• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 18: Baby Cakes

Episode 18:

Baby Cakes

At the Ponyville Hospital on a nice spring day, the Lion and Pony Guard have all got together to witness the newborn baby foals who have just recently been given birth with Mrs. Cake being one of the lucky mothers having a foal too. Everyone was practically gushing over the newborns as they await to see the Cakes newborns as they admire at the other baby’s in the wing.

“Can you believe the new baby is finally here?” Applejack spoke to the other’s as they eye the newborns.

“Hard to believe that nine months have already passed by.” Beshte commented amazed with how time flies here.

“Cup Cake and Carrot Cake must be so proud!” Twilight smiled at the sight.

“They sure are.” Kion commented in agreement.

“I wonder if it's a filly or a colt?” Rarity voiced as Pinkie was really gushing over them.

“Filly or colt? You mean boy or girl?” Ono questioned.

“Yes, Ono.” She replied as the egret nodded as he gets it now.

“I wanna see the new baby pony! I wanna see! Which one is it?!” Pinkie excitedly voiced as a tired and unkept Mr. Cake came into the room.

“Meet our son, Pound Cake.” He began as he eyed the peagsus pony with cream colored foal with brown hair to which everyone awed at. “….and our daughter, Pumpkin Cake.” He added as he gestured to the yellow pony with a horn and orange pumpkin shaded hair sucking her hoof.

“Huh?” Everyone all voiced their surprised confusions seeing this.

“Cool!” Bunga commented.

“Two new foals for me to play with? That's two, two, two times the fun! This is the greatest day ever!” Pinkie exclaimed as she quickly rushed into the room with her party hat and party kazoo. “We need to celebrate your birthday, babies, 'cause you were just born today! Woo-hoo!”

Before she could blow her kazoo the nurse quickly rushed over to stop her.

“Shhh. The babies are trying to sleep.” She shushed her.

“But I was just–“ She protested only to be shushed again.




Pinkie complied with that part as the nurse turned away from her.

“Happy, happy, birthday to you and you today–“ She tried to whisper sing to the twins only to get immediately throw out of the room.

“Well, can’t say you didn’t have that coming.” Fuli commented unsurprised that happening before focusing their attention back on the children.

“Now how in thunderation is one of them twins a Pegasus and the other one a unicorn?” Applejack questioned.

“Easy. My great-great-great-great grandfather was a unicorn, and Cup Cake's great aunt's second cousin twice removed was a Pegasus.” Mr. Cake explained. “That makes sense, right?”

“Well to some degree…” Ono replied still trying to make sense of it. “…even though that’s quite a lot relatives to go back on.”

“Yeah I know, it takes quite some research to fully understand that.” Mr. Cake acknowledged it. “But it is what it is.”

“Aw, yeah!” Rainbow declared excited at the sight of a new-born flyer in Ponyville. “Heh, just you wait! Once little Pound Cake there gets his wings going, he'll be all over the place.”

“And be careful around Pumpkin Cake.” Twilight also advised to exercise caution.

“Baby unicorns get strange magic surges that come and go.” Rarity added.

“Thanks.” He returned keeping it all in mind. “It will sure require some major adjustments to accommodate all of this but I’m certain we’ll manage.”

“Quick! Make a wish and blow out your candles!” Pinkie still couldn’t keep her distance from the sleeping babies as she presented them cake. “Which is easy, 'cause there are zero candles! You are zero years old, after all!”

The nurse then shushed her again to which Pinkie flinched and ended up getting cake on her face while returning an embarrassed grin.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that is zero chance that new born babies can have cake at their age.” Fuli commented with an amused smile as little does the party pony know of what more there is towards watching after newborn babies in house.

One month following the twins were birth, The Cakes were still moving in stuff for their new nursery they have set up upstairs while Pinkie was all already to celebrate the occasion by placing party hats on the twins heads along with kazoos in their mouths while balancing a cake with a big 1 on top.

“Happy month-i-versary to you and you today!



Seems-like-only yesterday-you-were-born.

But now you're a month old today, hey!”

Pinkie sang to them as she appeared out of the cake with the kids blowing on their kazoos before hugging their big sister like figure like family. Mr. Cake having watched this as he was moving stuff around smiled seeing this with any worries of them not getting along were settled.

“Are you ready for your favoritest game in the whole wide world?” Pinkie offered as she quickly hid behind the double doors to the kitchen. “Where's Pinkie Pie...?” She asked before popping her head out as she opened the doors. “Here I am! Where's Pinkie Pie...? Here I am! Where's Pinkie Pie...? Here I am!” She repeated as the foals laughed finding it very funny before coming over to blow a playful raspberry. “Here I am! Here I am! Here I am!”

“Everything okay in there?” Mrs. Cake then popped in to check up on them. “Who needs a diaper change?”

“Don't worry, they're fine!” Pinkie assured at least until she got a good whiff of their filled up diapers. “Oogh, I mean...”

“Oh, I got it.” Mr.Cake replied as he quickly arrived with two fresh diapers.

He placed the twins on the mat before using his hooves to remove their diapers before tossing them in the nearby trash can. He then placed sprinkling powder on them before placing on their new diapers. The twins giggled as they were both now clean as whistles as Mr. Cake moves to the nearby sink to wash his hooves.

“Is anypony hungry? Mr. Cake then asked.

“Ah, no thanks. I just had a big breakfast.” Pinkie returned.

“I'm on it.” Mrs. Cake quickly walked over with baby bottles filled with milk to which they wasted no time when they started sipping from them as Pinkie watched impatiently for them to finish their bottles. Once they were done, they both started making weird faces.

“Oh, oh, you're making funny faces! I have one! Bleghhh!” Pinkie assumed until Mr. Cake moved to place them in his arms.

“No, y'see, Pinkie, the babies need to be burped.” He corrected with a light chuckle as he patted them on their backs as they both belched.

“All set now? Everything good? Okay, who wants to play again?” Pinkie quickly asked before leading the twins into more playtime she really wants to have with them.

But the two were more interested by the objects around them rather than whatever Pinkie had in mind for them as Pound Cake used his hooves to knock down some alphabet blocks in his path. When he leaped up, he was quickly caught by his mother.

“Uh, uh, uh, Pound Cake, no pounding things.” She gently scolded him before quickly moving to stop her daughter from getting the baby powder on her mouth.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, we don't chew on things, Pumpkin Cake.” Her father scolded her gently.

“Except food.“ Pinkie added.

“Food!” Mrs. Cake exclaimed as a thought immediately occurred in her head. “Great cinnamon sticks, I completely forgot.“

“No, you just fed them bottles, remember?” Pinkie giggled.

“Not the babies' food!” Mrs. Cake corrected.

“Gh! The food for the enormously big catering order we have to deliver today!” Mr. Cake added as he remembered.

“Oh, with the new twins, we've been so distracted!” She lamented as she quickly got her carrying pouch for the kids to ride on.

“Gh, quick, honeybun, we need to find a babysitter to watch the foals while we take care of this.” Mr. Cake urgently said.

“I could do it! I wanna do it!” Pinkie immediately offered. “Oh, the babies love playing with me, I'll do it!”

“I wonder who would be available on such short notice.” She wondered as they ignored Pinkie not feeling she is ready to accept this responsibility.

“Me! Me! Pick me!”

Just then a ringing bell was heard from the entrance at Sugar Cube Corner courtesy of Kion entering the bakery.

“Hello.” He greeted as the Cakes quickly rushed up to him.

“Prince Kion! Dearie!” Mrs. Cake greeted with a very much needed favor on hoof. “How you doing?”

“Just fine.” He replied while a little taken aback by this greeting. “Everything okay? Is this a bad time to ask for a cupcake?”

“Oh no, not it all.” Mr. Cake calmly answered as Kion handed up the bits for a chocolate cupcake to which she quickly handed up. “We just got a huge catering order we need to take care of and we were wondering if you could watch over the kids for a few hours.”

“Just watch over them?” He asked as Pinkie is repeatedly bouncing up and down wanting to volunteer to do it herself.

“I'll do it! Pick me!”

“Sure. I suppose I can help you out there.” He shrugged as he replied as the Cakes both sighed in relief hearing that.

“Huh?” Pinkie expressed hurt confusion over their decision.

“Oh, thank you! You are such a life saver, Prince Kion!” Mrs. Cake gratefully expressed while kissing his paw repeatedly.

“No problem.” He returned with a smile although looking aside a little awkwardly. “Although you can just call me Kion.”

Once that was all settled the Cakes immediately got to work on their order as Kion watched as they prepared to leave once they got everything together after rushing in and out of the kitchen preparing sweets constantly. All the while Pinkie just sat down feeling down and upset. She on the other hoof could not believe what she is hearing as she felt hurt being sidelined like that even though she was the first pony to step forward to the task.

“Now, Kion, are you sure you really understand the responsibility of watching over two babies?” He asked him as he pranced a little nervously while sweating.

“Yes I do.” Kion answered with a confident smile as they heard the oven ding with Mrs. Cake pushing out a giant cake covered in a cloth.

“Oh, here you are, dearie.” She tossed him a scroll which unrolled towards him. “All your responsibilities are on this list.”

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion quietly remarked upon seeing the long list before eyeing his attention to the baby’s mother. “Okay, not a problem.” He calmly nodded as Mr.Cake quickly rushed over to cart the cake out the door to urge his wife get a move on.

“We'll frost it when we get there! C'mon, sugarplum, tick-tick!”

“Take good care of our two precious little ginger snaps!” Mrs. Cake kindly asked of him before leaving.

“I will do my best.” He assured as he waved the two bakers off as he closed the door after them before turning to the twin babies who both start crying immediately as soon as they were separated from their parents for the first time.

Despite being a little unsettled with their sudden crying, Kion managed to keep himself together as he moved to pick them up and gently patted them on the backs to get them to calm down a little.

“Shh! Shh! It’s okay.” He assured them. “It wouldn’t be long until they get back.”

Even though they both feel safe around him they still can’t help it. It wasn’t enough for them to stop crying as Kion turned to Pinkie who couldn’t resist not turning away from the twins even when she wasn’t asked to watch over them.

“Oh, don't cry, little friends!” She tried to calm them down as she went behind the kitchen doors while opening and closing the doors repeatedly like before. “Look, look! Where's Pinkie Pie...? Where's Pinkie Pie?”

It did little wonder getting them to stop crying as Pinkie then stepped forward to make funny faces at them while Kion continues patting them.

“Oh no... I'm right here, see?” Pinkie said to them as her silly antics aren’t lightening the mood in the slightest. “Oh, think, think, think...”

“Maybe I should just handle this and make sure they’re okay before you try any comedy acts.” Kion suggested. “Because right now they just need to be assured that everything is okay and that their mom and dad haven’t left them.”

“Comedy acts? Hey That’s it!” Pinkie exclaimed as an idea sprung in her head from hearing that. “Hey guys, watch this!” Pinkie then went ahead and put together a comedy act.

“Hey, you're a wonderful crowd here tonight! Where y'all from?” She asked the confused crowd of three while using a broom as a microphone.

“Umm…Pinkie….” Kion tried to tell her as Pinkie briefly held the broom up close to the twins with Pumpkin Cake nearly putting her mouth in it.

“Wow, that's great. Y'know, I used to have an ant farm, but I had to get rid of it because... I couldn't find tractors that small!”

“Okay….” Kion just said not getting the joke as much as the babies as Pinkie moved on to the next joke.

“The other day, I spilled spot remover on my dog... and now I can't find him!” She added as she rushed over to a convenitally placed drum and cymbal set where she performed a ba-dum-tish sound. The twins started crying again as Kion tended to the foals again. “Gee, tough crowd.”

“Pinkie…” Kion began. “Maybe I should just put them to bed so they can get a nap in?”

“Please Kion? I got more one joke up my hooves?” Pinkie pleaded.

“Okay, Pinkie…” Kion relented. “What is it?”

“I wasn't gonna pull off a show stopper, but you're a lovely audience and I think you deserve it!” Pinkie responded as she briefly went behind the curtain and then appeared with a pink nose on her face as she prepares a cheerful and happy song for them.

“First you jiggle your tail! Oink oink oink!

Then you wriggle your snout! Oink oink oink!

Then you wiggle your rump! Oink oink oink!

Then shout it out! Oink oink oink!

First you jiggle your tail! Oink oink oink!

Then you wriggle your snout! Oink oink oink!

Then you wiggle your rump! Oink oink oink!

Then shout it out! Oink oink oink!”

She sang to them as the only result her song gained was making them cry even more as she continued to sing even faster to turn that reception around.

“First you jiggle your tail! Oink oink oink!

Then you wriggle your snout! Oink oink oink!

Then you wiggle your rump! Oink oink oink!

Then shout it out! Oink oink oink!”

She then tried over and knocked into a nearby cabinet where flour was sitting on top and spilling all over her fur coat to which the foals immediately stopped crying and giggled at the funny sight.

“There, see? Nothing to this babysitting business!” Pinkie said as Kion went over to help her up.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Kion gently cautioned. “Much like with being king or leader of the Lion Guard there is more to it that giggles, laughs, and getting your way all the time.”

“There’s more?” Pinkie asked.

“Pinkie.” Kion returned a chuckle before letting her help with the babysitting. “Let’s just move on to the next item of business.”

Pinkie after cleaning herself up joined Kion as he managed to bring the foals into the kitchen without further crying or screaming.

“So Pinkie…” Kion began as he placed them in their chairs as he turned to the pink mare looking at the list. “…What’s next on the list?”

“Snack time.” She answered. “That's easy enough.”

Kion then went over to the fridge and found two bowls of foal food in there.

“Oops.” Kion then remembered. “Forgot the spoons!”

“Spoons?” Pinkie voiced dismissing the need for them. “We don’t need those!” She said before turning to the foals as Kion just went ahead and got the utensils.

“Okie-dokie! Eat up! Like this! Num-num-num, num-num-num-num! Ahh!” She gestured them to eat their food face-first as they stare blankly at her.

Pumpkin then moved to seemingly get the idea as Pinkie smiled only to go straight for the table cloth nearly spilling her snack as Kion quickly caught it before it hit the ground as Pinkie moved to quickly remove it from her mouth.

“No, Pumpkin Cake, we eat food, not tablecloths.” She scolded her to which she started crying seconds after that while Pound banged his hooves on the table as he ended up launching his food onto his head to which he started crying too.

“Huh, huh? Uh, hey, guys, look at me!” Pinkie then quickly moved to cover herself in another sack of flour to get them to giggle instead.

“Yeah. I think I can see where this is going.“ Pinkie then said with a figuring snort and sigh.

“Maybe we should just move on to the next thing on the list.” Kion suggested.

“Okay.” Pinkie sighed as the two moved to the next item of business, bath time.

As Kion got the bath tub all set up for them making sure it was the right temperature for them, Pinkie moved to remove the kid’s diapers. But when the latter was about to do so just as Kion got the tub ready, the kids ran off ahead laughing and wanting to play instead of doing what their caretakers want them to do.

“Are you kidding me?!” Pinkie exclaimed of all times now they want to run around and play before quickly pursing them while they run circles around her until Kion who was patiently watching them positioned himself to use one of the shower curtains to buddle them together.

“Gotcha!” Kion exclaimed as he chuckles while the foals return silly giggles. “All right now, in we go!” He told them as he placed them into the tub.

Before any of the two can cry they took interest and awe to bubbles forming and floating around the tub. Getting the idea, Pinkie as she joins by Kion’s side uses the bubbles and soap foam to make a Santa Claus like beard to further brighten their smiles… Well, at least until one them popped courtesy of Pumpkin’s horn to which they both started crying again.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, don't cry! Look, look, uh, floating things! Ooh, aaah, eeh!” Pinkie quickly placed a rubber duck into the tub. Seeing this worked she moved to put more stuff into the tub. But Kion quickly placed a paw on her to stop.

“I think only one bath toy will do.” Kion said as he picked out a rubber penguin for the foals to play with along with the rubber duck.

“Okay.” Pinkie complied as she moved to put everything else she grabbed away.

Following that, giving the foals their baths went through smoothly, leaving the bags of flour wasted down to two as the two then dried them up once they both done getting cleaned up.

But as soon as they moved to whatever is next, the foals then decided what it was as they both had already filled their diapers again. Meaning it is time to change their diapers again…

“Phew! Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed as he placed a paw on his nose. “That stinks!”

“Smells like somepony needs me to changy-wangy their diaper-wiper right now-a-wow!” Pinkie added as she too plugged up her nose as she hands Kion the diapers as he stealthily makes his way towards the foals without being spotted. “Easy... easy...” He said as the kids were so far unaware of Kion’s sneak attack nor the foul stench their diapers were having.

One of the twins started to move towards to where Kion was sneaking up until Pinkie called out them.


When the twins were distracted for the moment, Kion used the opportunity to pounce and restraining them as Pinkie worked to remove the filled diapers before placing on new diapers on them. All the while the two cried again as they both had to force it upon them since they naturally wouldn’t stay still to cooperate with them.

“No, no, no. Not again.” Pinkie urged them it’s okay before quickly running over and fetching another bag of flour and dumping it all over herself just to get them to stop crying and laugh instead.

“Doing okay, Pinkie.” Kion asked at the frowning party pony.

“I would be if I hadn’t had to dump flour on myself every time they cry.” Pinkie said sounding annoyed. “How do you make it so easy?”

“Just comes naturally, I guess…” Kion innocently shrugged. “Just comes with being responsible.”

At that moment a ringing was heard at the door.

“Oh! Thank goodness they're home!” Pinkie then said in relief thinking the Cakes have returned as she moved to answer the door as Kion followed her while carrying the foals as Pinkie opened the door to see it is Twilight.

“Hi!” She greeted.

“Hey Twilight.” Kion returned. “What brings you here?”

“I finished up the work I had to do, so I thought I'd stop by and see if you needed any help.” She replied as she is then suddenly pulled inside by the party pony. “Whoa!”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming!” Pinkie immediately expressed her gratitude. “I can't begin to tell you what my day has been like! I mean, these babies just won't listen to reason, and don't even get me started on their taste in stand-up comedy.”

“It's okay, Pinkie. I figured you would need some help.” Twilight responded as she expected that with a light smile. “That's why I stopped by.”

“Ex-cuse me?” Pinkie returned now offended as Twilight worked her magic to move the toys in proper place.

“Babies take a lot of work, and some ponies are just not cut out to handle the responsibility.”

“Is that so?” Pinkie immediately got in her face for her unintentional consdescending remark. “Well, thanks for stopping by, Twilight. Sorry, I don't have time to visit. I'm very, very, busy with my responsibilities here.” She added as she pushed Twilight out the door.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Pinkie!” Kion immediately moved in the surprised unicorn’s defense standing in the middle of doorway before Pinkie could shut it. “Don’t send her out for that! She didn’t mean it!”

“What did I say?” Twilight asked still not understanding why she nearly got kicked out.

“I’m afraid what you said implied that she wasn’t capable of babysitting herself.” Kion explained to her as she realized what she had just implied.


“No worries.” Kion assured before turning to Pinkie. “See. Now, don’t you think we should be taking in all the help we can…”

But to his surprise, Pinkie had attempted to take control of the situation by placing the foals in bed herself as she faced off against as Pound Cake was bouncing up and down in their crib while Pumpkin was chewing on the rubber chicken.

“Well, of all the…” Pinkie still felt offended by Twilight’s words. “…She thinks I can't handle things on my own! Maybe because I haven't handled things on my own. Well, I can handle things on my own!” She voiced with determination as she gets serious on them.

“Pound Cake.” She addressed him face to face to get him obey. “This is a crib. It is only to be used for napping, sleeping, and on occasion with permission, as a pretend old-timey Western fort. It is not a trampoline, so stop your jumping right now, mister!” She then turned her attention to Pumpkin Cake. “And you, young filly. We do not put anything in our mouth that we cannot safely and properly digest, so stop slobbering on that toy this instant!” She then removed the toy from her mouth and placed her in the crib while shocking the two into silence while Kion and Twilight look on with the same expression.

“Pinkiee…” Kion tried to speak to her as she did not turn around and continued barking orders at them.

“Now, we've all had a very exhausting afternoon, and it's time for all good little foals to take their nap. So, fall asleep!”

They immediately do so as Pinkie now feels relieved seeing that worked before gently tucking them into bed.

“Sleep tight.” She said with a warm smile while kissing their foreheads before while pulling the crib pen up to secure them there. She then put everything else on the floor away and then turned out the lights.

“Now that's what I call handling things.” She then said proudly as she smugly smirked at Twilight. “Still think I can’t handle it?” She taunted as she and Kion were more focused on what’s behind them. “Well?” She expected an answer as Twilight wordlessly turned the pony around as they all see that the twins have both made an escape as soon as her back was turned.

“Oh, nononono. Not good, not good, not good! Pound? Pumpkin? Where are you?” She then said urgently as she scoured the room for them. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

“Found one!” Twilight directed her attention to Pumpkin Cake in the closet with the rubber chicken in her mouth to which Pinkie quickly scooped up and placed her in the crib.

“Whoa!” She exclaimed wondering how she managed that. “You be a good little girl now, Pumpkin-wumpkin, and stay in your crib for your pal Pinkie-winkie!”

“Now we just need to find Pound Cake.” Kion stated as Pinkie wasted no time in trying to find her as she exited the nursey. “Watch over her.” He said to the unicorn who nodded before continuing.

“Pound Cake?” She clicked her teeth as Kion follows her. “Here, Pound Cake!”

As she walked around the hallway she heard the baby boy’s laughter from inside the house in an eerie and rather creepy manner.

“Uh, Pound Cake? Uh...” Pinkie nervously turned back as Kion went forward after getting a glimpse of the boy.

Pinkie turned back to the nursery and saw Pumpkin Cake still in her crib with Twilight watching over her as the boy’s voice was heard again this time as he made his way back in the room with Kion following after it.

“He’s here.” Kion said to her pointing to the ceiling. “Somwhere in here.”

“Look…” Twilight pointed to the ceiling as they all see the peagsus filly is crawling upside down on the ceiling.

“Whoa!” Kion exclaimed in shock upon seeing that.

“You can fly?!” Pinkie gasped upon seeing this too.

“It would appear so.” Twilight replied as she locks eyes on him. “Along with them starting to learn their new abilities.”

Pinkie quickly wasted no time in trying to jump up and get to the baby colt.

“Oh... get down here... this instant... young... colt!” She sternly demanded of him as she leaped up to him a few times before tripping up on the last bounce and fell on her hooves. “I'm responsible for you!” She insisted that she listen to reason.

“Not a problem.” Twilight assured as she used her magic to gently levitate her down from the ceiling.

But then they saw Pumpkin Cake starting to learn to use her unicorn magic in levitating the butterfly accessory to her with her horn glowing a blue magical aura leaving the pink earth mare jaw dropped at the sight as she levitated it along with several other toys around the room.

“Wow!” Kion spoke looking impressed.

“Amazing.” Twilight remarked with a smile upon seeing this. “Rainbow Dash would sure be proud of him if she was here. I know I am of Pumpkin Cake.”

Said mare used her magic to bring the butterfly to her to which she started sucking on it.

“Okay, Pumpkin Cake.” Twilight moved to gently remove it from her mouth. “Let’s try not to eat them.”

Pinkie still determined to prove herself then bumped Twilight out of the way as she moved to snatch every toy Pumpkin tries to stick her mouth into.

“No no no, Pumpkin.” She sternly said to her. “No, no. No. Hmph! I am the responsible one, and I said no.” She assertively said to her as she locks the toys away in the toy chest before quickly turning her attention back to Pound Cake flying around. “That goes for you too, Pound Cake!”

Just before Kion could gently move to get him to land, Pinkie got immediately in front of him before giving him chase to which she ends up crashing face-first into the wall while the filly just flies ahead effortlessly.

“Gotcha! I think?” She stated as she finds herself dragged away by him as he proves himself to be a very strong flier for a newborn as she winds up dragged down the steps, into the kitchen, crashing and spilling aside multiple baked goods on the table… “Mm, razzleberry.” She took a moment to enjoy the pies that landed on her face before getting serious again… “I'm- not- letting- go! I'm- re-spon-si-ble!”

She is then dragged up back the steps back into the nursery as Pound Cake then flies over to his sister just as Pinkie ends up losing her hold on him due to her tail being snagged by the doorknob. Pumpkin wanting to join her brother by his side works her magic to levitate herself up in the air so she can join him so they can race together.

“Oh, not you too!” She voiced in disbelief before trapping them in a basket that she literally taped into the ground. “There! Now who's the responsible one?” She then said feeling confident that she successfully stopped them just as Twilight got up on her hooves while Kion entered the nursey room.

Alas, her success didn’t last as one phase through spell along with some strong flying allowed the two to escape their confinements.

Seeing this left Pinkie rather disheartened and distraught that all of her efforts were all for naught as they both moved towards the other two babysitters with much more interest as they both saw eye to eye with each other as the foals hugged them. Pinkie feeling completely broken loses it as she bursts into tears while wailing loudly.

The twins immediately turned to face her as they both realize they have taken their antics a little too far and ended up making her feel terrible when they turned to Kion and Twilight and didn’t return the sentiment to Pinkie when she tried to take care of them as much as the others.

The two then moved to fetch a bag of flour and approached Pinkie with the sack in tow. Once they had her attention, Pumpkin opened the bag so flour can spill all over them for once to cheer her up in return. And in return, Pinkie is all cheered up upon seeing it.

“Y'know, you're right. That is funny.” Pinkie then said while calming herself down and wiping the tears off of her eyes.

“And that makes it four bags of flour down the drain.” Kion commented as he kept track of the flour used for funny laughs.

“I sure hope the Cakes don’t have any big orders planned anytime soon.” Twilight hoped as Pinkie spoke up.

“After today’s order they won’t.” Pinkie voiced it’s not a big deal as the twins moved to hug her. Something that she greatly needed after everything she went through today.

“Now we just gotta get you both cleaned up again.” Kion said still smiling as he went ahead to the bathroom. “I’ll go get the bathtub all set up again.”

“What a day.” Pinkie voiced in relief that the twins are finally listening to her as they all make their way to the bathroom together. “Listen Twilight, I’m sorry I nearly threw you out of the house. I just really wanted to prove to you that I am capable of looking after little fillies as well as you.”

“It’s okay, Pinkie.” Twilight kindly accepted. “Because I’m sorry too for offending you with that little remark. I didn’t realize how insensitive that was. Looks like I still got room for improvement in being more sociable towards other ponies.”

“It’s okay. You’re getting there.” Pinkie happily returned as they both smiled with closed eyes leaning their heads towards each other in a friendly matter before giving the twins their second bath before tucking them back into bed after they were both cleaned up.

After making sure they were sound asleep the three then moved to clean up the mess Pound Cake had left through his little flying adventure in the kitchen which went throughout very swiftly and smoothly since Pinkie had Kion and Twilight helping her out.

Once they were done, Pinkie took the time to write down her letter for the princess on the babysitting lesson she learned today.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I've always had fun playing with little kids, and I thought babysitting meant just more playtime, right? Wrong! Being a caregiver is way more responsibility than just being a playmate. And today, I learned that sometimes our desire for responsibility can outrun our actual ability to handle it.”

“Well said, Pinkie.” Twilight commended her. “I’m certain the princess will love this lesson.“

“She sure will.” Kion agreed as Twilight then made her way back home. “Good night!

“Good night!” She returned to them both just as the Cakes have both arrived back home.

“Kion! Pinkie Pie! We're back!” Mr. Cake announced.

“How did everything go?” Mrs. Cake worryingly asked as Kion approaches them marveled by the sparkly clean state of the bakery.

“Are we in the right place?” Mr. Cake astonishingly asked.

“You sure are.” Kion responded with a smile before uttering a small shush as they all head towards the crib where the sleeping foals lie peacefully and deep in their slumber.

“Kion. P-Pinkie. This is just... just...” Mrs. Cake started almost speechless.

“Amazing is what it is.” Mr. Cake finished. “I mean I knew that you were responsible for the job but we had no idea how responsible Pinkie managed to be to actually do the job.”

“Well as a prince who gives royal respects when due, I can tell you that Pinkie is definitely responsible enough to be a very capable babysitter.” Kion voiced his stamp of approval to which Pinkie squeed with a huge smile. “I couldn’t have done it without her.”

“Would you be interested in becoming our go-to babysitter on a permanent basis?” Mr. Cake then asked of her to which left her rather amazed by that request.

“Hm- Ah- lemme check my schedule!” Pinkie quickly moved to pull her notepad from behind as she prepared to voice against it until Kion placed a paw on her shoulder and gestured her to the sleeping foals uttering their first words.

“Pinkie...” Pound Cake began.

“Pie...” Pumpkin Cake finished.

Pinkie happily gasped and shedded a few tears hearing and seeing this as she then had second thoughts about her initial refusal

“I have some free time next Tuesday.” She voiced her acceptance of the position as she is now ready to give the foals a very heartwarming experience to when their parents can’t be there for them after having learned of a very valuable friendship today.

Author's Note:

For this one, Kion and Pinkie take on the role of babysitters for the Cake's newborn twins where Kion plays the responsible guardian to Pinkie's learning how babysitting works role in this episode.

For this in order to fit Kion in this episode I had to downplay some of the babies crying while having him act in on the parts that were unnecessary in cannon such as kicking Twilight out for her Innocently Insensitive remark towards Pinkie rewriting the last part for the three to work together in dealing with the foals newfound abilities.

But in the end, Pinkie learned a valuable friendship lesson out of it and becomes the foal's full-time babysitter thanks to well-deserved praise from Kion.

Next up is "Hearth's Warming Eve." where one of the joyful winter holiday's is celebrated with a play on it's history put on together by the Lion and Pony Guard together.

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