• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,329 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 15: Secret of Excess

Episode 15:

Secret of My Excess

At the Golden Oaks Library, both Twilight and Ono are both closing curtains to the nearby windows together as they prepare for something very important today. Something that requires no distractions as they light the nearby candles as they prepare for...

“Re-shelving day!” Twilight declared as she sat down and pulled all of the books from their shelfs before pulling them back up to levitate them with her magic while Ono flies up to help direct them to new shelves as he questions Twilight’s call of where which book goes in which shelf.

“Understanding Medieval Equestria?”

“Pony History.”

“Modern Spellcasting.”

“That's Classics.”

“The Art of the To-Do List...actually, I kinda wanna read that again.”

At that moment the unicorn’s concentration broke when they heard Spike chuckling to which left the two suddenly having books piled on top of them. The two emerged fine both had both had a book sticking onto and through their horn and beak respectively.

“Spike! What are you laughing at?” Twilight irritably asked.

“This little beauty is my birthday present to myself!” He presented a shiny red heart-shaped gem. “It's a fire ruby! I've been aging it for months, and it's almost ripe!” He demonstrated by tapping with a metal instrument which left a nice vibrating sound upon contact before coming downstairs.

“Spike, wait! Watch out for that…” Ono tried to warn Spike before he suddenly tripped on a book on the stairs in front of his path to which he ended up falling over the staircase into the book pile just below him while managing to catch his ruby with his tail.

“…book.” He finished. ”Although pretty good catch.” He added to give him his dues for that.

“Thanks.” Spike giggled. “Hey, you took my advice! Just use the whole floor as one big shelf.” He then said to Twilight who growled in irritation over the fact that things were fine until he interrupted her but dropped it in favor of getting back to work.

Just as she and Ono got back to re-shelving, Rarity came knocking on her doorstep before letting herself.

“Hellooo? Anypony home? Twilight?” Rarity then gasped in amazement once she spots Spike’s gem and got up close to marvel at its beauty. “Is that a fire ruby?! Huh, that must be at least twenty carats! No inclusions, pristine facets...”

“And totally delicious.” Spike added.

“Uhh... if you guys don't mind?” Twilight addressed them with forced politeness.

“We’d like to get on with the re-shelving uninterrupted unless you got something you need.” Ono added just as annoyed as her bookworm buddy.

“Oh, uh, of course. Sorry.” Rarity snapped out of her gaze before turning to Twilight. “I just came by to see if you had any books on historical fashion...” She asked of her before turning back the dragon’s lipping his gem to taste its perfecting texture. “Did you say... delicious?”

“Sure did! Next week's my birthday, and this is my birthday dinner.” He replied as he hugged his beauty as Rarity lifted a reaching and pleading hoof in its direction as she clearly wants it bad as Twilight brings her the requested book with her magic.

“Start with this one.” She suggested before pulling another book from the pile and refocusing on her re-shelving business with Ono.

“Thanks, Twilight. I've got a feeling ruffled taffeta capes are going to make a huge comeback this season, and I want to be ahead of the game...” She began to read as she sat down before trailing off towards Spike’s birthday gem to which she bit into her hoof as her “Gotta have it” instincts are eating into her literally. “I hope it's as tasty as it is beautiful, Spike. I've never seen anything quite so stunning before.” She said to him as he was placing it into his chest.

“Gosh... You really like it, huh?” Spike noticed of how much she really is in his prized possession.

“Like it? It's magnificent.” She responded with eyes that scream “I love it!” inside as Spike then thought of what is probably one of the most noble acts of kindness and generosity he will do at the expense of what he just spent months preparing for.

“Then you should have it.” He said as he gently placed it in her hooves. “This beautiful gem was meant to be with you.”

“I don't know what to say...” Rarity was left taken aback and delighted of what he had just did. ”…this is so thoughtful. Oh, my little Spikey-wikey!” She happily held it in her magic while Spike trails his eyes aside with depressed regret until she gave him a small kiss on his cheek to which stunned him into falling onto his back in complete love-struck shock. “Thank you so much!” She happily expressed as she hopped out of the library with both the book and gem in tow.

“Wow, Spike, that's one of the kindest, most generous things you've ever done.” Twilight complimented. “I've never seen Rarity so happy!”

“Sorry you gave up your ruby.” Ono expressed sympathy for him for what he had just given up. “I know how much you were looking forward to that.”

“It’s okay.” Spike replied with a lovingly tone from being kissed of the pony of his dreams. “It was worth it and I will never wash this cheek again.” He replied with a satisfied sigh and chuckle as he cheeks blushed a bright shade of pink.

One week later, Twilight managed to get the library all set up for the young dragon’s birthday party. A table with cake and cupcakes on one table and punch on another table to which she levitated the ladle approximately two inches to her right. Another party successfully and perfectly set up for her boy.

“Just about finished, Spike? Everypony will be here soon.” She asked he helped put up the ribbons and streamers on the walls.

“There. Perfect! Everything looks perfect!” Spike responded as they both look upon the setup they have both created together.

“Not quite everything.” Twilight replied as she presented him a washcloth

“A washcloth? I don't get it.” He responded in confusion as Twilight looks at him staright in the eye directing his attention to the kiss mark that had remained on his cheek from a week ago. “Ah, no way, Twilight! I said I wasn't gonna wash the cheek that Rarity kissed, and I meant it!” He defiantly refused with crossed arms.

Twilight being the very caring mother and older sister asserts that he needs to take care of every part of his body for great health. She smirked as she draws a hoof into the ground as she prepares to do the job herself. Spike seeing quickly runs off.

“It's over, Spike! I'm cleaning that cheek!” Twilight declared as she purses him before teleporting him back towards her.

“It's mine! Stop it!” Spike demanded as he finds himself running the same part of the library over and over courtesy of Twilight’s magic.



Then suddenly out of nowhere, Pinkie with Bunga in tow appear with party horns appeared.

“Happy birthday!” Pinkie cheered as they sprung confetti into the air as Twilight quickly seizes on the opening to wipe his face clean leaving the baby dragon frowning in disappointment.

Sure, she knows he really wanted to keep the mark on his face, but his health comes first thus it was a must.

“Party time, woo-hoo!” Bunga cheered as the rest of the Guard all appear with gift-wrapped presents in tow.

“Are those... for me?” Spike questioned while surprised seeing this.

“You bet they are, birthday boy.” Applejack replied as she handed him her gift.

“Happy birthday, Spike.” Fluttershy sweetly added as she, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all hand her their gifts to which Spike greatly appreciated even when he fell onto his back from Rainbow’s barbell gift.


Luckily, Fuli was quickly able to catch him before he could while Kion leaped up and grabbed the barbell with one of his arms before gently settling it down.

“You okay?” Kion asked.

“Yep.” Spike replied as Fuli helped him back on his feet.

“Everything okay, Spike?” Beshte asked as everyone saw his puzzled expression as he looked upon his gifts.

“Don't you know you get presents on your birthday?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, actually, this is my first birthday in Ponyville... I usually just get one present... from Twilight. A book.” He explained as he answered with a disappointed frown just as Twilight was about to approach him with a gift-wrapped book in tow.

She quickly stopped upon hearing that as she looked back at the book she was about to give him before backing away slowly as she hid it behind her back while grinning and blushing rather sheepishly.

“Oops.” Kyoga remarked seeing this from both ends in an understanding manner. “Surely she didn’t mean to give you a gift you didn’t like.”

“Speaking of presents, this is from my new line of taffeta capes.” Rarity then spoke presenting a cape-like cloth. “I'm going to make one for each of you!”

Everyone all marveled in amazement of her latest design.

“I've been inspired by the generosity of my little Spikey-wikey, who gave me this beautiful fire ruby, one of the kindest acts I've ever experienced.” She further explained as she presented the gem she is now wearing as a heart shaped necklace while nuzzling him cheek to cheek.

The party then went on as everyone donned their party hats as they all help themselves to cake and treats as the birthday dragon opened his presents. And surely, Spike was very happy at the many presents his friends gave him.

To him, it was like nothing he could ever dream of getting in years since this is the first time he is actually receiving something he actually likes for once. And by the time he went through most of his gifts he went through Applejack’s gift-wrapped box which had a blanket with apples on it.

“Applejack, I can't thank you enough for this great blanket. I really needed a new one.” He thanked as he hugged the farm pony just as he was eating an apple.

“C'mon, Spike, you already thanked me fifteen times.” She gently pushed him away Twilight giggled at the little dragon’s overly affectionate gestures. “I'm startin' to get a little embarrassed.”

“I know I keep thanking you guys, but I'm just so grateful.” Spike expressed as the Lion Guard came forward with a gift wrapped present of their own. “Oh, what have you got here?” He wondered as he ripped up the wrapping paper to reveal something that had him drooling.

“Oh my…a big heart entirely made out of fire rubies…” Spike jaw dropped at the big red heart of gems before popping one into his mouth and fell onto his back as if he had just experienced the most wonderful thing in his life.

“The very special kind you like.” Beshte told him with a nod.

“Yep.” Kion replied as the others giggle at seeing him like this over gems. “We worked together to make this especially for you with some of the leftover gems from when we came across those diamond dogs.”

“Key word, something that Rarity was never in trouble from the start.” Fuli added as Rarity simply and proudly shrugged.

“Thank you so much!” He thanked as he hugged the cheetah as he wrapped his claws around her front legs.

“You’re very welcome.” Kion returned as Fuli gently got the birthday boy to release his grip while still sporting a polite and friendly smile while understanding Applejack’s earlier embarrassment.

“As long as you love it, that’s all that matters.” She added as Spike’s excitement was never ending.

“I just wish this party could last forever.” Spike expressed as Pinkie who was hopping on a big blue balloon while blowing into a party kazoo ended up popped it upon hearing that before sitting down briefly.

“Duh!” She said as she rushed over to Spike while pushing Applejack, Kion, Fuli, and Twilight out of the way. “The party can't last forever 'cause you have to go to Sugarcube Corner, 'cause the Cakes said they have a special surprise for you, 'cause it's your birthday!” Pinkie added with excited movements.

“No way!” Spike exclaimed as he immediately rushed out of the library to Sugarcube Corner.

“I said the party couldn't last forever, but it doesn't need to end right now!” Pinkie called out to him which fell on deaf ears as he had already closed the door behind him.

“Oh well.” Bunga nonchalantly said as he got dancing while balancing treats off his claws. “More for me!“

As Bunga cracked down on the goods the others shake their heads as Kion turned to the egret.

“Ono. Keep watch on him and make sure he doesn’t run into trouble? We’ll catch with him shortly.”

“Affirmative.” He saluted before flying off.

Ono flew ahead as he managed to catch him heading into Sugarcube Corner where he wastes no time in seeking out the Cake’s surprise.

“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!” He greeted them.

“There's the dragon of the hour! Happy birthday, Spike!” Mr. Cake returned.


“When we found out it was your birthday, we couldn't resist trying out a new recipe: sapphire!” She presented him a cupcake with blue icing with sapphire gems on it.

“Wow!” Spike already loved the gift as he helped himself to do just as soon as he walked outside and left the shop.

“Thank you so much!” He called out to the Cakes as he waved after them before walking off. “Man, first I get a bunch of great presents from my best friends, and now an amazing sapphire cupcake! Hohoh, what a day!”

Suddenly he ended up bumping into someone by accident while he was busy talking to himself and nearly dropped his birthday gift to which he was able to quickly catch with his tongue before turning to see he had bumped into Cheerlie by accident.

“Whoa! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Cheerilee!” He quickly apologized as he moved to help her repack her bag of groceries.

“That's okay.” She shook it off. “What's got you so excited?“

At first Spike hesitated to answer why but then shrugged as he then honestly answered her question after eating his cupcake.

“Pinkie Pie told me I should come see the Cakes, so they could give me a cake 'cause it's my birthday today.”

“Well, happy birthday, Spike!” She happily returned. “I wish I had something to give you! Uh…oh!” She then thought with a hoof on her cheek before remembering something as she pulled out a white hat with a red stripe and matching feather on it and placed it on his head “Here you go!”

“Wow, really?” Spike asked as he touched the hat she gave him.

“Sure! Everypony should get fun gifts on their birthday!” Spike leaped up and gave her a big hug to thank her for this very kind gesture. “Have a great birthday, Spike.” She said before heading off.

“I wish every day was my birthday...” Spike said to himself as he tugged the side of his hat before walking and thinking off something to himself while Ono watches from above while letting him have his fun of what anybody would want to wish for with a smile.

“Pinkie Pie mentions my birthday to the Cakes, and I get a cupcake. I mention it to Cheerilee, and I get this great hat.” He thought to himself as he got an idea as he spotted a pony playing with a toy ball by bouncing it repeatedly off and on his back.

“Hmmm, I wonder...” He said before acting on his impulse. “Hey there, Lickety Split! That's a pretty cool ball you got there! Did you know it's my birthday?“

“Uh-oh.” Ono muttered to himself as he forces him to give him the ball as his gift before flying back over to find Twilight and Kion seeing this is something they need to know.

“This is unbelievable!” He chuckled deviously before coming across a pony carrying flowers taking a drink from the nearby fountain. “Hey, Junebug! It's my birthday!”

“Happy birthday, Spike.” She happily returned.

“Aren't you gonna give me something? You know, like a birthday present?” He urged her to do so.

“Um, I... I don't have anything.” She admittedly responded as Spike eyed the flowers she is carrying.

“Well, how about those flowers? I'll take those–“ He began to push him into doing so until…

“Spike!” Twilight chastised him as she magically grabbed him by the ear as she and Kion place a hoof and paw on him to hold him back. “Uh, sorry, Junebug, I think Spike might've gotten a little carried away.” She apologized while casting a glance at the dragon for attempting to be greedy while still not letting go of her grip on him.

“Uh, no problem...” She shrugged it off before turning to leave even while frightened by his slightly greedy display of behavior. “H-Happy birthday, Spike!”

“What are you doing? You're out here demanding gifts now?” Twilight asked him with a scolding look.

“It’s one thing being given a gift willingly such as with us, the Cakes, and Cheerlie. But forcing other’s to give you gifts is practically taking from others against their will.” Kion added while frowning at what he had just did but makes sure he understands the fine line as Spike looks at his tail at the ball that he technically took while dropping it and shaking his head shock before taking off the hat.

“Wow, you're right, Twilight. Kion. I don't know what got into me. Thanks for snapping me out of it. I'd better go give Cheerilee her hat back.”

“No problem.” Twilight quickly forgave him. “See you at home later?”

“Sounds good! Bye!” He waved her off as she went back to the library before deviously saying to himself. “Who else has a present for 'Spikey-wikey'?” While hissing.

“Spike…” Kion sternly eyed him. “Let’s go!”

“Oh, right!” He nervously grinned as the two head on together to return his ill-gotten gains while Ono examines Spike curiously feeling something has clicked inside of him that is having him act more on impulse with less self-control.

In addition, Scar secretly observing this from the nearby bushes, smiles as he sees this as an opportunity to capitalize on….

…to which he does when he secretly casts a spell on the little dragon with his own green colored magic with a single digit from his right claw later that night as he points it directly at the sleeping dragon as then sudden starting acting on impulse while finding he is doing something beyond his control.

The next morning, Twilight had woken up at the crack of dawn as she is greeted to the bright rays of sunshine on her bed.

“Wow, what a rough night's sleep.” Twilight said as she stretched her back.

“It sure was.” Kion replied as he too stretched his back. “Thanks again for letting me and Ono sleep over for the night.”

“No problem.” She happily returned as she turned to where Spike is sleeping. “I had the weirdest drea–“

The two suddenly saw that Spike had managed to obtain a collection of goods and is now sleeping with it.

“I can't believe you!” She scolded as she levitated everything aside and pulled away his blanket. “Where'd you get all this–“ She began to demand for an answer for all of this until she suddenly gasped upon seeing something startling…

Spike apparently has grown quite a bit and is now taller and leaner while sporting a hissing tongue from the other day to which frightened Twilight deeply upon seeing this sudden transformation.

“Hevi Kabisa!”


Kion and Ono exclaimed.

“What happened?” Spike asked as he woke up to which Twilight is left speechless shock before getting a good look at his transformed body. “What's happening to me, Twilight?!”

“I don't know!” Twilight replied as she quickly went to her books for answers along with Ono as Spike struggled to take off his new hat. “Think back to last night. Did something happen? Spike?” She called out to him as he got momentarily distracted by everything around him along with his new body. “What did you do after I saw you?”

“I went to talk... to...” Spike began before getting distracted by the nearby globe.

“Spike!” Twilight exclaimed as she levitated the globe away from him expecting an answer.


“You went to talk to who?” Kion asked.

“Oh, um... I don't remember.” He answered leaving the others annoyed that it doesn’t help things at all. “Hey, can I have that globe? You're not using it, right?”

“Huh?” She replied confused as he drags the globe to his pile of stash before turning to a nearby book that caught his eye.

“What about this book?”

“Spike, I'm worried about you. You're usually not so... grabby!” Twilight expressed as she levitated the book out of his claws before Spike took it back to which Kion tackled him to retrieve it for her.

“My arms aren't usually this long either.” Spike commented as his voice suddenly changed to which he quickly covered his mouth. “What's happening to me?”

The three inspected him as Twilight scratched her chin before trying to shrink him back to normal size with her magic accompanied with a hot blinding white shine of light. But to her surprise nothing happened as sending her violet red aura of magic did nothing to affect the dragon’s abnormal size.

“What?!” She exclaimed. “My spell didn’t work? But how?”

“I don’t know!” Ono exclaimed unable to recall a single spell or anyone nearby that could have been able to cast such an advanced spell. “Should I go over and contact the Princess?”

“That won’t be necessary.” Twilight replied as she worked her horn to write up a letter before using her magic to send it to Canterlot to make sure the princess gets it personally.

After a minute of patient waiting, the princess immediately sent back a reply to which Twilight quickly read. Once she took everything she had just read into account she quickly entrapped him in a magic bubble and aligned it perfectly in the center of the room.

Spike struggled and yelled for her to let him out but it was the magic barrier was sound proof and it takes close ears to make a word.

“What are you doing?” Kion asked.

“Magic bubble to keep him restrained here till we can rein in his growing greed.” Twilight explained as the magic around her aura continued to glow as she keeps him restrained.

“Come again?” Ono asked for clarification.

“According to Princess Celestia, as a result of the number of gifts he received yesterday, greed which is what fuel most dragon’s hearts was triggered. So with every passing minute he continues receiving gifts the more he desires to take and the bigger he gets.” Twilight explained.

“You mean the more things a dragon collects, the bigger and greedier he gets?” Kion asked as the struggling dragon further demanded to be freed.

“Let Spike out! Let Spike out! Spike want!”

“Oh give it up no one can hear you.” Ono returned back at the defiant dragon.


“I said no one can hear you?” He repeated.


“He said no one can hear you!” Kion stated as Spike crossed his arms in defeat until he spotted Scootaloo’s new scooter with her fellow Crusaders friends hanging onto her for the ride.

Spike suddenly grew in size before straining Twilight’s magic as she got knocked back before taking off and hostilely confronting the girls as he attempted to confiscate the girl’s scooter.

“Get away from her, you brute!” Apple Bloom shouted in her defense.

“Spike want!” He shouted as he attempted to pry it out of her hooves.

“You're not getting my scooter!” Scootaloo asserted while refusing to let go of her grip as the other Crusaders hold onto her.

“Spike want!” He repeated still not backing down either.

Seeing that Spike isn’t backing off, Kion prepared to charge at him until Twilight stopped him with a raised hoof.

“I got an idea.” She said with a confident smile as she gestured to the broom to which she picked up with her magic. “Hey, Spike! Check out this amazing broom!”

It worked as Spike then focused his full attention on it and let go of the girl’s scooter but before he could advance on her Kion quickly charged him head-first into his gut to which winded the dragon from the blow as Kion backed up ready for a fight if he did not back off.

“Spike want!” He repeated as he grew in size while shocking the prince as he just walks over him to get towards the broom.

“He got bigger!” Ono stated with wide-eyed shock.

“No kidding.” He replied as he shook off his shock before following after him as Twilight runs ahead and lures him back to the library.

“C'mon, big boy! Look at this incredible broom!” She tempted in a sing-song tone.

“Spike want!” He repeated as he had to work himself to fit inside the library by squeezing through the front entrance before chasing it into another room of the library to which Twilight immediately shut the door after him and pressed her weight on it to barricade with Kion following suit as Twilight worked her magic by creating a force field inside the room.

“Fight all you want, I'm not letting you out!” She asserted as he seemingly had calmed down after that before they released their grip on the doorto see if it had worked only to see that Spike had just gathered together all of the books from the room into one big pile.

“Oh, for Celestia’s sake, Spike, we just re-shelved this room!” Ono exclaimed in frustration as Twilight confiscated the books before shutting the door after them before sitting down and sighing in frustration with how out of hand his greediness is getting.

“Wait a minute…” Ono then thought. “…If Spike’s bigger than surely he should be able to…”

Suddenly a crashing sound is heard from the other room to which everyone all quickly burst inside to see that Spike burst through the wall leaving a silhouette imprint behind.

“…just burst right through the wall. Hapana.”

“How?” Twilight questioned of how he managed to escape her magical grasp as she sees Spike is no longer inside and didn’t feel weakened upon his attempts to break the barrier. “There was no way he should have been able to escape that!”

“Ono, fly ahead and get the rest of the Guard while Twilight and I head on over and get Applejack and Beshte to lasso him down.” Kion ordered of him to which he quickly replied by flying ahead.


As the three all head out, Scar who had secretly provided Spike the opening with his magic to escape Twilight’s grasp then uses the opportunity to sneak into the library for some personal research inside.

By then, Spike had already cleaned out Sweet Apple Acres.

“Poa!” Beshte commented upon seeing all of the trees ripped completely out of their apples along with the leaves.

“Now who in Ponyville would steal my apples? For that matter, who would steal my leaves?” Applejack wondered as Twilight and Kion quickly rush up to them.

“Applejack, Beshte, help! Spike's running wild and I need you to lasso him!” Twilight urgently said to them to which Applejack laughed it off.

“It’s not funny!” Kion stressed the seriousness of the situation as she placed a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder.

“Oh, that's a good one, Twilight. Sweet little Spike, running wild. Ha, what a laugh.”

“Are you sure…” Beshte began before seeing Spike actually running by with the apples and leaves in tow. “…Okay.”

“Twilight, get my rope.” Applejack quietly yet seriously said to her as a couple leaves stuck onto her face like a mustache.

Once she did so, the two ponies then charged at Spike just as he was gathering apples and leaves while Kion tries to keep him at bay…only for him to charge off at the last second leading to the two to get tied up together.

The dragon then roared in their faces before heading off with the apples in tow so he can consume them on the way.

“Don’t worry.” Kion assured the two entangled ponies as he retracted his claws so he can cut them free.

Just as soon as he did so they heard a scream.

“What was that?” Applejack asked as Rainbow and Fuli arrived on the scene.

“Sounded like Fluttershy to me!” The blue peagsus responded as Fuli sped off ahead.

“Then let’s get over there.” She voiced as they all follow her to the cottage where they look and make sure she’s okay.

“Fluttershy? Fluttershy?!”


The two leaders called out for them.

“We‘re up here!” Fluttershy called out as they all look up and see Ono flying beside the frightened peagsus on the very top tree branch with her squirrel friends.

“But we’re okay.” Ono called down to them.

“What happened?” Kion asked.

“I was helping my squirrel friends with a dance step when Ono showed up, and all of a sudden, a giant, r-rampaging d-d-d-dragon stormed through!” Fluttershy explained.

“That was Spike!” Twilight clarified.

“Spike? But why would Spike steal my chicken coop?” She wondered while pointing to the now open and empty area where her chicken coop was placed. “He just pulled it out of the ground and filled it with a bunch of apples and stuff!”

Before anyone could answer they hear another scream. Two actually and they know those voices.

“That sounded like Pinkie Pie and Bunga!” Rainbow recognized.

“C'mon, girls!” Twilight led everyone to Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie and Bunga have their backs against the wall as they assault him with cakes and pies.


“Get back!”

Spike growled as whatever treats he catches he just places in the chicken coop he stole.

“Pinkie Pie! Bunga! Stop giving him cake!” Twilight exclaimed seeing this is only fueling the dragon’s greed rather than doing any harm.

“We’re not giving him cake, We're assaulting him with cake!” Pinkie fiercely responded before continuing their futile assault as he ended up snatching their ammo from the bookshelf Pinkie and Bunga were standing on as they both ended up on the ground as a result of the bookshelf toppling over.

“I can see you are both doing very well there.” Kyoga sarcastically commented. “Well done.”

“How dare you take the cake!” Bunga shouted as Spike then suddenly grew larger to the point he busted a hole through the roof before walking off with his stolen goods.

“Hapana…” Ono gawked as he fainted in shock while landing on Beshte’s back.

“…He’s bigger than most of the houses here and that’s really, really, big.” Beshte commented.

“He's completely out of control! Who knows where he'll go next!” Twilight exclaimed as his roaring rampage is becoming more and more unstoppable with every passing second before running off ahead with the others following after her with Applejack along with a reluctant Fuli dragging a still shocked and devastated Pinkie Pie and Bunga along with them.

Meanwhile at Carousal Boutique, Rarity is currently trying on her newest cape design.

“Hm, perhaps some more ruffle.” Rarity then thought she is rolled off suggestions while looking at herself in the mirror just as Spike’s giant eye was watching her from the nearby window.

Once she turned around and saw him she immediately screamed in terror as he grabbed and abducted the unicorn.

Surely enough, once word of Spike’s rampage got out, a siren alarm was sprung to which Spike quickly ate the megaphone echoing the alarm all over town while every pony is running around in a panic.

As he roars he pulls the water tower off and nearly drowns every pony nearby before using the water tower to place the chicken coop filled with goods into it so he can have a bigger container after seeing it ran out of room while briefly contemplating whether to use an apple cart as an extra container.

“Put me down, you brute!” Rarity demanded as Spike roared in her face in response. “How rude.” She commented as her mane was left completely straighten out and back again as a result.

“Don't worry Rarity, we'll save you!” Fluttershy assured as she Rainbow and Ono fly by.

“Put her down, right now!” Rainbow demanded.

“I-If you wouldn't mind, that is...”


The other two flyers asked in a terrified state.

“I mean it, dragon boy!” Rainbow further demanded.

“Come on.” Ono urged him more firmly while in between both ponies stances.

“We'll be ever so grateful if you'd be so kind as to possibly consider...”

“Drop her, scaly!”

“You know it doesn’t have to come down to this.”

Spike just sports a teeth gritting grin as he waved his tail around.

“Hey! I'm– not some– sort of common– fly swatter!” Rarity protested as her cape ended up snagging the other three to which plummeted them to the ground and into the water.

“Girls! My cape!” The distressed unicorn cried out with some flair of drama in her tone on the latter.

As Spike roared once again a group of fast flyers arrived on the scene.

“Look! The Wonderbolts!” Rainbow called out as they perform a series of aerial movements to attempt to take him down.

Spike growled before getting an idea to climb up the nearby mountain while still carrying the screaming unicorn wrapped around his tail.

The Wonderbolts followed after him as they close flight shaved the back of his scales to which angered him as he quickly placed his goods in the nearby cave from above before using it to trap the charging trio in it while shoving it into the mountainside while unleashing another monstrous roar.

“Oh, be quiet. You've got nothing to be proud of.” Rarity then said to the giant with a newly grown backbone. “You steal everypony's things, terrorize the town, and use me as a weapon against my own friends!” She further scolded as Spike mimicking her with an open motion claw in a “Blah, Blah, Blah.” manner. “Which, as horrible as it is, I can almost understand because you're a dragon and all. But this!” She then ripped off her cape to show the damage he did right in his face. “This is a crime against fashion!”

Spike then pulled the now defiant unicorn up as he then examines the fire ruby he gave her the other day to which had his face turned into one with a surprised rather than a mean greedy looking smile.

“Oh no. You are not getting this gemstone!” She then stated as she quickly placed her hooves in front of it. “This was given to me by my dear friend Spikey-wikey, the kindest, sweetest, most generous dragon ever. And it is too precious to me to give to a greedy old beast like you!”

As Spike looked on at the gem something in him clicked as he suddenly thought of the moment he gave it to her.

“Here, Rarity, you take it. It would mean even more to see you happy than to eat it myself.” He said to her as he placed it in her hooves,

“I... I don't know what to say. This is just so generous.” Rarity returned rather touched while kissing him on the cheek to thank him for his generosity.

Once it played through his mind, he shook his head as something was changing inside of him upon recalling that memory.

“Oh, what now? I suppose you'll be eating me or something?“ Rarity then asked expecting more of his nasty side until he suddenly transformed back into his young and small size. “Spike?! You're the rampaging dragon?!” She then realized upon seeing this as they both plummet to the ground as the rest of the Guard watches from above.

“Somepony do something!” Pinkie shouted as Rainbow and Ono were both quick to answer the call without orders while the former drags Fluttershy along with them.

“On it!”

“We’re coming!”

They shouted as Ono flies ahead while Rainbow has Fluttershy use Rarity’s torn cape as a safety net to catch them.

While Rainbow flies as she fast as she can she sees Fluttershy being easy to keep pace with her to which she returned an annoyed frown at the innocently smiling peagsus before dragging her along.

“Rarity? I need to tell you something! Just in case we don't make it!” Spike then said as the three flyers rush over to them as fast as they can. “I've always sort of had a crush–“

Spike was then suddenly yet gently interrupted mid-sentence as she tears up to make it clear non-verbally that she knows. She has always known from day one to which he smiled upon seeing it as they both descend to the ground. But fortunately for them Ono was able to catch Spike onto his back as he slightly strained upon holding his weight up while Rainbow and Fluttershy were both able to catch Rarity with the cape before they all safely placed them back onto the ground and on the bridge where their friends were.

“We did it! I can't believe we did it!” Fluttershy exclaimed in delight.

“Way to go, Ono!” Beshte complimented.

“Well done, girls.” Kyoga added with a sincere smile as the water tower trapping the Wonderbolts fell to the ground to which they all flew ahead back to Cloudsdale proudly.

Kyoga’s smile briefly faded as she noticed this and focused her magic in sending them a few non-fatal lightning bolts at them to send a little message in humility in their minds to remind them of who really saved the day.

“All in a day's work.” Rainbow commented feeling satisfied with what they had just accomplished together as they all see that Spike is looking on in horror of what his monstrous side had just did throughout the day while looking on at his own now normal sized claws.

“Spike, I just have to tell you how absolutely proud I am of you.” Rarity then comforted him as she approached him.

“Proud of me?” He returned rather surprised.

“Yes.” She returned. “It was you who stopped... w-well, you, from destroying Ponyville. You are my hero, Spikey-wikey!” She added with a kiss on the cheek to which Spike really loved in response to the affectionate gesture while everyone watches on pleased that everything is back to normal.

Now they just need to return everything Spike had stole as well as repair the damages done to which they all did no problem as it took them the rest of the day to tackle.

Once that was done, Rarity had brought forward everyone their very own capes. Fluttershy and Beshte’s are baby-blue, Pinkie and Ono’s are sky blue, Fuli and Applejack’s are both brown fitting for the cheetah’s spots, Twilight and Bunga’s are dark blue, and Kion and Kyoga’s are both purple. All very fitting for their personalities as always to which Rarity never disappoints in that regard.

During this Spike put together his recently learned friendship report for the princess, hand-written himself.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a great lesson about friendship. Well, you might think that it would feel good to get lots and lots of stuff, but it doesn't feel nearly as good as giving something special to somepony you really care about. But I learned that it truly is better to give than to receive, and that kindness and generosity are what lead to true friendship. And that's more valuable than anything in the world. Well... almost anything.”

As Spike gazes upon the kiss mark on his cheek from the pony of his dreams, Scar himself secretly watched on with a sinister smile from the outskirts of town.

“Well said, my little dragon friend. Well done.” Scar commented with a smile that agrees with his words albeit more on the last part of his letter to the princess. “Almost anything…indeed.” He added as he slowly backs inside the covered confines of the nearby trees and bushes before teleporting away in a flash to a more isolated forest nearby a deserted hive in the distance to where he pulls out confidential files of every member of the Lion and Pony Guard to which he made personal copies for himself while everyone’s backs were turned while feeling satisfied with what vital information he succeeded in obtaining. “Thank you, Spike. You’ve been most helpful assisting me here. So many files. So many secrets.” He said as he flipped through the confidential files of every important figure in both the Pride Lands and Equestria before setting his eyes on Twilight Sparkle’s file. “Ah, Twilight Sparkle. So nice to get to you know and your friends.” He added as he calmly smiled up reading the file’s contents. He then turned towards the hive’s direction looking for followers to support his cause in preparation for his next biggest plot for taking over Equestria along with the Pride Lands. “Because I have plans for you. Big plans indeed.” He added with a sinister chuckle to himself.

Author's Note:

For this one it's pretty much true to form with the exception of Twilight asking Princess Celestia via letter rather than a pointless trip to the town's doctor and vet along with doing something to attempt to stop Spike's rampage when his overgrowing and uncontrollable greed was turning him into his giant and monstrous form.

Luckily for everyone, Spike's act of generosity and kindness from the beginning ended up snapping Spike out of it with a very valauble lesson learned from the experience...

...which all also played into Scar's paws as he managed to obtain vital information on the crew to which he will find very useful going forward.

Next up is "Family Appreciation Day." where the matriarch Granny Smith of the Apple Family gets an episode to shine in this upcoming episode.

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