• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 25: Read It and Weep

Episode 25:

Read it and Weep

On a nice clear day, Rainbow Dash is currently performing some dare-devil techniques and moves with Fuli watching from down on the ground to coach her with Rarity, Ono, and Pinkie all there to watch just as Twilight and Kion arrive.

“Hey, Rarity.“

“Hey, Fuli.”

“Hey, Ono.”

“Hey, Pinkie Pie.”

The two traded as they greeted their friends.

“What are you all looking at?” Twilight asked everyone as they witness Rainbow move her flight moves.

“Rainbow Dash! Isn't she the most daring devil? I mean, the most devilish darer? I mean—“ Pinkie rambled with a lot of adjectives as Rarity spoke up.

“She's dazzling!” She complimented.

“She is very fast.” Ono added.

“She is doing an awesome job with her performance.” Fuli added as she suddenly saw something she didn’t like as she tried to rush over to where Rainbow is flying to correct her flight pattern. “Whoa! Rainbow! Rainbow! Easy there! Easy there!”

“Ooh, yeah, that's a good word. She's dazzling!” Pinkie agreed with Rarity’s compliment as they all awed at the sight to which Pinkie literally got herself twisted around when spinning her head around.

Then came the parts of the flying to which Rainbow started to lose control of and was now on collison course.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no!”

“Ai yi yi yi yi!”

“Hevi Kabisa!”


As Fuli rushes over to try to stop her from crashing she sees one obstacle ahead of her…Kyoga who just happened to be walking by just as Rainbow’s about to crash into her.

“Kyoga! Look out!” Fuli alerted her.

“What!” She returned before seeing too late what’s going to crash into her. “Whoa!”

It was too late, and Rainbow does a crash landing on Kyoga which knocked and injured them both upon impact.

“Oohh.” Everyone all said together as they cringed at the sight of the impact.

“So much for dazzling.” Pinkie commented.

“Yep. And they are both sure going to feel that in the morning.” Fuli voiced as she and the others rush over to the two so they can get them to the hospital.

When both Rainbow and Kyoga have arrived in the hospital and by the time they were both settled in, they both came too as they were both greeted with their friends muffled voices as they started to awake.

“Are they gonna be okay?”

“Oh, I'm so worried!”

“Is her face gonna stay that way?”

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all expressed as they both woke up so they can see and hear clearly.

“Ow, what happened?” Kyoga asked as she finds herself on a hospital bed wearing a gray hospital gown waking up first. “Am I in the hospital?”

“Yes you are.” Kion replied. “Rainbow Dash was doing some daredevil stunts in the sky when he ended up losing control and crashing into you.”

“Sorry, I didn’t warn you in time.” Fuli apologized.

“It’s okay I…” Kyoga voiced as she tried move out of bed only to feel pain in her back. “Ouch!” She slightly exclaimed as she finds herself unable to get right out of bed without a twinge of pain in her spine.

“Easy, Kyoga.” Fluttershy advised against anymore attempts. “Your back took a quite a bruising from falling backwards onto the ground from the crash.”

“A back injury?” Kyoga inquired.

“Correct, young lion.” The unicorn doctor with a light orange fur coat, brown hair, blue eyes wearing a white doctor’s coat answered as she showed her the x-rays. “And I gotta admit you are one very lucky girl because you could have lost one a leg had you not landed on your back and had your friends not gotten you here when they did.”

“Well isn’t that just sweet having so much luck work out in my favor.” Kyoga remarked in a snarky manner as the other chuckled seeing her affectionate way of showing friendship as Rainbow fully wakes up and sees that her wing is bandaged up.

“Awwww.” She complained as she lied on her back.

“How is she, doctor?” Twilight asked.

“She's going to be fine.” He replied as he examined her x-rays. “Luckily she has friends like you who got her over here in a jiffy.”

“Huh, how long do I need to lie here? I've got things I need to do!” Rainbow questioned with crossed arms.

“Well, that all depends on your recovery, but I'd say a few days minimum.” The doctor answered.

“You guys have gotta get me out of here!” Rainbow pleaded of her friends as she turned to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. “I'm gonna climb the walls!”

“Ooh, just like a spider!“ Pinkie exclaimed as Bunga turned to the doctor.

“Did the crash somehow give her super-duper spider powers?” He inquired as he leaped onto him.

“Nnnno,” He replied as he turned away leaving Bunga in mid-air for a second before falling face-first into the ground. “Nor did it give her amazing healing powers. She needs to stay in bed for a few days.”

“Few days? Might as well be a few months, or a few years!” Rainbow groaned as she lied back on her pillow feeling it’ll be longer.

“It's not so bad, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy assured her.

“I bet the chow in here is hoof-lickin' good.” Applejack encouraged.

“And the hospital gowns, they...match the curtains!” Rarity added as she holds up said nearby gown right next to the nearby curtains.

“And look! You have a roommate!” Pinkie presented Rainbow to Kyoga sitting on the opposite bed.

“Kyoga?” Rainbow questioned with surprise to see her here.

“Hello.” She casually greeted. “How nice of you to crash into me.” She sarcastically added as Rainbow realizes that she is here because she crashed into her.

“Oh my gosh, Kyoga. I am so sorry!” She quickly apologized. “I didn’t break your legs did I?”

“Rainbow Dash!” She sharply said to her to get her. “It’s okay.” She then calmly said. “You just sprained by back and like your wing it’s just a few days of bed rest.”

“Oh.” She groaned through a combined feeling that she is only stuck here for a few days but is also responsible for the reason Kyoga is here and nearly did permanent damage to her just after having the damage Scar did to her reversed.

Twilight not wanting to see Rainbow suffer like this tries to think of something that would help cheer her up. She looked around as she scratched her chin until she came across an idea in the hallway. She saw a nurse cart off a shelf full of books and presenting her with a book and placed it next to her side.

“What's this?” She asked as she looked at the book Twilight gave her. “'Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone'.”

“This is the first story in the series. I own all of them.” She explained with a squee thinking she’ll love this story.

“No thanks. I so don't read.” She refused as she tossed the book aside. “I'm a world-class athlete. Reading's for eggheads like you, Twilight. Heh, no offense, Ono…” She said in the egret’s direction. “…but I am not reading. It's undeniably, unquestionably, uncool.”

“Excuse me?!” Ono returned rather offended by that remark. “Well then…” He said as he flew away in a huff while everyone including Kyoga laughed at what Rainbow said about books.

“Is she serious?” Applejack asked finding it a joke. “Who doesn't like to read a bang-up tale from time to time?”

“I know I do.” Bunga stated as he read one of the books from the shelves. “The books on adventures are so Un-Bunga-veilable!”

“Why, a good book is almost as magnificent as silk pajamas on a Sunday morning, heh!” Rarity expressed there’s no harm in reading.

“Reading is for everypony, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight added in agreement as she levitated the book back onto her bed. “Even Fuli reads a book from time to time.”

“That’s true.” She nodded.

“Yeah! I love reading, and my head isn't even close to the shape of an egg!” Pinkie added as she hopped up and down. “It's more the shape of an apple, or maybe an orange, but a big orange! More like a grapefruit really...”

“Right.” Kyoga just commented before turning to Twilight. “…Think there is a book about magic on one of those shelves you can grab for me since I’m going to be here a while?”

“Sure thing, Kyoga.” Twilight happily obliged as she pulled out and handed her the requested item.

“All right, my little ponies.” The lady nurse at the door called to them. “Rainbow Dash and Kyoga need their rest. You'll have to come back tomorrow.”

Everyone complied with the nurse’s wishes as they all left the room one by one as Twilight had one thing left to say to Rainbow Dash.

“I think you'd like Daring.” Twilight explained to her as she prepared to leave. “She's a lot like you. Adventurous, fierce, and undeniably, unquestionably, unstoppable.”

As Twilight leaves the room as Rainbow throws a dismissing hoof from behind her back still asserting her stance on the matter although she will come to see otherwise during her time in the hospital.

For the following few hours, while Kyoga was resting on her bed no problem aside from her broken back, Rainbow can’t find anything to keep herself busy for long. Bouncing a ball repeatedly against the wall didn’t last long due to the ball eventually not generating enough momentum to bounce back to Rainbow’s hoof.

Lunchtime consisted of mashed green vegetables, juice, and gelatin dessert. Rainbow drank her drink with her lips only ended up briefly having a glass stuck on her snout. Fortunately for her it only lasted until after Rainbow released her grip on the glass when she tried to pull it off to which Kyoga chuckled at the sight of.

Sometime later in the afternoon, Rainbow was repeatedly turning her lamp on and off repeatedly which annoyed Kyoga as she was trying to get some sleep.

“Rainbow Dash.” Kyoga calmly addressed to the irritated Pegasus while wearing a sleeping mask to cover her eyes from the on and off glare the lamp produced. “Please stop that. Your roommate is attempting to get some sleep here.”

“Sorry, but I can’t stand being confined here.” Rainbow couldn’t help it as her roommate briefly removed her mask.

“I understand, but please keep it down.” Kyoga responded as she put her sleeping mask back on while pulling the curtain to cover her side of the room.

“Okay.” She groaned as she flipped off the lights for the final time before letting the lioness go to sleep.

Although seconds later, Rainbow couldn’t help but growl with how time is moving to slow for her since it has still been only a few hours since she and Kyoga were admitted to the hospital. She really wants to get out of here but can’t.

So with no other options at this point unless she really wants to get on Kyoga’s bad side she decides to give the book Twilight recommended she read to pass the time a shot to which she opens the book and starts reading.

"As Daring Do trekked through the tropical jungle, the wet heat sapped her energy and slowed her every step. If only she could escape this oppressive atmosphere and fly up into the cool blue sky.” She began from the first page unenthusiastically. “But her crash landing in the jungle had injured her wing and she was grounded for a few days.

“Few days... it might as well be a few months, or a few years!" She then thought seeing the parallels between herself and Daring Do as she looks back at her injured wing. “Huh. I'm right there with you, sister.”

As Rainbow continues reading, Kyoga while sleeping listens full-well with open ears sensing that she is really getting warmed up to the book as starts reading beyond the first page. Everything that transpired in the story happened exactly as she described.

"The mosquitoes buzzed loudly. The macaws cried from the high trees. Yet all of these distracting noises were not enough to cover the sound of the predators following her every step. Safely landing on the other side, Daring finally allowed herself a moment to breathe. She turned around to find herself face to face with the long lost temple that she had sought tirelessly for over sixty days and nights!"

When Rainbow finished reading up to that part she noticed Kyoga smirking at her direction.

“So what was that about reading is for eggheads like Twilight and Ono?” Kyoga teasingly asked.

“Okay, you got.” Rainbow admitted after shaking off her embarrassed shock. “I hate to admit it to myself, and would really hate to admit it to my friends, but... I love this story! I, I... I love reading! I'm an egghead.”

“I don’t know if I would say egghead but point being there’s nothing to be ashamed about loving to read.” Kyoga then said in an understanding tone yet couldn’t help but snicker of how she is now eating her own words. “But anyways, go ahead and keep reading. Don’t mind me while I sit back and rest.”

"The smell of decay and danger hit Daring Do as she peered into the dimly-lit entrance of the ancient temple." She continued narrating as Daring Do does exactly that in chapter two of the story.

The Pegasus pony in question had a brown coat of fur, a grey mane and tail with both light and dark shades, and crimson red eyes just like Rainbow’s along with a matching hairstyle as her, wearing a green safari outfit and a white hat. Like Rainbow Dash her right wing was injured at the time and covered with a white bandage so it could heal properly.

She was on her way to the ancient temple ahead when she is suddenly finding herself surrounded by a group of cats circling her. A black panther, a lynx, a tiger, a cheetah, and a white house cat. She was taken back realizing she is in a tough situation with no way to fight back without further injuring herself upon being cornered by them until she saw the house cat appear giving her an escape angle. She leaped over the white cat who screeched upon being nearly run over by the larger and more intimidating cats before hitching a ride on one of them while they all give Daring Do a chase.

She braved through the harsh and dangerous terrains of the jungle swiftly moving and dodging trees left and right before appearing in front of a deep chasm. Thinking quick with the army of vicious felines gaining on her, she leaps up and grabs onto one of the hanging vines hanging from the tree on the other side which allowed her to make her way across safely while all of the cats watch on awe while Daring Do proudly smirks upon escaping the jaws of their teeth. She landed on the ground to allow herself time to catch her breath before continuing forward to the temple she had been long and tirelessly searching for.

She slowly made her way through the temple full alert of anything. As bats with glowing red eyes watch her, she stumbles upon her first booby trap activated by one of the floor tiles. She ducked as she barely dodged sharp axes that nearly decapitated her had she not ducked.

Next thing she knows she is barely dodging a large fiery flame from the trap door along crawling out of range of hungry and enormous gators from the ceiling. Followed by dodging more axes, arrows, along with dodging deadly spikes from the floor all while barely squeezing by the closing trap door in front of her.

She let loose a sigh of relief once she was safe for the moment…

…at least before giving an exasperated sigh upon having to quickly dodge more booby traps with the only near casualties being her hats catching multiple arrows in it as she retreats to the next upcoming room in the temple.

She makes her way forward as she approaches a blue sparkled prized statue made of two ancient conjoined dogs together with a blue gem at the bottom of the statue. As Daring Do eyed the prized treasure…

…in the present Rainbow Dash heard knocking on the door to which she quickly hid the book under her bed as Twilight, Kion, Ono, and Fluttershy all came inside the room.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash! Hi Kyoga!” They greeted while Ono only greeted Kyoga still unhappy with the former’s earlier insult directed at him and Twilight.

“Uh, hey, guys...”

“Hello, girls.”

The two returned with the former more caught off-guard by their sudden appearance.

“We thought we'd come and cheer you up!” Fluttershy said to Rainbow Dash as Twilight presented her a board game onto her bed.

“We brought your favorite board game!” Twilight presented to her it.

“We know how much you like to win!” Fluttershy added.

“You go first, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight offered.

“No no, you first.” Rainbow insisted otherwise with a nervous laugh which left the three rather surprised.

“Alright,” Twilight accepted her decision none of the less. “Uh... cloud three.”

“Aw, shucks, you... rained on my cumulus, heh.” She quickly answered without even trying to play. “Go again!”

“Um... sky five?” Fluttershy guessed.

“Whoa, you found my seagull.” Rainbow repeated as she tossed aside her seagull as Kion, Ono, and Kyoga watch and find it rather strange for her.

“Odd?” Ono quirked.

“Uh... cloud two?” Twilight guessed.

“You zapped my weather pony!” Rainbow responded again along with the same answers to the rest of her clouds not even giving herself a turn. “Uh-huh, you stung my bumblebee. Oh, my thunderbolt. Aw, and that's my last cloud. You found it. Guess you guys win, I lose.”

“But Rainbow Dash, you, you didn't even get a turn.” Fluttershy pointed out as she tried to force the game closed back shut in its case.

“You win some, you lose some.” She quickly returned.

“But you don't lose some.” Twilight suspiciously pointed out. “I don't think you've ever lost a game of—“

“Thanks for coming!” Rainbow interrupted with a fake yawn.

“But yesterday you were desperate for things to do!” Twilight further questioned.

“Do? Who said anything about Daring Do?” She answered defensively as she gave the game back to Twilight. “I told you I'm not interested in reading." *yawns* It's nap time for me!” She yawned again while turning off the light and then proceeded to snore mockingly.

“Glad we could... cheer you up?”

“Alright then.”

The two girls just accepted it there while turning over to Kyoga with the game on hoof.

“Kyoga, did you want to play?” Twilight offered.

“Sure!” She happily accepted as she pulled the curtain across so Rainbow won’t see them while she can secretly read much to her delighted surprise that Kyoga is willing to keep her secret in exchange for being able to spend time with their friends.

“Hmm, how very odd!” Ono commented as he noted that Rainbow was acting strange ever since she got here. “I wonder if she is hiding something?”

Once Rainbow was certain nopony would hear her she got back to reading, picking up at the start chapter three right where she left off.

"Daring Do stood at the entrance to the central temple chamber. At last, she was face-to-face with the legendary sapphire statue!"

As Daring Do is eager to approach the statue she quickly reminded herself that the room is booby-trapped like the ones before her. She examined the room of where all of the potential death traps can spring onto her if so much as a single trap is set off. She flicked a pebble into the room which released a dozen arrows across the wall.

“Hmm, there must be a pattern here.” Daring Do examined as she scratched her chin while looking upon the animals on the floor tiles. “What do all these animals have in common? Ah-ha!” She realized the trick to avoid setting off the death traps. “These animals are all predators... except... rats!” She stepped on the tile and to her relief nothing happened. “Phew!”

By leaping from every rat tile, she was able to reach the coveted prize she has been searching for. She examined the area to make sure there are no traps. She wipes the growing sweat on her forehead along with rubbing her hooves together…

“Aw, to heck with it.” She thought in her mind before simply taking the statue from its pedestal and placing it under her hat.

But what she didn’t realize until a little too late was that by doing so, she accidentally overlooked a trap she had just triggered which caused the temple to start collapsing.

She tried to make a run for it but suddenly finds herself trapped around a pit of rising lava leaving her no choice but to get to higher ground.

As the temple further collapsed and prepared to submerge under the lave she sees the crumbling statues along with an open hole in the ceiling.

“This is her opening.” She thought as she calculated her approach as she leaped up to her escape exit just before her hooves could come in contact with the lava. But not without being blasted out of the temple by steam and smoke as the temple erupted like a volcano.

Just as she landed on the ground she is suddenly finding herself face to face with a giant creature that resembles a dog with eyes on his nose, an extra hand on the back of his tail, dark blue fur, bright blue colored underbelly, and red and golden accessories looking down on her.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash!”

“Hi, Kyoga!”

Pinkie Pie and Bunga suddenly greeted them as she, Bunga, Beshte, Applejack, Rarity, and Fuli all come inside to visit them to which Rainbow quickly hides the book from under her pillow.

“How's our patients doing today?” Rarity asked.

“Getting better.” Kyoga replied. “Just as long as I listen to the doctor’s orders.”

“That’s good to hear.” Fuli complimented.

“Getting any better?” Beshte added as Applejack took notice of sweaty she is getting out of nervousness rather than being overheated.

“Ugh, we need to get some fresh air in here.” Applejack voiced. “You're lookin' sweatier than a pig wrangler on a summer's day.”

“Uh, well, guys, thanks for visiting, but—“ Rainbow began as the nurse arrived with fully-prepared meals in tow.

“Okay, now, dinner time for Rainbow Dash and Kyoga.” Another nurse called out to her patients.

“Oh, just in time.” Rainbow voiced seeing this as an excuse to avoid talking to her friends. “I am sooo hungry.”

“Oh, well, don't mind us, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity let her do so.

“Yeah, just go ahead and eat up.” Applejack added as they all turned to Kyoga seeing that Rainbow is eating rather messy and noisy to avoid a conversation just so she can get back to reading her book.

“So anyways…” Fuli started while disturbed by her poor etiquette. “…how are you doing, Kyoga?”

“Doing fine wouldn’t be long until I get leave the hospital.” Kyoga answered.

“That’s good!” Beshte replied.

“Find anything to keep you busy since you got here?” Bunga asked.

“Well now that you mention it…” Kyoga answered while presenting everyone the book Twilight gave her. “…I have been finding myself getting into this book of magic. Here I have learned more about what kind of magic I can do. Along with how to control my emotions more now that I am free of the dark magic that had plagued my heart ever since dealing with the Outsiders.”

“Poa!” Beshte commented.

“Un-Bunga-veilable!” Bunga added.

“Sounds very exciting!” Pinkie squeed upon seeing how much she is getting into reading.

“Sure is.” Kyoga replied while turning to Rainbow with a knowing look. “It’s amazing what can happen if you open up your eyes a little more if you give something a chance.”

“Do tell!” Pinkie encouraged her to tell them more to which she gladly did as Rainbow turned away while continuing to eat her food seeing that Kyoga is taking pleasure in doing this as a price for willingly keeping her secret.

Once they head left after a lengthy conversation that lasted well into the night, Rainbow pulled out her book again and continued reading heading into chapter four.

"'You thought you could evade me and capture the relic for yourself, but you are sadly mistaken, Miss Do.' The large dog-like creature addressed to her in the story. “And now, you shall meet your doom!“

As Daring Do barely crawled forward the giant blew on a cat whistle to summon his minions to capture her while he laughs seeing that she has the defeated adventurer at his mercy.

“Whoa! Who is this dude?” Rainbow voiced very curious of this new adversary she is facing as she reads the part where she gets captured and tied up back inside the temple.

You won't get away with this, Ahuizotl!” Daring Do defiantly struggled under her restraints.

“But I already have.” He simply replied as he pulled the nearby lever before making his escape with his cat followers by his side.

“Not again...“ Daring groaned in an exasperated tone as she finds herself facing another inevitable death trap.

Walls with large sharp spikes to sandwich her with venomous spiders and snakes crawling out of holes as the table she is trapped is starting submerge under quicksand.

It was another do or die situation with no way of knowing of how she’ll escape the clutches and claws of death this time around when…

“Rainbow Dash?” The doctor happily called out to her who is currently reading her book under the bed-sheets with a lantern of fireflies in it as her source of light as she scrambled out from under her covers where she also sees Kyoga standing off from her bed while wearing a back brace around her waist.

“H— oh, good evening—“ Rainbow stumbled as she greeted him.

“Morning.” He politely corrected.

“—morning. Doc.” She properly finished as she quickly looks out to see the sun rising meaning she has obviously been up all night reading her first favorite book.

“Have you been up all night?” The doctor asked as he examined the lantern.

“Uh, of course not.” Rainbow lied while blowing the lantern along the fireflies out the window.

“Well, I'll be quick.” The doctor then said with a chuckle. “Congratulations, Rainbow Dash, Kyoga, we're checking you both out of the hospital.”

“That’s great!” Kyoga expressed with a pleased expression while Rainbow’s reaction was quite the opposite.

“What? Later today?” She questioned as she started biting her hoof.

“No. Right now!” The doctor corrected.

“Right now?! 'Right now' right now?” Rainbow questioned again.

“'Right now' right now.” The doctor confirmed as two nurses happily placed Rainbow Dash in a wheelchair while removing her hospital gown and bandages while Kyoga happily makes her way to the door as Rainbow is carted out of the hospital.

“But I don't feel better!” Rainbow protested.

“Now take it easy, Rainbow Dash. Remember to stay off that wing for a week.” He instructed her as they made their way through the hallway before turning to Kyoga. “And as for you, just wear that brace over your back for the next week and avoid any strenuous back-breaking labor and your back will be completely healed.”

“No problem, doctor. Thanks again.” She said to him as they made their way out the front door while waving goodbye to the staff.

“How will I ever find out what happens to Daring Do?!” Rainbow exclaimed as she got out of her wheelchair and paced around the front of the building. “Is Ahuizotl going to get away with the statuette? What's gonna happen to Daring?!” She thought as she remembered something. “Ah-ha! Twilight has a copy of the book!” But then she thought. “Uh, but I can't ask her after I called her an egghead and all...”

She then fell to the ground and on her back as Kyoga shook her head.

“Rainbow…” She began. “…Just go to Twilight and admit that you loved the book you presented her. There’s no shame in liking to read.”

“Ugh, this is making me sick all over again!” Rainbow groaned not listening to her as she suddenly thought of a devious idea in her head as she smiled.

“Oh boy.” Kyoga groaned as she rolled her eyes seeing what she is going to do next as she walks inside holding a hoof on her forehead.

“Owww...“ She grunted in pain unrealistically and dramatically. “Oh, the pain... the pain!”

“Rainbow Dash! What are you doing here, a-anything wrong?” The doctor asked worryingly as Kyoga follows after Rainbow with an unimpressed and stoic look.

“Well, uh, my wing!” Rainbow pointed to her left wing. “It's still hurtin', Doc. Oh, ouch! Right there.

“I was touching your good wing.” The doctor pointed out.

“Uh, right. Well, I think that one's hurting now too.” Rainbow continued trying to maintain the lie even though it is pretty clear to everyone she is not fooling them.

“I think I know what the trouble is.” The doctor chuckled as he smiled. “A severe case of lazy-itis.” He added with a serious expression as he escorts the whimpering Pegasus back outside with Kyoga following after her with the same expression.

“B-But, you got me all wrong, Doc! I'm not being lazy!” Rainbow again protested.

“You're fine, Rainbow Dash. Give it some time and you'll be right back in the swing of things.” The doctor asserted before walking back inside.

“Good day, Rainbow Dash.” The first nurse politely stated as she followed after the doctor.

“Take care!” The other doctor added as she followed suit.

“And to think you actually believed they would buy that?” Kyoga chided her.

“What am I gonna do?” Rainbow wondered out loud not paying any attention to that. “I'll never get to sleep without knowing what happens to Daring Do!” She then paused as she thought of another idea. “...Which may not be such a bad thing...”

“All right.” Kyoga relented as she walked off ahead. “Don’t let me stop you from learning things the hard way.”

Once it was nighttime, Rainbow put her little plan into action as she donned a black cat burglar costume and snuck inside the hospital the very second all of the lights were turned off.

But unbeknownst to her, another masked individual had the same idea. Although he had his face and tail covered up all the way unlike Rainbow as he effortlessly repeated his stealth mode entrance.

Rainbow had to quickly dodge security as the guard came outside with a flashlight in tow to see if anyone was lurking around outside before she could enter. As she retreated to the platform just above the entrance she saw the open window on the top floor. A window that leads to the floor and room to where she and Kyoga previously stayed in.

With her previous knowledge of knowing which room she was in during her visit she was able to get back in. She finds the book right under the bed where she was previously resting on during her stay. Once she had the book, she picked up right where she left off.

At the same time the mysterious masked figure also entered the room and creaked the door loud enough for one of the patients to hear Rainbow secretly read in low tone.

“Feels like the harder I struggle, the tighter the ropes get!” Daring Do struggled with her restrains…

…before Rainbow was interrupted by the bald pony in her former bed alerted by her sudden appearance.

“Help! Burglar, burglar! Someone's trying to steal my slippers!” He exclaimed in alarm upon seeing Rainbow Dash in his cat burglar costume.

“I'm not trying to steal your slippers, I'm trying to steal this book!” She quickly and calmly urged him to quiet down as he emerges from under the bed but was quickly greeted to nearly being hit by a lamp by the patient forcing her to retreat.

“Stop, thief!” One of the nurses sounded the alarm as she and the other nurses and doctors immediately appeared and surrounded her.

She tried to fly away but couldn’t get far due to her wing still hurting which led her to have a small crash-landing into the shelf of books. She looked around for the book but was unable to find as it was snatched up by another disguised thief who Rainbow couldn’t get a good look at. The guy literally was unrecognizable as he grabbed another book from the scattered pile before making his leave in the opposite direction before being spotted.

Seeing no other choice, Rainbow was forced to flee on hoof with the security and doctors all pursuing her. The alarm sounded as the sound of guard dogs is heard not too far behind. Along with the security guard, nurse and doctor they were right on her tail as they continue the chase into Ponyville which passed by Sugarcube Corner.

“Hey, nopony invited me!”

“Yeah what gives?”

Both Pinkie and Bunga complained as the staff continues their hot pursuit of Rainbow Dash while the smaller thief watches unnoticed from tree to tree.

The chase continued to the park where Rainbow sees a gap in between them much like in her Daring Do novel. By using one of the nearby vines she was able to swing across the gap over the small stream of water. But it didn’t shake off her pursuers as there was the footbridge right next to it as they pursed Rainbow right by Carousel Boutique.

“Huh! Hasn't anypony heard of beauty sleep?” Rarity complained as she woke up from the commotion.

The chase continued as they make their way by Golden Oaks Library where Twilight, Kyoga, and Ono were awaken by the commotion outside as the staff caught up to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash, what in the world is going on?” The unicorn doctor questioned in a demanding tone. “Why are you stealing slippers?”

Said barking came from a mental unstable mare who is capable of actually performing dog barks.

“Hey, get back to the hospital!” The security guard ordered her to do so as he followed after her to make sure of that while the rest of the Guard arrives on the scene.

“What’s all the kerbubble.” Beshte popped the question everyone is thinking.

“Yeah, what's all the ruckus?” Applejack asked.

“Mmm, I'd say it's more of a fracas than a ruckus.” Pinkie felt the need to correct.

“No, no, it’s a ruckus.” Bunga corrected.

“What's going on, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked as she and the doctor cast interrogating looks at her direction.

“I'm an egghead.” Rainbow sighed as she confessed.


“Come again?”

“One more time?”

Rarity, Ono, and Kyoga asked for clarification.

“See, I was trying to get back into the hospital to finish the last chapter of—“ Rainbow further explained as Twilight finished realizing exactly what she is talking about.

“—'Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue'!”

“So, you’re into reading too, huh?” Ono said smugly with this revelation in light. “Well, looks like you’re an egghead too.”

“You got me.” She returned in defeat.

“Wow, I knew the book was good, but I didn't know it could drive a pony to petty theft!” Twilight commented.

“Good? Try awesomely amazing.” She emphasized how much she loved it. “That book is undeniably, unquestionably, un-put-down-able! But then I had to put it down; I was sent home before I could finish it.”

“Is that what this is all about?” Kion asked rather surprised by her reasons but at the same time made perfect sense. “Well, that explains your unusual behavior at the hospital.”

“Well, I'm glad that's all this is about.” Twilight felt pleased as everyone else gathers around her to assure there is no shame in liking to read.

“There's no reason to go around causin' a ruckus…” Applejack began.

“Fracas!” Pinkie felt the need to correct her.

“...causin' a fracas just because you like to read.” She properly finished for Pinkie’s sake.

“Everyone here does it.” Fuli added. “Even athletes like me.”

“You too?” Rainbow inquired rather surprised.

“Of course.” She nodded. “How do you think I got the idea of what flight patterns and movements for you to work on during all of that training?”

“Wow?” Rainbow sheepishly chuckled how about that before turning to the egret. “Ono, I’m sorry I offended you by calling you an egghead the other day.”

“Well seeing that you have learned your lesson, I’ll let it slide this time.” Ono replied as he accepted his apology. “Egghead.” He snickered back at her to which Rainbow accepted feeling she really deserved that.

“Like Twilight said, doesn’t hurt to read.” Fuli said with a teasing jab and grin as she returned finding it rather silly herself that she resorted to petty theft over this.

Once everything was all settled and good with everyone, Twilight directs Rainbow’s attention to her collection of the Daring Do series on one of the shelves in her library.

“Like I said, I have every book in the series, and you can borrow them all, any time you like!” Twilight said while presenting her the book she had yet to finish to which Rainbow happily accepted.

“Oh, thanks, Twilight.” She gratefully responded. “I'm sorry I made such a big deal about all of this. I thought reading was just for smart ponies like you.”

“Rainbow Dash, just because you're athletic doesn't mean you aren't smart!” Twilight assured her.

“And like I said, liking to read is nothing to be ashamed of.” Kyoga added.

“Yeah, just look at me!” Spike added as he kissed his very small muscles to which the others returned slightly disturbed expressions before resuming sweeping up the place in anger.

“Reading is something everypony can enjoy, if they just give it a try.” Twilight then continued to Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, I get it. I shouldn't knock something until I've tried it.” Rainbow admitted as she scratched the back of her head.

“That's a great lesson, and it would make a great letter to the Princess.” Twilight commended her.

“Indeed it would.” Ono agreed.

“Did you get all that?” Rainbow asked Spike.

“Yeah?” He replied as he paid more focus to the little dust on the floor he had yet to collect.

“Great! You write the letter, I've gotta finish this book!“ She happily stated before grabbing her requested book before running back off home in Cloudsdale to do so all while Twilight, Ono, Kyoga, and Spike all smile seeing her have a change of heart towards reading.

In the fifth and final chapter, Daring Do is currently struggling with her restraints as she once again looks to her surroundings. Acting quickly she sling shot her hat across the room hoping her luck is still in her favor. Luckily for her, her hat flipped the lever thus saving herself in the nick of time before her mouth could sink under the quicksand. Once the quicksand had sunk back down with the spikey walls backing off, the door to her escape opened up for her as she was able to free herself from the table.

“Another day, another dungeon!” She said to herself as she puts her hat back on and sets out to pick up where she left off.

Meanwhile in his royal throne room, Ahuizotl is currently petting his small white cat while the other larger cats are all sleeping around his throne.

“With Daring Do out of the way, the world will suffer mightily at my hands. I am victorious!“ He triumphantly declared with an evil laugh holding the statue until it was suddenly snatched from the paw of his tail.

“I'll take that!” Daring stated as she swooped in through a vine swing.

“Huh? Wha—? Noooooooo!” He screamed upon this sudden turn of events.

“Better luck next time, Ahuizotl!” She simply returned as she adjusted her hat before making her leave.

“Curse you, Daring Do!” He swore before crying in defeat as she ran off ahead in the sunset.

"And so, with Ahuizotl defeated, and the sapphire statue secured..." Rainbow read from the comforts of her bedroom. “...The world was safe and sound once again, thanks to Daring Do!" Rainbow sighed in admiration for she never thought she would see the day she would come to like reading.

Really into the series now seeing of how much alike she is to Daring Do, she picks up and starts reading the second book.

“'Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet'. Awesome!”

Elsewhere on the outskirts of Ponyville, the masked figure after making his escape pulled out the books he managed to obtain. The Daring Do book along with the book about learning how to control magic and emotions when purified of dark magic. While keeping the former in tow, he puts more focus on the latter as he starts reading it.

As he continues reading the reading the book, he takes off the part of the costume revealing his face and head revealing himself as Scar once again. As he reads the book about magic with content and sinister interest as he sports a dark smile. He too finds himself having no problem with reading. Especially, since it means gaining valuable information he can use to advantage going forward when enacts his plan to take over.

"Isn't it ironic coming from a pony who dismissed reading as just for eggheads, Rainbow Dash." Scar commented to himself as he pulled an image of Rainbow currently reading along with a past memory of her calling Twilight and Ono eggheads before eyeing a specific page that caught his attention to which he locked eyes on the words of said page. "And thank you for leading me to this very valuable information. I owe you big time for this, Egghead."

Author's Note:

In this episode, Rainbow Dash winds up in the hospital with a sprained wing after a daredevil stunt gone wrong while collecting Kyoga with her by accident who ended up suffering a back injury from the crash.

Initially Rainbow wasn't into reading but she eventually developed an interest as the episode progresses to the point she didn't want to admit it until being caught red-hoofed in an attempt to steal it from the hospital.

Kyoga herself even though she doesn't like having sit around against her will was much more patient with her recovery that Rainbow Dash as a sign of her Character Development compared to how she fared in the past. Along with that accepting Rainbow's apology along with taking jabs at her for her reading in a friendly manner to show their friendship has improves since day one.

During the scene Rainbow Dash caused, our feline Big Bad is up to more research as he obtains vital information from a book that Kyoga was reading during her visit in the hospital. Something that will come in handy for him going forward.

Next up is "Hearth's and Hooves Day." where the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the young Lion Guard fans get together to try to bring some holiday spirit to Cheerlie and Big Macintosh.

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