• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 92

With cautious hesitation, Twilight Sparkle crept closer to Princess Luna, who stood staring at the door of the room that Sumac had slept in. Trixie had locked herself inside and Princess Luna was trying to gently extract her, but Trixie refused to budge and the Princess of the Night was losing her patience.

Clearing her throat, Twilight then tried to moisten her mouth enough to speak. Her current emotional state made things difficult, she felt a whole maelstrom of emotions, some of which she was unable to identify. More than anything, she wanted to be angry, but she could not figure out at whom she should be angry. What Twilight needed was her friends, but they weren’t here.

What she did have was a sister, but Twilight didn’t know what to feel about that.

“Luna… a word with you if I may… princess to princess.”

With a regal arch of her eyebrow, Luna turned her head to face Twilight. There was no haughty expression, no arrogance, no real expression of anything really, and she looked into Twilight’s eyes to acknowledge her. With quiet patience, Luna waited for Twilight to figure out whatever it was that she wanted to say.

“Go and prepare for the reading of the will and whatever that entails,” Twilight said, hoping that her words sounded like a suggestion rather than an order. What was needed, more than anything else, was calm. “Sometimes, Luna, you can be a little overbearing, even if you don’t mean to be, and I think that Trixie needs some quiet reassurance… from a sister.”

With a reserved nod of acknowledgment, Luna replied, “We do agree. Sometimes, We do make a situation worse with Our overbearing nature. Perhaps you can do what We cannot.”

Shocked and a little surprised, Twilight couldn’t help but comment on the changes she observed in Luna. “You seem a little—”

“Calmer?” Luna asked.

“Yeah.” Twilight nodded. “And your speech—”

“We are closer to Our sister now than We have been since Our return. We are starting to feel the oneness that We had thought lost. Gosling has done much to bring Us together.” With another bow of her head, Luna stepped aside and gestured at the door with her wing. “We wish you luck, Twilight.”

Blinking, Twilight thought about the answer that wasn’t an answer. She studied Luna for a short time as the alicorn retreated, and then, with a smile, Luna plunged through a hole in the floor. It took Twilight several seconds to realise that even with the current crisis, Luna now possessed a genuine happiness.

Somehow, that made everything better.

Lifting her hoof, Twilight knocked upon the door.

“Go away.”

“Trixie, can we please talk?”


“Can we please have a sister to sister talk?”

After a long wait, “...No.”

“Can a little sister come and talk to her bigger sister?”

Again, there was a long pause. “No. Sumac told me how you really feel.”

Grimacing, Twilight stood outside of the door, mouthing terrible curses that she would probably scold other ponies for saying. Of course Sumac wouldn’t keep secrets from his mother and Twilight appreciated his loyalty while resenting his honesty. After a few minutes of seething, she reminded herself that she was angry with the situation, and not with Sumac.

“Trixie, please—”

“I have in my possession a bottle of zap apple tincture. That door opens and somepony is getting a faceful of hurt.”

Stepping back from the door, Twilight hoped that Trixie was bluffing. After using the Alicorn Amulet, Trixie had a much higher degree of control over strong magic than most ponies. It took several seconds of contemplation, but Twilight realised that she was at an impasse. She wasn’t about to pick a fight with Trixie, not now, and with the recent revelation, not ever.

It was time for a different approach. “Sumac, may I please come in?”

There was no audible response and Twilight couldn’t hear any talking at all on the other side of the door, but she was certain that a discussion was taking place. With nothing else to do, Twilight waited and battled her growing feelings of impatience. She thought about Luna’s cool, calm demeanour, and if Luna could do it, Twilight reasoned that she could too.

“What do you hope to gain by entering?” Sumac asked through the door.

Brows furrowing, Twilight had to wonder if his response was coached or if Sumac had come up with it himself. She couldn’t tell. He was smart with an I.Q. boosted through magical means, much like Pebble and so many of her other students. Distracted, Twilight had an internal debate on whether or not Sumac had come up with his question himself.

“I can’t make things better,” Twilight said, thinking about Applejack for some reason. Honesty was, no doubt, her best approach. “I probably can’t smooth things out, either. But I am really worried about the both of you, I’m scared, and I want to know that you’re okay.”

“She’s telling the truth.” Sumac’s voice was faint coming through the door.

“Well, of course I’m telling the truth.” Twilight couldn’t help but feel just a little bit offended.

“I just taught Sumac the inventite veritatem spell. He’s a quick study. I doubt anypony will ever lie to him ever again, not without him knowing.” Trixie’s voice sounded flat and exhausted, she also sounded as though she had been crying.

There was a click from the door and Twilight, casting her gaze down, stared at the door handle. Before opening the door, Twilight stopped for a moment and opened her mouth to say, “That’s a pretty advanced spell. I’m impressed that Sumac was able to learn it.”

A little honest flattery never hurt anypony, Twilight thought to herself as she pushed open the door.

Pulling the door shut behind her, Twilight looked at the two ponies and one dragon all huddled together on the bed. Her mind drifted, she thought of Lemon Hearts and all of Lemon’s worry. After a few seconds, her eyes focused upon the bottle of zap apple tincture held in a secure magical bubble beside Trixie’s head. It remained for just a second, just long enough for Twilight to see it, and then it vanished.

“Trixie, I really hope that you won’t punish Sumac for what he did.”

“I have no intention of doing that,” Trixie replied. “I told him that I’m proud of him.”

The words made Twilight’s tongue go dry. While she had hoped that Trixie hadn’t punished Sumac for a momentary outburst of anger, she hadn’t expected Trixie to be proud of him. Twilight’s memory dredged up files of conversations in the past, and she recalled that Trixie had done this before, that she was proud of Sumac for just about anything and everything he did, and after a few seconds of thinking, Twilight now understood why.

Trixie was being a good mother, the sort of mother that she herself had wanted. For Twilight, it was a stunning revelation, and she gained a new appreciation for Trixie. A little voice in the back of Twilight’s mind suggested that the silence was getting awkward and that she needed to say something before the quiet became an unbreakable force of oppression.

“Trixie, I really am grateful to have you as my friend, and I just need a little time to come to terms with the fact that you are my sister,” Twilight said, feeling self conscious about her words.

“Truth,” both Sumac and Trixie said together.

And now, Twilight realised why.

“It really doesn’t change anything.” Twilight squirmed and found an interesting picture on the wall to look at. “I treat all of my close friends like sisters… or brothers, I suppose. We’ve all laughed and cried together, been happy and suffered together. I honestly can’t see them as anything but sisters… or brothers, as the case may be.”

“Truth,” Sumac and Trixie said in unison.

“I wish you two would stop that, it’s super creepy.” Twilight returned her attention to the pair and instead of feeling angry, she tried to be sympathetic. Trixie had endured a terrible life and Sumac was all too aware that everypony wanted something from him. “Look, right now, I have nothing to gain by lying to either of you, I value your friendship too much and I’m too scared about losing it as it is. I’m terrified that all of this is going to change things between us in a bad way.”

Again, both Trixie and Sumac said together, “Truth.”

Letting out an annoyed huff, Twilight’s cheeks bulged and her ears drooped down against her face. She was going to have to sort this out, somehow. “Okay, fine, keep doing what you’re doing, but keep it to yourselves. Sumac, I was honest with you this morning and that should mean something.” She could feel Sumac’s eyes piercing into her as she awaited his response.

“It does. That’s why I told my mom to let you in and give you a chance… as her sister. She didn’t want to let you in and so I made a deal with her.”

The words felt like a slap for some reason, but Twilight could not say why. She bit back an angry retort, wondering where it came from and why she had one ready. She took a deep, calming breath, just as Cadance had taught her to do. After taking a moment to calm herself, Twilight reminded herself why she was here.

“The reading of the will,” Twilight began, “will happen soon. Dandelia has been silenced. Princess Luna has worked to create a safe space for the two of you. As Matron of House Lulamoon and the Court of Lions, Princess Luna plans to offer Sumac reparations for the insults and poor treatment he has suffered as a guest in the House of Lulamoon. She is both disturbed and mortified by Dandelia’s behaviour.”

“Spoken a bit too much like a princess, but at least you are telling the truth.” Reaching out, Trixie patted the bed. “Come and sit with us. Sumac went through a lot of trouble to convince me to let his aunt in so she could talk.”

The words hit Twilight like the gentle caress of a flying cinder block.

Now, she felt even worse for what she had done and her manipulations of Sumac. She blinked to relieve the stinging pressure she felt in her eyes and blinked away the excess moisture she could now feel. Dragging her hooves over the floor, she crossed the small room, lept up onto the bed, and then settled down in the pony-loaf position where Dandelia had lain the night before.

“I don’t know how I feel about about Dandelia being my grandmother, I’m still willing to give her a chance I suppose, because I’ve learned how important it is to forgive ponies”—Sumac paused and looked Twilight right in the eye in the fearless sort of way that only foals could seem to do—“and while it is going to take me a long time to sort all of that out, the silver lining in this stinky situation is that I have you as my aunt. Sort of.”

Still blinking away tears, Twilight nodded.

Sniffling, Trixie wiped her own eyes with her foreleg. “Some good has come out of this, I suppose. I’ve come to a better understanding of what Sumac means to me. I think I also understand my mother a little more, but it’s hard. I don’t want to have to choose between my own mother and my son and right now, I feel like I’m being torn apart.”

“I can’t even imagine what you are feeling,” Twilight said, and she waited for both Trixie and Sumac to say, “Truth.” After several seconds, no such proclamation seemed forthcoming and Twilight was able to relax a little.

“Even though I hate her, a part of me still loves her,” Trixie confessed, “but I think that my own forgiveness and my own long walk to redemption has made me sympathetic. Maybe just a little bit.” Sniffling, Trixie gave Sumac a squeeze. “Still, if it came right down to it and I had to chose, it would be Sumac. It wouldn’t be easy though, and to be completely honest, I know it would break my heart.”

“So, are you going to give your mother a chance to make up for what she’s done?” Twilight asked.

“She can do so from a distance,” Trixie replied as a certain fierceness crept into her raspy voice. “It will be on my terms, by my rules of engagement, with me being in charge. If she wants forgiveness, she can meet my reasonable demands and earn it, just like I had to earn it.”

“That seems fair.” Twilight wiped her own eyes, and then folded her wing back against her side, careful to not snag her primaries upon the bed. “You’ve come a long ways, Trixie.”

“I know.” Trixie’s acknowledgment was a humble utterance.

“Let’s do whatever it is that we have to do, because I wanna go home.” Sumac looked down at the quilt he was sitting on. “I miss Pebble and Octavia. They help keep me calm. I wanna do magic with Vinyl and I wanna study in school. I just want things to go back to how they were.”

“Me too, Sumac, me too.” Twilight let out a sigh and looked at Trixie. “Let’s go and get this over with. I have your back, and I’ll always have your back.”

“Truth,” Sumac and Trixie said together.

Author's Note:

Next chapter: Caper's last will.

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