• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,365 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 1: Return of Harmony Part One

Episode 1:

The Return of Harmony Part One

Just as disappearing away from the doughnut shop, Scar then reappeared towards another part of Canterlot. Said area was a maze where Scar would take the time to look inside to make sure he got what he needed out from his little trip at the castle during the Gala while everyone was distracted by the chaos.

Seeing that he got what he wanted out of the distraction at the Grand Galloping Gala he then set forward through the maze and towards the nearby garden where he comes across a stone statue that catches his interest. He would then work his magic by focusing his mind with his green eyes shining before unleashing green and wicked magic from his right paw and aimed it right at the statue for a good minute before disappearing in a flash before anyone could see him.

He reappeared on top of the mountains looking over both Canterlot and Ponyville as he gets a good look at the royal sisters getting along very well with Simba’s family along with both the Lion Guard and Pony Guard from afar as they all help themselves to doughnuts and coffee together while laughing and having a good time together like family thanks to one huge friendship bond.

In fact it was quite a bond, that it has the lion thinking back to a moment in his life where he was just an adolescent before he got his signature scar all sharing the get together like bond together with his Guard and family. Including his brother Mufusa and his parents where his mother had reddish brown fur, pink nose, brown eyes, and had quite a lovely caring appearance much like his majestic and noble father who shared Mufusa’s size and physique but like his younger son shared the same black mane and green eyes. At least until the very day where everything went downhill for everyone associated with the lion who would later become the devil to everyone later on in life.

“Such as lovely sight to see.” The sinister lion commented with his glowing green eyes with a smile that turned twisted with what he has in mind for them. “But just you wait because now I have a marvelous surprise for you all that is to die for.” He said evilly. "For this experience will be quite a game changer in your little friendship bond.”

Later that night back at Pride Rock, where Kyoga is sleeping with the royal family she finds herself having a dream to where she wakes up from her sleep.

As the lioness opens up her eyes she is starting to see that nobody not even Simba, Nala, Kion, nor Kiara are inside.

“Your majesties, Kion?” She asked as she looked around her surroundings just as she sees sparkling gems around the cave walls from a tunnel in the very back of the area. “What is this place?” She wondered out loud as she following the bright and shining Rainbow glimmer that the gems are directing her towards inside of the tunnel.

When she follows the light deeper into the cave she is in she finds herself appearing in front of a tree that is constructed out of crystal with gemstones of the Elements of Harmony on the branches from the orange gem-shaped apple, purple diamond, pink butterfly, red lightning bolt, and sky blue party balloon with a pink star in the center of the tree along with the sun and moon that resembles Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks appearing on the roots just below the tree branches.

“What is this?” Kyoga spoke as she approached the tree trying to understand why she was drawn there.

But just before she could question it she finds herself woken upon by a voice as she snaps out of her deep slumber.

“Kyoga, Kyoga!” Kion called out to her as she woke up.

“Kion!” Kyoga exclaimed upon gasping as she snapped out of her dream. “Don’t scare me like that!” She chided.

“Sorry, but I was just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He apologized before explaining. “You were asleep ever since you got here.”

“Huh?” She asked as she ran outside and saw that it was already early in the afternoon. “Oh. Was it that long?”

“Yeah.” He replied with a relieved smile. “Quite longer than any of us which is saying something considering you had quite a few more doughnuts than anyone else. Well aside from Pinkie and Bunga of course.”

“Well what can I say.” Kyoga just shrugged. “They were just good.”

At moment her stomach growled as she groaned, to which Kion stepped forward with a much needed offer.

“Well, how about you come with me and the others for a family hunting trip so we can treat you to lunch?” He offered.

“Sure.” She accepted without hesitation. “I could go for some food.”

“Then let’s go.” Kion said as they race on over to the grazing grounds where the others are waiting for them.

As Kyoga and Kion make their way over the former couldn’t help but wonder what she dreamed and why it happened while questioning herself if it was summoning her for a reason. Something that she feels she’ll find out soon enough.

In the following days since the Gala and despite with how it turned out, the Pride Landers and Equestrian ponies were all having a much closer bond as both worlds started visiting each other’s worlds more. Ponies and Pride Landers were all getting to each other more the more time they spent together and the magic of friendship grows stronger with each and every passing day.

Even Cheerlie expressed interest to Simba and Celestia of wishing to have some of the Pride Landers be educated more during her classes. So after some recent negotiations, Rafiki and Cheerlie are now both teaching class together at Ponyville’s schoolhouse so everyone can learn of both Equestria and the Pride Lands past together. And some of the eager Pride Landers could not wait for class along with the other fillies in class there.

For the past few days, Mtoto and his friends have been recently enrolled in Cheerlie’s school and have really got to bond with the Cutie Mark Crusaders since the day they met as the trio admire their magical marks of the Guard as much as the kids admire of how special they are for being the only fillies in class who have yet to find their true talents.

“Wow! I can’t believe I am here in Ponyville!” Mtoto expressed his excitement as he admired the scenery around them.

“I can’t believe we are actually going to school together!” Gumba exclaimed.

“I can’t believe Rafiki is our teacher!” Kambuni stated as the mandrill turns to rein in their over-growing excitement.

“All right little ones. We all know you are all excited, but now it is time to quiet down so we can give you all your field trip here.” Rafiki addressed everyone as Cheerlie begins the tour of the well-known Canterlot Garden.

“I want to start our field trip here, in the world-famous Canterlot sculpture garden.” She said to everyone as the walk by the many statues around them as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walk beside their teacher. “That one over there represents "Friendship".” She turned their attention to a statue with three ponies on top of each other where the ponies loo very much like the Cutie Mark Crusdaers to which Apple Bloom abruptly stopped upon seeing causing the other two Crusaders to accidentally bump heads together to which they all traded heated glares at each other. “Alright, my little ponies. This one represents "Victory".” She then directed everyone’s attention to the statue of a pony wearing a cape and holding up an orange flag with yellow diamonds on it.

“How cool would it be to have that for a cutie mark?” Scootaloo thought out loud to the other girls.

“Cool, if you were actually victoryful at somethin'.” Apple Bloom teasingly said to the peagsus.

“That's not a word!” Sweetie argued.

“What are you, a dictionary?” Scootaloo fired back as Cheerlie noticed they were dragging behind.


“Come on now or you’ll missing out on some valuable knowledge here.” Rafiki added as they all quickly caught up with the others.

“Now this is a really interesting statue.” Cheerlie directed their attention to the statue in front of them.

“What do you notice about it?” Rafiki asked.

“It's got an eagle claw!”

“And a lion paw!”

“And a snake tail!”

The three answered.

“This creature is called a draconequus. He has the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of things.” Cheerlie explained to them.

“What do you suppose that represents?” Rafiki then asked the young Pride Landers.




The Cutie Mark Crusaders all answered while pushing each other aside.

“It's not chaos, you dodo!” Sweetie fired back at Apple Bloom as the two got into a heated argument together.

“Don't call me things I don't know the meaning of! And it is too chaos!”

“Is not!”

“Stop it!” Scootaloo shouted at them to stop as the three all get into a fist fight with each other as Cheerlie just rolls her eyes as Rafiki steps forward to break it up while tapping his staff onto the ground to get their attention as he sensed a dark impulse of magic from inside the statue.

“Actually, in a way, you're all right.” Cheerlie then told them. “This statue represents "Discord", which means a lack of harmony between ponies. In fact, you three have demonstrated discord so well that you're each going to write me an essay explaining it.” She then told them as the five frown at their punishment as the honorary Guard members were caught snickering at them. “And that includes the five of you.” She added as it shut them all up before the two lead the way to another part of the garden.

“Now let's go, and I don't want anymore fighting.“ Rafiki urged everyone to leave as he sensed a terrible evil emerging from the statue. “And I might want to warn King Simba and Princess Celestia about this.” He said to himself as they all press forward together.

“It's confusion!“



The Cutie Mark Crusaders all argued together as the statue of Discord started to crack as sinister laughing is heard from it as Scar watches on at his starting progress from out of the school goer’s sight.

As Rainbow and Ono both fly over Ponyville, their attention had been caught when a pink cloud just flew by spinning the two around.

“What the…?”


The two questioned as the blue peagsus quickly pursed it.

“Come back here, you!” She shouted as she gave it a chase before quickly catching it. “Gotcha! Eww, what is this?” She said as she the cloud contents stuck onto her fur to which she tasted it just as Ono caught up with her and examined it too. “Cotton candy?”

“Really?” Ono asked in surprise as he licked his tongue on the pink residue. “Sweet Celestia, it is! How is this possible?” He wondered as multiple pink clouds float around the skies rapidly with a small brown drop of rain falls from it.

“Wait a second! It's not supposed to rain until tomorrow. You can't just–“ Rainbow exclaimed in frustration to the pink clouds as brown rain poured onto them. “You did.”

“Chocolate milk?!” Ono exclaimed after tasting the rain. “What kind of rainstorm is this?”

The clouds then flew away pouring chocolate milk all over Ponyville as both fliers pursue them as they float by Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack and Beshte are working together.

“Hey, I didn't tell you to go anywhere!” Rainbow shouted after it.

“Huh?” Beshte said in confusion of the strange rain and clouds from above.

“Rainbow Dash, what's goin' on with this rain? I mean chocolate milk? I mean chocolate milk rain?!” Applejack piped the question as she corrected herself three times.

“There's crazy weather all over Equestria! Cloudsdale is getting soaked by a major cola storm right now! But don't worry. I'm not leaving you until I get control of Ponyville!” Rainbow replied as she flew off ahead just as the milk caused the corn to turn into popcorn.

“Okay, seriously now how is that even possible?!” Ono was left baffled by what he was seeing finding all of this absurd as Pinkie and Bunga arrive both enjoying the popcorn and chocolate milk rain together.

“Why would you wanna stop this?”

“This is delicious!”

The two stated as they eat and drank Mother Nature’s offerings just as Rarity and Fuli arrived on the scene as they both wear purple and green raincoats and rain hats respectively.

“Ahem. I heard about your troubles, Applejack, and I came to see if there's anything I can do without getting wet. Or dirty. Or out from under my umbrella.” The fashionista offered just as the rain enlarged the apples from the nearby trees to which they all made the tree branches lean to the size due to their weight being too much to handle for them which attracted squirrels from nearby.

“Fluttershy! Do somethin'!” She called out to the yellow peagsus who had just arrived.

“Now, Angel, you really shouldn't–“ She tried to plead with her pet as his legs transformed into giraffe sized legs along with the other bunnies. “No! It's not possible! I must be seeing things!”

“Just like my dad always says. Live long enough and you’ll see everything.” Beshte could only say as Twilight, Kion, and Spike arrive on the scene with the unicorn levitating a book in tow.

“Don't worry, everyone. I've learned a new spell that'll fix everything.” She confidently voiced as she worked her magic which shined a purple-pink all across Sweet Apple Acres expecting everything to return to normal but to her surprise nothing changed. “My fail-safe spell...failed? What do we do?” She then wondered.

“Uh, give up?” Spike pointed out the easiest choice.

“Absolutely not!” Kion firmed voiced against as Rarity approaches them while generously handing the two the umbrella by placing it onto the unicorn’s back as she thought of something else. “I’m sure she’ll come up with something else.”

“Indeed she will, so what’s the new plan?” Rarity asked.

“Hmm…” She then thought to herself. “…time for plan B.” She said as she turned to Rainbow and and Ono. “Rainbow, Ono, can you two corral all those clouds in one corner of the sky?” She asked as the two salute and immediately do so.


“Applejack, Fuli, I need you two to bring those high-strung storm clouds down to Earth.” Twilight then instructed Applejack and Fuli who both comply as the former lassoes them down while stopping Pinkie and Bunga from further gulping down the chocolate rain they were drinking from as Fuli works her super speed to to secure them together.

“Hey, what happened?”

“Bring on more of the chocolate rain!”

The comedic duo demanded as the unicorn whispers something to Fluttershy who speaks of what she wanted her to say.

“Oh dear. I hope none of the animals see these delicious chocolate-filled cotton candy clouds. I'd hate to have to share them.” She said with pretend worry as the critters immediately run over to the cotton candy clouds to consume them together.

“You and me both, sister!” Pinkie said as the critters force the two out of the way so they can enjoy them more.

“Hey!” Bunga shouted in annoyance that they are eating them all up.

“And when y'all are done with that, feel free to have some popcorn for dessert.” Applejack called after them to let them know that it’s all theirs now just as everyone regroups.

“Well done, Twilight.” Kion commended.

“You see, Spike? You should never give up. There's nothing we can't overcome if we all work together.” Twilight then said to the baby dragon.

“You said it.” Beshte replied as Spike burps up a scroll with a royal ribbon on it with important news from Princess Celestia as the unicorn opens and reads it who then gasps after reading the contents.

“Come on, girls. Princess Celestia and King Simba wants to see us all in Canterlot immediately!” She then urgently ushered the group on over there as they all share worried looks of what this is all about.

Princess Celestia was currently grave and pacing around nervously to which Simba took notice of to which he doesn’t see as a good sign considering she has never been seen doing so before and that whatever they are dealing with is a very dangerous threat as he and Kyoga look on in concern.

“Princess Celestia, we came as fast as we could!” Twilight announced their arrival.

“Thank you, Twilight. Thank you, all.” She returned to everyone as they all see Kyoga with them.

“Kyoga? What are you doing here?” Kion asked.

“Our business concerns her too.” His father replied as the unicorn leader of the Guard started firing multiple questions.

“Is this about the weather? And the animals' weird behavior? What's happening out there? Why isn't my magic working? Is there–“

“Easy Twilight!” Kion interrupted just as Celestia raised a hoof for them to stop. “Dad. What’s going on?” He asked as he turned to the king.

“Follow us.” Simba replied as they led the group down the hallway upstairs.

“We've called you here for a matter of great importance.” The alicorn princess began as Fluttershy and Beshte eyed a draconequus on the stained glass portraits on the floor and on the window. “It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned. His name... is Discord.”

Fluttershy yelped as she retreated back to the others as Beshte walk back over as while not scared he found his design very interesting.

“Discord is the mischievous spirit of disharmony.” Celestia then continued to explain to everyone while directing their attention to another stain glass portrait of him wreaking havoc across Equestria. “Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone.” She then showed the portrait of them defeating Discord with said magical powers by turning him into stone.

“Alright, Princess!” Rainbow cheered.

“That ought to keep him sealed up!” Bunga also cheered as Celestia continued to explain to everyone of why the threat is arising now.

“I thought the spell we cast would keep him contained forever, but since Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements, the spell has been broken. No to mention Luna has still yet to fully recover from her time as Nightmare Moon.”

“No longer connected?” Twilight questioned in surprise as she turned their attention to a very decorated chamber with a stone alicorn portrait over head the chamber.

“This is Canterlot Tower, where the Elements are kept inside since all of you recovered them.” Celestia further explained to them. “We need you along with Kyoga to wield the Elements of Harmony once again and stop Discord before he thrusts all of Equestria into eternal chaos.”

“But why us? Why don't you–“ Twilight still felt the need to ask since she’s capable of going up against him until Pinkie interrupted her as she and Bunga eyed something to their liking.

“Hey, look! We're famous!” Pinkie pointed to a portrait of them wielding the Elements with the Lion Guard backing Kion up as he uses the Roar to power the Elements of Harmony needed to defeat Nightmare Moon.

“You six showed the full potential of the Elements by harnessing the magic of your friendship to beat a mighty foe.” The princess answered her student’s previous question as she leaned down to her eye level. “Although Luna and I once wielded the Elements, it is you who now control their power, and it is you who must defeat Discord!”

“And with the power of the Roar of the Elders by your side, Kion along with the Guard will help you put an end to his reign before it can even start.” Simba then added as he approached his son. “And since Kyoga has been a vital help to you all since we met her, we figured you might her help as well.”

“Really?” Twilight asked as both rulers nodded.

“Okay, Dad, Princess Celestia.” Kion replied now feeling confident as his father looks proudly and confident at him as much as Celestia is towards Twilight.

“You can count on–“ Twilight began to vow just as Pinkie interrupted again.

“Hold on a second! Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, you guys. Chocolate rain!” Pinkie reminded everyone.

“How can you guys want to put a stop to that?” Bunga also jumped in as she agreed with the party pony as Twilight and Kion approach Celestia and Simba.

“Don't listen to her, Princess. We'd be honored to use the Elements of Harmony again.”

“And I’ll gladly use the Roar to stop him.”

The two said with confidence.

Celestia then worked her magic by placing her horn in the hole that serves as the door lock to the chamber as she opens it to obtain the chest containing the elements with a bright blue shining light beaming out of the chamber just as she opened it to which Rarity expressed deep awe and interest in the case holding the elements.

“Ooh. You can keep the Elements. I'll take that case!”

“Have no fear, ponies.” The princess assured. “I have total confidence that you will be able to defeat Discord with these!”

She then opened the chest to present the elements to the girls.

“Huh?” Kyoga expressed dully.

“Uh, what elements?” Ono asked with a confused expression as he pointed out the chest is empty to which everyone all gasped in shock as even Celestia dropped the empty box upon seeing this startling discovery as they all gasp and drop their jaws seeing this although Kyoga’s stoic expression didn’t change.

“Oh, well. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside in the chocolate puddles with a giant swizzle straw. Come on Bunga!” She then said as they make their way outside to do so as the other’s eye the duo heading out until Twilight used her magic to pull them back over.


“Bunga! Get back over here!”

The two addressed them as they all look at the empty chest while everyone recovers from their shock.

“The Elements!”

“They're gone!”

Twilight and Kion exclaimed together.

“That chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn't make sense!” The white alicorn expressed as she is just as baffled as she paces around the room just as they hear a chuckle from a voice from nearby.

“Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?” Discord said to her as the alicorn had anger sparking in her heart upon hearing his voice.

“Discord... Show yourself!” She demanded as the draconequus continue to laugh in a sinister manner with his vibes felt across the room.

“Did you miss me, Celestia? I missed you.” He asked the stain glass frame of himself spoke to everyone as his arch-nemesis returned glare in a no-nonsense manner. “It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone.” He added as he appeared on the portrait of the Mane Six and The Lion Guard as he leans back and taps his left hand on the images of Fluttershy and Beshte.

“Enough! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?” She demanded.

“Oh, I just borrowed them for a teensy little while.” He casually answered as he snapped his fingers on the portrait images of said elements to make them vanish into thin air.

“You'll never get away with this, Discord!” She furiously drew a hoof as she swore to him as Simba has his eyes locked on her fury as he has never seen her like this before.

“Oh, I'd forgotten how grim you can be, Celestia. It's really quite boring.” He replied rather disinterested and unfazed by her threat as he inspect his claws while sitting back on the pedestal and the glares (even the more threatening one from Kyoga) from everyone in room as Rainbow takes offense to his disrespectful attitude.

“Hey! Nopony insults the Princess!” She shouted.

“Nobody but nobody does that!” Bunga also joined in as they both charge towards him.

But of course the only thing they accomplish is smacking their faces into the glass as Discord’s image disappeared and then reappeared larger than before.

“Oh, you two must be Rainbow Dash and Bunga.” He said to them. ”Famed for their loyalty and bravery, the Element of Harmony and position of the Guard you two represent.”

“That's right! I'll always be loyal to the Princess!”

“And I’m not afraid of you!”

The two vowed unfazed that he can change that.

“We'll see about that.” He simply returned as he disappeared from the portrait.

“I can't believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window.” Rarity commented.

“I can’t believe you are ignoring that Discord is actually talking to us from that tacky window.” Ono returned back as the chaotic spirit reappeared.

“The beautiful Rarity, along with the intelligent Ono, representing the element of generosity and the Guard’s Keenest of Sight, if I'm not mistaken yet both not so bright to see this is all real.”

“So you know who we are, big deal.” Applejack replied as she walked up to the portrait.

“Oh, I know much more than that, honest Applejack.” He replied as his image enlarged to the size of the window.

“You seem to know our strengths too.” Twilight said to him as he reappeared on Fluttershy’s image on the portrait.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle, and yours is the most powerful and elusive element, magic alongside Kion the Lion Guard’s Fiercest who possesses the magical and powerful Roar of the Elders.”

“It’s like you know everything about us.” The young lion commented as this foe as much more brains than the humor he lets on.

“Oh I do, Kion.” He replied. “In fact I know everything about you and the Guard as a whole. Fuli is the Guard’s Fastest, Beshte is the Guard’s Strongest, Fluttershy’s element is kindess, and Pinkie Pie's element is a personal favorite of mine - laughter.“ He went on about what he knows about them as both Pinkie and Bunga were caught snickering.



Twilight and Kion scolded as they burst out into laughter.

“He's standing on your heads!” She pointed out to him doing so while doing a silly dance on her and then Kion’s.

“Oh come on!” Bunga encouraged the two to lighten up despite the blatant fact he is a bad guy they are going up against. “It’s funny!”

“Stop stalling, Discord! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?” Simba then commanded and gritted his teeth as he bared his claws in the face of the chaotic foe to which stopped them all from laughing as they all eye his dangerous glare and stance.

“Oh, so boring of having to resort to your cat friend get the answer from me, really?” He replied as he relented as Simba further growled in a threatening manner to show he isn’t afraid to go up against him magic or not if it comes down to it. “Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way.” He then explained his riddle as he appeared throughout the stain glass windows before his spirit left the building. “To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.”

“Can we go home now?” Fluttershy whimpered to Twilight as she tries to piece together his riddle.

“What do you reckon he meant? Twists and turns and endin' back where we started?” Applejack asked the pondering unicorn.

“Twists and turns... twists and turns... twists and turns! That's it!” She then said as she eyed the nearby maze. “I bet Discord hid the Elements in the palace labyrinth!”

“You sure?” Kion asked as he pondered more on “…find them back where you began.”

“Positive.” She confidently replied. “It’s where he expects us to find them so he scattered them somewhere in the maze so we can’t find them.”

“I guess that makes sense.” He replied as he gets the idea but couldn’t help but wonder if he meant somewhere else as Celestia and Simba nod at them.

“Only if that’s what Discord us to think.” Kyoga commented as she feels that the chaotic jokster wouldn’t make it as easy as he claims.

“Good luck, my little ponies, Lion Guard. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves and paws.” Celestia told them as she lowered her head to their eye level.

“Stay safe Kion, you too Twilight.” Simba then said to them as he nuzzled his nose across Kion and Twilight’s manes.

“We will. Thanks Dad.”

“Thanks, Princess. We won't let you down.”

The two vowed as they led everyone to the maze outside as Discord’s laughter is heard from inside the room again to which Celestia took notice of.

The entire Guard managed to make their way to the maze and stopped as they all approached the entrance.

“W-We have to go in there?” Fluttershy worryingly asked as she stammered.

“Nope! Dopey Discord forgot about these babies!” Rainbow smugly replied as she looked at her wings and prepared to fly over the maze. “I'll just do a quick flyover and we'll have the Elements in no time.”

But just as soon as she said that her wings suddenly disappeared and she ended up crashing back onto the ground.

“Did he?” Fuli asked with a raised eyebrow as Rainbow reacted with shock seeing what had happened.

“My wings!” She exclaimed as Fluttershy and Ono’s wings along with the unicorn’s horns disappeared.


Flutttershy and Ono both screamed upon seeing her wings disappear.

“Your horn! My horn! Ahhh!” Twilight and Rarity screamed upon seeing this as Discord evilly laughs as he appears before everyone with lightning accompanying his entrance.

“You–You should see the looks on your faces. Priceless!” He laughed at them.

“Discord!” Kion angrily glared at him.

“Give us our wings and horns back!“ Twilight demanded.

“You'll get them back in good time. I simply took them to ensure there's no cheating.” He replied unfazed by her demands. “You see, this is the first rule of our game: no flying, and no magic.” He added as he nudged the farm pony and hippo with his elbows while drawing a finger across Twilight and Kion’s manes.

“The first rule?”

“What’s the second rule?”

The fastest members of the guard asked.

“The second rule is everypony and everyone in the Guard has to play or the game is over, and I win.”

“But that’s not fair you’d win either way!” Bunga retorted.

“Exactly, little mongoose.” He taunted back as he got agitated hearing that.

“I’m a honey badger….!” He tried to shout back as his mouth got zipped up.

“Good luck, everyone!” He said to them just before disappearing leaving them looking up the new challenge he has set up for them as Twilight still was confident and undeterred by the obstacles he threw at them.

“Never fear, girls and boys. We have each other!”

“Yeah! Like Twilight said, there's nothing we can't overcome if we all stick together!” Rainbow immediately supported as they all prepared head inside the maze.

“You said Rainbow Dash!” Beshte agreed.

“If this clown wants to play hardball then I’m in.” Kyoga vowed as she narrowed her eyes at the maze in front of them.

“Alright, girls, let's do this!” Twilight said to everyone as they head inside.

But as soon as one hoof and paw set foot inside, Discord had his magic pull up tall bushes that separated them into pairs to which the other girls screamed upon this startling development.

“Stay calm, girls!” Twilight urged everyone as Kion took a turn in motivating them.

“Just everyone head to the middle as fast as you can, and we'll regroup there!” Kion added as the others set out to do so.

“Moving out!”

“Let’s do this!”

Rainbow and Fuli voiced with determination.


“See you in the center.”

Rarity and Ono obeyed without hesitation.


Applejack hollered.

“See you guys there!”

“Zuka Zama!”

Pinkie and Bunga also called out as they all went their separate ways.

“What's that? Who's there? Girls!” Fluttershy gasped as she was the only pony who had budged from her spot as Beshte gently nudged her so they can get moving.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy. It’s just me and the others and they’ll be waiting for us at the center of this maze.”

“Okay.” Fluttershy still trembled as she got to her hooves as Beshte guided her through the maze to the best of his ability.

Applejack and Bunga both head down their path of the maze until they both stopped and turned a corner when something caught their attention. Three red apples that roll away from them upon seeing them.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack questioned.

“Oh, apples.” Bunga commented as he moved to pick them up. “And snack food.”

Before Bunga could even touch them the apples all rolled away from him.

“Hey, get back here!” He shouted after them as he and Applejack followed after them as they led them to a part of the maze which showed them an exact replica of Sweet Apple Acres. “Gotcha!” He exclaimed as he snatched up the apples and shoved them in mouth.

“Where am I?” Applejack asked as she looked confused of how she is seeing her home farm while Bunga is too busy eating his snack to notice as one of them lands on the cow girl’s head while the other apples nearby all fall off of their trees into three groups while circling the two. Light-red, dark red, and green apples all surrounding the two as Bunga finally takes notice of what is going on around them as he finished up all three apples.

“What in the name of apples?”

“Who are y'all?”

The two questioned as Discord’s spirit speaks through them.

“The keepers of the grove of truth. You may ask us...” The dark red apples spoke.

“...one question...” The light red apples added.

“...past, future or present.” The green apples finished.

“But be warned...”

“...that the truth...”

“...may not always be pleasant.”

The three piles of apples then cautioned as Applejack turned to Bunga.

“I’ll bite.” He simply replied as he snatched up a green apple and bit into it.

“Alright then.” The earth pony relented. “I don't trust this place worth a hill of beans, but I've got a really bad feelin' about this feller Discord. What's gonna come of this mission we're on?”

“For the answer you seek...” The dark red apples replied as all three piles stopped circling them directed their attention to the pond nearby.

“...go ahead, take a peek.” The brighter shade of red fruit added as the pond shows her a reflection of them along with all of the friends in the center of town looking at each other very angrily at each other.

“I hope I never see you again!” Rainbow’s voice in the reflection voiced in the illusion.

“Me too!” Fluttershy’s voiced in agreement.

“So do I!” Beshte added.




Pinkie, Rarity, and Fuli’s voices all said together with fury.

“It's settled then.”

“From this day forward the Lion and Pony Guard along with our friendship is over!”

Twilight and Kion declared as the whole group went their separate ways.

“What?” Bunga just said quietly and rather hurt and crushed seeing that.

“No! Our friendship? Over?!” Applejack cried as Discord is quite literally having fun pulling strings of the apple bunches as the two are left feeling devastated thinking their friendship will be no more. “It can't be true. It just can't!”

“No way that can be the truth.” Bunga refused to believe it as the apples spit it out to them rather cruelly.

“When all the truth does...”

“...is make your heart ache...”

The red and green apples voiced as the later has Discord’s voice and face appearing to them as the two are suddenly hypnotized.

“...sometimes a lie is easier to take.”

The two suddenly have their bright fur color turn into a darker shade of gray by then one of the maze doors opens up allowing Twilight and Kion to spot them.


“Bunga! Thank goodness!”

Both leaders quickly expressed their relief upon finding them.

“We thought I heard voices over here.”

“Who were you talking to?” Twilight asked.

“Us?” Bunga replied rather blankly.

“We were talkin' to... uh... nopony! Nopony and nobody whatsoever!” Applejack lied in a flimsy manner.


“If this is some kind of a joke we’re not laughing.”

The two questioned as the cow girl continuously shifted her eyes around.

“It’s not.” Bunga bitterly replied as he pushed away his best friend’s attention to place a paw on his shoulder.

“He’s right. It’s nothing. Come on, uh, we best be going.” Applejack added as the two walked off ahead leaving their friends unable to make of what had just happened.

“Did Bunga just...?” Kion then said rather saddened that actually happened as Bunga never turned his paw away nor spoke to him in an unfriendly manner.

“Come on, Kion. Applejack wouldn't lie.” Twilight tried to assure. “Nor would Bunga even if they tried.”

“But that doesn’t make sense. There must have been some foul play going on here.” Kion puzzled as he is still feeling the sting of his best friend acting exactly the opposite of what he usually is as they follow after their corrupted friends.

As Twilight keeps up with Applejack and Bunga, Kion lags behind as he can’t help but wonder what gotten into their friends just as he hears a sinister voice from behind.

“What’s the matter Kion? Your friends turning on you?”

“No.” He just replied as he looks around trying to find the source of the voice as a greenly smoke of magic with Scar’s head appears before him just as he turns to the direction of its appearance.

“What in the Pride Lands?” Kion fearfully expressed as he thinks he is hallucinating this as he meets face to face with his great uncle.

“Don’t feel so bad. After all friendship was doomed from the start.” He said with his voice dripping with sadism as he plants doubt in the cub’s mind.

“But…it’s not.” He defensively said as his voice waivered. “You’re wrong, Discord.”

“Oh am I?” Scar replied unconvinced as his voice turned into Discord’s with an accompanying face and image. “Because from what it seems you don’t really have what it takes to step up to leadership and be able to use the Roar to defeat me.”

As Discord lays his hypnotic eyes to place Kion in a trance much like Applejack and Bunga as he thinks back to the many times his father expressed disappointment in him combined when other’s questioned his leadership while leaving out the immediate support he had whenever that happened.

Just then they then come across Pinkie Pie as she too was corrupted by Discord’s mind game when he tricked her into thinking her friends at laughing at her not with her from past memories and talking balloons constantly mocking her relentlessly.

“Pinkie Pie! Are we glad to see you!” Twilight again happily greeted the pink mare as she happily approached her.

“Oh you are, huh? Why? Need a good laugh?” She angrily returned as she stormed off ahead.

“Pinkie? What do you suppose has her so upset? It's not like her.” She asked the farm pony and honey badger.

“I didn't notice anythin' strange about Pinkie.” The orange earth pony denied seeing.

“Me neither. Like you care.” Bunga added in retort as he followed suit as Applejack shifts her eyes around again.

“Weird.” Twilight noted of how off the others are acting. “Better pick up the pace before the stress of this gets the better of all of us.”

Twilight then set out to push the pace as Kion lags behind a little while still downcast by Discord’s words.

Elsewhere, Rarity is currently trotting her way around the maze with Ono on her back since he was stripped of his wings.

“I was expecting an audience with the Princess, not outdoor sport.” She expressed as she trotted ahead with her head up high.

“Nor was I expecting all of this to happen.” Ono expressed as he looked at his wingless body before the unicorn crashed into something. “Agh!” He screamed in pain when he fell off.

“Ono I’m sorry I’m…” She started to apologize until he caught something in front of her. “Oh my...”

“Welcome to your lucky day, Rarity and Ono. You two found the one thing in Equestria that could rival my face for sheer beauty and is something a sight for sore eyes. What do you think? You like?” Discord voice said Rarity and Ono are starting to get hypnotized by the shiny glare from Discord’s magic that is making them see diamonds in a plain boulder.

“Yes... I like very much...” She said before Ono quickly shielded their eyes and turned them away before they could be corrupted and manipulated.

“No! No!” Ono stated. “It’s a trap.”

“You’re right!” Rarity realized as she tried to walk away. “I shan't succumb to such fabulousness. Must... get to the center... to meet... the others.” But of course it didn’t last long as against Ono’s will he was dragged by the now corrupted unicorn back over to the valueless rock. “Mine!”

“Rarity! Stop! Whoa!” Ono screamed as his color changed along with Rarity’s as they got stuck in the hypnotic trance as the next thing they do is both carve out a diamond shape of the boulder

“Well, Rarity. It took forever, but it was worth it.” Rarity said to the egret feeling pleased with their accomplishment.

“It sure was.” He agreed.

“Who knew three little gemstones would turn out to be this handsome hunk of a diamond? Now to get you home.“ Rarity then said in a gushing manner as she treated it like a baby before placing it onto her back just as the others meet up with then.

“Rarity! Ono! Are we glad to see...” Twilight happily began before seeing the boulder on the unicorn’s back. “Why are you carrying a humongous boulder Rarity?”

“What do you mean, "boulder"?” Ono irritably asked as he got into her face.

“This big beautiful bedazzling rock is a diamond!” Rarity blindly corrected. “And it's all mine. Keep your envious little eyes off it! I found it and it's mine fair and square!” She threatened before trying to carry the huge weight on her shoulders as Ono continues giving Twilight the stern threatening glance should she try anything against her.

Elsewhere, Fluttershy and Beshte are both trying to make their way around the maze as the latter has to help encourage and help the timid peagsus every step of the way.

“It’s okay you got this.” Beshte gently said to her who is still hiding in a nearby bush. “It’s just a maze.”

“You’re right.” Fluttershy agreed. “I can do this. I can...” She then screamed and quickly turned back when something spoked her.

“It’s all right, they’re just butterflies.” Her hippo friend pointed out to which got her relief and interest.

“Butterflies? Wait! Don't leave me here!” She followed after them as they led them to a different part of the maze where they spoke to her.

“Fluttershy, Beshte.” They spoke them through a feminine tone from the draconuqus. “Looks like you've been left behind by your so-called friends, huh?”

“Oh, no. I'm certain they're doing their best to find me.” She remained positive as she and Beshte nod in agreement together.

“Well, it must be so upsetting to know how weak and helpless they think you are.” They further tried to break the two as they fluttered around them and got in close around their ears. “As much as having to rely on your friends giving you a lift all the time.”

“Not at all. I am weak and helpless and I appreciate their understanding.”

“And sure it’s take some extra help to keep up with the others but they too are very understanding and accommodating to make sure they are always there for me.”

The two replied undeterred by Discord’s attempts to get into his head which for once left him flustered as he continues his efforts while trying to keep speaking to them in his feminine tone to keep trying to break them.

“Yes... Well, surely it burns you up... I mean, that they're always pointing out your flaws, right?”

“Not really. In fact, I think I'm awfully lucky to have friends who want me to be the best I can be.”


The two replied as Discord angrily drops the disguise and appears before them seeing that they are not playing along to his mind games.

“Oh, for goodness sake!” He exclaimed in frustration before placing two fingers on each of their heads to force the corruption and darker color change upon them. “You two have been kind for far too long, my dears. Time to be cruel. Arrivederci!”

He then disappeared just in time for the others to reunite with them.

“Fluttershy! Beshte! I'm so glad to see a friendly face.” She happily expressed to them just as the two sport angered looks while not yet facing her. “This awful labyrinth is getting to everypony and everyone including Kion.” She pointed to the disheartened lion cub as the farm pony and egret growl at her with Pinkie and Bunga blowing raspberry’s at her direction and Rarity still keeping her strength in holding the boulder on her back.

“Aw, boo-hoo-hoo!” She unsympathetically returned. “Why don't you wave your magic little horn and make everything all right?”

“Uh...” Twilight was left speechless when the two give her the unfriendly vibes.

“Oh, that's right, you can't. You don't have one.” Beshte cruelly remarked as Fluttershy tail whipped Twilight in the face to which he laughed upon seeing as they meet up with the others.

“What is happening to my friends?” Twilight asked Kion who couldn’t find it within himself to say a word as Fluttershy rams Pinkie aside to which Applejack laughed in response.

“And what are you laughing at?” Pinkie demanded as the farm pony shifted her eyes around as she cooked up another lie.

“Chocolate milk.”

“Little help here!” Rarity asked as she struggled with the boulder to which Twilight was generous enough to do so. “Thanks, Twilight.” She gratefully replied.

“You're welcome–“ Twilight thought nothing of it before she suddenly turned back into her more vicious and hostile side.

“But don't get any ideas about my gem! I know where you live.” She threatened her as she poked her side while the other unicorn’s ears dropped at the short-lived moment.

Kyoga then makes her way down the maze as she splits between running down the path and checking her blind spots while keeping a sharp eye for whatever Discord is planning to try to stop her from defeating him when she catches her eye on something in particular…

… a group of mean and very skinny lions as they all surround her from all directions to which she snarled at upon seeing them.

“Why, Kyoga…” The lioness with a stripe on her head with red eyes sinisterly said to her as she approached her. “What are you doing out here and so…alone?”

“Nothing that concerns you.” She angrily replied as her blood boiled with intense anger upon seeing this.

“Well regardless, we both know that it never had to come this and that you have a choice.” She then said as she personally circled around the girl.

“And just what do you think you are doing?” She asked with a raised eyebrow very suspicious of her surroundings.

“Getting you to join us!” She stated as she proposed. “Just think about what we can accomplish! Think of the opportunities you can pounce on! Together we can rule the Pride Lands with an iron paw if we work together!”

“Forget it and you know why because you’re not fooling me Discord!” She defiantly roared in the head lioness’s face. “Even with all of your attempts to make this as hard as possible aren’t working because I am much stronger that what you say I am and you know it. Don’t you?”

Seeing that she is not breaking like the others, Discord dropped the illusion as he appeared before her.

“Very well.” Discord calmly yet furiously said with a low tone as he snapped his fingers to have a separate hand force the corruption with a touch of his finger.

But to his surprise…nothing happens as Kyoga looks on unamused as if this is the best he can do.

“What the…?” He exclaimed while baffled that happened as he focuses more effort into his magic. “Okay, Kyoga. You’ve asked for it!”

With extra effort on his part he unleashed more powerful magic to try to force the corruption…only magic inside of her to react to this by shielding the lioness with blinding white magic that surrounds her and teleports her away from the scene leaving her attacker wondering where she went.

“Oh well. She won’t be a problem to me anymore.” He then shrugged it off as he focused on two more enemies with one the key to napping the victory with a plan that will work in his favor…

…while Kyoga finds herself teleported to a very strange and new sight…something she only saw in her dreams but never actually thought it was actually real and true up until now…

The tree inside a cave, with a tunnel that leads back to inside Pride Rock.

In another part of the maze both the Fastest members of the Guards are both making their way around while being on the lookout for whatever tricks Discord has in mind for them. But just as they ducked for cover at a nearby bush they saw a cloud of rainbow colored bolts appearing as it floats by.

“I've got you now, element.” She confidently smirked as she thinks her element is within that cloud as she takes off after it with Fuli quickly running after them as she keeps pace with them before they realized that the cloud lead them to Discord himself as he lounged on one of them like a hammock.

“Oh. I can see why you like these clouds so much. Very plush.” He commented as he relaxed while wearing sunglasses and patting his hammock as Fuli growled and got into a fighting stance along with Rainbow who put her fists up.

“Get off there and put 'em up! Come on! Let's go!” Rainbow challenged.

“Hey, I'm just here to deliver a message.” Discord casually replied with a tone of innocence.

“Well I've got a message for you too!” Fuli retorted as she charged at him to which he effortlessly snaps his fingers to have a magical glass window appear in front of her to crash into.

She tumbled and moaned in pain as she recovers from the impact to which Discord takes the time to talk to Rainbow Dash rather seriously leaving the cheetah dazed and too weak to stand up at the moment.

“Listen closely, this is important.” He seriously said to the peagsus as he slithered around her. “A weighty choice is yours to make: the right selection or a big mistake. If a wrong choice you choose to pursue, the foundations of home will crumble without you.”

With another snap of his fingers he presented her an image of Cloudsdale falling apart in her absence.

“Cloudsdale? Crumble... without me? No!” Rainbow said with worry as her eyes got placed in a trance as a gift wrapped box appeared before her.

“That box contains your wings. You can take them and leave the game, or you can carry on aimlessly wandering this maze. Your choice.” He said to her while placing a finger on her cheek as her color started to desaturate as Rainbow takes the bait.

“Rainbow Dash…No….” The cheetah whispered as she just watches on with no power from within to do anything about it.

Elsewhere, the corrupted cast sans Twilight who is left with the burden of carrying Rarity’s boulder.

“Must... find... Rainbow Dash.” She said as she struggled with the heavy weight of the rock. “As a team... we're unstoppable. Rainbow Dash won't let us down.” She voiced confidently.

“Well, looky there. Rainbow Dash is flying away. She's abandonin' us.” Applejack commented.

“So predictable.” Ono replied as he stated he expected that to happen.

“Now I know that's a lie.” Twilight figured until she saw the peagsus is actually flying away. “How can it be?” She wondered as the maze hedges crumbled with dark clouds forming around the skies leaving the ten Guard members face to face with Discord again as the area around them turning into a small dirt pit.

“Well, well, well. Somepony broke the "no wings; no magic" rule.” He commented as he snapped his fingers and gave everyone their wings and horns back. “Game's over, my little ponies. You didn't find your precious elements.” He smugly smirked as he got into the lavender mare’s face before having an upside down umbrella magically appear in his hands. “Looks like we might be due for a big old storm of chaos.”

He then evilly laughed as thunder and lightning strikes with Twilight just jaw dropped that everything is starting to fall apart around them while Fuli is getting her strength back together as she gets herself back to her paws in time for the Lord of Chao’s moment of triumph.

Author's Note:

As Season 2 begins, it kicks off with the two worlds starting to come together more as the kids all get together for school when the threat of Discord arises who of course has many sneaky tricks up his claws to make sure the Guard doesn't have the power to defeat him.

While this is going on Kyoga has been having a dream about the magic of Harmony leading her to a very magical source that she is seeing behold her after escaping Discord's attempts to corrupt her.

Let's see what happens now, since Discord managed to win his little game with the Guard as Equestria is about to eternal an era of eternal chaos heading into Part 2...

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