• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 12: The Mysterious Mare Do Well

Episode 12:

The Mysterious Mare Do Well

At the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse, Scootaloo has gathered a group of ponies together for a meeting with a group of ponies as they all sported gear. Very special gear as they all have with two common idols they look up to. Rainbow Dash and Fuli. The Lion and Pony Guard’s fastest members.

Ponies of all ages wearing t-shirts, hats, and wigs tuned to Rainbow’s mane colors and Fuli’s fur color with rainbow colored and gold and brown balloons and posters all hung up around the clubhouse inside as their fan club president, Scootaloo wearing a rainbow mane wig, begins their meeting as she bangs on her stand with a gavel.

“Attention, everypony! Attention! The official Rainbow Dash and Fuli Fan Club will come to order.” She began. “Let's get right down to our first order of business. I motion that Rainbow Dash be declared the most awesome pony in Ponyville and Fuli is the most awesome cheetah in the Pride Lands.”

“I second the motion…” Snails agreed with a raised hoof. “…and might I add that if you looked up the word 'awesome' in the dictionary, there would be a picture of Rainbow Dash and Fuli together.”

Everyone all cheered at the idea as Snips voiced disagreements.

“I object!” He stated with a raised hoof to which everyone gasped upon hearing. “I think the word 'awesome' is played out! Rainbow Dash and Fuli deserve better! I motion that we declare them the most stupendous pony and cheetah!”

“'Stupendous'?” Scootaloo returned rather perplexed. “Is that the best you've got? I motion that we declare them... wonderiffic!”





The two exchanged complimenting adjectives as they hear two familiar voices from outside.

“What about super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing?”

“And the fastest of the fastest?”

Everyone inside all exchanged voices of agreement upon hearing that.

“All in favor of declaring Rainbow Dash and Fuli the most 'super-ultra-extra-uh-whatever you said' pony and cheetah and fastest of the fastest in all of Ponyville and the Pride Lands, say 'aye'!”

“Aye!” They all cheered as Rainbow and Fuli both watch from outside both giggle as they find this rather endearing and entertaining seeing the ponies inside all looking up to them.

The next day Rainbow Dash would retreat to the clouds where she would kick back and relax after another successful patrol. Considering what happened at Ghastly Gorge had her new pet tortoise Tank coming to save her she really deserved a day off.

“What a beautiful day.” Rainbow happily sighed. “There's nothing like a dip in the clouds to make a Pegasus feel super relaxed.”

At least until she heard someone call out…

“Help! Help! Help! Help!”

It was coming from a nearby well. Apparently someone fell into it by accident.

“Looks like my sky swim will have to wait!” Rainbow declared as she flew down inside the well. “I'm Rainbow Dash, and I'm here to rescue you!” She said to the distressed pony just as the other ponies along with the rest of the Guard arriving on the scene.

Rainbow emerges with the rescued filly in tow and when she lands she is showered with cheers and praise near and far for her accomplishment.

“Wow. What's with this crowd?” Rainbow commented as she saw the many ponies gathered around her to congratulate her for her heroism. “Uh, thanks, everypony. It was really no big deal.” She then humbly responded.

“To me it was! You're my hero, Rainbow Dash!” The filly thanked her as the many ponies all cheered for her once again to which she slightly blushed upon with a grin in response before flying away with her heroic job done.

“That Rainbow Dash sure is something.” Scootaloo awed as she flew away to Snips and Snails.

“Something special.” They agreed and couldn’t have said it better themselves as the Guard focuses on making sure no one falls down the well ever again.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea!” Bunga proposed as he presented a sign white sign with red paint that says “Caution Well.”. “We could just post this sign and call it a day.”

“No we need to do more than that.” Kion shook his head along with the others. “We need to fence the area.”

“Are you sure?” Bunga pressed insisting this sign is all they need.

“Yes were sure.” Fuli asserted rather annoyed. “Geez, where have you been? Working with the nuclear' power plant's safety inspector?”

“No.” He honestly replied rather sheepishly. “Just working here in the Pride Lands and all of Equestria.”

‘Okay Rainbow Dash…” Kion then began only to see she is not around. “Where did she go?”

“Back to resting her wings.” Ono pointed out after looking up into the skies with his keen sight.

“It’ll be fine.” Twilight didn’t worry too much about it. “She deserves to rest after what happened the other day.

“True.” Ono noted with a nod. “I just hope this whole hero business doesn’t go to her head.”

“I’m sure she won’t.” Beshte replied. “She just loves to celebrate whenever she achieves something special.”

“True, but I’m not quite sure about that.” Applejack interjected. “She does have quite an ego the size of a whale.”

“I guess we’ll just have to see how this plays out.” Kyoga could only say figuring it’s best to let time tell if it will.

As everyone got to work in properly securing the well elsewhere they were cries from an infant coming nearby as the baby’s mother lost control of her stroller to which got everyone else’s along with a relaxing Rainbow Dash’s attention as it made its way downhill across town and towards a cliff straight ahead.

Once again wasting no time, Rainbow Dash swoops in the catches the stroller in the nick of time just before it could go flying off of the cliff and potentially delivering a fatal drop to the infant.

Once again, everyone down below from the edge of the cliff all cheered for Rainbow Dash coming to the rescue once again to which Rainbow humbly blushed and grin once again.

“Oh no! There's something wrong with the baby!” Rainbow gasped to which spark a crowd-wide gasp thinking something is wrong until she then said… “She's not cheering for everypony's favorite hero, Rainbow Dash!”

“Thank you.” The mother gratefully expressed as she shook Rainbow’s hoof while hugging her child.

Everyone resumed cheered as Rainbow handed the mother her baby back. Once that deed was done nearby photographers took pictures of her so she can featured in the town’s newspapers.

At that moment the rest of the Guard arrived on the scene to witness the praise she was getting.

“There just aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe Rainbow Dash's awesomeness.” Scootaloo voiced of how she never ceases to amaze her.

“I can think of a few new words.” Twilight whispered to Applejack.

“And I bet 'modest' is not one of them.” Applejack whispered back.

“Okay, maybe she likes to show off a little.” Kion relented while feeling that the cow girl is laying it a little too thick there. “But she means well.”

“Yeah.” Bunga agreed. “There’s nothing wrong with well-earned fame.”

“Just as long as she doesn’t allow it to go to her head, I’m fine with it.” Fuli said as the proud peagsus flies through the skies and creates a cloud with her signature lightning bolt in the cloud’s shape.

“Hopefully.” Ono replied as his previous thoughts are growing more true by the minute as the next day she comes to a group of elderly ponies rescue when the balcony they were all standing on crumbled and gave way due to the weaken wood.

“Never fear, your friendly neighborhood Rainbow Dash is here!” Rainbow proudly declared before flying to the rescue before basking in the glory of all of the cheers from the adoring crowd of ponies.

“We'd be lost without you!” One pony cheered.

“You're our hero, Rainbow Dash!” Another pony added as they all chanted as the blue peagsus flew up into the air.

“Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!”

“I can't hear you!” Rainbow said up to them to prompt them to cheer louder as she busts some show-boating moves for the crowd.

“Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!”

“Okay.” Fuli just said now feeling annoyed as everyone else. “Now I’m not fine with it.”

“Me neither.” Ono agreed as they spot Bunga cheering for her.

“Woohoo! Go, Rainbow Dash!”

“Are you seriously encouraging her?” Kyoga asked her with a raised eyebrow.

“Why not?”

“Because that’s not what a true hero should be acting like.”

“Call me silly, but I think this whole hero thing might be going to Rainbow Dash's head.” Twilight said seeing this is starting to be too much to put up with.

“You may be right...silly.” Pinkie replied as Twilight glances at her with a “Seriously?” glance.

And it doesn’t stop there as it continues as ponies hold a party at Sugarcube Corner by her loving fan club along with photographers constantly taking pictures of her while the rest of the Guard watches while trying not to be annoyed by it but it was really hard especially when she is now constantly rubbing it in everyone else’s faces.

“And then I zoomed into the well. I knew it would be dark and dangerous, but I didn't let that stop me. Danger's my middle name. Rainbow 'Danger' Dash. Thinking back on it, I acted pretty awesomely heroic that day.” Rainbow proudly recalled her rescue of the filly two days ago while wearing her signature pair of sunglasses while Bunga takes notes.

“That day.” Bunga repeated as he wrote it down.

“Awesomely heroic that day and awesomely arrogant ever since.” Applejack whispered to Twilight, Pinkie, Ono, and Kion who all nod in agreement as Rainbow pulls the farm pony in close to her.

“Hey, Applejack. How'd you like to be immortalized as my friend?” She asked her.

“Immorta-what?” She asked as she suddenly finds herself forced into photo shoots with her as the photographers snap a bunch of pictures of them together while Bunga writes it down on his notepad.

“Are you taking notes?” Twilight asked.

“Yup!” He answered. “I've been hoof-picked by Rainbow Dash herself, to write her autobiography!”

“Umm, autobiographies are supposed to be written by the pony they are about.” The lavender mare pointed out as Applejack walked off in disgust complete with sticking her tongue out for emphasis.

“Maybe for your normal, run-of-the-mill ponies. But I'm far too busy saving lives to stop and write.” Rainbow replied as Twilight and Applejack just glance at each other while Kion and Ono just shake their heads in disapproval. “That's why I hired Bunga as my ghost writer.”

“Bunga's a ghost!” Pinkie yelped in fright.

“Run for it!” Bunga shouted as he ran out of the bakery along with Pinkie Pie.

“Seriously?” Fuli asked as if the two are that dumb enough to fall for that. “So much for the Lion Guard’s Bravest to help us out there.” She sarcastically muttered under her breath to Kyoga.

“At least he’s not some obnoxious pup foolishly trying to pick a fight he can’t win.” She remarked.

“True.” Fuli acknowledged.” Although I won’t quite say he’s annoying to the point of deserving never being allowed to be a hero again.”

“Right, but he’s up there.” Kyoga replied back as Rainbow continued upping her arrogant attitude as she continues boasting.

“...Anyway. Bunga here writes down everything I say. Don't you, Bunga?”

“Don't... you... Bunga. Got it!” Spike literal-mindedly repeated as he wrote it down.

“This way, I can stay focused on performing those acts of bravery that nopony else has the guts to perform.” She continued explaining as her fans from her fan club get in for pictures of their fast idol. “Yep, it takes guts. But it also takes brains. And sometimes a big lunch and a nap. Being a hero is surely not for everypony, but I'm up to the challenge.”

"And that's great, Rainbow Dash..." Beshte began before getting what he and the others want to say to her. "...but think maybe you could tone it down a little?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tone down bragging of how awesome you are." Twilight answered.

"Aren't I awesome or what?" Rainbow brushed it off as Fuli got face to face with her.

"Yes, and we all know it but you're letting this fame and glory go to your head." She told her while looking straight at her in the eye to get her to look and listen to her.

"What are you saying it's wrong to accept it?" She returned still confused by that statement as she backed away from the cheetah as Kion steps forward.

"What she means to say is, No, but there is a fine line between helping ponies and animals and bragging about it all the time." Kion explained. "And your kinda leaning more on rubbing it everyone's faces."

"Aw come on." Rainbow again shrugged it off complete with a gesturing hoof. "Don't tell me you all are jealous of me?"

"No!" Applejack firmly responded while keeping her temper in check. "We just feel that you shouldn't be constantly gloating about your victories all the time."

"I am not!" She insisted. "I'm the pony everyone looks up too and if they want me to step up as the town hero then so be!" She declared.

"But..." Kyoga tried to speak as Rainbow quickly went ahead to continue tending to the press. "Grr..." She growled as she backed off before doing or saying something she'll regret.

As she further continues her gloating everyone on the Guard silently voice in their minds that they have now had enough with her constant showboating and decided they need to act upon it to teach her a lesson.

The next day, Rainbow Dash was signing autographs for her eager fans when she heard more cries of help. This time coming from a mare descending downwards at a accelerating fast speed from her popped air balloon ride.

“Help! Help!” She screamed as she descended fast towards the ground at an alarming rate.

“Uh, don't you think you should go and help?” Snips rightfully urged her to take action now.

“Yeah, yeah. I've got a good ten seconds to spare. Just a couple more.” Rainbow dismissed it as she quickly signed the filly’s autograph before flying on up there as she coolly flies her way up towards the balloon with no worries on her mind.

“The tension is unbearable.”

“Will Rainbow Dash make it on time?“

Bunga narrated as the two both come closer and closer towards each other in opposite directions towards each other.

But just before Rainbow could rescue her, a masked individual wearing a dark purple suit and hat with a dark blue mask with a matching eye color and cape on the costume, along with the letter M on the badge holding the cape together, showed up out of nowhere as the figure leaped from building to building before leaping over and pulling the mare out of the descending balloon before it crashed leaving Rainbow to fly face first into the popped balloon as it crashed into the ground.

Everyone cheered for the masked figure as Rainbow is left surprised that someone else beat her to the punch.

“Holy turnips, that pony came outta nowhere!” One pony stated.

“I've never seen such bravery in all my life!” Another pony next to her complimented.

“That's right! Ponyville has a new hero.” The mayor stated as the masked mare runs off the nearby mountain top on the horizon and leaves the scene without a word. “A mysterious mare that has done well by our fair city today. I dub this new masked hero 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well'!”

As everyone cheers for the mysterious hero’s accomplishment, Rainbow is left stewing with competitive blood and determination to one up this new hero back for literally stealing her thunder.

“Mare Do Well, huh? Well that mare would do well to stay outta my way! Ponyville's only got room for one hero, and that hero is me!” Rainbow vowed as she moved to leave the scene so she can be ready to come to someone’s rescue when the next opportunity arises.

The next day, said opportunity came when a speeding tourist cart ended up breaking apart from its ride and winds up going downhill towards the same cliff the baby’s stroller went down the other day. Rainbow was quick to come to the rescue as she flew over to the front and used all of her strength in trying to slow it down but it wasn’t enough to stop it.

Luckily for everyone Mare-Do-Well arrived on the scene as she jumped in front of the carriage and placed with her back legs. The mare’s hooves had to dig into the ground but she was able to stop it just before the carriage went over the edge.

The passengers all cheered for her as one of them kissed the nearby grass in relief after getting out of the carriage but before any one of them can congratulate her she quickly left the scene retreating towards the nearby mountains

“I can't believe it. Mare Do Well is stronger than me?” Rainbow expressed rather stunned this happened again. “Well, a hero is more than just muscle, and she's gonna learn that the hard way.” She then vowed to try harder next time.

But she ended up always beaten to the punch throughout the following days. The following day a crane at a construction site which was holding a large steel bar which suddenly malfunctioned with the rope supporting it breaking off and winded up crashing into the work in progress infrastructure. Mare-Do Well was quick to save everypony having faster reflexes than Rainbow Dash.

Even though Rainbow was able to at least save one construction worker and got some thanks for his previous efforts fair and well, all eyes were more on the masked hero due to her more humble nature to which the ponies that all previously cheered for her were starting to get a little tired off. Now that’s not to say they didn’t think any less of her nor a hero gone bad, they just find Mare-Do-Well the better hero as she just comes in and out without a word never expecting praise and attention near and far for her heroics even when getting great press. Rainbow was really enjoying the previous attention to the point she was starting to get further incensed with being one-upped by her as no matter what she was always there to save the day in an instant.

Sometime afterwards following the dam incident to which Mare-Do-Well was able to quickly fly over with her wings so she can use her magic to fix the leak while saving Rainbow Dash, the Guard all got together at Sugarcube Corner where Rainbow’s friends all were talking about her.

“Gotta hand it to the girl, that Mare Do Well sure can pull off some pretty heroic feats.” Applejack said as she placed a plate of cupcakes onto her back.

“I must say, I was impressed by that spell she used to fix the dam. “ Twilight added.

“Seems like something like that would take quite a bit of study.” Ono added voiced with how impressed he is by her. “Sure is quite up there with you in terms of magic skills.”

Rainbow wasn’t pleased hearing that the newfound praise is extending to her friends as well.

“She really cares about everypony's safety.” Fluttershy said.

“She sure does.” Beshte agreed.

“Have you seen her costume? It is to die for!” Rarity added as she levitated her tea cup. “If you ask me she's a hero of fashion.”

“And she's modest and humble.” Applejack added. “She lets her actions speak for themselves. Gotta admire that.”

Rainbow growled in response growing increasingly agitated by her friend’s showering compliments.

“I don't have to admire that! I don't think she's all that great!” Rainbow irritably voiced her thoughts about her.

“She's... great.” Bunga jotted in down to which Rainbow quickly corrected him.

“I didn't say that.”

“Are you okay, Rainbow?” Kion asked.

“Cause you don’t look very happy?” Beshte added.

“Oh, me. I’m fine! Really!” Rainbow returned on the contrary. “Mare-Do-Well is the talk of the town and is always there when somepony is in need of help just before I could even step up to help myself!”

“Rainbow, you’re not jealous of her are you?” Fuli asked.

“Are you kidding?!” Rainbow asked back rather offended. “Why would I be?”

“Because this masked pony is garnering a lot more attention that you.” She pointed out. “Even when she is nothing but humble about it.”

“My problem is that she is always there to one-up me every time I face a situation I could handle on my own. I find it rather unnecessary that she feels the need to step in like that!” She fired back.

“Okay, so maybe she has been on top of things for a while.” Kion agreed with what she is saying. “But what matters is the job is done and the ponies there are saved. Shouldn’t that what’s all that matters?”

“Yes, but I’ve been the town’s hero always there for everyone when needed before she showed up.” Rainbow responded still feeling humiliated by this masked hero. “She keeps outshining me even when she expects nothing in return. But that’s about to change because from this moment on I won’t stop until I bring that mare down.” She vowed as she pounded her hooves together as she flew out of the bakery…

…But came back quickly to retrieve a pair of Rainbow Dash pants a fan made for her before storming out for good this time as the other’s express concerned looks of how this will end up for her with this new pursuit with envy and jealousy really starting to consume her at this point.

Throughout the following days, Rainbow has been flying all around Ponyville desperately looking for opportunities to pounce on getting to play the hero once more but alas nobody and nopony was in need of dire help.

“Buses and baby carriages are always careening down this hill. Where is an out-of-control vehicle when you need one?!” Rainbow said to herself rather annoyed that the time she wanted a peaceful day is now of all days.

Granny Smith didn’t need help walking across the street, a couple of ponies only had trouble opening a pickle jar, and sure the nearby lawn needing a mowing but they weren’t anything worth demanding praise over it.

“Aw, who am I kidding?” Rainbow lamented in defeat. “Mare-Do-Well is the one pony everyone can count on since she is always there so why bother?”

She then flew over to her cloud home where it would turn gray to match her mood as she sulks sadly feeling and getting the message her assistance is needed anymore to which the Guard all notices from above as they all walk off ahead while sharing a group whisper together to resolve this.

Sometime later, Scootaloo comes by to pay her a visit.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo called out to her.

“Yes.” Rainbow replied still feeling too blue to float down and face her.

“You okay?” She asked. “Because you’re sure not feeling and looking like it.”

“It’s because I’m not.” She replied still downcast with her back turned. “But it’s okay, it’s been made perfectly clear that Mare-Do-Well is the pony everyone looks up to now.”

“Aw come on, Rainbow Dash.” She tried to encourage her otherwise. “Everyone still looks up to you, even me.” She added. “Sure you got quite an ego, but your heart is always in the right place.

“Really?” Rainbow felt touched hearing that.

“Of course! And maybe Mare-Do-Well is just setting an example of what a true hero like you can be capable of.”

“Aw, thanks!” Rainbow gushed before then saying. “Wait a minute?” She asked with a chuckle making sure she interpreted that right. “Hang on was that a challenge?”

“No. But I’m sure the Rainbow Dash I look up to is somepony who cares of what’s really important and doesn’t let one pony stop her from being there for everyone when it really counts.” She replied with a wink. “Plus Mare-Do-Well is having a thank you parade held in her honor.”

“Really?” She expressed intrigue hearing that.

“Yep, so if you want to drop by and have a word with her your more than welcome too.” She responded as she walked over to the middle of park where the ceremony is being held.

“Why thank you, squirt.” She returned with a sly smile seeing this is her opportunity to unmask the mysterious hero as she flies over to the large gathering of ponies as Mayor Mare takes the podium to deliver the opening speech on a stage with Mare Do Well images, posters, and banners hung around the area.

“Welcome to Ponyville's first, but surely not last, thank you parade, in honor of our city's greatest hero, the mysterious Mare Do Well!” The mayor introduced everyone as the masked individual appeared by tearing through the banner to which everyone all cheers for the silent hero onstage as Rainbow uses this to her advantage as she sneaks up on her much like Kion and Fuli when out hunting preparing to pounce on her prey until a whistle is blown from the distance to which the masked mare quickly attended towards that direction to which Rainbow had to give her chase when her initial ambush attempt was thwarted.

She pursued her into the empty town streets where the masked mare is always able to evade her no matter where she turns to try to intercept her. Even for a mare capable of great strength and magic she is still as agile and fast on her hooves to give Rainbow Dash a run for her bits as she was able to evade the super-fast peagsus at every turn from outrunning her at every nearby sharp corner and quickly teleporting away from the area before Rainbow could catch her.

It wasn’t until Rainbow managed a sneak attack on her from one of the rooftops was she finally able to tackle her to the ground.

“I got you now!” She declared. “Mystery solved!” She stated as she removed her mask but then gasped upon seeing a familiar face in front of her that was behind the mask the whole time. “Pinkie?” She said in surprise.

“Yup.” She replied with a giggle as the rest of the Guard appears from the nearby corners and alleys. “It was me. Along with all of us.”

"There were four of you?" Rainbow asked while still blown out of her mind by the revelation. “But how?”

“We all played Mare-Do Well at different points." Twilight answered. "Along with some help courtesy of Kyoga’s magic to give us a boost in to being to perform those abilities.” She answered as the lioness then explained it to her.

“I stopped the carriage bus with these babies, Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee.” Applejack pointed to her back hoofs.

“With Kyoga's magic giving her my Twende Kiboko to help her!” Beshte added.

“I saved the construction workers with my Pinkie Sense.” Pinkie demonstrated by twitching her tail.

“With Kyoga's magic giving her The Huwezi like speed.” Fuli added for emphasis as she quickly ran a loop around the alley and just nearly got hit by a flower pot in the process. "Whoa!"

“Sorry!” The pony living in the home where the pot fell apologized.

“It's alright.” Fuli returned accepting it was an accident. “As long as no one got hurt I’m okay with it.”

“I did the flyby...” Fluttershy added as she recalled.

“...And I made the costumes. Fabulous if I do say so myself!” Rarity added taking pleasure in her work.

“But how were you able to stay one step ahead of me at every turn?” Rainbow asked. “There was no way one pony could be there in a flash in an instant.”

“Ono’s Keen Sight of course.” Twilight answered gesturing to the egret. “Along with a quick teleportation with my own magic which I used to fix the dam.” She demonstrated as the violet-red aura on her horn glowed.

“So by looking into Ponyville from afar…” Ono began as he looked up in the sky. “… I was able to tell the rest of the Guard of where danger was lurking so she can teleport herself or one of these four on over there.”

“But I don't understand. Why?” Rainbow asked still wondering why they would go through with all of this. “Don't you want me to be a hero?”

“Of course we want you to be a hero.” Twilight replied.

“But a real hero doesn't brag.” Applejack added.

“Uh, I guess I did start to brag a little.” Rainbow admitted rather embarrassed as she rubbed a hoof on the back of her head.

“A little?!” Fuli questioned with a serious quirked brow. “Do you not remember all of the showboating you were doing just days ago?”

“Okay, a lot.” She admitted as Kion approached her.

“Celebrating your accomplishments is natural. But when it comes to rubbin’ them in everyone's faces it’s an entirely different story.” Kion explained.

“Especially when it starts to really get on other ponies nerves.” Kyoga added.

“Yeah, the only thing that should be rubbed in anypony's face is chocolate cake.“ Pinkie added as she slurped her tongue and licked her lips at the thought.

“Oh yeah! I’m going to go get some!” Bunga added as he ran off back to Sugarcube Corner to do so while the others shake their heads at their antics.

“Anyways…” Twilight then got the conversation back on track here. “…What we're trying to say is, it's great to be really good at something, but it's important to act with grace and humility.”

“Something that a true hero needs to learn to take in.” Kyoga added as Rainbow began to understand why they did it.

“Yeah, that makes does make sense when you put it that way.” She admitted as she realized she hadn’t been acting as such lately. “Yeah. You're right. I should've also acted with grace and humility when others outshine me. Like Mare Do Well.”

“So you’re okay with all of this?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course.” She replied she has no problem with it now. “You went through all of that trouble to help me curb my overly-inflated ego before I could turn into somebody I wasn’t. I mean for all we know I couldn’t turned out worse than Trixie if I didn’t have awesomely great friends like you.”

“Well isn’t that touching.” Kyoga replied finding the friendly affection rather endearing more the amused side of the fence while playfully nudging her on the shoulder with her elbow.

“Sounds like you've got a letter to write to Princess Celestia.” Twilight then said as Bunga returned with cake and a written up letter.

“Already got it covered. As your ghost writer, I've already penned a letter to the Princess.” Bunga said as he presented what he already written up.

“That's nice of you, Spike, but I really wanna write this letter myself.” Rainbow appreciated but politely insisted.

“Aww, come on, I wrote the whole thing already!” He eagerly pleaded.

“Okay, let's hear it.” She relented.

“Dear Princess Cel-“ The honey badger began as she suddenly interrupted him.

“Look out! It's a real ghost!” She called out pointing to the opposite direction.

“Huh?” Bunga and Pinkie questioned in unison before screaming at the sight of an actual white ghost with black eyes glooming over the group.

“Run for it!” Bunga exclaimed as he and Pinkie all ran for the hills with the former dropping the chocolate cake by flinging it upwards to which Beshte quickly caught with his back as Kyoga made her magic that made the ghost appear disappear.

While he and everyone else all laughed together finding it very funny as Twilight levitates a paper and quill pen for her so she can write the letter herself to which she accepts while winking towards the audience that she is now a changed mare for the better.

Author's Note:

For this episode as we tackle one of the many episodes that really could use a fix.

First minor thing was I've decided aside from the Fastest members of the Guard getting their personal little fan club.

Second and most importantly was rewriting the episode to correct the glaring problems that many viewers had with that episode to the point both sides have no ill feelings towards each other to the best of my ability with extra effort on the Mane 5 and the Lion Guard trying to talk sense into her before enacting their masked hero plan along with trying to make her feel better when it lead to her feeling hurt and embittered.

Third, was Scootaloo actually encouraging Rainbow Dash not to give up and everyone looks up to her even if she does act brash and arrogant at times which gives her the motivation to uncover Mare-Do-Well's identity in contrast to how the canon version approached it.

Personally, it was one of the episodes where it wasn't that bad but really could have been written out a little better if the main cast handled it a bit better than they did in cannon.

Next up is "Janja's New Crew." where Janja hires smarter brains for their latest attempt of getting the successful hunt they want albeit maybe to too smart for Janja considering what happens in this upcoming episode.

Anyways, until then, stay tuned...

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