• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 21: Lions of the Outlands

Episode 21:

Lions of the Outlands

The Pride Lands' savanna was filled with the laughter of animals playing Baobab Ball today. Kion ran ahead of the group holding a baobab fruit in his mouth. He tossed it up and swatted at it with his paw, sending it through the air towards his teammate.

"It's all mine." giggled Rainbow as she jumped to catch the fruit.

"Not on your tail Rainbow!" Bunga laughed as he ran after her. Rainbow kicked up some dirt to temporarily blind the honey badger so she could make an escape. Bunga spit out some dirt that got in his mouth, "Not fair Rainbow!"

Rainbow simply giggled as she galloped across the grasslands, with Bunga and Kion on her tails. The female pegasus tossed the fruit in the air and hit it with her head back towards the lion cub.

"I got it!" Bunga called as he intercepted the baobab fruit and landed on the ground near a bush. “Hahah, got it!”

The honey badgers’ laughter was short lived with a panicked voice shouted, "Hyena in the Pride Lands!"

A group of about six gazelles now startled hearing this jumped over the nearby bushes, with their eyes wide in fear.

"Hyena in the Pride Lands?"Rainbow and Kion repeated.

"Hyena in the Pride Lands?" Bunga chorused the next moment. "Alright, hyena, you picked the wrong day to come into the Pride Lands" Bunga warned, smoothing out the fur on his arms,, ready to pounce on the hyena.

However, the hyena that jumped out of the bushes was a familiar, purple fur tinted, and friendly hyena.

"Hey, Bunga." Jasiri greeted with a giggle.

Bunga raised an eyebrow as if he has seen her before, "Wait, aren't you the hyena that helped Kion and Rainbow when they were trapped in the Outlands?" he questioned and recalled.

"Jasiri!" Kion and Rainbow happily greeted as they came up to her,

"What are you doing in the Pride Lands?" Kion asked.

"Looking for Kyoga." the female hyena answered, her ears falling to the sides as she has a serious matter up her paws. "I have a problem back home, and I need her help."

"Don't tell me it's Janja and his clan again." Kion rolled his eyes thinking it is going to be one of those days considering of what he along with the rest of the Guard have to put up with.

Jasiri shook her head to assure it's not that, "Actually, it's lions." she corrected.

"Lions?" Rainbow exchanged a confused look towards Kion.

"In the Outlands?" Kion shared the same confused glance back as they both have never heard of that before as Jasiri nodded in confirmation.

"They've taken over my family's watering hole...and they won't share it." She explained as she lowered her snout. “I need Kyoga’s help.”

“O-Okay, Rainbow? Can you go and find Kyoga?” Kion asked the pegasus and she saluted before she flew off to find Kyoga, which wasn’t that hard because she was relaxing underneath a shady tree.

“Kyoga!” She called down towards the lioness.

“Huh? Rainbow? What is it?” She asked.

“It’s Jasiri, she needs your help with some lions in the Outlands.” She informed her.

At Rainbow’s response, Kyoga’s ears folded back and her face turned serious, “I’m in…”

Rainbow nodded without further question and she led Kyoga back towards the others, “I found her.”

“Kyoga, thank goodness. I need your-” Jasiri started before Kyoga cut her off,

“Yeah… I know…let’s go…” Kyoga then walked off towards the Outlands without another word.

“Okay… something tells me Kyoga knows about these Lions in the Outlands…” Kion stated feeling there is something going on that she knows more than they do. “I better go tell my dad and Celestia to see if they know anything about it. Bunga, Rainbow, come with me.”

The pair nodded as Kion turned to their hyena friend, “Jasiri, you go with Kyoga.”

“Right Kion, of course.” Jasiri stated before she followed the disabled lioness.

As the pair walked through the Outlands, Jasiri spoke to Kyoga, "You know Kyoga, I was kinda worried you might not help me." Jasiri admitted as she led her through the Outlands towards her home.

"Why wouldn't I?" Kyoga asked wondering how could she say no to that, “I know they are lions but that doesn’t mean I’ll always side with them.”

"That is true." Jasiri chuckled as she led Kyoga to an enclosure in the canyon where her clanmates were resting. One hyena, another female, with grey-purple fur and a beige underbelly, dull purple stripes, dark purple legs, and brown eyes was mock growling at a pair of cubs. One cub had grey fur, indicating male, while the other had dark purple fur, indicating female. Both cubs squeaked back at the older female playing with them.

The playing stopped when the older female saw Jasiri returning.

"Jasiri, you're back." she grinned, walking up to her, “Kyoga, thank goodness.”

“Of course Madoa.” Kyoga smiled. “We’re all friends here.” The two cubs she was playing with yipped happily at the sight of Kyoga and nuzzled her good leg. “Hehe, hi little guys.”

“Looks like they remember you.” Madoa smiled. Kyoga nodded, “I’m here to help you with these lions…”

"I hope so." Madoa sighed, glancing at the cub. "Those little ones need the water."

"We all do." Jasiri followed.

"Then let's go." Kyoga voted. Jasiri led her to the watering hold her clan was using before it was taken over by the evil lions.

“Once we get to the watering hole, I'm sure we can work things..." Jasari began to say, but was cut off when another lion pounced on Jasiri.

"We told you to stay outta here, hyena!" a mangy-looking lion yelled, baring his teeth. His main pelt was brown, with a grey muzzle, underbelly, and paws, a scrawly black mane, along with a patch of black fur on his chin and elbows, and red eyes.

"Hey!" Kyoga growled, tackling the older lion, pinning him on his back. "Back off!"

“Wah-?! K-Kyoga! W-What are you doing here?!”

“I’m here because of you, Nuka….” Kyoga snarled threateningly back.

"Nuka!" called the voice of another cub, who was about Shaba's size, only he had dark brown fur and a darker brown mane tuft, with green eyes. "Hey, Nuka."

"Kovu!" The mangy lion known as Nuka addressed the cub. "Tell her to let me up." he looked from the dark colored cub to the golden one still pinning him.

“Hey Kovu.” Kyoga greeted.

“Hey Kyoga.” Kovu replied back. “My brother pounced first again, didn’t he?”

“Yes, on my hyena friend.” Kyoga growled as she let Nuka up.

"It should be three against one!" Nuka pointed out with a scoff. "What kind of lion are you? Siding with a hyena." he rolled his red-brown eyes.

“I’m the lion who has common sense…” Kyoga snarled. “Now… where’s your mother…?” Nuka scoffed, “This way, Kyoga…”

The watering hole soon came into view. A lioness with gray-tan fur, beige-cream muzzle, underbelly, and paws, red eyes, a notched right ear and a dark tan stripe down her head stood at the shore, taking a drink.

"Mother!" Nuka's voice called, getting her attention. She looked up and saw her sons approaching, followed by Kyoga and Jasiri. "We have a visitor."

“It’s Kyoga.” Kovu informed, running ahead.

"Kyoga? Long time no see….” the lioness gasped in delight at seeing this special guest of her's. "Well, what an honor." She bowed her head before walking up to them.

“Thought I saw the last of you and your family, Zira…” Kyoga growled, staring at her and her daughter, Vitani, a smaller lioness, who looked alot like her mother, only her fur was more of a dusty-peach hue and a tuft fell over the tops of her bright violet eyes.

“Hmph, so what brings you back here?” Vitani questioned.

“I’m here because you’ve taken over my friends’ watering hole and you need to give it back.” Kyoga demanded and Zira chuckled,

“Still serious as always. Why don’t we…. Catch up…. Like old times…?”

Kyoga frowned, “Hmph…. If that’s what you want.”

"Children, I'll be back soon." Zira assured, turning around and starting up the trail. Nuka glared in Jasiri's direction and growled. "Play nice, Nuka!" Zira called after him.

Jasiri snapped at the older male, who yelped and leaped behind his two younger siblings. "That's right, Nuka." the female hyena chuckled. "Let's play nice."

Zira led Kyoga up the winding trail, "Kyoga, lioness of the Meadow Pride. So glad you could come back." she admitted, her voice soft and sweet, which made Kyoga’s fur stand on end.

The lioness cub rolled her eyes, "Yeah Yeah, no need to keep pointing it out, Zira." Her eyes remained in a narrowed glare as she looked at the older female.

"Sweetie, why’s with the attitude? It doesn't matter where we live. Whether we live in the Outlands or Pride Lands, we're all lions." she replied sweetly. "And that's what's most important." and then she broke into a song.

Lions Over All

"Zira, you know how I think lions should act.” Kyoga stated.

"And that's why we're here." Zira reminded, leading the cub out of the cave. "To talk." Just beyond the cave was the entrance to the den where Zira and her pride lived. Kyoga looked up at the formation, which resembled the head of an animal with stalagmites resembling teeth. "It may not be Pride Rock, but we call it home. This way." she led her inside.

Meanwhile, at Pride Rock....

Celestia, Rafiki, Simba, Nala, Karabi and Lite along with the Guard were all relaxing at Pride Rock when Kion, Bunga and Rainbow came, “Dad, Princess Celestia, I need to ask you two something.” Kion asked.

“What is it Kion?” Simba asked.

“Jasiri, the good hyena, came into the Pridelands, looking for Kyoga." Kion explained. "She said there’s a pride of lions living in the Outlands that took over her family's’ watering hole. Do you know anything about that?” Kion then asked.

Simba’s face turned horrified along with Nala’s while Karabi and Lite’s faces turned into snarls.

"They are the Outsiders." Rafiki answered grimly.

"Who now?" the Guard's bravest blinked in confusion feeling lost here as much as everyone else minus the ones who expressed horror upon the mention.

Rafiki then led the Guard to the wall of the Lair that depicted painting of the Outsiders, and using his bakora staff, he made them come to life so he can explain it to them.

"The Outsiders are a group of lions led by a lioness named Zira." he informed. "Simba banished them from the Pride Lands before any of you were born."

The Lion Guard's fastest raised her brow, "Why would Simba banish other lions?" she asked.

"Because Zira and her family, they were loyal only to Scar." Rafiki answered, pointing to a painting depicting Zira standing at the edge of Pride Rock with Scar. "After Scar was gone, Simba became King." Rafiki tapped the painting of Simba standing on Pride Rock, making it come to life. "But Zira told Simba he could not rule the Pride Lands. Because Scar had chosen her son Kovu to be king." The next painting showed Zira with her youngest cub.

"But Scar was never the real King!" Rainbow exclaimed as she raised her fist.

"Correct, Rainbow. And that is what I told Zira, but she wouldn’t listen to reason so instead she tried to take me down. And of course I won, but after that I had no choice, I had to banish Zira and her family from the Pride Lands. Forever." Simba added as he explained.

“So why are you two so angry?” Twilight questioned Karabi and Lite for snarling upon the mention of the Outsiders.

“Because……. Scar and Zira are the ones who gave Kyoga, her scarring…” Karabi admitted and everyone gasped in horror.


“No way!”

“Jumpin’ Junebugs!” Rainbow, Pinkie and Applejack exclaimed.

“Yes…… Kyoga, Lite and I all used to live far beyond the Pridelands, in a large, lush valley, called the Diamond Valley. Kyoga was chosen by our mother and father to rule when the time comes for them to step down. Kyoga, Lite and I were all cubs playing happily with our parents…..Before Scar, Zira and their pride arrived. They all tried to force us to join their pride, saying that lions should basically rule everything with an iron claw and kill anyone who opposes. Our pride never agreed to them and so they attacked us viciously.

Scar went after Kyoga, giving her the scarring that has healed. Mom and Dad fought against Scar and Zira viciously….. There was… so much bloodshed from that day. Our pride drove them off…. But they killed everyone in our pride… even our parents.” Lite explained, shedding tears. “In mother’s final minutes, she made us promise to protect Kyoga at all costs…. Then… she was gone…”

Everyone was speechless!

They never knew Karabi, Lite and Kyoga went through such a thing.

“Oh my gosh….” Simba gasped.

“No wonder Kyoga’s so fixated on fighting others alone….” Bunga breathed still mind blown. “To prevent what happened to her family… from happening to anyone else.”

Lite nodded to say that the honey badger is correct as then further explained to everyone, “After she passed, we all became orphans. Karabi and I had to learn to hunt all by our selves to keep ourselves and Kyoga alive. When we reached our teenage years, we noticed Kyoga’s attitude had changed. She became more adamant about fighting and wanted to be alone more; acting the opposite of what she used to act like. That’s when we noticed a faint spark of black smoke coming from her heart.”

“Black smoke?” Twilight mused before she gasped as she realized at what said magic is, “Dark magic….!”

“What?!” Kion and the Lion Guard exclaimed.

“What’s dark magic?” Kion asked.

“It’s powerful magic that corrupts the user because of their lust for power and hatred. It stems from many negative emotions.” Princess Celestia explained.

“Kyoga’s infected heart, causes her to become…. Violent in some fights.” Karabi stated. “Her eyes glowed white and her voice booms out. She has learned to control her emotions, but…. We’re worried the dark magic will fester and we might lose her…”

“Woah…… that explains her attitude…” Rainbow said, now feeling bad and regretting giving Kyoga such a hard time.

Bunga scratched his head, "So the lions in the Outlands might be Zira and her family?" he guessed.

"Most definitely." Rafiki nodded.

"And if Kyoga has gone there alone, they’ll kill her so the lineage of our royal family will be no more.” Lite snarled.

"We have to get to Kyoga!" Ono squawked, flapping his wings.

"Right. Let's go!" Fuli voted, running towards the Lair's entrance.

"Till the Pride Lands and Equestria end...Lion Guard defend!" The Guard called as they raced off towards the Outlands with Karabi and Lite behind them.

"Okay, Zira. We're alone." Kyoga growled as the older lioness led them through the entrance to her pride's den.

“So….. what’s your plan now….?”

“Why Kyoga? Why would you ever suspect such a thing?” Zira asked in a mocking tone.

“Because, your husband and pride destroyed my family.” Kyoga growled.

“Except for you…. But that will change…” Zira snarled as her pride appeared behind her including her children!

“Mom, why can’t we just be friends with Kyoga?” Kovu asked, trying to reason with his mother.

“Because Kyoga and her family refused to join us.” Zira growled.

“Because you wanted to rule over everything with hatred and intimidation, that’s not how a ruler should ever act.” Kyoga stated.

“You sound just like your pathetic parents.” Zira snarled.

“Don’t call them pathetic!” Kyoga exclaimed in offensive to that remark and Zira’s lionesses snarled at her with their teeth baring threatening to attack her should she attack Zira.

“You know Scar and I would have been very pleased if you had joined us. With Scar being King of the Pridelands and all.” Zira smirked.

“Scar was never the real king!” Kyoga snarled.

"How dare you." Zira snarled back, raising her paw, flashing her onyx colored claws.

Kyoga lunged forward with a roar, dug her claws into Zira’s right shoulder, making her cry in pain. Another lioness bit Kyoga in her lower back and threw her into a boulder behind her. Kyoga grunted as she got up with all her claws extended. Kyoga lunged once more at the lioness and claws her, prompting five other lionesses to gang up on her!

Meanwhile in the sky, Ono and Rainbow saw Jasiri near the watering hole,

“Jasiri!” Ono called.

“Ono? Rainbow? What’s wrong?" She asked in worry. "Have you seen Kyoga? Kovu, Nuka and Vitani suddenly just walked off away from the watering hole.”

“So they can help kill Kyoga!” Kion exclaimed as everyone.

“Wait, what?!” Jasiri exclaimed in shock hearing this wondering why as the Guard all ran off ahead with time at the essence here.

“No time to explain, let’s go!” Rainbow stated before zipping off with the others behind her.

Ono and Rainbow saw Kyoga trying and failing to fight back against five of Zira’s lionesses.

“Oh no! Zira’s lionesses are ganging up on Kyoga! They’re gonna kill her!”

“Not if we have anything to say about!” Karabi yelled as she and Lite charged forth to Zira’s den, followed by the others.



Karabi and Lite came charging in and lunged at the five lionesses harming their sister/best friend. Kyoga staggered to her feet, her legs feeling numb with some blood loss and she was covered with scratched and puncture marks all over her body.

Vitani snarled while Kovu went to hide from the fighting. Fuli tackled Vitani to the ground while Ono and Rainbow flew in and Ono pecked at Nuka on the head. Jasiri nipped at the other lionesses heels while Besthe rammed the rest of the pride away.

Karabi and Lite bashed the five lionesses away before them and everyone stood in front of Kyoga to protect her.

“Karabi and Lite….. I thought you’d died by now..” Zira scoffed.

“We didn’t and now you’re gonna pay for trying to kill Kyoga.” Karabi snarled in response.

“Hahaha! What can you two possibly do? You just have ponies and a Lion Guard with just one lion, pathetic! There’s nothing you two can do to stop me.” Zira smugly scoffed at the glaring daggers each and every member of the Guard was giving her as they were all ready to charge at her and her pride with claws, magic, wings at the ready.

“But we can….!” a voice came from behind her. Zira and her pride turned and saw Simba, Nala, their pride, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who now had a look similar to her sisters.

She was a darker blue with silver, sparkling shoes. Her mane resembled a starry night with a transparent cover over it and it flowed in the same way as her sisters. She now wore a black regliad over her neck with the symbol of the crescent moon.

“Mom! Dad!”

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!”

Kion and Twilight smiled.

“Grrr… Simba… Nala….” Zira growled.

“Zira.” Simba and Nala growled.

“Leave Kyoga alone, Zira.” Simba growled. “Or face the consequences again!”

“Hahaha!” Zira laughed. “And what can you possibly do?”

“We can end your reign of terror, so that you shall not bring harm to Kyoga and her remaining family.” Princess Luna stepped forth.

Zira scoffed. “You always underestimate me, Simba… and you all underestimate… dark magic….” Zira’s eyes suddenly turned black as night and her body turned black as well, infected with dark magic. Everyone stood back in horror at the sudden transformation, except for Kyoga, who lunged forth and latched onto Zira.

“Kyoga, No!” Karabi and Lite exclaimed, fearing their sister would be overtaken by the dark magic.

Kyoga growled as the dark magic crawled up her arms and her heart started, but Kyoga thought back to her past; playing with her mom and dad, Karabi, Lite. Karabi and Lite rough housing with her. Nuzzling into her mothers’ fur during the nights… all of those memories came to light as Kyoga’s eyes turned white and the light consumed her entire body, counteracting the dark magic of Zira and enveloping her in her light magic as well.

A large beam sprouted from the two lionesses into the sky and when it diminished, Zira semi-collapsed while Kyoga almost fell to her knees. Twilight and the entire guard gasped in awe and shock, seeing Kyoga… whose leg and eye were now free of scars…! And now, on her cheek, she had the mark of a blue shield surrounded by five white stars with a crystal heart with laces in the center.

“Is…. that a…. Cutie mark….?” Twilight gaped in awe and the girls nodded as they are all not dreaming or hallucinating this.

Zira staggered to her feet feeling drained and weakened by what had just happened unable to unleash dark magic from her eyes and paws,

“W-What did you do to m-me….?” she stammered.

“I neturalized your dark magic with my own permanently. So you cannot bring harm to any one ever again.” Kyoga said proudly.

Zira growled as two of her lionesses came to support her.

“Now leave the Outlands, Zira…. Now…” Simba growled.

Zira defiantly snarled, “This… isn’t…. Over….Simba...” then her pride turned tail and ran away and deeper into the Outlands with the two Outsiders carrying their defeated leader away.

Karabi and Lite came over to their sister/best friend.

“Kyoga, are you okay?” Karabi asked, nuzzling her little sister while relieved that she is okay.

“Y-Yeah.. I’m okay…” Kyoga breathed just as relieved too. “I’m just glad, most of Zira’s pride is gone..”

“What do you mean, ‘most’?” Kion asked of what Kyoga meant as she went over to a large rock,

“Kovu, you can come out now..”

“Kovu?!” Everyone echoed in surprise before the young cub peeked his head out.

“Is it over?” He asked.

“It’s over…. For now…” Kyoga said.

“Whose this, Kyoga?” Kion asked as Simba had to resist the urge to growl and approach the cub threateningly like he did the last time they met but his visible anger at the cub still remained.

“That is Kovu, the one lion cub in Zira’s pride who actually had common sense.” Karabi quipped. “Was the only one who never fought against us, instead he wanted to be friends with us.”

“I-It’s true…” Kovu honestly stammered. “I don’t want what my mother wants. T-That’s not w-who I am…”

Kyoga nudged Kovu gently to let him know that she knows that even with his family ties to Zira.

“He’s tellin’ the truth for sure, ya’ll.” Applejack stated to cement that his words are indeed honest and true from the heart to which led to Simba's anger towards him fade and dissipate into thin air as he is coming to see that even though he bares a young resemblance to his father's killer he is not and will never become and act like Scar.

“If you don’t want me in the Pridelands, still, I’ll go…” Kovu lowered his head, sadly as he started to back up so he can turn to join his family.

“...... Actually Kovu.” Princess Celestia spoke up as she came forth in front of the young male cub. “Since you’ve shown that you want friendship instead of revenge against Kyoga, I think that more than earns you a place in the Pridelands.”

“I agree.” Nala added with a smile.

Kovu’s face lit up, “R-Really?!”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Me too!”






“Of course.”


“I agree.” Kion and the others agreed with their majesties decision.

Kovu was ecstatic hearing this overwhelming support, “Thank you, your majesties.”

“Of course, Kovu.” Simba smiled with opened up and warm eyes towards him as he wrapped the cub into an embrace.

“Kyoga, h-how’d you neutralize Zira’s dark magic?” Twilight curiously asked.

“I countered her hate and fear with happiness and love; thinking back to when I was younger, playing with my family and being close to my mother…” Kyoga explained as the bright memories flowed through her mind again.

“Countering dark magic…. With the Magic of Friendship..” Celestia smiled, proud of Kyoga.

Jasiri's clan then happily stood around their watering hole. Madoa stood opposite of her sister and the entire Guard and royal family.

"I know Jasiri believed in you, but I'll admit, I had my doubts." she admitted, smiling at Kyoga.

"And now?" Kion asked.

The female hyena chuckled, "I'm glad she has you for her friends."

Kion returned the smile to Kyoga, "Thanks. We all are…” Kyoga nuzzled Karabi and Lite with a smile of happiness on her face… for the first time in a long time as things were now finally looking up for her now that she has overcome her past and ready to move on to the road going ahead with her recently reunited family and the Lion and Pony Guard by her side...

..."We shall see about that, Kion." Scar commented with a confident smirk as he watched over everyone from a hidden boulder afar thinking otherwise as he specifically eyed his best friend Twilight Sparkle smiling proudly at Kyoga with what she had just accomplished today with a new cutie mark on her cheek to prove it.

She wastes no time expressing her interest and delight at the true thought that lions are capable of earning cutie marks seeing this as a great scientific discovery going forward which can wait for another day with everything that has happened taken in account for today while Scar remains undeterred by what Kyoga had just did to herself along with Zira and everything that had happened just recently today before teleporting away once he ran the opposite direction and was out of their range of sight.

Author's Note:

In this version of this episode, there sure has been a lot that has happened in this episode as Kyoga takes center stage in this special episode.

Kyoga taking Kion's place in dealing with Zira and her pride as she personally knows them. And as explained by Rafiki, they are responsible for how it all came to this. How Kyoga got her scars, how she ended up horribly traumatized, how everything comes to light here all thanks to the Outsiders with Scar himself scarring Kyoga after her family's pride refused to join his and Zira's.

Luckily for her the entire Guard along with her siblings come to her rescue along with SImba, Nala, the lionesses, and Princesses Celestia and Luna all backing her up with Kyoga herself defeating and stripping Zira of her dark magic abilites...

...which frees herself of her previous marks in place of a new cutie mark on her cheek.

The Magic of Friendship once again proves invaluable as Kyoga overcomes her traumatic past with a new brighter look in life now that she has her family and friends with her going forward.

In addition, even though somewhat understandable why Kovu couldn't join the Pride Lands in canon to stay true to form to the sequel, it felt a quite disappointing that he got the cold shoulder and had to flee to join the defeated Outsiders even though he was the only one not to join in on the fighting.

But since this is different universe with open what if scenario's to explore, Kovu gets to join the Pride Landers and Equestrian ponies in open arms and wings, which is also another game changer going forward into the second half of Season 2 onwards.

Phew, what a Wham Episode PikachuSkitty has put together for this mid-season episode, Kyoga, Karabi, and Lite's past is revealed with the devastating reveal that their pride has been massacred by Scar, Zira, and the Outsiders during Scar's reign over the Pride Lands along with the reveal of Kyoga's literal and emotional scarring from the experience courtesy of Scar himself, and Kovu has joined the Pride Lands and Equestria with a new path ahead of him going forward.

Next up to kick start the second half of Season 2 is "The Last Roundup." where the Guard travels to Dodge Junction to find out why Applejack didn't come home as planned and scheduled.

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