• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 25

It was a difficult transition to go from a hoofloose and fancy free spirit that wandered everywhere to a responsible, ‘I’ve got this covered’ mother whose life was filled with a constant stream of never ending worry. For Trixie, the transition was still happening. For her, stress and complications were dealt with by running away, but she couldn’t run. Not anymore. If it was just her, she might run, but it was no longer just her. There was Sumac—and Boomer as well. Boomer had a worrying amount of personality and self awareness, two things that scared Trixie, and the knowledge that she was responsible for another life scared her to death.

More than anything else, she wished that Tarnish and Maud were here. They would know how to fix things. They would know how to make everything right. They would know all of the right things to do. But Tarnish and Maud were not here. Instead, Trixie had to settle for Pebble, which was still somehow comforting in a most peculiar way. She was an odd mix of both her mother and her father.

Feeling frantic with worry, she looked at Sumac, who was propped up with pillows on the couch. His eyes were glassy, but he seemed a little more coherent than earlier. Beside him, Pebble was reading a book, and Boomer was perched on top of the couch.

Trixie had trouble even being angry properly. She wanted to be angry with Olive, that would make everything easy. But Olive, as bad as she was, was some mother’s foal, she had worried, scared parents, and with that thought, all Trixie could think about was how troubled Sapphire Gin and Vermouth must be. She was certain that this was all part of some terrible plan by Twilight Sparkle to make her aware of the troubles of the ponies around her and make her have some sort of social consciousness.

It bothered her that she was going to have a stern conversation with Sumac about his own part in this. It didn’t feel very fair, but doing the right thing didn’t always feel fair. She seemed to recall that Tarnish, or perhaps Maud had once said that. Life wasn’t fair… it wasn’t fair to Tarnish or Maud that they had to put themselves into danger, go into a camp full of dangerous diamond dogs, and rescue a waylaid traveller who had been in dire straits, but they had done it.

It also wasn’t very fair that said waylaid traveller had slipped off in the night, no doubt leaving her rescuers to worry about her. Trixie felt a painful stab of guilt, an actual physical sensation, and it went right through her right front leg, the leg that had been full of gangrene and rot.

There were things that Trixie had to make right. It scared her and she didn’t know how to begin, but she had to try. She looked over at Sumac and knew that she had to do it for him. She owed him that. She had to be a good example.

She felt another pony brush up against her side, looked over, and saw Lemon Hearts. Her eyes, the same colour as raspberry jam, were reflective in the current light and Trixie could see herself in them. After staring for a moment, Trixie felt warmth blossoming in her cheeks and she looked away, returning her gaze to the foals sitting on the couch. A smile spread over her muzzle and she heard a little snort from Lemon Hearts.

“You have competition,” Lemon Hearts said in a teasing voice.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Trixie replied.

“You aren’t the only mare in Sumac’s life… you have competition in the form of a little chocolate brown filly—”

“That’s not competition,” Trixie retorted as she shook her head, “she’s… well, she’s a helper. Maybe she can help keep him straight when I’m not around.”

“That’s a funny way of looking at it.”

“How so?”

“Usually, little fillies are a mother’s nightmare. They exist to take their precious colts away and rob them of their sweet innocence.” There was a giggle from Lemon Hearts. “Or sometimes they steal a daughter. I’m not one to judge.”

Eyes narrowing, Trixie shook her head. “Little colts are just as capable of swiping innocence.” Trixie watched as Pebble held her book out so Sumac could look at a picture. “One day, Sumac is going to start noticing fillies and everything will be all over, I suppose. Our special relationship will be gone and his heart will belong to another.”

“Don’t take it so hard,” Lemon Hearts said to Trixie in a low, soft, whispery voice. “You still have plenty of time. He’s still sweet, and little, and will cuddle with you in the bed.” A low chuckle could be heard coming from the mare.

“It seemed like only yesterday I met him… where did the years go?” Trixie asked.

As Trixie stood there, thinking back upon those happy years, she heard a loud thud followed by the sound of shattering glass that made her ears perk. Her head jerked upwards and she began to look around, trying to peer out the windows. She heard shouting, then whimpering, and more shouting. She heard the word ‘sniveling’ and knew there was something wrong.

“Stay with Sumac!” Trixie commanded Pebble as she headed for the front door.

Trixie moved with surprising swiftness, her knees popping, and she flinched when a particularly loud crackle came from her right front leg. It didn’t slow her down though. Lemon Hearts moved with her, her horn glowing, and it was Lemon Hearts who jerked the door open so both of them could go outside to find out what was going wrong.

Many of the neighbors were out and Trixie had trouble trying to determine the source of the commotion. She looked around, up and down the street, and that was when she saw it. Cinnamon Fire was running right for her, his eyes wide with terror, and behind him, hot on his heels, was his father. Trixie blinked. The little colt was limping, favouring his left hind leg. His nose was bloodied. Trixie blinked again and when her eyes opened, there was a terrible rushing sound in her ears.

“How dare you!” After she spat out the words, she gritted her teeth. Her aching knees somehow made her anger and her rage even worse, making it difficult to concentrate. “How dare you hurt somepony so small and so helpless!” The past and the present began to swirl together for Trixie, and she could feel her old hurts, her injuries. She felt every blow, every unkind cuff from the diamond dogs, and the intrusion of the past upon the present made her dizzy.

There was more shouting from the neighbors around them and Cinnamon went running past Trixie, yelping, whimpering, and something about the sounds triggered something deep within the mare who had an unfortunate moment of her past catching up to her. Trixie, who for the most part, tried to be the Humble and Penitent Trixie, boiled over.

Baring her teeth, her ears perking, her horn glowing, she became the Furious and Ferocious Trixie. Moving on reflex, she ripped a mailbox out of the ground from beside her, yanking it up post and all, and then with a terrible but terrific gonging sound, she brought the mailbox down upon the charging stallion’s head.

He dropped to the ground, unmoving, limp, and unresponsive.

Not done, Trixie lifted the mailbox up high into the air, and it quivered over the body of the prone stallion. Her whole body trembled with rage, so much so that her teeth were clattering together, even though she was trying to grind them against each other.

“Trixie… it’s over and done with… don’t do it… please… there’ll be trouble if you do it…” Lemon Hearts’ words were pleading, she begged for Trixie to come to her senses. “Look, whatever bad things happened to you, he didn’t do them. He did something awful and he’ll pay for it… but you need to step away.”

The mailbox, which was dented and misshapen, was tossed away. It landed with a clatter upon the cobblestones, skittered over the road, and came to a skidding halt when it collided with the fence.

“Attagirl,” Lemon Hearts’ said to Trixie as she scooped up Cinnamon. “We need to have you looked at, little guy. Is it okay if I help you?” Lemon Hearts held the colt up to eye level and began to examine him.

“He lost his temper,” Cinnamon said in a whimpering, shrill whisper. “He lost his temper…”

Lemon Hearts, frozen, unsure of what to do at the moment, eyed Trixie, who was still frozen and unmoving. Her ears twitched, her horn was still glowing, and the corners of her eyes had violent tics. “Trixie… go inside… go inside and be with Sumac—”

An explosion of brilliant magenta light interrupted Lemon Hearts and there was a blinding flash. Blinking, Lemon Hearts tried to clear her vision, but she didn’t need to see to know who had just arrived. The booming voice gave her away.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?” Twilight demanded seconds after she materialised.

Taking everything in, Twilight looked at the dented mailbox, the stallion laid low in the street, the ponies, who all looked a little spooked, and one Trixie Lulamoon, who did not appear to be spooked. In fact, of the many emotions that Trixie seemed to be experiencing, fear was not one of them. Sensing the greatest danger present, Twilight moved to Trixie’s side.

“Hey, you… you okay? Trixie… can you say something?” Twilight’s voice was every bit as soft as it had been hard and flinty just a few seconds ago. She reached out a wing and caressed Trixie’s neck. “Hey… I’m guessing you did that. Good work. It’s over now… you can calm down…”

As Twilight cajoled Trixie, her horn went dim. Closing her eyes, Trixie collapsed against Twilight and let out a grief stricken, pained sob as her knees buckled. Twilight caught her, lifted her, and held her up. The alicorn looked at the stallion sprawled in the road and then after much looking around, she saw that Lemon Hearts was holding Cinnamon. Twilight let out a sigh of relief.

Today had been one of those days.

“What’s going to happen?” Lemon Hearts asked as Twilight Sparkle stood looking down at Sumac. “And what are we to do with Cinnamon?”

Twilight Sparkle lifted her head, then turned to face Lemon Hearts. “A Warden is coming down from Canterlot.” As Twilight spoke, there was a whimper from Trixie. “Do you mind keeping him for a night? Just until we can figure out what to do? I know it’s a lot to ask—”

“It’s not much to ask,” Trixie said in a wavering, reedy voice.

“I’ll take him to the hospital,” Twilight said as she asserted control over the situation. “We need to have him looked at. Lemon Hearts, I need for you to keep an eye on Trixie. I’m worried. I’m asking you this in an official capacity. Do you understand?”

“Yes I do,” Lemon Hearts replied, nodding her head.

Turning her head, Twilight looked Trixie in the eye. “You are not in trouble, so don’t worry. Your efforts to subdue him are commendable.” Twilight’s eyebrow lifted a bit and she appeared as though she was about to say something else, but she didn’t.

“This has been quite a day.” Pebble’s monotonous voice caused Twilight to turn her head. “First Olive, now this.” The little filly blinked, squirmed in her seat, adjusted her dress, and then reached out to touch Sumac. “One finds themselves asking why these things happen and why more wasn’t done to prevent them.”

“Because we try to believe in the good in ponies,” Twilight replied with a great deal of patience. “Because we try to give them a chance to turn their lives around. It isn’t perfect… and sometimes, things go wrong, they do… but they sometimes also go right… like Trixie here. She was given a chance to straighten out, and because of that, she was in the right place at the right time to save Cinnamon.”

“I don’t see Olive saving anypony any time soon.” Pebble folded her forelegs over her barrel and gave Twilight an unyielding stare. “And Cinnamon had to pay for his father’s second chances.”

“I’ll be the first to admit that there are problems. I am making reforms, but it takes time, it’s not easy to make changes. The system resists changing. A lot of the laws are old, outdated, and from another time, another era. For every great failure, there are also great successes, like Starlight. She is now a powerful force for good.” Twilight once again focused her gaze upon Trixie. “And Sumac has a mother that loves him… when the system works, it works well.”

“But when it breaks, it does so spectacularly.” Pebble let out a dejected sigh, grabbed Sumac around the neck, and pulled him closer as he let out a few muffled whimpers of protest. “Why does everything have to be so complicated? Why can’t there ever be easy answers?” The little filly scowled and her ears drooped. “Life is unfair and complicated.”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah it is, Pebble, yeah it is…”

Author's Note:

Next chapter... a Warden comes to visit.

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