• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 24: The Lost Gorillas

Episode 24:

The Lost Gorillas

In the Pride Lands, the Guard is currently observing Bunga and Fluttershy at one of the trees since Zazu had managed to get his beak stuck in a bee hive.

“Careful, Bunga...”

“Careful, Fluttershy…”

Both leaders of the Guard cautioned their friends.

“It's a very delicate situation!” Ono added for emphasis as he flies over to make sure they aren’t doing something that’ll lead to Zazu getting stung in the beak.

“Don’t worry, we got this.” Fluttershy assured as she carefully examines their approach, Zazu could only get out muffled words that translate to “Please, please, be careful!”

“Sorry, Zazu. Can't understand ya with your beak in that beehive.” Bunga responded unable to translate before he and Fluttershy gently yet firmly pull his beak out of the bee hive.

“Thank you, Bunga, Fluttershy! That's much…” He began before being greeted to a swarm of bees.

“Gotcha covered, Zazu!” Bunga quickly reacted by casually pushing Zazu out of the area to which Fluttershy quickly flies over to catch him before he could hit his head.

Once Zazu was safe, Bunga munched on the bees near the hive with Pinkie leaping up wearing a bee hat and mask as she fetches a honeycomb from inside the hive. Once Bunga and Pinkie had rejoined their friends back on the ground, Pinkie placed the honey onto some glazed honey buns on hoof.

“Gracious!” Zazu said in relief.

“Maybe next time try flying under the beehive, not through it!” Bunga advised.

“Or better yet, above the bee hive.” Pinkie added while flipping up the honey buns into the air before eating them all as they landed in her mouth.

“Yes. Thank you, Bunga, Pinkie. I’ll keep that in mind.” Zazu accepted it more or less.

“Anyways…” Fuli said quickly changing the subject. “…why were you in such a hurry?”

“I was looking for you.” Zazu answered. “All of you!”

“Us?” Applejack questioned.

“What's the kerbubble, Zazu?” Beshte asked.

“I've just received word. The pangolins are spraying everywhere!” Zazu reported. “It's quite a stinky situation.”

“Odd. Pangolins only spray when they're threatened.” Ono noted

“Sounds like something must have really spooked them.” Fluttershy theorized.

“Then we better check it out.” Kion voted.

“My thoughts precisely!” Zazu agreed with his decision.

“Till the Pride Lands' and Equestria’s end...” Kion and Twilight began as the others finished.

“Lion Guard defend!”

As everyone all ran off ahead, they all looked and smelled for any signs or smells of trouble. During which, Rarity takes the time to put on a gas mask while tying her curly mane and tail into buns to avoid having her mane ruined by the pangolins foul stench. Just as Rarity does so they hear farting noises along with cries for help from the pangolins.

“Sounds like we're close.” Kion voiced.

“Ugh. Smells like we're close.” Fuli agreed when she and the others all turned and saw Rarity’s gas mask.

“Sure are. Good thing I’m prepared.” Rarity said as they all find them but were all surprised by the sight in front of them.

“Huh?“ Everyone minus Kyoga said together.

“I'm sorry. Can anyone tell me what I'm looking at?” Fuli asked everyone trying to make sense of what she is seeing.

“No idea.” Ono responded just as confused as everyone else as they see two gorillas staring down at each other to which Kyoga recognized as she has met them before.

“Drop it, Majinuni!” One of the gorillas seriously said to his friend.

“You drop it, Hafifu! This one's a real stinker!” The other gorilla returned just as serious.

“I know you are, but what is it?” Majinuni asked as he squeezed the pangolin on the bottom to spray stinky gas on him.

The Guard still watched on confusion as they see what is transpiring before them as the brothers share a laugh together as Twilight and Kyoga shakes their heads at their antics.

“Are any of you all seeing what I’m seeing?” Applejack asked everyone.

“Phew!” Rarity added as he sees the stinky gas they are spraying. “The stinkiest uncouth thing I’ve ever seen?”

“Those're the biggest baboons I've ever seen!” Bunga commented while plugging his nose while Pinkie does the same while giggling at their antics.

“I don't think they're baboons.” Ono correctly figured.

“Ugh. They sure act like baboons.” Fuli groaned in disgust with their antics.

“I've never seen anyone like them. And I know every animal in the Pride Lands.” Beshte added just as lost.

“That’s because they’re not baboons. They’re gorillas.” Twilight deadpanned as she eyed Kyoga.

“Yep.” She stoically replied while eying Twilight with the same expression.

“Well, they need to leave those pangolins alone!” Kion voiced of what must be done as he prepares to shout a demand at them until Kyoga placed a calming paw on him.

“I’ll handle this.” She said to him as he approached the two gorillas. ”Maajinuni! Hafifu!”

“Kyoga!” The two gorillas immediately greeted her as they dropped the pangolins while rushing over to her.

“How you have been?” Majinuni asked.

“Did you find your brother and sister?” Hafifu asked.

“I’ve been fine. And I did.” Kyoga positively answered as Hafifu then noticed the others standing behind them.

“Oh look! You've brought some friends! What fun!” He commented as the others step forward.

“So, who are you? And what are you doing in the Pride Lands?” Kion inquired to which the two laughed together.

“Ah, well, that's easy. I'm Majinuni, and this is my brother Hafifu.” The gorilla with a lighter shade of gray fur, beige colored chest, and brown eyes introduced.

“We're looking for someone called King Zimba along Princess Zelestia.” The other bulker gorilla with blue eyes a darker shade of gray fur explained.

“One's a "lion" and the other is an “alicorn pony.”? The other brother added.

“I think they mean Simba and Celestia.” Ono realized what they are talking about.

“Really? No way?” Twilight sarcastically remarked with faux surprise.

“Yes! That's right!” Hafifu confirmed. “Do you know them?”

“Yeah, you could say that.” Fuli answered as she rolls along with it.

“If we are here in Zimababwe.” Twilight again voiced with sarcasm as Fuli stifled a giggle as Bunga gestured to the golden furred lion cub.

“Kion here just happens to be the king's son.”

“And Twilight here happens to be the princess’s prodigy.” Pinkie added as she gestured to her lavender colored friend.

“You're a lion?”

“You're a prince?”

The two brothers said in surprise in the lion prince's direction as they share a glance at each other before exclaiming together.

“So are we! So are we!”

“Wait. You guys are lions?” Bunga cluelessly questioned as Twilight face-hoofed herself.

“No, they’re baboons!” Twilight quipped.



“Seriously?” Fuli said just as exasperated as Twilight.

“They're princes!” Beshte corrected.

“No wonder we've got so much in common!” Hafifu expressed excitedly while patting the lion cub’s back rather roughly.

“We do?” Kion asked wondering why they say that.

“Our poppa sent us here with a message for your poppa! A really important message!” Majinuni explained before sharing another laugh with his brother while Fuli pulls Kion aside for a quick word.

“Kion, there is no way anyone sent these two with a message for the king and the princess. Look at 'em!”

“Fuli’s right darling…” Rarity agreed. “I mean one would think these gorillas would have at least half a brain.”

They gestured to them as they stuck their tongues out at each other while scratching their hairy foreheads together along with making funny faces.

“Not logically, but they are telling the truth.” Kyoga responded. “Even if these two are huge goof-balls.”

“Majinuni, look! A stick!” Hafifu gestured to Ushari sleeping nearby

“Excuse me? A what?” He incredulously questioned.

“Bet you can't hit that baobab fruit.” Majinuni dared his brother.

“Bet you I can!” He confidently returned.

“No, wait!” Kion yelled out for them to stop.

“STOP!” Fluttershy yelled out to them before they can even throw Ushari to which they both froze upon hearing her sudden sharp voice.

“He is a snake! Not a stick! Now put him down!” She assertively said to them as they both comply with her orders. “I am sorry about that.” She gently apologized to the irritated cobra.

“Every time I get near the Lion and Pony Guard...” He groaned and grumbled.

“Hafifu! What was that?” Kion demanded to know why he nearly did such a thing.

“Uh, 'cause I wanted to throw the stick.” Hafifu casually replied.

“Ushari's not a stick!” Kion corrected as Fluttershy flew back over showing them the cobra in her hooves.

“He’s a snake!” Fluttershy added as the red cobra glares at the bumbling duo ready to bite them in retaliation until he was gently stroked by the peagsus treating him like a friend.

“Uh, he's got a point. As a rule, sticks don't talk.” Majinuni came to realize. “Our bad.” He said to the cobra who just leaped off and slithered away in a huff.

“Ah. Oh, well.” Hafifu shrugged it off. “Kuishi ni kucheka!”

“What does that mean?” Fuli asked.

“It’s their motto.” Kyoga answered.

“That’s right.” Hafifu nodded. “It means, "To live is to laugh!"”

“You know...” Majinuni started before they placed their arms on each other’s shoulders while singing the phrase together. “Right?”

“Uh, nope. Don't know that one.”

“Me neither.”

Both Bunga and Pinkie responded while the others are very confused and befuddled by their words.

“They've never heard of it.”

“How could they never have heard of it? Maybe we should sing it in a different key...”

The two expressed surprise before they prepared to sing it again until they were both cut off by Kyoga.

“That won't be necessary.”

“Look. We'll take you to my dad and the princess so you can give them your message.” Kion said to them as he and Twilight lead the way.

“Now come on. Walk this way.” Twilight gestured them to follow them as they both do so as they picked up Bunga and Pinkie while giving them a little squeeze which caused a couple of farts to come out of them. Bunga’s rear end released a green wave of gas on the rest on the Guard which made the rest of the girls uncomfortable.

“Excuse me!” Pinkie chuckled as Rainbow and Fluttershy flew up from where Bunga passed gas.

“These gorilla-dillas are my kinda guys!” Bunga commented as both Fuli and Rarity sighed in annoyance with their antics.

“I am so good I picked today to wear a mask and bundle up my mane.” Rarity voiced as they all made their way to Pride Rock where both the lion king and alicorn princess are waiting for them.

“Uh, Dad...”

“…Princess Celestia…”

Kion and Twilight began.

“This is probably going to sound weird.” Kion continued.

“What is it, son?”

“What is it, my faithful student?”

Both the king and princess inquired.

“Well, we've found these gorilla brothers who say they...” Twilight continued as Simba finished knowing what they were going to say.

“Have a message for us?”

“Yes. You know them?” Twilight asked.

“Their father is King Sokwe of the Mountain Gorillas.” Simba answered. “A long time ago, he and I made a peace treaty. Now, every wet season, he sends a message to let me know if he still agrees to the peace. Or not.”

“So...Majinuni and Hafifu really do have an important message for you?” Kion asked to make sure they were telling the truth.

“Very important.” Simba confirmed.

“Where are they?” Princess Celestia asked as the two sighed in annoyance.

“They're coming.” Twilight replied as they finally both arrive while juggling both Bunga and Pinkie Pie while walking upside down.

“Ooh! Yeah! Kuishi!”

“Ni kucheka!”

The two brothers traded as the two rulers clear their throats to get their attention.

“Aw, hey, Your Highnesses!“

“Hello! Let us introduce these guys...”

Both the honey badger and party pony began before they cut to the chase.

“Majinuni. Hafifu. You have a message for us?” Princess Celestia asked of them.

“Yes, um, about that...”

“We do have a message... Er, we did, but..”

The two nervously began…

“Boys?” Simba interrogated an immediate answer from them.

“He forgot it!” They both exclaimed while pointing fingers at each other.

“Shocker.” Twilight quipped in a unsurprising tone and expression to Kion.

“Why am I not surprised?” Fuli figured with the same expression and tone while asking Kyoga next to her.

“Because they’re not very bright.” She dully answered.

“I see. This is not good.” Simba commented unsatisfied with what he is hearing before turning to both Kion and Twilight. “I need you two and the Lion and Pony Guard to take the boys back home and find out what King Sokwe's message is.”

“Can't you just send them back and get the message again?” Kion asked thinking it would be easier that way.

“And let peace with the gorillas depend on them?” Simba pointed out to the two boys goofing off again while standing on one foot.

“I bet I can stand on one foot longer than you.”

“So? Bet you can't hop on one foot while patting your nose and rubbing your belly.”

“Got it.” Kion stood corrected.

“Where's their home?” Twilight asked,

“The Theluji Mountains.” Princess Celestia answered.

“Wow! That's a long way off.” Kion remarked.

“Yes, but King Sokwe's sons should know the way.” Simba replied.

“Okay, now let's see who can balance longer on no legs!” The lighter furred gorilla challenged his brother as they both fall onto their rumps while sharing another laugh together.

“Or not.” Twilight dully commented as the Guard wasted no time in heading off together towards the gorilla's home.

“Please tell me we're almost there.”

“Yes, my hooves are already killing me.”

Both Fuli and Rarity wished as they were both getting tired from the long walk.

“We are! We just have to go to the top the mountain and find King Sokwe.”

“It won’t be long now until the two buffoons are out of our manes!”

Ono and Rainbow reported as Kion turned to the two brothers.

“Majinuni, Hafifu. Can you tell us where your dad is?”

“Oh, you know...”

“Up there somewhere.”

The two vaguely responded.

“You guys really don't know how to get home from here?” Kion asked them.

“Sorry. We've never gone up the mountain before.”

“To tell the truth, we've only gone down the mountain once.”

“Yeah, and we rolled most of the way at that!”

The two honestly replied while sharing another hearty chuckle together to which the ponies share an annoyed groan together.

“No surprise there.”


Kyoga and Rainbow Dash voiced as the former leads the way.

“Follow me, everyone. There’s a path up ahead through the trees.” She instructed everyone as heads towards the upcoming mountain as Ono and Rainbow fly over to see it for themselves.

“Great. Then we'll go that way.” Kion voiced now annoyed that they have to take a detour to get them home.

“Thanks for the help.” Fuli sarcastically remarked to them.

“You both really sure were helpful.” Rainbow voiced in the same manner before flying off.

“Well, they were both certainly polite.”

“I know, right? I didn't think we were helpful at all.”

The two traded missing their sarcasm as Twilight groaned before moving forward.

Just as they make their way down the path they spotted a chameleon that turned from green to yellow.

“Hapana! A chameleon!” Ono voiced as Fluttershy quickly joined him with eager eyes.

“One more time?”

“A ka-what-eon?”

Bunga and Pinkie asked.

“A chameleon! A lizard that can change his colors!” Fluttershy corrected but before she can gush over the lizard for long the two brothers both came marching up towards it wanting to roughhouse with it.

“Chameleon hide and seek!” They exclaimed as the chameleon ran out of Fluttershy’s arms and away as the gorillas gave him chase.

“No, wait! Come back!” Kion shouted after them.

“Dang it! Why?!” Kyoga voiced seeing that this isn't the first time they have done this.

“I'm gonna find it.

“No, I'm gonna find it!”

The two playfully argued as they ran into the thick of the forest of trees.

“Ono? Please follow them.”

“Rainbow and Fluttershy? Please do the same.”

Both Kion and Twilight asked of them.

“We’re on it!” Ono voiced on behalf of the three flyers while the others look around for them.

“Hafifu! Majinuni!” Kion called out to them.

“Hello!” Hafifu called out to them.

“Where are you?” Twilight asked them out loud.

“Excellent question! Wish we could say!”

“It is a bit of a puzzler! We can hear you, but we can't see you!”



“Sorry, Kion...” Ono reported empty-winged. “The plants are too thick. I can't even see the ground!”

“You smell 'em?” Kion turned to Fuli who tried to track their scent but she too was unable to catch a good whiff.

“Too many weird plants in bloom. I don't think I could even track Bunga's scent here.”

“Yeah, me neither.” Kion agreed as he too was unable to sniff them out. “Hmm...” He thought as he turned to Twilight and Rarity.

“Oh all right!”

“Follow us!”

The two unicorns sighed as they lit their horns so they can use their magic to track them down as Kion calls out to the gorillas.

“Hafifu! Majinuni! Stay still! When I call your names, shout back. We'll follow your voices and find you!”

“Ooh, yes!” Hafifu agreed but then insisted. “But let's make it a game! You shout kuishi, then we shout ni kucheka!”

“Fine.” Kion relented as Twilight and Rarity led the way. “Kuishi! Kuishi!”

“Oh, it's our turn. Ni kucheka!” Majinuni called back.

“Sounds like they're this way.” Bunga voiced as he ran ahead toward’s the voice’s direction.

“Right. Let's go!” Kion led the others into following him until Kyoga stopped him again as she directed their attention to Twilight and Rarity finding them.

“No need.” Twilight stoically replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Three, two, one…“ Rarity counted down with the same expression.

“Kuishi!” Kion called out.

“Ni kucheka!” Majinuni called out just in front of them thinking they have given them the slip. “Oh, heh, you found us! That was fast!”

“Come on you guys!” Kion scolded. “We’re not getting anywhere with you two wandering off like that.”

“There could be dangerous creatures out there waiting to hurt you.” Fluttershy added.

“Aw, come on.” Hafifu shrugged it off.

“What danger could possibly be lurking up there." Majinuni asked.

At that moment they hear the sounds of pig squealing up ahead in the fog appearing in front of them.

“Hey, listen!” Hafifu whispered to his brother.

“Forest hogs!” Majinuni excitedly exclaimed.

“Now hold on a second there!” Applejack warned. “Don’t you go running into that there fog!”

“Here piggies!” The two gorillas just went ahead into the fog anyways.

“Are you kidding me?!” Rainbow groaned as she flied and shouted after them. “She just said not to run in the fog!”

“Even though they aren’t baboons they sure act like them.” Rarity whispered to Fuli while Kion, Twilight, and Kyoga all lead the way.

“Majinuni! Hafifu!” Kyoga called out to them when they heard a loud snort from behind.

“That snort came from behind us.” Fuli whispered as they all turned around while everyone made sure they were ready for any alarms in the fog.

“You think the gorillas split up?” Kion asked.

“Highly unlikely.” Kyoga answered.

“It might possibly be a...” Fluttershy worryingly voiced as a forest hog suddenly appeared and ran right by them.

“…real forest hog! Hapana!” Ono exclaimed as the two gorillas suddenly see it approach them before quickly fleeing for their lives.

“The forest hog! It's after them!” Kion led the way as the hog pursed them.

“Wait for us!” Fuli called after them as followed after them with Applejack swinging her lassoed as she prepares to hogtie the pig.

“Why's the hog acting so mad?” Beshte asked.

“And why are they chasing them”” Fluttershy also asked.

“He must think the gorillas are other forest hogs!” Ono replied.

“But they don’t even look like forest hogs!” Rarity pointed out.

“Maybe they thought they were hogging in on his territory!” Bunga joked. “Get it? Forest hog... Hogging? Ah?”

“I get it!” Pinkie laughed as she the joke too.

“Bunga!” Fuli chastised them.

“Now is not the time for lame jokes.” Rainbow chided.

“Especially when lives are on the line.” Kyoga also scolded them as Kion and Twilight ran off ahead as the forest hog started to close in on the gorillas as they ended up crashing into trees in front of them they didn’t see due to the fog.

Luckily for them Twilight knocked the forest hog off of his feet as Kion tackled it.

“Back off of the gorillas!” Kion growled at him as the hog forced him off as he squared off against him and Twilight.

The forest hog attempted to attack Kion with his sharp tusks to which he barely dodged with Kyoga instantly shooting magic at him from one of her paws with Twilight following it up with another magic blast to disorient him. As he attempted to shake off the bright shock Kion quickly slashes him to knock him back. Rainbow then flew circles around the pig with Applejack quickly tying the aggressive attacker up.

“You can't get to them without going through me.”

“And you're not getting through me.”

Kion and Twilight asserted.

“Or us!”

Kyoga and Fuli asserted as Fluttershy works her stare on the creature who squeals in fright upon gazing into her sharp fiery blazing eyes.

“Now! Don’t you think you owe these two an apology?” Fluttershy crossly said to him as he turned to the gorillas and squealed an oink that translates to “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Fluttershy then softened up as she petted him on the back. “You’re free to go.”

The forest hog quickly wasted no time in fleeing as soon as Applejack untied him.

“Hafifu? Majinuni? You okay?” Kyoga asked the two as she approached them as they were covering their eyes in fright.

“Uh, surprisingly enough, we are.” Hafifu answered in relief as he and his brother inspected themselves for any injuries.

“Totally unpoked by sharp hoggy tusks!” Majininu noted as he observed no tusk stabs on their fur. “You saved us!”

“Well, sure.” Twilight thought nothing of it.

“That's what we do.” Kion added in the same tone. “Now let's get you home.”

“I've got a better idea.” Majininu proposed. “Let's get chased by the forest hog again!”

“What? Seriously?” Fuli questioned as if they were serious for a moment there.

“Did what just happened a minute ago not ring any bells in your heads that you should be staying away from them those pigs?” Applejack asked rather dumbfounded by that suggestion.

“Guys? Is something else going on?”

“Something that you’re not telling us.”

Beshte and Kyoga asked as the two brothers then got serious for a moment seeing that they have something on them before confessing.

“Well, we haven't been very helpful getting you to our poppa...” Hafifu began.

“Because we don't really want to see him.” Majinuni finished.

“Ah.” Kyoga nodded.

“I knew something was going on!” Kion responded with his suspicions correct. “You couldn't be that silly.”

“Oh, no. We are.” Majininu quickly corrected as they listed off silly’s synonyms.

“Totally silly! Dozy! Dopey! Wacky!”

“Immature and frivolous.”

“That's a lot of words for silly.” Bunga commented as Twilight placed a hoof on Pinkie’s mouth before she can even think of further listing off synonyms that describe silly.

“And that’s enough said.” Twilight said before turning back to the gorilla brothers. “And why don't you want to see your dad?”

“For some reason he's never thought we're prince material.” Majininu explained. “So we decided to show him he's wrong.”

“We volunteered to deliver his really important message. And then we failed miserably.” Hafifu added as they traded each other’s sentences together.

“Now we have to go home and tell him.”

“He's going to put on his...”

“Disappointed face.” They both finished together as they placed their hands over their faces as their smiles turn into frowns.

“I get it.” Kion understood what they are saying.

“So do I.” Twilight voiced the same.

“You do?” They questioned in surprise.

“I never want to let down my dad either. It's the whole reason I'm here.” Kion explained as he dreaded the thought with lowered ears.

“And what about you?” The brothers turned to Twilight as she too had her ears lowered.

“Like Kion, I never want to let down Princess Celestia either. Even though she isn’t technically my mom, I still look up to her as one and we do share that kind of bond together.” Twilight answered with sympathy for the two’s plight.

“We’re really sorry. I wish we could do something to make it easier.” Kion then apologized and hoped.

“Well, you and Twilight did face down a ferocious forest hog. That's almost as hard as facing our dad.” Hafifu pointed out.

“And it seemed like the sort of thing a prince and a princess would do.” Majinuni added.

“We don't exactly feel like princes yet...” Hafifu lamented as Twilight lightly giggled before giving them words of wisdom.

“Well you’re currently looking at someone who isn’t a princess. And if it helps you’ll both come to see it when you realize you are ready to step up to it.”

“Trust us.” Kion reassured. “If you act like a prince, sooner or later, you'll start to feel like a prince.”

“Okay, then.” Majinuni sighed as he and his brother finally relented to get serious now. “We'll take you to our home.”

“Great!” Kion felt pleased to hear it.

“Possibly one last little game?” Hafifu asked of everyone.


“All right, this way.” Majinuni relented seeing they have wasted enough time already before making their way out of the fog.

“Not much farther...” He told everyone as they made their way up the mountain and arrived at the snowy mountain before sliding down the slope to which the Lion Guard was amazed at what lies before them. A mountain covered with a white blanket of snow.


“Betcha never seen snow before!” Hafifu questioned the Guard as he held up a snowball.

“Definitely!” Rainbow answered as she and the ponies along with Kyoga nod while the rest of the Guard still examines it with Rarity putting on her winter coat before entering the snowy summit.

Sure they have seen snow before but that was only when helping their friends clean up during Winter Wrap Up.

“And I suppose you all know what do with snow?” Hafifu inquired as the Lion Guard still looks on puzzled. “You have fun!”

He then sling-shot snow from the top of the tree branch right at them before it all landed on their heads.

“Hey!” The Lion Guard exclaimed before the gorilla brothers cheer as they both have their fun.

“Come on! You just going to stand there, or are you going to play?” Hafifu inquired.



Bunga and Pinkie asked.

“I don’t know…” Twilight still voiced unsure to the idea. “We’ve already lost enough time already.”

“Aw, come on Twilight…” Pinkie pleaded and encouraged. “Lighten up and have a little bit of fun.”

“Kion?” Twilight turned to Kion if it is worth one more delay.

“Well... I guess a little fun couldn't hurt.” Kion relented with Twilight shrugging seeing that everyone else is onboard with the idea.


“All right! Zuka Zama!”

Pinkie and Bunga cheered as they both slid around the snow as Fuli carefully placed a paw on frozen ice along with Rarity following suit.

“It's cold. And slippery!” Fuli voiced as she lost traction when she stepped on the ice and slid off before leaping across. “But it's kinda fun!”

“Whoa!” Rarity exclaimed as she too slid on the ice before giggling as she spun around and skated around it with graceful moves. “It sure is.”

“I want to try. Twende Kiboko!” Beshte voiced as he plowed straight through a mountain of snow.

“Yee-haw.” Applejack shouted as she leaped over the snow mountain Beshte charged through and over the hippo before sharing a high-hoof paw together.

“Whoohoo It's melting on my beak!” Ono laughed as Rainbow enjoyed the melting snow on his tongue.

“It’s melting on my tongue.” Rainbow chuckled as Fluttershy giggled at the snow melting on her nose as even for a pony who tends to yelp over little things, snow is not one of the things that can strike fear into her heart.

“Kion, you've got to try this!” Bunga called out to the only one still reluctant on having fun while he and Pinkie are making snow angels and snow ponies in the ground. “It's un-Bunga-lievable!”

“I don't know, guys.” Kion voiced his uncertainty about the idea. “We should be careful with this stuff. We don't know enough about it.”

“You know it can do this!” Hafifu interjected by tossing a snowball at him to which they both laughed together only to stop when Kion seemed angered by this…

…Before breaking out into laughter himself.

“Oh, it's on. Kuishi ni kucheka!” Kion playfully returned as he slid down the slope while spraying snow on them back as Twilight and Kyoga have gotten in on the fun by using their magic to toss snowballs at each other.

“Hey, Twilight, think fast!”

“Right back at you!”

Everyone laughed they all played in the snow together and had fun like they never had ever since they were young and before they all meet each other.

Kuishi Ni Kucheka

Start at 1:25

Bunga, Pinkie, Applejack, and Beshte all had fun using the nearby slope as a snow slide. Ono and Rainbow had some fun as they sprinkled snow across the sky.

Fuli herself was getting in on the fun as she happily hopped around the snow along with doing a spin as her inner excitement took over. Both Rarity and Fluttershy giggled to which surprised the cheetah before shrugging it off.

Twilight and Kion were both walking when snow plopped down on the latter’s head. Annoyed by it he turns to see Bunga constantly tapping the tree like a drum before playfully tackling him. The two ended up rolling into snow balls with Bunga rolling on top of Kion as a result of the tumble and formed a headless snowman.

Fuli and Rainbow both ran/flew by as they both ran circles around each other before joining Kyoga and the gorilla brothers in a snowball fight as they square off against the Guard in a little snowball war together. During which both Bunga and Pinkie Pie have both created snow balls before working together to plop huge snowballs onto Kyoga, Hafifu and Majinuni. All while living and laughing together.

“That's not to throw at me, is it?” Fuli asked Bunga from behind.

“Or me?” Rarity added and asked Pinkie while standing beside Fuli.

“Nah! It's a souvenir for Uncle Timon.”

“Nope! A personal souvenir to take home with me.”

The two replied while creating their large snowballs just as Kion ran ahead of the two gorilla brothers.

“I could do this all day.” He expressed happily.

“Us too!” Majinuni agreed.

“But we promised we'd get you to our dad.” Hafifu gently pointed out.

“Yeah. I just want to take one more look, so I'll never forget it.” Kion agreed as he backed up a little. But just as he did so the snow he has standing on gave away and he winded up slipping down a slippery slope. “Whoa! Guys? Guys!”

“Kion!” Everyone exclaimed in sudden shock of the lion prince’s rapid descent.

“I'm coming, Kion! Zuka...“ Bunga began following after him until being quickly stopped by the gorilla brothers with a hand to block him from running ahead.

“Sorry for the quick-stop, Bunga. But Kion needs someone who knows the mountain.” Majinuni apologized as he turned to his brother.

“Two someones!” Hafifu added as they both slid down the mountain together while Twilight and Kyoga use their magic to follow after them.

“Kuishi ni kucheka!”

“Ono! Follow Kion!”

“Rainbow, Fluttershy, you two do the same!”

Fuli and Twilight ordered of them as the three flyers wasted no time in flying after them.

“We’re on it!” Rainbow shouted in response as they flew over to catch up with Kion before something can happen to him.

“See you at the bottom, brother!”

“You'll see my bottom, brother! 'Cause I'll get to Kion first!”

The two brothers playfully traded as they followed after Kion sliding after them as he continued slide down the mountain through a log tunnel along the way.

During which the gorilla brothers had some fun as they leaped over trees and skied their way down the mountain just as Kion was barely able to stop himself from completely going over the cliff from the frozen hill. Luckily for him, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Ono have all managed to fly ahead and catch up with him just as he managed to stop himself from going over the cliff.

“Kion? Are you okay?” Ono asked.

“So far! But I can't hang on long!” Kion answered as his grip on the cliff started to give way to which Rainbow and Fluttershy wasted no time in and quickly lifting him up.

“Come on, Fluttershy! Put your back into it!” Rainbow barked at her as their grip on the Lion Guard’s Fiercest started to slip.

“I’m trying. Nooo….” She asserted and then cried as she tried to hang out as they pulled onto him in a hurry before their grip slipped leading to Kion vulnerable to the high fall doom below him...

…Before being quickly stopped in the nick of time by the gorilla brother who quickly tossed him back up to safety just as Twilight and Kyoga skid to a stop having witnessed the whole thing.

“You saved me. Thanks.” Kion gratefully voiced to them in relief.

“Pfft! No thanks needed. It was fun!” Majinuni shrugged it off.

“Oh no! It was more than that.” Twilight voiced otherwise and that it is much bigger and nobler than they realized.

“It was brave. Doing something like that is what you makes you prince material.” Kion added in agreement.

“You really think we have that in us? The prince thing?“ Hafifu hopefully asked.

“Totally.” Kion nodded before they all regrouped with the others as they all make their way to the gorilla’s den.

“Thanks.” Majinuni thanked as he turned to Twilight. “You know…considering you know a thing or two about being princess and a natural born leader. I think you might make a great princess too someday.”

“Aww, how dare you.” Twilight returned light-heartedly with a slight blush.

“No really…” Hafifu further complimented to make sure they aren’t joking. “…We’re really sure of that considering you’re like brother and sister with Kion.”

“Well thanks…” Twilight just accepted and left it at that feeling touched to the core already from that compliment. “…and forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad slope to do so you know.” She gestured to the dangerous ice on the hill they are climbing up.

“Just one question…” Majinuni then added as Hafifu brought up the question they are thinking.

“…When we’re princes, what will that make you?”

“A monkey’s aunt.” She dryly replied as the brothers chuckled together.

“You’re so weird.” Majinuni commented as Twilight glanced up at them.

“You have no idea.” She returned with a light smile as both Kion and Kyoga chuckled at the unicorn’s sarcasm before making their way up the hill to regroup with their friends.

Once everyone finally made it to where their home is, they approach and face with their father King Sokwe where they explain to him what happened ever since they left expecting the worst.

“So... You forgot my message to King Simba and Princess Celestia!” The dark brown furred gorilla perched on a pedestal sternly addressed his boys who look down in shame.

“Yes, Poppa.”

“And you got lost coming home from the Pride Lands!”

“Yes, Poppa.”

“And you needed the Lion and Pony Guard to help you get back home!”

“Yes, Poppa.”

“You know what this means.”

“Yes, Poppa.”

“What do you think it means?” Fluttershy whispered to Fuli.

“I wish I knew.” Fuli could only say.

“Nothing too bad, I hope.” Beshte voiced when King Sokwe turns his back…

…and pulls up two piles of snowballs and dumps them on his son’s heads playfully.

“Kuishi ni kucheka!” He laughed as he and his sons share a heartwarming laugh together as the former assures them that it’s no big deal as he leaps down to their eye level.

“Kion and Twilight told me how you saved the former. I'm proud of you both. You are true gorilla princes.”

“Thank you, Poppa.” They both gratefully thanked him as Kion and Twilight stepped forward.

“Um, speaking of your message for my dad? We do need to give it to him.”

“Along with the princess too?”

Both leaders of the Guard brought up.

“Of course you do.” The gorilla king acknowledged as he eyes the snowballs in Bunga and Pinkie’s possession. “I see your friends each have a souvenir from our home.”

“Sure do!”

“Uh... Your Gorilla-ness!”

The two replied as they held up their snowballs.

“Is that's a problem?” Twilight asked.

“No, no. Not at all.” He assured as he places a hand on his chin and he gets an idea after thinking about them. “In fact, it's perfect.”

By the time the Guard makes it back to Pride Rock the sun was already setting with the skies being a mixture of purple and pink much like Twilight’s fur coat and cutie mark colors.

“And, so...

“…Here we are.”

Kion and Twilight finished recalling their journey to Simba and Celestia.

“And did you bring back King Sokwe's message?” Simba asked.

“Uh, yeah...” Kion honestly answered yet is hesitant to give a full answer.

“Well, then…?” The princess inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“It's just...” Twilight hesitated.

“Kion? Twilight? We need the message.” Simba adamantly expected an answer.


“Are you sure?”

“Yes! You have to give it to us!” Simba asserted.

“It’s okay…” Celestia gently assured them so that there is no pressure. “…Just tell us.”

“Okay...” Kion relented with a smile as Twilight did the same with the later delivering the message.

“Kuishi ni kucheka!”

As soon as she said it Bunga and Pinkie immediately leap over both Kion and Twilight as they both plopped the snow balls onto their heads to which it seemed Simba did not take kindly towards while Celestia expresses a look of surprise.

“Sorry, Your Majesty.”

“It really wasn't our idea.”

The two apologized with sheepish grins.

“Oh, no.”

“This might have been a mistake.”

Rarity and Ono fearfully expressed as Simba then suddenly chuckled along with the princess.

“Oh, King Sokwe. No one delivers a peace message like him.” Simba expressed finding it funny as everyone is relieved to see no harm no foul.

"Indeed Simba." Celestia agreed.

“Wow, glad to see you have a sense of humor.” Twilight expressed with a giggle. “Because for a second there it looked like you were going to flip.”

“Well, I did have a friend to help me loosen up a bit to back when I was a young cub.” Simba gently explained as he turned to the alicorn princess who winked at her direction to commend him for taking the joke well.

As both monarchs shake the snow off of their foreheads while everyone else laughs seeing this is something worth living and laughing about true to the gorilla king’s words.

Author's Note:

Here we have the Guard escorting the two gorilla princes Hafifu and Majinuni back home while obtaining their father King Sokwe's message to King Simba and Princess Celestia after they forgot it along the way.

Not much to explain other than editing out some of the gorilla brothers shenanigans to downplay their annoyance to the main cast and some of the fans. And of course the Character Development for the titular duo as they proven what it takes to be prince material just like they hoped their father would see them for.

Next up is "Read it and Weep." as Rainbow Dash makes an interesting discovery about herself when she gets admitted to the hospital after an unfortunate flying accident.

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