• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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11: Mousers Attack!

Spike and the turtles were in the dojo training once again, they were tasked with trying to focus on they're fighting forms. Spike had been wanting to train more with his new arm, so this could be helpful, they all started to make poses and moved to him.

"What are you fighting a guy in slow motion?" Raph asked as he saw Leo was moving slower.
"I suppose i could do it faster if i ignored my form like you." Leo countered.

"Ignored this form!" Raph shouted as he tried to attack Leo and jumped in the air and tried to kick his head, Leo bent his head down and side stepped out of the way, Leo blocked a couple kicks with his fist and they continued to fight more. Spike and the others looked at them a little confused.
"Guys, remember, focus." Spike reminded, Splinter walked up from behind them and grabbed they're necks and used a pressure point move and knocked them down.

"Competition is an excellent motivator, but not when it turns you against eachother." Splinter explained.
"Especially when were training guys?" Spike reminded again as they got up.
"Now you will spar two on two." Splinter instructed.

"That's great i'll take Don" Leo said before Splinter stopped.
"You will take Raphael." Splinter explained, and the two looked at eachother.
"You two must learn to work together, not competing with eachother." Splinter explained again.

"Okay, so me and Raph against Mikey and Donnie and Spike?" Leo asked before he laughed a little.
"Isn't that a little unfair?.. except for Spike maybe?" Leo asked with a smile and Raph smiled back.
"Spike will be with both of you, someone has to make sure your managed." Splinter explained, Spike nodded in understanding and walked up to them and Raph and Spike high fived eachother, Donnie looked annoyed at Leo's remark.

"Wait, what are you trying to say?" Donnie asked annoyed
"Um, how could i put this gently? We're way better then you guys." Raph said bluntly and Mikey scoffed.
"At fighting maybe." Mikey said annoyed while he brushed his hand.

"Uh, that's what i meant, even Spike has been taking his training more seriously, especially with his mutant arm." Raph said as Spike looked at his arm again and sighed.
"He's right, sorry guys." Spike apologized and Donnie looked more annoyed. Spike, Raph and Leo faced Mikey and Donnie and got in they're fighting stances, they were waiting for Splinter to give the word.

"Hajime!" Splinter shouted, there were multiple shots of Raph, Leo and Spike delivering a blow to Mikey and Donnie, Spike used his arm and punched Mikey in the chest and sent him flying into Donnie, the three laughed and high fived again before switching exponents. Spike and Leo delivered a combo move on Donnie and Raph grabbed Spike and swung him over his shoulder so Spike could deliver a strong kick on Donnie's head and Leo punched Mikey in the face and knocked them both down.
"Ya me!" Splinter announced and they stopped.

"You were right sensei, working together is fun." Raph said convinced.
"Sorry guys." Spike said as he looked down at Donnie and Mikey

At Shredder's lair, Dogpound walked up to him and bowed again and explained things to Shredder.
"The Purple Dragon gang has agreed to raise our cut to 80%. No complaints." Dogpound explained.

"It seems your mutated form has its advantages, but do not forget our primary goal. Locate Splinter and the turtles and dragon." Shredder instructed while Xever in his mutant form was swimming around in the water below.
"If i weren't stuck in here, i would have found them by now!" Xever said annoyed.

"But you are stuck in there." Dogpound countered and started to tap on the glass.
"No no! stop that!" Xever shouted and swam away and Dogpound laughed at that.
"I'm sure you'll have your chance to shine one of these days, master Shredder might get hungry for sushi." Dogpound threatened.

"Why don't you come in the water and say that?!" Xever asked angry.
"Enough Xever! Bradford is right, you are useless to me this way. I'm counting on you. Fine me information i can use, or Xever won't be the only one missing his legs." Shredder threatened.

Back at the lair, Spike and the others were in the living room doing they're thing while Donnie and Mikey looked upset.
"Look guys, Raph, Spike and i might be better fighters, but your still an important part of this team." Leo said as he walked in with some food.
"Hmm... as important as you three?" Donnie asked, the three looked at eachother for a moment.
"Uh very important! We shouldn't compare ourselves it's like apples and oranges" Leo quickly said.

"Yeah apples are way better which they are." Raph said looking at his comic.
"Applejack would like that very much." Spike said with a smile.

"So, the truth comes out." Donnie said while Mikey got up.
"You think of us as some kind of B-team" Mikey accused.
"Good one doctor name-enstein. We'll call you B-team." Raph said looking at them.
"Thanks.. i mean hey." Mikey said offended.

"There's no shame in it, look, they got a B- team too." Leo said pointing at the tv again, the show only showed the two men they brought for backup being disintegrated and the captain said that's why they bring them along.
"What kind of captain brings his men along even if he knows they're just gonna die like that?" Spike asked confused at the show.

"Thanks a lot" Donnie said annoyed.
"Look, the point is, they had an important function." Leo said as he took a bite of his pizza, they heard some footsteps nearby and saw April come in looking a little worried.
"April! Are you okay?" Donnie asked with worry.

"I just got mugged by some Purple Dragons, they stole my phone!" April told them and they looked surprised.
"What?!" Spike asked in anger.
"Don't worry, we'll kick they're butts for you." Leo told her.
"Yeah and we'll teach those punks to mess with April O Neil" Raph said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Guys, it's just a phone, i'll get another one." April assured.
"No, this is bad, if they find out you have our contacts, they could try to trace us and find us here!" Spike said with worry.
"Spike's right, we gotta go out and get that phone back before those thugs manage to do so, come on guys, let's go. "Leo ordered before they started running out with Splinter watching as they went out, he was gonna try to tell them to let it go as well, but Spike brought up a good point there.

"Eh, what you gonna do?" April asked as she turned to him.
"Hope my next pupil is more obedient, Spike has been one of the few students i've had who has been." Splinter said as he tossed her a wooden sword and they bowed in respect.

Spike and the others had made they're way to the fortune cookie factory again because that's where they hung out, They snuck through the windows again and hid on the ceiling, Raph jumped down and knocked the large guy and sent him slamming into the wall.

"The turtles?!" The leader asked in surprise, Spike and Leo jumped down getting in they're stances.
"Sup?" Raph asked in anger.

"Get em!" The leader ordered, one of the gang members jumped in the air towards Mikey, Mikey made a battle cry while twirling his nunchucks but was stopped.
"Coming through!" Raph shouted as Raph jumped in the air and kicked the guy in the back and Mikey looked upset. Donnie was charging at another member but Leo and Spike jumped in front.
"We got it!" Leo said as he kicked the guy in the chest, Spike jumped in the air and grabbed the guy buy his head with his mutant arm, and slammed him on the ground creating a large crater as a result and he groaned in pain.

"Let's get out of here!" The leader ordered as they tried to escape, but they were blocked by Mikey and Raph and they tried going the other way but was stopped by Leo, Leo grabbed the guy buy the neck and pinned him to a wall.
"You punks stole a phone from a friend of ours. We want it back" Leo demanded and he scoffed.
"Whatever, we steal a lot of phones.
"Well let's see it, now!" Leo ordered.

The leader brought them over to a large pile of phones and computers which the gang most likely stole as well.
"There it is." Spike said as he saw April's phone, but before he could grab it, the place started to shake violently.
"Does anyone else feel that?!" Mikey asked in fear.
"What's going one?!" A gang member asked in fear as well, suddenly the ground below them started to crack and small metal creatures with sharp mouths emerged from the ground and roared in anger.

"What the heck?" Leo asked in surprise, the robots went over to the phones and tech and started grabbing each one as more and more came out.
"Hey those things are stealing the stuff we stole!" A member said in anger.
"Now you know how the people who you robbed feel!" Spike insulted.

"Wait.. wheres?" Leo asked looking for the leader, they looked upstairs and saw the leader with the phone in his hands.
"He's got the phone! B-Team get him! We'll handle the metal!" Leo ordered as he drew out his swords and he and Spike went for the robots.

"Hey we are!" Donnie said in anger.
"Just go!" Leo interrupted and ran to the robots
"If you guys can't handle it, don't be ashamed to call for help!" Raph taunted.
"It's just one guy, i'm sure you can handle him!" Spike encouraged as he went with the others.

"At least one of us is still looking after the team!" Mikey countered
"I think they got it." Donnie said and he took Mikey with him. Spike threw one of his shuriken's through one of the robots heads, and used his claw to slice another to pieces, he then backflipped over another one and slashed it down with his sword. Raph and Leo were taking down the robots as well until there were only a few left, some of the robots went down a hole and a robot roared at them before Leo slammed his sword in the robot's head.

"Come on. Let's see where these things are coming from." Leo ordered as the three jumped down the hole and the purple dragon members looked at eachother before jumping down as well.

In a warehouse, Dogpound was lifting some weights while the leader walked up to him
"What is it?" Dogpound asked annoyed.
"One of our guys jacked this earlier tonight. then those turtles and dragon came looking for it, says it belongs to a friend of theirs." The leader explained while holding out the phone.
"Really?" Dogpound asked as he put his weights down and walked over. Up on the roof, Mikey and Donnie were watching the thing from above.

"Aw man, we can't take Dogpound on our own. Maybe we should wait for Leo, Raph and Spike?" Mikey suggested
"And tell them we chickened out? Then they'll never stop calling us the B-Team, i mean, Spike doesn't do that, but Leo and Raph will never let that go!" Donnie argued before explaining to Mikey.
"We'll use stealth, with the right plan we'll grab the phone without Dogpound ever seeing us okay?" Donnie asked and Mikey nodded in understanding.

Spike, Leo and Raph had followed those robots to where they were going and they saw they were being delivered to Baxter Stockman.
"Well done my pretties!" Stockman said in victory, the three of them had landed on the ground pulling out they're weapons.
"Dexter Spackman!" Raph said in anger.
"It's Baxter Stockman!" Spike and Stockman said at once.
"I was close!" Raph defended.

"So, your here to stop me again, well you don't stand a chance against my Mousers!" Stockman aid pointing at the robots
"Mousers?" Leo asked confused.
"Mobile, offensive, underground, search, excavation and retrieval sentries!" Stockman explained.
"Seems a little forced." Leo replied.

"Since my test robbery was successful, it's time to move onto bigger targets, these are about to make me very, very rich!" Stockman said sinisterly .
"And we're gonna make you very, very hurt." Raph threatened as he started to walk up to him.
"Guys wait!" Spike warned but stockman pulled out a can and sprayed both of them wit hit.
"Acid! protect your eyes!" Leo shouted, he and Raph kept coughing as it covered them but they suddenly felt fine.

"Hang on it minute, we're fine." Raph said confused.
"Your right, get him!" Leo shouted.
"Get me? No you will be the ones who will be getting got. Gotten? Get them!" Stockman ordered the robots and they charged at them, Spike used his claw and tore through multiple at once and Leo and Raph sliced them to pieces until they were all done.

"Ha! All gone!" Raph taunted.
"Good thing i made extra." He countered pressing a button, a hatch nearby them opened and it was revealed he had hundreds of Mousers inside, they all came out of the storage and went in front of Stockman and roared at them.
"I should have gone with Donnie and Mikey." Spike said a little afraid, the three of them jumped in the air charging at the robots ready to fight.

Spike, Raph and Leo fought against the robots the best they could, but there were too many of them right now and Leo made a choice.
"i'm calling it, let's go!" Leo ordered starting to leave.
"Right behind you!" Spike replied going with him.
"I'll allow it!" Raph said in agreement going after them as well. The three jumped off a ledge while the Mousers were chasing them.
"You can't run forever, soon the Mousers will crush your bones with their jaws. Such as the fate of anyone foolish enough to trifle with Baxter Stock... Oh!" Stockman suddenly was hit in the head and was knocked down by the gang members who followed him.

Mikey and Donnie were on the rooftop still thinking of a plan.
"We need a diversion to we can grab the phone. How about this? We'll make them think the police are here. we'll need a bullhorn a siren, some flashing lights." Donnie suggested.
"Operation: Cop out!" Mikey titled.

"Or we can make them think the place is on fire. We'll need a smoke machine, some orange lights, and some firefighter jackets" Donnie suggested again.
"Operation: Burn out!" Mikey added again.
"Or we could find the breaker box and shut off the power, that would require... nothing" Donnie suggested once again.
"Operation Black Out, no lights out, no power out! This ones too good i can't handle it!" Mikey said in joy falling to the ground and Donnie just looked confused.

On the other side of the rooftops, Spike Raph and Leo were jumping across the buildings trying to escape the robots, they stopped for a moment to take a breath.
"You think we lost them yet?" Leo asked them, they heard small roars and saw the mousers were still chasing them.
"I'd say no." Raph said annoyed looking at them.
"Let's move!" Spike shouted as they made they're way even more.

"How are those things tracking us?" Leo asked while they jumped down another ledge and kept running.
"It's gotta be that stuff Stockman sprayed us with!" Raph suggested.
"All right, we better call Donnie" Leo told them while they were still running.
"You wanna get bailed out by the B-team? Forget that!" Raph said dismissing it.

"Guys, it doesn't matter if they're a B-team or not, they're still your brothers, they should help the best they can!" Spike said annoyed.
"Yeah well, they're probably busy with something right now anyway, they might not even answer!" Raph replied, Spike sighed as he knew that might be true, Leo then looked ahead and saw something.
"Maybe we won't have too." Leo said as the camera pans over to a water tower.

"Whatever this stuff is, we'll just wash it off!" Leo shouted as he sliced the pipe with his sword and water came pouring down on them.
"Ahh! Cold!" Raph shouted holding his arms together.
"It's freezing!!" Spike said holding his arms together as well.
"That oughta do it!" Leo said with a smile, a robotic cat meow was heard and they saw the Mousers had caught up to them while Leo had a dumb look on his face.
"Of course, we could always just call Donnie, Spike's right, they are are brothers after all!" Raph said going back to they're previous suggestion.

Donnie and Mikey were pacing on the roof thinking of something still, Donnie then got an idea.
"I got it! I'll use my T- phone to hack the CIA security system, then i'll reroute the satellite focusing a beam on the building to give them all splitting headaches!" Donnie suggested again
"Operation spaced out!" Mikey announced once again.

"That's when you go in, wearing a tinfoil hat to protect yourself..." Donnie said before his phone went off and he picked it up.
"I'm kind of in the middle of something." Donnie said annoyed
"Is that Leo? Tell him my operation names!" Mikey said excitedly before Donnie pushed him away.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me the A-Team needs our help." Donnie teased, back with the three, they were staying close together while Leo was on the phone.
"I'm just.. checking to see if you guys need any help" Leo lied.

"We're fine, we followed Fong to the defunct futon factory on fifth" Donnie explained and Mikey laughed.
"Say that five times fast." Mikey joked.
"Anyway, we got an awesome plan to get the phone back. How are you guys doing?" Donnie teased again.
"You know, good.. ish.." Leo lied again as they were surrounded by more of the Mousers and they were chomping at the wooden structures.
"Whoa, call waiting. gotta go!" Leo shouted before he hung up.

"You were right Raph, we gotta do this on our own even if it kills us." Leo said looking at him, Spike pinched his face in annoyance.
"You couldn't let your pride go could you?!" Spike asked annoyed.
"Okay, bad choice of words." Leo replied before they all screamed as they fell down when the tower collapsed.

Back with Dogpound and Fong, Fong was trying to get into the phone and Dogpound growled in annoyance.
"Can't you unlock it?!" Dogpound asked in anger.
"It's encrypted or something." Fong replied until they heard a knock on the door, Dogpound lifted it up and saw the other members holding Stockman by his shoulders and he started to freak out.
"Nice.. doggy?" He asked in fear and Dogpound growled in anger again. Stockman had his hands tied up and the others were explaining things.

"This guy used his little robots to steal from us, which means he's stealing from you." One of them explained and he growled again.
"I don't have time for this. get rid of him, i've got turtles and a dragon to find." Dogpound ordered, Stockman's eyes widened as he was about to be taken away.

"Wait! Turtles and a dragon? I hate those guys! I can help, in fact i'm already helping!" Stockman begged and Dogpound looked interested.
"Explain." He ordered.

"My mousers are destroying the turtles as we speak, two of them at least, i couldn't get the dragon because kept his guard up, but i've still got the others cornered!" Stockman quickly explained.
"So you make robots? You must be good at making electronics." Dogpound asked pointing at him,

"The best, there's nothing i can't build, hack or fix." Stockman explained again, Dogpound growled in anger and he used his claws and cut the ropes free of him much to his surprise.
"Can you hack this phone?" Dogpound asked holding it up to him.
"You insult me sir. Something so easy would be a waste of my talents." Stockman replied with an ego.

"Well, start wasting your talents before i waste you." Dogpound threatened handing him the phone, Stockman had a face of fear looking at him.

Back with Donnie and Mikey, they had placed a cable in the power generator.
"Okay, let's do this." Donnie said bumping Mikey's fist.
"B- team go!" Mikey announced and Donnie looked annoyed.
"Don't call us that." Donnie reminded
"Oh right." Mikey said embarrassed.

Spike, Leo and Raph were fighting off the Mousers with they're weapons, Spike used his sword and sliced through 10 of them at once.
"This thing is Op!" Spike said with amazement.
"Look Raph and Spike, Mouser kebabs!" Leo joked as he showed them multiple heads on his swords.
"Nice!" Spike said giving a thumbs up. Two more of them jumped at Raph but he stabbed them with his weapons and threw them to the streets below and was breathing heavily.
"These things are like a cakewalk." Raph said in exhaustion.

The three landed on the ground and sliced a couple more down, Raph picked up a trash can lid and they looked inside the one nearby and saw another one inside. One more Mouser jumped at them from behind but they redirected the trash can in it's direction and it slammed inside.

They looked to they're left and saw even more coming for them.
"Give us a break for Celestia's sake!" Spike said annoyed, Raph slammed the lid on the can and they kicked the trash can to some knocking some of them down but more were still moving.

"I could.. do this all day!" Leo said in fear while they dodged more lunging at them, Spike breathed his fire on some more of the robots and that knocked them down. Raph used the trash can lid as a shield while trying to avoid more attacks.
"Same here!" Raph shouted while he was backing up into a street.
"Raph look out!" Spike shouted, a car horn was heard as Raph turned around and saw a truck coming to him, he dodged the thing and the truck hit more of the robots instead.

Raph was on the side of a wall breathing heavily.
"That was.. so fun.." Raph said tired, Leo and Spike helped him up and they smiled for a moment, but they heard more robotic yells and saw even more coming for them.
"How many more are there?!" Spike asked frustrated.
"Maybe a little too much fun!" Leo said in fear, the three started to run away again the best they could.

Back in the warehouse, Stockman had a computer hooked to the phone.
"There, my decryption program is ready" Stockman explained, the lights suddenly went out shocking both of them.
"What's going on?!" Dogpound asked in anger looking around, Donnie and Mikey quickly came in and snatched it when they weren't looking.

"The phone!" Dogpound said in anger, Mikey was running through the place while Dogpound was searching for them, Mikey and Donnie were running as fast as they could but Dogpound found them and tackled them to the ground and the lights came back on.
"Well that plan didn't work." Mikey said looking at Donnie.
"Worked great for me. Get the chains!" Dogpound ordered.

Mikey and Donnie were hanging in the air with chains strapped to their arms.
"we'll have access to the phone in ten minutes!" Stockman explained while he was typing at the keyboard.
"Your wasting your time, there's nothing on it." Donnie said with anger.

"It's got a GPS log doesn't it?" Stockman asked and Donnie gasped in fear as Spike was right from his statement.
"Once i unlock this phone, we'll see every place it's ever been!" Stockman told them and Mikey gasped as well.

"The museum of natural history!" Mikey said in fear.
"Or the lair, Spike was right about this." Donnie whispered.
"Even worse!" Mikey added before Dogpound came up to them.

"If that phone tells me where Splinter is, i'll have no reason to keep you alive. Even if it doesn't i'll beat the answers out of you ." Dogpound threatened and he punched a nearby wall making a large crater.
"That's what i call a win-win." Dogpound threatened once more.

With Spike, Leo and Raph, the three were running through the streets again the best they could but were starting to slow down.
"I can barely feel my legs.." Spike said exhausted.
"Okay this is crazy, maybe we should call.." Leo said before Raph stopped him.
"We can do this, i got an idea." Raph said as he looked at a street light.

More mousers showed up and roared at them while they were on the top with Spike between Raph and Leo.
"Up here metal mouth!" Leo taunted, the mousers came to the light and started to chomp at the post, Leo looked at Raph and Spike who shrugged they're shoulders in response.

Leo took out his swords and jumped down on one of the robots, he sliced through some of them in the air and landed on a fire hydrant, a mouser chomped at the thing and it started spraying out water out on the streets and it started washing them all away. Raph and Spike used a phone line nearby and landed on the ground. The street light then collapsed and landed on the water and it electrocuted all of them.

"Told you we didn't need those guys." Raph told them, but that backfired as they looked ahead and saw even more coming for them.
"Aw come on!" Leo said annoyed while they started running again.
"This is getting ridiculous!" Spike shouted while they were chasing them again.

The three ran into a warehouse and closed the doors, Spike grabbed a piece of wood and barricaded the thing.
"Okay i admit it, i wish Donnie was here, i bet he could figure out a way to get these things off our tail!" Raph said annoyed, one of them chomped through the door right below Leo's leg and he screamed in fear.
"Make the call now!" Spike shouted in fear.

Donnie and Mikey's phone suddenly went off and Dogpound's ear twitched and he saw them ringing.
"We'll check these next." Dogpound ordered while he was taking them away, Donnie then got an idea.
"T-phones self destruct!" Donnie shouted, The phones short circuited and they were deactivated and Dogpound dropped them in annoyance. Donnie chuckled nervously while he snarled at them with anger.

The three of them were still at the door while Leo was trying to get an answer.
"Mikey's not picking up either, somethings wrong!" Leo said worried.
"I should have known they'd need us to bail them.. Ah!!" They all shouted as the doors were burst down with dozens of more Mousers screeching at them.

Stockman was looking at the computer with the results.
"Almost done, 98,99, yes 100! And processing.. processing.. come on and.. finished!" Stockman said in victory, Spike, Leo and Raph came smashing through the windows and landed on the ground with they're weapons out.

"Not so fast Dogpound, and.. Daxter Spackman?" Leo asked confused.
"Baxter Stockman!" Stockman shouted in anger. Dogpound growled and charged at them with anger. Leo and Spike charged forward and went over and around Dogpound when he attacked. Spike used his arm as it glowed green again and he punched Dogpound in the face really hard once again and it sent him flying into a wall.

They then went up to Stockman and sliced the cable apart with they're weapons and Spike took the phone.
"How did you escape my mousers?!" Stockman asked surprised.
"We didn't." Leo and Spike said at once. More mousers jumped through the top of the building and it rained down on all of them.

Spike and Leo used they're swords and set Mikey and Raph free.
"we're here to save the day, as usual." Raph teased.
"Oh yeah, looks like you guys are doing great." Donnie mocked in response.
"You try fighting off over 2000 robots! Literally 2000 robots!" Spike said in anger pointing at them.

"Let's beat it!" Fong said while he and the others were running away, the 5 of them were slicing at the robots while even more came down, Leo looked at Mikey and shouted.
"Mikey! Keep away!" Leo shouted throwing him the phone, Mikey caught it with one hand and dodged another attack. Mikey screamed in fear while running up the stairs with Dogpound chasing him close behind. Donnie sliced down another robot and picked up a chip.

"Whoa, a gamma camera! It detects radioisotopes that must be what he tagged you with." Donnie explained.
"That's great Donnie, so how do we get it off?!" Spike asked annoyed while he punched down even more with his arm.
"You can't, it wears off gradually, but if someone else got sprayed they'd give off a stronger signal." Donnie answered, Mikey was heard screaming again and they saw him fall off a ledge, he fell on the ground with the phone away from him, Dogpound landed on the ground and was about to smash at him, but Donnie jumped in and whacked Dogpound away.

"We have to get Stockman's spray." Donnie explained.
"You mean that thing?" Mikey asked pointing at Stockman who had it.
"I'll handle this dog man, once spritz and they're mouser chow!" Stockman threatened, Raph screamed in anger as he jumped through the air with Spike next to him, he and Spike threw some shuriken's at the spray and it less lose some of it one both Stockman and Dogpound.

The robots eyes glowed red for a moment before they suddenly went to Stockman and Dogpound, they both screamed in fear while they were being chased by dozens of them, Stockman was grabbed by Dogpound who held him by one arm. April's phone rang which caught they're attention, Dogpound picked it up but a knife went flying right to it and it was destroyed.

"Hang it up Dogpound, your call just got dropped." Donnie said while more Mousers were charging at them, Dogpound smashed through another wall and ran off with Stockman while they were being chased, the 5 of them watched as they left.

"Nice job guys." Leo complimented.
"You really saved our butts right there." Spike said with a smile.
"Yeah, from now on, your the A- team! Raph announced.
"That's probably the best were gonna get out of him." Donnie replied, Raph grabbed Mikey and rubbed his hand while Spike Leo and Donnie followed them.

They all made it back to the lair to relax, Mikey was dancing in victory pulling off some cool moves and laughed while he did so, Spike and Raph were feeding another leaf to the turtle Spike and smiled at eachother.
"I think Spike will have a good friend in the future." Raph said looking at him.
"I'll gladly help you out when you need it guys." Spike replied as he rubbed the turtles head, Leo was playing pinball while Donnie was watching with Splinter walking in.

"I hope you all see that by choosing your battles poorly, you created your own crisis." Splinter explained
"Yeah there's definitely a bit of irony there." Donnie agreed.

"Okay, so it got a little out of control, but we learned our lesson, and at least we got April's phone back" Leo replied as April was coming in.
"You did? Sweet!" April said relieved, Donnie held it out to her but the entire thing shattered again.
"Uh.. the important thing is it didn't end up in the wrong hands." Leo said nervously.

"Sorry about that April, we'll get you a new one soon, okay?" Spike asked looking at her while Donnie walked up
"Yeah he's right, you can have one of my custom built T-phones." Donnie offered and he handed her one.
"Oh, cool!" April said excited taking it.
"Told ya, what are friends for?" Spike asked with a smile and she laughed at that.
"I'm glad to have friends like you around." April said gratefully while she was tapping at it.

Back at Shredder's lair, Dogpound dropped Stockman on the ground in front of Shredder.
"Here he is master." Dogpound said looking at him, Shredder walked up to him and looked down at him.
"Baxter Stockman. Your interference has cost me the turtles and Splinter and that dragon." Shredder said in anger as he grabbed Stockman by the neck.

"You should pay with your life." Shredder said as he held out a knife at his head and he cowered in fear.
"Fortunately for you, i may have use for your skills, especially if it comes to controlling that dragon." Shredder said as he retracted his knife and dropped him, Dogpound growled in anger while Stockman looked at both of them in fear..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! Sorry for the wait on this one, but i had some busy stuff to do in the last week and i hope you could forgive me for that. Thank you all for your patience and hope you look forward to more!

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