• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 27: A Friend in Deed

Episode 27:

A Friend in Deed

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie has turned on the music as she and her best friend Bunga put on their confident smiles while putting on exercising clothes.

“Ready?” Bunga asked the party pony ready to work out.

“Let's do this!” She declared before they set to do so while making various funny faces at the Cake twins.

“Happy! Sad. Happy! Sad. Happy! Sad.”

“Open, shut, open, shut, open, shut, open, shut.”

“Yep, yep-yep-yep-yep-yep-yep.”

“Nope, nope-nope-nope-nope-nope-nope.”

The two traded together while shaking the crib along with sweating their heads off in the process.

But even though they have accepted Pinkie as their closest caretaker, they still aren’t amused by the attempted comedic display they had just attempted with crossed arms…

At least until the two accidentally tripped and sat on jumping jacks right behind them to which they ended up yelping and leaping up to the ceiling fan before crashing into a pile of stuffed animals.

“Nailed it!” Pinkie cheered seeing they have succeeded in their workout.

“At least one thing that hasn’t changed since they were born.” Bunga felt relieved they were able to pull it off while pulling the stuck jumping jacks off of his butt to which he winced upon removing them. “Even if it is slightly painful.”

As long as a smile is brought to everyone’s faces, they are happy. Although they soon have a bigger challenge coming up on the horizon to which their skills will soon be put to the test with what’s coming their way.

With the early morning beginning with the sun rising and the roosters crowing, Pinkie and Bunga are greeted to a cow arriving at the bakery’s front doorstep.

“Morning, DaisyJo!”

“You here to pick up some cookies to go with your milk?”

Bungan and Pinkie greeted.

“Oh ya, Pinkie, Bunga, don'tcha know?” She happily answered while the two leaped onto her back and slide down and across before continuing their way.

“Well, Mrs. Cake just baked a fresh batch of your favorite oatmeal.” Pinkie told the friendly cow before she and Bunga walked off ahead to greet more of the Ponyville residents.

“Mooo, sounds delightful!” She returned delightfully in turn before walking inside.

“Oh, Rose, your Calla lilies look even better than last year!” Pinkie complimented on the owner of the nearby flower bush. “I bet you'll take first prize at the flower show again.”

“Are you kidding? Of course she will!” Bunga stated.

“Thanks, Pinkie! Bunga!” She thanked and then offered. “Would you two each like one?”

“Absolutely!” The two happily exclaimed upon receiving flowers in their mouths for them to munch on before continuing their very way.

“Looking fit as a fiddle, Mr. Waddle, and you're wearing my favorite tie!” Pinkie complimented a nearby blue coated elderly pony with black round glasses and a red and white polka-dot bowtie.

“Another day, another good looking presentation for Ponyville!” Bunga added.

“Aw, shucks, Miss Pinkie and Mr Bunga, you flatterers you.” He returned while blushing feeling very touched from that compliments.

“Well, happy birthday, Cheerilee.”

“Have a nice time, Cheerliee.”

Pinkie and Bunga said to the school teacher passing by.

“Thank you, Pinkie, Bunga.” She happily returned.

“Happy day-after-your-birthday, Zecora!”

“Here’s to another good year of good fortune!”

Pinkie and Bunga said to the friendly zebra passing by.

“What a lovely hi, Miss Pinkie Pie! Mr. Bunga!”

“And Miss Matilda, happy birthday to you...” Bunga then said to the nearby donkey who returned a confused expression.

“…in one hundred and thirty two days!” Pinkie added.

“Pinkie Pie! Bunga! How do you two remember everything about everypony?” Matilda asked them.

“Well, I may not be as smart as Pinkie. But we do share one thing in common together.” Bunga shared.

“'Cause everypony's my friend and I love to see my friends smile!” Pinkie added before the two silliest members of the Guard get into a tune together.

“My name is Pinkie Pie (Hello!)”

“And my name is Bunga (Hello!”

“And we are here to say (How ya doin'?)

We’re gonna make you smile and we will brighten up your day

It doesn't matter now (What's up?)

If you are sad or blue (Howdy!)

'Cause cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie and Bunga's here to do.”

The two sang while removing the dark shade from one pony’s attempted relaxation spot along with two depressed ponies along for a hayride courtesy of Big Macintosh before playing jump rope with the young fillies.

“'Cause we love to make you smile, smile, smile

Yes we do

It fills our heart with sunshine all the while

Yes it does

'Cause all we really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

We like to see you grin (Awesome!)

We love to see you beam (Rock on!)

The corners of your mouth turned up is always Pinkie and Bunga's dream (Hoof bump!)

But if you're kind of worried

And your face has made a frown

We'll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down.”

They sang while helping playing jump rope with a lonely Apple Bloom before continuing their way through town.

“'Cause we love to make you grin, grin, grin

Yes we do

Bust it out from ear to ear let it begin

Just give us a joyful grin, grin, grin

And you fill us with good cheer.”

They sang while going on over to Sweet Apple Acres to help Applejack and Ono paint the barn.

“It's true some days are dark and lonely

And maybe you feel sad.”

They briefly sang in a slightly blue and downbeat tone before warming back up to their usual cheerful tone back into town.

“But Pinkie and Bunga will be there to show you that it isn't that bad

There's one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile

And that's when we talk to our friends and get them to smile

We’re really am so happy

Your smile fills us with glee

We give a smile we get a smile

And that's so special to us.”

They sang with a majority of the town following after them before jumping from one rooftop to another with the others following suit.

“'Cause we love to see you beam, beam, beam

Yes we do

Tell us what more can we say to make you see

That we do

It makes us happy when you beam, beam, beam

Yes it always makes our day.”

They sang when their friends all walk by their side with Applejack and Beshte lifting them up from the ground

“Come on everypony smile, smile, smile

Fill our heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All we really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine.”

They sang while everyone else joins in on the song.

“Come on everypony smile, smile, smile

Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All we really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine.”

“Yes the perfect gift for us

Is a smile as wide as a mile

To make us happy as can be.”

They sang with everyone standing behind while holding hooves on each other’s shoulders.

“Come on everypony smile, smile, smile

Fill our heart up with sunshine, sunshine

All we really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of.”

“Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile.”

“Come on and smile

Come on and smile.”

They finished singing before coming face to face with a donkey with blue eyes and black hair.

“We've never seen you before.” They said to him.

“Kid, you're smarter than you look.” He blankly said to them while walking by with their wagon of belongings in tow.

“Thanks! I'm Pinkie Pie. “

“And I’m Bunga.”

The two greeted before focusing their attention on the donkey still pressing forward.

“What's your name?”

"Property of C.D.D." I'm guessing that last "D" is for "Donkey".

“Quick as a whip, kid.” He remarked still not paying attention to either of them.

“Now, how 'bout that "C"?”

“Hmm... Calvin? Calhoun? Caleb? Carl? Carmine? Carlo? Charlie? Chester? Chico? Claudio? Cletus? Clifford? Coraline? Cornelius? Cortez? Crank? Christopher–?”

They each traded and repeatedly asked until he irritably answered just to get them to leave him alone.

“Cranky! It's Cranky, alright?!”

“And your middle name?” Pinkie pressed.

“Doodle.” He quietly mumbled in reply.

“I'm sorry?” Bunga questioned.

“Doodle.” He repeated rather quickly.

“One more time...!” Pinkie asked.

“Doodle.” He answered more clearly.

“So you're a Cranky Doodle Donkey?” Pinkie then said before breaking out in a small verse.

“You're a Cranky Doodle Donkey guy.

A Cranky Doodle Donkey.

We never met you but you're our new friend

and we’re your best friends Pinkie Pie and Bunga!”

“C'mon now, Doodle, give a smile!” Bunga urged him while trying force his lips into smiling to no avail.

“Nopony and nobody calls me Doodle!” He angrily told the two before pressing forward leaving them startled with what had just happened.

“What just happened?” Bunga asked Pinkie. “Meet somepony new, check. Introduce ourselves, check. Sing random song outta nowhere, check. Become instant best friends... uncheck. I don't get it.”

“How can somepony not become instant best friends with me?” Pinkie also wondered. “Was it something I said? Was it something I sang?” Then she got serious. “This is no time for the blame game, Pinkie and Bunga! There's somepony new in town, and you need to win him over!” She said with determination before writing in her checklist to make sure of that. “'Try everything you can to make Cranky smile and be your friend'... Check!”

The two proceeded to follow after him while hiding from behind a building to another to avoid being seen for the moment.

“Alright, Bunga. If you're gonna win Cranky's friendship, you're gonna have to bring your A game!” She declared while pounding her fists together.

“Let's do this.” Bunga agreed before they approached him.

“Howdy-doody, Cranky Doodle!” Pinkie greeted the donkey who just ignored her.

“So, uh, are you moving to Ponyville, Cranky?” Bunga asked.

“What gave you the hint there, kid? The cart full of stuff, maybe?” Cranky sarcastically commented.

“Well, we’d be happy to show you around.” Pinkie offered.

“It's the least a new friend can do.” Bunga added while wrapping his arm around the donkey’s neck.

Cranky managed to remove his neck from Bunga’s arm before speaking up his refusal once more.

“Listen, kids, I traveled around Equestria my entire life. I've made many friends. I don't need any more.“

“Gosh! I could never have too many friends!”

“Me neither.”

The two responded while waving to two nearby ponies walking by.

“Well, why don't you go and make some more?” Cranky suggested while gesturing them to leave him alone.

“But we don't need to go.” Pinkie replied still not taking the hint.

“Why would we need to do that when we can stay and make friends... with you.” Bunga added while Pinkie ties the donkey’s ears together in a bowtie formation which only lasted a few seconds before undoing itself when they drooped back downwards.

“Look, kids, y–“ He tried to tell them before being interrupted by the cheerful duo.

“Oh, Cranky, you can call me Pinkie.”

“And you can call me Bunga. Like all of our friends do.”

“Look, kids, I came to Ponyville for some peace and quiet and privacy, to be alone with my memories. All I want is to get to my new home and unpack my stuff.” He irritably told the two who then started looking through his belongings.

“Ooh, what does this bauble do?” Pinkie wondered while holding up said object.

“Don't touch that!“ He scolded her when Bunga picks up.

“Ooooooh, what's this?” Bunga questioned while holding up a toy.

“Please, don't!” Cranky pleaded of them while pulling up wind chimes.

“Oooh, look at these!” Pinkie examined them until Cranky confiscated both items.

“Pinkie! Bunga! Keep your hooves off my wagon!” He chastised them.

“Okay, Cranky.” Pinkie obliged with a sad sigh while Bunga backs away with raised arms.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to dig a little too deep there.” He also apologized when Pinkie gets another idea in her idea to help him out.

“We promised not to touch your wagon, so I brought one of my own!” Pinkie presented hers. “I use it to welcome folks!”

“Who'd'a guessed?” Cranky dully replied.

“Maybe we can be wagon buddies!” Bunga suggested to which is met with the donkey turning aside so he can continue forward.

“Well, you've gotta at least let me give you the special welcome that comes with it...“ Pinkie insisted with a sad pouty faced whimper to which Cranky groaned unable to find it in his heart to say no to her.

“Let's get this over with.” He relented.

“That's the spirit!” Bunga cheerfully responded feeling and seeing pleased at the sight when Pinkie breaks out the welcome song complete with dancing and loud drums.

“Welcome welcome welcome

A fine welcome to you

Welcome welcome welcome

I say how do you do?

Welcome welcome welcome

I say hip hip hurray

Welcome welcome welcome

To Ponyville today.”

“Wait for it!” Pinkie told him when nothing else happened until confetti blasted out of the wagon which accidentally blew off Cranky’s wig.


Before any of them could react further the wagon had cake batter erupt from the machine which landed and splattered all over everyone.

“Oops.” Bunga responded upon seeing what happened.

“I must've put the confetti in the oven and the cake in the confetti cannons! Again!” Pinkie added before giggling and eat the batter coatings. “Try some, Cranky, it's sure to make you smile.”

Cranky on the other hoof was in no mood to try it because he had something more important to find. His wig.

“Oh, where is it, where is it?”

“Where's what? “ Bunga questioned before noticing his toupee. “Oh that!”

“What?” Pinkie questioned before turning to see it is on her flank to which she yelped upon seeing it. “Spider! Big hairy spider!”

Pinkie then stomped on the toupee relentlessly to which Bunga tried to speak up.


“Stop, stop, stop!” Cranky shouted at her to which she obeys. But by then the damage had been done.

“Oh. Was that your wig?” Pinkie realized to which is met with a growl from the glaring donkey. “Oh my gosh! I am so super sorry!”

“Yeah! We can fix this!” Bunga backed her up with Pinkie dragging the donkey to the Ponyville Spa in an attempt to make fix this.

“Ladies, this is a spa emergency. Cranky needs help, STAT.” Pinkie reported to the workers who immediately got to work in giving him a well-deserved treatment which consisted of a nice massage, a steam room relaxation, a hooficure, and a massage to relax the tense muscles.

Even though Cranky feels a little more relaxed, his toupee is gone.

“Hi, Cranky!” Pinkie greeted with Bunga for company.

“We have a gift for you!” Bunga added while presenting a gift.

“The spa treatment was gift enough.” Cranky politely tried to decline.

“It's not going to explode or anything. Promise. Just open it!” Pinkie swore this one doesn’t have any surprise confetti in it. And true to her word it is something that he really needed. “It's a new toupee! I had my friend Rarity make it. She calls it the "dreamboat special".” She explained while handing him a mirror so he can get a good look at it.

“This is wonderful.” Cranky felt pleased while still stoic in the face of the wide grinning duo. “Thanks, kids.”

The two expected a smile out of that but they didn’t get it when he turned to leave.

“He's starting to warm up, but still no smile.’ Bunga said to Pinkie while the two think of something to try to get to the root of how to get a smile from him before making their way over to Cranky’s new home arriving just as he was putting his stuff away. A nice little cottage located outside of Ponyville, a perfect home for someone looking for a nice and quiet place to settle in.


“Whatcha doing there, ol' buddy ol' pal?”

The two greeted.

“What's it look like?” Cranky grumpily pointed out to his many belongings placed around the ground outside of his cottage.

“Looks like a yard sale.” Pinkie misunderstood while popping her head out from Cranky’s record player holding up a snowglobe. “I'll give you two bits for this!”

“I'm not selling, kid. I'm unpacking.” Cranky corrected while continuing to push the record player inside.

“Oh!” Bunga understood. “That makes sense.”

“You think?” Cranky remarked sarcastically while placing his record player onto the table in front of him inside the house.

“This is so pretty! Where'd you get it?” Pinkie inquired while taking a look around and balancing the snow globe on her nose.

“Manehattan. Now put it down, gently.” Cranky answered while firmly yet gently requesting of the mare to which she does so.

“Really? What were you doin' there?” Pinkie asked sounding intrigued hearing he has been there.

“Trying to find a friend.” Cranky answered rather sadly.

“Oooh, We’re always trying to find friends, and today we found you.” Bunga recalled.

“See how good I am at it?” Pinkie added.

“This was a special friend.” Cranky told them. “A one of a kind friend.”

“Like us?” Pinkie asked.

“No, you're extra special, kid.” Cranky answered. “As eager and trying to please me special.”

“Yes! We’re in!” The two shared a fist bump together before the pink earth pony eyes a special red glittering ornament.

“Woow, where in Equestria did you get this, Cranky?” She asked.

“Fillydelphia.” He replied.

“It's awfully pretty.” Bunga complimented.

“Yes, she was.” Cranky answered rather somberly to which Bunga picks up that the special valuables are reminding him of someone close to his core.

“Huh?” Pinkie questioned when Cranky immediately recomposed himself to his irritable state.

“I mean, it was– I mean, it is. Yes, it's pretty. Now put it down!” He ordered of her to which Bunga gently places the ornament down onto the table but not before she notices a special scrapbook right next to it.

“I wonder where Cranky got this.” Pinkie wondered to which Bunga expressed hesitation feeling they are starting to push their luck now. “Huh. Will you look at that?” She wondered upon peaking inside the book.

“Um, Pinkie…” Bunga spoke up rather nervously while taking away the book. “…Maybe we shouldn’t…”

Suddenly, she ended up stepping on a loose plank which sent the ornament flying across the room to cut the lantern on the ceiling loose in the book’s direction. Luckily, Bunga quickly intercepted the lantern and tossed it out the window before it could get burned.

“Now what is going on…” Cranky began while walking inside only to react in alarm upon seeing his personal scrapbook messed with. “…Hey! What is the meaning of this?!” He angrily asked while confiscating the book. “Do I ever go snooping around your private belongings when I first met you?”

“No.” Pinkie and Bunga both replied honestly albeit shamefully.

“No!” Cranky repeated while gesturing to the door. “Now Listen to me, you two, it is time for you both to leave!”

“But Cranky…” Bunga pleaded.

“I mean it!” Cranky repeated rather sharply and more boldly to make it perfectly clear they have overstayed their welcome. “Go now and never come back!”

“Never, or never-ever?” Pinkie felt the need to ask when Bunga walks out of the house without further protest.

“Never, ever, ever, ever, ever!” Cranky emphasized while slamming the door in the pony’s face that he means never again.

“That's four 'evers'. That's like... forever!” Pinkie sadly realized as she teared up and not in a comedic fashion but the sad and solemn heartbreaking fashion.

“Yep. And we sure deserved it.” Bunga sadly accepted why Cranky took issue with their constant bugging of him. As much as Bunga hates to admit it, he knows he went too far when someone gives them the boot and can only comfort the sobbing pink earth pony while they make their way back to Ponyville.

By the time they went to the Golden Oaks Library, Pinkie has calmed down from her crying but the sadness from what had just happened still remains. There the two explained to Twilight and Rainbow Dash both discussing Daring Do at the time before they arrived along with Ono and Kyoga doing research there as well with had just transpired since this morning.

“I just can't believe it. Cranky said he would never forever be my friend. It was horrible.” Pinkie still expressed her hurt feelings.

“Well, considering you were snooping in on his scrapbook, I wouldn’t blame him.” Ono responded that he isn’t surprised that he did that. “Common knowledge, really?”

“Can’t say you both didn’t have it coming.” Kyoga added while pulling no punches. “And what he is going surely rings some bells when that's coming from me.”

“Well yes…” Pinkie didn’t even deny it. “…but we just couldn’t help it or really I couldn’t help it since it was my fault it nearly got burnt.”

“Look…” Twilight sympathetically began in a kind tone. “…I know this is hard for you, Pinkie, seeing that you're friends with everypony, but you just have to accept that Cranky is gonna be an exception. He just... doesn't want to be bothered. And if you recall when Kyoga first showed up, even though she eventually became our friend we had to allow time for her to be willing to accept our friendship.”

“Yeah, and no offense, but it was rude of you with what you two did.” Rainbow took the time to bluntly comment. “If I were in his hoof steps I wouldn’t want to be bothered by your over-the-top super-hyper antics.”

“Rainbow!” Twilight chided her for that. “Isn’t the feeling of guilt they have right now bad enough?”

“No, no, it's okay, Twilight. We get what you're saying.” Bunga accepted their criticism.

“What you're both saying. And I guess... we can leave Cranky alone....” Pinkie agreed to which Twilight smiled seeing they got the right idea now. “…although…I still feel we owe him an apology.”

“I suppose.” Twilight reluctantly agreed. “But you both will give an apology and an apology only and nothing more and nothing less and that’s an order.”

“Okay.” They both agreed while performing the Pinkie Promise routine just to cement it before heading back over there.

“Follow them and make sure they adhere to their promise.” Twilight requested of Kyoga.

“Will do, Twilight.” She nodded before following after them to his cottage where the donkey himself is sadly looking inside the past memories inside his scrapbook.

Just after leaving, she then thought of the special friend of Cranky’s Pinkie and Bunga mentioned and then figured out the main reason why Cranky is Cranky before quickly setting out to find the donkey’s friend. Sure she would have caught up to Pinkie and Bunga before doing so but knowing them they have already made it back to his cottage. For someone who has been separated from his family, Kyoga understands what Cranky is going through.

“Cranky.” Pinkie called out while knocking on the door.

“No! No! Please leave me alone!” He pleaded of them.

“Wait!” Bunga called out to him. “Please, I understand that you don't want us as friends but we are only coming by to say we’re sorry!”

“Fine! You said it!” Cranky responded with a begrudging sigh while silently feeling regret for blowing up at them.

“So do you accept our apology?” Pinkie asked.

“If you two go and stay away from me for good.” Cranky replied still not wanting to have anything to do with them.

“Wait! Hold up!” Kyoga called out to him while arriving at the cottage. “Before they leave you alone forever, I have something to at least try to make up for them giving you a hard time.”

Pinkie and Bunga both were left wondering for a second what until they saw who was following after the lioness.

“Please…” Kyoga kindly insisted that he hears her out. “…I know we have just met. But I know exactly what you’re going through. Before meeting them, all I wanted was to be left alone. And sure they can be annoying at times…” She added to which the two were about to argue before dropping it knowing with how true it is. “…but they both mean well…” They then smiled hearing that. “…and only wanted to bring some cheer into your heart. So could you at least let them have one last thing to give you to say they’re sorry for giving you a hard time?”

“Like what?!” Cranky skeptically questioned. “Anything they would give me is sure to lead to some sort of disaster!”

“Goodness, you really are cranky.” The lady that joined Kyoga said to him from outside to which got his attention.

“It can't be...” Cranky thought to himself while getting his blonde wig. “Is it really you?”

“It can, and it is.” She confirmed.

“Matilda! But how?” He wondered how this is all possible.

“Kyoga.” She answered who simply gave a humble smile.

“But... I never told you about her!” Cranky pointed out.

“You didn't have to.” She replied. “I just put two and two and two together and it added up to Matilda.”


“Well, when you were talking to Pinkie and Bunga about your souvenirs, you said something about trying to find a special friend! It wasn’t hard once I looked around for the one and only lady donkey in town.” She explained to the astonished donkey. “I mean it’s not like I was born yesterday.”

“Nuh-uh!” Pinkie confirmed. “And my birthday isn't for another seventy five days!”


“Plus in your scrapbook, there was a flower, an old ticket, and a menu from the Grand Galloping Gala! And I knew I recognized all these things.” Pinkie added.

“But how could you have ever seen them before?”

“Because I also have them in my scrapbook.” Matilda presented said book in her possession.

“Oh, Matilda. The night we met at the Gala was the most magical night of my life.” Cranky recalled the memory of when they were young with the male donkey feeling completely love-struck when Matilda kissed him on the cheek before following after her for a night worthy conversation. “I couldn't wait to see you again. But when I came to your room the next day, you were gone.” He recalled finding her room empty when he passed by.

“Didn't you get my note?” Matilda asked.

“No, I never got it.” He answered that he missed the note taped to the front door from the inside. “Ever since that day I've gone from town to town to town, searching all over Equestria for you...” He then recalled doing so searching the world for her while growing older and older and sadder and sadder as the years go by. “...Until finally I gave up. I came to Ponyville to retire from my search.”

“I was living in Ponyville the whole time.” Matilda revealed much to his surprise. “I always hoped that someday you would come and find me... Doodle.”

“What?” Bunga questioned rather surprised that he didn’t flip out like he did to him and Pinkie.

“Um Matilda, nopony calls him Doodle.” Pinkie reminded.

“Nopony... but Matilda.” Cranky responded before sharing a long overdue affectionate reunion with her special friend.

“Oh, Doodle, I'm so happy to see you.” Matilda happily expressed while kissing him on the nose which perked up a smile from the donkey much to Pinkie and Bunga’s excitement.

“So does this mean that you accept our apology?” Pinkie hopefully asked.

“Yes, Pinkie, I accept your apology, and I am honored to call you two my friends since you both went way, way, way out of your way to make me happy.” Cranky warmly returned with a smile.

Both Pinkie and Bunga were both very ecstatic when they sat down before bursting up into the sky with fireworks bursting from behind.


“This is Un-Bunga-veiable we did it!”

They cheered while high-fiving each other.

“Congratulations you two!” Kyoga complimented. “Now how about we let them catch up on some quality time together?” She suggested to leave them be while gesturing to the couple walking inside the house.

“Of course.”

“Probably for the best.”

The two decided it was for the best before either one of them picks up the shovel again.

During the way back home they had enough time to come with their lastest friendship report for the princess.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

There are many different kinds of friends, and many ways to express friendship. Some friends like to run and laugh and play together. But others just like to be left alone, and that's fine too. But the best thing about friendship is being able to make your friends smile.

Signed Pinkie and Bunga.”

Author's Note:

In this episode we now have a Pinkie and Bunga episode where the most comedic duo of the Guard gets a chance to shine when they come across one frowning face that prefers to be alone. And that desire proves to be difficult when the two try to cheer him up with predictable results from their antics.

Here I felt it was best to dial down their Innocently Insensitive behavior down in this version in order to make their actions in this version more likeable yet fully grasp they know when to back off when they went too far.

It took some time for both sides to come to an understanding and everything to piece together but it all worked out in the end.

Next up is "The Trail to Udugu." where Kion and Kiara both go on a journey to the titular trail with Nala, Twilight, and Princess Celestia while Simba and Luna both the led the guard in Kion and Twilight's absence.

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