• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 72

There were some who thought that the Canterlot cemetery and its catacombs were a spooky place, but Sumac wasn’t among their number. In a noisy, bustling city, this place was an island of calm and quiet. It was located on the lowest level of Canterlot, below the residential areas, snug up against the Canterhorn Peak itself. The catacombs were dug into the mountains and there was an inviting open gate that beckoned visitors to come and explore.

With the wedding of the century happening tomorrow, the cemetery was the last place that anypony wanted to be, and that suited Sumac just fine. He didn’t mind that the place was deserted. Once past the gate, he roamed the headstones with Pebble just behind him, looking for anything that might be interesting. There were graves in the ground and above ground crypts, all of which formed a special little city of its own, complete with buildings and neighborhoods.

It wasn’t long until he found just what he was looking for, a headstone covered in copious words. It was in places just like this that he had learned to read and honed his skill to what it was now. Sitting down in the grass, he made himself comfortable and settled in for a read as Pebble sat down beside him.

Captain Resplendent Valour was a father of eight that raised five fine stallions and three excellent mares, all of whom served in the guard, just as their father did. Two of his sons and one of his daughters met their end before he did. He also outlived his wife, also a member of the guard, and her name was Liberty Sparks. Blinking, Sumac took it all in. The tiny shoe by Resplendent Valour’s name marked him as an earth pony, while the tiny horn symbol by Liberty Sparks’ name showed that she was a unicorn. Looking about, he found her grave right next to her husband’s, or rather, he found a memorial marker, an indicator that there had been no body to bury.

With a solemn nod, he acknowledged the sacrifices that had been made as he pulled out a sheet of paper and a charcoal rod. Holding these up in the air, he used his magic to clean up the headstone a bit, cleaning away a bit of moss, some bird droppings, and some caked on filth. A clean stone made for a better rubbing. Placing the paper over the headstone, he held it in place with his magic and began rubbing with the charcoal. Soon enough, he had a fine example of a rubbing, which he rolled up and slid inside of a fireproofed scroll tube.

It was the first of his new collection, and something that he treasured.

Sighing, he pulled away a few weeds from around the headstone and then he smiled, feeling satisfied with what he had done. He had a piece of history, the headstone looked a little better, and the area around it was a little tidier. He looked around to see what the adults were up to and squinted in their direction. Vinyl was sitting on the edge of a blanket under a parasol with Octavia beside her. Trixie and Lemon Hearts were unpacking their bags, pulling out books and other things. Unicorns brought civilisation with them wherever they went, or so Sumac had been told.

Fox was prowling about the edges of the cemetery, along with other guards.

Turning about, Sumac faced Pebble, who seemed fascinated by the headstones, and after a moment of staring at her, she turned to face him. Still a little cranky, still feeling out of sorts, feeling afraid, insecure, and exhausted, looking into Pebble’s eyes made him feel better.

“Thank you, Pebble.”

“For what?”

“For introducing me to Octavia and Vinyl.”

“Oh.” Pebble made a slow blink. “Octavia had a long talk with me about that. She said it was good for my character development to so thoughtfully think about another pony’s needs and desires, then trying to figure out how to do what was good for them. I’ll confess, I’m selfish and too focused upon myself and my own desires.”

Blinking, Sumac had no idea how to respond. Sometimes, Pebble said things that went right over his head, like now. She was weird, but he liked her. A warm fuzzy feeling prickled the back of his neck and his ears stood up as he became aware of the fact that he was staring into Pebble’s eyes.

Picking up his gear, Sumac moved on, off to find another headstone. He didn’t have to go very far and Pebble was right behind him. Ears perking, he heard laughter from where the adults were sitting and he could hear Lemon Hearts mention Boomer’s name. The little dragon had eaten too much curry and was now in a food coma while she digested her gluttonous indulgence.

As he traipsed about, he thought about Night Light’s explanation that Boomer’s constant eating and subsequent napping was fueling her brain development. Soon, like Spike, she would have an explosion of intelligence and would test the patience of everypony around her by asking a million questions about everything.

With a sigh, he plopped himself down in front of a promising headstone. It was large, well decorated, and covered in words. Here lies Stubby Tailwind, brought down one piece at a time. What followed was a list of injuries and losses that Stubby endured while in the guard. An ear, an eye, the other ear, his right front leg, his left wing, and then after all of that, he was cloven in half by a diamond dog while defending a settlement of farmers. Humming to himself, Sumac cleaned up Stubby’s headstone, using his telekinesis to peel away moss, lichen, and dirt. He pulled out a fresh sheet of paper, pressed it to the stone, held it in place with his magic, and using his charcoal, he made a rubbing, capturing Stubby’s story on paper. A pony like Stubby deserved to be remembered.

“Ouch,” Pebble remarked in a very matter-of-fact way. “Stubby had a rough life.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think he ever gave up. He died in service, which meant that he was still in the guard after losing a leg and a wing and his other bits.” With great care, Sumac rolled up the rubbing and slid it into the scroll tube with the other.

“Some ponies just don’t know when to quit.” After a moment, Pebble added, “I meant that as a compliment. I would never disrespect Stubby or ponies like him. Not after what my father has gone through. He’s not a soldier, but he fights the good fight.”

“Trixie is a member of Sparkle’s Spartans… I don’t even understand what that means exactly, but I am proud of her.” Sumac began to look around for other promising headstones. “I don’t think I’m cut out to be a hero. I’m too emotional and I get too worked up by just about everything.”

“I think you are selling yourself short,” Pebble replied. “Emotions can be controlled. Dealt with. But I think I’m the last pony to be talking about that, as I have a temper problem. I don’t know what I want to be. I like cooking, but I also like teaching. I mean, I really like teaching. It’s satisfying.”

“It’s funny… I have something in common with Lemon. She’s not cut out to be a hero either. In a way, it kinda makes me feel better. I dunno.” Sumac shrugged and continued to look around as the warm autumn sunshine shone down upon him.

“You’re five,” Pebble deadpanned. “A lot can happen as you grow up. Give it some time and don’t sell yourself short.” Reaching out her hoof, she poked Sumac in the back. “That said, if adventure and heroism really isn’t your thing, that’s fine too. Just don’t sell yourself short.”

“What does that even mean?” Sumac asked.

After thinking about it for a moment, Pebble shrugged. “I have no idea. But Octavia, my mother, and my father all say it to each other and to me. Most of the time, it is said to my father when he’s having one of his moments.”

“It’s funny, Pebble, thinking about your father having problems. I mean, he’s supposed to be this great brave hero. This grand adventurer. He goes off and does amazing things with Daring Do.” Sumac once more found himself looking into Pebble’s eyes and he felt his neck growing warm again, but not from anger. He couldn’t help but think that Pebble looked soft and he wanted to touch her.

“I don’t know what to make of it either.” Pebble blinked a few times and then turned away from Sumac as her cheeks darkened a bit. Reaching up with her foreleg, she rubbed her muzzle with the side of her fetlock and then put her hoof back down upon the ground. “My father, he really doesn’t think about himself from what my mother says, which is why we have to look after him. She had a long talk with me just the other day. I can’t prey upon his insecurity anymore, even unintentionally. I haven’t figured it all out just yet.”

“I think Trixie has some confidence issues, but I also think she is getting better.” Turning his head about, Sumac gazed at his mother, watching as she laughed with Lemon. It made him happy to see them laughing together. He wanted both of them to be happy and he wanted to be happy with them. “Pebble, I don’t remember what it is was like having both a mother and a father around. I’m having a harder and harder time remembering Flam and Belladonna, my parents. Every day, my memories of them fade a little more. I’m not sure, but I think I want a family again.”

Pebble didn’t reply, but sat there staring at the adults with Sumac.

As the carriage rumbled down the cobblestone streets of Canterlot, Vinyl Scratch held up her somewhat battered and abused slate, which she had written a few words on in orange chalk. She pushed it in front of Fox’s face and made a few mute grunts to emphasise her pressing need.

We need to stop at a toy store.

Raising an eyebrow, Fox studied the mute mare for a moment, then looked over at Pebble and Sumac. After a few seconds, he opened the side window, leaned his head out, and then said something to the guards about stopping at a toy store. He then pulled his head back inside, closed the window, and smiled at Vinyl, but did so without being flirty.

“Vinyl, why a toy store? Can’t you buy stuff for your pranks at another time?” Octavia gave a nudge to Vinyl with her elbow and her muzzle crinkled in concern. Turning to face Fox, who sat across from her, she said in a low voice, “I’m sorry, Fox, sometimes, she gets into a certain mood and she just cannot be reasoned with. She probably wants sneezy powder, fart lozenges, or more crazy candies.”

Reaching out one hoof and moving like an old mare, Vinyl booped Octavia on the nose. She then held up her slate, which had the following written upon it. Later, you’re going to wear the clown nose and the rainbow wig with that polkadotted bow tie.

“Vinyl…” Octavia rolled her eyes and shook her head, knowing it was no use to scold her mate. Her cheeks darkened and then she whispered, “I left that in Ponyville.”

Which is why we must stop at the toy store, Vinyl wrote on her slate, her chalk squealing.

The carriage filled with the sound of Octavia’s tittering, and she was joined by Lemon. Sumac, feeling awkward, didn’t even want to think about what was going on as he squirmed in his seat and did his best to avoid looking at Pebble. It was better not to think about it.

The very first thing that Sumac saw when he entered the toy store was a steam powered train that puffed out black clouds of soot. He froze up in the doorway and didn’t move. With a gentle nudge, it was Lemon that moved him out of the way and uncorked the entry. Now, he stood near the door, just staring with wide eyes. He hadn’t been in too many toy stores too often, as extreme poverty didn’t allow for much in the way of consumeristic free-for-alls in a toy store.

It was difficult to take everything in. Sumac just stood there, stupefied, and unable to move. His attention focused on a Twilight Sparkle doll that wet itself after you gave it a bottle. Standing there, blinking, he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that. Princess Twilight Sparkle, the box made it clear that she was a princess, she even had a crown and everything, drinking a bottle and wetting herself. Sumac was at a total loss for words to say for Princess Pee-Pee Twilight Sparkle.

Hey, go and pick out a stuffy to help you sleep better. Vinyl’s slate appeared right in front of his face and Sumac blinked several times while he stared at it, reading the words that had been written upon it. He didn’t know how to respond to this either. He didn’t need a stuffy. Colts didn’t play with dolls. Brows furrowing, Sumac took a step back from the slate.

“No, I don’t think I need one. I’m not some baby foal. I’m not a scaredy cat.”

The words on Vinyl’s slate were wiped away and replaced with the following. Do I need to knock the stupid out of you?

Shocked, Sumac looked up from the words and peered at Vinyl’s face. He was unable to see through her dark glasses and he had trouble telling if she was joking or serious. “What?”

More words were scribbled in a hurry. I mean it, I will get you when you least expect it. A big pillow right to the kisser should knock some of the stupid right out of you. Don’t know what to do about the rest of it though.

Wide eyes narrowing, Sumac stared at the small fine print all crammed onto the small slate. Something told him that this was no idle threat, that Vinyl would wait until his guard was down and then she would lay waste to him. She was sneaky, he had seen far too much evidence of that. Now looking up again, he considered his position and thought about the fact that he might need to humour her to get out of this. But… he wasn’t some baby foal and he didn’t need a stuffy.

“She’ll do it, Sumac. She’ll knock the stupid right out of you. She did it to me once. I haven’t been stupid since.” Pebble’s expression was unreadable and her blank stare was piercing. “She got Daddy once too. She made a pillow tornado indoors and he couldn’t run away from it. She got him. Daddy didn’t get the message though, and he continues to be stupid now and again.”

Octavia was sniggering and Sumac stood there, silent, not knowing what to say.

Pick out a stuffy, my apprentice, or face my wrath. Holding up her slate, Vinyl’s mouth was a thin, tight pressed line. The albino unicorn loomed over Sumac, menacing him, and waited for him to comply with her instructions. To get him moving, she wiped away the words on her slate and then drew a pillow slamming into a unicorn stick pony. A large jagged edged chunk labeled ‘stupid’ flew out of the stick unicorn’s head and then Vinyl drew a storm cloud with lightning bolts that was raining pillows.

“I need to find a filly’s room!” Lemon Hearts, laughing like a loon, took off through the toy store, scattering other ponies before her as she headed towards the back.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” Sumac said as he worried about his brain becoming dislodged and shooting out of his ear. He glanced around and spotted a display of princess plushies. There were also bears, bunnies, stuffed farm animals, and even stuffed monsters. But the princess plushies caught his attention.

Dejected, ears down and tail sagging, he slumped over to the princess display to have a better look. He might be five years old, but he didn’t need a stuffy to sleep with, he didn’t need a night light, and he wasn’t scared of the dark because he had a horn that could make light. Lifting his head up high, he was just able to get his chin over the edge of the wooden bin where the princess plushies were all piled up.

He spotted a Celestia with a messy mane and a regal smile stitched into her muzzle. Seeing it made him think of the real Princess Celestia. She wanted him to join the guard so her own soldiers would be stronger. Thinking about this gave him pause and he stared at stuffy Celestia’s stitched smile. Now, he found something menacing about it and looking at it gave him the creeps. The toy had an odd quality to it that unnerved him. Perhaps it was the button eyes.

Maybe a bear might be better.

Stuffed Twilight Sparkle seemed to be popular as there were very few of them left in the bin. He liked Twilight, but he wasn’t so sure that he wanted to sleep with her. Besides, if he got in trouble again, which seemed likely with how his moods had been, he would have to write an essay, which would be impossible with stuffy Twilight Sparkle watching him.

He turned a cross, accusing stare upon stuffy Luna, suspecting that it was she who was giving him bad dreams involving falling and hot crossed buns. With an absent minded twitch of his ears, he rubbed his backside with his hoof as he thought about Granny Smith and her hankering for some spankering. Nope, he didn’t want a Luna stuffy in bed with him, as she would no doubt make everything worse.

Which left… Princess Busybody herself. His gaze fell upon a Cadance stuffy looking up at him. Cadance alone didn’t seem to have sinister ulteriour motives involving him, the worst she had done was spy on him somehow. Head turning, he looked over at Trixie, then back at Cadance. He really wanted Trixie to find love and be happy. Yes, Cadance was the patron princess of special someponies and for Sumac, that suited him just fine.

“Go on, Sumac, make a choice. I’ll keep Vinyl from teasing you and we’ll all support your choice of princess.” Octavia sidled up closer to Sumac and waited for him to choose.

“Twilight Sparkle is a good choice for a princess,” Trixie said, “but the fact that she is my boss may influence my decision.”

“Princess Luna knows what it is like to have a temper.” Pebble’s words were somewhat cryptic and she didn’t elaborate. Rearing up onto her hind legs, Pebble plucked a Luna plushie out, held it in the crook of her right foreleg, and then stroked Luna’s mane with her left fetlock. “I feel silly and out of place asking for a toy, but may I?”

“Of course, Pebble,” Octavia replied in a soft voice. “I think we’d all feel better if you’d act like a foal sometimes.”

Feeling more than a little self conscious, Sumac plucked the pink pony princess from the display bin. At least dark blue was a masculine colour. A powerful tickle-prickle crept up his neck and he shivered, almost dropping Cadance back into the bin.

Oh great, now we need to keep him away from Pebble for sure. Vinyl held up her slate and she shook with silent laughter.

“Vinyl, stop that!” Octavia demanded. “Look at him, this is very awkward for him.”

With a snort of annoyance, Vinyl focused her bespectacled stare upon Octavia. There was some sort of silent exchange that Sumac was aware of, but he didn’t know what was being said. Vinyl wiped her slate clean and then poked Octavia on the nose with a piece of orange chalk, leaving behind a dusty smudge.

Then, in a hurry, she scribbled out a few words on her slate, which she held out for Sumac to see. You made a fine choice, don’t sweat it. Keep in mind that I am a silly pony. Now, come on, help me shop for prank supplies for the wedding.

“Vinyl…” Octavia whined, “must you be so awful?”

Author's Note:

If a character has his pick of princesses to sleep with, does that make him a Gary Stu?

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