• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 27

There was something lumpy between Sumac’s head and his pillow. It took him a few sleepy and confused seconds to figure out that it was his mane. He slid his head around against his pillowcase, trying to smooth his mane out to get rid of the lumps. As he did this, he felt two forelegs grab him and pull him closer.

A moment later, there was a somewhat damp snuffle against his ear, then a kiss. He didn’t mind. He was hurting, it was more than soreness, he was groggy and had a headache. He had trouble remembering last night and a good part of yesterday afternoon.

“I’ve been so worried about you,” Trixie said in a low whisper and her lips tickled Sumac’s ear, causing it to twitch. “Kiddo, I know you must be hurting. How about I help you get to the bathroom, then get you some breakfast, and then I’ll get you some pain medicine… does that sound good?”

“Thirsty,” Sumac croaked, and it hurt to speak. He didn’t bother trying to say anything else. His mouth was dry, too dry, so dry that his tongue felt as though it would crack open if he kept moving it.

“I know… the pain medicine will make you thirsty.” There was another kiss followed by a gentle squeeze. “You’ll be okay though. Pebble is downstairs, and Cinnamon was brought here a little after midnight. He’s pretty messed up too.”

Sumac blinked a few times and even his eyes felt dry. He could feel his eyelids scraping over his eyeballs. He wanted a drink more than anything else in the whole wide world. He coughed, then wished that he hadn’t, as the scratchy feeling in his throat was agonising. He had a feeling that it was going to be a rough morning.

Sitting at the table, Sumac leaned against the edge and rested his forelegs on either side of his plate. He had already guzzled down two glasses of apple juice and was working on a third. He hadn’t said much of anything to Pebble or Cinnamon.

Cinnamon’s hind leg was wrapped in a bandage and secured against his body to keep it immobilised. The colt looked miserable, he looked as miserable as Sumac felt, which was pretty miserable. Even in his current state, Sumac felt bad for Cinnamon. He didn’t know what was going on, he had trouble remembering the events of yesterday.

Sitting on the edge of the table near Pebble, Boomer begged the filly for food, which Pebble provided. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, Pebble was the only foal present that didn’t look like a miserable lump. She was still wearing her nightgown.

“What took so long for them to bring Cinnamon to us?” Pebble asked.

Looking up from a cup of breakfast tea, Lemon Hearts addressed the question that Pebble had asked. “He stayed in the hospital for a while for observation, and then nice Warden Wormwood visited him and they had a talk.” She looked over at the colt sitting across the table from her. “Somepony from foal services will be by today to check in on him.”

“I like Wormwood,” Cinnamon said in a groggy voice. “He was nice to me and brought me a bottle of Celestia~Cola. He said it was his favourite and I liked it too.”

Somewhat bleary eyed, it had been a long night for Trixie, the blue mare nodded her head. “I think I’ve come to like Wormwood. It’s strange, I was so scared of him, but last night… last night, he showed me how others see me.” She looked over at Sumac, her eyes distant, and it took several long seconds before she continued, “He gave me the proof that I’ve been craving… needing… that others think of me as a good pony. I know it sounds silly, but I worry so much about how others see me… if they’ve noticed that I’ve changed. If they can see that I’m trying to do good. And he showed me… he showed me what others think… they think that I’m a good mother and somehow, that makes everything better.”

“A good mother, a good friend, and a good mare,” Lemon Hearts said as she turned her head to look Trixie in the eye. “I suppose we all need a little convincing of our own goodness from time to time.”

“Yeah.” Trixie slumped down on the couch, there was no room for her at the table, lifted up her teacup, and took of sip of breakfast tea.

Even in his groggy, disoriented state, Sumac could sense that something was different about Trixie. Something had changed. Something had happened, but what it was, he didn’t know. Last night was a blur. He had a vague memory of a ginormous bat winged pegasus visiting them.

Using his telekinesis, he slipped his straw between his lips and kept drinking. As he slurped down more apple juice, he lifted up a thick, sticky piece of pancake, tearing it off, and held it out for Boomer, who let out a happy trilling sound when she saw it. Sumac was hungry, but he wasn’t sure if he could swallow something doughy and sticky, like pancakes, but he didn’t say anything. He would try to do so in a bit, once he had more to drink.

Grabbing the bite of food in her fingers, Boomer’s maw opened wide and she crammed the entire sticky lump right in, then her tongue darted out to lick her fingers. When she swallowed, the big lump could be seen sliding down her narrow neck.

Taking a more direct approach, Boomer, who was still hungry, opened her mouth wide, gave Sumac the saddest eyes she could muster, and then pointed down her gullet with her finger as her tail swished behind her. Her pantomime couldn’t make it any clearer—she was hungry and wanted more food. Sumac rewarded her by tearing off a huge chunk of his pancakes, which lay steaming on the plate in front of him.

“She’s smart,” Lemon Hearts said as she watched Boomer eating.

“I can’t wait until she talks.” Pebble pushed her now empty plate away and rested her front hooves upon the edge of the table. “Thank you.”

“Oh, you’re very welcome, Pebble,” Lemon Hearts replied. “Oh goodness, I need to get to work. Trixie… good luck looking after the little ones.” Eyes narrowing, a sly smile spread over Lemon Hearts’ face. “Say, Trixie… tell me… how do you feel about looking after a houseful of foals?”

Not knowing what to say, Trixie shrugged, but said nothing in return.

Looking up from her book, Trixie stared at the front door. Somepony was knocking. She blinked, startled, and realised that time had slipped away from her while she had been studying magic. She rose from her chair, her knees creaking, and winced when her bad leg popped.

She glanced over at the couch, where the three foals sat, Sumac appeared to be half asleep, Cinnamon was awake but glassy eyed, and Pebble was reading to the both of them in a low, monotonous voice that sounded an awful lot like her mother’s.

Horn glowing, she pulled open the front door, then stood with her mouth agape, rather surprised by who she saw. Trixie took a step back away from the door, making room for her guests to enter, and she said, “Hello Twilight Velvet. I’m surprised to see you here.”

“Previous directors spent too much time behind a desk. I’m trying to remedy that.” Twilight Velvet stepped inside, moved out of the way, and then turned her head to look at Trixie as Wormwood entered and stood beside her. “Twilight told me to tell you that you’re getting paid for today, Miss Lulamoon.”

“Oh.” Trixie backed away, tilted her head back, and looked up at Wormwood. “Good morning, Wormwood. Something tells me you haven’t had much sleep.”

“No.” Wormwood grinned and then adjusted his dark glasses.

“Poor guy.” Trixie clucked her tongue. “It’s nice seeing you, Wormwood, don’t get the wrong idea, but why are you here?”

“He’s my trainee,” Twilight Velvet replied.

“What?” Trixie did a double take. “What?”

“Warden Wormwood is set to retire in just a few weeks.” Twilight Velvet grinned. “He’ll be joining foal services as a social worker and foal fetcher.”

“Oh, Trixie sees…”

Moving past Trixie, Twilight Velvet made a beeline for the couch. She smiled at the foals, a warm, sincere, loving smile, and then sat down on the floor in front of them as Pebble closed her book. She cleared her throat, made herself comfortable, and then looked Cinnamon in the eye.

“It’s good that you have your friends with you,” she said in a smooth, soothing voice. “I have some good news for you, Cinnamon. Now, I know that everything is scary right now and there is a lot to go through during this transition, but everything will be okay. You have your friends, you have nice ponies like Trixie and Lemon Hearts who are willing to help you, and best of all, you have a family member coming to look after you.”

The colt blinked, looking surprised. “But my father said that my family didn’t want anything to do with me.” Cinnamon looked confused and a bit hurt as he spoke.

Hearing the colt’s words, Twilight Velvet’s smile vanished. “That’s not true. Your father’s family didn’t want anything to do with him, but they’ve been worried about you. Now, they can’t all come out here and look after you, and I don’t think that you want to go and live with them, because you have friends here and you worked very hard to get into Twilight’s school.”

Cinnamon nodded.

“You have an aunt, your father’s younger sister… she’s a little young, but she’s at that age when she wants to leave home and make her way in the world. She’s agreed to come to Ponyville, live in your father’s house, and look after you. She’s dying to get to know you.”

“Really?” Cinnamon’s eyes went wide.

“Really.” Twilight Velvet’s head bobbed up and down. “Her name is Cassia and she’s taking a train right now. She’ll be here late tonight.” The older mare lowered her head until she was down at Cinnamon’s eye level. “Cinnamon, your father, he won’t be coming back. I think you know this already, as Wormwood spoke to you last night. Your father is sick… he’s very, very sick. The alcohol has made him ill. He’s going to be going away so he can get better, but once he’s better, he’s not going to be allowed to come and see you until you are an adult. When you are an adult, you can make a choice to see him, if you would like, or you can just move on with your life. I know this is going to be very, very difficult for you, but you have friends who will help you. And you will have Wormwood to talk to, if you feel troubled. He’s going to be posted here in Ponyville.”

Moving into the kitchen, Trixie began to prepare tea for her guests, all while watching Twilight Velvet interact with Cinnamon. There was something very maternal about the whole thing, and she hoped that she might pick up or learn something from Twilight’s mother. After all, Twilight Velvet had raised two ponies that had become royalty, so she had to have exceptional motherhood skills, or so Trixie reasoned.

Cinnamon, who had something of a smile on his face, turned and looked at Pebble. “I have an aunt that wants to meet me.”

“I have aunts. You’ll like having one. It’s like having a spare mother around and they usually say yes when your mother says no, because they want to be your friend, rather than your parent.” Pebble’s head swiveled and she looked at Twilight Velvet. She didn’t say anything, but she just stared at the middle aged mare with a peculiar expression upon her face.

“Indeed.” Twilight Velvet chuckled a bit, then returned her attention to Cinnamon. “Now, I need you to be a very good little colt. Cassia is scared to death. She’s never lived on her own before, this is her first time leaving home. She desperately wants to prove to the world that she is all grown up. She also wants to meet you. She’s only heard stories about you. So I need for you to be the very best colt that you can be to make her life easier while she adjusts. Can you do that for me?”

“Yeah.” Cinnamon nodded, then turned and looked up Wormwood. “If she gets scared, can she go to you for help?”

The big brute of a pegasus nodded, then sniffed as the fragrant scent of tea filled the air. He smiled, revealing his fangs, cleared his throat, and then Wormwood said, “I’ll be checking up on you twice a week. I’m going to make sure you keep your room clean. I’m on to you, Mister.”

A fearful expression crept over Cinnamon’s face and he gulped.

“I’d keep your room clean,” Twilight Velvet suggested. “Cleaning up after yourself would probably help Cassia adjust to being your caretaker. Think you can do that?”

Turning to look at Twilight Velvet, Cinnamon nodded. “I can keep my room clean and I can do dishes too.”

“Good.” Twilight Velvet smiled. “You know, I think everything is going to be fine…”

Author's Note:

Have a nice read, folks.


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