• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,330 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 6: Sisterhooves Social

Episode 6:

Sisterhooves Social

At the Carousel Boutique’s upper room was where Rarity was sleeping with her nice mask on her eyes sleeping peacefully.

“Oh... Are those sweet... carrot... pancakes I smell? Mmm, how divine, num num num num. The aroma... spiced warm apple cider.” She said in her sleep as she sniffed black smoke coming inside her room. “ Ahh, and, the smell of... smoke... smoke? Smoke?!” Rarity then suddenly woke up as she realized there is indeed real smoke in her own house and heard the smoke detector in her house go off.

She quickly and blindly scrambled out of bed only to fall off of her hooves when she got tangled in her bed covers which caused her to stumble and fall down the stairs towards the kitchen where she came across her little sister Sweetie Belle in a poor attempt to cook breakfast as her burning pot is the source of the black smoke.

“Rarity! Rrgh, you ruined the surprise! I was gonna serve you breakfast in bed!” Sweetie groaned in annoyance as Rarity could only sigh in response to her little sister’s kind efforts to please her.

Taking off her night mask, she makes her way over to Sweetie Belle with some words to say until he heard a pony who was in the building speak up…

“Well! G'mornin', Rarity!” A colt with a white-gray coat, blue eyes, a short brown mane and tail, with a blue beach with flowers shirt, a yellow straw hat, and a three football cutie mark on his flank greeted who had a pink furred coat mare with a large purple and blue mane, light blue eyes, wearing a red beach shirt, and white pants accompanying him.

“Father! Mother!” She reacted with alarm seeing their unexpected appearance.

“I'll have you know that Sweetie Belle here cooked this yummy lookin' breakfast all on her own.” He explained as he patted his youngest daughter’s mane while his other daughter looked at the burnt display.

“I... figured.” Rarity said with a forced smile as she sniffed something. “I didn't know you could burn juice.”

“I've been giving her lessons. I wouldn't be surprised if she's got a cutie mark in fancy cooking by the time we get back from our vacation.” The mare explained to her eldest daughter.

“Vacation? Is that this week?” Rarity asked in sudden shock. “As in 'starting this very instant' this week?! Uurh. Let me guess: apple sauce?” She then asked as her little sister presented her a bowl of black liquid.

“Nope. Toast!” Sweetie corrected as she expressed her sudden excitement. “We're gonna have the bestest time two sisters could ever have! I'm gonna go grab my stuff from Dad's wagon.”

“So, now, when you say 'a week'... is that, um, seven whole days?” Rarity nervously asked to make sure she heard correctly.

“And six nights, I know!” Her mother confirmed. “Such a short time to spend with your little sis.”

“You gonna eat that?” Her father asked as he eyed the burnt orange slices to which she let him have them.

“But I've got such a long to-do list.” Rarity tried to insist she’s busy before relenting. “Oh well, I suppose 'spend time with your sister' will just have to be added to the list.”

Just then, her little sister came inside with a load of luggage in tow.

Like sister, like sister, it runs in the family.

“Just a few necessities.” She happily replied as her older sister once again put up a forced smile for the sake of their parents as it is clear that Rarity is in for a week she’ll never forget.

As soon as their parents left, Rarity tended to the matter in the kitchen.

“Now, let's get that kitchen all cleaned up.” Rarity said.

“Cleaned up?” Her sister replied in confusion. “But we haven't even eaten yet.”

“Well now, Sweetie Belle, I appreciate the gesture, but we simply can't eat this breakfast; it's burnt.” Rarity explained it politely to the best of her ability.

“It's not that burnt.” Sweetie voiced otherwise while a little oblivious to the obvious evidence in front of her.

“Never fear, my dear, I'll get a proper breakfast going.” Rarity replied as she made way as she gathered what she needed to do so.

“Can I help?” Sweetie offered.

“Oh, er, of course, er, in one moment, Sweetie Belle.” She replied rather hesitatingly more leaning on wanting her to just stand still. “Let me just get things started.”

Rarity then got to work in cleaning up the mess along with properly preparing their food along with setting the table all the while her little sister was growing more and more anxious as the seconds turns into minutes with her eager smile fading by the minute.

“Rarity! I thought you said I was gonna help!” Sweetie reminded and pleaded.

“You are!” She positively replied after having a somewhat mixed guilty and still not wanting her assistance expression. “You... can... put the garnish on the plates.” She pointed to the one small parsley on the counter to which Sweetie leaned over towards

“You mean this parsley?” She asked as her older sister nodded as she walked over to the table where Rarity has set up two plates of two eggs over easy dishes for them to enjoy.

“Okay, now, easy!” Rarity instructed her with in between back and forth responses as Sweetie tries to get what she wants. “It has to be just right! No need to rush. No! That's too slow. Careful! Back up! Looking for perfection here...”

But as a result of the growing confusions she ends up losing her balance and caused the table to fall over and make a mess onto the floor much to Rarity’s dismay.

On the bright side the plates of eggs remained intact with the paisley landing on one of them at just the right touch on them.

After salvaging and having their breakfast, the two then cleaned the kitchen up again to which required a handful of towels and rags and by the time they were done it was already two o’clock in the afternoon.

“There are some things I must attend to.” Rarity said as she turned to her little sister with the dirty laundry. “Can you take the dirty towels to the laundry room?” She asked of her.

“No problem, I'll make myself useful!” She happily replied as she set out to do so.

She went over to the laundry room where everything she needs to do her job is all set up. And when she got there she spotted a pink and purple sweater that she thinks could also use a good wash and drying too.

When Rarity came back the back entrance to the shop she noticed that her little sister was putting the laundry on the drying hanger and found something there she didn’t like.

“Sweetie Belle!” She exclaimed as she trotted outside.

“I told you I'd make myself useful. Surprised?” Sweetie replied feeling pleased with herself and eager for her sister’s approval

“Am I?” Rarity voiced otherwise with lowered ears as she walked over to the sweater she washed and hung up while unintentionally ignoring her little sister’s hard work. “You washed my incredibly expensive one-of-a-kind designer crocheted wool sweater! Do you know how hard these things are to come by?”

“What's the big deal?” Her sister asked.

“The big deal is that in the heat of the sun, wool... shrinks.” She answered as her sweater did just that.

“Oh. Sorry.” She apologized as the older unicorn expression twitched with restrained anger before switching back over to her pleasant and cheerful demeanor.

“Well. Back to work. I must create!”

She moved to head back inside only to accidentally step into the water bucket with just one hoof step forward.

“Sorry?” She apologized for that inconvenience.

“Stay out of trouble, okay? Please?” She asked of her before walking back inside.

“I just wanted to do something nice for my sister.” The younger unicorn grumbled in disappointment as she pushed the bucket of water back inside.

To her, all of the hard work was miffed because of an accidental mistake she didn’t even know about until too late even when she apologized.

Later when she retreated to her design and dressing room she groaned as she really wants to be able to spend time with her older sister.

“Raargh, I'm so bored! When is Rarity gonna finish her work?” She wondered as she groaned and crawled around after bouncing aside a ball of yarn as her last words ring through her mind before eyeing the nearby colored paper and markers on the table.

“I never got in trouble for drawing.” She thought of what she can do as she picked up a marker and starting drawing. “Hmm.” She then thought. “This needs something...”

She was then drawn to her attention to the blue gems in a nearby chest to where she gets creative and artistic inspiration from them.

Shortly after she was done, her older sister came into the room with a cloth and a pair of scissors to where she is suddenly greeted by her eager sister presenting her of her artistic creation.

“Hi, Rarity! I made a special drawing for y—“ She started only for it to be met with a horrified scream as she runs over to the chest to where she got the gems which was now empty.

“Oh no! Did you use these gems?!” She frantically asked as she showed her the empty chest as apparently her sister had used every last gem she had in that chest.

“Well, yes…” She honestly and apologetically answered. “…but I know you have more in your work room…”

“But, but these are extremely rare baby blue sapphires! I need them for an outfit for an extremely important client!” Rarity expressed very upset with what she has accidentally done again.

“Oh. Sorry.” She apologized on her hoofs and knees begging for forgiveness upon realizing her mistake again.

“Sweetie Belle, what am I going to do with you?” Rarity asked with a sigh.

“Oh! We could paint together, we could ride bikes, play chess, sing a song, catch frogs, pillow fight…” She happily replied and hopped around her older sister while misunderstanding the point she was trying to get her to come across.

“That's not what I meant!” She irritably quickly corrected.


“Now I have to go and find some more of these gems!” She then complained.

“I'll go with you and help!” Her sister offered.

“No!” Rarity exclaimed to which saddened her little sister. “No thank you.” She quickly corrected herself after regaining her composure while gesturing to the table of her laid spread. “You can help by picking up these papers and stacking them, neatly. Put the pens and pencils back exactly where you found them, and please find something to do that doesn't create a large mess for me to clean up!”

Rarity then left leaving the poor girl upset that even drawing something for her lands her in hot water.

“Geez Louise, can't I do anything right?” She sadly lamented as she walked off to do so until she came across her inspiration room which was a complete mess.

Getting the idea while certain this was something that even Rarity can’t get mad at for her she walks in and tidy’s the place.

“Sweetie Belle! I'm back!” Her older sister greeted as she returned with more gems in stock. “Sweetie Belle?” She called out for when she didn’t get a response as she looks in her inspiration room and then gasps in shock at what her little sister has done.

The place was clean, tidy, spotless, with all of the mannequins and hanging around fabric all clean and folded into place

“Surprise!” She greeted her sister as she once again was baffled in the bad way at what she transformed her study room into.

“My inspiration room! What did you do? What did you do?!”

“When I saw the big mess in your room, I thought I'd clean it up for you.” Sweetie explained with a bright grin

“This wasn't a mess! It was organized chaos!” Rarity stated otherwise very upset with what she did to her room. “I was just about finished planning my new fashion line, and, and you, you, you went and, and you— and you put everything away!”

“But every time I make a mess, you get upset!” Sweetie argued back.

“But this was my mess in my house!” Rarity argued back as she is now trying her hardest not to blow up at her as she sat her flank onto the ground. “And now I have to start from scratch!”

“But, I thought it would make you happy!” Sweetie apologetically said to her older sister with only her best interests at heart.

“Happy?! Happy?! I—“ She replied as she nearly exploded at her little sister until she grinded her own teeth to control herself again. “I just need some time alone.“ She calmly replied before letting out an upset huff as her younger sister sadly walked out feeling dejected over the fact she managed to strike out in her attempts to please her sister.

Sweetie would then walk out into town all the while feeling distraught as she came across her friend Apple Bloom who held a flyer in her mouth before setting it aside for a moment so she can talk to her.

“How's the sleepover at Rarity's goin'?” Her friend asked her.

“Why, it's smashing!” Sweetie bitterly replied which mimicking her sister to the T leaving her friend confused.


“I just wish we could do something special together that didn't include me goofing anything up.” She sadly lamented a she sat down at the nearby statue as nearby flyers are spread around the area.

“The Sisterhooves Social!” Apple Bloom quickly presented her friend with an golden opportunity with the flyer she was carrying around. “Applejack an' I do it every year! You an' Rarity can compete against other sister teams in all these neat events!”

“That sounds like the perfect way for us to hang out!” Sweetie immediately whole-heartedly agreed with the idea. “Rarity will think it's an excellent idea.”

But when she proposed the idea her reaction was quite the opposite of what she expected.

“What a ridiculous idea. A contest at Sweet Apple Acres? It doesn't sound... very... clean.” She said not even looking at her little sister nor wanting to discuss the topic further.

“So, what, now you're back to hating messes?” Her sister irritably asked.

“Sweetie Belle, watch your tone!” She scolded as she walks off ahead. “I am still your big sister.”

“Right! And any sister who cares about her sister goes!” Sweetie further argued to which is met with her sister still trying to get press forward with her work.

“Sweetie Belle...! Honestly! Playing silly little games in the dirt is just... uncouth! With or without a sister.” She refused still not even batting an eye towards the filly nor willing to be open to the subject to which was the last straw for the filly who was been nothing but good to her.

“Well then! Maybe, maybe I'll try the Sisterhooves Social without a sister! In fact, I think I'll try the rest of my life without a sister!” She openly denounced her sister to which she gasped completely hurt by that statement.

“Oh, I'm the one who's ruining your life?! Really?!” She fired back as they got into each other’s faces. “Have you looked around this place? I'm the one who'd be better off with no sister!

“Well it looks like we finally agree on something! Neither of us needs a sister!”


The two yelled at each other as Sweetie storms out of the room while Rarity simply huffs as her cheeks turned a shade pink in steamed up anger.

“Deal! Goodbye, un-sister!” She shouted as she slammed the down as she leaves with her older sister simply huffing again before continuing with her work.

After their falling out, Sweetie Belle then retreated to Sweet Apple Acres where she came across Kion and Beshte there helping out the Apple family with their chores. Once there she explained everything that had happened ever since their parents went on vacation.

“Oh hey Sweetie Belle!” Beshte greeted as he finished putting aside the hay that he was lifting on his back. “How’s it going?”

“Just fine.” Sweetie just said rather disappointed and hurt as Kion was quick to take notice of.

“Everything okay?” He asked looking concerned for her. “Because it sure doesn’t seem like everything is fine.”

“What did your sister say?” Apple Bloom asked about her reply to the Sisterhooves Social. “Did she say yes?”

“No.” She dejectedly replied as she laid on one of the bales of hay. “She said it was uncoth.”

And needless to say the two along with Applejack and her sister were rather surprised to hear of that.

“‘Uncouth'? She said the Sisterhooves Social was 'uncouth'?” Applejack asked sounding very offended as she let go of the hay bale she was dragging before leaping over it.

“Yeah! Uncouth?” Apple Bloom also replied as she munched on an apple as she popped her head out of the bucket while belching to which Kion turned aside a little disturbed as if she was already answering her own question with the way she was eating. “Wait. What's uncouth?” She asked as Kion held out a paw to stop her from spitting apple bits into his face unintentionally.

“I think you just answered your own question there.” Kion replied before defining it for her. “In her words, uncivil and bad mannered.” Apple Bloom burped after gulping down the apple she just swallowed.

"Exactly!" Her older sister proudly remarked.

“It's not just the Social. She thinks I'm uncouth.” Sweetie Bell further added feeling disheartened by what her sister said to her earlier.

“Why do you say that?” Kion asked.

“Apparently everything I do is to her.” Sweetie responded as Applejack stepped forward to ease her mood.

“Honey, Rarity thinks everything's uncouth.” Applejack voiced that it’s just part of Rarity’s taste rather than what she thinks of just as Apple Bloom burps loudly.

“Surely, Rarity does care for you deep down.” Kion added to assure her.

“Exactly.” Applejack agreed as she and her little sister got together. “Sweetie Belle, just give Rarity some time. She'll come around. Sisters always do.”

“Not sisters like Rarity.” Sweetie bitterly remarked.

“Come on, now.” Applejack urged the down filly to cheer up. “Apple Bloom and I got some chores to finish up on. Maybe you along with Kion and Beshte can help!” She then offered.

“You sure you want me to help? I just mess everything up!” Sweetie responded unsure about it.

“I wouldn’t say that.” Beshte encouraged. “There’s lots of stuff around here that you can definitely be a huge help around here. I mean how hard can it be to find something to do around here and actually mess up?”

“And whatever Rarity might have said to you is just stinkin' thinkin'.” Applejack agreed. “Watch!”

The two sisters demonstrated as the elder sibling picked up a bruised apple with a worm in it to which her younger sister quick caught in the barrel while giggling together.

“Good catch there, Apple Bloom!“ Applejack complimented as she used her tail to send more apples her way while the others watch with Sweetie Belle looking surprised as if she has never seen this kind of before as Kion does the same with Beshte while they both have fun doing so.

“This is a chore?”

“Since we can't sell the bruised apples, we gotta collect them all for the pigs to eat.” Applejack explained.

“It's a lot of work, so we make a game of it. Wanna try?” Apple Bloom offered.

“Um, okay. Ow!” She reluctantly accepted to which she suddenly has an apple landing right through her horn accidentally by Applejack.

“Oops, sorry there, sugarcube.” She quickly apologized. “I thought you were ready.”

“You're right, it is hard work.” Sweetie Belle groaned again.

“That's why we do it...” Apple Bloom began.

“Together!” She and Applejack finished while sharing a hug together leaving the filly bitter at the thought.

“Rarity never wants to do chores together.” She remarked as she looked aside as Kion placed a comforting paw on her back.

“It’s okay.” He assured. “We’ll help you out.”

“Okay?” She replied as she got a nearby empty bucket ready as Kion picked up a handful of nearby bruised apples so he can help walk her through it. “Ready?”

Sweetie Belle nodded as she had the bucket nearby her ready as Kion gently launched an apple at her direction to which she missed as the apple landed beside her

“Good try, you almost had it that time. Now here comes another one, you ready?” Kion complimented to keep her from getting discouraged as he prepares another apple at her direction to which she caught that time. “There you go!” He then sent another apple at her way to which she caught again.

“Now you’re getting it!” Applejack complimented as she moved to work with her little sister into continuing with their chore and game together. “Good work!”

“Thanks.” Sweetie Belle replied with a tone of pleased gratitude while still surprised that she is finding a fine time managing this without getting yelling at by her older sister for once.

Meanwhile, back at the shop where Rarity tends her to work while still looking frustrated her as she starts from scratch.

“Ugh, all that work ruined, thanks to Sweetie Belle.” She complained as she went through her drawers. “Oh my. It's usually a big mess in here.” She said to herself as she looks around her organized room and finds inspiration from her little sister fixing up her room. “Id-ee-a! This is genius! I shall call it 'full spectrum fashions'!” She declared as she puts up a display of outfits in a matter of minutes. “If Sweetie Belle hadn't…” She began thinking of thanking her sister before quickly stopping herself. “Well, no matter. She still shouldn't have touched my things without permission.” She then said with a huff as she levitated the outfits away still unable to admit and acknowledge her little sister’s efforts to please her.

Back at the farm, Applejack and Beshte just finish putting all of the grapes to two large buckets.

“Apple Bloom! You're up!” Applejack called out to her to let her know he is ready for her as she hops on over and gets a boost into the bucket from her big sister into the tub as she happily stomps on the grapes to squish the juice of them to which Applejack pulls a small lever on the bottom to fill a jar with grape juice.

“You're... making... grape juice?” Sweetie Belle eagerly responded seeing this. “Rarity would call the fashion police on me if I got grape juice anywhere near her precious outfits.”

“Well, that's silly!” Apple Bloom responded finding it ridiculous as she accidentally sends some grape juice right in her older sister’s face.

“Apple Bloom...” He started seeming agitated.

“Please, Applejack, she didn't mean—“ Sweetie began pleading in her defense until she charged ahead into the tub and tackled her sister into a playful fight to which Sweetie Belle was delighted to see this sibling dynamic rather than the clashing feud episode she expected.

“How d'you like them grapes, y'little whippersnapper!”

“That tickles!”

The two shared another friendly laugh together as they playfully tussle in the grapes.

If only she could have this kind of relationship with her sister to which Sweetie Belle thought as said sister is currently taking her new line of clothes to the laundry room.

“Now to get these fabrics washed for my fabulous new line.” She said to herself as she noticed her shrunken sweater. “Ooh, my favorite sweater... I just can't believe that Sweetie Belle.” She grumbled until she accidentally stepped on her pet cat’s towel who released a vicious growl in her direction.

Upon seeing the sweater is now her size she smiles as she unclips it in puts it on Opal.

“Oh, Opal-wopal! It's as if Sweetie Belle knew the sweater was perfect for you.” Rarity then said to her rather affectionate and enderaignly to her pet cat before keeping up her pride and stubborn refusal to acknowledge her little sister’s efforts once again. “And Sweetie Belle should consider herself perfectly lucky that this thoughtless mishap turned out all right.”

Back at the barn both Apple Bloom and Applejack work together as they herd and run the herd of white sheep with a few black sheep in the mix back into the pen with Apple Bloom and Kion helping round and guide them with Applejack and Beshte closing the gate after them.

“Well done, Apple Bloom!” Kion complimented as he, Beshte, Applejack all share high-fives with each other.

“Wow. It's as if they were just one pony.” Sweetie Belle commented as the two farm girls share a...



“Way to corral some critters, sis!” Applejack complimented.

“You coulda just a-a-a-asked.” One of the sheep pointed as Beshte spoke to them.

“Oh, just let them have their fun okay?” Beshte encouraged them as Applejack closed the gate with her back hooves as the two sisters walk ahead together.

“Rarity never high-hoofs me.” Sweetie Belle commented while still feeling downcast of seeing how their relationship is quite the opposite of her and Rarity’s.

Back at the boutique shop, Rarity is creating her dress for her important client using the blue gems she got earlier.

“Perfect! Just one more, and this ensemble is fini!” She said as she went over to her box to get one more gem only to see that her chest is empty. “Sweetie Belle!” She growled as she moved to where she last placed her drawing to which had some of the gems she used. “Where's her silly little arts and crafts project?” She got a good look at what was on it.

A drawing of the two sisters under a heart shape to show how much her little sister loved and cared for her. But she didn’t see it right away because she was more concerned and upset her use of the gems had her race out to get more. And once she saw her little sister’s creation in full glory as was moved to tears.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle! My one and only sister! What have I done?” She cried. “All the time I could have spent with you was wasted complaining and wishing you were gone.” She then dramatically cried as she laid on the floor. “Woe is me!” But then she quickly composed herself with a new resolve. “No! I must get her back! I must! As Celestia is my witness, I shall never be sisterless again!”

She then set out to reunite and make amends with her sister as she walked into town and into the outskirts of the Everfree Forest where she found her camping out and having s’mores and roasting marshmallows with Kion, Beshte, Applejack, and Apple Bloom together.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity exclaimed in delight. “Oh, I have been galloping all over looking for you. I—“

Sweetie Belle still holding a grudge quickly turned around refusing to acknowledge her to which the other’s shared concerned looks with each other as the older sibling finds herself cut off her mid-sentence.

“Oh hello, un-sister. What are you doing here? Better be careful, you might get some dust on you.” She coldly greeted as the others still share each the same looks seeing that something went down that drove a crack in their relationship.

“Should we say something?” Beshte whispered to Kion.

“I don’t think so.” Kion returned knowing full well what it’s like with his relationship with Kiara at times.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle, I want to apologize. I am not better off without a sister.” Rarity pressed to make amends with her.

“I'm not better off without a sister either.” Sweetie admitted as she turned to face her while still not smiling. “Spending the day with Kion, Beshte, Applejack and Apple Bloom made me realize that.”

“Oh, Sweetie…” Rarity began with a bright smile as she reached out a hoof to her. ”…you don't know how happy I am to hear…”

But instead of making amends she pushed aside her hoof and stated. “And that's why I'm adopting Kion as my big brother!”

“What?!” Rarity exclaimed in shock as she ran and wrapped her little hooves around the lion’s arm.

“What?!" Kion exclaimed equally shocked and surprised.

“What?!” Applejack and Apple Bloom also exclaimed in the same tone as both Kion and Rarity.

“What?!” Beshte also exclaimed when Sweetie explained her reasons.

“A sister is someone who loves and takes care of another sister. In this case Kion’s a real brother.”

Rarity frowned as Kion is left at a loss of words of how to handle this.

“Hold on, Sweetie Belle. Don't get ahead of yourself here.” Kion tried to insist as he removed his paw from the little unicorn’s grasp.

“Surely, you don’t mean that.” Beshte also tried to encourage her not to think that way.

“I mean sure I’m very flattered you think of me as family, but Rarity is still your sister and whatever happened between you two, she’s truly sorry for the way she acted to you before.”

“Or maybe he should be your sister, so he could teach you what a good sister is supposed to be!” Sweetie replied while glaring at Rarity in anger as Kion couldn’t think of anything to say as Rarity desperately begged for forgiveness while on her hooves groveling before her.

“But I don't need lessons on being a good sister, I-I promise! Listen! I'll show you how to cook my favorite quiche! Or, or, I'll show you the proper way to beautify your mane.” She tried to offer to make it up to her. “Won't that be fun? Hm?”

Sweetie’s mood failed to change as she trotted up to her still fuming in annoyed anger to which her older sister was forced to back up when she approached her.

“Hm! You want me to go home with you, so we can do what you wanna do?”

“Uh... yes?” Rarity honestly replied with a wide sheepish grin which honestly did little to make things better since that proven she was once again thinking about herself.

“Just forget it!” Sweetie refused to accept her forgiveness before storming off from the camping site as Apple Bloom ran after her while Rarity walked over to Applejack and Kion.

“Well, that apology went swimmingly.” Rarity grumbled to herself before speaking to Kion. “Kion, why do you have to be so good and make me look so bad? I mean you’ve had your fair shares of trouble with Kiara.”

“True. But I had to do more than just respecting each other’s desires. Being a good sibling means being willing to be support and be there for each other when they want to spend time with you and that’s pretty much my relationship with Kiara. Even with our current responsibilities we managed to make time to spend time with each other. Especially after Kiara became queen for those few days.”

“Right. I almost forgot about that.” Rarity recalled.

“Point being, me and Kiara would never have grown closer together than before if it weren’t for Twilight going the extra mile in guiding our relationship in the right way by getting us both to give in to what we needed to accept to allow our bond to grow stronger than before.” Kion added.

“Exactly!” Applejack agreed with words of wisdom to share. “Bein' sisters is like... apple pie. You can have amazin' apples, and you can have a wonderfully crispy crust, but only together you can have a perfect apple pie.”

“But apart, all we are is just a pile of mush and some crumbly dry mess... “ Rarity realized her friend’s metaphor as she gasped. “I know what I need to do! I just hope it isn't too late!”

“And I have a plan to how we can arrange for that.” Kion added as he motioned the unicorn over for a whisper to which she was all ears for in preparation for the big day.

The next day nearby Sweet Apple Acres, everyone friendly pair of sisterly faces gathered together for the competition. One pair of unicorn sisters managed to win a blue ribbon in a pie eating contest as Applejack, Kion, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle arrive on the scene with the two Apple sisters now wearing green bandanas to let competitors know they are competing as a team together.

“Well, I guess it's a good thing Rarity isn't here. Do I see 'uncouth' written all over this contest?” The little unicorn commented as they passed by the events that were going on around them.

The three had no words to say about as Apple Bloom quickly changed the subject upon seeing something of interest.

“Look at the size of that pig!” She commented at the nearby pen where two pigs are rolling around in the mud together.

“He sure is a cutie.” Applejack complimented at the sight as Kion chuckled too.

“That's the last word Rarity would use.” Sweetie further commented before mimicking her older sister. “Oh my, what a repulsive monstrosity! This thing needs a head to toe makeover!”

Thankfully they heard fanfare nearby which means the big competition is about to begin.

“It's almost time!” Applejack exclaimed as they both walked over to the event’s starting line.

“Well, you two have fun. Sure wish I had a sister to run the race with.” Sweetie Belle sadly lamented as Kion quickly set forward with the plan to resolve this as he places a paw on her shoulder.

“Hold up.” He stopped her from walking off the opposite direction. “You’re not coming?”

“What do you mean?” She asked still confused.

“You don’t want a big brother by your side?” He offered.

“Really?” She asked looking very pleasantly surprised by the offer.

“Of course!” He replied as she wrapped her hooves around him and hugged him.

“Oh, thank you!” She exclaimed as they joined the Apple Sisters at the starting line.

Just as they get ready, Granny Smith spoke into the microphone to get everyone’s attention.

“Is this thing on?” She spoke into as everyone gathered together for her announcement. “I don't think this thing is on.” She said to her eldest grandson as she accidentally flipped the megaphone the other way. “Hello!” She spoke into it as Big Macintosh whispered to correct her. “What is the— e— oh. You have to say so. Confangled modern doohickeys.” She then muttered as she smacked the megaphone as it turned back into the correct direction after spinning around for a little while. “Now, the event you've all been waiting fer! The Sister Soci— The Socialhooves— “ She struggled to pronounce it correctly before giving up. “Oh, dabnabbit, you know, the big race! We have five teams this year fer the event! So y'all head on up to the finish line, y'hear?” Big Macintosh whispered something in her ear to correct her again. “Eh?” She said in confusion before realizing. “The start line.

“That's us.” Sweetie Belle excitedly whispered as Kion gives her a positive smile while winking at Applejack that everything is going to plan so far.

“Good luck!” The Apple sisters wished them as Granny Smith prepares to send them off.

“And may the best sisters win!” She announced. “On your marks... get set...” She announced as everyone all got ready just as Granny Smith accidentally poked herself in the eye. “Gooooo!”

The racers start off as they get off to a fast start. All of the pairs made sure they were all sticking together as it was required in order for their placement in the race to count. Kion on the other paw dragged a little behind Sweetie Belle so he can enact his plan. As everyone leaped over the first obstacle the mud pit, Sweetie Belle happily hopped through the mud pit as Kion made his move as he “tripped.” up and fell into the mud pit which caught the little unicorn’s concerned attention.

“You okay, Kion?” She asked as her mud coated partner nodded in response before running up and ahead so they can play catch up together.

Unbeknownst to her, the one running with her has blue eyes in contrast to the orange-brown eyes Kion has to which is currently peaking from the mud pit to see that he intended for this happen while smiling to himself before popping his head back into the mud low enough so he can breathe through it.

First up was the bucket outside where the competitors all hop from bucket to bucket across. One peagsus filly had trouble there which bought Sweetie Belle and her partner time to catch up and pass them as they swiftly clear the obstacle no problem while moving themselves up towards the front of the field with the little unicorn happily hopping through the buckets no problem all the way.

With Applejack and Apple Bloom leading the competition the two then make their way in leaping over the next obstacle, three large crates where the competitors all have to jump over. When it came to the climbing up, Sweetie Belle struggled to climb herself up as her partner stood atop taking notice of this.

“Kion, help!” Sweetie cried out as her partner quickly reached out and helped her across the obstacle as she lunges her over the crates so they can press forward together.

Next up is a set table where competitors now have each eat a whole apple pie before being allowed to continue. Both the two easily chomped down on their pies before running off together leaving the team in still at the table surprised as they were still working on their pies.

The two were now gaining ground as they effortlessly push the hay bale across a hundred meters while passing by the team in front of them before running through the track onto the next obstacle where they have to make grape juice much what Applejack, Apple Bloom, Kion, and Beshte all did at the barn the other day.

With Sweetie Belle being given a lift into the bucket she was able to quickly stomp on the grapes with grape juice being quickly produced before her partner catapulted a dozen apples her way to which she was able to catch them all no problem.

These two are really on the roll with their excellent teamwork as they now have moved up to third place while leaving the rest of the competitors stunned and left in the dust.

Next up was the final obstacle of the course, the chicken house, where the competitors must carefully balance an egg on their nose through the little house and into the basket of eggs before being allowed to run the final stretch filled with fence hurdles they have to clear to which they left the team in second at the time dropping their eggs completely stunned with how fast they were moving together before quickly running after them to get back ahead of them.

The two teams competing for second overall were now both neck at neck as they both muzzle to muzzle as they approach the finish line with Applejack and Apple Bloom right ahead of them as they all take the final leap with…

Applejack and Apple Bloom the winners as they effortlessly make the jump over the line as the other two teams leap over with Sweetie Belle and her partner just barely beating the team next to them by a mere few inches for second.

The crowd cheered for the top three teams as the referee handed the winning duo their blue ribbons.

“Ooh, so close! You almost won!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“Yeah, you two were both making up so much ground you nearly caught us in the end.” Applejack also complimented as Sweetie Belle moved to thank her partner.

“Thank you, Kion! You were amazing! I don't even care that we didn't win. This was so much fun!” She hugged him as she suddenly something on the mud coated individuals head… a horn. “Huh?” She said as she recognized that white horn along with the three crystal blue diamond cutie mark. “Rarity?!” She asked as she shook off the mud on her body. “Wait, where's Kion?”

Said lion pulled himself out as he took a deep breath from having to hold his breath in a minute at a time before catching up to the others.

“I don't get it.” She expressed confusion of what really happened before Kion began to explain.

“We switched places over at the very first mudhole.” He said as he shook the mud off the lower half of his body.

“So, we did the whole competition... together?” Sweetie said as she put the pieces together.

“That we did, little sister. Well, except for the start line.” Rarity answered.

“But you finished together!” Apple Bloom added of what really counts the most.

“You mean... you were all in on it?” Sweetie Belle asked as everyone all nods their heads together. “You did this for me?” She asked as her heart strings were pulled into giving tears of joy.

“Us. I did it for us. You see?“ Rarity replied as they share a sisterly hug together. “We are apple pie!”

“Huh?” Sweetie replied confused by that.

“Uh, I'll explain later.” Rarity stated it was for the best. “For now, I think we deserve a celebration!”

“Yeah!” Everyone else all cheered.

“Where?” Sweetie asked.

“The spa, of course.” Rarity answered as everyone laughs together.

“Oh, Rarity.” Her younger sister laughed it off.

“No, I-I-I'm serious.” Rarity corrected as Kion placed a paw on her shoulder with a urging smile.

“Maybe after we let Sweetie Belle have her fun first.” He recommended as he reminded her to which Rarity then smiled too as he took in his advice.

“I mean…” Rarity corrected herself. “Whatever you really have in mind.” She offered to her little sister.

With their relationship mended and stronger than before the two unicorn sisters along with Kion head on over Carousel Boutique where they both get their hair done just as Spike comes over upon Kion’s request so they can send a letter to the Princess together.

“Very well then, what should we write to the Princess? Rarity asked her little sister.

“I'll start.” She replied as she looked at her reflection in the mirror as Spike starts writing as Rarity joins her. “Having a sister is just about the bestest thing in the world. But it sure isn't the easiest.”

“I agree that being sisters is a wonderful thing, but it takes teamwork. Sometimes it's about compromising. Sometimes it's about accepting each other’s' differences. But mostly, it's about having fun together. Even if it means getting your hooves a little bit dirty.”

“A lot dirty.” Sweetie corrected.

“A little bit dirty.” Rarity insisted as the two got at each other’s throats again.

“A lot dirty.”

“A little bit dirty!”

“A lo—“

Acting quick, Spike placed his claws over the two sisters mouths just as Kion was about to intervene again.

“Hold it, hold it! How about "a medium amount of dirty, not too little, not too much, just right"?” He suggested to them.

“Deal!” They exclaimed in agreement as they hugged each other to which Kion released a sigh of relief as Spike puts the finishing touches on the letter before sending it off to the princess who received the letter just as Luna walked inside with a hot cup of cocoa for her.

“Here you are dear sister.” Luna offered as Celestia levitated the mug to her mouth for a sip.


“Anything interesting?” She asked as she read her letter.

“Actually there is…” Celestia answered as she gestured her sister to read over her shoulder as they read the letter’s contents together to which the two smiled warmly while shedding some heartfelt tears of joy upon reading the lesson Rarity and Sweetie Belle learned together.

“Oh my.” Luna remarked feeling touched herself. “That is indeed quite a lesson they have learned together. Much like what we now have together.”

“I’m so glad we are together once again.” Celestia’s tears streaming from her face as she tightly hugged her sister as she returned the hug.

“Me too.” She quietly expressed. “I’ll never become Nightmare Moon again.” She vowed as Celestia secretly smiled upon hearing this.

While the two sisters were sharing their heartfelt moment together, Scar himself was secretly spying on them from the nearby window as he recalled the memory of dealing with his brother Mufusa after walking out on him after deliberately missing the presentation of his son Simba.

“Why, if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.” Scar mockingly and sarcastically greeted with an overjoyed tone as he walks up to him and gets into his personal space while doing so before walking off.

Not fooled by his sarcasm Mufusa moved to sternly reprimand his brother for what he didn't do this morning. “Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.”

“That was today?” He voiced with faux surprise and astonishment. “Oh, I feel simply awful!” He faked guilt as he dragged his claws along the nearby wall, creating a screeching sound that made Zazu cringe. “Must've slipped my mind.” He said after taking a second to admire his claws.

“Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the king's brother, you should've been first in line!” Zazu chastised him as he flew up to his eye level to which the lion responses by snapping his jaws in front of him to intimidate the hornbill to back off and then quickly ducked behind one of Mufusa’s paws for refuge.

“Well, I was first in line...” He said as Zazu briefly peered his head from behind. “…until the little hairball was born.” He added while getting in the bird’s face rather condescendingly to which intimidated Zazu into ducking back behind Mufusa’s paw with the larger lion lowering his head to speak to his brother eye to eye in his defense.

“That hairball is my son and your future king.” Mufusa reminded as they both lift their heads up simultaneously.

“Oh, I shall practice my curtsy.” Scar sarcastically quipped as he turns away to leave with his brother angered with the attitude he was showing him in return.

“Don't turn your back on me, Scar.” Mufusa warned with his temper rising now.

“Oh, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.“ He retorted as he turned back to walk away again to which enraged Mufusa into running right in front of him and cut him off before he could leave.

“Is that a challenge?!” Mufusa dangerously growled with a threatening roar ready to teach him a lesson if he didn't watch his mouth and stop right there.

“Temper, temper.” He calmly responded in the face of the furious lion. “I wouldn't dream of challenging you.” He added with gritted teeth on saying dream.

“Pity. Why not?” Zazu questioned with disappointment as he leaned down to answer his question eye to eye.

“Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share, but when it comes to brute strength...” He responded as he lifts his head up to address Mufusa, clearly bitter and incensed before the expression faded, and he walks past Mufasa, who glares at him as he leaves. “I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.”

Scar then walked towards the Savannah and away from his older brother who he would murder the next day looked ahead with the same frown he is doing now.

After seeing enough, Scar teleports away in a flash unnoticed.

Author's Note:

In this episode we focus on Rarity and Sweetie Belle's relationship as they both clash as the latter's attempts to please the former led just led to her getting yelled at instead to which left the poor filly disheartened and disowning her as a result.

It took a plan by Kion while using his relationship with Kiara following their last falling out to get their relationship back on track to whom I felt was the perfect guy for the job.

Also I added a scene where Celestia gets Rarity's friendship report who is moved to tears at the heartwarming lesson along with her sister Luna as they express their relief that Luna is no longer Nightmare Moon...

...Which has been secretly seen by Scar himself as he recalls their last conversation with his brother before he murdered him the next day to show the parallels and contrasts of the two sibling pairs.

Next up is "The Imaginary Okapi." where the Lion and Pony Guard meet an okapi ally as well as a new leopard enemy along the way.

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