• Published 13th Mar 2016
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Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals - kudzuhaiku

Princess Twilight Sparkle's School for Fantastic Foals is the place to go for friendship studies.

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Chapter 95

Princess Luna was gone, with the promise to return this evening. Unsettled and unsure, Twilight was unable to collect her own thoughts to sort out everything inside of her own head. Caper’s very existence bothered her more than she cared to admit, Sumac’s hypothesis kept growing new branches, and because of this, Trixie seemed to be inheriting more than just part ownership to a demesne. Could it be possible that Trixie had inherited magic? Family magic?

Family magic was certainly possible. The Pie family had Pie senses, Pinkie Pie had her Pinkie Sense, Maud Pie had her Maud Sense, so a common theme of magic could be continued through a family. Sumac was another fine example, as he had inherited his father’s ability for magic influenced speech.


Snapped from her reverie, Twilight looked down at Sumac. “What do you need, Sumac?” She watched him squirm and shuffle, then felt just a little bit afraid. He was going to ask one of those questions, she just knew it. She could feel the muscles in the back of her neck tensing in anticipation. Is this what she had done to her own mother? Twilight made a mental note to have a word with her mother and maybe, just maybe, offer an apology.

“Who was the enemy that Caper was talking about?”

Twilight’s tension peaked. How was she supposed to answer this? She knew, of course, but how did one explain this to a foal? A smart foal, who would no doubt ask questions and would be unhappy with a simple answer. Or worse, offended if he felt that she was speaking down to him. She looked down at the curious little sorcerer and began to weigh her options.

“He was talking about a pony by the name of Mister Mariner.” Twilight felt her mouth and throat go dry. The less said about this the better, but she had to give Sumac enough to satisfy his curiousity. “Recently, Mister Mariner caused a lot of problems for Equestria, and drastic steps were taken to quell what was an open rebellion.”

“So, the peasants had to be put down?”

“No, Sumac!” Flabbergasted, Twilight tried to think of what to say next, but came up with nothing. Twilight was all too aware about how this might sound, she was a princess, and it felt as though anything she said might sound bad. Real bad. Put on the spot, Twilight didn’t know how to deal with this situation. Twilight tried not to think about how many backs had broken, how many monopolies had been broken up, how many dangerous fortunes had been seized, and how the wealthy industrialists of Equestria now cowered in fear of the Crown, whom they had dared to threaten. Twilight wasn’t even wearing her crown, but she could feel the weight of it now, bearing down upon her head, threatening to snap her neck if she tried to hold her head up in too proud a manner.

Mister Mariner had not been alone with his uprising.

Twilight herself had been the one to suggest that his fortune be taken before he caused his act of rebellion, that he had grown too wealthy, too powerful, he was far too much a risk to everything she held dear. Was she just another entitled noble striking down a peasant that didn’t know their place? The thought appalled her and Twilight felt troubled.

“I suppose this is complicated?” Sumac asked.

“Yes, Sumac, it is very, very complicated, and I really don’t know how to explain it to you. Not just you, but anypony and everypony. I still haven’t sorted it out for myself.” Twilight felt her scalp tighten in a most uncomfortable way. Was this true? Or was she just avoiding the issue? It was impossible to tell, as Twilight couldn’t figure out what it was that she was feeling about this.

A tiny voice in the back of Twilight’s mind suggested that Caper had the right of it.

Feeling disgusted with the situation and herself, she focused all of her attention upon Sumac. “How would you like a magic lesson? Advanced magic. Potentially dangerous stuff. We’ll have fun together and maybe blow off a little steam. You can get to know me as your aunt.”

“Okay.” Sumac appeared eager, but also disappointed.

Twilight hated seeing the disappointment in his face.

Even in the darkness of Lulamoon Hollow, Trixie had sunshine. Her eyes lingered upon Lemon Hearts’ sunny yellow pelt for a time, and then she looked into the lemony yellow mare’s eyes. Such wonderful, expressive eyes. Lemon had been her friend, then something a little more than a friend, and now, Trixie wasn’t sure what they had, but she treasured it. It was a deep and abiding friendship, but also so much more.

Lemon Hearts was engaged with watching Twilight and Sumac. Spells flew fast and furious, there were pops and bangs, flashes and explosions of glittery magic, and it appeared as though both Sumac and Twilight were having a good time. Trixie watched the animated expressions upon Lemon’s face, the twitching ears, the rapid eye blinks of excitement, Trixie was thoroughly enjoying Lemon Hearts’ enjoyment.

“Can we talk?”

Trixie flinched at the sound of Night Light’s gentle baritone. She had been expecting this, waiting for it to happen, and fearing it a great deal. Trixie would rather be rescued by Tarnished Teapot again and suffer that indignity again rather than face the conversation that was about to happen. Being tormented by diamond dogs would be preferable to this. A Great and Powerful cringe wracked Trixie’s whole body.

While Trixie sat there, frozen, Twilight was bombarding Sumac with magic, which he tried to shield himself from.

“Do you want me to go?” Lemon Hearts asked.

“No!” Trixie squeaked.

Fearful, terrified, Trixie felt her whole body go rigid as Night Light moved closer to her. What was he doing? She needed space! Unable to move, unable to flee, she looked into Night Light’s eyes as a gibber of terror slipped out from between her lips. He was getting closer, too close for comfort now, and his dark amber eyes almost seemed luminous in the perpetual shadows of Lulamoon Hollow.

When he touched her, Trixie felt what could only be described as an electric shock. She let out a shrill cry and was powerless to resist Night Light as he sat down in the grass, wrapped his forelegs around her, and pulled her closer. What strange magic was he using to keep her paralysed? Never in her life had Trixie wanted to run more than at that moment, but her legs wouldn’t do anything.

The hug was very warm and Trixie’s panic was very real.

When his foreleg wrapped around her neck and tightened, Trixie whimpered, but still couldn’t move. Overcome with fear, crushed by the gravity of her own emotions, she went limp against Night Light as her barrel began hitching.

“I’ve waited so long to do this,” Night Light whispered into Trixie’s ear. “I wanted to be there with you when you were born, but Caper was there, and we had to keep our arrangement hidden. But I watched you grow up from afar and there were so many times I wanted to be with you. Just like this.”

“She has trouble being loved on, sometimes.” Lemon Hearts, who sat very close, spoke with a hushed whisper. “She’s really scared right now.”

“I know, Miss Hearts,” Night Light replied, “I know.”

“I’m kinda good at loving others, even if they have trouble being loved.” Lemon Hearts reached out her foreleg and placed her hoof upon Trixie’s back. The effect was immediate, Trixie calmed a bit, and Lemon Hearts smiled. “I am the Cuddly and Lovable Lemon Hearts, she with the three hearts cutie mark. I can love a pony three times as much as normal.”

“I have a fillyfriend.” Trixie’s voice was muffled and difficult to hear. “I don’t think my mother likes her, but I hope you approve.”

Stroking Trixie’s neck, Night Light nodded. “She’s very pretty. You’ve done well for yourself. I would hold on to that one.”

A nervous, hesitant giggle slipped out of Trixie, and she relaxed a little bit more. She settled a bit on her haunches, lifted a foreleg, and she touched Night Light with the top of her fetlock. Closing her eyes, Trixie let go and allowed herself to be swept away by the moment as she took shelter in Night Light’s paternal embrace.

“This is nice,” Trixie murmured, and then she went silent.

“Trixie… I do hope that, in time, you will forgive your mother.” Night Light’s words were soft spoken, fearful, and his eyes looked troubled. “I still see her as she was, and not as what she’s become. I wish… I wish that you could see her as I see her, back when she was young, back before Caper completely crushed her spirit. She was a vibrant soul, she laughed a lot, and she was always pestering Twilight Velvet to come and play. She wasn’t like us, not in the slightest, she didn’t have to work hard to get good grades to assure her future… she was the future Lady of Lulamoon Hollow.”

Snuffling, Trixie did not reply.

“I suppose I am blind, because I still love her a great deal,” Night Light confessed.

“I think I understand.” Trixie’s voice was shrill, yet somehow husky, and burbled with thick phlegm. “I let Lemon get away with all kinds of sass.”

In the distance, Sumac surprised Twilight with some crackling lightning.

With a gesture, Night Light lured Lemon closer, and then a three way hug happened. Lemon snuggled up against Trixie’s side and rubbed her velvety cheek against the corner of Trixie’s jaw. Lemon sighed, a happy sound, closed her eyes, and melted against Trixie. Surrounded in a confusing embrace, the floodgates opened for Trixie and she wept in near silence, tears streaming down her cheeks as an all consuming sense of acceptance overtook her.

“You’re mine now,” Night Light said in a voice filled with gravel. “You’re mine and I’m never letting go of you. We can be a family so you can be happy. And when your mother gets better, we’ll let her in and we can be a family together, all of us, and we can make up for lost time.” Night Light redoubled his grip and pulled Trixie closer. “But your mother has to get better first. I don’t want her hurting you, because I fear I might grow to hate her.”

“Don’t give up on her,” Trixie begged, “I want us to be family again!”

Her magic fizzling, Twilight looked down at Sumac, who was breathless, dizzy looking, and just a little sweaty. With her wing, she steadied him to keep him from falling over into the grass, and watched as he turned his head to have a better look at his mother. Twilight too, turned her head to have a better look at her family. Her hind legs folding at the hocks, she sat down in the grass and made herself comfortable.

With her wing, she pulled Sumac to her side, brushed his pale wheat coloured mane out of his face, and then gave him an affectionate pat. Twilight let out a deep sigh that was starting to build up, and then with a tilt of her head, she looked down at Sumac.

“I think your mother is happy.”

“I dunno.” Sumac’s words held doubt. “Her mother made her pretty unhappy and some bad stuff has happened here.”

“Yeah, but some good things have happened here too,” Twilight replied. “Trixie met her father here, and call it a hunch, but I think she likes him, and he likes her.” Twilight, who had a bad case of the warm fuzzies, pulled Sumac closer and treasured the feeling of him against her side. “He’s a pretty good dad, all things considered, and Flurry Heart tells me that he’s a pretty good grandfather.”

“Your mom and dad, this is why they were on the train that brought me home, isn’t it?”

“Not much gets by you, does it Sumac?” Twilight, somewhat astonished, thought about Sumac’s father, Flam. While Flam was a smart one, a certified genius, Flam was also a pony with devious cunning and wicked wit. Sumac was shaping up to be his father’s equal, which worried Twilight just a teeny, tiny bit.

“And your mother, when she was there to help back when Trixie and I first came to town for the entrance exam—all of the pieces start to fit together as I think about them. I know my mother was being tricked into getting herself straightened out. But a lot of things make more sense now in hindsight.” Sumac took off his glasses and then began to clean the lenses from the crusted sweat droplets with a simple cantrip.

“Parents tend to worry about their foals,” Twilight replied. After thinking for a moment, she added, “Well, the good ones anyway. Sumac, you have a vast, expansive family if you want it. All you have to do is put down roots and grow. You’ll have the Apples, but also the Pies… and all of this… I don’t know how to put it all together just yet.”

“That’s really what I want, you know. Family. I didn’t realise it until just a little while ago, just after the wedding. I started seeing Lemon as more than just a friend. I don’t know how to put down roots, it’s hard, because I’ve spent so much time uprooted.”

“You’re just a little Apple seed in search of a fine patch of dirt,” Twilight said, doing her best to mimic Applejack’s drawl. “For much of my family, we put down roots in Canterlot. We have a nice tower there and we’ve been there for centuries. For me, I chose to put roots down in Ponyville. That’s my home. For me and my friends, most of us anyway, our roots have grown together in the same patch of dirt, and I suppose that makes us family. You… you have a nice little acre of land here in this place, and you could put down roots here. I’m thinking that you and Pebble could snuggle your roots together—”


“—and be happy.” Reaching out, grinning, Twilight booped the colt on the nose. “You still have a lot of time to think about it, so don’t be in a hurry.” She took a great sense of delight in the ruddy blush of colour that could be seen on Sumac’s cheeks. “Pebble’s in a hurry to put down roots, you know, she writes—”


“—your name down in her schoolbooks with a bunch of froopy, scroopy, loopy heart shaped scribbles!”


Author's Note:


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