• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 112

“Wake up, sleepyhead, you have to go to class.” Hearing Trixie’s voice, Sumac squirmed in the bed, his head full of hazy memories of the wedding that lasted forever. Nocturnal pegasus ponies liked to party all night and Sumac had stayed up way past his bedtime. Squeezing his eyes shut, he chose to ignore what had been said to him and he drifted back into sleep, sandwiched between two warm, fuzzy bodies.

On the verge of sleep, he thought about singing karaoke with Lemon Hearts—that had been embarrassing like nothing else and she had dragged him in front of a crowd to sing. Here she comes now sayin’ pony pony… shoot ‘em down turn around come on pony. Hey, she give me love and I feel all right now... come on you gotta toss and turn and feel alright, yeah, I feel alright… It didn’t help matters none that Lemon Hearts was singing to Trixie of all ponies, which gave Sumac the willies. Something about the song just felt wrong to sing, especially in regards to his own mother of all ponies.

It didn’t matter that the song had ended with a thunderous ovation, hooting, hollering, hoof stomping, and cheering. It was just too embarrassing to even think about and now, on the verge of sleep, Sumac was kept from slipping back into slumber because of the cringe inducing thoughts of what had happened.

There were times when the young colt hated his brain.

It was warm here, squished between two bodies and beneath the blankets. It was the sort of warmth that made one drowsy—it was ideal for sleep—and it made it difficult to get out of the bed. Under most circumstances, with even a hint of consciousness, Sumac would have gone shooting out from between Lemon Hearts and Trixie and would have departed, lickety split, off to recover his dignity.

But he was sleepy.

Being sleepy made it difficult to think about how embarrassing it was to snuggle in bed with your parents, how awkward it was to be sandwiched between the two ponies that loved you most. Somepony, Sumac wasn’t sure who, was silky-soft and was delightful to snuggle against, there was a pleasant, fuzzy friction that caused little crackles of static electricity and the scent of floral soap made lingering on the abyss of sleep rather pleasant.

“Kiddo, wake up.”

This got a snort from Sumac, who failed to make a verbal response.

He had asked Vinyl Scratch how she managed to get records from other worlds and she had answered him. There was a little shop in Canterlot, the very same shop where his mother, Trixie, had purchased the alicorn amulet, and this shop specialised in relics of all types. Vinyl had promised to take him there someday.

Had poor Sumac been awake, he might have been aware that there was trouble lurking, and that trouble came in the form of Lemon Hearts, who had a sort of sleepy looking mischievous expression upon her face. Not quite awake, Sumac felt a muzzle press against his neck and he wiggled a bit as he didn’t want to be kissed and her breath was a bit tickly against his sensitive skin.

There was a sudden loud flatulent sound and Sumac’s eyes flew open as Lemon Hearts blew a raspberry against his neck. Trixie howled with laughter as Sumac kicked his way free from between her and Lemon Hearts, he shot out from beneath the blanket, and landed on the floor with such a clatter that it awoke Boomer, who let out a smoky snort of annoyance.

Clinging to one another, Trixie and Lemon Hearts giggled and laughed as Twinkleshine, who was sleeping in the second bed just a few feet away, let out a groan of annoyance. Now standing in the middle of the room and wide awake, Sumac let out a grumpy grunt as he flicked his tail. Saying nothing, he departed from the room, as he needed to visit the little colt’s room.

Something that was almost a headache lurked just behind Sumac’s eyes and all morning long, his magic sense had been acting wonky. It was getting stronger, his magic sense, and he had noticed in class that just being around his fellow unicorns when they did simple tasks like writing now set it off, which it didn’t do before.

Somewhere in Twilight’s castle, strong magic was being used, and Sumac wanted away from it. He needed a break from the peculiar sensation that being around magic caused. Class had ended early, as Lemon Hearts was called away to attend to something, and now there was independent study, which Sumac didn’t mind. Pebble had gone off to her cooking class and Silver Lining had been coaxed away to attend flying instruction.

The silence of the study hall was disturbed by the door opening and the sound of hooves. Starlight Glimmer entered and Olive was right behind her, following in an obedient, meek manner. Olive had changed a bit and Sumac didn’t mind her now. Starlight Glimmer was the pony he wanted to see though, and he was thankful that he had a chance to catch her.

“Hey, Starlight? Can I ask a few questions? Out in the hallway?”

“Sure, I can spare a moment, I just dropped in to make certain that everypony was studying,” Starlight replied as she cast a cursory glance around the room to satisfy the task she had been given. Raising an eyebrow, she seemed happy enough with what she saw and she gave Sumac her full attention. “Come, let’s have a chat, shall we?”

Looking up, Sumac could not read the expression on Starlight’s face. He had told her everything about his attempts at flight and for a time, he was worried that both Olive and Starlight would laugh at him, but neither did. Olive actually seemed interested in what he had tried, even though he had failed, and she looked puzzled when he explained his difficulty in getting the rug off of the ground when he made his hooves stick to it.

“Sumac, I don’t know how to tell you this, but how I fly isn’t as simple as it looks,” Starlight said, sounding hesitant. “Now, don’t get the wrong idea, I don’t want you to think I’m boasting, and I don’t want to tell you that you can’t do it, but chances are, you’ll not be able to do it the way I do it, but that doesn’t mean you should give up.”

“So how do you do it?” Sumac asked, being direct.

“Well, first, I cancel out the effect of gravity upon my body, which is quite difficult, most unicorns can only do it when surging, but I can control when it happens, and then I use telekinesis to push myself around where I want to go.”

Hearing this, Sumac deflated, knowing that he was licked. He looked at Olive, who was looking up at Starlight with an almost worshipful expression of adoration. Sumac wondered, was Starlight Olive’s first friend? He didn’t dare ask, but he was curious. He sat down on the floor of the hallway, his ears drooping, and he let out a forlorn sigh.

“Sumac, Don’t give up just yet,” Starlight said to the sad looking colt. “You have a knack with electricity… my advice to you is to study physics. Get Pebble to help you, as she already has a pretty good understanding of it. In particular, study magnetism. Master that and you will have more power than you can comprehend.”

“Magnetism?” Sumac asked, not understanding.

“With the power of magnetism, Princess Celestia moves the sun. She can bend light by generating powerful magnetic fields, and I’m almost ninety nine point ninety nine percent certain that she can make herself invisible without using illusion spells, by simply bending light away from her body. Being able to manipulate magnetic fields allows a pony to do, well, all kinds of things. I’m not electrically aligned myself, but I wish I was.”

Intrigued, Sumac’s eyebrow arched.

“Once you can manipulate electromagnetic fields, you’ll be able to levitate ferromagnetic objects without telekinesis, you might even be able to levitate yourself and fly.” Starlight’s eyes narrowed and her lips puckered. “By generating magnetic fields around ferromagnetic objects, you’d be able to create electricity, which in turn would superheat said object, and if the temperature got hot enough, which it should for you, you should be able to instantly liquefy things like steel and iron, and then using electromagnetic fields, you’d be able to shape it like clay, or animate it with a come to life spell and use it as a golem.”

Sumac’s mouth fell open.

“Generate magnetic fields strong enough, and you’d start smashing atoms together, causing them to fuse. The resulting energy release would be devastating to anything around it, and the subsequent radiation bursts would be quite harmful to life. Also, the equine brain and pretty much every brain uses electrical currents, you’d be able to scramble the minds of others with strong electrical pulses and maybe even take over their bodies, which are operated by those electrical pulses sent out by the brain.”

Now it was Olive’s mouth that was hanging open.

“To do any of this, you’d need a pretty solid understanding of physics and magical theory. Power comes to those who understand… even unicorns that might seem to have weak magic are capable of so much more, if only they understood how the natural world works around them.” Starlight looked around the hallway, her eyes darting left and right, and then she looked Sumac in the eye. Now whispering, she said to him, “I’m not as powerful as many ponies think I am, but I understand physics and a number of other natural sciences. Because I’ve learned how to manipulate the natural world around me, I appear to be far more powerful than I really am. There is nothing stopping you from doing the same, Sumac. Power comes to those who seize understanding.”

Again, Starlight’s eyes darted from side to side as she checked to see if any other ponies had shown up at an inopportune moment to hear what she had to say. She shifted on her hooves, her tail flicked a few times, and then she lowered her head to be a bit more eye level with Sumac. “You have shown to have somewhat above average magical talent, Sumac, but who wants to only be somewhat above average? What’s the glory in only being somewhat above mediocre? Who revels in only being slightly better than your peers?”

Ears perking, Sumac was a bit startled by Starlight’s sudden change in demeanour.

“There is no glory in being somewhat above average, Sumac, none at all.” Starlight shook her head and now her voice was little more than a whisper. “With understanding and knowledge, you have a chance to become extraordinary. Power, Sumac… power. As a sorcerer, everypony is going to want to control you, and if you want to have any control over your own life, you’re going to need power. You can be somewhat above average, or you can be in control and have power. Should your enemies try to dominate you or steal you away from those that love you, there is only one thing that can save you.”

“Friendship?” Sumac asked, breathing the word.

“No, silly,” Starlight replied as she smiled, “but that helps and shouldn’t be neglected. Olive, what will save him?”

“Power.” Olive gave a worshipful look to her master and her head bobbed up and down. “Brute force. When words fail and friendship is not enough, there is always brute force to fall back upon, and if you can’t reason with your enemies through kindness and clever words, you can always make them kneel before you in submission after you crush them and break their spirit.”

“That’s right, Olive.” Starlight cast a smirking glance to her student and then her face became serious. “The only thing better than being friends with somepony is protecting them. It’s addictive, Sumac… I get it now. The power to dominate others pales in comparison to the power to save others, and that’s what I’ve been teaching Olive.”

“I have a lot to think about.” Sumac did indeed, have a lot to think about, and his brain was buzzing from everything that had been said. His plans for flight were now forgotten, at least for now, and he had far more pressing matters on his mind.

“I’ll let you get back to your studies,” Starlight said to Sumac. “Hit the books, Sumac. Hard. Have Pebble be your study buddy. If you have any more questions, find me. Ask. I’ll give you answers that the others might not.”


“Oh, and Sumac…”


“Keep this conversation between us, alright?”


“Good colt. Olive, let’s go and finish our rounds.”

Author's Note:

:trollestia: - I watch ponies in the shower.

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