• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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43: In Dreams

Spike was currently in the yard outside the house with his mother, it had been a few days since Psiona moved in with the others, she brought any of the stuff she had, all the gold and items she had was brought over to the barn as the house didn't have enough space to fit it, she made sure any of the" Kraang" tech she had was only used for special occasions. Spike and Psiona were currently watching the others train while Spike explained what they've been through.

"And then, before i ended up here, i was raised by Twilight Sparkle in Equestria, before i was captured by the Kraang, she was practically the only mother i had, i always wondered what happened to you, and i just wondered what it would be like if you and Twilight ever met." Spike explained looking at her while she looked interested.
"Interesting that you were raised by ponies, i am glad that you were raised by a kind soul like her, i'm honestly glad it was her and not another dragon, because our kind.. has been more or less better or worse at raising our kids.." Psiona admitted making Spike chuckle a little.

"Yeah, i've seen first hand how dragons are like, kinda makes us the odd ones out with our powers huh?" Spike asked looking at his snake body.
"Yes, it makes us very different, i wasn't seen that well upon others, and was often alone, but i knew i was special, and when i had you, i had hoped we could face the world together, and learn from eachother as a proper mother and son.." Psiona said looking down sadly.
"It's okay mom, after what you told us, it was beyond our control, me being captured by the Kraang, and then mutated into this.. it's never in control, nothing is. But we just need to learn to adapt and learn, i just hope me and you can face things together now." Spike said hugging her once more which she returned gladly.
"Me too my son.. me too.." Psiona said with a tear in her eye.

Raph and the others were currently fighting right as Raph jumped over some ninja stars.
"So is Donnie coming down or what?" Raph asked confused as he avoided more attacks from Mikey.
"Couldn't wake him up so i put some dirty underwear on his face!" Mikey said chuckling a little, Raph noticed Leo was training by himself and decided to engage in battle with him as Spike and Psiona watched still.

"I am impressed that you learned this level of skill in a couple years, it will definitely make you stand out among the dragons back home." Psiona said with a smile.
"Yeah, we both will, evil won't stand a chance against us!" Spike said confidently and she chuckled a little.
"No they will not my son." Psiona said gripping her metal claw as April and Casey walked to the van.

"Hey guys, we're heading down to the store." April said as Casey got in the drivers seat.
"Any requests?" Casey asked curiously.
"Oh oh oh! I need Spicy gummy bears, need!" Mikey said falling on his knees.
"Yeah.. not gonna happen." Casey said starting the van.
"That store is tiny Mikey, the kind of place that has peanut butter or jelly." April said getting inside.
"Be back in a few." Casey said as the car drove off and left them alone.

Spike yawned suddenly as he was feeling tired.
"You look tired my child, perhaps you should get some rest, you need to have the stamina for your new body after all." Psiona advice.
"Yeah, i guess that's true, i'll be out for a couple hours, see ya soon guys." Spike said walking inside the house.
"So.. you mind if we try training with you?" Raph asked curious.
"Yeah girl, why don't you show us some of your skills?!" Mikey asked confidently. She chuckled simply and looked at them.
"Are you sure? You remember how much i beat you all last time, i believe i have a record of 10 wins since i moved in." Psiona recalled with a smug.
"Yeah i'm not gonna let that go right now, i'll leave you to get your butts kicked while i take a nap, later guys." Leo said walking off leaving them alone before they regained they're conversation.

"Hey, we last longer each time right, that means were improving. Just show us some more please?" Raph asked twirling his weapons around.
"As you wish, but i warn you, as you know, i do NOT go down easily." Psiona said standing up again and turning her arm into a cannon again and aimed it again and they screamed in fear as she shot another blast at them.

Spike went into the living room and carefully sat down, being a snake had it's benefits, but he still wasn't fully in control of it. Maybe some rest was for the best, Spike closed his eyes finally and went to sleep..

Spike found himself in a black void as he floated in the air, he could feel himself floating around in a void as his mind went off warning him of something.
"What.. is this place?" Spike asked looking around as there was nothing, he heard nothing until a voice suddenly came behind him.
"Hello!" A voice said excitedly scarring him, Spike turned around and made a loud hiss in defense.
"Who are you?!" Spike asked with anger, Spike's eyes soon widened in shock in what he saw before him. What he saw was a strange beaver like creature, it looked like a female, she has a humanoid and voluptuous figure with light green fur and beautiful jade eyes, and she has belly symbol that is of a thought bubble above a skull and has pure white teeth.

"Who.. who are you?!" Spike asked shocked getting in a defense pose.
"My name is Desire! I'm a being that goes into ones into ones dreams and helps fulfill ones desires!" Desire introduced as she flew around him at fast speeds.
"Uh.. what?" Spike asked still in shock of what was going on.

Leo was sleeping in the living room until he felt a pain in his knee once more.
"Agh! Sleeping isn't gonna do anything for my knee.." Leo said as he got his cane and started to walk off.
"Guys i'm going for a walk." Leo said as he started to leave.
"Rock on bro!" Mikey said from another part of the house.

Leo was limping through the forest alone as he tried moving, but his knee pain proved to be a tough challenge.
"It's taking forever, i'm never gonna get better!" Leo said in frustration throwing his cane down and looked up at the stars for a moment, but a light suddenly appeared and started heading to him.
"What?!" Leo asked in shock as a meteor was flying to him, Leo screamed as he barely dodged the thing hitting him, he gasped in shock as he turned around and saw the glowing meteor in front of him.

"Whoa!" Leo said in shock as he looked at the thing, he held out his hand and decided to touch it, his body suddenly glowed and he screamed as a massive power flew into his body and he was knocked back into a tree, he got back up and realized something.
"Weird, that didn't hurt.." Leo said confused as he stood up.
"And my leg, my leg doesn't hurt either! I feel fine, in fact.. i feel great!" Leo said amazed as he started jumping across each of the trees and kicked one apart.

April and Casey had arrived to the small store to get some food, April and Casey walked around, April walked through an isle and gasped in fear as she saw a weird looking man looking at her.
"Hey there, names Bernie. I just bought this place." Bernie introduced putting some stuff on another shelf.
"Un purpose?" Casey asked confused on this.

"Finding anything you need?" Bernie asked as he put some stuff up.
"You got any.. spicy gummy worms?" April asked recalling Mikey's request.
"Is that bait? You mean bait?" Bernie asked looking at her.
"It means candy." April corrected.

"Candy! Oho i got candy." Bernie said grabbing a jar full of stuff.
"What kind?" April asked curious.
"Brown, but it used to be yellow." Bernie said holding it out while Casey went behind the counter. Casey kept looking around until he saw a strange looking book.
"Ob.. obturaculum, som.. somniorum?" Casey asked confused about to touch it until Bernie grabbed his arm.

"Nobody touches that book! Understand?" Bernie asked seriously and Casey nodded in fear and understanding as April came up with some items.
"Hey, i got the stuff we need, should last a few days." April said putting the box on the counter.
"So i thought nobody lived around here?" Bernie asked trying to change the subject.
"Why would you buy a store where you thought nobody lives?" April asked confused.

"Eh i like my alone time, the amount of stuff looks to be for 7 or.. eight people." Bernie said looking at the box.
"Uh just two, just us two..." Casey said nervously as the man looked suspicious.
"Uh huh? Tell me.. have you been feeling.. tired lately? Real tired?" Bernie asked curious as April and Casey were near the door.
"No, we're fine!" April said as the two quickly left and Bernie sighed.
"Maybe it won't happen this time.." Bernie said hopefully as we see the book once more.

Leo was whooping in joy as he jumped through the night sky and ran through the ground at fast speeds.
"I am a super hero!" Leo said amazed at his new strength.
"What does every superhero need?" A voice suddenly asked and Leo looked around.
"Who's there?!" Leo said keeping his defense up as a strange beaver monster appeared next to him.
"Dire beaver! I'm everything you've feared, in one convenient horrifying package! And i'm gonna teach you something about pain!" Dire said appearing behind him, Leo screamed as he got slashed by the monster and was pinned down.

Spike was currently in this void still in front of Desire and was still confused on all of it.
"What do you mean, you can fulfill ones desires?" Spike asked confused.
"What i mean is that i can have your dream be of whatever you wish, whatever's in your thoughts, i can make a reality for as long as you sleep!" Desire said with a strange chuckle which made him suspicious.

"Anything i want for a dream huh?" Spike asked crossing his arms still unsure of this.
"Anything!" Desire said playfully as she flew around him in the void, Spike tried thinking of something to see what she means.
"Okay.. try having me be back in my normal form, before i got mutated into a snake." Spike suggested and she smiled widely.
"Of course, let's see what lies at end of this!" Desire said as his vision went white for a moment.

Spike found himself within the lair again, back in New York, but something was different, he was normal again, he was a dragon, he still had the mutant arm and everything, but was still a dragon again.
"It.. it worked!" Spike said amazed looking at himself.
"I told you, your kinda cute looking like that!" Desire said chuckling while looking at him.
"Uh.. thanks.." Spike said nervously before looking around, but he noticed something was off.

The lair wasn't like it was normally, it was in the destroyed state it was before they left New York, after the Kraang attacked.. and before Splinter....
"Hold on a minute.. this isn't right.. " Spike said worried as he looked around the destroyed lair trying to find anything.
"What do you mean? This is what you desired right? To be a dragon again, to not be a mutant? I can only go so far with ones desire, but that won't change what happens around them." Desire explained as Spike saw the lair was empty and abandoned.
"I thought you said you could make my dream however i'd like?" Spike asked starting to get upset at her, she chuckled once again.

"To an extent i can, think of it like Genie rules, i can grant ones desires, but what happens to them, won't change what happens around them without specific details, so even if your still a dragon, your home still would've been destroyed either way." Desire explained and Spike started feeling something was off with her.
His senses went off again and it was telling him something was wrong, she smiled strangely again behind his back as she was doing this un purpose..

Leo and Spike were still asleep as Mikey drew stuff over Leo's face.
"Man, they must've been tired." Raph said as they looked at him.
"He does look good though, handsome." Mikey joked holding out the pen as Psiona looked at Spike with worry.
"They've been asleep for a few hours now.." Psiona said worried as she tried waking her son up, but he still slept.
"They're probably just tired right now Psiona, i'm feeling tired too after our little spar. A little shut eye wouldn't hurt anything right?" Raph asked sitting on the chair nearby.

"Me too.." Mikey said before he was gonna draw over Spike's face until Psiona crushed his hand with her metal arm.
"If you do anything to him, i'll make sure any marks you have on your face is permanent!" Psiona threatened and Mikey backed up in fear.
"I'm starting to like her." Raph said as he tried to sleep himself and the Mikey did the same.
"Naps are natures hugs.." Mikey said tiredly as April and Casey drove up to the house again.

Casey and April came inside and the three of them looked over Spike and the others.
"We're out here taking care of business and what are they doing? Squat." Casey said annoyed.
"Donnie must be on lookout." April suggested, Psiona and the other two went into Donnie's room and saw him sleeping with some underwear on his face.
"Or not.." April said as Casey chuckled seeing Donnie whistle with his gap teeth.
"I tried waking up my son earlier, but he wasn't budging.." Psiona said starting to feel something was off.
"Wait, something's not right, Donnie, Donnie, Donnie!!" April screamed trying to wake him up as we cut to Donnie's dream.

Donnie had a look of terror as he was being chased by another beaver.
"Peek a boo! I see you!" He said as Donnie screamed while running through the streets until he bumped into the large red beaver again.
"I am Dark Beaver! May i eat you? You look salty!" Dark said as he made an evil and he tried chomping at his head, Donnie put his head in his shell and quickly ran into another door, Donnie pulled his head out and found himself in April's school.

The school bell rung as the place begun to shake, there were large red claws emerging from the doors as wind flew all around him as Donnie breathed heavily.
"This.. can't be real! I must be dreaming! I just have to wake up! Wake up!" Donnie said slapping himself as the beaver laughed evilly as the clones crawled to him.
"No!" Donnie screamed as he suddenly found himself in his room again breathing heavily, he looked under the bed to make sure he was alone until the beaver appeared behind him.
"Still here! Still gonna eat you!" Dark said evilly as he tried attacking him again.

Psiona dragged Donnie's body out of the room and put him on a chair.
"Come on dude wake up already!" Casey said annoyed hitting his head.
"That's not gonna work." April said looking at Raph.
"Worth a try." Casey said in defense, Psiona looked at Spike with worry and realized something was wrong.

"Spike! Son, try to wake up! Please!" Psiona said as she tried shaking him awake.
"I don't understand they won't wake up. it's like they're trapped, trapped in their dreams.." April said worried as they looked at Raph until Psiona realized it.
"Maybe they are.." Psiona said as she put a finger on her head and tried entering Spike's mind to wake him up with her own powers.

Raph found himself in the dinning room again and he saw Leo and the others looking at him with pale white eyes and straight faces. They made Zombie like noises before they're faces became monsterous and a huge monsterous hand came from the pizza box and a huge beaver emerged from it.
"I am Dread Beaver! And you soul is mine!" Dread said as he made an evil laugh, blue fire was in the background as he saw an illusion of his brothers playing a rock song as Dread laughed evilly. A illusion of Spike in his snake form appeared behind him and he coiled around Raph and restrained him.
"Whoa!" Raph screamed as Spike hissed at him. A large orange smoke appeared as Raph sees another monsterous version of Spike looking at him and hissed at him again and Raph screamed in fear.

Spike found himself in the black void again, and was a snake once more and sighed sadly as Desire looked at him again.
"So, your first one wasn't what you thought, but that's okay! There's always second chances, just be sure to make your desire in more detail!" Desire said positively floating around him again. Spike knew something was up with her now, despite her looks, he could tell there was something wrong with her, and decided to try and turn the tables.
"Okay.. take me back to Equestria, to the rainbow falls, it's a view i always missed since i was taken away." Spike instructed.
"Rainbow falls? That sounds interesting, well, let's see what that's like!" Desire said as she snapped her fingers again and his vision went white again.

Spike opened his eyes again as he found himself floating in the skies, he looked around him and saw the familiar grassy land, the magical rainbow falls, and could see mountains in the distance.
"Equestria.." Spike said in both awe and sadness as he looked over the area, he looked around at the shining sun that was set and risen by Celestia every day, and just the simple nature of the land compared to the place he's been in for years. Desire looked at this place in awe, as she had never seen this place before.

"This.. this is where you live?" Desire asked amazed as Spike flew over to a cloud on it and sat down and looked down sadly.
"Yeah, this is where i lived.. it was one of the most beautiful places one could ever be.. even after evil attacked it, the land always found a way to look as beautiful as it does.." Spike said sadly and looked over the view. Desire could see there was something wrong with him, despite her.. other intentions right now, seeing this made her start to feel bad..
"What do you mean? What happened?" Desire asked confused as she sat down next to him looking with both interest, and worry.
"It's.. a long story.." Spike said sadly as he decided to explain to her what happened, even if he doesn't know who she is, and has a suspicion she's doing this for bad intent, he thinks he can help her see why this is wrong.

"Mikey kinda actually looks okay." Casey said worried as he and April looked over him sleeping softly.
"Yeah but his pulse is getting weaker. They all are." April said worried looking over the others.
"Something's wrong guys, i can't get into my sons mind, it's like somethings blocking me from reaching him." Psiona said worried looking at her son.
"I can tell, it's like somethings draining the life out of them." April said worried looking at Donnie as well.

"Wait, that Bernie guy asked if we've been feeling tired.." Casey said suspicious.
"And that book he had, Somniorum it's Latin for dreams or, of the dreams i think." April explained as Casey got his bat.
"I'll go see what's in that book, you do what you can here." Casey said as Psiona got up as well.
"I'm coming with you, if my son's in danger, i am not gonna let him leave me again." Psiona said walking up to him.
"Are you sure? Bernie could seriously freak out seeing you." Casey said worried.
"And he will if he doesn't explain what's happening, come on!" Psiona said grabbing him and she ran out of the house dragging Casey with her.

Donnie kept running away in horror as he kept trying to escape Dark Beaver as he appeared everywhere he kept running, from the sewers, to the TCRI building, and finally back to the kitchen.
"Wait.. is that.. April?" Donnie asked picking up a soup can with her on it before the image moved suddenly.
"Wake up!" April shouted as more copies of Dark beaver appeared in front of him and he screamed in horror.

Leo was still in the forest trying to fight off Dire and kept being hit over and over until he was knocked into the sky. Dire jumped into the air and was about to punch him until Leo's phone went off.
"Well, aren't you gonna answer?" Dire asked annoyed.
"Okay.." Leo said as he picked it up and answered it.

"Leo! You have to wake up, wake up!" April begged.
"I am awake! I got super powers from a meteor, and i'm fighting a giant beaver, and.." Leo said before he realized something.
"Hey.. am i dreaming you?" Leo asked turning to him.
"Not a chance!" Dire said as he delivered another punch to him again and sent Leo flying into the sun as he screamed in terror.

Raph was screaming in terror still as he was being restrained to the chair, The giant snake Spike looked around the place and slithered around the entire area before he ate the rest of the turtles and was about to finish off Raph.
"Raph! You have to wake up! Now!" April begged from nowhere.
"Huh?" Raph asked confused and the giant monster coughed.
"Pardon me." Dread said from Spike's body as he lunged at him again.

Mikey was starting to feel weak as he was playing Ping-Pong with another beaver named Dave.
"Man, this ping pong is really wearing me out.." Mikey said feeling really tired.
"That's because i'm draining your life force!" dave said as he kept hitting Mikey with a ball until a weird lollipop appeared next to him.
"Hey Mikey! April says you should wake up!" He said before sliding off.
"Please, i know better then to listen to a giant talking lollipop, i learned that the hard way.." Mikey said exhausted before he was hit in the face again and was knocked out.

Spike was still in his dream and was telling Desire on what was happening with him.
"Then i got wounded badly by the foot clan.. i wasn't even used to my body for a few days before it happened.." Spike said sadly as he was feeling weak now. Desire looked at him with sadness, she had listened to his whole story, what his life was like in Equestria, what he went through, and before he got captured by the Kraang. It all sounded wonderful and magical, she has seen many others with dreams about going on adventures like this.

But Spike's life was basically from a dream like land, and it was taken away from him when he was captured by the Kraang, taken away from his home, family, and all he knew.. And despite Spike being used to living in this world by now.. he still misses them a lot, who could blame him honestly?
"I'm.. i'm sorry to hear all of that.. it sounds like you had a great life, but the Kraang took everything away that one day.." Desire said as she actually felt regret for this. She was doing what her brothers were doing, she was draining his life force with each moment he was with her, but now.. with this info.. she doesn't feel like she wants to do it..
"I know, i had a great life here. But even after i was taken away.. i've still found some happiness in this world, i've become a ninja dragon, i've been growing strong enough to protect my friends.. and i finally found my real mother after years of thinking i may never meet her.." Spike said with tears in his eyes.

Desire actually felt regretful for this, she did feel regret for the other people she's drained the life from along her brothers, it was what they were created for, but she always felt different, she didn't want to kill like her brothers do.. Even if Dave looks all cute like he tends to be, he still is after the same goal they all are..
"I'm.. really sorry to hear this.." Desire said with regret as Spike was feeling weaker again.
"Desire, i know what's going on, your doing all of this to trick me, i can sense it. But i can see from the look in your eyes, it's something you don't want, you've always been asking for ones desire, but what is your own desire? What do you wish to have?" Spike asked turning to her as they were in the black void once more.

Desire thought over her question, despite the various places she's been to in others dreams, they were never real. They were illusions for her to drain ones life force, she often hated doing it, but her brothers were aggressive to her and forced her into it, she honestly grew to hate them for what they did, for what she was made for. What she want's.. is to just be free, to have someone that actually cares for her and can show her what life is like.

She sighed and turned to him.
"What i want.. is to feel like i'm important, all of my existence, i've felt unimportant then my other brothers, they always do their tasks without hesitation, and even when i do it.. they mock me, they make fun of me and just question why i was created alongside them, i've always just been seen as a joke. All i desire.. is to just feel kindness, love.. go to places that are real and see what wonders the world has, your world looks so amazing.. and it pains me that you were taken from it, i just want.. to feel special.." Desire said as she started crying as well, Spike could see the regret in her as she really was sorry for this, he knew these brothers of hers were no good and were most likely causing trouble with Leo and the others.

Spike put his snake hand on her shoulder and looked at her.
"I can help you, i can show you what you wish to have. You don't have to be alongside them, you can stay with me, and i can help you feel loved. You are special, you don't want to hurt people like your brothers do, that makes you unique, and if you don't want to be with them, then don't. If you wake me up, i can find a way to set you free, and i'll help you through it all." Spike offered with a smile, she had a look of shock hearing this, she never thought anyone would offer her such a thing, especially since he knows what she's doing. But she can see he's a kind soul, and really wants to help her.

She started to cry more and gave him a hug which surprised him.
"Really? You'll.. you'll help me? You'll help me see what it's like.. to be appreciated? To feel loved?" Desire asked with sadness, Spike sighed and returned the hug.
"I promise i will, you just have to wake me up, just tell me how to free you, and i promise i'll help you, i'll make sure the others warm up to you as well, even my mom. You just need to tell me how to stop this." Spike explained as she stopped crying and smiled at him knowing this.
"Thank you.. i haven't done this before, but it's worth a try. You need to find a book called Obturaculum Somniorum, it's a special book that's keeping the hold on me and my brothers for escaping. At this point, the others are most likely draining your friends life force as well. The only way for you to stop them is to destroy the book, it will unleash us into the real world, but unlike the others, i can be at human size while the others are like plush toys, you need to destroy that book before it's too late!" Desire said with worry, Spike took in all this info and nodded in understanding.

"Got it! I just need to wake up!" Spike said trying to wake up, Desire put her hands on his head and looked him in the eyes.
"I'll try to get you out of here, remember, find that book, destroy it! Please!" Desire begged as she tried using her ability's to wake him up, Spike combined his own Psychic powers to make this stronger, his mind kept on swirling around him until he opened his eyes and gasped in shock.

Spike jumped out of his chair finally awake, he looked around and saw he was in the living room with the others asleep.
"Spike! Your okay!" April said in relief as she suddenly hugged him too.
"April, what's going on?" Spike asked worried as he saw the others were asleep as well.
"Leo and the others aren't waking up, somethings wrong Spike, do you have any idea what it is?" April asked worried looking at them.

"I do, some strange beavers are in their dreams and torturing them from the inside, it's to drain their life force." Spike said worried trying to wake Leo up.
"Doesn't that mean you had one as well? How'd you escape? Your mom tried waking you up but you couldn't. How did you escape?" April asked worried for him.
"Because the one i met wasn't meaning harm. She didn't want to be doing what the others were, after a talk, i promised i'd help her out. She doesn't want to be doing this, she sent me back here to save the others." Spike explained rubbing his head which confused her.
"Wait.. she? Who are you talking about?" April asked confused.

"Someone different, she's not like the others, i know what i have to do." Spike said seriously.
"What is it?" April asked worried as Spike looked at the others with worry.

Leo and the others were trapped in the same dream and were trying to fight off the 4 dream beavers, Spike wasn't there because he was free now, but the others were blown across multiple areas until they flew into the meat factory. Mikey gasped in horror as he saw there were turtle shells replacing the meat, he screamed in terror as a fire lit up and he suddenly found himself on a conveyer without arms or legs with the others right next to him. The beavers laughed evilly as the conveyer started to move and the turtle shells started to fall into the fire and all of them screamed in terror.

April tried slapping Donnie's face over and over as Casey and Psiona ran back inside.
"You said that wouldn't work!" Casey said annoyed, Psiona saw Spike was awake and had a look of relief.
"Son! Your okay!" Psiona said giving him a hug in huge relief.
"I'm fine mom, i'm glad to see your fine too." Spike said as she looked at him.
"What happened to you? Was it those dream beavers? How'd you escape?!" Psiona asked worried looking over him.

"One of them was different mom, she let me go, she told me how to free the others." Spike said trying to move things along quickly.
"She? Who are you talking about? What do you mean son?" Psiona asked worried.
"Look, i don't have much time to explain, i need to find this book!" Spike said seriously as Casey pulled Bernie into the room.
"Oh my gosh, is that Tv set an astroview?" Bernie asked pointing at the Tv.
"Really? Not oh my gosh, giant turtles and a giant cyborg dragon and a snake?" April asked looking at the others.
"You see them too?" Bernie asked before Casey grabbed his shoulders.

"Bernie. the dream beavers are sucking out their life force! How do we wake them up?!" Casey said worried.
"You can't, the obturaculum keeps the dream beavers trapped in the dream realm, and as long as they're there they're dream powers are unbeatable, that's why i don't sleep!" Bernie explained.
"It's not true, i was able to be let go because one of them is different, she told me how to do it, where is that damn device you have?!" Spike asked with a hiss which scarred him.
"He's not breathing, Donnie's not breathing!" April said in horror looking at him.

Casey looked at the book and held it out.
"There you are!" Spike said seriously before he grabbed it and put it on the floor.
"Casey, now!" Spike said as he held out his tail like a blade and Casey raised up his hockey stick.
"No!" Bernie shouted in horror as they slammed down on the book and crushed the device.

Back in the dream, electricity was floating around the area while everyone looked around.
"What is this?" Dire asked in shock.
"The barrier is broken!" Dark said in realization.
"We are free, free!" Dread said evilly as they all laughed like maniacs, Leo and the others bodies finally started to disappear as they found themselves back in the real, world finally.

"Your okay!" April said in relief giving Donnie a kiss on the cheek and he chuckled lightly.
"The obturaculum is broken! The beavers are free! Free to destroy our world, all is lost! All is lost!!" Bernie screamed in horror as the book shot an energy wave, the beavers laughed evilly as they finally emerged.
"Wait a minute.." Dire said as he saw they were all small, all except Desire who was about as tall as Donnie.
"Aw dang.." Dire said in realization.

"Spike!" Desire said in relief giving him a hug which shocked all of them.
"You did it! You broke the device!" Desire said as Spike hugged her back.
"I promised i'll set you free, who knew your brothers would look like plush toys while you looked like this." Spike said laughing at seeing the others sizes.
"You helped him Desire?! What is wrong with you?! Why can't you get the most basic instructions right?!" Dread asked frustrated.

"Because i'm not like you! You all made me do this when i didn't want to, i never went anywhere because i was trapped with you! You all looked down at me like i'm a joke, well who's looking down at you now?!" Desire asked mockingly looking down at them.
"She told me what she desires, and what she wants, is to be away from you!" Spike said hissing at all of them.
"What?" Leo and the others asked at once hearing this.

"Your kidding.. this is what i've been protecting the earth from for 40 years?! Plush toys and one that's harmless?!" Bernie asked looking at the 5 beavers.
"If i were you guys except the tall one, i'd be.." Casey said before Dire finished.
"Leaving, my thoughts exactly. Enjoy your time in the lame real world Desire, it's not like there will be much for you here anyway!" Dire said mockingly. Desire growled at them and whacked them to the wall with her tail.
"At least i'll have something here, get out of here!" Desire said with anger.
"Whatever.." Dire said before they all vanished in a smoke again and vanished.

"April, Casey, giant Dragon lady, tall beaver, snake creature, giant talking turtles. I've been awake for 40 years for no good reason, so.. if you'll excuse me.." Bernie said before he fell on the floor and passed out.
"Well, who wants to help me carry him back home?" Casey asked looking at him, Donnie got up and went to help him.

"So Spike.. i'm guessing you have a beaver girlfriend now?" Mikey teased looking at Desire.
"One who was part of a group who tried to kill us i may add?" Raph said crossing his arms.
"Guys, i know she's a dream beaver, but she's different, she let me go and told me how to save you all. She doesn't want to kill others like they did, she's different, she's.. special." Spike said looking at her who smiled gratefully.
"I know what i did was wrong, and i regret for doing it. I know you all may not trust me, but i promise you i'll show you i mean good." Desire promised, Psiona sighed and walked up to her.

"If you let me son go, to save the others, then that's enough for me, i see good in you. And i thank you for letting my son go, you earned my trust, and hope you find happiness here." Psiona said with a smile.
"Thank you, i promise, though, the name Desire is something i'm not fond of.. i'm wanting something new.." Desire said trying to think of something, Spike tried thinking of a better name for her and got an idea.
"How about.. Jacqueline? It's name matches how beautiful you look, and i think it fits, what do you think?" Spike asked her, she thought about it for a moment before smiling.

"Jacqueline.. i like it. It suits me.. thank you so much for this Spike, i'm glad i put my trust in you.." Jacqueline said gratefully.
"I always keep my promises, i promise i'll show you my world one day.." Spike assured giving he a hug again.
"Thank you Spike.. thank you.." Jacqueline said hugging him back with Psiona and the others watching in both confusion, and happiness for some of them..
"So we're just gonna let her stay here too now?" Leo whispered to April.
"She means no harm Leo, i can sense it, let's just give her a chance. At least Spike found someone for him." April said smiling as she was glad Spike found someone.
"They grow up so fast.." Psiona said with a tear in her eye as she watched them hug eachother closely..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! i know i said i was gonna go to Vision Quest next, but i gave the chapters thought and found a way to put Spike's mother into them without changing them too much. This new character Desire beaver or Jacqueline( Who is voiced by Elizabeth Olsen), was suggested to me by a follower of mine, she had a ton of great ideas for these episodes and i thought it be best to let them flourish. So for the next chapters, you'll see some cool new additions to the episodes that were suggested to me.

Also i know this episode came after the frog episode, but i wanted to do this first because that episode and the two following were a trilogy basically, so i thought it was best to do this one first before the others, so i hope you don't mind it.

Spike is gonna be having a new love interest now, and while i know it looked like he would get with Karai, i think they're better off as siblings or maybe a love triangle with Jacqueline if you want that? I know shipping is a weird thing with this show, but i promise i could do things better here,. Jacqueline will be part of the group now and i'll be sure to make her more interesting as the show continues. Feel free to leave any suggestions you have for me through an email, cause i'd like to keep your suggestions a surprise for viewers! I hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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