• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 60

“Well, at the time,” Celestia replied, “Night Light was being a stick in the mud.” The princess smiled and it was like the sun shining at midnight. Her horn flashed for a moment and a barrier appeared around both her and Sumac. Still beaming, she gave Sumac a nod and a wink.

“You… you’re teasing me.”


Sumac, following Trixie’s advice, prepared himself for more questions. Always start off with something silly or meaningless to disarm a pony, and then move in with the hard stuff. A pony, especially a five year old, could throw another pony off of their mental balance with the right questions. Sumac wanted answers. Everypony, his mother included, were all looking at Gosling as he paddled around in the pond.

“We prayed to you and I felt strange. Why?” Sumac stared upwards at his monarch, his eyes blinking behind his smudged, dirty glasses. Clinging to his horn, Boomer yawned. Sumac forced his brain to calm down and collect itself so he could ask the right questions and not look stupid. He hated looking stupid.

“Oh dear…” Princess Celestia shook her head. “That’s been happening more and more lately, and it seems to be centered around Gosling. My most sincere apologies, Sumac, but I fear that I do not have an answer as to what is going on. It is a mystery to me.”

Squinting, Sumac tried to figure out if the princess had lied to him. She seemed honest, but it was hard to tell. He didn’t want to come right out and accuse her of lying, but he desperately wanted the truth. The moment of prayer had been a life changer for him, and he wanted to make sense of it.

“Honest Apple?” Sumac asked, invoking the most sacred oath he knew.

“Oh!” Celestia looked startled. She yanked her helmet off of her head and it drifted beside her, near the hammer. “Oh, you went there, did you?” Snorting, she lowered her head down until her lips were almost touching Sumac’s ear, which twitched and fidgeted as she breathed on it. After taking a deep breath, she whispered, “I am an Apple too. Honest Apple.

Mouth falling open, Sumac’s legs wobbled as he looked up at his princess. She wasn’t lying. His brain went on red alert, trying to figure out how that worked and what to do about this new knowledge. “Are you… are you my grandmother?”

Lifting her head, Celestia drew herself up to her full height. She looked left, then she looked right, as if she was checking to see who might have been around, and then she returned her attention to Sumac. She lowered her head once more and kept going, right up to the point where her snoot bumped into Sumac’s.

“Boop!” Celestia’s whisper was a little theatrical. “I love to boop my distant grandfoals.”

“Are you teasing me again?” Sumac asked in a reverent, whispering voice.

“Oh, many, many times have I contributed to the Apple bloodline,” Celestia replied, her muzzle just inches from Sumac’s. “Their connection to the sun allows them to grow the best apples, and they get just a little bit of my strength, too.” Celestia let out an almost foalish sounding giggle and shook her head. “But these aren’t the questions you wanted to ask me, Sumac Apple. I do believe you are trying to disarm me. Trixie taught you well.”

Blushing, Sumac turned away and looked down at the ground as his glasses once again fogged over. He felt a little outsmarted, but he wasn’t about to give up. He had one very important question that he had to ask. Summoning his courage, he looked up and stared Princess Celestia in the eye.

“What do you know of destiny?”

“The lantern awakened you.”

“How did you know?” Confused, Sumac tried to make sense of things, and had a glimmer of understanding that he was in over his head. Now, the question remained, and he was stuck not knowing if Celestia would tease him and avoid answering, or if she would tell him, but do so in a way that he didn’t understand it.

“I felt a ripple in the astral realms, and it was focused upon you. For a time, you had a form of second sight. You saw the world as I see the world.” Reaching out with her wing, Celestia touched Sumac’s cheek. “What you saw troubled you, yes? Filled you with questions?”

“Yes,” Sumac admitted.

“You saw too small a picture”—Celestia once again touched her snoot to Sumac’s—“without understanding what it was that you were seeing. That’s dangerous, Sumac Apple. It can twist and distort the views of one not ready to take in what they saw. You have hurt yourself, without even realising injury and I suppose it falls upon me to try and patch up your booboos.”

“I’m hurt?” Sumac didn’t understand, not at all.

“Your perceptions have forever been altered, and not in the best of ways. Given time, it could retard your growth.” Celestia’s voice was loving, gentle, and kind. “You saw something you were not ready to see, without knowing the context. Now, your concept of ordinary and extraordinary have been forever changed.”

“I saw Pebble as an alicorn.”

“I know.”

“You know?”

“Of course I know.”

“So what does it mean? What is destiny?”

“Destiny is a seed… an apple seed. Given the right conditions, it grows and becomes something magnificent. Not every seed that is planted grows, but some do. Many do. But some grow up to become something special.”

“Like a zap apple tree?” Sumac asked, trying to understand. “They’re different than an apple tree.”

“That works for our purposes,” Celestia replied, her brows furrowing. “Maybe.”

“Keep going,” Sumac begged.

“Destiny is a funny and complex thing, but it all comes down to living up to your potential. All of it. Let me show you something, Sumac Apple, but you must never speak of this.”

“Honest Apple!”

“Yes, Sumac, Honest Apple. Invoke the ancient magic that I have instilled in your kind, for that magic comes from me… I was once the Element of Honesty, you know. Now, take a deep breath…”

Doing as he was told, he sucked in wind, waited, and blinked his eyes. Celestia’s horn touched his, with Boomer lifting up her leg so that Celestia might make contact. He felt a spark and he felt Boomer wiggle, as she too felt the magic. There was a brief instant of pain just behind his eyes, almost like an ice cream headache. He recovered, and blinked again…

And the world was a very different place. He felt his head being turned by some outside force, and he found himself looking at Pebble. Once again, he saw the alicorn Pebble as well as the regular Pebble, but he also saw—Maud. She too, had an alicorn aspect. Octavia also had an alicorn doppleganger.

The world came into sharp focus, and Sumac saw lots of ponies who were hidden alicorns all around him. Gosling had an alicorn aspect. Ponies Sumac didn’t know had them, pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns. Mister Cake, who was pulling a wagon behind him, had one. The world was full of hidden alicorns, perhaps just waiting to happen. Sumac didn’t understand any of it. His eyes found Twilight Velvet and sure enough, she too, had an alicorn aspect.

Most peculiar of all, was Trixie, who hadn’t had wings when he had looked at her earlier this very day. He stared at his mother, feeling befuddled and confused. What was going on? Why had she changed? What had changed her? Why was she different now? A million questions rose up in his mind and threatened to overwhelm him.

“Trixie had an awakening upon the train. She began to believe. Oh, she knew that she had potential, but on the train ride home, she began to believe in earnest.” Celestia’s lips brushed up against Sumac’s ear as she spoke and it quivered at her touch.

Sumac took everything in, trying to comprehend how he now saw the world. His mother had changed, which meant that… he could change. He did not yet have an alicorn aspect of his own, but he could, later. The thought humbled him.

As he tried to process what he was seeing, his gaze fell upon Tarnish. Now, Sumac didn’t know Tarnish all that well, but he knew that Tarnish was a hero. Tarnish was brave, Sumac had heard stories. Sure, Tarnish had been in trouble, but being in trouble didn’t stop one from having potential, did it?

“Your thoughts are very troubled,” Celestia whispered. “They concern me. For being so young, you have such a meaningful understanding of the world around you. No, Tarnish is not held back because he got himself into trouble. No… Tarnish’s trouble is his self confidence, which is made of glass. It holds him back more than anything. Mister Teakettle can be very, very brave for others, but when it comes to himself, he quite easily succumbs to his fear.”

“Octavia… what makes her so special?” Sumac asked, changing the subject, and feeling as though he had invaded something very private and personal about Tarnish.

“Inspiration.” Celestia breathed the word. “She does not shy away from anything. Good, bad, pleasure, suffering, she embraces it all and allows every fibre of her being to experience it She takes those experiences, internalises them, and makes them beautiful. That is where her music comes from. More than that, she inspires others. So many find themselves and their own potential through her music. So many come to terms with who and what they are by listening to the music that she creates. Aside from that, Octavia’s inspiration has saved the lives of so many.”

“Saved their lives?” Sumac blinked and tilted his head as he looked at Octavia, who seemed to be comforting Pebble at the moment.

“Many, many suicides have been prevented by her music. She has no idea. But many have found the inspiration to keep living after tragic, painful events. Octavia has embraced her inspiration, and by doing so, she has changed the lives of those around her. It is not enough to embrace what makes you special for your own benefit.”

“And what of Pebble?” Sumac asked.

“Sumac, while I know that you would never intentionally break your promise to remain silent about this, she is your friend. Secrets tend to slip out among friends. I am sorry, little one, but Pebble must remain a mystery to you.” Using her wing, Celestia stroked Sumac’s cheek. “I will tell you this one thing though, she realised her potential on the day that she met you. You brought out the very best in her, Sumac Apple, and that is, perhaps, the single greatest act that a best friend can do for another.”

Eyes watering, Sumac wasn’t sure if he wanted to start crying again. He had already cried far too much today, and yesterday. “What about Maud?”

“Maud is The Rock.” Celestia nodded her head. “She is The Rock for so many, Tarnish first and foremost, but also for her friends, her family, and those closest to her. She has realised her potential and she has embraced it. It defines her existence and she knows who, and what, she is. And if you let her, she will be The Rock for you as well. Your life will be greatly improved if you give her a chance to be your friend.”

“There is so many.” Sumac felt very small and tiny as he looked at the world around him with now opened eyes. “There are just so many. Mister Cake… he’s… I can’t even imagine what it might be, but it must be something wonderful. We all have… we all have this greatness in us… and… and… I guess… we just… have to… believe in ourselves?”

“That’s part of it, Sumac Apple. Now, I think you’ve seen enough. I bet that you are one tired little foal and it is way past your bedtime—”

“No, I don’t want to sleep!” Sumac’s entire mood shifted and he became panicked. “Bad dreams… falling… no… no… I don’t want to sleep!”

Letting out a sad sigh, Celestia pressed her lips to Sumac’s ear and kissed him. “Little Sumac, as long as you cling to this fear, you will be held back. It will stunt your growth and keep you from what you are meant to be.”

“But I fell! It wasn’t my fault! The ground was rushing up and everything was just…” Sumac’s words trailed off. He shook his head. “I don’t want to dream about it again.”

“Sumac Apple… I shall ask you one question… what good are wings to those afraid to fly?”

“But Pebble has realised her potential and she’s terrified of leaving the ground!” Sumac’s emotions whiplashed once more and this time, instead of sadness, he felt rage. “That’s not FAIR! IT’S NOT FAIR!” He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to hold back the flood of tears that he knew were coming.

Ashamed, his neck on fire and his guts churning, Sumac was unable to hold it back. Everything boiled out and he let out a foalish wail of agony. As he collapsed within himself and began sobbing, he felt himself lifted in magic that felt like warm sunshine against his body. Filled with bitterness, seething with rage, Sumac bawled and let everything out in a flood.

Author's Note:

:trollestia: - :heart:

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