• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 22: The Last Roundup

Episode 22:

The Last Roundup

At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack is currently practicing her rodeo routine in preparation for the Equestria Rodeo competition to where she is a big time champion at with Apple Bloom and Ono watching and observing her. The former was holding onto her special hat while cheering for support while the latter is there for analysis and observing her performance so he can guide and coach her through her performance much like Fuli did with Rainbow Dash.

She is currently running an obstacle course where she clears mud pits and wooden fences that range from size at every portion to which she cleared no problem aside from tapping one of the fences during her trail run.

“Whoo-- Whoa! Whoo-hoo!” Apple Bloom cheered while nearly losing her balance from standing on the fence as she gives her big sister a wink to let her know she is doing great while Ono watches from up high.

She then tossed a hay bale across the distance and it ended up surpassing the previous two distances she covered to which Applejack smiled modesty upon seeing as her little sister cheers her on.

“Applejack, you're sure to knock everypony's hat off at the Equestria Rodeo competition!” She complimented as Ono flew down to join her.

“Aw shucks, Apple Bloom. I sure hope so.” Applejack modestly replied as she puts her hat back on.

“Hope so? I know so!” She confidently stated that she’s got this as she directed her attention to her blue ribbon and medal collection. “After all, you're the ten-time rodeo champeen of Ponyville! Why, you've got more blue ribbons than anypony in Ponyville ever! And I can't wait for my big sis to win every blue ribbon in Equestria and bring home the title of Equestria Rodeo champeen!”

Applejack couldn’t help but smile and blush at the praise her little sister was giving her because she knows she is right. But deep down and honestly she can’t promise everything and from the looks of Ono’s eyes as he spotted that the farm pony had some trouble on the practice session as he flies in to give an analysis report so she can work on improvement before the competition there are some personal consequences soon to happen.

Elsewhere in Ponyville, everyone is getting ready to send the farm pony off in anticipation for his big and upcoming victory where Rainbow Dash is currently hanging a banner of Applejack with Fuli watching over her progress at town hall.

“Rainbow, watch out!” Fuli alerted her as Rainbow ducked out of the way from a lightning bolt that had unexpectedly shot from the sky courtesy of a peagsus pony Derpy. She had a gray fur coat and a blonde mane and tail and was mindlessly hopping up and down from a dark cloud that was randomly sending sparks of lightning Fuli’s way.

“Whoa?! Huh?! Hey?!” Fuli exclaimed as she quickly dodged every voltage filled bolt.

“Huh?” Rainbow commented as her tail nearly got singed before turning to clueless peagsus to get her to stop. “Now, careful, Derpy! Don't want to do any more damage than you've already done.”

She gestured to the destroyed roof of town hall done because of Derpy.

“I just don't know what went wrong.” She innocently replied as Fuli had to really work had to avoid getting fatlly shocked because Derpy kept bouncing up and down on the dark cloud she was standing on until she shocked herself.

“Yeah. It's a mystery.” Rainbow muttered under her breath.

“Even though I have a pretty good idea.” Fuli also said to herself as she looks around the burnt marks on the ground surrounding her.

True, Derpy means well and is a nice mare, she just have a track record of being accident-prone combined with having a wall-eyed condition that makes her a danger to everything around her.

“Nice work, Rainbow Dash.” Derpy complimented as she backed up against one of the support beams which broke off and fell off to which Rainbow Dash quickly flew down in an attempt to save it but even her amazing strength couldn’t stop it from crashing through one of the floors.

Both Fuli and Derpy rushed over to the hole Rainbow crashed through and see that thankfully she is unharmed.

“You okay, Rainbow Dash? Anything I can do to help?” Derpy asked her as she peeked her head through the hole as Rainbow Dash reaching her limit with Derpy flies up to her face.

“No! Nothing! In the name of Celestia, just sit there and do nothing!” She ordered of her to which she does and ends up falling through the floor while dragging Rainbow Dash with her as they both crashed back down to the floor as Fuli flinched out of harm’s way.

“Oops. My bad.” Derpy said to Rainbow while calling out to Fuli to let her know they’re okay.

“Oh for Simba’s sake, you had one simple job to do and you still couldn’t avoid breaking something?!” Fuli groaned in annoyance. “Now I know why your name is Derpy.” She added as Rainbow flies Derpy out through the hole as she just sheepishly grins in embarrassment.

Shortly after everything is set up ponies have gathered together to see their competing pony head out all while chanting “Applejack!” over and over as Mayor Mare prepared to make the announcement.

“Everypony, can I get your attention? Attention please!?” She called for everyone as they all stopped chanting. “Yes, we are all here to send Applejack to compete in this year's Equestria Rodeo competition in Canterlot.” She pointed to the farm pony standing on the podium to which every pony all stomped their hooves onto the ground and gave another thunderous applause as she shook her hoof to the side humbly. “And I want to thank Applejack in advance for generously offering up her prize money to fix town hall.” She further announced as she gestured to the falling apart building.

“Yeah, Applejack! Whoo-hoo!” Derpy cheered before accidentally falling back through the hole she created again as Rainbow and Fuli both roll their eyes.

The crowd then stomped their hooves as they cheered for Applejack again.

“Speech! Speech!” Pinkie called out while repeatedly bouncing.

“Oh, shucks. I'm not much for speeches.” Applejack humbly replied.

“Alright then, no speech!” Pinkie happily accepted as she ran off ahead as Bunga still felt one was in order.

“Come on, Applejack!” Bunga insisted with an eager smile as Applejack complies.

“Buuut!” Applejack added as Pinkie immediately ran back in the crowd. “This here is the nicest send off anypony could ask for. Y'all have been cheering me on in every rodeo since I was a little little pony. So it seems only fittin' to use my winnings to fix up town hall. I promise to make Ponyville proud.”

Everyone cheered for her once more as Applejack modestly tilted her hat downwards before allowing the cowgirl to head on to the train station with only her family and friends there to personally see her off.

“I want you to show all them highfalutin rodeo ponies what a real rodeo pony's like!” Granny Smith encouraged her granddaughter.

“You betcha, Granny Smith.” She happily returned.

“And bring back all that money!” Mayor Mare added.

“You betcha, Mayor.”

“And have fun. And don't be nervous.” Pinkie added. “Or if you are, use that nervous energy to do even better than you already would! And eat peanuts and popcorn and taffy. Taffy gives lots of nervous energy!”

As Pinkie and Bunga both dove into the sugary bag of treats as Twilight narrowed her eyes at their behavior before taking a turn with more no worries approach.

“Just do your best, Applejack.” She said to her.

“I'll do better than my best!” Applejack confidently boasted.

“The train to Canterlot is about to leave! All aboard who's coming aboard!” The conductor called out to any last minute passengers to which means it is time for Applejack to leave.

“Guess that means me.” She said as she turned to Ono. “Ready to go?”

“Affirmative.” He nodded with a salute as she landed on the farm pony’s back.

“Keep an eye out for her, Ono.” Kion said to him as they boarded the train. “She’ll need some keen sight to watch over her shoulder.”

“Will do, Kion.” He responded as the train started to take off from the station.

“Seeya in a week!” Rainbow called out to them first.

“With lots of new blue ribbons!” Apple Bloom added.

“And lots of money!” Mayor Mare chimed in.

“Darn tootin'! See y'all in a week, with a big bag full of blue ribbons!” Applejack called back after everyone as they all said goodbye to the end of the train station.

“And drink sarsaparilla!” Pinkie added while calling after her which earned her looks from everyone. “What? It gives you extra sass.”

“Makes perfect sense knowing you.” Kyoga remarked. “You and Bunga.”

“Yep!” Bunga exclaimed thinking literally nothing of the comment as Twilight, Kion, and Fuli shakes their heads.

One week later, the Guard along with the Apple Family all got everything ready for the surprise party they plan to throw Applejack and Ono the very moment they step inside the Apple Barn and so far everything is coming together nicely.

“Oh, I hope Applejack and Ono are surprised by this surprise party!” Fluttershy excitedly expressed after she helped Rainbow Dash put up a banner on the wall.

“Well, that is the point.” Rainbow dully responded as she and Apple Bloom pull streamers from the nearby box before tossing one end of the streamer to her so they can put in on the banner.

“I know, but I hope she isn't so surprised she's startled, because while being surprised can be nice...” She explained before floating back down to the ground “…. being startled can be... very startling.” She said before being caught off guard when Pinkie and Bunga launched confetti into the air while shouting…


Fluttershy then fell onto her back as a result from the shock.

“Oh, Pinkie, Bunga, you two startled me.”

“Sorry!” Pinkie and Bunga apologized before helping her up on her hooves.

“We were just practicing our "surprise!" for when we surprise Applejack with this super cool party for becoming rodeo champeen of Equestria!” Pinkie explained while hopping around as Fluttershy walks opposite of her until she shouted “Surprise!” in her face again thus causing her to fall on her back again with Bunga helping her up again.

“Quiet, Pinkie.” Twilight announced in a hushed tone as she peered her eyes from the slightly open entrance. “I think Applejack and Ono are coming!”

“Don't worry, Twilight.” She assured as she leaped into where Apple Bloom is hiding. “Got my lips all limbered up!” She then demonstrated by making some weird faces while grinding her teeth and moving her lips around to which annoyed the little foal.

Everyone else ducked for cover as Fluttershy and Rainbow flew to their hiding nest above the barn, Twilight and Kion, duck behind nearby beams, while the others including Beshte, Kyoga, Bunga, Fuli, and Rarity hide behind and under tables. And once the door opened the lights were turned on and…

“Surprise!” Everyone shouted together and revealed themselves while turning on the lights.

“Surprise!” Pinkie shouted a second late. “Shoot!”

Although to their surprise it was not Applejack and Ono but instead the mail carrier.

“Wow, this is the best surprise ever! How did you know it was my birthday?” The mail pony expressed while everyone’s eager excitement dropped to frowns as Twilight approached him and was given the letter as part of his job.

Before she could slam the door shut in anger…

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” Bunga shouted while approaching the pony with a slice of cake. “Here you go! Happy Birthday!”

“Aw, thanks!” The mail thanked just when Twilight gently shut the doors.

“Who's it from, Twilight? What's it say?” Apple Bloom asked when Twilight opened the letter and regrouped with everyone.

“It's from Applejack and Ono.” Twilight happily replied while beginning to read from it…

"Family and friends, not coming back to Ponyville. Don't worry, will send money soon.

P.S. Kion, I hope I’m not missing out on anything important on morning patrol while I’m gone."

She read as everyone’s happy expressions turned into shock. “That's all there is.” She said to everyone who all exchange saddened gasps.

“What?” Kion asked in disbelief.

“Applejack's...not comin' back?” Apple Bloom sadly asked sounding like she is going to cry.

“What do you mean Applejack and Ono are not coming back?!” Rainbow also questioned. “They love Ponyville!”

“They love being on the Lion and Pony Guard.” Beshte added very surprised hearing this.

“Applejack loves Sweet Apple Acres!” Granny Smith added just as sad.

“And she loves her family!” Apple Bloom added looking like she is going to cry as Rarity gasped.

“This doesn’t make any sense.” Kion thought. “This is not like of them.”

“Something just dreadful must have happened to Applejack and Ono to make them not return!” She thought.

“Maybe they're hurt, or sad, or scared!” Fluttershy suggested.

“So, what are we waiting for? Let's go find her!” Rainbow voiced of what must be done as she flew off ahead with Fuli and Fluttershy pursing her.

“Right behind you! Huwezi!” Fuli voted while dashing out of the barn.

“Don't worry. We'll search all of Equestria if we have to. We'll bring them back.” Twilight assured everyone who all gave brighten smiles as thanks.

“Y'all are the best.” Apple Bloom thanked as she hugged Kion in a big brotherly manner before letting him join his friends.

“Thank you girls!” Granny Smith thanked on behalf of the Apple Family as Twilight salutes to everyone that the Lion and Pony Guard is on the case before leading the way out to Canterlot.

“Our little bushel just lost one apple.” Granny Smith then said to her normally stoic and quiet grandson as he struggled and let loose a few tears at the very thought almost as much as when she briefly left the family for her brief tenure in Manehattan.

The Lion and Pony Guard all on the case as they board the next train to Canterlot where the rodeo Applejack was competing in took place. When they all arrived at the place where the rodeo happened, Twilight and Kion nodded at their teammates to split up and ask questions on the cowgirl and egret’s whereabouts. They questioned every pony at the stadium but they all came up empty-hooved.

Just when the Guard was lamenting of their lack of success a country pony wearing a farm hat came across the missing duo’s pictures and pointed them to their last seen whereabouts. The far off land of Dodge Junction deep in the desert much to the hopeful crew’s sudden dismay since it is so far away farther than Appleloosa. But nevertheless they all boarded the next train in that direction.

“I hope this lead doesn't turn out to be a dead end.” Rainbow began conversing their primary worries of their friends. “I don't wanna go home empty-hooved after promising we'd find her.”

As they all conversed, Pinkie was currently sitting crossed legged while grunting and struggling to avoid having an accident on the train while Bunga was off somewhere else on the train.

“I don't know how we'll break it to the Apple family.” Fluttershy commented in concern.

“I don’t know how we’ll break it to Ono’s family.” Beshte also expressed in concern.

“I don't know how we'll break it to Ponyville!” Twilight added.

“I don’t know how we’ll break it to all of the Pride Lands!” Kion also added.

“I don't know how I'll make it to the next stop!” Pinkie exclaimed as she struggles to hold it in with gritted teeth when Bunga came back to join his friends while looking rather relieved.

“Phew! Feel better already.” Bunga expressed much to everyone’s confusion.

“Uh, Bunga?” Fuli piped up looking very disturbed.


“Where exactly did you go?” She asked to remind him that their train doesn’t have a bathroom.

“Oh, no big deal.” He dismissed their concerns with a wave of his right arm. “I just took care of my business by going over the edge of the caboose and on the tracks.”

“Eww.” Everyone exclaimed in disgust expect for Pinkie who had her eyes closed shut feeling like she is about to burst.


“That might be acceptable in the Pride Lands, but not here.” Rarity replied in disgusted scolding manner. “That is just uncouth to do so in the open.”

“Well, it’s not like anyone else saw it and it's not my fault this train doesn't have a bathroom.” Bunga defended. “What no one knows can’t hurt you, am I right?”

Before Rarity could respond with a counter-argument the train whistled to signal they have all arrived.

“This is Dodge Junction, girls and boys.” Twilight announced. “Applejack is supposed to have come here after the rodeo ended.” Once the train pulled to a complete stop everyone all boarded off of the train. “Let's fan out and try to find her.” Twilight then instructed everyone as Pinkie quickly rushed past them in clear desperation in searching for a bathroom.

“Ooh, pickles!” She exclaimed.

“After Pinkie is done with her personal business…properly.” Fuli added while shooting a dirty look at the nervous chuckling honey badger as Pinkie rushed over to the nearest outhouse as she urgently knocked on the door upon seeing it is occupied.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!” She repeated while dancing from one back hoof to the other before knocking urgently again while sweating. “Hurry it up in there!”

The door suddenly opened in Pinkie’s face as the toilet inside flushed with a familiar face and voice coming out of it.

“Some ponies. Sheesh.”

Applejack grumbled as Pinkie quickly rushed inside…

…but got distracted from her potty emergency as she realized who she had just crossed paths with.

“Applejack!” She exclaimed before happily bouncing over to the Guard. “I found her, I found her, I found her, I found her, I found her!” She happily expressed while pointing to where she is walking by while meeting up with Ono to which everyone all smiled at the sight of finding their friends as they returned surprised looks upon seeing them here.

“Oh, Applejack, thank heavens!” Rarity expressed relief.

“You’re all right, Ono!” Beshte happily exclaimed with perked ears.

“We're so glad you're safe!” Fluttershy warmly added as Kion and Kyoga took notice of the silent sadness they were expressing.

“We were really worried about you both.” Kion added.

“I found them, I found them, I found them, I found them!” Pinkie repeatedly exclaimed while bouncing into the air until she stopped and crossed her legs realizing she still has to go. “Be right back.” She said with a giggle before rushing over to the outhouse to do her business.

“Well this is a surprise?” Ono began as their friends joined by their side.

“Uh, hey, everypony. What's up?” Applejack then asked with a forced smile.

“We were so worried about you.” Bunga answered.

“We were looking all over Canterlot for you until we were told we could find you here.” Beshte added.

“Why didn't you come back to Ponyville?!” Rainbow immediately asked.

“Yes, why are you here?” Rarity added in agreement as Pinkie emerged after relieving herself.

“What’s going on?” Fuli asked.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“Do you have any snacks?” Pinkie randomly asked.

“Yeah do you.” Bunga repeated as Fuli and Kyoga glared at him. “What? I’m hungry! It was a very long train ride over here!”

“Tell us what happened, Applejack!” Twilight expected the truth with care in her voice.

“Look everyone!” Ono irritably snapped at everyone. “Everything is fine here! You all didn’t have to come looking for us!”

Everyone but Applejack was surprised at his sudden outburst while taken aback that he would ever say something like that to them but before anyone could respond another voice approached the two.

“Applejack? Ono? Are these some of your Ponyville and Pride Lander friends?” The mare asked.

This mare had a pale white-yellow fur coat, pistachio green eyes, cherry red mane a matching two cherry cutie mark while wearing a yellow hair band with cherries on it, and a pink scarf.

“Yes, ma'am.” Twilight happily responded as she, Kion, and Rarity approach her.

“We are.” Kion added.

“And you are?” Rarity asked as the mare introduced herself.

“Why, I'm Cherry Jubilee, boss of Cherry Hill Ranch. Hasn't Applejack or Ono told ya? I saw Applejack compete at the Equestria Rodeo with Ono coaching her. Never saw anypony win so many ribbons in all my life nor seen an egret with such keen sight guiding her every hoof step of the way.” She happily replied.

“Aw shucks, Miss Jubilee. You don't have to go into all that.” Applejack modestly responded trying to downplay any suspicion rather unsuccessfully as some members of the Guard were eyeing her feeling that something is not adding up here.

“Yeah, you’re too kind.” Ono nervously added.

“Oh, she's so modest.” Cherry Jubilee continued with a hoof on the cow girl’s chin. “Anyway, I can always use a pony with quick hooves and a strong back. So, when I heard Applejack and Ono were looking for a change of scenery, I snapped them up as quick as I could and brought her to Dodge Junction.” She addressed everyone before turning to her new employees before trotting off. “Well, I'll let you catch up with your friends. See you back at the ranch.”

Everyone gathering around the two with questioning looks as they both slightly sweated nervously as Rainbow is the first to press for answers.

“"Change of scenery"? What's that supposed to mean?” Rainbow demanded.

“It means nothing to be overly concerned about!” Ono assertively got in Applejack’s defense while getting right up in her nose much to her surprise.

“Really it’s no big deal, guys.” Applejack attempted to assure everyone. “I thought cherries would be a nice change from apples for a short time period, so I took the job and came here. That's it. End of story.” Applejack then added.

“What?!” The Lion Guard all exclaimed together.

“That's it? Well, that's a terrible story!” Pinkie expressed disgust.

“Well like it or not it’s the truth.” Ono returned irritably wondering why it is so hard for them to accept it. “And we are here to stay for a little while.”

“We’re sorry y’all, but that's all there is to tell. Thanks for checkin' on us, but y'all can go home now.” Applejack stubbornly added as they both began to walk/fly away from them. “Tell my family hi, and that I'm doing a-okay.”

This did not sit well with Kion, nor Fuli, nor Rainbow, as they all intercepted them immediately expecting the full truth out of them.

“We don’t think so.” Fuli sternly stopped them as she got in their faces. “Because the Guard needs it’s most honest and keenest of sight back home when needed.”

“Exactly!” Kion agreed. “Our team is no good without everyone all together. Ono, you always value your position in the guard to the point you never want to miss out on a patrol even when you were injured.” He then said to the egret finding this really unlike of him.

“Yeah!” Rainbow exclaimed in agreement too. “We didn't travel all over Equestria searching for you to come home without you!”

“Well, we didn't ask you to come lookin' for us! There is nothin' to tell and I am not going back to Ponyville!” Applejack asserted on behalf of herself and Ono as they both walked/flew off ahead.

“And that is final!” Ono added before joining Applejack leaving the group rather stunned with the two.

“Why of all of the nerve!” Fuli exclaimed as she could not believe what had just happened of all ponies and animals of the two worlds to actually walk out on them like that.

“Something is wrong here.” Kyoga deduced.

“Yes, very wrong.” Twilight agreed. “And I don't care what she says. Applejack and Ono are not telling us something.”

“Twilight's right. We gotta get them to spill the beans.” Rainbow stated of what must be done.

“What?! She had beans?” Bunga along Pinkie misinterpreted as she got right in her face.

“Ugh, I told her I was snacky!”

Rainbow just looks on with dismay before they all discuss of how to get through to their friends without even bothering to say a word to them about it or engage in a pointless conversation.

Sometime later, Applejack and Ono were put to work in one part of the factory where there is a two empty boxes with images of red and yellow cherries on each of them with a conveyor belt and a working wheel present in the room.

“You two ready to put your back into it, Applejack and Ono?” Cherry Jubilee asked of them while wearing hats and aprons their size.

“Sure am, Miss Jubilee.”


The two replied positively as the orange earth pony leaped onto the wheel.

“Terr-ific.” She stated before turning to the recent help she had just hired. “Come on in, girls and boys!”

Said helpers were her friends from the Guard as they all happily trotted in with hats and aprons of their own.


“What are you all doing here?” Applejack expected an answer of them as she is not pleased with their persistent following of them.

“We're your cherry sorters.” Twilight nonchalantly answered before turning to the others. “Shall we get started?”

“Let’s.” Fuli eagerly nodded.

“Fine.“ Applejack and Ono both relented as their boss began to give them insturctions as she points to the boxes.

“Haha, red cherries go in one bin, and yellow cherries go in the other. Simple as cherry pie. Uh, just one teensy thing to remember – have fun!” She told them before walking away to let them tend to it.

“What are you all up to?” Ono suspiciously asked them.

“What makes you think we are up to something?” Bunga innocently responded. “Can’t we just visit and accompany you on your new jobs.”

“Yeah, I mean you made working on a cherry orchard sound... “ Rarity added then paused thinking of what to say until she decided on… “so delightful.”

“Uh-huh.” Ono returned unconvinced.

“Well, just remember: no talking about Ponyville.” Applejack relented on one condition.

“Fine! Why don't you quit talking and get walking?” Rainbow fired back which Applejack and Ono both focused on their new jobs while clearly suspicious of the Guard’s ulterior motives for accepting new jobs and turning the tables on them to try to extract confessions of them. Nevertheless, Applejack started walking slowly which led to the cherries on the conveyor belt slowly coming out one at a time so the others can place them in the proper bins.

As they started worked Rainbow Dash noticed that neither both Applejack nor Ono are looking at them so she silently nudged her head towards Twilight to strike up a conversation with them.

“So, AJ, Ono, how was Canterlot?” Twilight asked them as the two widen their eyes and shoot them hardened looks at her. “Not talking about Ponyville, talking about Canterlot, totally different town.” She then quickly defended

“Canterlot was fine.” Applejack reluctantly answered.

“Was the rodeo fun?” Kion asked Ono.


“Did you meet some nice ponies there?” Twilight asked Applejack while walking up to her working the wheel.


“Really? Did you see Wild Bull Hickok?” Rainbow asked as she flew over to speak to her directly.

“What about Calamity Mane?” Bunga chimed in.

“Yes, we saw 'em both.” Ono irritably answered as he and Applejack are faced with their eagerly grinning friends facing them as they both frown at them in response who both pout back.

“And how did you meet Miss Jubilee?” Rarity asked walking over to join in on the conversation.

“Um, well, Miss Jubilee had a cherry stand at the rodeo. Real good treats.” Applejack simply answered as she started trotting which made it increasingly harder for the others working the conveyor belt to make sure the cherries re in their proper bins.

“Um, excuse us?” Fluttershy softly called out .

“Guys…” Beshte called out a little louder to which Fuli quickly responded by starting to use her tail to grab whatever weren’t caught by either Pinkie, Beshte, Fluttershy, and Bunga as Applejack continued with his increased pace.

“Cherry winks, cherry cheesecake, cherry tarts. We struck up a conversation, being orchard folk and all.”

“So you told her about Sweet Apple Acres?” Twilight asked Applejack starting to ask a little closer to the hidden truth.


“Did you tell her about your roles in the Guard?” Kion asked Ono with the same apporoach.


“Did you tell her why you weren't going back?” Rainbow asked with increased pressure to force an answer out of her.

“No, 'cuz it was none of her business!” Applejack irritably and defensively returned while increasing her pace even more.

“Ooh... Can you please slow down?” Fluttershy pleaded as Fuli started using her super speed to rush between boxes to keep up with Applejack’s set pace with Ono getting just as aggravated as Applejack didn’t instruct her to slow down as asked of them.

“Is it because I made it rain on you that one time?” Rainbow demanded.

“No!” Applejack responded as she starting running thus making it very hard for everyone working the sorting out to keep up as Fuli took control and started sending all of the cherries to their proper bins with rapid succuession while Pinkie starts stuffing some in her hat.

“Help!” Fluttershy cried out deaf ears.

“Is it because you were insulted when I gave you that book on organized orchards?” Twilight asked Applejack.

“NO!” She exclaimed as she went as fast as she can run

“Is it because you were insulted when I insulted your hair?” Rarity asked.

“No, no, NO!” Applejack exclaimed as she snapped. “I'm not telling you why, so just–“

“STOP!” Fluttershy desperately screamed as Applejack immediately stopped as all of the cherries on the conveyor belt flew from the belt and splattered all over Applejack and Ono to which everyone all gasping seeing what had happened.

Applejack and Ono both looked upon everyone with narrowed eyes as Applejack walks off with silence as Ono sharing the same silent fury has something to say.

“If any of you care so much about the truth so bad, you’ll all stay away from us until further notice.” Ono said to them before joining Applejack outside so they can fetch cherries from cherry trees.

In the meantime, everyone all got to work in cleaning up the mess they caused Applejack to make while Bunga helps in by eating as many cherries as he can.

“Well, girls, we seem to be striking out.” Twilight lamented as she used her magic to mop up the mess.

“More like misfiring.” Kyoga commented as she helped Fluttershy clean the wheel.

“That's 'cause we're playing too nice.” Rainbow retorted as Kion is left feeling troubled by what had just happened. In all of the time they have known each other, Ono has never gotten mad at them like that nor actually refused a request from him.

“I don’t know if I would say that considering we did trigger Applejack into creating this mess.” Kion sighed.

“Something wrong darling?” Rarity who was helping Pinkie clean the conveyor belt asked as she took notice of him.

“This just doesn’t make any sense.” Kion responded still trying to piece it together. “What happened at the rodeo that they don’t want us to know about?”

“But what?” Beshte inquired.

“Maybe she didn’t come out on top like she thought she was going to do.” Fuli suggested. “Just came up short of winning.”

“That could be very likely.” Kyoga agreed.

“Well whatever it is we’re going find out.” Bunga stated.

“Yes. Desperate times do call for desperate measures.” Rarity agreed.

“It's time to call in the big guns.” Rainbow declared as she eyes Pinkie Pie tasting the cherry mush along with Bunga to do the job.

Outside of the barn both Applejack and Ono were both picking cherries from their trees with Applejack kicking them from trees with Ono guiding him to kick at the tree’s roots that will give the most cherries from the kick. Just then Pinkie and Bunga appeared right in front of them.

“Hey, Applejack.”

“Hey, Ono.”

“Need some help?”

The two cheerfully asked.

“You promise not to ask me any questions?” Applejack asked them.

“We promise.” Pinkie stated as she and Bunga followed the two as Ono motions to Applejack to which part of the tree she should buck her back hooves while Pinkie and Bunga both shake the nearby tree with their paws and hooves.

Of course, it didn’t take long for one of them to start talking.

“Have you ever had a cherrychanga?” Pinkie couldn’t help but ask. “Ooh! Sorry, that was a question.”

“That kind of question is fine, Pinkie.” Applejack had no problem with it. “No, I-I never had a cherrychanga.”

“Well, no wonder, because I made it up myself!” Pinkie replied as she got nose to nose with Applejack. “A cherrychanga is mashed up cherries in a tortilla that's deep fried. Cherrychanga. Great name, huh?”

“Totally!” Bunga agreed.

“Oh, but maybe I should call it a chimicherry.” Pinkie proposed.

“Ooh, that's good too.” Bunga found it even better as Applejack along with Ono turned to the next tree as the two continue rapidly talking.

“Which do you think sounds better? Cherrychanga or chimicherry?” Pinkie asked “Or what if I combine them? Chimicherrychanga! What sounds the funniest?”

“I like funny words! One of my favorite funny words is 'kumquat'! I didn't make that one up.” Bunga traded with Pinkie as they follow the two carrying their cherry baskets.

“I would work in a kumquat orchard just so I could say 'kumquat' all day! Kumquat, kumquat, kumquat!” Pinkie added as she repeatedly hopped from behind while Applejack and Ono were both getting increasingly annoyed with thei incessant chattering.

“And 'pickle barrel'! Isn't that just the funnest thing to say? Pickle barrel, pickle barrel, pickle barrel! Say it with me!” Pinkie told Bunga.

“Pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, chimicherrychanga!” The two traded back and forward until the farm pony and egret’s patience snapped.

“No!” Ono screamed with his wings plugging his ears.

“Make it stop, make it stop!” Applejack screamed as she lowered her head onto the ground with Rainbow and Fuli emerging from their hiding spot where she and everyone else in hiding are wearing ear plugs before covering Pinkie and Bunga’s mouths with their paws and hooves.

“The only way to make it stop is for you to spill the beans!” Rainbow offered while issuing their demands.


“Not happening!”

The two refused to crack.

“All right.” Fuli accepted with a smirk before nodding to Rainbow as they remove their paws and hooves from Bunga and Pinkie’s mouths so they can speak clearly.

“Speaking of beans, did you ever realize how many words rhyme with 'beans'?” Pinkie continued as Bunga listed them off backing the two up to the nearby tree from behind them.

“Well let’s see there’s, Lean, mean, spleen, unclean, bean...“

“Alright, alright!” Applejack conceded. “We’ll tell everyone and everypony what's goin' on!”

“Just please for Simba’s sake stop talkin'!” Ono cried out as everyone emerged from their hiding spots. “But... can it wait 'til tomorrow at breakfast? I'm plum tuckered out.”

“Tomorrow, huh?” Rainbow suspiciously asked.

“I don't know...” Fuli responded just as suspicious as Kyoga eyes them with the look that says it all.

“Do you Pinkie promise?” Pinkie seriously asked them while gesturing them to perform the movements for the signature promise.

“We will tell you the whole truth at breakfast.” Applejack relented with a sigh.

“Pinkie promise.” Ono added as they both did the movements for said promise.

Everyone all smiled with sanctification seeing that the two are finally going to confess the truth to them although Kyoga and Fuli still have their doubts that they are willingly going to cooperate just like that as she and Fuli share a knowing look before sharing a whispered conversation together in preparation for tomorrow.

The next morning at sunrise with the morning rooster crowing, everyone all made their way to Applejack and Ono’s room in the barn so they can all head on out to a nearby diner for breakfast.

“I'm glad we're finally gonna get some answers from Applejack.” Twilight happily expressed.

“About time.” Kion agreed.

“You said it.” Beshte added.

“Yeah, maybe.” Rainbow voiced otherwise still having her doubts.

“Don't worry, Rainbow.” Pinkie assured her. “They gotta 'fess up after making a Pinkie promise.”

The group minus Fuli and Kyoga make their way to their room where Twilight knocks on the door before opening it.

“Good morning, Ono, Applejack.” Bunga began.

“You both ready for br– “ Pinkie added where everyone were all greeted to sight that only Fuli and Kyoga expected…

…and that was Applejack and Ono not in the bedroom with the bed already made which had Pinkie widening her eyes as she gasped in shock at what she was seeing…

…to her they have broken the Pinkie Promise. A serious offense to which she angrily grits her teeth with her face turning red in anger.

“Nopony breaks a Pinkie promise!” Pinkie angrily stated with steam coming out of her ears before running off ahead to lead everyone to where they are currently awaiting for the first train to escape Dodge Junction as Ono looks out for their friends trying to find them along with their train that is arriving late while Applejack anxiously while moving her hooves in place.

“Where’s that darn train when we need it?!” Applejack asked as Ono frantically looked around with his keen sight.

“I don’t know…” Ono replied as he then felt his heart struck with fear upon catching a terrifying sight coming towards them. “Hapana!”

“Applejack! Ono!” She shouted as she and their friends all rush over to confront them. “You two Pinkie promised!”

Applejack and Ono yelped at hearing the mare’s distorted sounding voice as they both quickly ran and flew for their lives only to be immediately tackled by Fuli and Kyoga in an ambush.

Acting quick, Applejack was able to buck the two off of her before making their escape as the others chase after them while Ono barely squeezes his way out and evades the two felines ambushing attempt.

“Applejack, Ono, come back here!” Pinkie angrily demanded as they made their way to a near coach wagon carried by four stallions.

“Giddy up, fellas, we gotta get the heck out of Dodge!” Applejack ordered them as she leaped onto the carriage with Ono flying ahead to guide them away from the others.

“She's gonna get away!” Pinkie stated as Fuli and Kyoga speed off ahead in hot pursuit of the getaway cart.

“Not if we have anything to say about it.” Fuli voiced with determination as they race off to intercept it.

As they race off ahead everyone else found a wagon with two open harnesses they can use to follow them all. With Fluttershy and Rainbow running as fast as they can with the others minus Beshte in tow they were all able to close the gap.

“Oh, we have you now!” Pinkie stated as they got a run on Applejack and Ono’ ride as they are seeking to run side by side with them.

But because of a bunny hopping into the middle of the road, Fluttershy halted their right dead in their tracks to avoid hitting it. As Beshte gently nudged the bunny off of the road, Rainbow after a moment of annoyance expressed towards Fluttershy for that pulls ahead so they can play catch up again.

Meanwhile Applejack and Ono were riding and flying ahead in the desert feeling confident that they have given them the slip were able to move forward with slight relief. Although it didn’t last long as their friends quickly managed to catch up to them again and managed to slam in their ride.

“Whoa! What the hay?” Applejack exclaimed upon seeing that their friends have managed to close the gap again.

“Pull over!” Rainbow Dash demanded as she, Kyoga, Fuli all take turns trying to force the stage coach pulling the runaway cowgirl to a grinding halt.

“Hey! Cut that out! Whoa!” Applejack shouted at them before placing an offer to the coach ponies. “I'll pay you double to outrun them.”

“We'll pay you triple to slow down!” Twilight counter offered as they immediately do so.

“I'll pay you quadruple to leave them in the dust!” Applejack counter offered back as the ponies pulling her coach did exactly that.

“That was rude!” Rarity commented as she and the others had to breath the literal dust kicked up in their faces.

“Get them! Get them!” Pinkie urged Rainbow, Fluttershy, Kyoga, and Fuli not to let them get away.

“Come on, Fluttershy!” Rainbow urged her as they play catch up once more while Fuli and Kyoga race alongside up to the cart still not losing their sight’s on the earth mare and egret with the latter keeping watch on the area around for any upcoming alarms while Applejack brandished the harnesses to get them to push the pace as they pull up side by side with their ride.

“Hyah! C'mon, y'all! Go, go!”

Once they were close enough, Pinkie leaped from her cart onto Applejack’s cart to confront the runaways.

“Applejack, Ono, you two broke your Pinkie promise! Apologize!” She angrily demanded.

“Pinkie, we did not break my promise!” She asserted.


“If you’ll recall, we told you that we would tell you everything at breakfast.” Ono reminded her. “But we didn't come for breakfast.

“We couldn't come to that breakfast, not if it meant telling y'all what happened.” Applejack added.

“Well, I... I...“ Pinkie stammered at a loss for words.

“I'm sorry, Pinkie, but we can't tell y'all the truth. We just can't!” Applejack returned.

“Well I heard a "sorry" in there, so that'll have to do for now.” Pinkie relented yet still not satisfied. “I'll get a real apology later. Rarity, catch me.” She told as she leaped from the cart.

“What? Pinkie–“ Rarity protested as she finds herself knocked off of the cart alongside with her yet thankfully Fuli managed to intercept and sent them flying onto Beshte’s back who caught both of them on his back.

“Rainbow, go back!” Twilight urged her.

“No time! They knew what they were getting into!” Rainbow refused while continuing to press forward with stopping Applejack and Ono.

“Don’t worry, Beshte’s got them.” Kion assured they aren’t abandoning them. “And we’ll catch back up with them later.”

While Applejack focused on outrunning her pursers, Ono looked ahead and saw something that caught his immediate attention.

“Hapana! Train at 11:00!” Ono alerted with alarm in his voice as they see the railroad crossing with the oncoming and crossing train up ahead.

“Perfect! Hyah!” Applejack commented as she urged the stallions to beat it as they cross much to their great concern over being struck by it.

Nevertheless, Applejack confidently looked as she managed to press the ponies into crossing the railroad tracks just before the train could hit them, Ono flapped his wings as fast as he can to keep up with them, while having no problem dodging the incoming train.

“Yee-haw!” Applejack celebrated while Ono severely panted in exhaustion while fainting on the farm pony’s back as she jumps off of her coach as she prepares to pay them their dues.

“Lady, you're trouble.” They immediately refused and declared in unison and ride off deciding that nearly getting killed isn’t worth quadruple pay.

Just before Applejack could cherish in her victory, they find themselves immediately ambushed and tackled once again by Fuli and Kyoga and this time they managed to pin them down the ground by surprise after they both managing to leap over the train.

“Gotcha!” Fuli exclaimed upon catching her breath from all of that running along with Kyoga while pinning Ono down to the ground.

“You’re both not going anywhere this time!” Kyoga said the same to Applejack as they both sigh knowing they have been finally cornered just as Rainbow and Fluttershy fly their cart over the crossroad.

“Fine. Now you know.” Applejack relented.

“Know what?” Twilight asked as she and the others approach them.

“Well, just look!” Ono responded as Applejack pulled out her saddlebag and spilled out its contents while burying her head in the ground in shame. A handful of ribbons.

“We are.” Kion commented as they gander at the sight of their winnings.

“You won an amazing number of ribbons, just like Miss Jubilee said!” Twilight added.

“Don't you all get it?” Ono voiced as he flew over and got them to look at the colors of the ribbons more closely as Applejack sat down in shame. “There's every color of ribbon down there. Every color... but... blue.”

“Called it.” Fuli whispered to Kyoga.

“I came in fourth, third, even second, but I didn't win one first prize, and I certainly didn't win any prize money.” Applejack added. “Even with Ono’s coaching.”

“But the telegram said you were gonna send money.” Rainbow brought up as Ono looked aside feeling very guilty herself for not being able to coach the farm pony to victory through the rodeo.

“That's why we came here.” Applejack explained as she confessed. “We wanted to earn some money. After that big old send off Ponyville gave me, I just didn't have the nerve to come home empty-hooved. I couldn't come home a failure.”

“And after what happened, I too didn’t have the heart to confess either.” Ono added too still not having the courage to face his friends as she and Applejack walked off ahead. “My keen sight has always guided everyone to victory up until now and just seeing it wasn’t enough to help Applejack was just a big blow to me. I just couldn’t face everyone feeling like a failure either.”

“Applejack, you're not a failure.”

“And neither are you, Ono.”

Twilight and Kion comforted.

“And we're your friends!” Rainbow added without a hint of anger. “We don't care if you came in fiftieth place! You're still number one in our books.”


“So... you're not upset or disappointed?”

Ono and Applejack asked everyone who all shake their heads to confirm it

“But what about the mayor?” Ono brought up.

“I don't think I can face her and tell her I didn't get that money to fix the broken roof.” Applejack still voiced uneasily about coming home empty-hoofed.

“Applejack, we can always find a way to fix that hole in the roof.” Fluttershy reassures it’ll be okay. “But if you don't come back, we'll never be able to fix the hole in our hearts.”

“Or the hole that the keenest of sight leaves in the Guard.” Bunga added as they all get together for a group hug while Fuli and Kyoga watch as tears drop from Rainbow’s face seeing the touching moment.

“Darn it! Now you got me acting all sappy!” She complained as she sniffled a little as both Fuli and Kyofa share each other knowing looks while chuckling together.

“Very I might add.” Kyoga said before speaking to both Applejack and Ono. “So ready to head back?”

“Yes.” Applejack nodded along with Ono. “Right after me and Ono talk to Cherry Jubilee about it first.”

“Yeah, best not to keep her out of the loop of our sudden departure.” Ono added. “Common knowledge, really.”

“True.” Fuli agreed. “Plus we have some friends we need to collect to.”

After regrouping with their friends back at Dodge Junction, both Applejack and Ono went over to Cherry Jubilee where they explained the truth to them to which she took rather fine as she let them go back to Ponyville and the Pride Lands no strings attached before seeing them off as they all take the next train back.

Once everyone had everything they needed along with Pinkie and Bunga making sure they use the bathroom before the long train ride, they all went back where they were all greeted by the relieved Apple Family along with the Mayor. Just as expected, no one held all ill-feelings toward Applejack for not finishing first like she expected before making an agreement with the forgiving Mayor that they’ll hold a fundraiser together to raise money to fix Town Hall. While the Apple Family is just glad to see that she is back home safe and sound while still impressed with her display of ribbons from the rodeo.

During this time Applejack and Ono both managed to compose a letter for the princess about their week-long experience.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

It's a tad easier to be proud when you come in first than it is when you finish further back. But there's no reason to hide when you don't do as well as you'd hoped. You can't run away from your problems. Better to run to your friends and family.

In addition, having keen sight comes in handy when it definitely counts the most, but it sure doesn’t guarantee it will come through every single time down to perfection. Even with one small slip up or mistake there is nothing to be ashamed of. It is better to just move on and look at the positives of what having a sharp eye can do.”

“Well said you two.” Kion commended them as they hear Pinkie rambling to an annoyed Rarity as they walk out of the back of the cart together.

“What do you think, Rarity? Chimicherry or cherrychanga? Chimicherry, cherrychanga? Chimicherry, cherrychanga? Chimicherry, cherrychanga? Chimicherry, cherrychanga?”

As Rarity tuned out Pinkie’s voice she glared at Rainbow Dash still furious for what she did earlier.

“When I get back, you're gonna get it, Rainbow Dash!” She warned her as she raised defensive hoofs.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” She apologized. “At least we didn’t abandon you back at Dodge.”

“Hmm.” Rarity huffed as she walked ahead while Pinkie and Bunga trade their earlier conversation to each other as they walked off together.

“She’ll be fine.” Fuli assured Rainbow with a friendly nudge while winking at Applejack and Ono for a well-done job of learning their lesson.

Author's Note:

In the beginning of the second half of Season 2, we have an episode focusing on Applejack's adventure to the Canterlot Rodeo which didn't go according to plan to which she resorted to a series of small lies to try to cover it up out of shame for going ahead and making a promise she couldn't guarantee.

In addition she had Ono for company who coached her through the practice runs figuring his keen sight can help her out. Although of course, he learns the hard way that his keen sight isn't perfect and there are times it can't always foresee the best path to victory but has accepted it doesn't impair not being counted on when needed the most.

Next up is "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000." where the Apple Family will be fighting for their home rights when they along with the Guard meet the twin brother con-artist duo.

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