• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 90

The kitchen was dark, but not deserted. Sumac peered through the gloom, trying to see who was there in the dark, and saw a tall winged figure. That narrowed things down. He blinked, thirsty and feeling a bit disoriented from having a nightmare. As it turned out, stuffy Princess Cadance was a bit more necessary than he thought.

He approached Twilight with slow hesitation, his eyes locked up on her, and he could see that she was watching him. There was a feeling of being self conscious lurking in his mind, but he couldn’t say why he felt that way. There was no point in asking if Twilight couldn’t sleep, as the answer was obvious. The how and the why, however, those were the things worth pursuing and Sumac was certain that he could talk it out of her. It wasn’t to satisfy his own curiousity, oh no, Twilight looked troubled and he wanted to help her. This was a selfless, altruistic act on his part.

“You don’t look happy,” Sumac remarked as he climbed up into a high backed chair and then got situated at the table. Using his magic, he got himself a glass of water, which he chilled, and then set down in front of himself.

“You don’t look sleepy,” Twilight replied, stating the obvious in return.

“Princess Twilight Snarkle.” Sumac lifted up his glass of water and took a drink as Twilight let out a few snorts of reluctant laughter. Setting his glass down, he studied Twilight the same way he studied any pony, and he did nothing to hide it, as Twilight also seemed to be sizing him up. For whatever reason, one word came to mind when he looked at Twilight, and that word was distraught. Daring Do had been ravaged by grief when she had found the ruins ransacked, looted, and she was distraught. The book painted a pretty good picture of what distraught was. Daring Do, Crown Agent Crash, and Crown Agent Cocoa had then hunted down those responsible, and many, many mooks had been injured that day. He took another drink and Twilight did the same.

“You seemed pretty happy earlier,” Sumac whispered, his words still somehow filling the dim kitchen and dining area. “You even teased my mom and you laughed. Were you being just as dishonest as your parents?”

“Well, what else was I supposed to do?” Twilight asked and as she made a few, rapid angry blinks at Sumac. The hardness in her face eased just a tiny bit and she added, “I did what I did for the benefit of my parents. I behaved like a princess… more or less. I accepted the situation with grace and aplomb, and I kept all of my own feelings stuffed inside. At that moment, I couldn’t exactly accuse my father of cheating on my mother, because that wasn’t what happened, but the thought stayed in my mind. Mind you, I could have exploded right then and there, and everypony would have accepted it, but I know that everypony present would resent me for it later. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, and a certain level of decorum is demanded from me. Stars, I was happy when Luna finally went away and I could breathe again.”

“I know how you feel.” Sumac, emboldened, looked Twilight in the eye as he spoke.

“How in the world could you possibly know how I feel?” Twilight demanded.

Eyes narrowing, Sumac bit back an angry retort, knowing that his barbs carried magic. Twilight was upset, and not herself. Sucking in a deep breath, Sumac held his anger in check. “Because, I know what it is like to have everypony expect something from you. I’ve barely even had time to come to terms with my own talent, my own cutie mark, I’ve hardly even had the time to learn about it and what it does, and everypony expects something from me. Ponies keep trying to hijack whatever my destiny is.”

Twilight’s ears drooped.

“Even you.” Sumac rested both of his front hooves against the edge of the table. “I meet my grandmother for the first time and even with everything else going on, all of the hurt and bad stuff, she’s plotting about how I could be a career politician. You want me as a research battery. Princess Celestia wants me as a war machine. I don’t know what Princess Luna wants, but I know she wants something, and I’m positive I’ll find out about it soon enough. Discord wants me to cause chaos. Even Applejack and Big Mac want something from me… I have to uphold the Apple reputation and live down my father’s shame… and everything SUCKS!”

The force of Sumac’s words caused Twilight to jerk her head back.

“So yeah, I sorta understand what it is like to hold everything in and not have a temper tantrum, even when you really want to,” Sumac finished. Lifting his glass, he took a drink. Sumac’s eyes took on a furious, half-awake glaze and his ears pinned back against his skull. “I think you have it a lot easier though. Me, I’ve gotta be worried about being punished if I upset the wrong ponies. I have nightmares about falling and being spanked. I just had one. I have to hold all of this in, hold all of this back, and I’m not even allowed to complain about my situation without one of the adults around me lecturing me and telling me I need to behave. I can’t even run my mouth to blow off steam! You, you’re allowed to do whatever you want, even if you did lose your temper, you don’t have to worry about being spanked or stood in a corner.”

“It’s not going to be easy.” Twilight, her eyes darting around the room, tried to shift the conversation away from anger. “I have to somehow make peace with all of this without hurting Trixie’s feelings. I have to make her feel loved, welcomed, and accepted, because that is what Is expected of me. Plus”—Twilight’s shifty eyes now focused upon Sumac—“Trixie really is a dear, dear friend, and I would never want to hurt her intentionally. It’s not like I can just shove her away from me while I try to figure all of this out. Now, I feel obligated to keep her closer to me than ever. I can’t even imagine what this is doing to her.”

“She’s gonna act like everything is fine,” Sumac replied, “and then cry about it when she thinks nopony is looking. But… it’s harder now, because we’re not on the road, and she can’t get away from me and everypony else for equinal space. I’d find her sometimes, crying when she thought she was alone. It always confused me because I didn’t know what to do or how to fix it. I hated seeing it.”

“Nopony wants to see their mother cry.” Twilight hunched over and her gaze dropped down to the table.

“And that’s why you grabbed my mother and made all nice, to keep your mother from crying and feeling bad.”

“Yup.” Twilight let heave a mighty sigh. “Twilight, the dutiful daughter that lives up to her mother’s expectations. Twilight, the dutiful sister, who had to just accept her brother’s wedding after being told about it at the last minute. Twilight, who always has some emergency just dumped on her and is expected to behave a certain way without complaint, and to always act with grace and dignity. Twilight, who sometimes senses when things are wrong, and even with my record for sensing trouble, gets lectured for blowing things out of proportion, finding tempests in teapots, and making mountains out of molehills.”

Sumac, who didn’t understand everything being said, did understand that Twilight was bitter about it.

“I can’t help but feel that there is a lot more to be said about this whole situation,” Twilight muttered as her eyes narrowed, “But I don’t think the whole truth is going to come out. So I’m stuck just accepting everything how it is, no matter if I like it or not. Tomorrow, in the morning, I’ll smile at breakfast and pretend that everything is wonderful. I’ll be the Twilight everypony expects me to be. It’ll only be hard at first, but if I keep doing it long enough, it becomes routine. That’s the trick, Sumac. That is how you survive a lifetime of others having high expectations of you.”

“And what about your expectations of me?” Sumac slumped down in his chair. “If I follow your advice, you’ll know that I’m just leading you on and telling you what you want to hear.”

“You know what, Sumac, what do you want?” Twilight asked point blank. “What direction do you want your life to go?”

Put on the spot, Sumac had no snarky reply, no youthful sarcasm, he had no angry retorts. With everything stripped away, all he had was honesty. “I think I’d like to learn more about becoming a mortician. I’d like to learn about the funerary sciences.”

Closing her eyes, Twilight let out a long overblown sigh. “See, Sumac,” she said as she opened her eyes, “when you say something like that, I am under instruction to divert you away from such trivial choices. I have a long complicated list of instructions all about you, and when you come up with an interest like funerary sciences, I am supposed to give you an inspiring talk about the greater good… about the obligation that you have to exploit your own talent to its greatest possible potential. I’m supposed to give you a long inspiring speech about how precious you are, how valuable you are, and how certain interests are just throwing your remarkable talent away. I am supposed to stroke your ego. I am tasked with making certain that you reach the pinnacle of what you are capable of, and then convince you that it was what you wanted all along.”

In silence, Sumac stewed, but he appreciated Twilight’s honesty.

“And all I can think about every time I look at that horrid list of how to adjust your priorities is how I wanted to grow up and be a librarian in Canterlot.” Twilight sat there, blinking, and looking deflated. “But no student of Princess Celestia ever grows up to be a librarian in Canterlot. Nope. But I came close. I was the librarian of Ponyville for a time, and I was happy.”

Realising that he was privy to Twilight’s regrets, Sumac suddenly felt very small and insecure. Princesses had princess sized regrets, and he couldn’t imagine living under the crushing burden of such a thing.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed and now, her voice took on a low growl as she spoke. “You know what, Sumac, if you want to learn more about being a mortician and getting a feel for the funerary sciences, I am going to make that happen. Damn the consequences.”

Taken aback, worried, even fearful about Twilight’s sudden change of demeanour, Sumac squirmed in his seat. “Why? Why would you do that? Won’t that cause you and the other princesses to fight?”

“Yep.” Twilight sat there with her lower lip now protruding. “But it doesn’t matter. What matters is, you’re smart enough to know that you are being shafted, and I’m having some troubles with my conscience over the issue.”

In the back of his mind, his thoughts tumbled about and Sumac knew that some kind of reciprocation was necessary. Twilight was sticking her own neck out for him. She was trying to be his friend, at the risk of her own standing with her other friends and associates. He had trouble taking it all in, understanding the sheer scope of it, but he knew that Twilight was about to be in trouble. Big trouble.


“Yes, Sumac?”

“If you ever need my abilities as a sorcerer, I’ll be glad to help. It’s only fair that we help each other. This means a lot to me. I don’t even know if this is what I’ll end up doing with my life, but I want the chance to learn. I like having the option open. Who knows, maybe I’ll find it’s super boring and I’ll want to become a hero someday.”

Outside, wolves howled.

“When the others wake up, and they will soon, we’ll have to continue to pretend that everything is normal, Sumac. I’ll have to pretend that everything is fine and that I feel good about everything, and you’ll have to pretend that you’re okay with the fact everypony wants to take advantage of you. I wish I could make things better for the both of us, but the best I can do is slip you a few books. For now, it’s best to continue acting as though you don’t have any focused interests or goals in life. If we can give others the appearance that you’re still open to fulfilling their desires, things will go easier on both of us.”

“I understand, Twilight.”

“And that bothers me,” Twilight admitted with a whispered confession. “I think that’s why I feel so guilty. You do understand, and you’re just stuck living with it. Just like I am.”



“I have a question. A tough one that I’ve been wanting to ask for a while.”

“Go ahead.” Twilight was starting to think that a tough question was just what she needed right now.

“Starlight Glimmer can take cutie marks away, leaving ponies plain and unremarkable. You cast a spell and caused all of your friends cutie marks to switch with each other.” Sumac drew in a deep breath and gave some serious thought to his next words before he said them. He felt his frogs go sweaty.

“We know that cutie marks can be manipulated.” Sumac sat there, blinking, troubled by what was on his mind, his next horrendous hypothesis. “The evidence of cutie mark manipulation is pretty easy to see at this point. We know it exists. So, Twilight, what happens if a pony comes along that can shape destiny by using magic to give a pony a cutie mark and thus take control of that pony and their future?”

Twilight’s mouth fell open.

“If cutie marks can be switched or taken away, that means that destiny is mutable, right?” Sumac tapped his hooves on the edge of the table and stared at his glass of water. “What if somepony figures this out and begins to manipulate the future? Would we even know what was going on? After I asked a bunch of ponies about destiny, I started thinking about all of this and it’s left me troubled. I think about it when I’m laying in bed and can’t sleep.”

“Sumac, I don’t even know what to say…”

Author's Note:

Welcome to Horrendous Hypothesis v2.0.

Also, Spike knew all along. :moustache: For the people paying attention to the minute details, congratulations!

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