• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 65

Sitting in a small two wheeled cart stuffed between Vinyl Scratch and Pebble, Sumac Apple watched as the ponies of Ponyville worked to put everything back in order. It was, for him, a defining moment in his young life. He had seen an enemy come out of nowhere, assault the very town in which he lived, burn and raze at least half of the town down to the very ground, and now, the ponies of the community were coming together to help one another.

Something about this caused young Sumac’s heart to swell with pride. It made him stronger, it made him grow. While the attack had been quite demoralising to him so far, watching the ponies of Ponyville come together nursed his tender spirit and restored a fiery courage to his heart.

Vinyl was sitting on a pile of cushions to shield her body from the bumps and jostles of the two wheeled cart. Octavia pulled the cart with slow caution, not wanting to hit the bumps, ruts, and debris in the road with any sort of speed, which in turn might cause harm to Vinyl. Beside Octavia, Tarnish walked with a slowed gait so he would not pull ahead. Sumac could not help but notice that Octavia paid attention to the road while Tarnish paid attention to the sky.

Nearby, a group of pegasus ponies lifted up a heavy wooden beam and moved it into place. Once it was in place, a group of earth ponies armed with mallets began pounding wooden pegs, securing the wooden beam to the structure. On the ground, a much older unicorn filly that Sumac did not know levitated the wooden pegs into place for the earth ponies. For Sumac, it was a stunning display of unity, of togetherness.

Lifting his hoof, Sumac waved at a wagon passing in the other direction, a wagon pulled by a pony that Sumac knew as Mister Rich. The wagon was loaded down with stone blocks, wooden beams, and bags of cement. For Sumac, home was now a place rather than a stop upon the road. Home was a fixed location that didn’t change. Home was Ponyville.

Ahead, Princess Celestia loomed large next to a newly constructed building, and Sumac watched as Tarnish veered off to go and talk to her.

The big white alicorn looked tired, there could be no doubt of that. She still wore her armor and the parts of her that were visible were filthy. Somehow, she still looked regal, even covered in soot and grime, with her pelt matted from sweat. Sumac had trouble meeting her gaze, seeing as how he threw a tantrum the last time they spoke.

“Mister Teakettle.” Celestia took a bit of a breather from her tasks and gave Tarnish her full attention. “And how are you on this fine morn?”

Tarnish, who was almost tall enough to stare at Celestia eye to snoot brought himself up to his full height. “Worried about you and thinking that you need a break. You okay, Princess?”

“Call me Celestia, if you please.”

“Well, you do keep calling me Mister Teakettle.”

“Well, you look like a Mister Teakettle. You can’t fault me for calling it as I see it.”

At this point, Sumac realised that Princess Celestia and Tarnish were very silly ponies.

“Vinyl Scratch here has taken on an apprentice,” Tarnish said, trying to be conversational. “He’s sitting next to her in the wagon. I think we’re all in big trouble.” The tall, chocolate brown stallion began to chuckle, which turned into a nervous laugh when he saw that Celestia wasn’t laughing.

In fact, Celestia looked quite worried, and it made Sumac feel alarmed.

“I take it that you don’t approve.” Tarnish appeared to be studying Celestia’s face, looking for some indicator of emotion. Ears perking, Tarnish took a far more aggressive stance and took a step closer to Celestia. “If you don’t approve, just come right out and say it.”

“I never said that I do not approve.” Celestia, whose face had become a passive mask, stood her ground and did not back away from Tarnish, who now stood mere inches from her.

“Tell me, do you blame Vinyl for what I did?”

Sumac heard a sharp inhale from both Octavia and Vinyl.

“No, Tarnish, I blame you for what you did.” Celestia remained impassive.

“I’m not so sure.” Tarnish’s ears pitched forwards and his eyes narrowed. “You know, sometimes, I think that you do. I also think that Twilight blames her too. Why can’t you just talk to me and be honest with me? Why not just tell me the truth? After everything I’ve done for you… after everything that we’ve gone through together, you still can’t be open with me.”

Much to Sumac’s growing worry, guards were coming over now and he could feel the tension in his spine, pushing down on him and making him feel weaker. After seeing and witnessing powerful moments of unity, Sumac did not want to see two old friends start fighting.

“I don’t get you sometimes, Princess. Why can’t you just be direct? Why can’t you just have an opinion? Just spit it out! The rest of us have opinions and you can too! Look, I get it, I really do… Vinyl takes a very different approach to magic and what she does is considered outside of the realms of safe, acceptable wizardry. I’ve been there when the lectures happened. And I really do think that you blame Vinyl for what I did!”


“What did Tarnish do?” Sumac asked, interrupting Princess Celestia, his voice just loud enough to be heard over the brewing argument. The little colt was all too aware of how close the guards were now.

“I did something bad, something evil,” Tarnish replied, his ears drooping as he took a step backwards from Celestia. “I made a mistake that I don’t think I’ll ever live down.”

“I don’t see it that way.” Celestia’s voice was flat and emotionless.

Sumac, confused, felt Vinyl leaning up against him, and he supported her bulk with Pebble’s help.

Tarnish, uncertain, stared at Celestia and his ears drooped even more. He took another step backwards and then another. He stopped when he bumped into Octavia. The guard did nothing to stand down or relax and the tension remained high. Sumac realised that princesses could not have squabbles like normal ponies, the guards got involved.

“Tarnish, you made a mistake when you were overcome with a desire to do good. I know you and I know your heart. You had the best of intentions, which made everything that happened all the more tragic. You made a decision that you should not have made and you took an issue into your own hooves that you should not have. You did however, allow the darkness that lingers in your heart to affect your judgment. You made a mistake that cannot be corrected. Even worse, you made this mistake after you were warned that you were heading down a dark and dangerous path.”

Sighing, Celestia shook her head. “I do not blame Vinyl. I do not agree with Vinyl’s approach to magic, it troubles me, and I will confess, sometimes it frightens me a little how powerful she has become by using her… how shall we say, unique approach to magic. That said, even though I do not agree with her methods, I trust that she will do the right thing, because so far, she has not given me a reason not to trust her. If anything, Vinyl should be credited with keeping you from slipping even further into darkness than you did. She was, after all, the one that stopped you.”

Reaching out a wing, Celestia touched Tarnish on the cheek for a moment, then wiped away a tear that had slipped out. “Mister Teapot, you are still my friend and you have my trust once more. You have paid for your mistake and you now live with a sincere desire to do better. You know the dangers of good intentions and what an overwhelming desire to do good can do to your judgment when mixed with feelings of rage and frustration. I do not think you will go astray from the light ever again. And I trust in Vinyl to keep you on the straight and narrow, even if her methods for magic are peculiar.”

While all of this seemed nice and the squabble seemed to be over, Sumac still didn’t know what Tarnish had done. Frustrated, he thought about saying something, but decided that he didn’t want to ruin the moment. He wondered what it was about Vinyl’s methods of magic that bothered Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle.

“Congratulations, Sumac Apple, once more you find yourself in the company of a worthy master. First Trixie Lulamoon, and now Vinyl Scratch, both of whom were once my students.” Princess Celestia pushed past Tarnish and came over to the cart. Lowering her head, she nosed Vinyl, a soft, tender touch, and then stood there looking at Vinyl. “Tell me, Vinyl, how are you feeling? Are you getting better? I am assuming that it was you that gave Sumac a mohawk. Do you know what his mother will do to him? Or to you, for that matter?”

There was near-silent, wheezing laughter from Vinyl, who leaned forwards and pressed her muzzle against Celestia’s. With an almost geriatric slowness, the albino unicorn raised her forelegs up and then managed to get them around Celestia’s neck, with just a little bit of help from the alicorn.

With her neck held in Vinyl’s embrace, Celestia whispered, “I need you to make Sumac strong. Trying times are ahead. Things are going to get worse. This attempt was only the beginning, I fear. Keep him safe, Vinyl, just as you have kept others that I hold near and dear to my heart safe.”

When Celestia pulled away, Vinyl nodded. After a moment, Celestia turned around and before Tarnish could react, she pulled him into a wing-hug, almost causing him to vanish from view behind dirty, sooty feathers. Startled, perhaps even spooked, Tarnish froze, but Celestia just overpowered him and drew him closer. After a long embrace, she planted a soft, affectionate kiss upon his cheek, then pulled away.

“Thank you, Celestia.” Tarnish’s ears were pinned back against his skull.

“Think nothing of it, Mister Teapot,” Celestia replied.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Sumac wondered if this was a friendship lesson. Past hurts, even if forgiven, seemed to linger and the only way to deal with them was to drag them all out again, no matter how painful they might be. It gave him a lot to think about and he glanced at Pebble, who was silent beside him.

Sumac wanted to be with his mother.

“Octavia, go on without me,” Tarnish said in a soft voice, “there is still much to discuss…”

Closing his eyes, Sumac rested his head against Trixie, glad to see her and feel her against him. Boomer was still clinging to Lemon Hearts’ horn and was now making happy sounding trilling sounds. Octavia worked to make Vinyl comfortable, propping her up with cushions and making sure that Vinyl’s spine was supported. Pebble made for a very useful wedge, also useful in helping to hold Vinyl up.

“So, my son asked you to be his master,” Trixie said in a muted whisper as she pulled Sumac closer. She focused upon Vinyl with her one available eye and after a few seconds of staring, she nodded. “I approve. I think he will have much to learn from you.”

Vinyl nodded.

“This is a big moment for any little unicorn,” Trixie said in a happy-sad voice. “Well, for those of us who wish to answer the call of greatness. We step away from our parents and we find another who will mentor us in the ways of magic. We have done this since time immemorial. From these bonds, greatness comes, such as Star Swirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever.”

“Or The Great and Powerful Trixie and her apprentice, Sumac Apple.” Octavia, sitting down beside Vinyl, smiled.

“I became his mother.” Trixie’s voice sounded fearful and a bit squeaky. “It brought a different set of challenges and a new relationship between us. I am thankful that we have what we have. Now I get to feel this wonderful sense of pride that is so overwhelming… and I am glad that Sumac has found another master. You know, for a time, I worried that I might be jealous or petty.”

Trixie was warm, soft, fuzzy, and smelled of floral scented soap. Sumac yawned and fought the urge to sleep. He didn’t want to sleep, knowing that bad dreams were waiting. Try as he might, he couldn’t stop his head from nodding. The sound of Boomer singing her silly song was somehow soothing, it made everything right in the world.

“We all now have a common goal,” Trixie said, “and that is to keep Sumac safe. It isn’t just the lantern, Catrina wants him, and she wants him alive. Twilight has… interrogated a few prisoners and she’s learned quite a bit. In a way, I am rather proud of the fact that he has so thoroughly unhinged our enemy.”

Half awake, Sumac giggled.

“Hush, you!” Trixie gave Sumac a squeeze and then looked over at Vinyl. “Perhaps the best thing you could teach him, is how to be quiet. Twilight says those magical insults of his could be disastrous. They need to be controlled.”

“Did I use dark magic?” Sumac asked. There was no reply, just silence. Sumac felt Trixie’s breathing quicken and he squirmed against her, feeling the velvety cling of her pelt against his own. “I did, didn’t I? I had a dream about it. I was punished for having a potty mouth and using dark magic.”

“Diarrhea mouth,” Pebble deadpanned as she turned away.

“Nopony plans to punish you, Sumac.” Trixie’s voice was flat, calm, and reassuring. “Dark magic happens. Twilight could tell you an amusing story about her friend Rarity using dark magic. But with your magical insults, you need to be very, very careful about what you say, how you say it, and what you feel when those words come out of your mouth.”

“I’ll do my best,” Sumac promised.

“That is all we ask from you,” Trixie replied as she gave Sumac a snuggle. “Well Vinyl, I hope you are up for a talk. There is much we need to discuss and there are things you need to know…”

Author's Note:

Sometimes, even princesses have friendship problems.

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