• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 4,366 Views, 100 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 2) - MXCDarkHorse2020

As both the Lion and Pony Guard continue to protect the Pride Lands along with Equestria they face bigger challenges than before with their friendship tested more than ever.

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Episode 31: Dragon Quest

Episode 31:

Dragon Quest

Here in Ponyville, a once in a lifetime event is about occur later today, the rare once a generation dragon migration. Since dragons are dangerous creatures from their large and intimidating size, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Bunga, Fuli, and Beshte are digging up a trench so they can safely watch the migration. Aside from having do that, everyone was excited for this upcoming event…

Well, all but two members of the Guard, Fluttershy and Ono who are both very reluctant to go due to their fear of dragons. Even though they aren’t afraid to stand up to them when it counts they are still afraid of them.

“C'mon, Fluttershy, it'll be fun!” Twilight urged her to join them with Rainbow Dash, Kion, and Kyoga. “There's nothing fun about dragons! Scary, yes! Fun, no!” Fluttershy refused.

“It’ll be okay, Fluttershy.” Kion assured. “You’ll have the whole Guard by your side the entire time. We even have a personal trench so we can safely watch from down below.”

“Still not interested.” Fluttershy still wasn’t interested and neither was Ono who was ducking behind the yellow peagsus for safety.

“Neither am I.” Ono added while still cowering. “Even facing off against that dragon was scary.”

“Look I understand that you’re both scared but you both have nothing to worry about.” Kyoga took a turn in trying to ease their nerves.

“How and why?” Ono inquired.

“Because you’re looking at two masters of magic who can form a protection spell to keep even the biggest dragon away from us.” Kyoga answered. “We got your backs on this one.”

“Please Fluttershy, Ono.” Twilight implored. “It’s not like you’re going be watching them up close.”

“Exactly. Like Twilight said in a trench watching from a far and safe distance.” Kion added. “You both have nothing to worry about.”

“I don’t know.” Fluttershy voiced still unsure of the idea before Rainbow flies over to Fluttershy with a photograph in her hoof.

“Look, Fluttershy, I watched that boring butterfly migration with you even though I wasn’t really interested. You owe me.” She presented her the photo of her enjoying said migration while Rainbow looks aside not very excited as her peagsus friend.

“Okay.” Fluttershy sighed seeing it would be unfair to refuse to go especially since remembering that the whole Guard will be there all by her side the whole time and that it is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

“Count me in.” Ono also decided while still emitting a scared gulp with Kion gently patting him on the shoulder.

“We’re all in this together.” Kion again told him. “Just stick by us the whole time and you’ll both be okay.”

With Fluttershy and Ono both on board, they all made their way to the trench where everyone all put on camouflage outfits for the occasion so the dragons don’t easy spot them in the trench they will be watching them from.

“I don't see any dragons.” Twilight whispered to everyone while looking up in the sky with her binoculars.

“Me neither.”

“Me neither neither.”

Both Applejack and Pinkie Pie responded empty-hoofed.

“Shoot! You don't think we missed them, do you?” Bunga asked while looking through the wrong end of the binoculars.

“Hope not.” Beshte responded while gently flipping the binoculars around so that his honey badger friend is now looking at them the right way.

“Nope.” Twilight shook her head while still whispering to the others. “We're just a little early, and I'm glad we are. This way, we can watch every moment of the migration without bringing any unwanted attention to ourselves!”

“Yoo-hoo!” Rarity called out to everyone wearing an over the top and extragvant purple dress accompanied with confetti and a red carpet rollout. “Well?”

“Think you might have spoke too soon there.” Kyoga whispered to Twilight while the others are trying to understand her choice of outfit.

“What do you think? Am I the toast of the trench or what?” Rarity asked everyone.

“You'll be toast alright, when the dragons see you parading around in that getup.” Applejack commented in a hushed tone.

“Are you kidding?!” Ono exclaimed. “She’ll be burnt to a crisp in seconds!”

“Shh.” Twilight quickly placed a hoof on the egret’s beak before addressing the fashionista. “You look very nice, Rarity, but could you maybe look nice down here in the trench with us?”

“Along with putting on the proper camouflage outfit.” Fuli added while handing her one so she can blend in with everyone seeking refuge in the trench while Twilight and Kyoga quickly use their magic to evaporate the confetti and red carpet away.

“Nice is an understatement. I look fabulous! Who says camouflage has to be drab?” Rarity dismissed her friends concerns until Kyoga approached her while shaking her head

“Rarity. This camouflage outfit is a must.” She politely yet firmly told her while making her purple dress disappear. “Change into it.”

Rarity quickly covered herself feeling violated by that gesture before quickly summoning a fitting room so she can put it on without anyone seeing her do it. By the time she already did as she was told the migration had begun.

“Ahoy, maties! Dragons ho!” Pinkie alerted everyone to the sky full of dragons to which everyone expect for Fluttershy and Ono who watch from the back marveled with their binoculars.

Seeing this Beshte quickly rushed over to the side so they feel safer inside.


“Hevi Kabisa!”

“Wow, amazing!”

Beshte, Kion, and Twilight all expressed as they all fly by with a yellow dragon doing a loop-de-loop maneuver over the trench.

“Pfft, pretty lame move. Is that all they've got?” Rainbow scoffed unimpressed.

The red dragon that heard that remark responded by breathing fire at their trench after being given a nudge by the green dragon. Everyone all ducked while Rainbow ended up getting her face covered in soot.

“What do ya think of that 'move', Rainbow Dash? Still think they're lame?” Applejack questioned the arrogant peagsus with a smirk.

“Uh, not so much.” Rainbow replied with her previous comment retracted after that. “The word 'fierce' comes to mind.”

“And formidable.” Rarity commented very impressed.

“And powerful.” Kyoga added.

“And 'super-duper scary'!” Pinkie added finding them a little intimidating herself.

“It’s okay, you’re both safe.” Beshte gently said to both Fluttershy and Ono whimpering and hugging each other for safety from the dragon’s fiery breath.

“Yeah. Us dragons are definitely a force to be reckoned with.” Spike said to the gang while handing everyone cupcakes and cookies he made himself.

“Maybe for the big boys.” Bunga couldn’t help but snicker especially since he is currently wearing a pink apron with hearts on it. “I mean sure is one scary apron you’ve got there.”

“It sure is.” Rainbow laughed along with Bunga.

“What's wrong with wearing an apron?” Spike inquired. “You won't be laughing when you spill blueberries all over your scales— feathers. That's one tough stain!”

“Sure whatever you say tough guy.” Bunga chuckled to which is met with a slap in the back of the head from Fuli who also did the same to Rainbow.

“Ow.” Both Bunga and Rainbow complained.

“That’s enough out of both of you!” Fuli said crossly to them for their insensitive behavior.

“Spike's style is unique and there is nothing wrong with wearing an apron and he is perfect the way he is.” Rarity said in Spike’s defense who blushed at her backing her up. “So show him some respect because it is not polite to laugh at others.”

“Thank you.” Spike felt pleased while unable to resist feeling very touched from her compliments.

“Why of course darling. You've got something those dreadfully fierce dragons can only dream of.” Rarity added.

“What's that?” Spike asked while now flattered.

“Rarity, maybe you shouldn’t…” Kion tried to advise the unicorn from further embarrassing him on deaf ears.

“The cutest widdle chubby cheeks! Ooooo!” Rarity answered while speaking a babyish tone while pressing her hooves on his face and squeezing his cheeks to which he is now left feeling embarrassed again.

“Cute?! Dragons aren't supposed to be cute! Right?” Spike responded with a heavy blush.

“Of course not.” Twilight attempted to assure him. ”I’m sure Rarity only meant to compliment you, right Rarity?” She inquired her with a stern glance towards the other unicorn.

“Yes.” She answered but just had to continue gushing over him. “Oh, sweetie, you are turning the most delightful shade of red. It is most becoming.”

Spike incensed by those over-flattering comments stormed off in anger while throwing down his apron before leaving the trench.

“Oh, isn't he adorable when he waddles off in anger?” Rarity couldn’t stop.

“Waddle?! Rrrrrggggh!” Spike growled while not batting an eye in her direction.

“Seriously?!” Fuli scolded the unicorn. “You just had to go there?!”

“What?” Rarity wondered what she did wrong. “I was only trying to compliment him.”

“Well you sure did a good job of doing the opposite of that.” Kyoga bluntly commented. “Along with getting him to leave like that.”

“Just why did you have to say that?” The cheetah then asked of what she was thinking.

“I wasn’t trying to make him feel bad.” Rarity honestly answered. “I was just trying to compliment him.”

“Understandable. But you might have done it a little too much.” Beshte said speaking his thoughts.

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked.

“Maybe Spike felt being referred to as cute a little too soft for his nature.” Ono suggested his input on the matter.

“But what’s wrong with that?” She asked.

“Considering dragons are meant to be fierce and intimidating creature, that’s probably what Spike wants to thought of being known for too.” Ono explained for Fluttershy. “Even though he is a still a baby dragon he still would like be referred to as a fierce and brave as any other fire-breathing dragon.”

“Oh.” Rarity just said realizing her mistake. “Oops.”

“It’s okay, Rarity.” Fluttershy doesn’t hold anything against her. “I’m sure Spike would you know you didn’t mean too.”

“But I still gotta go apologize to him.” Rarity still voiced her regret preparing to follow him until being held back by Kion and Twilight.

“You can do that after the migration.” Twilight reminded her of the dragons flying over Ponyville. “Unless you want it to be the last thing you say.”

“Of course.” Rarity relented feeling even more embarrassed that she nearly did something even more foolish with a matching grin. “After all everyone knows that unicorns don’t smoke.”

Bunga and Pinkie suddenly burst out laughing hearing that comment while rolling onto his back onto the ground after getting the joke to which the others rolled their eyes in annoyance before focusing on all of the dragons flying overhead.

“Ugh. How is that even jokes that aren’t meant to be funny make him laugh?” Ono thought to himself. “Oh right, because of the pun. Common knowledge really.” He added in a deadpan tone and expression when coming to realize he walked his own mouth into that answer.

The following night after the migration, the question of Spike’s own identity was still fresh on his mind to the point he can’t even sleep.

“What am I? Where am I from? Who am I supposed to be?” Spike asked outloud while keeping Twilight awake.

“I honestly don’t know, Spike.” Twilight responded trying to be polite as possible. “You were given to me as an egg. I don't know who found you or where they found you.”

“Seriously? That's all you know?” Spike complained before getting himself out of bed.

“I'm sorry, Spike.“ Twilight apologized.

“That doesn't tell me anything about who I am! I need answers!” Spike said while looking at himself in the mirror. “I feel like I'm... I'm looking at a complete stranger. Oh!”

“Oh, Spike.” Twilight sympathized and then offered upon seeing him curling him and crying. “Why don't we do some late-night research? See what we can find out.”

“Really? You'd do that?” Spike asked surprised that she is willing to do that for her.

“Of course! I'm sure we can find something.” Twilight happily answered while turning on the lights and started pulling out books from the shelves.

Sadly, even going through the entire library and all through the rest of the night did nothing to satisfy and answer the little dragon’s questions.

“Nothing. Nothing in this one either!” Twilight reported empty-hoofed and with tired eyes.

“Nothing at all about dragons? This is getting ridiculous!” Spike complained.

“I know! It's hard to believe, but ponies know next to nothing about dragons. Apparently they're too rare and too scary to try to talk to or study!” Twilight wished that wasn’t the case.

“I wonder if dragons cry...” Spike asked while now on the verge of tears.

“Aw, Spike.” Twilight handed him a tissue while trying not to cry herself for failing to find him the answers he is looking for.

“It's okay, Twilight. I'm gonna discover who I am if it's the last thing I do!” Spike responded with a more confident and determined tone.

At that moment their friends arrived after knocking on the door.


“Hey, guys!”

“Good morning, darlings!”

Bunga, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all greeted.

“What’s with the mess?” Kyoga inquired.

“Oh, just a little late night research.” Twilight answered.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Ono asked.

“I wish we did.” Twilight replied while gesturing to the all of the pulled books that they found nothing.

“Well how about some breakfast with us?” Fuli suggested.

“Wanna come?” Applejack asked.

“It is the most important meal of the day.” Pinkie happily pointed out.

“That sounds great. I'm famished.” Twilight accepted.

“Count me out. I've gotta get an early start!” Spike declined.

“An early start?” Rarity asked in surprise.

“What do you mean?” Beshte also asked where he is going with this.

“Yes! I'm going on a quest of self-discovery! I need to learn what it means to be a dragon! And the only way I'm gonna do that is to join the dragon migration!” Spike answered with confidence.

“What?!?” Everyone all exclaimed in shock hearing this come out of his mouth.

“Spike, you can’t be serious!” Kion exclaimed finding this to be a very bad idea.

“Oh I’m serious Kion!” Spike asserted. “And don’t try to stop me!”

“Spike, that's nonsense talk!” Rainbow tried to reason with him while he is packing his bundle bag. “I know that you're a dragon, but those dragons mean business! They're big, and tough, and scary...”

“And I'm small, and meek... and I like to wear aprons. See?” Spike crossly responded while showing him said apron before tossing it aside.

“Okay Spike please, I’m sorry I made fun of you the other day but all I’m saying is that you could get hurt.” Rainbow apologized before pointing out.

“Coming from the pony who was willing to charge straight into one herself.” Spike pointed out unconvinced.

“Darling, please?” Rarity implored of him. “Don’t do this to yourself. This time I really do have to agree with Rainbow Dash. I don't want those dragons to hurt you.”

“Please listen to us.” Fluttershy pleaded of him. “They’re dangerous.“

“I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind.” Spike refused to change his stance on the matter while tying up his bundle bag together before preparing to head out.

“Oh, uh, quick, do something! Stop him before it's too late!” Rarity pleaded of the others to which Rainbow and Bunga were quick to intercept him and obtain his bundle bag.

“Ngh! Hey! Give it back!” Spike protested to the two of them to let them do this.

“Hold it!” Twilight then called out to them while teleporting in between and them using her magic to separate them before handing Spike his bundle bag to give him her blessing.

“Really?” Spike asked feeling touched by this gesture.

“What?” The others asked in astonishment.

“Don't tell me you think he should go?” Rainbow asked in disbelief.

“Yes I do.” She confirmed before turning to Spike while trying to be very supportive of his decision. “I couldn't answer your questions. My books couldn't either. I understand why you want to look elsewhere. And as a parent, I truly believe you need to go on this quest. And we have no right to stop you.”

“I suppose not.” Rarity reluctantly agreed.

“That’s true.” Kion also came to agree with a sigh.

“Even if none of us likes it.” Fuli added.

“I still say you're nutty, but hey, I've done lots of nutty things.” Rainbow added in admittance.

“Yeah me too.” Bunga added.

“We know.” Everyone all said with eyes that tell it all to which both Rainbow and Bunga groaned under her breath for not sugarcoating it like she hoped.

“Okay, Spike…” Kion began. “…then I guess there is no stopping you if you really want to do this. Good luck.”

“Yep, I guess this is goodbye, Spike.” Twilight added while hugging her son like figure w. “We can't wait to hear about it when you return.”

“Yeah, we hope your quest answers some of your "Who am I?" questions.” Rainbow added.

“Thanks, everypony and everyone. I know it will.” Spike thanked before heading on over to the Dragon Lands.

“Goodbye, Spikey-wikey!”

“Take care!”

“Please be safe.”

“Have fun!”

“Go get 'em, big guy!”

“Knock them dead.”

“Show them who’s boss.”

“Be on the lookout for trouble.”

“Make some new friends.”

“Be ready to run.”

“We have faith in you!”

Rarity, Kion, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, Bunga, Applejack, Ono, Beshte, Fuli, and Twilight all waved with big smiles.

“We're following him, right?” Rarity whispered to Twilight while still grinning.

“Of course.” She answered while still sporting her grin. “Right after breakfast.”

“Of course.” Fuli immediately agreed with that.

Spike after leaving the library followed the path of the many dragons flying back home through the skies on foot. Aside from some brief breaks for rest, nothing stopped Spike from following the dragons. Not even sweat, strong winds, heavy rain, nor snow stopped Spike from following after them. The only one he crossed paths with on the way is Cranky Doodle who was more than willing to give him a raft ride down the river since his destination was on the path he was walking on.

But nevertheless, he did finally manage to catch up to them when they reached their home. A small volcanic crater with lava and the one to which Spike climbed up where there are many dragons all around. Some of the fully grown dragons are sleeping on the edge of the crater while the smaller yet teenage dragons are currently down in the crater.

Spike nervously gulped upon nearly dodging a burning crater sent at his direction before noticing the dragons down below.

“Alright, teenage dragons! Now that's more my speed. And size.” Spike commented upon seeing the slightly bigger and older dragons cheering each other on with the red and brown dragons facing off against each other in a wrestling match before running in their direction with hopes of making new friends with them.

At the same time his friends from most of the Guard have followed him all the way out here. Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash in one green dragon costume with green, blue, purple and pink gems as dragon scales. Kion, Kyoga, Fuli, and Bunga all another dragon costume that is blue with purple and pink gems as dragon scales on it.

“I'm telling you, we'll never pass for a real dragon!” Rainbow complained to Rarity while in between the other two ponies.

“Oh, pish-posh! This costume is fabulous, one of my finer creations.” Rarity dismissed it as nonsense.

“Shh!” Twilight riding on top hushed them. “We'll never pass if they hear three voices coming out of one dragon! Now come on, let's go!”

The two groups both followed down the downhill slope after Spike.

“Um, excuse me? Uh, hi. I'm Spike.“ Spike greeted them.

Every dragon stopped what they were doing and locked all eyes and attention on him with the red dragon releasing his grip on the brown dragon.

“You sure your name is Spike and not Shrimp?!” The purple dragon with blonde hair and scales mockingly asked him to which all of the dragon shared a taunting laugh over it.

“No, it's Spike!” Spike corrected while resisting the urge to cry and correct himself. “I'm not, I mean, I'm sure about that...”

“You look more like Peewee to me.” The large overweight brown dragon commented with a slight jab to his shoulder with everyone all laughing at him again.

“Hey guys, c'mon, seriously. Leave him alone or he might fly away.” The red dragon with orange scales spoke in his defense at least until he picked him up and held up upside down. ”That is, uh, if he had any wings!”

Everyone all laughed when the red dragon drops Spike on his head to which the Guard members watching this shake their heads in disgust with their despicable attitude.

“You fly in on your mommy's back during the migration?” The large brown dragon again asked mockingly.

“Not exactly...” Spike responded while clearly confused of the bullying reception he was getting.

“No, no, can't you see baby Spike just hatched?” The purple dragon said to his face. “I bet he still sucks his claw at night!”

“No, I haven't sucked my claw in months!” Spike protested which is met with further laughs.

“This is just sad.” Kyoga muttered under her breath.

“No kidding.” Kion agreed.

“Well, if you weren't just hatched, how come we haven't seen you around before?” The red dragon popped another question for another means of taunting him again with.

“Oh, well, y'see, I live in Ponyville and–“

“Hahaha! Ponyville? That explains it!” He commented before threateningly advancing on the poor little guy. “I knew there was something vaguely pony-ish about you! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were part pony!”

“Who, me? I'm not part pony! I'm all dragon, see? Raar!” Spike again said in his defense albeit welkly.

“Or maybe you're a pony in a dragon costume.” The red dragon suggested with a rude remark to which everyone all shared another laugh.

“A pony in a dragon costume...!” The purple dragon addressed the Guard watching unaware that they aren’t really ponies.

“Aheh... yeah... hilarious.” Twilight responded with a deep male-sounding voice.

“If you’re an idiot.” Fuli remarked to the dragon with the same disguised voice to which the dragon laughed thinking it’s a joke. “Seriously.” She added flatly to which he laughed even harder hearing that.

“I am a real dragon!” Spike again asserted himself.

“Oh, yeah? Prove it.” The red dragon dared.

“Well... how?“

“By acting like one!” He answered before turning to everyone around him. “Who's up for a little belching contest?” Everyone cheered in agreement before they all took turns showing their best burps.

The white dragon with pink scales went first by releasing a big belch that released a big blue flame from his mouth. The purple dragon with blonde hair and scales went next and released a belch producing a big green flame just as powerful as the first dragon’s fiery burp.

The large brown dragon then released a belch with producing an orange flame so powerful that everyone narrowly dodged and nearly singed the eyebrows of the Guard’s dragon costumes.

“Hevi Kabisa.” Kion exclaimed in shock.

“Un-Bunga-veilable.” Bunga remarked in amazement. “Nice burp.”

“He’s sure got the fire in him.” Kyoga commented in disgust while Fuli turned aside while holding her mouth with a paw to resist the urge to vomit seeing this.

“Ugh.” Fuli complained before briefly sneaking away to throw up behind the rocks.

“You think you can beat that, Peewee?” The red dragon challenged Spike to which he nervously gulped before stepping forward to give his best shot while Twilight watches on in worry.

Spike puffed up his cheeks while trying to muster everything he’s got before being able to produce a small and light belch with a letter from the Princess coming out of his mouth.

“Huh?” The dragons all expressed in confusion before the red one takes it and reads it.

“From the desk of Princess Celestia. Dear Spike, please te– Ha!” He read before scoffing at the contents. “Get this, guys! Spike's pen-pals with a namby-pamby pony princess! Oh, along with a fancy shmacy lion king.”

The dragons all laughed before the red dragon simply tossed away the letter into the nearby lava pit which burned into ash. Twilight gasped in offended shock while Kion narrowed his eyes and growled in anger at the sheer disrespect they were showing to the most powerful rulers in Equestria and the Pride Lands.

“How can he just throw that away?! That letter could be something important!”

“How dare they?!”

“Calm down, Kion.” Fuli quickly urged the prince while Rainbow did the same with Twilight.

“We can't worry about that now, Twilight. We're here to help Spike!” Rainbow reminded.

“I know, I know!” Twilight relented and calmed down along with Kion. “There's no reason to disrespect Princess Celestia that way!”

“Nor my dad.” Kion added still furious while focusing their attention back to the dragons giving Spike a hard time.

“Maybe tail wrestling is more your speed.” The red dragon then suggested.


“Yeah!” All of the teenagers agreed before they moved on to their next activity.

“Ready... go!” The red dragon told the large purple dragon and skinny black dragon locking tails to start wrestling with them trying to pull each other to the ground with them alone.

The two released grunts of exertion before the purple dragon finally triumphed over the black dragon after a minute of tail pulling.

“The winner!” The red dragon announced while lifting the victor’s tail while the loser’s grasped his tail in pain.

“Good old tail wrestling...” Spike commented while grasping his tail knowing what’s to come when he has to step up to the challenge.

“We can't let little Spikey-wikey wrestle one of them! He'll get clobbered!” Rarity voiced to the others.

“Let's go!” Twilight told them before leading her pony friends forward. “I challenge Spike to a tail wrestle!” She said with her male disguised voice.

“Who's this weirdo?” The red dragon questioned.

“I think he's Crackle's cousin.” The blonde haired dragon whispered his best bet when a similar colored dragon burped smoke and scratched his scales with his feet.

“Oh, that would explain it.” The red dragon figured without question before letting them lock tails and wrestle. “Ready? Go!”

Spike gave his best like before and so far it wasn’t even moving the three ponies without even moving a muscle until Rarity and Rainbow Dash nodded their heads of what they need to do. They all dropped to the ground so their costume crashes down to make it look like Spike ‘defeated.” him.

“Spike's the winner!” The red dragon announced while briefly holding him upside down with everyone cheering for him. “Nice going, little Spike! Maybe you are a dragon after all!”

“Yeah! Maybe I am!” Spike felt pleased even when getting flicked on the nose while his pony friends retreat to their Lion Guard friends.

“Rainbow Dash, I can't believe your silly plan actually worked.” Rarity remarked to which she responded by bumping her flank onto her nose. “Ow.”

“Alright, who's next?” Spike then challenged to which both Fuli and Kyoga face-palmed at his declaration.

“Don’t you know when to quit?” Kyoga irritably muttered at his stupidity.

“Getting a little cocky, huh? I like that.” The red dragon commended while pointing him to a small aqua-colored dragon with yellow scales. “So how about you wrestle... him!”

“Okay…” Fuli shrugged along with Spike seeing that he is a doable opponent…

…until they saw that said dragon had a huge tail with spike scales on it. “…maybe not.”


“Whooooooooa!” Spike screamed upon being thrown into the wall and was immediately defeated there.

Once he fell back onto the ground the red dragon picked him up and carried him to the top of a nearby pile of jewels.

“So, Spike, you haven't exactly proven yourself as a dragon yet, have you?” He told him.

“But... I get an A for effort?” Spike hoped for a little leniency here.

“Huh, maybe.” He complied. “Let's see how you do in this next contest.” He pushed Spike off and sent him tumbling down the hill of gems and onto the ground. “King of the hoard!“

Many dragons took up the challenge to try to knock the red dragon off of the top to which none of them were able to while Spike climbs his way up the pile.

“This is my chance.” He voiced his determination not to give up.

Just when he is nearing the top, the blonde haired dragon was charging up towards him to which Kion took notice of and led his companions into intercepting him and knocking him to the ground.

“I don’t think so!” Kion growled which allowed Spike the time to get to the top and poke his head scales on the red dragon who he and the obese brown dragon both tumbled to the ground after losing their balance.

“King of the ho-“ Spike cheered until he ended slipping and falling off of the gem pile again.

“Looks like this is another fail for you, little Spike.” The red dragon told him with unimpressed crossed arms. “Can't wait to watch you fail at lava cannonball, too.” Spike nervously gulped hearing this before they all made their way to the lava pit for their next big fun activity.

“Whoever makes the biggest lava splash is the ultimate dragon!” He told every dragon lined up at lies below them. “Geronimo!”

He dove first producing a big splash sending a drop that nearly came in contact with both the ponies, lions, and honey badger.

“Spike's on his own this time.” Twilight whispered to the others before backing away from the edge of the pit.

“No question about that.” Fuli agreed without second thought while actively restraining Bunga. As much it would easy to let him, everyone values him as a friend and no one would be happy if Bunga dropped to his death by jumping in lava.

Every dragon all jumped in creating big splashes rivaling the one the red dragon made until the large brown dragon took the gold with an enormous splash. All while Spike looks down nervously before backing away from the ledge in fright.

“Thanks.” Bunga said to the cheetah stopping him from making a huge mistake.

“What's wrong, Spike? You afraid the lava will hurt your soft pony hide?” The red dragon mocked and goaded with the others laughing along with him.

It took courage for Spike to step back forward to the ledge, but after a small gulp and clasping of his hands pleading for good luck he leaped into the pit and smacked face first into the lava before sinking.

“Oooh...” The dragons all winced at the sight.

“Ugh... was I... that bad?” Spike responded while emerging his head up. Thankfully, he’s okay without a hint of damage.

“No, dude, that was awesome!” The red dragon voiced otherwise now genuinely impressed. “No pony could live through a belly flop like that! You're one tough little dragon.“

All of the teenage dragons all cheered for him now taking a liking to him more to which Spike smiled that they are finally seeing each eye to eye.

After the event, the dragons all lined up dragons facing each in pairs while creating a straight path for Spike to walk forward towards the red dragon. When they were ready to start their ritual the black dragon blew his nose like a kazoo like sounding whistle before they all turned back and lifted their tails up so Spike can approach the red dragon.

“Spike, by belly flopping so hard, you have proven yourself worthy. I hereby dub you 'rookie dragon', and will now perform the initiation ritual.” He commended him by placing his tail on his shoulders in a knighting manner before rubbing the top of his head to which sparked a disheartened chill in Twilight’s mind upon seeing it from afar. “Now let’s party dragon style!” Everyone all cheered and roared in celebration while dancing and feasting on gems.

“Well, at least Spike has made some new friends.” Bunga said to the others to which Twilight and Kyoga shook their heads disapprovingly. “Along with getting to do something they all like together.”

“True, but they’re not quite a great influence on him.” Twilight responded still not warmed up to them at all.

“Why’s that?” Bunga wondered.

“Probably because their idea of fun is more on the delinquent side of rise the northern borders.” Kyoga answered while they continue to watch over Spike’s shoulders unseen.

“Indeed.” Rarity agreed. “These ruffians are a very bad influence on them.”

“What can we do?” Kion asked Twilight.

“All we can do is just watch without getting turned to dragon crisps.” Twilight responded with their only approach for the time being.

Sometime later the dragons were all relaxing on their backs after their celebration.

“Man, was that a great party.” Spike expressed in delight.

“Great? Huh, maybe by Ponyville standards. Stick with us, Spike.” He offerd while giving him a friendly jab on the shoulder. “We still got plenty to teach you about being a dragon.”

“I'm not going anywhere. The way I feel right now, I could hang out with you guys forever.” He told him to which surprised his Ponyville and Pride Lander friends.

“Forever?!” Everyone all exclaimed in a whisper.

“Spikey-wikey is going to stay with these awful dragons? Forever?” Rarity then gasped.

“Oh no, this is terrible!” Twilight commented in horror.

“I should've stopped him back at the library when I had the chance!” Rainbow expressed her regrets. “Oh, why did I have to mock him the other day.”

“No, Rainbow Dash, this is all my fault! I encouraged him to go!” Twilight quickly voiced she’s to blame for this.

“No!” Kion was having none of it. “None of us are to blame for this. Spike’s just been led astray with a bad crowd.”

“Exactly.” Kyoga agreed. “None of us could have foreseen this and if any of us did we wouldn’t all be here right now.”

“Yeah. It’s not any of you girl’s fault.” Bunga jumped in. “I mean Spike knows whose his real friends are. I mean there’s no way he would choose them over us.”

They all peered their heads from the rock they were hiding behind so they continue watching the red dragon converse with Spike.

“Y'know, Spike, I think you just might be ready for a real dragon raid.” He told Spike to which everyone all cheered in excitement for the next big activity he has in mind for everyone. “There's a nest full of phoenix eggs nearby, and we're gonna swipe 'em!”

Spike’s ears dropped upon hearing what dastardly deed he is proposing.

“Aren't you totally psyched to go on this raid?” The large brown dragon inquired while slapping him to the ground.

“Oh yeah, I'm excited. I mean, I'm psyched.” He quickly answered positively to their approval.

“Alright then. Let's fly!” The red dragon led the way while seemingly leaving Spike behind.

Seeing this as an opportunity Spike shouted after them. “Uh, sorry, guys! I guess I'll meet you back here at the crater! After the whole raid thing's over? We'll totally hang then!” The dragons still not ones to leave him behind have the brown dragon quickly scoop and whisk him away. “Whoahoa!”

“Oh no, they took Spike!” Rainbow exclaimed upon seeing this. “We've gotta go after them!”

Rainbow wasted no time flapping her wings to push the other girls into pursing him with Rarity screaming in response to being dragged along for the ride.

“Rainbow Dash, stop!“

“We can't fly!”

Kion and Twilight both exclaimed.

“And you're ruining my fabulous costume!” Rarity added.

“Seriously?” Fuli questioned the girl with a raised eyebrow. “Preserving a costume even in the heat of the moment is all you care about?”

“Hey, a girl’s gotta look the part as much as play the part.” Rarity defended while their Lion Guard friends were quick to intercept them before they run into the lava pit.

“I'm sorry, but we gotta help Spike!” Rainbow apologized.

“Well, we're just gonna have to hoof it!” Twilight voiced of what they can do before having her pony friends lead the way in the direction to where the teenagers are taking Spike.

Later in the night they have all arrived at the sight of where the phoenix eggs are placed in their nests on trees where they are all ready to enact their next act of delinquent fun together.

“Alright, Spike. Since you're our rookie dragon, you get to lure the parents away from the nest.” The lead dragon told Spike.

“Heh... lucky me...” Spike nervously chuckled with a forced smile.

“Well go on, then!” He ordered Spike to do as he was told.

“Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix! I was hoping I could have a word with you?” Spike called out to them. “Um, I'd, um, like to ask you some questions actually...”

“We haven't got all day, Spike!” The red dragon urged him to speed it up while handing him a pebble.

“Hey, you bird brains! Come and get me!” He mockingly told them while throwing a rock at them which left a bump on the father bird’s head which angered him and his wife into pursing him.

With this distraction it created an opening for the other dragons to raid their nest.

“What the...” The lead dragon commented upon seeing the nest filled with small live phoenix chicks.

“The eggs have hatched.” The purple dragon commented.

“What do we do now?” The brown dragon asked.

“We take the hatchlings, of course!” The red dragon declared who all quickly flew away before he could grab them. Luckily, the newborns were smart and capable of fending for themselves by outsmarting the leader of the gang by tricking him into twisting and turning himself up before blowing raspberries at him and flying away. “Get 'em!”

The terrible trio all pursed the hatchlings which caught their parents attention who quickly dropped their pursuit of Spike in favor of protecting their children. They released fire in their direction just before the red dragon could snap his jaws onto them leaving him with soot on his face.

“Ohh... get them!” The red dragon again ordered while trying to double down their efforts into catching the family which is met with the father releasing a bright blinding light that caused to crash into a tree. “Nnngh, they got away! I hate that!” He growled when they crashed into the ground when their tree fell down.

During the scene, there was one egg left in their nest which no one noticed during the chase with Spike being the only one who spotted it upon returning to their deserted nest.

“Huh, what have we got here?” Spike wondered while picking up the sole orange egg with yellow colored flames left behind just when the teenagers regrouped with him. “What happened?”

“They got away!” He answered before seeing the egg in his claws. “Hey! You stole an egg?”


“Well, I guess the raid wasn't a total waste after all.” The red dragon then praised along with the other two teenagers while giving him a slap on the back. “Nice going, Spike.”

“Well, what are you waiting for, Spike?” The brown dragon encouraged the baby dragon. “Smash it!”

“Smash the egg?”


“Yeah, throw it on the ground as hard as you can!” The purple dragon also encouraged.

“Smash it! Smash it! Smash it! Smash it! Smash it!” They all chanted and goaded him into doing it while Spike sweats and struggles with a tough decision and wondering if doing it is really worth making new friends.

It was clearly a tough decision for the young dragon and he was tearing up but in the end he made his decision. The right one.

“No! It's just a defenseless egg, like I was! And I'm not gonna let you hurt it!” Spike asserted.

“What did you say?” The red dragon angrily asked.

“I said no.” He repeated which did not sit well with the gang leader.

“No one says no to me.” He threatened causing Spike to back away seeing that he is now really in trouble…

…at least before his friends that have followed him all the way out here spring off their disguise and leap to his defense.

“Nopony's gonna lay a claw on him!” Rainbow exclaimed while holding her hooves up ready to tussle while Twilight, Rarity, and Bunga do the same with the others getting into fighting stances ready to pounce on the bullies.

“That's right!”

“Leave him alone!”

“Back off!”

“Don’t even think about it!”

Twilight, Kion, Fuli, and Kyoga added while the lions and cheetah all bare their claws.

“Fighting's not really my thing, I'm more into fashion…” Rarity said while flipping her hair. “…but I'll rip you to pieces if you touch one scale on his cute little head!” She finished aggressively.

The dragons all laughed in response to Spike’s backup.

“Ooh, scary, hehe! Spike, are these namby-pamby ponies and kitties your friends?” The red dragon mockingly asked.

“Yes, they are.” He firmly answered. “And they're better friends than you could ever be. Now, if you don't back off, you'll see what us ponies, lions, and honey badgers do when confronted by a huge group of jerky dragons.”

“Oh, yeah?” The red dragon snorted. “What's that?”

“This.” Fuli answered while quickly charging ahead towards him. “Huwezi!”

“Whoa!” The dragon exclaimed upon being tackled. “Hey! Get off of me!”

Before his two buddies could help him out they were suddenly tackled and pinned down by both Kion and Bunga with Twilight and Rarity following after them with punches from their fore hoofs. The dragons all got up on their feet and tried to fight back but of course their opponents were much smarter than them. Every punch they tried to throw at them they miss and leave themselves vulnerable to the other’s attacks from punches and kicks at every angle. By the end of the fight the three were all left piled up in defeat.

“But how…?” The red dragon mumbled in defeat just as Spike approaches him.

“Because these guys and girls are the Lion and Pony Guard. That’s why.” Spike told them while knocking him out with a single punch to the face.

Once the fight was over, Twilight gathered everyone together for a quick teleportation back to Ponyville.

“Phew, that was a close one.” Spike said in grateful relief. “Thanks, you guys.”

“Of course. What are friends for?” Twilight thought nothing of it.

“It’s all part of our job.” Kion added.

“It’s the least we could do for embarrassing you the other day, Spike.” Rarity added apologetically.

“Yeah…” Bunga agreed. “…can you forgive us for being mean friends?”

“Of course, you're more than friends. You're my family.” Spike told them with heartwarming tears in his eyes to which everyone all shared a group hug with him.

“Aww.” Bunga remarked feeling touched by the compliment. “So many brothers and sisters to thank for this.”

Everyone all chuckled before they went back home to which Spike took the time to write about the friendship lesson he learned along the way.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Seeing the great dragon migration made me wonder what it meant to be a dragon. But now I realize that who I am is not the same as what I am. I may have been born a dragon, but Equestria, the Pride Lands, and my pony and Lion Guard friends have taught me how to be kind, loyal, and true! I'm proud to call Ponyville my home, and to have my pony friends as my family.

Yours truly,


In the following days, the phoenix egg Spike carried with him to Ponyville hatched with a newborn phoenix emerging from the shell. Since his family whereabouts are still far into the Dragon Lands, Spike had decided to raise and watch after him until his family comes over to retrieve him. Hopefully by then the phoenix’s parents will have come to forgive him for joining in on the bully’s harassment of them that day and will thank him for taking care of one of their own.

“Aww.” Spike chuckled while nuzzling him. “Hey, welcome to the family, Peewee! Stick with me. I've got plenty to teach you about being a pony?”

Author's Note:

For this episode, it required some touch ups and some fixing but overall it was doable starting with having Fluttershy join in on the dragon migration along with Ono while re-writing of how it plays out. Next is downplaying the insensitivity the Mane Six showed to Spike down to Rainbow, Bunga, and Rarity rather than include the entire mane cast.

Aside from that everything else was straightforward with what happens in this episode centered on Spike trying to find himself yet is encouraged into participating in activities fit for tough bully dragons up until he is coerced into participating in an egg raid along with smashing an egg.

In the end, Spike's good conscious along with most of the Guard being there to take the bullies down saves him from making the biggest mistake of his life with a very valuable friendship lesson learned out of it.

Next up is "Hurricane Fluttershy." where her and Ono's help is needed in helping the peagsus team deliver enough wing power in supplying water to Cloudsdale.

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