• Published 2nd Nov 2023
  • 2,542 Views, 500 Comments

Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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60: Attack Of The Mega Shredder!

We open to a dark and stormy night as we see a shot of Shredder's lair once again, the camera zooms down below from the throne room, to the dungeon, and to Stockman's lab where Shredder is currently in and looks to Karai who is hooked up to a device on a chair not being able to move.

"Karai.. forgive me, i should have never allowed it to go this far.." Shredder said regretfully as the Brain Worms controlling her were within a glass case above her.
"I will destroy Splinter and the turtles for causing you such suffering, that dragon will soon know the pain he has put you through too, sleep now my daughter, your revenge is soon at hand.." Shredder said putting his hand on the glass.
"Um.. uh Mr Shredder?" Bebop asked nervously as he and Rocksteady came into the lab.

"What is it?!" Shredder asked not wanting to deal with them right now.
"You uh.. called for us sir?" Bebop replied really scarred being around him.
"I sense the turtles and dragon are gonna make another move soon. Double security, watch Karai at all times." Shredder ordered in a menacing tone.
"We are on it!" Bebop said giving a salute of respect.
"Dah! kid freak turtle and dragon ninja's never get past Bebop and Rocksteady!" Rocksteady said confidently that they can win.
"Do not fail me!" Shredder ordered upset with both of them, they both bowed and quickly ran away not wanting to upset him anymore and Shredder turned to Karai who was breathing heavily within the device..

Spike and the others were currently back in the lair after the time travel stuff they went through, Spike was still trying to process what he was a part of during that event, and he was worried on what else could be happening. Mikey was watching Crognard once again and this episode had Crognard destroy a rock monster from the inside.
"Yes! Crognard is the fun explosion master!" Mikey shouted in joy while Jaqueline watched too.
"Did he just go up that monster's...?" Jaqueline asked as that cave was near his bottom..
"I don't know, but the others have got to see this... Guys?" Mikey asked confused as the lair was empty.
"Must be in the lab.." Jaqueline said as she and Mikey went over to Donnie's lab.

"I say we go full frontal assault! We bash our way in, take no prisoners!" Raph said seriously as they were coming up with a plan.
"Remember last time we made our way in? We couldn't even go through the front door!" Leo pointed out rejecting that idea.
"They'll probably expect us if we charge head first, we need a different idea." Spike said agreeing to Leo on this.
"My son's right, the more we just charge head first into the place, the easier they'll predict us coming. We have to get another idea." Psiona said crossing her arms as Donnie now came in.

"All we need is better stealth! Which leads me to present my latest invention..." Donnie said dramatically as we see Donnie.. had turned a dumpster into some kind of stealth device.
"What's with the mess?" Leo asked not seeing it's purpose.
"Is it for disposing any trash there is in here?" Spike joked which made Jaqueline chuckle as she and Mikey walked in.
"That is my newest invention, the MK 1 all terrain stealth vehicle!" Donnie announced which made Psiona snicker.
"You turned a dumpster into a stealth device? How am i suppose to fit in there?" Psiona pointed out as she towered over all of them.

"That's the point guys, it's supposed to blend in perfectly! You can take the sky's with Spike and Jaqueline, so we can blend with the other trash in New York City, come on, let's test it out!" Donnie said excitedly.
"I thought you were fixing the Turtle Mech, how's this thing gonna help us?" Leo asked looking at it.
"I ain't going in there." Spike said standing next to his mom.
"Neither of us are." Psiona replied glad she and Spike won't be going in there.
"Look guys if you wanna break into Shredder's lair, you gotta use this, not some giant robot which can easily be seen. The foot will never see us coming!" Donnie said confidently until they heard a flushing sound and saw Mikey was on the seat.
"Dudes, its got full flushing action, nice." Mikey said impressed which made them all slap their faces.
"Seriously Mikey?" Jaqueline asked annoyed as this was gross.

Spike and the others made their way out to the city once again, Spike, Jaqueline and Psiona were on a rooftop above the place where the others were hiding, Psiona shook her head sadly seeing this spot the turtles are in.
"I know Donnie's a smart one and all, even if he's bad at talking to girls, but he seriously couldn't have come up with something other then a dumpster?" Psiona asked as the thing was moving at a snails speed.
"Donnie's.. creative to say the least, even if it's weird." Spike said as his head was hurting recently which made him rub it in pain.
"Spike? Are you okay? You've been a bit distracted lately." Jaqueline asked sitting next to him.

"Sorry, it's just.. i think that mutagen is finally getting to my brain, there are moments where i feel like i'm gonna snap now, after i saw Shen's own death and gave Shredder his scar, that just.. triggered something in me, and i feel like it's gonna get worse.." Spike said worried looking at his snake hands once again.
"A sight like that can affect one in many ways son, but the fact that it's taken this long for your brain to start feeling this is worrying, even after we couldn't turn you back to a dragon, your mind is getting more fragile when you let your rage take you." Psiona said trying to help him.
"I know, i just don't know how i can handle seeing someone die like that, i thought being a psychic would protect my brain from becoming frantic like Karai did, now.. i think my powers only delayed my sanity from breaking.." Spike said worried on what time he could lose himself.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll find a way to cure you. Karai may be the only way how, which is why we have to save her." Jaqueline said seriously as they saw Shredder's lair up ahead.
"She's right, we have to get that brain worm to save her, hopefully she can show you how to revert back like she can." Psiona prayed as they heard commotion below them suddenly.

They looked below them and saw the dumpster Donnie made actually just took down some foot bots, leaving the entrance open.
"Huh, your right, Donnie is creative, even if it is weird." Psiona said impressed as they hopped on down to the others who just got out.
"You see? No fuss no muss! Haha! The perfect city stealth vehicle!" Donnie said proudly as they all landed next to Donnie.
"Gotta hand it to you, you never cease to amaze me with what you make Donnie." Jaqueline said high fiving him.
"Alright guys, let's head in there, quietly." Spike said seriously as they all started making their way inside once again.

Leo used a pocket knife to pit lock the door which was locked and they all started to move, Spike quietly slithered along with the others while Jaqueline was on Psiona's back as she crawled through the place like a lizard to be quiet. They avoided more of those foot bots again and soon made their way to the place where they fought Shredder with the mutanimals.
"Almost to the lab.." Leo whispered to the others.
"We're gonna make it this time.." Mikey whispered confidently, they were about to make it inside until a blast suddenly shot Raph shocking them.

"Oh dang! We got some trespassing turtles and dragons up in here!" Bebop mocked as he and Rocksteady came in.
"Surprise turtle freaks! This time, we squashes your heads like the blueberry!" Rocksteady mocked pulling out a blaster.
"4 turtles, 1 snake dragon, a Dream Beaver and a Cyborg dragon versus 2 complete morons? We got this!" Leo said as they all drew they're weapons.
"Well well well.. i see the gathering has just begun." Tiger claw said smugly as he drew his blade walking in the room.
"Bring it on!" Spike shouted drawing his red blade again, they all charged at them with rage and began to fight them once again.

Leo and Spike engaged with Tiger claw and Psiona and Jaqueline fought the others, Psiona roared with rage and shot a fire blast at Rocksteady which almost burnt him.
"Dah! Watch it! I just washed this armor!" Rocksteady shouted with rage as he shot more blasts at her, Psiona turned her arm into a sword again and slashed the blasts away while Jaqueline back flipped in the air and kicked Bebop in the face.
"This is for getting me under control last time!" Jaqueline shouted with rage as she drew her hammer and hit Bebop, right in the crotch making him squeal in pain.
"Fatality!" Mikey said dramatically as Bebop fell on the ground in pain.
"Why.. is it always.. the kiwis..?!" Bebop asked in pure pain.
"Because it's always the most open part.." Jaqueline mocked twirling her hammer around.

They all were about to continue fighting them until they saw the mutated Shredder monsters from before crawl into the room, all 3 of them who they thought were destroyed.
"Oh not these freaks again!" Raph said annoyed as the clawed monster charged at Spike. Spike slithered out of the way and hissed at him again, Spike whipped his snake hands at the monsters claws and coiled around the thing, he then threw him into the small one and was being pushed back by the large one.
"Guys! There's too many of them! Let's get out of here!" Leo ordered which shocked them, even Psiona wasn't sure of this.

"Retreat?!" Raph asked frustrated as he kicked Rocksteady in the face, and Psiona punched him to the wall hard.
"There's more of us then them!" Psiona added not wanting to go now.
"It's a tactical retreat! Come on!" Donnie shouted ready to go already.
"We'll pay you all back soon!" Jaqueline swore as she threw a smoke bomb down and they all vanished once again.

Tiger claw growled with rage as they had escaped again, Bebop still was in pain as he finally stood up until Tiger claw came in their faces.
"You idiots couldn't even perform one simple task!!" Tiger claw said furious with them until Shredder came into the room which made them all bow in respect as he was really upset with them all.
"What happened?" Shredder asked with malice.
"Turtle and dragons come, trying to sneak into the lair again!" Rocksteady reported quickly.
"We drove them away Master Shredder, i assure you, we can handle them!" Tiger claw said seriously.
"If the turtles, dragon and Dream Beaver break in here again, i assure YOU, i will handle all of you." Shredder threatened not wanting this to happen again.

Spike and the others made it back to the lair and were just frustrated on what to do now.
"This is the 5th time we've broken in there!" Spike said frustrated coiling around himself again.
"And those mutant Shredder freaks are back too, if they wanna be torn to shreds again, i'll gladly do so." Psiona said clutching her metal claw with anger.
"We just need a better strategy.. we need to know what to expect from them.." Jaqueline said comforting Spike while Splinter walked in the room.
"You proved your foolishness once, there is no need to prove it again." Splinter advised which made Spike shake his head.

"Sensei we have to get one of those brain worms. It's the only way Donnie can cure Karai." Leo argued trying to convince him.
"I appreciate the effort, but you all must remember your lives are just as important. And because of that, no missions until Raphael's leg heals." Splinter declared as he got hurt during the fight.
"What?!" They all asked at once shocked at this.
"Don't side line the rest of the team because i'm down sensei." Raph begged trying to stop this.
"I have made my decision, rest now my son.." Splinter instructed again before leaving them alone.

"Sorry guys.." Raph said regretfully.
"Don't worry about it Raph, we can't rely on technology to get us in there." Leo declared trying to get an idea.
"So what are you purposing then?" Donnie asked worried on this.
"There were too many of us, i need to go alone, without tech. Solo." Leo declared which shocked them all.
"What? Leo you can't go alone. Remember when Karai went alone trying to take them down? They'll expect you, i should come too." Spike declared getting up as well.

"Spike don't, if Shredder captures you, they may make you like Karai, i don't want that to happen to you." Leo countered turning to him.
"He's right son, your mind is already fragile with your snake form now, you can't risk breaking it." Psiona added trying to protect him.
"Guys, i know your worried for me, but i care for Karai, and can't let her be there anymore, i'm going." Spike said going to his room to get his gear ready.
"Son.." Psiona said with regret as this worried her greatly.
"You aren't actually gonna let him go with Leo are you?" Jaqueline asked looking up at her.
"I don't know what to do, that incident with Shen really did something to him, i hate time travel.." Psiona said shaking her head not sure how to help him..

We cut to the lair now after everyone went to sleep, Spike and Leo got into their forest gear they got from the woods, and were quietly sneaking they're way out. Spike and Leo looked around for a bit until heading out with Mikey seeing this all. The two of them made their ways to the rooftops and used grapple chains to head to the lair again.
"Spike, you don't have to do this, i can handle this alone." Leo argued as Spike slithered besides him.
"Shredder's caused Karai enough suffering, i'm getting that brain worm with you." Spike said seriously making his decision.
"Fine.. just stay close to me.." Leo ordered as they were finally upon Shredder's lair again.

They were thinking of a plan to break in until Spike's senses went off alerting him of something behind them. Spike and Leo drew they're swords instantly and scarred Mikey who had followed them here.
"Whoa! Chill dudes! It's me!" Mikey said scarred raising his hands up.
"Mikey? What are you doing here?" Leo asked putting his weapon away.
"We almost slashed you to pieces." Spike added putting his helmet on him.
"I'm backing you up bros! It's to dangerous." Mikey explained looking over the view.

"It's better if Spike and i do this." Leo countered trying to make him leave.
"Dudes i just straight ninja'd you son! You both had no idea i was up here! I don't care what you say, i'm going. I'm here for you dudes!" Mikey assured patting they're backs, Spike sighed calming himself down as this couldn't be avoided.
"Fine, let's just be quiet." Spike said getting ready to go.
"Let's capture a brain worm guys." Leo said seriously which made Mikey excited.

The three of them snuck into the throne room with a rope and saw Rahzar and Fishface sleeping, Spike kept Mikey close to him as they carefully snuck past them. They made they're way to Stockman's lab from the dungeons again and saw the container of brain worms again.
"There they are.." Leo whispered as he went to pick one up. Spike's senses went off again warning him of something once again.
"Not this time.." Spike said as he used a roundhouse whip and hit Bebop who was invisible.
"Aw man! How did you know we were here?!" Bebop asked frustrated as Rocksteady aimed a blaster at them.
"I knew you two would be here, which is why i'm always prepared.." Spike said seriously drawing his plasma whip.
"Shredder be making us keep the eye out 24/7. It's not fun, it's boring!" Rocksteady said annoyed as Spike backed up to the others.

"Easy fellas, we're raising our hands up.." Leo said as they raised up their hands to catch them off guard.
"I'd say we make the turtles scorch!" Rocksteady said holding out a flamethrower.
"Best idea i've heard all day, do your thing Steranko." Bebop said casually while Spike hissed at them both.
"Wait.. i'm thinking mutagen soup instead!" Rocksteady suggested.
"I love that idea G!" Bebop said as the two made an evil laugh with Spike shaking his head.

Psiona and the other turtles were back at the lair waiting for the others to get back.
"Everyone relax! Casey Jones is here!" Casey announced as he walked in the lair.
"Leo, Mikey and Spike are gone! And they're not picking up their T phones." April said with worry while Psiona growled with frustration.
"I shouldn't have let them go! What was i thinking?!" Psiona asked frustrated punching the dummy across the room.
"We know where they went guys, Shredder's lair!" Raph said seriously clutching his fist.
"You are going nowhere Raphael! Where are your brothers?" Splinter asked as he was suddenly in the room.
"Uh heh heh.. that's a good question sensei.." Donnie said nervously.
"There's only one place.." Jaqueline said seriously as they all knew where they were..

Spike, Mikey and Leo were being held within a cage above the tank of mutagen with Bebop and Rocksteady watching.
"Haha! You are gonna make one sick 3 headed mutant turtle and snake! I can't wait to see this! Haha!" Bebop mocked as Mikey had the horrible vision of the three of them mutated into one.
"What? You just wanna make a turtle and snake dragon mutant? That's boring! Why not throw more stuff in the mutagen? Create a super mutant!" Leo said waving his arms around.
"Yeah, don't you wanna make something super rad?!" Spike asked knowing what Leo was planning.
"Hmm.. that's a good idea, let's add something to spice up the mix, like shrimpy over there!" Bebop said pointing at the small mutant Shredder who was near the edge of the place.

"Why not add more?" Leo asked with a smug.
"There's always room for more!" Spike added having a smug as well.
"Leo, Spike, what are you doing?" Mikey asked confused as Leo had a pocket knife behind him.
"Stalling for time.." Leo whispered trying to get them out.
"Just play along.." Spike whispered as well knowing this is their only way out.

"Maybe up antique! We make turtle, snake dragon, shrimp, crab, and lobster mutant!" Rocksteady declared as Bebop had some sardines for bait.
"Come here little buddies, it's dinner time freaks." Bebop teased throwing the food in the mutagen which made all 3 of the monsters jump into the mutagen.
"Haha, we create the 5 star mega mutant hahaha!" Rocksteady laughed evilly until the tank started to shake violently.

"You guys really are idiots!" Spike shouted as something huge was forming in the mutagen.
"You've messed up big time Steranko! I blame you! That was a stupid idea! AH!!" Bebop screamed in fear as he and Rocksteady ran away.
"Come on!!" Spike shouted as Leo picked the lock open and they started running away from the lair.
"Let's go!" Leo shouted as a loud roar was heard and Tiger claw saw something huge emerging from the lair..

Outside on the surface, people were going about their day minding their own business, until the ground started to shake violently which scarred them all. A manhole burst open violently and they all see a huge monster beginning to emerge from the ground, people scream with horror as a monster appears from the ground, the head has the Kuro Kabuto helmet with six eyes and Mini Shredder’s whiskers on its face. It has Shiva Shredder’s arm count with the first pair being large arms brandishing Claw Shredder’s huge lobster-like claws on the upper torso and the second being regular hands while a row of six slightly smaller arms line up along the chest; each hand produces Tekkō-kagi on the wrists/knuckles. It has two muscular legs with bare feet and sharp toenails. it has armor armor that has fused to its skin, resulting it being completely clothed in a way. It has metal plating with a row of Godzilla-esque spikes on the back, a crustacean-armored tail ending in a morning star-like club, and a mix of both natural crustacean armor and metal along the arms and legs, it also has 6 eyes, the whiskers of the small mutant, and has one of the other mutant's lobster claws.
"It's some kind of.. Mega Shredder! Ah!!" Mikey screamed in horror as the thing towered above them.
"What were those two thinking?!" Spike shouted in fear as they both backed away from the monster.

We cut to a news report as the footage is seen all over.
"Is it a blob thing from outer space? Or a product of science gone wrong? Nobody knows, but one things for sure, stay inside, and stay tuned for more of Grody.." Grody said right as the station ended with the reporter being attacked by a human like tongue from the monster.
"Is it just me or does something about that monster look kinda familiar?" Casey asked curious.
"It kinda looks like Godzilla with those spines it has.." Jaqueline said pointing at it's similar spines.
"It does a little, but we gotta do something about it, now!" Raph shouted seriously which all of them agreed to.
"Go, find your brothers, save the city." Splinter said as he was looking over them.

They all were about to head out until Raph's leg hurt again and he screamed in pain.
"Raph, with your leg, are you sure your up for this?" April asked worried inspecting it.
"You don't have to go, we can handle it." Psiona assured clutching her fist.
"Don't worry, if i gotta walk on my hands, we are taking that thing down!" Raph said seriously while Donnie got an idea.
"Hmm.. maybe we can use something else to help you walk." Donnie said with a smile knowing what to do.

People were screaming with fear as the Mega Shredder stomped through the city and roared with rage as it caused mayhem all over it.
"We gotta distract it away from the people!" Leo shouted right as a taxi crashed nearby them.
"You know what to do guys!" Spike hissed drawing his blade.
"Your going down Mega Shredder! Yeah boy!!!" Mikey screamed with confidence as they took out they're grapples to launch to the top, they all drew they're weapons and slashed at the thing. Spike breathed fire right into one of it's eyes making it scream with rage as it was being backed up with Bebop and Rocksteady watching.
"Aw man look at that thing Steranko! That is some deep bacon fat!" Bebop said in horror seeing it.
"I blames you comrade Bebop! It's not a fine mess you've gotten us into!" Rocksteady blamed as he punched him in the face.

Spike and the others whipped around the huge monster and he and Leo landed on a rooftop.
"Booyaka Booyakasha!!!" Mikey screamed with anger as he attacked it's spines, but right before he could escape, the thing caught his chains with it's huge hands. Mikey screamed in fear as the monster brought it close to him and roared at him with rage. Spike and Leo landed down on the rooftop and watched with horror as the thing ate Mikey!
"Mikey!!!" Leo and Spike shouted with fury. Spike felt his mind breaking again as seeing this triggered him once more.
"You will pay!!!!" Spike hissed with pure rage as he went feral again, Leo drew his grapples and they both charged at it, Spike flipped over the rooftop and landed on one of it's arms, Spike hissed with fury as he drew his blade and sliced it's arm off completely making it roar in pain. Leo grappled all around the monster and went into the air and did a spin attack on the monster's hands.

Spike hissed even more as he drew his plasma whip and wrapped it around another hand, Spike's mind was filled with fury right now and he couldn't think straight, Spike stabbed another hand again and breathed fire into one of it's faces, Spike then drew his blade and slithered quickly at it and stabbed it right in the eye with fury making it scream even more. Leo took out his grapple again and whipped it around the arms, Leo ran across his arms and screamed with fury as he delivered multiple slashes to it's multiple faces, Spike hissed even more and stabbed another eye with rage and took down another hand that almost grabbed Leo. Leo finally saw Spike lost his mind again and tried stopping him.
"Spike! Come on!!" Leo shouted as he grabbed Spike and grappled to another rooftop. The monster was about to attack them again until something shot it from behind knocking it down.

Leo looks above it and they both see that Donnie, Jaqueline and the others had arrived within the Turtle Mech, Psiona was flying in the skies and turned her arm into a cannon ready to take this thing down.
"Yes! Way more awesome then video games!" Casey said excitedly as the thing landed down. The monster soon recovered from the mech's attack and began to turn around to them both while Leo landed on another rooftop with Spike who was still making loud shrieks of rage.
"Readying more explosives! Fire!!" Donnie ordered which had April pull a lever that shot another explosive barrel to the monster which knocked it back a bit.
"My turn!!" Psiona screamed with rage as she charged up her arm cannon and shot a powerful blast to the monster which made a huge explosion and knocked it back even more. Leo landed on a nearby billboard and sighed sadly as he looked at Mikey's grappling hook, Spike kept hissing even more until his head hurt again, Spike's mind was trying to go back to normal again to make sure it doesn't get worse. Spike gasped in shock as he finally came to his senses again, he breathed heavily as he remembered what just happened.
"Mikey.." Spike said with regret as they watch the others fight the monster.

Mikey groans as he finally starts waking up, he looks around and screams in fear as he finds himself within the monster's own stomach and sees something within the acid making him gasp in fear. Outside the monster roared with rage as it launched it's tongue at the mech and they try holding it back.
"Whoa! Fire missile launchers!" Raph shouted in fear trying to kick the human like tongue back. Jaqueline pulls another lever which fires another explosive barrel to the monster which makes Mikey stumble from the inside of the monster.
"Need something to hold onto!" Mikey shouted right before something grabbed him, and he saw it was this disgusting monster in the beast.
"Not what i meant!" Mikey said in fear as he looked at the thing in the eyes.

"Incoming!!" Casey screamed as they saw the monster charging at them, Raph finally pushes the tongue away and they all scream as the mech barely dodges the monster's attack.
"Donnie, how do we stop that thing? What do we do?!" April asked worried as the thing got back up.
"I don't know! Press more buttons!" Donnie ordered looking over the mech.
"You don't have an instruction manual or something?!" Jaqueline asked frustrated as she pushed random buttons all over. Psiona roars with rage and she shoots another powerful blast at the monster making it back up even more.
"I've seen way uglier things then you in Dimension X freak!" Psiona shouted right before she shot another fire blast at its mouth and it roars in pain as the mech gets back up.

Mikey drew his blades and made a battle cry as he cut himself free from the tentacle, he just saves himself by latching onto the walls of the monster which finally frees him. Psiona and the mech back up as they see the monster blowing out the fire on it's tongue.
"It's the tongue Leo and Spike! The brain is the tongue!!" Donnie shouted finally realizing what to do. Spike and Leo grappled back over to the monster.
"We're on it!" Leo shouted as they wrap they're grapples around the tongue and Spike coils around it.
"Eat this monster!!" Spike screamed as he used his strength to bring it slamming down onto the floor. The mech launched a grapple at the monster's face and delivers a strong kick knocking it down. Spike slashes his snake hands at the monster making multiple bite marks on it and the monster roared with more rage.

"Now it's worse!" April shouted as the mech gets off of it and runs away from the monster.
"How do we stop this thing?!" Raph asked with white disk eyes.
"How am i supposed to know?!" Donnie shouted with similar eyes as the mech runs from the monster. Psiona roared with rage and tackles the tongue to a wall just as it grabbed Leo. She rapidly punches the thing in the face trying to kill it.
"Get.. away.. from.. my.. son!!!" Psiona screamed as she stabs her arm blade into the tongue making it scream even more.
"Mikey's the kaiju fan! Where is he?!" Donnie asked worried as they tried taking the thing down. They got their answer when something starts cracking through it's teeth and they all know who it is.
"Cowabunga!!" Mikey screamed as he finally broke free from the monster.
"Mikey! Your okay!!" Spike said in huge relief.
"Booyakasha!!!" Mikey screamed as he leapt down and sliced off the tongue finally.

The monster screams with pain as it was finally vulnerable.
"Now's our chance to finish this thing! Fire!" Raph ordered pointing at it.
"With pleasure!!" Jaqueline shouted as she launched another barrel right into the things mouth making it go right into the stomach. The monster shakes for a moment before it finally explodes making them the winners once again. People look on with shock right before acid rain starts coming down on them making them run away even more. Jaqueline comes out of the mech and gives Spike a hug glad that hey won.
"We did it!" Spike said in victory as Jaqueline kisses his cheek again making him blush a little.
"Not everyday we get to take on a kaiju." Psiona said with a smile giving Spike a hug as well.
"And we even captured a brain worm. Not a bad day after all." Leo said confidently glad that this day was one.

But for Bebop and Rocksteady, this day was not, they were in front of the Shredder once again and looked really scarred.
"But boss, it was turtle and snake dragons fault! They sabotage mutagen!" Rocksteady said in defense not wanting any punishments.
"We tried to stop them Mr Shredder!" Bebop said in fear but Shredder was not having any of it.
"I tire of this! Tiger claw, further they're education in pain.." Shredder ordered which made Tiger claw grin.
"As you command.." Tiger claw replied as he drew out his claws.
"Just watch the goggles, cool? It's kinda my thing.." Bebop said with fear as they both scream while Tiger claw lunges at the both of them with Shredder watching their punishment...

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I think we all know this episode was pretty strange, but it was also cool seeing the turtles take down a monster that was kinda like Godzilla, they even had similar music to it when the monster was rampaging, i enjoyed this episode for what it does, and i just hope you liked it too. Hope you liked it and have a good day!

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