• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,365 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 14: Sweet and Elite

Episode 14:

Sweet and Elite

With every passing day, there is always a new friendship lesson learned somewhere with something big happening along the way. They had just stopped another hyena attack at the Pride Lands who had some hidden brains in Janja’s clan that no one has paid attention to before and who knows what would have happened had they not caught on to it in time. Deep down there was some good inside Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu along its still clear they have a ways to go before they ready to understand the Circle of Life.

With that dealt with, there are two new big things coming up. One was Rarity having a new project to work on to which she requires a business trip in Canterlot so she can gather the supplies she needs. And second and most importantly was Twilight’s birthday this upcoming weekend. Once all of her friends have heard about it, they were all on board with helping Pinkie Pie with the preparations.

Kion, being Twilight’s best friend, really wanted to do something special for her in getting her a present. So when Twilight asked Princess Celestia to accommodate Rarity for her brief stay in Canterlot, the young prince was quick to pick up on the opportunity to join Rarity so he can do some shopping there. And since here in Equestria they do have a currency system here, he did have to bring some gold coins (a.k.a. bits) with him for the trip to which Rarity was very generous in providing him.

As for their stay, Princess Celestia has arranged for the two with their very suite for the time-being something that both and especially Rarity were very grateful for the princess’s hospitality as the two were led to their room on one of the tall towers in the castle.

“Here? I get to stay here?” Rarity gasped in amazement as the princess leads them along with Opal inside their room to which is just like her room back at home.

“Twilight Sparkle said you were coming to Canterlot for a visit, and asked if I might accommodate you.” Celestia replied as Opal had already started making herself feel at home.

“Thank you so much, Princess.”

“Yeah thanks.”

The two thanked her.

“You're very welcome.” She thought nothing of it as Rarity rushed her thinking otherwise.

“No, really. This is so nice of you.” She insisted.

“It's nothing, really.” She returned as Rarity could not stop.

“Oh, but it isn't nothing, it's everything! I, I just don't know what to say but thank you, thank you!” She expressed as quickly bowed down and started kissing the princesses hoof repeatedly to which she was slightly uncomfortable and awkward in response to the unicorn’s overly done gestures. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

During this, Kion can only shake his head knowing her overly-dramatic friend when it comes to royalty even him as she seems to do this almost every time when they meet up together.

“You are very we–“ Celestia again thanked before being cut off mid-sentence.

“Thank you!”

When Rarity was finally done showering the princess’s hooves with kisses the bag valet had arrived with Rarity’s luggage to which she predictably brought a “fair.” amount. And by that that’s enough for the porter to have his hooves nearly break down from reaching past his limits.

“Your luggage, mademoiselle?” He asked of the unicorn as he struggled to keep his hooves from breaking from the heavy weight of the suitcases and bags.

“I’ll leave you to get settled.” Princess Celestia said while departing from the room.

“Your highness.” The bag valet strained as he gave her his dues.

“Enjoy your stay.” She said before walking down the steps and left the two alone.

“Thank you.“ Rarity called out to the princess one more time as Kion moved to help out the bag valet before he could hurt himself.

“Here.” Kion quickly offered as he pulled some of the luggage off of the pile at a time until there was no more for him to carry.

“Phew. Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“Thank you!” Rarity thanked them. “You both are true gentleman.”

”You’re welcome.” The bag valet kindly returned as he turned to the luggage now on the floor.

“No problem, Rarity.” Kion returned in kind too. “Although I do wonder why you need this much luggage even though we are only gone until the weekend?”

“Oh, Kion, darling. One can never have too many things around in case of an emergency.” She replied it’s a necessity.

“Even if our carrier is pushed to his limits?” He asked as he gestured to the recovering pony resting his legs as he sits down on a nearby chair while rubbing them.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine after a minute.” Rarity assured as she looks on at their new room before settling in as they both set up the room to their liking before setting out with their tasks.

While Kion went out shopping, Rarity retreated to a nearby café in town for some tea time with her beloved feline pet Opal as she helps to herself to a bowl of cream while wearing a pink fashionable sunhat.

“Opal, do you know what I love about Canterlot?” She asked as she sipped her tea. “Ahh. Everything! I may have been born in Ponyville, but I am a Canterlot pony at heart.” She added as she took over sip. “Now, I know that we are here to pick up some fabrics for the shop, but Twilight was such a dear to get me that suite at the castle, I simply must make her something to express my gratitude especially since Kion is planning on getting her a present.” She thought of what she can for her until she thought as she took another sip while spotting a fancy dress wearing mare walking by. “An outfit for her birthday party this weekend! Perfect! Don't you just love it here, Opalescence?”

As Rarity took another sip she was overheard and spotted by a fancy couple. Upon noticing them mid-sip she stopped as she nervously grinned as she got cream on her nose.

“Please excuse our interruption.” The male pony of the married couple addressed her as the unicorn wiped her nose clean. “I'm Jet Set, and this is my wife Upper Crust. We saw you from across the cafe and just had to find out...”

“...Where did you get that simply marvelous chapeau?” Her wife finished while gesturing to her hat.

“Oh, this old thing?” She asked. “Oh, it's just something I–“ She began before being interrupted by a goofy window cleaner from above.

“Rarity! Hey, Rarity!” He greeted as his harness snapped and fell down while now upside down being held up by one rope. “Whoo! It's me, Hayseed Turnip Truck! We met at the big hoedown in Ponyville last month?”

“Oh, yes, of course... how are you?” Rarity nervously responded with a forced polite grin.

“Good! Real good!” He returned as the rope snapped causing him to fall down to the ground as the couple expressed disdain hearing this.

“You're from... Ponyville?” The colt asked.

“Well, yeah, yes, but–“ She honestly began before being interrupted by the window washer as he got up and placed a hoof around just as Kion was walking by and noticed the commotion.

“She sure is! She's a real big-time fancy pants dressmaker there! Probably made that real purty thing she's got on her head!”

“I thought it looked a little country.” The mare commented to her husband in a condescending tone.

“I told you it wasn't something you could get here in Canterlot, dear.” He returned as Kion spoke up.

“So what?” He asked them as approached them with a gift wrapped present in his yellow and red saddlebag.

“Excuse us?” The colt returned rather confused and offended that a lion cub is talking to them that way.

“You heard me.” He firmly repeated. “Just a minute ago you were interested by her well-designed hat and now you’re having second thoughts just because she from Ponyville?”

“Well excuse us if our taste and prefences don’t align with your’s cub.” She returned as if he needs to be reminded of his manners.

“Okay…” Kion responded as he felt his temper rising as he maintains his composure. “…Well this lion cub happens to be the son of King Simba, so that makes me a prince.”

“Really…oh…” The mare suddenly responded rather embarrassed along with her husband. “Our apologies, your highness.” She added as they both bowed to him as Kion just shakes his head in disgust of how quick they were to change their tone.

“Just get moving.” He simply told to them to go as they quickly yet properly do so.

“Yes my prince. Right away.” The stallion wasted no time in doing so as they both left him and Rarity alone.

“Well, they seemed real nice.” The window washing colt replied as Rarity released a disappointed sigh as Kion takes a few deep breaths to completely calm himself down before turning back the unicorn tearing up feeling really hurt by those disparaging comments.

“You okay, Rarity?” He asked.

“I’m fine.” She answered as she made her way back to their suite as she struggles to keep herself from crying. “I just need to go back to our room.”

The two walked back over to their suite as Rarity closes the doors after them as she looks at herself in the mirror long and hard.

“Look…I know what happened back there is really getting to you and I’m sorry for what you saw, but don’t listen to them.” Kion tried to comfort her as she is still deep in downcast thought. “Those ponies don’t know what they’re talking about.”

“”Looked a little country. Not something you can get in Canterlot.”” Rarity repeated still incensed by their insults as she gets puts on her reading glasses to get right to work on a new dress design to prove them wrong. “I'll show you something worthy of Canterlot!”

As Rarity got right to work, Kion is let feeling the damage is already been done as she is now determined to prove to every doubting pony in Canterlot wrong.

Once Rarity has what she wants set in stone she sets out into the streets to get what she needs all while Kion tries to stop being true to herself.

“I have to get started right away. This new design is very ambitious, and I've already written to Twilight to let her know she'll have something beyond fabulous to wear to her party.” Rarity vowed while carrying Opal in her portable cage as Kion keeps up with her.

“Rarity please!” He called after her.

“Don’t worry, I know what I am doing.” Rarity remained certain with her head up as high as she accidentally bumps into a stallion in front of her and ends up dropping her belongings by accident.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed as he rushed over to help Rarity up as the mare accompanying him does the same to him.

As Kion helps Rarity to her hooves, the mare removes the bag covering the gentlemen’s face as he shake his head off.

“Fancy Pants!” Rarity voiced while lost for words upon seeing him as his wife made sure he was okay as Kion did the same for Rarity.

“I say, that's one way to make an introduction.” The male unicorn with a white fur coat wearing a black tuxedo with a purple bow-tie with blue combed back mane and matching small and thin mustache, and a matching monocle began as the white coated unicorn with a long pink mane brushed the dust off of her husband.

“Oh, goodness, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there.” Rarity apologized. “I've just got so many bags and I was trying to get back to my suite at the castle and–“

“You're staying at the castle?” He asked.

“Wh– The Princess invited me to stay in one of the suites.” She replied as she picked up her belongings with Kion helping her.

“You know the Princess?” He asked again.

“Hmm, a pony with expensive tastes, I see.” His wife responded rather delightfully as she levitated one of Rarity’s dropped bags back to her.

“Oh, it's for an ensemble I'm making for a friend. Her birthday is in a few days.” She answered as she ended up placing Opal in one of the bags before preparing to walk off ahead. “Again, I am really sorry I bumped into you.”

“I'm not!” Fancy assured it’s no big deal as she stopped in her tracks. “Heheh, you are obviously somepony worth bumping into!” Hearing that brought a smile in Rarity’s heart while Kion seemed very pleased to see this pony as kind as their friends. “Listen, I have a VIP box reserved at the Wonderbolts Derby this afternoon. Would you, would you along with your friend be so kind as to join me and a few of my companions there?” He offered.


“But of course, my dear.”

“Well, I'm, uh, ah- no- sure.” Rarity hesitated before answering yes to which Kion wasn’t so sure of what she is doing.

“We'd love to see you there, uh...?” Fancy Pants replied as he tried to remember her name.


“Rarity.” Fancy Pants said as he walked off ahead as his wife was patting the curls on her mane before realizing he walked off ahead and quickly ran off back to his side leaving the delighted unicorn who is now having a small dilemma on her hooves with what she had just agreed too as she and Kion walked back over to the suite.

“So…what are you thinking?” Kion asked as Rarity paced around the room.

“Pro: Seeing the Derby from a VIP box is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Con: Going to the Derby cuts into the amount of time I have to finish Twilight's outfit. Pro: Fancy Pants is the most important pony in Canterlot.” She replied as she thought this through. “His stamp of approval could mean big things for me here. Con: Twilight's party might not be as sophisticated as the Derby, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't put all of my energy into creating her birthday ensemble.”

“That’s true but are you sure that is the right way to go on about this?” Kion responded as if she is going about this the wrong way.

“My Ponyville friends will appreciate my hard work more than anypony. I'd hate to let them down.” She replied as she pondered for a moment. “And I won't.” She then resolved as she put on her big and pink fashionable and fancy hat. “Opal, Kion, I am going to the Wonderbolts Derby as a guest of Fancy Pants!” She declared as she giggles excitedly.

“Okay…” Kion just accepted it. “…Just remember of the deadline.” He reminded as she left the room.

“I won’t.” She returned leaving Kion and Opal turning to face each other as the former asks the question he is thinking of.

“You don’t think she will do you?”

Opal responded with a bored blank expression as she thinks she will get caught up in her attempts to please them while straying away from what really defines her.

Rarity would then arrive at the stadium as promised as she makes her way to over where Fancy Pants and his wife are seated at the VIP section.

“Pardon me. 'Scuse me, 'scuse me!” Rarity excused herself as she makes her way through while passing by the rude couple that insulted her from earlier.

As she arrives at the guarded VIP section, Fancy Pants arrive at the gated entrance as the guard gives the young mare a serious look of whether she has invitation or not to be there.

“Rarity, jolly good to see you! So glad you could make it.” Fancy Pants pleasantly greeted as the guard smiled and levitated the rope to allow in her leaving the couple jaw dropped seeing this.

As the two arrive upstairs in the section, mares and gentecolts gather around him very pleased to see him.

“Everypony, this is Rarity. She's staying at Canterlot Castle.” Fancy Pants introduced everyone to the unicorn to which sparked confused mummers and gasps from them to which left Rarity worried as the announcer speaks through the loudspeaker.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to the Wonderbolts Derby! The competitors are taking their places at the starting line, and the race will begin momentarily!” He announced.

“I'll be rooting for Rapidfire, of course. He's sure to take home the grand prize.” Fancy placed his bets as everyone else agreed.

“I don't think he has a chance against Fleetfoot.” Rarity honestly voiced otherwise to which sparked surprise again as she finds herself widening a forced grin as they hear fanfare which means the race is about to start.

A referee blows his whistle as the Wonderbolts all take off a run few quick laps as he then waves the checkered flag as they all cross the line for the final time.

“And it's Fleetfoot by a nose!”

Rarity cheered hearing this as Fancy Pants seemed further impressed with how she ended picking the winner today.

“Bravo, Rarity! I say, how did you know Fleetfoot would be victorious?” Fancy Pants then asked.

“My friend Rainbow Dash talks about her all the time.” Rarity replied. “She says what Fleetfoot lacks in size, she makes up for in speed.”

“And who is this 'Rainbow Dash'?” An elderly mare asked.

“Uh...” Rarity hesitated to tell the truth as she nervously gulped with another forced grin with sweating dropping from her forehead before quickly resorting to a quick little lie. “Why... she's... she's the... the Wonderbolts' trainer, of course.”

“Staying at Canterlot Castle, and she knows the Pegasus training the Wonderbolts. I told you all this was an important pony.” Fancy Pants further voiced his praises as everyone around her is really taking a liking to her as they all gather around her while she secretly wipes the sweat from her forehead in relief.

“Three cheers for Rarity, my new favorite party guest!” Fancy Pants stated as he raised her right hoof as she winks at the further stunned couple with how bad they were to quickly judge her about first sight.

“Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray!” Everyone cheered for the now greatly appreciated unicorn.

Although she soon find herself with a big conflict coming her way as she gets so into talking the Canterlot ponies she is starting to forget about her true friends as one of them is currently taking the time in getting started on Rarity’s plans for Twilight seeing that she is gone longer than expected.

“...And then I said, "Puh-lease, that isn't a hat, darling, that's a natural disaster that somehow landed atop your head!" Rarity further joked as everyone found it funny.

“Oh, you are a delight, Rarity, an absolute delight. You simply must attend my art gallery opening this evening.” The mare from earlier complimented.

“Oh, I'd love to, but I–“ Rarity tried to politely decline.

“And let's not forget my charity auction tomorrow morning.” Another pony insisted.

“Well, that sounds wonderful, but I–“

“And of course there's a seat for you at my dinner party tomorrow night.” Another pony added another invitation on her growing pile-up of commitments to which she doubles down on her efforts to back out of it as she tried to leave.

“I'm flattered, really. It's just I have a project I really need to get started on, and-“

“Oh, but Rarity! I may as well close down the whole gallery if you can't attend!”

“My auction is for charity, dear. For charity...”

“And my dinner party will be a disaster if you don't come.”

The three ponies really and desperately pressed for her to come as she finds herself no longer able to turn them down.

“...of course I'll be there.” She relented.


“Oh, thank goodness!”

“Disaster averted!”

They all expressed their delighted relief as Rarity is forcibly smiling again of what she is putting herself through.

Shortly afterwards, Rarity returned to her suite just as Kion got together the start of Twilight’s dress to which he really had to use his claws to get some of the required close eye stitching done right.

“Rarity.” He greeted.

“Oh hey Kion!” She returned as she took off her hat and turned her to jewelry box. “How’s it going?”

“Going fine. Just wondering where have you been?” He responded while trying to treat it as no big deal as possible.

“Oh, I just got caught with spending time with Fancy Pants and his friends.” She answered. “I honestly didn’t mean to be gone for so long.”

“Well you’re lucky to have a friend to help you get started on Twilight’s dress because if I didn’t learn the basics back then, you sure would have fallen really behind.” Kion responded while gesturing to the start-up dress he made from scratch.

“Oh, thanks you.” Rarity answered feeling pleased with his friend’s generosity as she went over her accessories. “And with all things considered it looks like we'll be spending a few more days here.”

“What do you mean?”

“Turns out bumping into Fancy Pants like that was the best thing that's ever happened to me.” She answered as she put on the pink ribbon along with the dress on the mannequin before tending to her jewelry. “Since then I have been invited to a dinner party, an auction, and an art gallery showing.”


“I know right! How lucky am I?”

“Are you serious?” Kion asked still shocked of what he is hearing and what she had just committed herself too. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to hear that, but are you sure about this? What about Twilight’s dress?”

“Of course, finishing Twilight's dress in time for her birthday party is still my top priority, but I can't possibly disappoint the Canterlot elite by rejecting their invitations now, can I?” She returned as she eagerly grinned at the lion cub to join her.



“Fine.” He relented with a sigh. “But only if you promise to ensure that Twilight’s dress is made in time and we get back to Ponyville in time for her birthday party.”

“Oh don’t you worry darling?” She assured as she placed on a gold tiara with a blue gemstone on top. “Everything will be fine.”

“I certainly hope so.” Kion voiced with uncertainty given with how high up her head is trying to win another pony’s approval over valuing her friendship and role to the Lion and Pony Guard.

“I'll be the toast of the town, the girl on the go

I'm the type of pony every pony, every pony should know

I'll be the one to watch, the girl in the flow

I'm the type of ony every pony, every pony should know.”

Rarity sang as she properly adjusted her tiara, brushed her mane, sprayed perfume on her face with a little makeup on her face, before petting her pet cat on the head before walking off outside with Kion following her as he and Opal look on with disapproving frowns at the unicorn.

“Becoming as popular as popular can be

Making my mark, making my mark in high society

I'm the belle of the ball, the star of the show, yeah

I'm the type of pony every pony, every pony should know.”

She sang as Rarity went to the art gallery while giving her nod of approval to the other rich ponies while Kion just watches while from the back as she wears a French-style outfit with her mane straighten down to which everyone including Photo Finish all smiled and shared voices of agreement.

“See how they hang on every word that I speak

My approving glance is what they all seek

I'm the creme de la creme, not just another Jane Doe

I'm the type of pony every pony should know.”

Rarity then sang as they made their way to the auction as Rarity now wearing a fancy magenta dress with her mane tied together in a bun as she first raises her hoof when the auctioneer proposes a red and gold Greek looking vase to which everyone else follows suit too.

All but Kion who still watches from the back just here for support even though he is not liking all of the time they are wasting for this before making their way to the dinner party. As she is now wearing a fancy blue dress with a differently styled mane for the occasion as she basks in the approval of the Canterlot Elite as she is the first to lead everyone around into trying the first set of appetizers.

And he is right because next thing he knows they are dragged into many more events with the Canterlot Elite such as going to an opera, riding on a yacht, cruise boat christening, along with another fancy party Fancy Pants was attending. All the while cutting into her originally scheduled time to make Twilight’s dress.

“At home, at the opera, on a fancy yacht

Becoming the talk, the talk of all of Canterlot

I'm the creme de la creme, not just another Jane Doe, yeah

I'm the type of pony every pony, every pony should know.”

Finally the two were able to go home as Rarity was now too tired to get to work as she collapsed on her bed even when Opal tapped on her drawing board to remind her.

“Because I'm the type of pony

Yes, I'm the type of pony

Yes, I'm the type of pony every pony should know.”

Seeing that she is not going to get it done in time before they have to head back, Kion decides to take his paws in making sure it is designed to how Rarity envisioned it while cutting out the overly fancy parts to the best of his ability. It took a little late into the night, but he managed to get the job done before he passed out on his bed in exhaustion.

The next morning, the two visitors both got packed up ready to head back to Ponyville. While Rarity loaded her baggage on the bag valet’s shoulders, Kion got his saddle-bag containing his gift wrapped present for Twilight on his back.

“Oh, I hope I haven't forgotten anything.” Rarity said to herself as she loaded the last of her belongings.

“Me... too...” The pony added as he strained and struggled like last time in dealing with the heavy luggage.

“We'd better get going.” Rarity stated as she levitated her pet cat into her cage while dragging her off of the bed covers she was just getting comfortable on. “I must get back to Ponyville with enough time to finish Twilight's ensemble.”

“About time.” Kion muttered as he is still carrying some baggage of staying up longer than he should have as evidenced from rubbing his eyes to get himself fully awake.

Just as they were about to head out a letter with a red Canterlot seal was placed through the mailbox to their room.

“For me?” Rarity responded as she opened up the letter and read it while Kion gives the struggling pony some support to ease the burden for the moment by lifting up the luggage too.

“Dearest Rarity, your presence is requested at the Canterlot garden party tomorrow afternoon.

Yours, Jet Set and Upper Crust!”

She read as she gasped in delight.

“The Canterlot garden party! Why, next to the Galloping Gala that is the premier event in Canterlot!“ She squealed as she is ready to accept another invite.

“Tomorrow?! But Twilight’s birthday party is tomorrow.” Kion pointed out as he turned to draw the line with her. “You can’t miss that.”

“I know…But if I don't go, my new reputation in Canterlot as a Very Important Pony might be ruined!” Rarity still can’t pass it down as she levitates the two pieces of paper one with Twilight’s dress design in tow as she makes a tough choice for herself. “I might never be invited to another high society event again! Friend's birthday... Very Important Pony...” She boggled before nearly exploding as her face turned pink briefly as she held her breath. “It's just too important.” She then decided as she composed a letter.

“My dear Twilight,

I am afraid I won't be able to make it to your birthday party tomorrow, because... because poor Opal is quite ill, and she is in no condition to make the long journey back to Ponyville!

I do hope you understand.

Your friend, Rarity.”

She said as she wrote rather dramatically as Kion could only look on in disappointment with her.

“I suppose this means you don't need me to bring down your bags?” The pony carrying her bags asked.

“No. But, I will need some help unpacking them.” She returned as he dropped onto his knees and ended up dropping the luggage to the ground by accident.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed in a rather resigned tone as he moves to help put away her luggage. “Why must she do this to us?”

With her decision cemented and once everything was settled back into place, Rarity then fashioned herself with a fancy sun-colored dress with flowers fashioned in her tail while both Kion and Opal watch while sitting on her bed with the former having his front paws disapprovingly crossed in response to her decision.

“What do you think? Too much?” She asked Kion as he remained silent and frowning.

“You tell me, it’s your outfit. I’m no fashion expert.” He remarked still not changing his expression.

“You're right. Too little.” She then decided to add a matching colored hat to complete her outfit while missing the point Kion was trying to get her to come across from his response.

“Not exactly what I was trying to say but okay.” Kion just left it at that as he moved towards the door. “Have fun, do what you desire. I am going back home so I can make it to Twilight’s birthday party .

“Ah, garden party, here I come!” Rarity blissfully walked up to the door along with Kion as they prepare to leave when the doors opened to reveal their friends happy faces.

“Surprise!” They all cheered leaving Kion startled while Rarity faints from complete shock of their unexpected arrival to which the prince quickly caught her before she could hit her head.

“Wow!” Kion started.

“Is she okay?” Kyoga asked as they all look on the passed out unicorn.

“Yes.” He answered. “Just wasn’t expecting you all here so soon.”

“I know here we were at Ponyville getting ready for Twilight’s birthday party and when we got Rarity’s letter and came over as soon as we could to surprise her. And boy was she surprised? I mean she was, Swoosh! And right before she hit the ground, shoom, she…” Pinkie rapidly explained as they all see Rarity coming too. “Hi again!” She greeted again.

“What are you– how did you– Why are you–“ Rarity stammered for the right words

“Listen to her. She's so excited to see us, she can hardly talk.” Applejack said.

“What I mean to say is, what are you all doing here?” Rarity corrected as she questioned them.

“When I got your letter saying you were stuck in Canterlot, I asked Pinkie Pie if it wouldn't be too much trouble to move my birthday party here, so you wouldn't have to miss it!” Twilight explained.

“All for one and one for all!” Bunga stated as Pinkie opened up a suitcase filled with balloons to which all deflated with one of them flying up towards the gem on Rarity’s necklace.

“Balloons are super easy to pack.“

“Well, Happy Birthday Twilight.” Kion said to the unicorn.

“Thanks.” She replied with a smile.

“Wow...” Rarity began rather speechless. “First you get me a suite at Canterlot Castle and now this. I don't know what to say, Twilight.”

“How about you start by saying what you're doing in that fancy getup?” Rainbow pointed the dress she is currently wearing as she flew into her face.

“This? Uh- well, I- I…” Rarity stammered to explain. “I always put on something a little fancy when Opal's feeling under the weather... Cheers her right up.”

Kion could only shake his head with how poorly that lie was constructed as Kyoga sees through it too with how she is grinning nervously and shifting her eyes around.

“Oh, poor Opal. Where is the sick darling?” Fluttershy asked after buying the lie.

“Oh, uhh, she's... Hold on a minute.” She quickly replied as she shut the door much to the other’s confusion

“Huh?” Everyone but Kion and Kyoga said in unison as they both share a look that say’s in their minds.

“Rarity’s hiding something isn’t she?”


Rarity then quickly went inside and drenched her pet cat in the hot shower after forcibly dragging her off of the bed covers again.

“I am so sorry about this.” She apologized before reopening the doors to allow her friends in.

“She's resting on the bed.” She replied as Fluttershy quickly comforted her.

“Poor baby.” She hugged her tightly in her arms. “She looks awful.

As Opal viciously and angrily growls at her owner for doing that to her, Twilight spots the dress design on the mannequin.

“Is... that my dress?”

“Yes.” She responded as she now worries of what she has done since she didn’t allow herself the proper time to complete it as she examined with what she along with Kion have done in putting it together for her.

“It's so... simple. So practical.” She began as Rarity started to sweat thinking she is going to claim the worst until she heard her say... “So me! It's the perfect dress for my birthday party! I love it!” She happily stated as she hugged her friend very thankful for her birthday gift to her to which Rarity sighed in relief.

“You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that.” She expressed as she quickly tossed aside the design into the trash bin to which Kion whispered in the white unicorn’s ear…


Once Twilight got in her new dress, the group all made their way down the hallways inside the castle.

“When I told the Princess that I was moving the party to Canterlot, she was kind enough to offer us the Canterlot Castle ballroom!” She told everyone as they directed their attention to the prepared room.

“Poa!” Beshte commented as the birthday mare is greeted to Spike to whom he was waiting for them to arrive while they fetched Rarity.

“Happy Birthday, Twilight!” Spike happily greeted as he jumped around the unicorn’s neck.

“Thank you Spike!” She replied as he hopped off as everyone marvels at the setup inside.

“Didn’t you all wreck the room the last time we were here?” Kyoga brought up.

“Oh yeah! They sure did.“ Bunga didn’t even deny as he is met with sharp glares from the group. “What?”

“Okay, okay, everyone but Twilight and Kion…as well as Fuli, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, and Beshte, and Ono.” He added one by one as they all back off as the others don’t even deny they did make a mess the last time they were there.

“Isn't it fancy pants?” Pinkie asked as Rarity reacted with alarm taking the term a different meaning.

“Fancy Pants?! Where?!” She asked as she quickly hid behind Rainbow Dash as the others minus Kion give her confusions looks. “Ahh, I mean, where did you find the time to put up all these decorations?” She quickly corrected herself to avoid suspicion. “Ha-ha.”

“Oh, I never leave home without my party cannon!” Pinkie replied as she presented said item and blasted a table cloth on one of the tables with balloons and confetti to which Rarity returned an irritated look. “Ta-da!”

“I thought about having my birthday outside, but they're having another party on the castle grounds today.” Twilight explained while gesturing to another group of ponies gathering outside in the castle garden to which Rarity quickly ducked out away from the window to avoid being spotted.

Outside was the garden party she had originally planned on going as both Kion and Kyoga spotted the party outside as Kion turned away in disgust as he saw the two ponies from earlier that aggravated him while Kyoga has no interest in rich and elite folks as she scoffed upon seeing the vibe from inside.

“Let's party!” Pinkie declared as Bunga turned on the music as they got the party started.

They began by throwing Twilight up and down into the air and catching her multiple times.

Then they all had cake together with Twilight cutting everyone a slice to which everyone happily enjoyed. Then Fluttershy and Applejack get cake splattered in their faces along with Fuli and Ono. They all turn to see Rainbow Dash and Bunga having thrown the cake slices at them while laughing at them…

…At least until they find themselves surrounded by the entire crew smirking as they gang up on the two pranksters to give them their just desserts in retaliation. Before they all shared a family-friendly laugh together.

Next up was a group dance as they all danced while following the leader with everyone following Twilight’s lead as she leads the party dance with Pinkie, Fluttershy, Kion, Fuli, Applejack, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all following after her.

All while Rarity wonders of how she can arrange to attend both parties with Twilight and her friends moving the party here.

“Mmh... No reason I can't at least make an appearance...” She thought to herself as she sneaks away from the caboose position while Kyoga watching the whole group dance spots her sneaking away while everyone was focused on their current party activity.

“And there seems no reason why you have to make it a secret.” She commented as she watched her mingle with the ponies outside as some ponies play classical music with a few violinists, a cello player, and a harp player providing the music.

“I'm here!” Rarity announced.

“Darling, I'm so glad you made it.” The mare greeted as Fancy Pants approached her.

“Rarity! So happy to see you here.” He greeted.

“I wouldn't have missed this for the world.” Rarity returned as he picked up an odd scent.

“I say, what is that scent you're wearing? It smells like... Is that cake frosting?” He asked to which Rarity’s eyes shrinked briefly before responding.

“...Yes, I always dab a little frosting behind my ears before I go out.” She nervously laughed as the mare looked skeptical of her claim. “After all, who doesn't like the smell of cake frosting?”

“I know I do.”


The two replied as if they actually don’t mind the smell of cake to which Rarity sighed in relief that her lies are actually flying by the radar.

“Well, all this talk about cake has made me hungry. Think I'll go and see what's on the hors d'oeuvre table. If you'll excuse me...” She said before leaving the two to converse before making her way back over to Twilight’s party where everyone has put on blindfolds in preparation for the next party activity.

Piñata cracking as everyone has their own piñatas to try to break. Of course, since they all were blindfolded it was very difficult at first but they were all eventually able to bust open the hidden candy inside of them.

During this, Rarity continued splitting her time in between as she backed out, fetched herself an appetizer, and then dipped it in a bowl of melted chocolate as the others dipped their candy in the bowl. Because she mixed dinner food with the sweets she had a rather disgusted expression before spitting it out which earned her looks from Twilight, Pinkie, Bunga, Kion, and Fuli. She quickly distracted the ponies by turning their attention to something in the opposite direction before switching back over to the garden party.

But at this point, Fuli along with Kion and Kyoga weren’t fooled and it was pretty clear she is up to something as she keeps throwing in excuses as she starts getting tired out from all of the multiple and constants excuses as the Guard all dances while the Canterlot Elite converses.

“I think I left the bathwater running in my suite.”

“I really should go check on Opal...”

“Is that Princess Celestia?”

“I need to use the little fillies' room!”

“Can I get anypony more punch?”

“I... have to go to do the... thing with the... stuff... you know...?”

She traded between Twilight and Fancy Pants until she tired herself out from all of the constant back and forth switches.

“Uh, what's with the croquet mallet?” Rainbow asked as she held a party balloon in her hooves.

“What croquet mallet?” Rarity asked in a muffled tone while not noticing she is still carrying said croquet mallet in her mouth as everyone stopped dancing and turn their full attention to her.

“Duh, the one in your mouth!” Bunga pointed out as the music stopped.

“Common knowledge really.” Ono quipped.

“Ooh, that croquet mallet.” Rarity laughed nervously seeing that she did bring a croquet mallet inside. “I- well I, you know, the truth is... the truth is...“

“The truth is what?” Fuli asked wanting to know why.

“Were you at that other party in the garden?” Twilight asked in a shocked tone.

“I, I...”

“Busted.” Kyoga whispered in her ear.

“Rarity, I'm surprised at you.” Twilight sounding somewhat disappointed in Rarity’s eyes as she quickly ran over to her practically on the ground groveling and begging for forgiveness while Kion just watches knowing that this would happen.

“Twilight let me explain! I–“

“I hadn't realized you were such a savvy businesspony!” She responded with a smile.

“You must understand! I–“ She pleaded not hearing a word she said.

“All of those ponies look so posh. And with the Grand Galloping Gala coming up, I bet you could totally get some of them to buy your dresses. Very smart!” She figured and complimented.

“Another Grand Galloping Gala.” Fuli groaned. “I just hope it’s better than the last one.”

“Woo, wwwhy yes, I-I didn't want you to think I was being rude, so that's exactly the reason I didn't tell you. The one and only reason.“ She went along with that as she threw in some nervous laughter.

“Oh, well, you didn't have to do that. You should totally go over there and mingle!” Twilight then allowed her to go over there.

“Twilight, you really are the best friend a pony could ever ask for.” She thankfully returned with a hug. “I don't know why I ever thought you wouldn't understand.”

“Understand what?” Twilight asked of what she meant by that.

“Nothing. See you girls later!” Rarity returned as she trotted back outside until Rainbow stopped her in her tracks.

“Hey, wait up! We're your friends! I'm sure they won't mind if we check out the party too!” Rainbow told her as she floated in front of her before turning to the others. “C'mon, you guys! Let's show them how to party Ponyville style!”

“Let’s.” Bunga eagerly wasted no time in bolting out the door first.

“Count me in!” Spike agreed as he raced alongside Bunga.

“Wait for us!” Ono called out after them.

“Don’t forget us!” Beshte called after them too following after the ponies leaving Rarity with the feline trio.

“Oh no!” She expressed as Kion, Fuli, and Kyoga walk beside her.

“What’s the matter, Rarity?” Fuli asked teasingly. “Afraid your friends might have a little too much fun with your new fancy rich ponies you seem more interested in hanging out with.

“Well…I…” Rarity stammered as she ran off ahead.

“Figure it out all on your own did you?” Kion asked Fuli.


“And you too?” He asked Kyoga.


“And see that Rarity is trying really hard to impress her new Canterlot friends?” Kion asked them both.

“Yep!” They replied in unison.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Kion asked his feline friends with a devious smirk.

“Yep.” Kyoga nodded as adopting the same mindset.

“This should be fun.” Fuli did the same as they all went outside together where they all joined their friends who have all already crashed the outside party starting with their follow the leader game.

With Pinkie and her party canon leading the way, followed by Bunga, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Fuli, Bunga, Applejack, and Twilight who is the caboose this time while carrying the record player before partaking in the other activities.

Both Rainbow and Fuli then partook in croquet to which Fuli hit her ball through a couple of rings before hitting one of the metal posts of another one while Rainbow accidentally threw hers away recklessly which ended up pulling off a mare’s mane which apparently turns out to be wig. The stallion talking to her quickly left while she was busy speaking to avoid being in the middle of the scene once she realizes her wig is gone.

Fluttershy and Ono both held out bird seed to the nearby birds in the nearby tree with Fluttershy even presenting some in her mane to which attracting many birds all while dropping some on three nearby ponies from down below.

Pinkie and Bunga along with Spike both dove face first into the dessert table all while disgusting the nearby pony there. The pony there about to eat a cupcake returned an irritated look of disgust before walking away leaving the two ponies confused of why he gave them the look as much as another group of ponies while Spike justr shrug's to say "Their loss." before continuing to chow down on the treats.

At another part of the garden, Applejack and Beshte both get their paws and hooves dirty while doing actual gardening taking the term of gardening literally.

“How come y'all aren't doing any gardening?

“This is a garden party, isn't it?”

The two asked the group of ponies backing away as much as another group of ponies upon seeing Twilight dance wildly with Kion and Spike dancing alongside her while copying her movements in perfect sync.

During all of this, Rarity struggles to keep it together as she gulps down her punch as Kyoga watches the scene alongside while feeling more satisfied of seeing these smug smiling ponies taken down a notch.

“Can you believe what that pony is wearing?” The male pony she met at the café asked the unicorn while gesturing to the dancing unicorn.

“It's just so plain.” His wife added.

“Yeah.” Rarity added with another nervous laugh as Kyoga just smirks at seeing this all unfold.

“Excuse me,” Fancy Pants approached Twilight as he inspected her dress with his monocle. “Might I ask where you got your ensemble?”

“Why, yes! Yes, you may.” She happily replied. “A very, very close friend of mine from Ponyville made it for me.”

Hearing this caused Rarity to spit her punch out accidentally in the face of the two ponies who she was just talking to. Kyoga sips her punch while still adopting the same smirk seeing this.

“Ponyville? You don't say?” Fancy Pants replied.

“I do say. Her name is–“ Twilight returned as Rarity suddenly appeared cutting Twilight off.

“Fancy Pants! Come with me! I'd like to show you this, er, thing that's over there. On the other side of the room.” She tried to continue keeping both her Canterlot and Ponyville friends separate from each other.

“In a moment, my dear.” He insisted on learning the designer of the other unicorn’s dress as everyone around them stopped of what they were doing with all ears. “This lovely filly from Ponyville was just about to tell me who made her charming dress.”

“That dress? Oh come now, who cares, it's just a plain old–“ Rarity tried to downplay it until Twilight quickly said otherwise mid-sentence

“Oh, don't be so modest! This dress you made is beautiful!”

Hearing caused everyone to gasp and drop their things in shock leaving Rarity really backed into a corner with no way to talk herself out of it.

“We all think so!” She added as their friends all joined her.

“You know these ponies along with their friends?“ Fancy Pants asked as the unicorn looked around at the confused expressions from everyone before turning to face the guests.

“Yes. Yes, I do know them.” She confessed. “They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends. And they are without a doubt the most important ponies and friends I know.”

Hearing this spark surprise by everyone along with pleased smiles from her true friends.

“Important ponies and friends? These ruffians?”

“Don't make me laugh!”

The two rich ponies smugly laughed them off again until Fancy Pants spoke up.

“I, for one, find them charmingly rustic.”

He responded to which shut the two up as they were once again put in their place.

“So do I.” Kyoga agreed.

“And I think the dress you made for your friend is lovely.” Fancy Pants continued as he praised the work she had done. “I dare say every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one.”

Rarity smiled as she could not believe of how well this is all working out now.

“Oh, I'd like to place my order right now.”

“I think you should get two.”

The two then quickly expressed their immediate interest as Kion, Fuli, and Kyoga shake their heads again in disgust with how quick they were to change their attitude just because it’s been given a stamp of approval from someone they look up to.

"Suck ups." Fuli muttered.

"You said it." Kyoga muttered back to Fuli.

“Er, yes, now then. How about you introduce me to your friends?” Fancy Pants then asked wanting to get to know them better as Kion winks at their friends for how well they did today.

“With pleasure!” Rarity did so as he got to know the Lion and Pony Guard crew more as they all were more than happy to explain of what they do on patrol and how they resolve issues and stop impending threats on the two kingdoms all while taking a liking to Fancy Pants who represents himself as a nice guy not caught up in the uptight and snooty atmosphere that most ponies showed and is quite friendly just like the Royal Sisters along with Simba and his family.

After the party, everyone all prepared to leave as Twilight carried a tired Spike on her back. He didn’t drink there but he sure indulged in a lot of sweets at the party as much as Pinkie Pie leaving him with an enlarged gut from his little buffet from earlier.

As Rarity and Kion return to their suite so they can pack up and join their friends on the train ride home, Rarity prepared to write another letter to the princess on what she had just learned.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I wanted to tell you about the important lesson I learned during my visit.”

She began as she wrote while Kion watches her write.

“Now that I would like to hear.” The princess herself voiced as she suddenly appeared right behind them.

“I learned that no matter where you go in life, you should never forget that you are the product of your home and your friends. And that is something always to be proud of, no matter what.” Rarity continued as she walked up to the nearby window.

“Along with not forgetting with who your true friends are. Otherwise you’ll forget to stay true to who you are.” Kion added with a knowing look as if he is saying “Come on, Rarity.” inside his head.

“Right, right.” Rarity returned with a sheepish grin knowing that the prince is right.

“Hm, a very valuable lesson to have learned.” The princess commended.

“It certainly is!” The luggage carrier agreed. “But... might I ask that we hurry things up a bit?! Oh no!” He pleaded as he ended up dropping the luggage again as well as dropping onto his knees to which all three faced each other with amused smiles as they approach to help him out.

“Here, let us help you out.” Kion stepped forward first as he picked up some of Rarity’s belongings.

“Let’s.” The princess agreed as she worked her magic in lifting most of the luggage than the other’s couldn’t carry as they all make their way to the train station where the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard are all waiting for them as Kion hands Twilight his gift to her to which she greatly hugged up as she really liked the thought he put into it.

Author's Note:

For this episode, I decided to have Rarity and Kion go to Canterlot together because Kion being Twilight's best friend of the bunch really wanted to do something special for her considering of how much they have helped each other out from day one.

In addition along with Fancy Pants, Kion also represents being an important figure due to his status as prince of the Pride Lands under King Simba but it is self-absorbed or snobbish in contrast to the ponies who look down on everyone for being as rich as them. Both are still as nice as both Simba and Celestia since they treat everyone around them fairly.

Furthermore, Kion is the one to stand up to Rarity as well as try to talk some sense into her to when a snobby couple's putdown left her sinking her mind into the choices she made throughout the episode and in the end she comes through and stays true to herself.

Next up is another birthday episode revolving with Spike taking centerstage in this next and upcoming episode.

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