. He could now see ponies in the streets below, they looked tiny. He didn’t have much time left and Pebble had to know how special she was to him. It was time to do the most adult, most grown up thing he could do before he splattered into the ground below.

Squinting, he pulled Pebble closer and somehow managed to smoosh his lips into hers. They only touched for a moment, but it was enough. He had kissed a filly and now, he was going to die. He was determined to face his end with as much bravery as he could muster, which wasn’t very much. He began to blubber.

“I was just kissed by a potty mouth. I feel the need to brush my teeth.” Pebble too, began to weep, and her whole body shook. “It won’t hurt much Sumac, if we feel anything at all. Just be brave.”

“I’m sorry, Boomer. I don’t know if you can save yourself.” Sumac went cross eyed and looked up at the dragon hatchling clinging to his horn. “You might be able to glide and make a safe landing if you jumped away now.”

But Boomer did not leap away. She redoubled her grip and closed her eyes.

The ground was close now. Sumac figured that he had seconds left. Summoning whatever was left of his courage, he made his move to give Pebble one final kiss, pulling her closer. The kiss didn’t happen. Something slammed into Sumac with enough force to almost leave him blind. There was a sucking sensation in his guts as he was jerked upwards against gravity. He heard a stunned cry from Pebble.

Everything became a confused, disoriented jumble as Sumac’s brains were scrambled by the conflicting gravitational forces his body was suddenly subjected to. He blacked out for a time and when he came to, he was being crushed against a limp purple pony. He willed his limbs to work, but he felt too heavy. He wanted to hug Twilight and he cried out with relief.


Confused, befuddled, Sumac tried to make sense of his situation. For a second, he was certain he was going to black out again. He feared that his insides would all go squirting out of his backside at any second now. Inside, he felt a pain that was unique and new, something he had never experienced before, but he didn’t care, he was alive.

He was alive and there was a strong sky blue foreleg squeezing his ribs with enough force that he feared that they would break. Not that he cared. Sumac was alive. He struggled to get his bearings and he saw the ground below him. It was close, real close, and before he could figure out what was going on, he was torn free from his rescuer.

Blinking, he found himself with another blue pony, one who was sobbing. Right away, he wrapped his forelegs around her neck and crushed her. He had never been more happy to have his mother hug him. The world around him continued to fall into chaos, but Sumac didn’t care. Not knowing how else to express his affection, or his gratitude for still being alive, he began kissing his mother’s neck.

“I don’t know how you did it, Rainbow Dash.”

“Eh, it was easy. I’m just awesome like that. We’ve got trouble, Moonie.”

“Yes we do. Twilight, can you hear me?”

Much to Sumac’s relief, he heard Twilight’s voice. It was muffled, it was weak, but she was alive and talking. Sort of. He clung to Trixie’s neck, but pulled his head away so that he could try to look at Twilight, he needed to see that she was alright.

“Never… encountered… magic like that before.” Twilight rubbed her head. “Some kind of shield breaker. Some kind of antimagic. I don’t know.”

“What do we do now, Twilight?” Moondancer asked.

“Plan C,” Twilight replied.

When Twilight spoke, Sumac felt himself being pulled away from Trixie’s neck. He fought back, refusing to let go, but Trixie just peeled him away. He felt his head turned and he found himself looking into her eyes. One ear was… ugh, it made him queasy to look at it, but look he did. He felt her nose touch his and his heart pounded in his barrel with so much force that it hurt.

“Sumac Apple, I love you,” Trixie said in husky voice.

“I love you back,” Sumac replied.

“You need to go—”

“What? No! Let me stay! I can help! Gimme some zap apple jam or something!”

“Sumac, please, don’t make this hard on me,” Trixie begged, her voice pleading.

“NO!” Sumac felt himself being torn away. He struggled, he kicked, and he fought back against the magic that held him. He let out a wordless wail of defiance, but he never took his eyes off of Trixie’s. “Mama, no, please, let me stay and help!”

There was a flare of magic as Moondancer pulled a portal gem out from her sweater. Something nearby exploded and Rainbow Dash let out a startled yelp. Sumac continued to look at his mother, but he worried and wondered about Lemon Hearts. Where was she? Was she okay? Was she alive. He wanted to ask, but his throat felt too tight as he choked back his sobs.

The lantern was stuffed into his forelegs and he gripped it, hugging it to him. He felt Pebble slammed into him. In their panic, the adults were not as gentle as they might have been under normal circumstances. All around them were screams and shouts. The air was filled with thick smoke. He felt Pebble’s forelegs slip around his neck.

Twilight’s horn now had a fierce glow and the portal gem began to shine.

“Sumac Apple, you are my son, and I love you. Don’t you ever forget that. Be brave, Sumac.”

Hearing these words, Sumac started to protest, but something was tugging on him. He struggled to speak, but no words would come. Pebble’s grip around him grew tighter and he heard her let out a whimper. Still holding the lantern in one foreleg, he reached out with the other, hoping to touch his mother one last time, fearing that he might never see her again.

But she was out of reach, and he could feel the portal gem’s magic tugging on him. He let out a bleating cry, a wail of protest, but it was no use. The world around him was already starting to fade. He felt a crushing sensation all over his body, and Boomer let out a terrified honk.

“Sumac… I love you so much…”

And then, the voice was gone and Sumac was torn away.

Author's Note:

Next chapter: the safest place in Equestria.

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