• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 2: Return of Harmony Part Two

Episode 2:

Return of Harmony Part Two

Discord just after winning his game against the Guard laughs triumphantly as he rolled onto his back as he finds this all very funny while leaving Twilight with lowered ears in dismay as Bunga and Pinkie get right up in his face.

“And what are you laughing at!?” Bunga demanded.

“Oh, you ponies are just the most fun I've had in aeons.” He replied as he wiped away a tear that formed from all of his hard laughing.

“Well, quit it!” The party mare yelled as she touches the draconuqus face nose to nose. “You'd better think before you laugh at the Pink...ie Pie!” She then struggled to say next as Discord while surprised manages to shake it off unfazed by her threat.

“Oh, yeah? Well ha, ha.” Fluttershy replied with a smirk as Pinkie and Bunga got riled up as they face her along with the corrupted hippo

“Quit it!” Pinkie demanded.

“No. Ha, ha.” Beshte replied just as taunting towards Bunga.

“Quit it!” He demanded.

“No. Ha ha-ha ha ha.” Fluttershy and Beshte refused to back down leaving them very incensed while trying to cover their ears while Applejack eyes the boulder Rarity is carrying with her.

“Uh... Rarity? This here diamond of yours? Twilight said we should split it six ways since we, uh, found it together.” She proposed which is met with a karate kick and constantly pecking from both the unicorn and egret.

“I don’t think so!”

“HI-YAH! Try it, punk. He's mine. All mine! Ya! Ya! Ya!”

The two snarled at the farm pony as Twilight and Fuli futilely try to snap sense into them

“Girls, why are you all acting like this?” Fuli asked of them as Fluttershy and Beshte continue to bully Pinkie and Bunga.

“We need to stick together.” Twilight reminded them.

“It's just too entertaining.” Discord laughed in amusement at seeing this scene while lounging and eating popcorn on the couch as Twilight and Fuli both turn to him as they find his action really despicable.

“Stop it, Discord.” Fuli barked at him.

“You're not playing fair.” Twilight added.

“I'm not playing fair?” Discord returned rather dryly. “Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Hello?” He reminded her as he got into the unicorn’s face that is his nature after all.

“How are we supposed to find the Elements of Harmony when you took away the labyrinth before we could get to the end?” She fired back to which Discord laughed it off as another funny joke.

“Oh, wait, did you...?” He laughed in a “Did you actually believe?” tone. “How funny! You thought the Elements were in the labyrinth?” He then worked his magic in showing Twilight and Fuli to when they last met inside the castle.

“Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.” Discord spoke to everyone back there to which Twilight and Fuli were both shocked into silence.

“I never said they were in the labyrinth.” He recalled as he teleported them back to the present.

“But...but...” Twilight stammered.

“Keep trying, Twilight Sparkle.” He said before speaking in a mocking tone. “Maybe the magic of friendship can help you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some chaos to wreak.” He then said as he disappeared into a snap literally as chocolate milk ran from the skies courtesy of pink cotton candy clouds.

“Chocolate milk?”

“We hate chocolate milk!”

Pinkie and Bunga complained.

“Oh, now you both start hating it.“ Fuli dryly commented. “You both sure picked a perfect time to do that.”

Twilight grunted in frustration as she tried to correctly puzzle together the riddle.

“Think, Twilight, think! Find the Elements back where you began." Back where you began.” She thought just as their friends are continuing to argue.

“Don't touch my gem!” She hostility said to Applejack who is clinging onto her boulder and holding on even with Ono’s viciously pecking at her.

“I'm touching your gem, Rarity. Ha, ha.” Fluttershy said as she placed a hoof on the rock while Beshte body slams the boulder off of the unicorn who retaliated by attempting to unleash her karate moves onto him with Ono preparing to fly in towards his friend to which is met with the hippo effortlessly repelling them away to knock them back by using his signature charge.

“Twende kiboko!”

“What’chu laughin' at?” Pinkie demanded.

“Yeah!” Bunga added.

“Ugh. I just want to go home...” Fuli just said weary of their internal bickering.

“Me too..” She agreed as something clicked in her mind when she said that. “Wait a minute... Home! "Back where you began!" The Elements must be in... Ponyville!” She then said as she suddenly pieced everything together.

“Then that’s where we’re headed.” Fuli said with as much determination as Twilight as they make their way to town but just as Twilight led the way with the others following she noticed Kion still withdrawn and emotionless and the fact that he hasn’t said a word nor did anything to stop the infighting between everyone.

“Kion? Kion?!” Fuli called out to him as he turned to face him.

“Not much.” He replied as he insists nothing is wrong as he pressed forward with the cheetah keeping side to side with him trying to get his spirits up.

“Whatever Discord said back there. Isn’t true and you know it.” Fuli insisted as she looked at the lion in the eye. “Don’t let what he said and did get to you. It’s exactly what he wants.”

“Okay.” He just said wanting her to get over for what he feels is over concerning despite Fuli having reason to take good note of his quiet un-Kion like attitude which wasn’t convincing the cheetah at all.

“Come on, girls. I'm certain this is what Discord's riddle really meant.” Twilight called out to everyone. “If we get back to the library, I have a book that I just know can give us a clue.“

Suddenly the unicorn finds herself trampled by a herd of giraffe-legged bunnies.

“Good boy, Angel. Mama's so proud.” Fluttershy meanly commended them as the sky turns to night with a small thin crescent moon on the horizon to which Kion envisions Scar’s scarred eye in place which further cemented his doubts.

“Wow, I can see so much better now.” Applejack sarcastically commented as she stepped forward and ended up sliding on something soapy and slippery. “Whoa!” She screamed as she bumped and knocked down the other members of the Guard. “I meant to do that.”

Twilight then got up and slipped back down just the night time sky disappeared.

“Discord's turned our dirt roads into soap!” Twilight correctly deduced as Discord slid on by like he is out ice skating.

“Beautiful, isn't it?” He commented before pointing to the changes he made to Ponyville where there is chocolate rain from cotton candy clouds and upside down houses and buildings. “This is the new and improved Ponyville, and these are only my first of changes.”

“This may look like fun, but it's not.” Pinkie commented as she slid by on soapy roads along with Bunga.

“That’s right.” He added while sending soap into Twilight’s face to which she groaned at their behavior yet again as Discord picks her up.

“Picture it. The chaos capital of the world.” He showed her just as the nighttime sky fell across Ponyville again.

“I can't picture anything. It's too dark.” She commented as Discord drops her.

“Well, wait a few minutes and you'll see it in the beautiful light of day. Or not.” He replied as he did a dance like leap before disappearing.

“Ponyville, the chaos capital of the world? Not if I have anything to say about it.” Twilight remained undeterred from letting that stop her as Fluttershy and Beshte slide by.

“Don't worry, you won't.” Fluttershy remarked with a mean laugh as both Twilight and Fuli groan in annoyance with their friends acting like huge jerks towards each other before pressing forward and by the time they make it to the library during the few minutes of walking the nighttime sky finally turning back into daytime.

“Why are our friends acting like this?” Twilight asked Fuli in a whisper. “What is their problem?”

“I wish I knew other than whatever magic Discord used to corrupt Rainbow Dash into acting the opposite of her true self along with de-saturating her color into a more graying one.” Fuli could only say from the best of her memory.

“Corrupting magic, huh?” Twilight replied as she examined the graying color of their friends. “If that’s so then why isn’t Kion color gray too?” She pointed out to Kion’s golden yellow fur and red shining mane.

“Weird.” She whispered just as confused yet seems corrupted as his quiet and depressed state is so unlike him. “But ever since we’ve been in that maze he hasn’t been acting like himself too like Discord did enough to do the job with words alone.”

“Looks like that.” Twilight agreed before noticing someone isn’t with them. “But where’s Kyoga?”

“I don’t know.” Fuli answered as she noticed too. “Hope she’s okay and Discord didn’t do anything to her.”

Meanwhile, said lioness is currently back at the sight deep in the Everfree Forest standing in front of the magical Tree of Harmony with the cave that leads straight to inside Pride Rock in front of her.

“In my wildest dreams, I could ever have imagined anything so real like this at all.” Kyoga spoke as she stared at the magical glimmers the tree was producing.

“Well believe it, because that is what you are seeing before your very eyes, Kyoga.” A voice called out to her from the tree.


A bright hot white light shined as the tree illuminated a pony form who appears before her, the tree’s spirit appearing to her as Twilight Sparkle.


“Correction. I am not her but I am the spirit of Harmony.” She replied with a warm smile as Kyoga is watching on and silently questioning herself to make sure she isn’t hallucinating this while not sure of how to approach this.

Back in Ponyville just as everyone finally reaches the library…

“Okay, we're here.” Twilight then said now weary of what she had to put with along with Fuli. “Everyone please, please, please just go inside, please?”

“I absolutely refuse.”

“With pleasure.”

“I hate libraries!”

“Me too!”

“Me three!”

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Bunga, and Beshte all stated as they all went inside while Rarity and Ono remain trying to bring their boulder inside as Kion still remains silent throughout the whole ordeal all the while their friends turn into darker shades of gray as they press forward.

“Pleeeease, we gotta hurry!” Twilight urged them to forget about the rock.

“Forget it, Twilight. I know what you're up to. The second I go in, you'll have your little minion Spike come and take Tom!”



Twilight and Fuli commented.

“Well I got news for you missy.” Ono also added. “Fool us once shame on you, Fool us twice shame on me so whatever you try is not going to work on us!”

“You're not going in without him, are you?” Twilight figured as they nodded.

“Fine!” Fuli replied as she and Twilight worked together to bring the boulder inside as Rarity and Ono follow them.

Inside the library, Spike had fallen asleep while cleaning the place up in the unicorn’s absence just as he finds himself waken up by a bucket of cloud water courtesy of Fluttershy

“Ah! Brrr!” Spike exclaimed upon being splashed with the water that woke him up. “What did you do that for, Fluttershy?”

“'Cause you just looked so peaceful.”


Spike was rather stunned that Fluttershy of all ponies would actually do that just as Twilight pushes Rarity and Ono’s beloved “gem.” inside.

“Careful, Twilight!” The unicorn scolded. “You'll ruin his beautiful finish.”

“Yeah, Twilight!” Ono remarked.

“Oh, for the love of...” Twilight spoke in annoyance as Spike approaches her, Fuli, and Kion with a relieved hug for his mother like figure.

“Twilight, what's going on? Why does everybody look so...gray?” Spike asked while gestured to the frowning group.

“Don't ask.” Fuli replied as Twilight placed the baby dragon on her back.

“I need you to help me find something.” Twilight then seeked for his assistance.

“Hey, Twilight, Fuli, what's soaking wet and clueless?” Fluttershy asked with a bucket of water in tow.

“Don’t even think about it!” Fuli snarled at the peagsus to get her to back off from even doing that to her on purpose.

“Fluttershy, I've had just about enough…” Twilight was having none of it when she suddenly poured water on them.

“Your face!” She replied while slamming the bucket onto Twilight’s head.

“That’s it!” Fuli then angrily said as she quickly charged at the peagsus, tackled her, and then beat her senseless.

“Kion! Do something!” Spike urged him to stop this.

Kion still did nothing and refused to take action still looking sad and depressed out of his mind.

“What's happened to everyone?” Spike asked.

“I guess you just bring out the worst in us, Spike.” Applejack bitterly replied.

“Ugh. No time to explain.” Twilight replied as she made her way to her books. “We've got to find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony before somepony does something she'll regret!” She added while gritted her teeth with her patience wearing thin with everyone at this point.

“The Elements of Harmony?” Spike questioned as he figures out what she is talking about. “Oh, I know exactly where that book is.”

He climbed up one of the ladders and pulled out a book with golden head armor for a unicorn with blue crystal eyes on it.

“Found it!”

He suddenly drops it thanks to Ono chucking a scroll at him who catches it instead.


“Ono, you'd better give me that book!” Twilight threateningly growled.

“Keep away!” Ono declared in a sing-song tone as she tossed it to Applejack.

“Hey! Applejack, give me that book!” She demanded as the farm pony balanced the book on his nose.

“I don't have any book.” She blantantly denied as she bounced it off of her nose and onto Beshte’s back who then bounced it to Pinkie who bounced it off her back and back into Ono’s wings

“Pinkie! You guys! Stop it right now!” Twilight again furiously demanded as the repeated the process twice more until Spike tackled Ono to the ground allowing Twilight to finally grab it with her magic…

…At least until Rarity nabbed it with her magic.


“Hey, do you even know what you just stole?” Twilight called after her.

“No, but if you want it, I want it!” Rarity selfishly returned which really got both Twilight and Fuli infuriated especially since Kion is doing nothing to stop all of this.

“GIVE ME THAT BOOK!” Twilight shouted as she pursed Rarity while dodging the lamp cover she threw in her path to try to trip her up.

“Huwezi!” Fuli took action as she ran ahead of the two unicorns so she can trip Rarity up and counter her dirty tactics to outrun Twilight.

Twilight still was able keep up with her just as Fuli intercepts Rarity in front of her boulder only for Fluttershy to pull her away just as she got to the book to which then slipped into Applejack and Pinkie’s grasp as Twilight crashed into the boulder.

“Where is she? Where's Rarity?” Twilight demanded.

“Beats me.” Applejack blatantly denied again which was the last straw for both Twilight and Fuli.

“Lies!” The lavender unicorn shouted as she got into a fist fight with Applejack and Pinkie just as Fuli gets into a fist fight with Fluttershy, Ono, and Rarity.

The two fought viciously but it ended with the two taken them all down victoriously while managing to finally obtain the book in the process.

“Get back! All of you!” Twilight shouted at the glaring daggers of her antagonistic friends while Spike and Fuli prepare to attack while standing in her defense. “This is my book, and I'm going to READ IT!“

The two then circle around Twilight as she reads her book and as she was reading…

“The Elements!” Twilight gasped as she finds them right in the book.

“They were here all along!” Fuli said in delighted amazement. “So that’s what he meant “Back where you began.””

“This is great!” Spike then said pleased to see they found them as she closed the book. “Now you guys can defeat Discord and put everything back to normal!”

“See, girls? We did it! We found the Elements of Harmony! Together!” Twilight celeberated as she and Fuli share a high five together as Spike hold up the book containing the Elements as the rest of the Guard pays no attention to every word she had just said.

“You don't even care, do you?” Fuli figured as she asked them.

“No!” They all bluntly replied.

“I never thought it would happen.” Twilight said with a disappointed sigh and lowered ears. “My friends... have turned into complete JERKS!” She then suddenly shouted as she and Fuli forcibly place the elements around the girl’s necks while Twilight places on her tiara. “Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! Necklace! And... big crown thingy! Come on, everyone, let's go!”

“But Twilight, aren't you missing somepony?” Spike pointed out as Twilight and Fuli led the way

“Nope. We've got the liar, the grump, the hoarder, and the brute. That just about covers it.” She simply replied as she just wants to get this over with before Discord can do anymore damage.

“But what about Rainbow Dash?” Spike noted of the only Element bearer they need for the job as Twilight and Fuli thought about for a second before coming with a quick fix before sharing an agreeing nod together.

“Not to worry. Fuli will be taking over that role.”

“Now let's go!”

The two replied as the former places Rainbow’s necklace around the cheetah’s neck before they took off together.

“What? B-b-but what if she finds out you've been impersonating her, Fuli?” Spike worryingly asked in slight protest. “That won't end well.”

“Relax, I’m only wielding her element and because we are a lot alike it wouldn’t make a difference.” Fuli replied still pressing forward.

“Now let's go defeat Discord so we don't ever have to talk to each other again!” Twilight added as everyone else cheers with Spike having to duck out of the way before getting trampled in the process with Rarity struggling to push her boulder out the door.

“Move!” Twilight shouted as she used her magic to push it out the window. “Look out, here comes Tom!”

Back at the Tree and Cave of Harmony, Kyoga is still trying to understand what she is seeing before her…

“I don’t understand. How are you here? And why are you appearing as Twilight?”

“Simple.” The tree replied with Twilight’s appearance and voice. “You chose what you saw in my roots, not me.”

“So I chose to see Twilight in you?” Kyoga asked.

“Indeed. Because she is the mare that represents the magic in the friendship needed for everyone’s to grow stronger.” The spirit of Harmony explained. “From your’s, to Twilight’s, to Kion’s, the Guard’s, and by extension all of Equestria and the Pride Lands.”

“Okay, so how did I end up here?”

“The magic from here did.” The spirit replied while demonstrating a replay image of when Discord tried to brainwash her when she refused to give into his mind games. “Because the magic from within can act as a defense mechanism that can teleport you to safety when placed into a dire situation beyond your control.”

“Okay, but why here of all places?”

“Because it’s so you can better understand the magic from within yourself for you have some magic that is making you act the way you are.” The sprit directed her attention to the direction of her heart with a hoof.

“My heart?”

“Yes.” The spirit nodded. “For it will threaten to corrupt you and leave you lost in eternal darkness forever if you don’t act now to cleanse from within.”

“What?!” Kyoga took offense to that claim as her eyes glowed white for a moment and roared viciously. “You mean like this.” She then said as she calmed down as the glow in her eyes ceased.

“Yes.” She replied as Kyoga could only look aside while mortified of her sudden outburst.

“It’s okay.” She calmly returned. “That’s why you’re here.”

“How do I start?” She asked as she looks at the spirit in the unicorn’s form.

“By embracing the magic of friendship.” The spirit replied as Kyoga still wonders of how she can do that.

At that moment, Discord meet face to face with the girls again.

“Well, well, well, I see you've found the Elements of Harmony. How terrifying!” He commented as Twilight and Fuli stepped forward to confront him.

“Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle. You're in for it now!” Twilight stated.

“I certainly am. You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate.“ He said with falsetto defeat as he put on his sunglasses. “I'm prepared to be defeated now, ladies. Fire when ready.” He added a presented a target on his stomach.

“Okay.” Fuli just said while not in the mood to be smug about putting an end to him. “You asked for it!”

“Formation, now!” Twilight called for the other’s as they all groan still uninterested yet begrudgingly press forward with her demands. “Kion get ready!” She called for the Lion Guard’s fiercest to back up and use the Roar on her command. “All right, let's get this over with.”

By tapping into her magic with her eyes glowing white as her magic taps into the elements as the girls all produce a shining glow from their elements as they seem to be working to which Discord briefly pulled down his shades in surprise upon seeing this thinking they might actually pull off the job…

At least until the magic suddenly didn’t work because the many members don’t have the friendly spark needed to have them properly work.

“Now Kion!” Fuli shouted at Kion to use the Roar. “Kion?” He asked as Kion still isn’t pressing forward with doing anything and at a very crucial moment.

“What's going on?” Twilight asked as everyone all dropped back to the ground with the attempt having failed.

“Mine's workin'. There must be somethin' wrong with yours.” Applejack remarked with a pointing hoof in her direction.

“I HATE the Elements of Harmony!” Pinkie bitterly remarked.

“Hmph! Garbage.” Fluttershy added as she tossed aside her necklace to which Rarity greedily obtained.


“I don’t understand!” Fuli expressed her confusion while eyeing at the emotionless lion. “Both the elements and the Roar failed?”

“Bravo, ponies, bravo!” Discord mockingly congratulated them on their failure while briefly touching Twilight’s nose. “Harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord rules, Celestia drools.”

Discord then trotted off victoriously on the soapy path while Twilight and Fuli both growl angrily in his direction.

“It's your fault it didn't work.” Pinkie yelled at the cheetah.

“Really?” Fuli questioned with controlled fury and a raised eyebrow while offended. “Say’s the girls who are acting huge jerks event to her best friends?”

“Whatever! I'm outta here!” Pinkie then bounced away.

“Me too!” Bunga added just as bitterly as he left with Applejack.

“Me three!” Beshte added as he left too with Fluttershy.

“I better go, too. I've got new better friends waiting for me at the farm.” Applejack then walked off.

“Me too!”

“Me three!”

Ono and Rarity added as they left with the boulder in tow.

“Yeah! I'm sick of you losers.”

“FINE! Leave!” Twilight angrily let them be. “See if I care! I don't need you guys either! With friends like you, who needs...enemies...?” She then said the last part sadly as her coat of color turned gray just like everyone else.

“Twilight?” Fuli asked in a concerned tone as she sheds a single heart-shaped tear that splits apart symbolizing a broken heart inside the unicorn.

Back at the tree, a surge of chills shudders on the spirit’s spines and roots.

“What was that?” Kyoga asked.

“The elements are in trouble.” The spirit reported. “The bearers have turned completely gray.” She then gestured to the cave entrance. “Quick! You must go! Go to Twilight! She needs you more than ever!”

“Wait?!” Kyoga called out to the spirit as it disappeared.

Seeing that her help is needed as Twilight is now at her lowest point she quickly makes her way out of the cave towards the Pride Rock cave where she makes her way out back towards the portal to Ponyville.

Back in Ponyville, Kion had made his way back inside the treehouse where while Twilight sadly walks across Ponyville with Fuli following her seeing that she is now depressed and too sad to pay attention to the scenery around along with the chocolate milk raining on her from a personal cloud from giraffe legged bunnies, buffaloes in ballerina outfits, levitating pies, and ponies defying gravity.

“Oh, my stomach! Twilight, you've got to see what I just did.” Discord appeared as he laughed in amusement with his antics just as he shakes pepper onto a nearby pony who sneezes from it with the nearby houses falling down due to now being made of cardboard copy’s.

Fuli watching this just glares at him with hatred in her eyes with that he is seriously thinking now is a good time to even try to humor her when she is depressed because of him.

“It's priceless!” Discord laughed until he saw Twilight’s sad frown.

“Seriously?” Fuli asked with defiance in her angered tone of voice. “Can’t you just leave her be? She’s already upset enough because of what you did to her and her friends?”

“Come now, Twilight Sparkle.” Discord then said trying to lighten the mood as he stopped her as he appeared right in front of her. “You've got to get into the spirit of things!” He tried to encourage her by taking her cotton candy raincloud and eating it. “After all, this is your new home.”

“Not anymore...” Twilight just said as she walked by.

“YES!” Discord cheered with a raised fist in victory as he is confronted by the cheetah.

“Just you wait, Discord! Because your defeat will happen even if takes years to come to bring you down since you are a really despicable creature!” Fuli said to him while getting in his face before storming.

“Well thank you. How nice you to butter me up.” Discord happily shrugged it off while literally buttering himself with butter and treating her words as a compliment as Fuli meets with the two leaders inside back in the unicorn’s bedroom while ignoring him.

“Twilight!” Fuli then firmly said as she intercepted her. “Kion!” She called out to the lion cub. “Team meeting now cause we need to talk!”

“Why?” Twilight replied as her tone makes it perfectly she has had enough.

“Twilight…” Fuli sighed as she softened her tone. “…I know you are stronger than this. I mean yeah our friends have turned into huge jerks. But it’s only because whatever Discord did to manipulate them into thinking that way.”

“And as for you…” Fuli then turned to Kion more firmly than with Twilight. “What happened back at the maze that caused you feel all so down? And I want the truth.”

“I…I saw Scar back there.” Kion confessed. “He told that I don’t have what it takes to control the Roar and lead the Guard.

“Really?” Fuli replied with an understanding tone as both Fuli and Twilight both look on with surprised looks with what Discord showed him. “But that was really Discord. He was just trying to get in your head.”

“But what if he’s right?” Kion still voiced his doubts as Kyoga entered the room.

“He’s not because that’s what Discord wants you to think.” She said to him.

“Kyoga?” The other two girls asked in surprise.

“Where have you been?” Twilight asked.

“Discord tried to play his mind games on me and I got teleported away to safety.” She explained. “Once I sensed that you and everyone have all fallen victim to his brainwashing I came here as soon as I could.”

“But how were you able to teleport?” Twilight asked as she finds surprised interest with how she was able to channel magic. “Only unicorns and alicorns can do that.”

“Well, apparently this lioness can somehow for reasons I don’t understand either but more importantly Kion…” She said wanting to get back on track here as she turns to Kion. “…is that you have what it takes to be a great leader and control the Roar because whatever Discord said to you isn’t true. And you know why?” She asked him as he remained silent while attentive to her words. “Because unlike Scar he didn’t let the power get to his head and doesn’t care for friendship. But you do. And you just need to remember that you are not like Scar and you’ll never become him no matter what anybody says or does.”

Kion felt touched by her words of encouragement as he works up the energy to smile.

“Wow…thanks.” He thanked. “Come to think of it. I don’t why I even listened to him in the first place.”

“Because bad guys are just that good at pulling you strings no matter what.” She replied just as they turn to see Spike uncontrollably burping green fire and scrolls. “Whoa, are you okay?” She asked as everyone turns their eyes towards him.

“Can't...move. The princess...has been sending these...since I came back upstairs. Make it stop!” Spike said in pain as he continuing belching.

“Are those letters from the princess?” Kion questioned as he recognized the ribbon and seal.

“They are.” Twilight replied as she picked one up with her magic and unrolled it. “These are all the letters I've written to the princess since I've lived in Ponyville.” Twilight noted as she began reading them. “But why would she send them back?” She wondered as she began reading them out loud.

"Real friends don't care what your cover is."

Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing."

And like the path cut through the orchard, there will always be a way through.

The best thing to do is stay true to yourself.

Everypony has a special magical connection with her friends. Maybe even before she's met them."

As Twilight continued recalling every friendship lesson she has learned since day one while color returned back into it colorful state as her heart and good faith is deep down restored.

“Of course.” Kion then said as he is thinking of what Twilight is now thinking as Fuli proudly smiles at the two.

“It’s all so clear!” Twilight then said as she faced her friends. “Can't you see? Discord's trying to distract us from what's important. He knows how powerful our friendships are, and he's trying to keep us from seeing it. Do you remember what I said the first day we arrived in Ponyville? I told you that the future of Equestria didn't rest on me making friends. But the opposite is true! The friendships I've made since I've been here are what saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon. And now they need to save it from Discord!”

“Exactly! We gotta reunite with our friends!” Kion stated of what must be done as he too pieced it together as they both turn to Spike having fallen on his back still in pain from all the letters he burped out and looking like he is going to vomit.

“Oh...uh...why don't you just stay here and rest? I'll take care of the whole fighting for friendship thing myself.” Twilight said to him as she tucked him into bed with her magic. “Come on everyone!” She then gestured to everyone.

“Atta girl!” Fuli praised her as she and Kyoga followed after her. “Kion? You coming?”

“Yep.” He happily replied before turning back to Spike one last time before they leave so he can pat his scales and place a trash can near his bedside in case he gets really sick. “Just lie down and take care of yourself. Okay?”

“Okay.” He replied as he doubled over on his bed just as Kion catches up with the others.

With an regained confidence and determination, Twilight along with Fuli, Kion, and Kyoga all set out to undo the brainwashing effects on their friends so the Guard can be restored starting with Applejack and Bunga where the two are lazing around eating apples while Granny Smith tap dances with a cane while Big Macintosh dug into the ground like a dog while houses float upside down and pigs fly around them.

“And so I tried to defeat Discord, but none of my so-called "friends" would lift a hoof to help me.” Applejack recalled as she tossed aside the apple core.

“I’m helping.” Bunga pointed out. “I’m helping with all of apples you are carrying around and don’t even need.” He said as he spit apple mush into her face out of spite.

“Applejack, I'm here to fight for our friendship.” Twilight called out her as she arrived on the scene with Big Macintosh appearing from one of the holes underground to lick Fuli and Kyoga on the cheeks before doing the same to Twilight and Kion.

“Seriously?” Fuli and Kyoga asked with equal annoyance with matching expressions.

“Oh, now you all want to fight.” Bunga irritably returned upon seeing them.

“Where were you when I was battlin' Discord?” Applejack questioned as they made fighting poses on two legs as Twilight and Fuli quickly tackle them.

“Snap out of it. This isn't you! You're not a liar.”

“And you don’t turn your back on your friends when they need them.”

The two firmly told them as Twilight works her back on the corrupted pair who suddenly have good memories from the past spring through their heads from when they first meet to every very valuable moment they had together as their true colors were restored from head to toe.

“Whoa!” Bunga said as he and Applejack place their paw and hooves on their foreheads.

“Wh-what happened?” Applejack asked as she came to her senses.



The two happily said upon seeing them.

“We saw a vision of us feudin' and fightin'. I couldn't face the truth, so I started tellin' lies.” Applejack explained with regret of why she acted the way she did.

“And when I too had saw that I too didn’t want to believe and thought everything I did was being made fun of rather than laughing with me.” Bunga sheepishly added with his hands behind his back along with dragging one of his legs on the ground.

“We would never make fun of you.” Kion immediately assured. “And you know why? Because your my best friend.”

“Aww.” Bunga just said touched to the core as they hug it out.

“Can you ever forgive us?” Applejack asked everyone while taking her hat off.

“We already have.” Twilight happily replied as she led the way. “Come on!”

The group then heads on over to Fluttershy’s cottage to repeat the process on Fluttershy and Beshte with Fuli and Applejack working together as the former tackled the peagsus while the latter lassoed her along with Beshte after Kyoga intercepted him so Twilight can work her magic on them.

“Oh no! Twilight, Kion, Fuli, Bunga, Applejack, Kyoga, I just had the worst dream!” Fluttershy exclaimed upon coming to her senses.

“Me too!” Beshte also exclaimed. “One where I was one of the meanest and cruelest animals in the Pride Lands.”

“Well I’d hate to be a reality check here but that really happened. You both were really that cruel.” Kyoga bluntly remarked.

“Oh.” The two said pretty embarrassed as they remember what they said and did.

“It’s okay.” Kion assured. “It’s all in the past.”

“Yeah! Hakuna Matata!” Bunga added.

Next up was Rarity and Ono as the two were predictably unwelcoming towards them as they met up at the boutique shop.

“What do you think you're doing?”

“Get away from my gem! Get away--!”

The two demanded as Twilight worked her magic on them to which prompted Rarity to toss the boulder out of the door.

“Let us never speak of this again.” Rarity asked of everyone.

“Let’s.” Ono also repeated not wanting this embarrassment to be heard of again.

It didn’t take too much effort in finding and restoring Pinkie back to normal.

“And I-I turned gray!” Pinkie giggled as she laughed at the memory. “Can you believe it?!”

“I sure did!” Bunga joined in. “And it sure is great have my bright colors back!”

“One more to go!” Kion commented as they head on over to Cloudsdale to find the only member of the Guard left needed to have the complete crew of Element members, Rainbow Dash.

“Uh? She's not here.” Fluttershy reported empty-hooved complete with a shrug as she finds her usual home deserted.

“Without Rainbow Dash, we can't use the Elements.” Twilight said.

“We gotta find her!” Kion added seeing she is a necessity to defeating Discord.

“She could be anywhere by now!” Applejack expressed it’s a lost cause. “We're never gonna find her.”

“Yeah, we will…” Pinkie said otherwise as Bunga pointed and said…

”'cause she's right there!”

They pointed to the gray-colored peagsus relaxing on a nearby cloud from above.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called out to her.

“Hey, guys!” She greeted without batting an eye towards them.

“We've been looking everywhere for you!” Kion told her.

“That's nice.” She just said while still not turning to face them.

“Discord's still on the loose! We need you to help us defeat him with your element, Loyalty!” Twilight explained that her assistance is still needed.

“Pfft. Loyalty, schmoyalty!” She scoffed as she briefly turned to face them. “Have you guys seen Ponyville? It's a disaster! I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything's awesome.”

“Now that just makes no sense.” Ono remarked at what the peagsus defines as Cloudsdale.

“Not at all.” Kyoga also remarked

“How in Equestria can she think that tiny patch of clouds is Cloudsdale?” Rarity incredulously asked.

“The same way he got you to think that cheap rock was a bona fide diamond.” Applejack smugly asked to which the two flashed brief looks of embarrassment at the memory.

“I thought we agreed never to speak of that again.” Rarity brought up.

“Time for Plan B.” Twilight then said seeing they need to think outside of the box here.

Just when Rainbow falls asleep to take a nap, The Mane Four were able to procure a hot air balloon with Fluttershy and Ono flying up to join the other ponies while Beshte watches from above.

“Okay, Fluttershy, Ono, you two grab Rainbow Dash and hold her down.” Twilight whispered instructions to them with the farm pony and lion prince both on top of the balloon both securing a rope with a knot. “Applejack and Kion will lower me down from this rope so I can cast the memory spell on her.”

“Got it!”


The two replied as the former quickly flew down over to the peagsus.

“Fluttershy, what are you doing?!” Ono questioned as she tapped Rainbow’s shoulder to wake her up.

“Um...I'm just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?” She kindly asked.

“Hapana.” Ono just jaw-dropped at Fluttershy’s feeble and lousy attempt.

“Ugh...” Twilight face-hoofed.

“You dolt.” Kyoga added while face-palming too.

“Why? Fluttershy? Why did you do that?” Fuli asked while exasperated at her approach. “The one time where Fluttercruel could have been useful.”

“Nice try!” Rainbow smugly refused while placing a hoof on her chest. “Ponyville's your problem, not mine.”

Rainbow then got on a cloud and took off flying with Twilight presenting her a rope to pull their hot air balloon.

“Come on, Fluttershy, we've got to catch her.” Twilight told her before turning to Applejack as the peagsus grabbed on and chased after the graying blue peagsus.

Turning back, Rainbow flies circles around them to keep them from getting to her so easily.

“Hyah! Applejack! Kion!” Twilight called out to them as she tossed them the rope meant to support her to them so they can secure Rainbow Dash.

“Ready, partner?” The cowgirl asked.

“Ready!” Kion stated as she secured the rope as Applejack tossed the rope around Rainbow Dash.

With Kion securing the rope, Rainbow struggled to fly at top speed while Applejack held onto to Kion to keep him from falling off of the balloon as he uses his claws to firmly plant himself on the platform.

Kion struggled to speak with the rope in his mouth but didn’t want to risk losing Rainbow Dash as he grunted “Need another rope.” with his mouth full to Applejack.

“What’s lion boy saying?” Pinkie called out them.

“We need another rope!” Applejack answered for Kion. “He’s starting to lose his grip.”

Kion strained as he clenched his teeth harder as even with Rainbow unable to fly at top speed the rope is starting to hurt his mouth.

“No worries, just hold on!” She assured understanding what he was saying. “Yer slowing her down!“

“Oh, Fluttershy, would you be a dear and FLY FASTER, please?” Rarity urged the peagsus to do so before Kion loses his grip.

“I can't!” Fluttershy whimpered as she cried unable to find it in her to go faster.

“If you can't catch her, Discord wins!” Twilight reminded her to which sparked rage in her heart

“That big... dumb... MEANIE!” She shouted as she worked the strength to fly faster towards the weighed down peagsus.

“Hapana.” Ono remarked while rendered speechless.

“Impressive.” Fuli remarked with a smile. “Very huwezi.”

“Apparently takes the right amount of motivation and a very personal foe to do it.” Kyoga added as while impressed too she didn’t show the smile the cheetah was showing.

“Okay, Applejack, last rope! Make it count!” Twilight called out to her as she tossed her the rope.

As soon as Fluttershy was able to close the gap, Applejack tossed the second rope around Rainbow Dash finally halting her dead in her tracks.

Both Twilight and Fluttershy smiled at their success as they lowered the balloon down as Rainbow futilely struggled to break free as she descents back to the ground.

By the time they lowered to the ground, Beshte was able to regroup and take over the rope Kion had secured the entire balloon ride who was very thankful for him doing that as he placed a paw on his chin so he could relax his jaws.

“Lemme go! I don't need you guys! Leave me alone!” Rainbow struggled and demanded as everyone held her down just as Twilight approaches her and works her magic on her which undid the corrupting brainwashing that Discord did to her. “Wh-what happened?” She asked as she groaned and rubbed her head before quietioning the others rapidly while getting into Pinkie and then Applejack’s faces. “How's Ponyville? Where are the Elements?! Did we stop Discord?”

The girls and boys all cheer as they get together for a group hug now that they have the whole group back together as friends once more which ended upon seeing the buffalos in tutu’s while dancing ballet.

“Maybe it's a little early for a group hug.” Twilight thought seeing they still have Discord to take care of.

“Definitely.” Kyoga stoically commented. “Let’s go before I start losing my mind over this.”

“Lets.” Twilight agreed as she turned to face her. “And since you’re here we could really use your help.”

“Whatever you need, count me in.” Kyoga voiced they have her support as the others wonder of how she can help until Twilight explained to them her new magical discovers to which at first they were surprised but then pressed forward with dealing with Discord seeing that whatever magic she has inside of could be useful in a time of need as they all go back to town to confront Discord one last time.

Back in Ponyville, Discord watches from his throne chair as the giraffe legged bunnies roam across town along with buffaloes in ballerina outfits as they dance under a house of cards, while laughing at the upside down houses and pies falling from the skies before helping himself to a glass of chocolate milk from a personal cotton candy cloud.

“Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing.” He said with a laugh.

“Not as wonderful as friendship.” Twilight interjected his claim as she and the rest of the Guard showed up.

“Oh, this again?“ Discord smugly shook off again as he drank his cup free of glass before tossing aside the chocolate milk which went off as a bomb behind him.

“That's right. You couldn't break apart our friendship for long.” Applejack stated.

“Oh, Applejack. Don't lie to me. I'm the one who made you a liar. Will you ever learn?” Discord responded unimpressed as he uses magic from one of his fingers to pull the cowgirl up close to him along with the other girls.

Twilight quickly teleported in front of him while forming a magic bubble around them while Beshte and Bunga make a charge at him to help further release his grip on them.

“Twende Kiboko!”

“Zuka Zama!”

“Oof!” Discord grunted as he is forced back with his throne chair destroyed from the counter-attack.

“I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord” Twilight began. “We've learned that friendship isn't always easy…”

“But there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!” Kion finished as the others smile together ready to take on the draconequus once and for all.

“Ugh, gag.” The Lord of Chaos emphasized while making a disgusted expression at the concept. “Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements and your little Roar on me. Friend me. Just make it quick.” He just let them give it shot thinking they fail as he recreates his throne and reappears on where it stood. “I'm missing some excellent chaos here.” He added with annoyed crossed arms.

“You’re going to regret, doing that pal!” Kyoga smirked along with Twilight and Kion prepare to make the move needed to defeat him.

“All right, ladies and gentleman, let's show him what friendship can do!” Twilight declared as they prepare to do so when…

“Wait-wait-wait!” Pinkie called out as she and Bunga race over to a nearby cloud so they can drink and enjoy chocolate milk one last time as the others watch on mixed reactions of disgust like Applejack, Fluttershy, and Beshte, with Rarity and Ono a mix between both while Twilight, Kion, Fuli, Rainbow and Kyoga look on in annoyance at the two.

“Pinkie! Bunga! Get over here!” Kyoga demanded as the two quickly regrouped with fierce growls as most of the Lion Guard gets behind as the girls work their elements while Kyoga readies her magic to give them a boost and Kion positions himself to use the Roar on him at the right moment.

With Kyoga’s magic and the girls got a major power boost as the magical shapes from their elements spring around Discord who begins to see that something is off here.

“Huh. What's this?” He wondered in surprise as he sees the lioness smirking at her as her magic is giving them a major advantage as they work their magic against him “No.” He realized her and Twilight’s eyes glow white as the Elements of Harmony are activated just as Kion unleashes the power of the Roar on him. “NO!!!” He screamed upon being struck by the rainbow produced from the magic as he finds himself turned to stone once again.

Once Discord was completely sealed in his stone prison once again, everything his magic had done throughout Ponyville was completely undone as a dome of bright white magic streams across the town with the girls all floating back down to the ground.

“We’ve done it! We’ve won!” Kion proudly stated upon seeing Discord is now back to being a stone statue for good this time.

Sometime after Discord’s defeat with everything returning to normal the entire Guard along with Kyoga are preparing to walk through the hallways in the royal throne room where everyone from both the Pride Lands and Equestria are there to congratulate them for their heroism as Princess Celestia and King Simba with Spike and Queen Nala standing alongside them ready to give them the much needed praise near and far for stopping the Lord of Chaos as trumpet fanfare is heard as they all walk up the steps as the two rulers share proud looks with the two leaders of the Guard who led them into making this all possible.

During this Applejack and Bunga wink their eyes at them while Spike waves back at her to give her silent congrats as the princess and king address the crowd.

“We are gathered here today to once again honor the heroism of these twelve friends who stood up to the villain Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos.” Princess Celestia announced as the crowd cheered for them as Celestia works her magic in unveiling a nice stain glass window of them working together using the Elements of Harmony, the Roar, along with Kyoga’s magic as they defeat him to which the crowd further cheered at them for their victory.

“Congratulations, Kion!” Simba said to his son.

“Thanks dad.” He thanked as he turned to the unicorn and lioness who made it all possible as the former humbly blushed. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Twilight and Kyoga.”

“Oh, it was nothing.” Kyoga tried to downplay it slightly. “Compared to most of the Guard, you just needed to regain your confidence.”

“And that is why you are the newest honorary member of the Guard.” Kion then said as he placed his paw on her left shoulder as the Mark of the Guard appeared. “Who will be always there for us even during our darkest times as you are now the Lion Guard’s Wisest.”

“Wow…I don’t know what to say?” Kyoga felt touched and astonished by this noble gesture of the lion prince.

“You could say thank you.” Fluttershy responded.

“Thank you.” She then said with a small smile as Simba, Nala, and Rafiki watch proudly at what had transpired.

"That's our boy." Nala compliented.

“Never one for tradition, huh?” He asked with a nudge at the lion king who still smiles upon seeing this big change.

“Times are changing and as of now we are becoming more than that.” He said as he sees the beginning of the merging new era while looking on as they all get together for photos for the journalists to take for the upcoming papers. “Because as of now, we are one.”

Unbeknownst to anybody, Scar was watching them from outside as he makes his leave in a flash out of sight in between windows.

“For now.” He commented to himself as he calmly takes in what had transpired too. “Because now I got what I wanted out of that.” He said as he works his magic to presenting an aura of magic with Twilight Sparkle herself in it leading everyone to confronting Discord even after everything he did to corrupt her and her friends through a green ball of magic. “The key to many victories to come to make way for me to assume the throne as well as one opponent to look out for.” He added as he locked eyes on the team’s newest member of the guard.

As Scar looks on seeing Twilight Sparkle as the one to help him into power over the two worlds he thinks back to when he snuck through the palace when everyone was screaming due to chaos that happened at the Grand Galloping Gala he managed to make his way to the royal vault undetected as he was able to work his magic from his paws in unlocking the chamber containing the elements.

Once Scar got what he was looking for he left the chest closed and behind as he re-locked the chamber so no one would know what happened until it was too late before making his escape in a flash to where the entire crew is having doughnuts and coffee together.

During which he eyed the elements in his paws as he laid eyes into Twilight’s tiara in particular as thought from observing the Guard in secret came to light in his mind. Her undeterred confidence she displayed from day one in leadership and how they always triumph even when the odds are stacked against them. Throughout time, he couldn’t help but feel impressed and wonder how to see to it that she is the one he finds the most valuable to his cause.

So he went ahead and worked his magic on Discord statue to further weaken the spell Celestia and Luna had used a thousand years ago before moving to place the Elements inside of Twilight’s reference book to said items before continuing to monitor everyone as Discord plays his mind games on everyone before going over to crush Kion’s spirit with his words alone. Even with what he saw he still thinks he hallucinated that yet was broken by his devastating speech.

“Too bad Kion’s self-esteem isn’t as strong as Twilight's…yet predictable.” The lion commented while shaking his head. “But still has the power of the Roar to back himself up with. Which I will need him to use again for my next test for this girl.” He said as he presents himself an image of the two leaders of the Guard while focusing more attention on the unicorn in charge. “The Pony Guard. So nice to get to know you. Especially you Twilight Sparkle.” He added as he sinisterly locked eyes on her. “Because I have plans for you. Big plans indeed.” He then said as he evilly laughed before disappearing in a flash.

Author's Note:

In Part Two of the Season 2 premiere, the Guard has reached it's lowest point together as everyone minus Kion and Fuli has turned grey with the former still in a Heroic BSOD as a result of what happened in the maze.

Fuli the only one not corrupted nor giving up as she even attempted to wield the Element of Loyalty in Rainbow's absence along with Kyoga's appearance is what snapped Kion out of it while Celestia having prepared for Discord's return managed to help snap Twilight out of her funk along with Fuli's words of encouragement between a mix of balancing of soft and tough love for them before things work out in the end as the Pony Guard prevails and defeats Discord thus returning him back to stone once again.

Kyoga during the time away was at the Tree of Harmony along with the Cave of Harmony that leads her directly back to Pride Rock just like in her dream as through the tree's spirit who appeared as Twilight explained to her about the magic from within her and why she was teleported here. With her understanding of friendship to snap Kion out when he succumbed to his mind game along with the magic inside of her she was able to help the Guard out big time which earned her a spot on the team. The Guard's Wisest.

Having said that while Discord's appearance played right into Celestia's hooves, it also and really benefited as it played right into Scar's paws who arranged his Xanotos Gambit as a test of friendship so he can better understand and know more about the Guard himself. He was the one who really appeared before Kion and was the one who stole the Elements during the Grand Galloping Gala and set the entire chain of events of the first two episodes of the season in motion.

With that he now has a new plan set in stone for taking over with his sights set on Twilight Sparkle to help him accomplish that goal heading into Season 2 as the villainous lion fueled with magic at his disposal takes over the role as the Big Bad in this story so stay tuned because his next plan comes with "Lesson Zero." next on the schedule.

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