• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 109

The late fall day was glorious, but a bit cool. After being cooped up in school for half of the day, Sumac was glad to be out and rather happy about going to the wedding, but he had a lot on his mind. Curious events had taken place as of late, and Sumac was left reflecting upon them and their impact upon him.

Time travel, for one.

He was aware that Starlight had tried to tamper with Equestria’s timeline, but she had ultimately failed. Twilight had gone back in time to try and warn herself—he had a vague awareness of that—but what neither of them had at the time was a sorcerer, a means for more power to make the impossible possible.

It was enough to drive the five year old colt to distraction.

Beside him, Pebble walked with a smooth, steady gait, balancing a package of delicious treats on her back, her contribution to the potluck meal at the wedding. She had made them herself and Sumac guessed that she had to be quite proud of them, even if she didn’t show it. The autumn sun shone down through the bare, almost leafless trees and left Pebble dappled in a dazzling array of golden motes of light which stood out in sharp contrast against her dark, muted turquoise dress.

It too, was enough to leave the colt distracted.

This moment of normalcy was almost perfect, this moment of calm between the chaotic events that kept happening. Sumac was a little nervous, worried about crowds and being around strangers, something that was always stressful, but he was managing. He did however, wish that Octavia was here so that he would have somepony to retreat with if things became a bit too overwhelming.


Hearing this made Sumac stop, and he angled his eyes to look up at Boomer. “What’s pretty, Boomer?”

“That!” Extending one tiny clawed finger, Boomer pointed at a poncho hanging in a store window.

It was an equine poncho, with a hole in one end of the blanket, rather than in the middle, as it was for bipeds, with the length of it designed in such a way that it was draped over a pony’s back. Sumac studied it, trying to see why Boomer thought it was pretty, and after a few moments, Sumac too, thought it was pretty. The poncho was a pale brown and covered with a colourful, stylised sun pattern that would sit in the middle of a pony’s back when worn. The sun cast out rainbow coloured rays that radiated out like spokes in a wagon wheel.

The colours and design were quite similar to Sumac’s cutie mark, a zap apple with nine lightning bolts extending out in all directions. The design was unusual, odd even for a place like Ponyville, but would have been right at home in Equestria’s south and southwest.

Squinting one eye, Twinkleshine pulled up alongside Sumac and came to a halt. She too, began to study the poncho with the critical eye of a Canterlot pony. Boomer, quite taken, lept from Sumac’s horn to Twinkleshine’s, then began tugging on the mare’s ears.

“It’s a bit big for you, Boomer,” Twinkleshine said after a few ear tugs, “but I do think it will fit Sumac. What do you say, Sumac? Want a poncho? Winter is coming and it might be nice to have something warm to wrap up in.”

Sumac did not reply, but stared at the poncho, thinking about things like money, and his utter lack of it. Boomer didn’t ask for much, she didn’t respond to much other than comic books, which, thanks to Spike, she now had a habit of reading. It was unusual to see Boomer become so animated about anything.

Perhaps reading Sumac’s mind, or just knowing his thoughts, Twinkleshine said to the colt, “It’s not a matter of money and that poncho is a steal at fifty silver bits. Whatcha say?”

“Owning stuff is hard,” Sumac replied, his voice low and difficult to hear. “It hurts to lose it when something bad happens, and bad things happen. They’ve happened to me.” The colt punctuated his weary words with a sigh.

Twinkleshine nodded. “I understand. You’re still recovering from everything that happened and I bet everything still stings a bit. Look, Sumac, in life, some bad things are going to happen and we shouldn’t deprive ourselves of nice things because of a fear that we might lose them.”

“Want!” Boomer chirped, making her feelings known. “Want blanket!”

“I suppose it will make Boomer happy…” Sumac wasn’t sure if he was accepting the situation or just trying to convince himself to accept it as a gift. “Maybe give her a nice place to sit.”

Pebble, who had been pacing around, waiting, continued to pace and wait.

Twinkleshine made an impatient huff, gestured with her hoof, and tossed her head at the door to the shop. “Come on, Sumac, let’s see how you look in it…”

Sumac was a bit small and the poncho was a bit big, but nothing dragged on the ground or hung too far down. It was nice and he liked it, but Boomer liked it a whole lot more. She was sitting on his back at the moment, gripping the poncho with her claws, sitting in the middle of the stylised sun.

Twinkleshine was bringing up the rear, with Lemon Hearts and Trixie leading the way. Sumac supposed that he had something in common with Pebble now, as he had a family that wasn’t the standard family, that is to say, it wasn’t well defined. For Pebble, her parents, Tarnish and Maud, they lived in the same house as Octavia and Vinyl, and they were all close friends that existed as a family, but those lines were blurred and confusing. Pebble was going to have a half-sibling through Octavia, but Octavia and Tarnish were just very close friends, and this was where Sumac himself became a bit confused and he agreed with Pebble—there needed to be some assurance that they would stay together and exist as a family.

Marriage. Sumac knew how Pebble felt about the subject, and yet again, they were going to a wedding at the Ponyville Grange Hall. Would she have another meltdown? Would she cry? Sumac’s mouth went dry with worry and he started licking his lips. He thought about the fact that he had a mustache when he was older. He had missed a golden opportunity to ask himself if he and Pebble were together in the future, and what he had chosen to do with his life. Or maybe he was better off not knowing, because, marriage, and everything to do with it, was icky.

Of course, if he was married, if being the operative qualifier, he could tell Pebble what to do and he could make her show him her cutie mark, at least, that was how Sumac assumed that marriage worked. It was basically permission to be bossy with one another and not get in trouble for it. There was probably more to it than that though, as that didn’t seem like a very compelling reason to get married. Sumac knew that more compelling reasons had to exist, but they were too gross to even think about.


Double ick.

Triple ick.

The Ponyville Grange Hall existed on the edge of town, in the north and east. It was a solid building made of stone, long, rectangular, and in an emergency, like, say, a harpy attack, the citizens of Ponyville were supposed to take shelter in here. This was the place where farmers did their business, merchants set fair prices, and community events took place here, like weddings, dances, and sometimes funerals.

The building was built by earth ponies, which meant that it was stone blocks stacked atop one another and secured into place with mortar. Unicorns tended to take blocks of stone and just shape them into whatever was needed, well, unicorns with stone shaping abilities. Sumac had seen some excellent examples of both earth pony and unicorn construction in his travels, and he found that he liked both, while Trixie tended to favour unicorn construction, because she liked smooth structures free of lines.

Sumac felt a little nervous as they approached the door, the building was of a good size and he didn’t know how many ponies might be packed inside. For a second, he had a terrifying vision of the entire place packed wall to wall, like how the royal wedding was. He suffered a moment of hesitation as his imagination made him panic, and he came to an abrupt halt, causing Twinkleshine to bump into his backside with her foreleg.

“Hey, what gives?” she demanded in a good natured voice.

Shaking his head, Sumac wasn’t sure how to respond to her question and he turned to look at her as she walked around him. Ahead, Trixie and Lemon had stopped and Lemon was preparing her camera as she chatted with Trixie. The colt became aware that Pebble was staring at him and he let out a little nervous cough to clear his throat. The pressure to say something was getting intense, which made it even harder speak.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Don’t get worked up,” Twinkleshine said to Sumac. “Are you having a Sumac moment?”

The colt nodded, as he was indeed, having a Sumac moment.

“Take a deep breath,” Twinkleshine commanded, and she looked pleased when Sumac did as she told him. Smiling now, she continued, “Take another deep breath,” and nodded when Sumac did as she requested. “Now, remind yourself, everything is going to be fine, because Twinkleshine is here to protect you.”

Sumac gulped in a few lungfuls of cool autumn air and nodded.

“I am going to sing to you the Twinkleshine Protection Song, and you’re going to feel better, okay?”

The colt nodded.

“Twinkle Twinkle’s little axe, good for giving forty whacks—”

Upon hearing this, Sumac began to giggle.

“—held above my head so high, gonna chop you in the eye—”

More laughter came from Sumac, whose overactive imagination now found something else to think about.

“—when the glorious axe comes right down, little Twinkle goes to town—”

At this point, Pebble rolled her eyes and snorted.

“—it does no good to scream in dread, when little Twinkle comes for your head—”

“This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” Pebble deadpanned in a very matter-of-fact monotone.

“Hey, it’s a work in progress!” Twinkle, fighting back a smile, gave Sumac a nudge. “At least he liked it.”

“Sumac thinks poop jokes are funny.” Pebble’s statement hit Sumac like a slap and the colt stood there with his mouth hanging open in shock. “There are moments when he has all of the maturity of a five year old.” Having said what she needed to say, Pebble waited with a blank expression.

It took all of about ten seconds before Sumac began to chortle and Twinkleshine lifted up one front hoof, extended it, and pointed at Pebble. She shook her hoof as she bit her lip, chewing on it, and Sumac was now laughing so hard that Boomer was having to struggle to hold on.

“You’re a funny little filly,” Twinkleshine said to Pebble.

“I get it from my mother,” was Pebble’s deadpan response to Twinkleshine’s assertion.

The doors to the grange hall opened and a small figure darted out, bouncing and flapping in excitement. That small figure turned out to be Silver Lining, and the little griffoness couldn’t contain her happiness as she came careening over to where Sumac and Pebble were standing. She came to a skidding halt, digging her claws into the dirt of the road, and then just stood there, wide-eyed, vibrating with excitement.

“I’m going to have a Daddy,” she announced.

Pebble, still stony, nodded. “I have one of those. They can be a real pain in the neck.”

Silver Lining took this in stride. “I know, but Wormy isn’t that bad.”

The griffoness, unable to contain her affection, lept upon Sumac and wrapped her forelegs around his neck in an over-enthusiastic hug. She began squeezing and Sumac’s eyes bulged behind his round teashades.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Silver Lining murmured into the general direction of Sumac’s ear. “This is the happiest day of my life and I’m so glad that I have friends to share it with, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Still being griffonhandled, Sumac nodded as he endured Silver Lining’s affections. “You’re welcome.” As he spoke, there was a bright flash and Sumac knew that his picture had just been taken.

“Come inside, we’ll be starting soon.” Silver Lining’s happiness faded away, but only for a brief second. “Not many guests showed up, but that’s okay. You’re here and that makes me happy! Come inside so I can introduce you to Hachikō, he’s really nice and I think you’ll like him!”

“Hachikō?” Sumac asked, somewhat confused by the name.

“He’s a diamond dog and he’s visiting along with Picklesworth and Gleamgood, Mama’s old friends. You’ll like them, but Picklesworth is a little grumpy. They were there when I hatched!”

“Oh…” What else could be said. Sumac, who was just a little embarrassed that his picture had just been taken with Silver Lining hanging off of him, was glad when the griffoness pulled away and let go of him.

“Come inside!”

Author's Note:

Some dragons want gold or gems... Boomer just wants a soft place to nap.

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