• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 121

There were a lot of flashing lights in Twilight’s workshop. Sumac, somewhat buzzed on zap apple tincture, watched as the adults around him hurried from place to place, making certain that everything was perfect. In the middle of the workshop, standing on a raised platform, was Pebble and the lantern was beside her.

Pebble looked quite sedate, bored even, and Sumac thought about the word ‘lackadaisical’ while he stared at her. Olive brushed up against him as she passed, and Sumac wondered if she did it on purpose. She was here because Starlight was here, and to be honest, Sumac didn’t mind. Olive had changed, just a little. His former rival was now tolerable, and maybe even just a little likeable, but Sumac wondered why she kept bumping into him every chance she got.

It was a little chilly in the workshop, but it was a whole lot colder outside. Fall was ending and there were the occasional feral flurries that blew in from the Everfree. Sumac couldn’t help but feel that he and Moondancer had the right idea; she wore a sweater and he wore his poncho. The blanket with the hole in one end was perfect for him and kept him warm. Sumac was a bit on the thin and scrawny side and he didn’t have much in the way of pudge to help keep him warm.

“So, this time travel thing… I’ve been thinking about it, and it is a little weird,” Sumac said, talking for the sake of talking and because he was bored, so bored.

“That’s not the first time I’ve had something like that happen,” Twilight replied, sounding absentminded. She turned away from a paper readout and faced Spike. “Hey, Spike, everything ready on your end?”

“Yep.” Spike gave Twilight a claws up.

“Sumac, how is your magic sense?” Twilight asked.


“Good, good.” Twilight now faced Pebble. “You ready to become an alicorn, Pebble?”

“Yes, I am ready to become an overbearing force of good that tells everypony what to do and what is best for them.”

All around the room there was snickering, but Twilight did not seem to be amused by Pebble’s deadpan snarking. Twilight’s lack of amusement was highlighted by her narrowed eyes and angled ears. Lemon Hearts was giggling so hard that she felt compelled to cover her mouth in an attempt to silence herself.

“How is the camera, will we get this on film?” Twilight asked.

Vinyl peeked out from behind her camera, most of her face hidden behind her glasses, and she nodded to let Twilight know that she was ready. A small slate was held up over Vinyl’s head, and it had these words on it. I’ve got Pebble’s savage roast on film. I’m proud. I can’t wait to tell Maud.

“Oh… peas and carrots,” Twilight spat, swearing without swearing in front of the foals present. “Okay, let’s do this and see what happens. I’m going to use the lantern on Pebble. Everypony, be ready for anything, as we really don’t know what this setting will do.” Her eyes glittering with keen intelligence, Twilight’s head turned and she looked right at Sumac. “I’m hoping that your sorcerous powers will allow you to absorb whatever alicorn magic that Pebble manifests during the duration of the spell. Be ready, Sumac.”

“Do you really think that will work, Twilight?”

“I don’t know, Moondancer. It’s a stretch, but the lantern does stuff to ponies, and we might as well see if we can exploit any temporary powers it introduces.” Head high, Twilight strode across the room and approached the raised platform where Pebble stood. She lifted the lantern in her magic and checked the settings.

“Kiddo, hold fast,” Trixie said, being supportive.

Holding the lantern, looking quite solemn, Twilight opened up the shutter and zapped Pebble. There was a bright flash, Sumac winced in pain, and a short, brown horn appeared on Pebble’s forehead. Two bulges appeared under the fabric of her dress. There was a gasp from Pebble, and the little filly staggered, but she did not fall.

“Pebble, what do you feel?” Twilight asked, her voice neutral. “Try to be articulate as possible.”

“I want to keep all of you safe,” Pebble replied, her monotone absent. Real strain could be heard in her voice and her knees all knocked together. “The pressure, the need to keep all of you safe is overwhelming. It feels like it is crushing me. All of you are in such danger… Sumac especially. The danger is close, it feels like it is all around us and very close by.”

With a shallow inhale, Twilight set down the lantern while her right ear twitched up and down. She watched with cold, clinical detachment, studying Pebble’s reaction, and she stayed out of the way of the camera.

“It’s very strange,” Pebble continued, “it feels like the threat to Sumac is right here in the castle with us. It’s like an itch inside of my mind, and I can sense it, above us and below us. There is a greater threat though, off to the east, it’s close but also far.”

“That’d be the Everfree,” Moondancer murmured, “location and detection spells don’t work very well there.”

“Something watches, and I can feel their eye. It’s focused on Sumac, and I can feel their desire. They want him. All around us, many somethings are watching.” Pebble now looked quite panicked, and she trembled as her lower lip quivered. “I can’t bear this any longer, make it stop.”

“There is no way to make it stop, Pebble,” Twilight said in a cool, calm voice. “All you can do is wait it out.”

Wheezing, Pebble sucked in a few deep breaths and was almost panting. “It feels like I’m choking. I want to keep all of you safe, the need to keep all of you safe is so overpowering that it hurts. How do you stand this, Twilight?”

“It can be very difficult at times,” Twilight replied.

“I can feel so much malice and hatred.” Pebble sucked in a hissing breath through her clenched teeth. “They know I can sense them. I can feel them trying to block me and prevent me from seeing. There is a buzzing sound—urk!” Gasping, Pebble’s eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed on the platform.

“Moondancer! I need a spellbreaker over here right now!”

Much to Sumac’s relief, Pebble’s eyelids began to twitch. His magic sense was going crazy, just as it had been for a while now, but right now it was unbearable. Reaching out, he patted Pebble’s cheek, and then, seized with an idea, he leaned in closer, puckered up, and gave her a peck on the cheek, as that was how one woke a sleeping princess.

Pebble had been an alicorn for a while, so Sumac was absolutely certain that counted for making Pebble a princess. His princess. He felt his ears grow hot as he thought about the fact that he had just kissed a princess. He held his breath as he watched her eyes open.

“I have a headache,” Pebble deadpanned. After a moment, she added, “My cheek is wet.” Her eyes focused on Sumac and she stared at him in a knowing sort of way.

Sumac did not apologise.

Pulling away, he felt a strange tightness. Laying on her back, Pebble had a certain prettiness to her, and with the way her mane spilled out all over the pillow… something about it took Sumac’s breath away. She was a princess, and she was… pretty, so pretty. Her cheek was soft, fuzzy, and felt pleasant against the sensitive pad of his snoot.

“Twilight said you suffered some sort of magical backlash, but you’re fine now.” Sumac kept his voice low, knowing that Pebble had a headache. “Vinyl was here with me, but she stepped out for a moment. I’m sure she’ll be right back.”

When tears started to fall, Sumac felt a growing sense of worry.

“You’re in so much danger, Sumac, I felt it… we’re surrounded on all sides and some of the danger felt very close.” Pebble closed her eyes, rolled over onto her side, and curled up into a fetal position in the bed. “I don’t ever want to be an alicorn, that was awful feeling that way, and I feel bad for what I said to Twilight. It’s horrible what she must go through and I feel very ashamed of what I said.”

“Twilight is trying to figure out what the threat is,” Sumac whispered to Pebble, trying to be reassuring to his princess. “She said she’s felt it too, but you got an exaggerated version of alicorn senses. Everypony is out right now trying to figure out what is going on.”

The door opened and Vinyl entered, followed by another pony. Maud, looking sleepy and sedate as ever, followed Vinyl into the room, then went to the bed where Pebble lay. She stood there beside Sumac, silent, looking down, and Sumac was certain that he could hear Maud’s eyelashes brush together when she blinked.

It was just that quiet.

Vinyl, her face wrinkled with worry, sat down upon the floor beside the bed, easing herself down, moving like a slow old mare. Reaching out with her foreleg, she hooked it around Sumac, pulled him close, and then pressed her snoot into the warm, fuzzy hollow just behind his right ear, causing him to shiver.

“Twilight told me what happened,” Maud said, sounding very, very bored. “Even though this was accidental, this might work out to everypony’s advantage, Pebble. I’m proud of you, and I know that Tarnish will be proud of you too. He’s out right now, trying to help find out what it was that you sensed.”

“I just wanted to keep everypony safe,” Pebble murmured, and she winced from pain.

“Twilight also said that whatever is around us, it was taking advantage of Sumac’s sorcery, at least, that is what Moondancer thinks. You got a head full of magical feedback. That’s happened to your father a few times now, and it leaves behind a headache that lasts for days.”

Squeezing her eyes shut, Pebble moaned and clutched her head.

“I had something force its way into my mind once,” Maud said to her daughter, trying to be reassuring in her own special way.

“What happened?” Sumac asked, almost breathing the words.

Maud closed her eyes, remembering, and the muscles in her jaw tightened for a second. “It came in and it didn’t like what it saw.” Her eyes opened and one hind leg twitched. “I then held it in my mind and with all of my will, I refused to let it leave. I let it see what I’m really like on the inside. It got scared.”

Hearing this, Sumac felt a tickle-prickle of fear.

“With any luck, Pebble is a lot like me… or worse… and whatever poked into her mind is off whimpering in fear right now.” Lowering her head, Maud pressed her muzzle against Pebble’s neck and breathed in. “Pebble, I don’t know what I’d do without you. The first time I felt you kick inside of my belly, I got scared. Tarnish and I both. We both freaked out and panicked, we worried that we would be awful parents, and he and I held each other for hours, trying to comfort one another.”

“Mother, I’m afraid to ask…” Pebble’s words were a bit dry and scratchy.

“What?” Maud’s lips moved against Pebble’s neck and caused the foal to fidget.

“When I was in your belly, did you and Father…” Pebble did not finish her sentence.

“Oh, all the time. It was a special time for us. We were very close and very much in love.”

“Oh gross, I think I’m gonna be sick.”

“Pebble, stop being so melodramatic.”

Proving her mother wrong, Pebble hung her head over the edge of the bed and spewed.

Leaning back in an overstuffed chair, Vinyl Scratch made herself comfortable. The house wasn’t fully furnished, not yet, but at least Vinyl had a comfortable chair to sit in. Stuffed in the chair beside her was Sumac, who had been sent home with Pebble just to be safe. Trixie and Twinkleshine were busy patrolling Ponyville, looking for the as of yet unidentified menace.

Sumac, more than just a little scared, didn’t mind being so close to Vinyl, and he didn’t complain, not even once. He didn’t complain when Vinyl had tossed him into the tub and gave him a bath, washing hot, chunky vomit from his hide. Not a single peep of protest had been made.

Now clean and silky soft, he watched as Boomer prowled the stone floor, sniffing about in the corners of the room, no doubt looking for spiders. Vinyl was warm and her body was inviting. Being an albino, her pelt had a different texture and feel to it, causing her to be quite luxuriant to snuggle up against. Sumac was far too frightened to be brave and independent, at least for now.

Holding out her hoof, Vinyl’s horn ignited with a glittery glow. A flaming ball manifested and she held it with her hoof. She brought it closer to Sumac, who shied away from it, but then Sumac realised that if Vinyl was holding it with her hoof, it couldn’t be hot. Distracted, the curious colt touched it and discovered that the fire was cold and the ball was solid.

He tapped his hoof against it as he pressed up against Vinyl’s side, entranced. Each tap made a clinking sound, like glass, and he tried to figure out what it was that he was touching. It was a solid manifestation of magic that burned with cold flames. When Vinyl dumped it into his hooves, Sumac let out a nervous giggle, and a part of him still feared the fire, even though it burned cold. He held it in his front hooves and began to examine it with the hopes of figuring out whatever it was that he was holding.

It was so very fascinating.

Stepping out of the hallway and into the living room, Octavia paused to take in the adorable sight of Vinyl and Sumac together in the chair. The flames were a flickering reflection in both of their glasses, and the look of wonder on Sumac’s face threatened to make Octavia’s heart stop.

Looking up from the flaming ball, Sumac asked, “How is Pebble?”

“Asleep,” Octavia replied. “Tarnish gave her a few tiny droplets of opiate extract that he brewed himself. He didn’t want to do it, but Maud and I insisted. Pebble no doubt has a dreadful headache and she deserves a blissful, undisturbed rest.”

“I hope she gets better soon.” Sumac, still holding the flaming ball, hugged it to his chest, no longer thinking about the flickering flames or how they might consume him.

“She will.” Octavia’s voice was certain and confident. “Now, tell me, Sumac, what might you like for supper? I fear our menu options are a bit limited at the moment, but I am not adverse to heading out to the market, if need be.”

“There’s no need to make a fuss for me.” Sumac, feeling a little bit awkward, squirmed in the chair beside Vinyl. “I’d be happy with grilled cheese sandwiches.”

Inhaling, Octavia’s eyes lit up. “Fabulous! We have bread, we have cheese, and there are some canned soups in the cupboard. No doubt, Maud will be wanting some cream of pumpkin soup.”

“That sounds good with grilled cheese,” Sumac said, still clutching the mesmerising flaming ball.

“Indeed it does, indeed it does…”

Author's Note:

A hidden, unseen menace, lurking everywhere...

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