• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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51: Battle for New York part 1

It was another night inside the hideout of Spike and the turtles, they were all trying to figure out how to take back the city, and restore Spike and Karai to normal, it was a tough thing to do now that they know the retro mutagen doesn't work on them, so they need to find an alternative.

Mikey was humming a tune as he was in Donnie's lab and was gathering a bunch of random chemicals across multiple areas
"Hmm.. i do believe this plutonium should react flawlessly with the sodium bicarbonates. What do you think professor Ice cream kitty?" Mikey asked in a British voice turning to him, he made another cat meow in response as he had glasses on him.
"Then perhaps we should add this hyperbole solution to Donnie's retro mutagen." Mikey said as Spike slithered inside with Donnie wondering what all the noise was.. until they was what Mikey was doing and looked shocked.

"Mikey.. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR SHELL/ S***?!?!" Donnie and Spike shouted furious at him at once.( One of my favorite Donnie moments in the show).
"Pimposh and Tut Tut my good people!" Mikey dismissed as Spike was hissing with anger at him.
"I've been brewing that retro mutagen for Spike for months! Oh if you ruin it i swear!" Donnie warned furious with him.
"I will make sure you have no pizza for the next month Mikey!" Spike warned making another hiss at him.
"Hold on dudes, i got this." Mikey assured as he was about to pour it in, but Spike and Donnie tried taking it away which caused a drop to fall into the mutagen making them gasp in shock.

The drop went into the mutagen and didn't seem to do anything right now.
"Phew.." Spike and Donnie said with relief, but the chemicals started glowing and reacting strongly.
"Oh, oh no Mikey!" Donnie shouted in fear.
"What did you do?!" Spike screamed as they backed into a corner as the mutagen was glowing violently.
"It's gonna explode!!" Donnie shouted in a high pitched voice.

They all screamed as the thing looked like it exploded.. but it stopped and looked completely normal.
"What?" Spike asked shocked seeing this.
"Aw well, that was weak." Mikey said disappointed, Spike hissed at Mikey and he and Donnie both tackled him to the ground.
"Are you trying to blow us up?!" Spike asked mad at him as loud meowing was heard.
"We are going to teach you such a lesson!" Donnie shouted right before Splinter came in, slammed his staff against Donnie's head, twisted Spike's body, and pinned them to the ground holding all their heads.
"What is going on in here?" Splinter asked looking at them as April and Jaqueline walked in.

"What was all the noise here?" Jaqueline asked confused.
"And since when could retro mutagen do that?" April asked as they saw sparkles coming from it all.

Donnie did a microscopic check on it and it turned out the retro mutagen was working even stronger then before.
"Wow! it's bonding rate is phenomenal! Haha! I can't believe it! This will save me months of lab work! Okay let me see.." Donnie said as he took out the pad.
"One small drop.. and i can transform an entire vile of mutagen into retro mutagen! Ha!" Donnie said completely amazed.

"Mikey.. your amazing!" Donnie said turning to him.
"I will admit, this was awesome dude." Spike said impressed at this.
"I know.." Mikey said as he was playing with food.
"Wow did we step into some kind of alternate dimension here?" Raph asked confused.
"It is not likely for this to happen.. ever..." Psiona said looking at the retro mutagen. Donnie came up and asked him how exactly he did it..

"Uh.. i think i added a bunch of stuff like.. urunate, analyte, uh moronic acid, and some uh.. garlic cappuccino pizza?" Mikey suggested and Spike shook his head.
"Nope, same dimension." Raph said correcting himself.
"Not surprising honestly." Spike said crossing his arms.
"Are you kidding me? You do ONE awesome thing today, and you can't even remember how you did it?!" Donnie asked frustrated.
"You couldn't have even recorded it or something?" Jaqueline suggested, and Mikey slapped his head in realization he could've done that.

"Donatello, be glad the Michelangelo's Tomfoolery yielded the gift that it did. Focus on the goal at hand, find all of the transformed people of New York and bring them back." Splinter said looking out of the window.
"But sensei we don't even know what happened to them." Leo pointed out.
"I think i know, they were taken to Dimension X, i can see them in my dreams.. millions of mutated humans.. trapped there.." April said worried as she could see them now.
"I've sensed them too, they are not here, the only way to save them all, is getting to Dimension X." Psiona said seriously.

"So we drop into TCRI, break into their portal and zap ourselves to Dimension X." Raph said crushing his knuckles.
"Yo we can do this! We can save New York!" Mikey shouted in victory.
"And i've got the perfect invention to storm Dimension X!" Donnie said confidently.

We cut to all of them on another rooftop looking at a regular water tower.
"This is it?" Jaqueline asked confused.
"A water tower? That's you new invention?" Leo joked which made all of them laugh.
"Oh wow, that's one giant step for turtle kind Donnie, nice." Raph teased.
"It's not exactly what it appears to be.." Donnie said annoyed
"I can just fly there you know? I know my ways around that world." Psiona offered before Leo saw something.
"Get down!" Leo shouted and all of them took cover as another ship passed by.

They all peaked in from the shadows and saw multiple Kraang droids.
"They're scanning for humans.." Leo whispered as they could see a scanner nearby.
"We can't let them mutate those poor people, who's up for some bot smashing?" Psiona asked turning her arm into a cannon again.
"Oh, you are the best mind reader Psiona." Raph said taking out his weapons, Spike made a hiss again and got into his fighting pose, and Jaqueline took out her hammer as all the others got they're weapons out.

A couple was just discovered by the Kraang and were about to be mutated. Just before the droid mutated the humans everyone threw they're weapons at the bot and destroyed it just as Leo pushed the two out of the way.
"Are you two alright?" Leo asked before the couple screamed in fear.
"Alien turtles!" The woman shouted as they ran off.
"Wow.. talk about rude..." Spike said surprised slithering up to him.
"Yeah nah it's cool, it's not like we saved they're lives or anything." Leo said sarcastically.

More droids aimed they're weapons at them and they both drew they're weapons.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as they all dropped in on the bots. Psiona tore a bot to pieces easily and burnt the brain to ash, and Jaqueline hit another bot in the brain knocking it out while the others took down the rest.
"Let's kick some Kraang!" Raph said seriously as they charged at even more bots.

Spike jumped onto another wall and flipped over to a bot and slashed it to pieces, Mikey threw up some craters for cover and Donnie jumped in the air and slashed at some more.
"Coming at you Raph!" Donnie shouted as he threw the brain in the air and Raph punched it into another bot. A security drone came up to them and started firing everywhere at them.
"My turn!" Psiona shouted as she made a loud roar and started tearing the arms off piece by piece, she finished the thing off by slicing it to pieces with her blade tail and burning it to ashes again.

"That all you got?!" Raph shouted before he saw even more bots coming through the streets.
"Apparently not!" Raph shouted as all of them were backing up. Psiona stood in the way between all of them and made out a low growl.
"Leave this planet, or i will roast you all for dinner!" Psiona threatened shooting some fire from her mouth.
"Destroy her!" A droid shouted as they all started shooting at Psiona. She took out her arm cannon and fired at a large group and slashed more behind her with her tail, she flipped around in the air before crushing more heads with her strength, she made an even louder roar as more were coming to them.

A droid was about to fire at them until a piece of bread hit a droid in the head.
"Oh bread!" A familiar voice shouted as they all saw a familiar mutant land down on the bot and take it down.
"Oh hiya fellas?" Pigeon Pete greeted.
"Who is that?" Jaqueline asked Spike. More bots were about to fire until a familiar alligator mutant ran through all of them and made a loud roar.
"Leatherhead!!" Spike and Mikey shouted in amazement. Psiona felt a familiar psychic energy to hers and saw a strange floating monkey mutant take control of the bots and made them destroy eachother.
"Doctor Rockwell?" Donnie asked shocked.
"Is he.. a psychic too?!" Psiona asked in shock as she could feel he was strong too.

Pete flew up into the air and grabbed the bread.
"Pigeon Pete?!" Raph asked in shock seeing him. More droids fired at them until a familiar shadow went through the bots and tore them apart, and it was revealed to be none other then.. Slash.
"Slash.." Leo said with anger as all of them stood together.
"Greetings turtles, long time no see." Slash greeted as Leatherhead made another loud roar.

They were all on the rooftop making their acquaintances.
"Raphael, good to see you brother, and the rest of you. Turtles.. Spike, meet my team, dedicated to fighting the Kraang. The Mighty Mutanimals! You already know my second in command" Slash said as they saw Leatherhead come up to the roof.
"Leatherhead!" Mikey and Spike said in relief as they came up and gave him a hug.
"It is good to see you too Michelangelo and Spike, all of you." Leatherhead said looking at them.

"Son.. do you know him?" Psiona asked walking up to them.
"Oh right, you haven't met yet. Leatherhead, this is Psiona, my.. mother." Spike introduced and he looked shocked.
"Your his.. mother?" Leatherhead said in shock.
"Yes, i know this is sudden, and it's a long story, but i will explain everything soon. You seem to know my son quite well." Psiona said looking at him( She and Leatherhead are about the same height).
"Yes, we've been good friends for a while, it is an honor to meet the mother of a great person." Leatherhead replied and she smiled at that remark.
"I look forward to teaming up with you more soon." Psiona said proudly as well.

"Spike? You know all these guys?" Jaqueline asked as she finally spoke up.
"And this my friends, is Jaqueline, my new GF, met her when we were in the woods recovering, she's got the ability to enter ones dreams." Spike said dramatically.
"You don't have to make it sound like that Spike." Jaqueline said rubbing his head a little..
"I am glad to know Spike has new friends, any friend of Spike's is a friend of mine." Leatherhead said holding out his hand and she shook it.
"Glad to meet you too." Jaqueline said gladly.

"Spike.. what happened to you brother? And why is your voice so.. so.." Slash said looking at his body.
"Deep? I suffered battle damage, and i was mutated with Karai by Shredder, i've only just started getting used to my body, haven't seen you in a while, you doing okay?" Spike asked slithering up to him.
"For what it's worth, i'm glad your okay, besides, this makes you more of a man now, your growing up on me." Slash said with a smile and Spike chuckled at that.
"Hey, time flies here doesn't it?" Spike said in response before Leo finally decided to interrupt this whole thing.

"Some leader you were back there Slash, using your teammate as bait!" Leo accused.
"You got a problem with that Leonardo?" Slash asked coming into his face.
"You attacked us! You tried to destroy us!" Leo pointed out.
"I wasn't right in the head then, it was the mutagen." Slash said in defense rubbing his head.
"He did help us, and everyone deserves a second chance." Mikey said trying to stop this.
"Not to mention he and his team have been fighting off the Kraang while we were recovering, you should at least be grateful for that." Spike said upset at Leo's rudeness.

"He's right, we trust him with our lives. Come, all of you, meet our benefactor. Then you will surely change your mind Leonardo" Leatherhead as they started to move.
"Come on Leo, let's just see what they've been doing, they may have a plan to help us save the people." Spike said as he slithered with them.
"He's right, what happened in the past with you and Slash doesn't matter right now, what matters is saving those humans." Psiona said in agreement going with them, Leo sighed annoyed as he knew they were right and decided to go with them.

They were all lead to a strange wearhouse that had all it's lights off.
"What is this place?" Jaqueline asked as they all suddenly ran off.
"Hello, is anyone there?" Psiona asked before a light turned on and they all got in their defense poses.

"Greetings Ninja Turtles, Spike." A familiar man greeted and they all had a look of shock as they saw a familiar friend of them.
"Kurtzman?" Leo asked confused as the lights came on.
"Good to see you boys, been a long time. And i see.. you have some interesting friends with you." Kurtzman said as he saw Psiona and Jaqueline.

"We thought you got mutated like the rest of New York." Raph said as they came up to him.
"I made it through, i tried to find you five but you were gone. Fortunately i found these noble warriors to help fight against the Kraang." Kurtzman explained walking up to them.
"I wouldn't call all of them noble.." Leo said looking at Slash and scoffed, Kurtzman turned to Psiona and got a good look at her.

"And you must be Spike's mother, i must say it is an honor to meet you, i've done my own research on you, it's fascinating on what you are capable of." Kurtzman said looking at her who was a little suspicious.
"How do you know about me?" Psiona asked looking at him in response.
"I have my experience with the Kraang, and i found you in their data, you escaped from their captivity correct?" Kurtzman asked as he pulled out some photos from before and she looked shocked.
"Yes but.. where.. how did you get these?!" Psiona asked shocked as she saw some with her son as an egg in them.
"Took some tough hacking, but i downloaded these pictures when i found data of you." Kurtzman said crossing his arms.
"He's being truthful mom, i wouldn't have even known you were alive if we didn't meet him, i owe him a great deal thanks to this." Spike said looking at her who was still trying to process all of this.

Kurtzman then turned to Jaqueline with interest as well.
"And we have a Dream Beaver here as well, this world just keeps getting more interesting, your the Desire beaver i'm guessing?" Kurtzman asked pointing at her chest symbol with the human skull and the thought bubble again.
"Um.. yes... my name is Jaqueline, but how do you know of me and my.. brothers?" Jaqueline asked hesitant on that last word.
"I'm a researcher Jaqueline, i know tons of stuff on strange creatures, including the Dream Beavers." Kurtzman explained.

"Okay, so now that introductions are out of the way.. do you have a plan to stop the Kraang?" Spike asked wanting to move things along.
"Yes i do, now listen up." Kurtzman said as he put out a slideshow with some new images on the screen.
"The Kraang have been spending the past few months building a mutagen missile, which they're gonna fire at the Earth itself." Kurtzman said as they saw more of the footage.. until they saw a weird one of a weird female mutant in his apartment.
"Um.. who is that?" Spike asked pointing at the picture, Kurtzman coughed and quickly turned to the next slide.
"Just ignore that." Kurtzman said showing them the last slide.

"Theirs enough mutagen in that payload.." Donnie said before Rockwell came in front of him.
"To mutate the earth into another dimension X." Rockwell finished.
"It's rude to finish other people's sentences Rockwell." Donnie said annoyed with him.
"Well clearly you'll have to speak faster Donatello." Rockwell countered making a smug.
"Oh snap!" Jaqueline said in shock giving him a high five.

"If you think i'm gonna work with this scrawny shelled.." Slash said looking at Leo.
"I've had way more experience as a leader then you!" Leo countered as all of them started arguing, Spike and Psiona's senses suddenly went off as they felt someone coming..
"Guys! Stop! Someone's coming!" Spike shouted drawing his sword.
"He's right! I don't know how but they found me!" Kurtzman said in fear as the door was burst down and they saw even more Kraang droids coming into the building.

"It is the one called the Turtles and Dragon, and it is the other ones calling themselves.. the Mighty Mutanimals, and it is also the one called.. P.. P .. p.. Psiona!" A droid shouted in fear and ran off again leading all of them confused.
"Was that the same droid from before?" Spike asked as a similar one did that before.
"You must have quite the name making them fear you like that." Leatherhead said turning to her.
You have no idea." Psiona said turning her arm into a blade
"Get em!" Slash shouted and all of them charged at the bots.

Psiona charged at the larger bots and was tearing through them easily as she's dealt with hundreds more before, Spike was using his snake hands to cut multiple droids apart and twirled around on the ground avoiding more lasers, Jaqueline smashed one with her hammer and was blocking more gunfire from the rest of them.
"Gotta love smashing Kraangdroids!" Slash said seriously as Donnie was running up some stairs twirling his staff around.
"Allow me Donatello." Rockwell said as he picked up some droids with his powers and threw them away.

While everyone was fighting Kurtzman saw his work was in danger.
"The Kraang intel!" Kurtzman shouted as he quickly went over and put all of the data in a chip, but screamed in pain as he got shot in the back.
"No!!" Leo and Slash shouted in horror.
"Mr Kurtzman! No!!" Pete shouted with horror as he was on the ground..

Spike saw all of this and was breathing heavily, Spike was feeling his rage build up as something snapped in just seeing that.
Spike started to growl with anger and his pupils shrunk as something triggered him, Spike made a loud hissing shriek which shocked all of them.
"Son?" Psiona asked worried as Spike hissed at the bots, Spike quickly slithered over to some bots and bit off their heads and shot some more fire at another group. Spike used his snake hands and quickly tore out the alien brains and snapped his jaws on them before throwing them across the area. Spike saw another Biotroid and made another hiss before tearing through that one with rage.
"What's wrong with him?" Jaqueline asked worried as Spike wasn't saying anything except loud hisses.
"He's lost control of his anger, it's just like what happened with me!" Leatherhead said in shock as he knew this exact feeling.

"Spike! Stop all of this! Everyone fall back!" Leo ordered as Leatherhead grabbed Kurtzman's body.
"Mutanimals, we're leaving!" Slash ordered as they started to leave. Spike ate another brain out of a droid and was slashing through all of them until Psiona grabbed him.
"Enough son! we'll make them pay soon!" Psiona shouted as she started dragging his body with her, Spike made another loud hiss as the droids fired at him, but his mind hurt suddenly as the pain stopped his anger and his eyes returned to normal.
"What.. what just happened?" Spike asked rubbing his head as he saw all of them were retreating.

All of them made it back to their base and was looking over Kurtzman's body, Spike was sitting on a chair just wondering what happened.
"Mom.. what happened to me back there?" Spike asked rubbing his head, Psiona sighed sadly and sat down next to him.
"You lost control of your mind son.. it was like.. you were in your own world.." Psiona said as Spike tried thinking how this happened.
"I'm sorry.. i just felt so much.. rage.. sadness.. and fear all at once as Kurtzman was shot.. and after that.. everything went blank.." Spike said looking at himself.
"This must be what Karai meant when she said to save your mind.. before you lose yours.." Jaqueline said as she joined in and sat down next to them.
"Does this mean.. i could lose control like that again?" Spike asked in fear of this.
"I don't know, but i'll do what i can to stop you.." Psiona assured as they all looked at Kurtzman's body.

"All the intel i have on this Kraang missile.. is on this drive.. You and the Turtles and Spike, must work together.." Kurtzman said weakly giving Leo the drive.
"I don't think that's a good idea.." Leo said looking at it.
"Whatever problems between you, but you both have a common purpose, we're running.. out of time.." Kurtzman said before he passed out.
"Jack! Is he.." Slash asked horrified as Splinter checked his pulse.

"No, he is fine. I am going to need to cauterize the wound." Splinter explained to all of them.
"We need alcohol, bandages, meds." April said seriously.
"I'm on it Red, there's a pharmacy down the street i'll hit for supplies." Casey said as he started to head out.
"The three of us will take care of him, all of you must unite and stop that missile before it is to late." Splinter instructed as they all looked at eachother.

Donnie was now in his lab with the others trying to come up with a plan
"I've got it! We can disable the guidance system or better yet.." Donnie said before Rockwell finished again.
"Hack into they're systems and send it somewhere where it can't do any harm!" Rockwell finished.
"You stupid psychic chump." Donnie said annoyed with him and Rockwell made monkey sounds in response.

"Okay, we ninja in from above, and we drop down and destroy the missile." Leo said coming up with a plan.
"Forget it! I say we do a ground attack, they won't even know what hit em." Slash countered and Spike rolled his eyes before finally deciding to stop their arguing..
"Guys! Enough! I know your upset at him Leo, but he has changed, i can feel it. How about this? The mutanimals will handle the ground assault, while we all take care of the missile? We can't argue with eachother like this when the world is on the line. Look at what the Kraang did to us, if they succeed in this, we won't be alive if they do! We all just need to put aside our differences, and stop all of this!" Spike said standing over all of them, they all looked at eachother and knew he was right given the stakes they are at right now.

"He's right, i'll go with the Mutanimals and help stop the Kraang, i have a few tricks up my powers that i want to try out again." Psiona said standing with them.
"Sounds good, come on guys, let's do this." Slash said as they all started to leave
"I like her." Leatherhead said looking at Psiona before they all left.
"Alright, now that that's settled, and ideas how we can do this Donnie?" Jaqueline asked looking at him.
"I've got just the thing for this." Donnie said confidently.

We cut to all of them back on the rooftop with the water tower and they groaned in annoyance.
"Not this again!" Raph said annoyed crossing his arms.
"Are we gonna flood the place?" Mikey suggested as Donnie climbed up it.
"Not exactly." Donnie said as he turned a wheel and they all watched in shock as air blew into the tower and it was revealed to be a new flying device for all of them.
"That is cool.." Spike said in amazement.
"I give you.. the Turtle Blimp!" Donnie announced as it flew into the air with the others looking at it in awe..

We cut to the sight where the missile was being built, the missile began to rise from the ground and Kraang Sub Prime walks into the group emerging into his giant mech suit.
"You guys are a bunch of rocks! Seriously! What's been taking so long?! It's been three months?! Sub prime asked frustrated grabbing a droids neck.
"Much of the Kraang's mutagen supply was spent in the invasion of the city that which is known as New York city." A droid said in defense.

"What is that with the" Kraang invasion of that which is known as New York City" What is that?! We've been here for thousands of years! You can't even speak proper English?!" He shouted shaking the droid around.
"Kraang does not understand the query known as Kraang Sub Prime's Query." The droid replied.
"I should vaporize your sorry pink tentacled butt for insubordinate.. what?!" Sub prime shouted as the droids were firing at something tearing through the droids.

Slash and the Mutanimals charged through the droids and took some more down.
"Come on fellas keep moving!" Slash ordered as they all charged into the fight.
"I am surrounded by incompetence Go! Hussle! Move it! Get them!!" Sub prime shouted as all of the droids charged at them.

A loud roar was heard suddenly and something landed on the ground crushing all of them, Sub Prime had a look of shock seeing the figure rise looking furious at him.
"Hello Sub Prime." Psiona greeted with anger.
"Well well well, if it isn't Psiona! It's been quite a long time hasn't it?!" Sub Prime said as he and her knew eachother VERY well.
"Decades if i recall, and i still remember the last time i tore your suit to pieces traitor." Psiona said with anger turning her arm into a blade again.
"Yeah, with upgrades that I gave you! You wouldn't be this powerful if it wasn't for me!" Sub prime shouted as Psiona growled even more.
"You tore out my own arm! You took me from my child and home dimension because of my powers! You.. will.. PAY!!!" Psiona screamed as she lunged at him and started repeatedly punching him with rage.

Sub prime turned his arm into a buzzsaw and clashed against her own blade.
"You were pathetic back in your world! No one would've missed you when we took you! Just like they would with your pathetic snake son!" Sub prime insulted which angered her even more.
"Oh you wanna see pathetic?! I'll show you pathetic!!" Psiona shouted as she grabbed the arm with her jaw and tore it off. Psiona made a loud roar and punched him back.
"Ahh! You don't know what your messing with!" Subprime mocked as she towered over him.
"Neither do you.." Psiona said as she put her hand on her head, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again revealing her pure white ones.

"What?" Sub prime asked in shock, she held out her hand and shot a mind wave to every single Kraang droid fighting the Mutanimals which stopped all of them.
"What?" Slash asked shocked as all of them stopped fighting and aimed their weapons at Sub Prime.
" Destroy the traitor known as Kraang Sub prime!" A droid shouted as all of them started firing at him much to his shock.
"Oh NOW they speak English properly! What did you do?!" Sub prime asked with rage as her eyes glowed white.
"Freed them from the hive mind." Psiona said in an ominous voice as Sub prime was trying to fight all of them off.

Spike and the others were watching this from the blimp with shock with what was happening.
"Mm.." Spike said in awe as she was handling this on her own.
"She just took control of all those bots..." Jaqueline said shocked seeing this.
"Well this gives us the chance, come on team!" Leo said as all of them took out some ropes and carefully landed onto the missile, they wrapped the ropes around eachother to keep them from falling off, Donnie was lowered down so he could cut open a window to the computer parts and tried figuring something out.

"Now according to Kurtzman's data, the missiles guidance systems uses a binary code." Donnie said looking at the data.
"Um guys.. what's worse then regular Kraang?" Mikey asked seeing something.
"Flying Kraang?! Everyone cover Donnie!" Leo ordered as he drew his swords again and they all got ready.

Subprime was being overwhelmed by all the enemy's shooting against him.
"What are you fools doing?! You are Kraang!" Sub prime shouted as he was being pushed back from all of them.
"Not anymore!" Psiona shouted as all of them were cornering him. But Sub prime saw he was right next to the console and grinned.
"If i'm going down, then this planet's going with me!" Sub prime shouted as he slammed on the launch button.
"No!!!" Slash and Psiona shouted with fear as the missile began to launch.

Psiona's fear turned into pure rage as she became even stronger.
"You monster!!" Psiona shouted as she used her powers to lift his body in the air.
"What?! Ahh!!" Sub prime shouted in pain as his body was being repeatedly twisted by her powers, Psiona roared again before she threw her hand in a direction which sent him flying across the street.
"Psiona! calm down! We gotta move now!" Leatherhead shouted which made her return to normal.
"Everyone move!" Slash shouted as they all started running off.

"Oh snap! Dudes!!" Mikey shouted as the missile was going to launch.
"Oh no.." Spike said in horror as he pushed down another droid.
"Hang on!!" Leo shouted as the missile began to launch into the sky.

All of them were screaming as they were going through the clouds.
"Not cool!!!" Jaqueline shouted as the droids tried attacking them, Spike coiled around the rest of the droids and threw them off the missile.
"Donnie make it quick! We're about to leave the atmosphere!" Raph shouted as all of them were going even higher.
"Stop pressuring me! Setting a course for the heart of the sun!" Donnie shouted as he put in the code and set the course which made the missile turn down a little and headed even higher up.

"Now what do we do?!" Mikey shouted in fear as Leo looked down.
"Jump!" Leo shouted as he let go of the rope.
"Hang on!" Spike shouted as he grabbed Jaqueline and they both jumped off along with the others. They all screamed as they were falling to the clouds and were beginning to catch fire.
"Activate Turtle gliders!" Leo shouted as he pulled a trigger on his belt, they all did the same thing and that opened up gliders that slowed down they're fall. They all screamed again as they were heading right towards the blimp before they bounced on the tarp and landed on the ledge as the missile exploded far away from the Earth.
"Wow, to close.." Mikey said in relief as they hung in the air.

"We did it.. we did it!!" Spike shouted in victory.
"We did! We won!!" Jaqueline shouted in victory as well.
"The Turtles and Spike did it, they did it! This calls for a loaf!" Pigeon Pete said as he took out a loaf and munched on it. Psiona finally calmed down and looked above them.
"They really did.." Psiona said in relief as all the droids were marching away.
"What about those guys?" Leatherhead asked looking at them ready to tear them apart.
"Don't worry about them, i gave them some specific instructions to follow, they won't be causing trouble again." Psiona said crossing her arms with a smile.

"I hope so, i must say Psiona, your powers accede even mine, how did you learn to do that?" Rockwell asked flying above her.
"Yeah, and you and Sub prime seem to know eachother, how?" Slash asked curiously and she looked down a little.
"He was the one who took me from my home.. He was the one who did this to me.." Psiona said looking at her cyborg/ dinosaur hybrid body and all of them looked shocked.
"I am.. sorry to hear that.. i know how it is.." Leatherhead said sadly.
"Don't worry.. as long as i have my son.. i'll be okay.." Psiona said looking at all of them before the blimp landed back down.

"Leatherhead! I thought i'd never see you again!" Mikey said in relief giving him a hug.
"Mom.. that was amazing back there... like always.." Spike said slithering to her again.
"You'll do even better then me one day son, i know it." Psiona said hugging him too.
"Absolutely!" Jaqueline said in agreement joining in on it.

"Nice job Pete, high five.. Ah! Too slow!" Raph mocked as Pete looked annoyed at his trick while Donnie was with Rockwell.
"You know.. i think there's room for two mutant geniuses in this city.." Donnie said rubbing his head.
"I concur, of course warm blooded mammals are considered far more intelligent then inferior cold blooded reptiles, burn." Rockwell teased chuckling at his joke.

"I gotta admit, i was wrong about you. Spike was right, it's all in the past." Leo said turning to Slash.
"Told you i changed Leonardo, i'm a different kind of turtle now." Slash said as they shook heads finally respecting eachother.
"Alright team, time to storm TCRI." Slash said seriously.
"We go to Dimension X, and save the citizens of New York!" Leo ordered as all of them began to move.
"Let's do this!" Spike shouted as all of them began heading to save the people as their final mission to save New York..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I know this is the first part of the two part episodes, and i normally combine both of them into one, but there's a lot i'm wanting to do that is better off in 2 separate chapters, so i hope you don't mind waiting for part 2 for a little bit. As for when i said i'd bring back the Punk Frogs from the Croaking, i'm still gonna do it, just a bit latter then usual, so don't worry, they'll be seen again. So my new Cover art is to reveal what Spike's form looks like a bit, just to clarify.

He still looks like Karai's snake form in terms of a mutant, he has snake hands a single tail and all of that, he doesn't have wings yet but that'll come soon in a later part of the story, Spike's body color and spine, eyes and all that looks like how his form it, this is just the best my friend could do for it, i hope you all like both my new cover and this chapter and look forward to more!

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