• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 23: The Super Speedy Squeezy Cider 6000

Episode 23:

The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

It’s almost early in the morning here in Ponyville but the sun has yet to rise as Fluttershy is currently sleeping soundly in her bed at her cottage when she heard someone knocking on her front door.

“Who could that be?” Fluttershy yawned as she woke up upon hearing it. “It's still dark!”

Said figure was Rainbow Dash as she burst inside through her bedroom window as she immediately wasted no time and trying to get Fluttershy out of bed.

“C'mon, Fluttershy!” She urged her to get a move on. “Cider season's about to start!”

Rainbow quickly removed the bed covers from her bed to reveal Fluttershy was currently wearing a clear see through robe to which she blushed in embarrassment of being seen ‘naked” as Rainbow whisked her out of the house not caring or bothering to comment on her sleep wear as it was now the crack of dawn.

“Oh, where are we? What's the rush?” Fluttershy asked.

“The rush?” Rainbow brought up. “Don't you remember what happened last year? Or the year before that? Or pretty much any cider season ever?”

“Um, well, uh–“

“Pinkie Pie. She always ends up ahead of us in line, and then they always run out of cider!” Rainbow further explained as she is hardly letting Fluttershy get a word of her response in.

“I guess I–“

“Well, not this year!” Rainbow voiced with determination to change that. “This year I'm gonna get there before sunrise, so I can drink all the cider I want and laugh when she doesn't get any! It's the perfect plan. Y'know, I might even buy some cider and hold onto it for a while, drinking it drop by drop in front of her–

She then gasped as she saw a huge line of tents in front of them already there wanting want she wanted.

“Gee, Rainbow Dash. It looks like a few other ponies had the same idea.” Fluttershy voiced as she approaches the first pony and tent in line, Pinkie Pie as she had party balloons emerge from her tent with her mane looking a little messy upon waking up. “Oh, gosh, Pinkie. I love your new style.”

“Who are all these ponies?!” Rainbow asked.

“Isn't this great?” She excitedly asked as she shook her mane back into it’s kempt state. “I couldn't sleep last night 'cause I was so excited about cider season, and I had this brilliant idea to come down here and camp out, so I told a few others about it, and they all thought it was a great idea too, and now it's just a big old cider party!” She rapidly explained as she tightly hugged both peagsus ponies. “Woo-hoo!” She then saw the long line of tents on the horizon. “Oh, gosh, that's a lot of ponies. Hope they don't run out before you get any.” She then casually made her way back to her waiting spot. “Hey, Bunga, rise and shine! It’s almost opening time!”

“Really?! Oh, ho, yeah, cider time!” Bunga exclaimed just as excited as Rainbow Dash is left fuming in fury at the mare’s insensitivity for always (well unintentionally) managing to find some way to ensure that she doesn’t get any cider again.

Nevertheless, the two got in line as they await the many ponies in front of them to get their apple cider in front of the many ponies and Pride Landers gathered together to get a gander at the Apple Family’s famous and seasonal beverage where Mr. and Mrs. Cake are set near the front of the line with Twilight, Spike, Kion, and Rarity up near the front as well.

“Isn't this exciting, Spike?” Twilight eagerly expressed. “Opening day of cider season!”

“Yeah! That means it's only thirty more days 'til sapphire season!” Spike returned as he licked his lips together while the others roll their eyes together expect for Kion who looks on confused.

“Should I even...” Kion began towards both unicorns who both shake their heads to tell him not to bother asking while slightly rubbing his eyes that have yet to completely awake. “…Right. Anyways, I hope this apple cider is all worth camping overnight here just as Pinkie described it.”

“Oh, it’ll be definitely worth it.” Twilight assured their friend. “If it weren’t Pinkie talking non-stop about I wouldn’t have even considered all of this.”

As soon as Twilight finished speaking, Applejack then made the announcement everyone has been waiting for through her megaphone.

“Attention, everypony! Cider season is now officially open!” She declared as everyone gets all ready for the line to start moving with the first pony and honey badger in line as the former presents a huge number of bits for the first dozen mugs.

With a nod from the head of the matriarch of the Apple Family, Apple Bloom pushed down on a nearby lever which poured freshly made apple cider in a dozen mugs for them. To which they wasted no time in downing their first mug before they walk off together so they can share some of the mugs with the rest of the Guard who couldn’t make it to Sweet Apple Acres before the crowds starting gathering. All while Rainbow starts to grow more anxious and desperate to be able to at least get one mug of the good stuff before they run out.

One by one, ponies and Pride Landers such as Ma Tembo, Lani, Rafiki, Twiga, all await as they all get their mugs one by one. Whenever the tap runs out of cider, Big Macintosh brings forward another barrel to fill it up with. With many in line and many barrels biting the dust, Rainbow’s worries grow bigger and bigger with every passing minute to the point when she and Fluttershy finally get to the front of the line, they were all down to their last barrel.

But by the time Fluttershy had managed to get her pint of cider as Rainbow was kind enough to let her go first and when she deposited her bits for her mug they had already run out of cider for the today to which she nearly teared up at missing another chance to get some…again.

“Heh. Sorry, everypony! That's it for today!” Applejack apologized on behalf of the Apple Family who all awed in disappointment especially Rainbow Dash.

“Surprise, surprise. You ran out again!” Rainbow complained.

“Yeah, you always run out!” Another pony added.

“I thought you all said you’ve have plenty for everyone.” Thurston complained.

“Now hold on, everypony. We've done our best to improve supply this year-“ Applejack attempted to explain in the family’s defense.

“You always say that!” The pony that agreed with Rainbow interrupted.

“And it's always true.” Applejack added as she continued. “But Apple family cider is made with love and integrity, and only the highest quality apples in Equestria. Sorry, but that recipe takes time and if y'all just be patient, we'll have plenty more tomorrow. Just let us take note of those who didn’t get a cup today so we can assure y’all get a cup tomorrow.”

As everyone returned disgruntled exchanges expect for the Apple Family friends who feel they are all being too hard on them but before any of the gathered ponies could leave they are all drawn to their attention to a mysterious machine approaching Sweet Apple Acres.

“What in Equestria is that?” Applejack asked as everyone all gathers around as the machine pulled up to the fence while damaging it to which Granny Smith did not appreciate as the vehicle’s rider’s emerged onto the ground.

The riders are two unicorns with light yellow coats of fur, green eyes, with red and white stripped manes and tails, wearing yellow carnival hats with a singular blue strip on each of then, and blue and white striped carnival tuxedos with black bow-ties. The only difference is that one of them has a mustache.

“Well, lookie what we got here, brother of mine, it's the same in every town.

Ponies and others with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a drop of cider to be found

Maybe they're not aware that there's really no need for this teary despair.”

The pony without the mustache sang as he addressed a purplish-pink coated mare.

“That the key that they need to solve this sad cider shortage you and I will share.”

The other brother sang before singing together for the excited crowd before introducing themselves.

“Well you've got opportunity

In this very community.”

“He's Flim.”

“He's Flam.”

“We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers

Traveling salesponies nonpareil.”


“Yeah what she said?”

Pinkie and Bunga questioned as Flim explained it to them while kissing Apple Bloom on the forehead before leaping back up to the stage.

“Nonpareil, and that's exactly the reason why, you see

No pony else in this whole place will give you such a chance to be where you need to be

And that's a new world, with tons of cider

Fresh squeezed and ready for drinking.”

“More cider than you could drink in all your days of thinking.”

Flam added as he slide down from the tube connected to the machine.

“I doubt that.” Rainbow expressed finding it hard to believe with crossed arms.

“Me too.” Fuli whispered to the others as the brothers continued singing while getting the rest of the town in on the tune too.

“So take this opportunity

In this very community

He's Flim

He's Flam

We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers

Traveling salesponies


“I suppose by now you're wondering 'bout our peculiar mode of transport

“I say, our mode of locomotion.”

“And I suppose by now you're wondering, where is this promised cider?

“Any horse can make a claim and any pony can do the same.”

“But my brother and I have something most unique and superb

“Unseen at any time in this big new world.”

The two traded as they address a few of the ponies and Pride Landers in the crowd.

“And that's opportunity.”

“Folks, it's the one and only, the biggest and the best”

“The unbelievable”




“Flim Flam Brothers' Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.”

The two introduced their machine to everyone.

“What d'you say, sister?” Flam asked Rarity who sighed and fainted as Kion caught her before she could hit her head as he and Twilight look on the singing crowd really into to what these ponies have to offer while the rest of the Guard isn’t very sure whether these ponies are good news or not as Kyoga has a look that expresses she doesn’t even trust them.

“Oh, we got opportunity

In this very community

Please, Flim, please, Flam, help us out of this jam

With your Flim Flam Brothers' Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.”

The crowd sang as Flim turned his attention to Applejack.

“Young filly, I would be ever so honored if you might see fit to let my brother and I borrow some of your delicious, and might I add spellbindingly fragrant apples for our little demonstration here?” He asked of the cowgirl.

“Uh, sure, I guess.” She reluctantly obliged to their request.

“Opportunity, in our community.”

The crowd sang as the two brothers worked their magic on their machine.

“Ready, Flim?”

“Ready, Flam?”

“Let's bing bang zam!”

“And show these thirsty ponies a world of delectable cider!”

The two traded as they worked their machine in having a tree full of apples sucked inside.

“Cider, cider, cider, cider...”

The crowd chanted.

“Watch closely, my friends!” Flim instructed everyone.

“The fun begins!” Flam added.

“Now, here's where the magic happens. Right here in this heaving, roiling, cider-press-boiling guts of the very machine, those apples plucked fresh are right now as we speak being turned into grade-A, top-notch, five-star, blow-your-horseshoes-off, one-of-a-kind cider!” Flim explained to everyone as awes at the machine that seems promising.

“Feel free to take a sneak peek!” Flam offered as Granny Smith chimed in with a rebuttal before anyone could take a peak of the machine’s inner workings.

“Now wait, you fellers, hold it!

You went and over-sold it!

I guarantee that what you have there won't compare

For the very most important ingredient

Can't be added or done expedient

And it's quality, friends, Apple Acres' quality and care!”

She sang as she reminded everyone to which they all nodded in agreement.

“Well, Granny, I'm glad you brought that up, my dear, I say I'm glad you brought that up

You see that we are very picky when it comes to cider if you'll kindly try a cup.”

Flim counter-argued while offering her the first mug to which to their credit was decent as all of the good apples passed through their quality inspection while given the green light with the bad apples singled out with an accompanying red light.

“Yes, sir, yes, ma'am, this great machine let’s just the very best

So whaddaya say then, Apples?

Care to step into the modern world

And put the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to the test?”

Flam then sang and offered their services as the crowd minus the Guard were one hundred percent on board.

“Cider, cider, cider, cider...“

“What do you think, folks? Do you see what the Apples can't? I see it clear as day! I know she does! So does he! C'mon, Ponyville, you know what I'm talking about!” Flim asked everyone before breaking out in another verse.

“We're saying you've got


In this very community

He's Flim, he's Flam

We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers

Traveling salesponies nonpareil!


“You got a deal!” Apple Bloom responded as the crowd cheered in excitement. Although the matriarch of the Apple Family still had her disagreements on the whole proposal.

“Hold on there dearie. We need to discuss this.” Granny Smith cautioned the filly before pulling her aside along with the rest of her grandchildren for an important meeting.

During this the other members of the Guard huddled together to voice their opinions on the matter.

“Are you all thinking what I’m thinking?” Fuli began with a look of suspicion at the two hotshot sales ponies.

“Well…” Kion began. “From the looks of their machine, it sure seems like they can do a decent job and seem like promising partners for the business.”

“Sure looks like it.” Beshte agreed.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Kyoga cautioned.

“What do you mean?” Bunga asked clearly confused. “How could they not refuse a partnership with them?”

“Probably because from the looks of them and how they just swayed the crowd with a cheesy song that they like more like con ponies rather than ponies wanting to do business with them.” Ono deduced before flying over to the group huddle where the two brothers joined in on the initial family huddle. “I think I’m going to check up to see what kind of deal they are offering.”

Using his keen sight he was able to get a good hearing and watch of the brothers offering the terms of their deal.

“We'll sweeten the deal. You supply the apples...”

“...We supply the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.”

“Then we split those sweet, sweet, profits...”



They proposed as Ono shook his head with his suspicions correct before flying over to the others to tell them of this.

“Deal–“ Apple Bloom began before being cut off by Applejack to avoid cementing it.

“Hold on. Who gets the seventy five?” Applejack asked.

“Why, us, naturally.” Flim answered.

“And, we'll throw in the magic to power the machine for free.” Flam added as Applejack turned back to the family to discuss this some more.

“Cider sales keep our business afloat through the winter. We'd lose Sweet Apple Acres if we agreed to this.”

“So? What'll it be?” The two brothers asked.

“No deal.” Big Macintosh delivered the final say.

“Hmph. Very well.” Flim replied while keeping up the smile after frowning for a moment. “If you refuse our generous offer to be partners, then we'll just have to be competitors.”

“You wouldn't dare.” Applejack attempted to call their bluff.

“Oh no?” Flim returned unfazed before turning to Flam at the podium.

“Don't you worry, everypony! There'll be plenty of cider for all of you!” He announced to everyone.

“Once we drive Sweet Apple Acres out of business.” Flim quietly whispered to Applejack as she and the Apple family share a collective gasp together at this threat.

“What?” Apple Bloom exclaimed as they all have the feeling these ponies are bad news because of their drive for greed.

The next morning the second day of cider season goes underway as everyone gets in line for their next round of apple cider. Even though ponies and Pride Landers who didn’t get their mugs from yesterday were able to today, Applejack couldn’t help but still feel troubled with the Flim Flam brothers threat.

“Still worried about Flim and Flam?” Twilight asked as she, Spike, Kion, and Applejack all watch as the former three sip their apple cider.

“Granny Smith says they were just blowing hot air.” Spike pointed out.

“I'm not so sure.” Applejack voiced otherwise. “They sounded mighty serious when they threatened to run us out of business.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll have your back in case you need it.” Kion assured as they heard Apple Bloom call out to everyone in line just as the last cup of cider was poured for the day.

“That's it! Last cup!” She announced much to everyone’s disappointment. “C'mon back tomorrow, everypony!”

As the crowd complained the Flim Flam Brothers arrived with their machine driving and damaging the face again just as Granny Smith was fixing it much to her dismay.

“What seems to be the problem here?”

“Oh my, oh my, out of cider again?”

The two brothers wasted no time in asking while acting like smug smooth-talkers.

“What have we here? Who'd like a cup?” Flim offered as one of the barrels loaded from the machine with cider made from Apple Family apples while offering a mug to Rainbow Dash who seemed inclined to take it.

“Don't worry, everypony, we've got the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to make more in an instant!” Flam added as Applejack quickly snatched the barrel away with her lasso along with knocking the mug of cider back towards her to which Rainbow grunted in slight frustration.

“You can't sell that cider! That's made from Apple family apples!” Applejack firmly said to them as she firmly held onto the cider they attempted to sell to the crowd.

“Don't worry, everypony, there are plenty of apples in Equestria.” Flim assured everyone. “We'll find some others and make more cider than all of Ponyville can drink!“

The crowd gasped in excitement as Apple Bloom spoke up to them out of impulsiveness.

“We'll make more cider than you could ever imagine!” She challenged before being whisked away by her tail courtesy of her big brother back towards the rest of her family.

“Now, it ain't about the speed, young'un, it's about quality.” Her grandmother reminded her not to let her emotions control her to which the crowd shared a disappointed sigh.

“Oh, look at these poor, dissatisfied ponies.“ Flim commented

“Ponyville is Sweet Apple Cider country!” Apple Bloom argued back as her brother gently placed her back down on the ground.

“Our cider speaks for itself!” Applejack added.

“Let's put it to the test!” Flim challenged as he casually lounged on his couch.

“Anywhere, anytime!” She competitively returned as the crowd shared shocked mutters as Granny Smith quietly intervened.

“Well, that's enough now.” She gently warned her to control herself.

“With our machine, we can make enough cider in one hour to satisfy this entire town!” Flam further boasted as Apple Bloom still can’t help it.

“We'll do it in 45 minutes!” She fired back as the crowd sounded even more impressed as Granny Smith had to step in to stop her.

“Easy, Apple Bloom, easy.” She gently warned her to get her to calm down.

“What's the matter, Granny Smith? Chicken?” Flim tauntingly asked her while still laying on his couch.

“What did you call me, sonny?” Granny Smith questioned back feeling challenged herself.

“If you're so confident in your cider, then what's the problem?” Flim responded without a change in expression.

“Tomorrow mornin', right here!” Granny Smith accepted their challenge as she got right in his face to which startled him.

“But I'm afraid we haven't any...apples.” Flam brought up while spit shining one of the apples.

“You can use our south field!” Granny Smith permitted. “It'll be worth it to teach y'all a thing or two about cider making!”

“Excellent; we have a bet.” Flim felt pleased to hear it. “Whoever produces the most barrels in one hour wins the exclusive right to sell cider in Ponyville.”

Applejack sweated nervously with widen eyes seeing how huge of a gamble this as the brothers look on eagerly grinning awaiting for her acceptance while the rest of the Guard exchanges worried looks.

“And after we beat ya, I don't never want to see you bambahoozlers around here again!” Granny Smith accepted their terms with a hoof-shake on it.

“Until tomorrow.” Flam saluted along with his brother with a tip of their hats as their machine rides away in reverse while Applejack looks greatly worried of what her family is putting on the line.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed.

“That doesn’t sound good.” Fuli commented.

“Nope!” Ono flatly commented knowing they are in for it now.

“Don't worry, Applejack, I know you'll win tomorrow!” Twilight assured the worried farm pony.

“We'd better, 'cause if we don't, we're gonna lose our farm.” Applejack expressed as she walked away while the crowd disperses leaving the Guard once again to converse this.

“What do we do now?” Fuli asked.

“Should we go over and help them?” Beshte added.

“Only if they need it.” Kion replied saying this is all they can do for now as the family converses with how they plan on tackling this. “Just hope a family of four is enough to go up against a machine powered by magic all the time.”

“Doubt it.” Kyoga voiced while acknowledging Kion’s stance on the matter even though they could afford the help.

“Considering that’s a machine powered by magic while everyone has to move around all the time, you might be right.” Twilight agreed.

The next day, everyone including the whole Guard gathered together as they prepare to watch the biggest competition in Ponyville yet to decide who makes their annual cider.

Big Macintosh was pacing in place, Granny Smith was sniffing the apples, while Applejack constantly bucks a punching bag with her little sister hanging on just as Twilight approaches the farm pony to check up on them.

“Applejack? Are you sure this is such a good idea?” She asked one more time.

“Me 'n' the family are... one hundred percent confident... in our cider making capabilities.” Applejack asserted as she repeatedly bucked the bag.

“And besides, nopony calls Granny a chicken.“ Apple Bloom added as she got bucked off the bag from Applejack’s last buck to which Twilight caught her with her magic to keep her from hitting her head again.

“Attention, everypony!” Mayor Mare announced to everyone to begin the competition with Spike by her side to watch over.

“Well, good luck.” Twilight voiced her condolences although still uneasy seeing they are not backing out of this one before returning to the others.

“Thanks, Twilight. We'll need it.” Applejack returned as the Mayor continued her announcement.

“The teams have one hour to produce as much cider as they can, after which the barrels will be counted and the winner will be named the sole cider provider for all of Ponyville!” The crowd shared a collective gasp together. “Are both teams ready?” She asked as Big Mac put on his goggles, Granny Smith snorted, and Apple Bloom puffed her hair aside.



Applejack and the Flim and Flam brothers stated.

“Then let's... go!” Mayor announced as the hourglass flipped over courtesy of Spike to officially begin the competition as the Apple Family wasted no time in getting started as they all rushed to their stations.

Applejack bucks the apple trees to which Apple Bloom catches them with a bucket on her head. Once she caught all of the apples she handed it over to where Granny Smith so she can inspect and single out the bad from the good.

“Ugh, bad 'un. Good 'un! Bad 'un...” She said as she sniffs and eyes every apple closely with her glasses.

Once they passed quality control they are tossed onto a conveyor belt so they can be juiced by cider on a machine that is powered by Big Macintosh running on a treadmill before properly sealing lids on the barrels once they are filled.

“Great job, y'all! We've already filled an entire barrel!” Applejack commended everyone

“I'll bet you those guys don't even have–“ Apple Bloom started to say as she brought forward the second bucket full of apples only to stop mid-sentence when they all see their cider making machine has already produced six barrels while smugly waving to the now already stunned and on edge Apple Family as Applejack nervously gulped upon seeing how trouble they are in now. “What?!”

Apple Bloom was still stunned by this to the point she missed the apples from the trees Applejack bucked off.

“C'mon, Apple Bloom, focus!” Applejack urged her. “We gotta forget those guys if we're gonna have a chance of winnin'!”

“Sorry, sis!” She apologized as she quickly picked up the apples and sent them over to Granny Smith who already had multiple baskets lined up. “Better keep up, Granny, we're fallin' behind!”

“Egh..Good 'un...Ugh, bad 'un...” She sniffed out every apple as Big Macintosh was starting to get worn out.

“Rest when it's over, Big McIntosh! Ride! Ride!” Applejack urged to him to try to pick it more to which he does. But even then it was still starting to become too much for them to keep up with and that was enough for any of their friends to bear.

“This is just dreadful.”

“Even at top speed the Apples are only making one barrel to the twins' three!”

Rarity and Ono commented.

“At this rate they’ll be out of Sweet Apple Acres in no time at all.” Bunga added as Twilight decides to step forward to the mayor with the girls following her.

“Um, Miss Mayor! Are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I'm not sure...” The mayor responded as she turned to the two competitors to make sure it is okay with them. “Flim, Flam, would you object to honorary family members helping?”

“Are you kidding?”

“We don't care if the whole kingdom of Canterlot helps. It's a lost cause.”

The two responded thinking they already have this competition won as Kion shared a smile with Fuli and Kyoga seeing they have just blindly opened the door for them.

“Hm, I guess its okay. Applejack? What do you think?” The mayor turned to Applejack who had just tiredly bucked another apple tree.

“I think I'd love to have the rest of my family helpin' out.” Applejack expressed his gratitude of having the rest of the Guard her honorary family to help her out.

“All right!” The rest of the Guard exclaimed as Flim and Flam still thinks they can’t catch up to them now.

Immediately everyone got all lined up with serious expressions as Twilight and Kion walk in front as they prepared to give everyone their instructions.

“Okay, everypony, we're not gonna let those smooth talkers take our friend's farm.” Twilight began.

“Yeah!” Everyone else exclaimed in a cheer before returning to their serious expressions as Twilight and Kion turn to Fluttershy and Beshte.

“Fluttershy, help Applejack with the trees.”

“Beshte you do the same.”

“Got it.”

“On it.”

They replied with a nod as Twilight turns to Pinkie and Bunga.

“Pinkie Pie, Bunga, you two are on apple catching detail.” Twilight said to them.

“Yessir, ma'am, sir!” The two saluted with a smile as Kion turns to Rarity and Ono.

“Rarity, Ono, since you two both got keen and discerning eyes help Granny Smith at the quality control station.” He instructed of them.

“Of course.”


They nodded as Twilight turns to the fastest members of the Guard.

“Rainbow Dash, Fuli do you two think you can help Big Macintosh press?” She asked of them.

“Easy.” Fuli replied with a smirk in response towards a job for speed is in her favor.

“In my sleep! Rainbow returned confidently.

“Kyoga, you’re with us.” Kion said to the lioness.

“No problem.” Kyoga nodded.

“Alright, everypony…” Twilight began.

“Let's save Sweet Apple Acres!” KIon finished.

“All right!” The rest of the Guard exclaimed as they all set out to do their assigned tasks.

With Applejack and Beshte’s strength combined with Fluttershy swiftly flying back tree to tree the three were able to knock off apples quickly and cover more ground and with Pinkie and Bunga helping Apple Bloom catching the apples they were all able to do the same.

“Over there, Apple Bloom! Don't miss them!” Pinkie reported to the filly.

“Right behind you, Pinkie Pie!” Apple Bloom returned as she swiftly caught her apples.

“Coming up!” Bunga returned as he flipped over and caught a bucket of apples from the tree Beshte knocked wood on before swiftly taking the buckets to where Granny Smith, Rarity, and Ono are inspecting the apples to which they separated the bad from the good before tossing them onto the conveyor belt.

“Good 'un, bad 'un, bad 'un, good 'un...”

“Lovely, horrid, horrid, lovely...”

“Yes, no, no, yes…”

On the treadmill, Big Macintosh is currently running with ease now that Rainbow and Fuli are both there to back him up and were able to keep the machine up and running as fresh cider flows through the machine where Twilight, Kion, and Kyoga are watching and sealing every filled barrel taking turns as Twilight uses her magic to stack up the barrels.

“Based on these figures, we're making five barrels for every three of theirs!” Twilight reported to everyone as she did some quick calculations.

The crowd cheered for the Apple Family hearing they still have a chance of winning now.

“Keep it up, everypony! We're back in this!” Applejack encouraged everyone to which Flim spit out his drink in Flam’s face.

“Come on, brother, we've gotta pick up the pace!” He urged in a panic now.

“Right, uh, double the power!” Flam responded by as they both worked their magic in speeding up the machine which not only ripped off more apples but the whole trees that came with it causing all of the apples to fail quality control.

“We've gotta try something else!” Flim again urged.

“I've got it, brother of mine.” Flam quickly resolved by turning off quality control which had every bad apple green lit.

“Well done, Flam! We're at top productivity!” Flim complimented as they both high-hooved each other.

As the crowd cheered for them, Kyoga took notice of this and then slyly smiled knowing they have now really won as they as they keep grinding it out but it quickly dropped when she saw Rainbow not taking kind to this wanting to throw in the bad bunch into the mix too.

Just as Rainbow leaped off of the treadmill and started to move over to the quality control station only to be quickly tackled by Rainbow Dash.

“What are you doing?” Fuli demanded as she pressed harder on her running to keep up the pace they were placing.

“C'mon, Rainbow Dash, keep grinding!” Twilight urged her as the peagsus struggled to break free.

“We don't have time for quality control if we wanna win this thing!” Rainbow protested.

“Yes we do!” Kyoga retorted. “Otherwise we won’t win if we cheat.”

“Kyoga’s right.” Kion backed her up. “There's no point in winning if we cheat!”

“We'll just have to work harder!” Twilight encouraged her to just focus on grinding it out with Fuli and Big Macintosh. “C'mon, everypony!”

“All right then…” Rainbow relented seeing she is not going to win this agreement leading to Kyoga to release her grip on her. “Double time!” She stated with pumped guns before quickly rushing back over to run alongside the two working the treadmill.

Everyone still kept sticking to Twilight’s plan while pressing forward the best they can without rushing anything while Flim and Flam kept lounging on their couch. Neither team paid any focus to each other as they kept piling and stacking up barrels of cider all while Spike who is currently watching the hourglass can’t bear to look as the hourglass is almost empty. Then when the hourglass finally ran out of sand…

“Time's up!” The mayor announced as the whole Apple Family team all collapsed in exhaustion while the crowd cheered for them before doing a head count on the barrels of cider made.

“I'm proud of you, Applejack.” Twilight complimented as she rested on her back alongside Applejack, Kion, and Kyoga.


“Integrity like that will always be... rewarded.” Twilight added feeling they have victory cemented with all of the honest hard work and sweat they put into it.

“Flim and Flam win!” The mayor announced much to everyone but Kyoga’s shock.

“What?" The crowd quietly gasped.

“Wh, wh–“

“We... lost?”

Apple Bloom and Applejack followed suit feeling very saddened by the outcome.

“Daww, too bad, Apples.” Flim commented while rubbing their victory in their faces.

“Guess you'll just have to find a new line of work that doesn't match your names quite so... perfectly.” Flam added.

“Now should we tear down all these tacky old buildings and put up new ones, brother?” Flim asked gesturing to the land while angering the Apple Family as Apple Bloom is driven to near tears.

“I don't see why not, brother. After all, this isn't Sweet Apple Acres anymore. How about 'Flim Flam Fields'?” Flam agreed while pulling down a banner with their heads on it over their selling stand.

“I ought to press you into jerk cider!” Rainbow furiously exclaimed as she prepared to fly over and give them what for until being stopped by Kyoga grabbing onto her tail with a single paw who motioned against doing so.

“No, Rainbow Dash. A deal's a deal.” Applejack asserted as the Flim Flam brothers still laughed at the family. “Congratulations to y'all. The cider business in Ponyville... is yours.” She said to them gracefully. “C'mon, Apples. Let's go pack up our things.” She led the family away to do so as the crowd watching all feels sorry for them while feeling bad for putting so much ungrateful pressure on them.

“Fear not, everypony, there's more than enough cider to go around.” Flim assured while laughing at the defeated family in a very obnoxious manner.

“Go ahead, everypony. Go on, y'all. It's okay.” Applejack told the crowd with small tears forming in her eyes as Pinkie Pie and Bunga are both left crying with Rainbow and Beshte’s comfort as Twilight hangs her head while shedding a few tears herself too while the rest of the Guard is left accepting what happened with Kyoga the only one smiling.

“And what are you smiling about?” Kion asked.

“Just watch.” She simply replied as she turned their attention to the two ready o start selling cider. “Because I have a pretty good feeling of who really won this competition.”

“Drink up, Ponyville! Down the hatch!” Flam offered mugs of cider to which the ponies reluctantly accepted…at least until they spit their cider out upon getting a good sip of their stuff back in the Flim Flam brother’s faces.

“I can't get the taste off my tongue!

“Mine's got rocks in it!”

“I wouldn't pay one cent for this dreck!”

The three who tasted the spoiled cider complained as it did had twigs, dirt, rocks in it.

“You wouldn't pay even one cent?” Flam asked in surprise.

“No!” The crowd stated as the two mumbled to each other while Kyoga smiles as she gestures everyone to what is happening.

“How about two cups for one cent?” Flam offered.

“No!” They repeated to which the two mumbled to each other again.

“Two bits for a barrel?” The brothers again proposed.

“NO!” They repeated louder.

“It looks like we've encountered a slight... problem here in Ponyville.” Flam voiced seeing they are not getting any profit out of this.

“Nopony wants our product.” Flim voiced seeing their minds have been made as they still put up smiles and tip their hats to save face to no avail. “Next town?”

“Next town. Let's go, Flim!”

“Let's go, Flam!”

The two then raced off to their machine and then proceeded to drive off… but not before seeing a barrel of their spoiled drink splash on top of them courtesy of Kyoga.

“Guess you all should have sticked to quality control after all.” Kyoga said to them with in an “I told you so.” manner as Applejack smiled seeing what this means for their business along with Kion doing the same to Kyoga who knew this would happen.

“They're gone.” Applejack voiced in delight.

“That means Sweet Apple Acres is still in business!” Twilight added just as happy for them as she approached her.

“Plus we can have high quality Apple family cider!” One of the ponies stated feeling more grateful towards the Apple family more than ever.

“Because of this silly competition, we've made enough of our cider for the whole town!” Apple Bloom added as the whole crowd cheered for them.

As everyone including Rainbow Dash all got their own mugs of cider to enjoy to celebrate the fact that fresh and well quality apple cider produced from the Apple Family is here to stay for years to come. During this time Applejack managed to write her letter for the princess.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along! If you take your time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself. Sure I could tell you I learned something about how my friends are always there to help me, and I can count on them no matter what, but truth is, I knew that already too.”

“Finally some great tasting apple cider I’ve been dying for!” Rainbow exclaimed as they hear some slurping from nearby.

“What are you talking about?” Thurston asked as everyone turned to see him drinking the spoiled cider Flim and Flam left behind. “This stuff’s great. Just remove the rocks and this stuff is drinkable.”

The crowd just looked on disturbed before quickly turning their attention back to the Apple Family as they cheered for their victory before resuming sales from the apple cider produced from the competition with Applejack lifting her mug to get everyone to share a victorious toast together before drinking up all together.

Author's Note:

In this episode it's cider season in Ponyville as everyone is very eager to get a cup of their delicious drink especially Rainbow Dash as the Flim Flam brothers come in take advantage of the disgruntled crowd wanting cider which leads to their competition as they put their special machine to the test.

Not much needed to be say other that the Apple Family did have the Guard for back up and because the Flim Flam brothers forgoed quality control they won the competition with everyone celebrating with freshly made cider for a job well done.

Next up is "The Lost Gorillas." where the Guard helps a pair of gorilla brothers back to their home in the snowy mountains.

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